31화 십덕모드 ON! 우리들의 인생 웹툰을 소개합니다!!

hemtube 햄튜브

두말하면 잔소리

31화 십덕모드 ON! 우리들의 인생 웹툰을 소개합니다!!

두말하면 잔소리

구름아, 너까지 잔소리야?

Cloud, are you nagging me too?

두말하면 잔소리지

It's pointless to say it twice.

안녕하세요 여러분 여기는

Hello everyone, this is

두말하면 잔소리

If I say it twice, it's nagging.

저는 햄튜브라고 합니다 반갑습니다

My name is Hamtube. Nice to meet you.

저는 룩게룩게입니다

I am Lookgelookge.


Is it tricky tricky?

저번 주에 의도치 않게 좀 오열 방송을 했는데요

Last week, I unintentionally had a bit of a tearful broadcast.

여러분들 보기에 조금 쑥스러운 면모를

A somewhat shy aspect for you all to see.

프로답지 못한 모습을

Unprofessional appearance.

보여 버렸다농

I showed you, didn't I?

근데 그 지난주에 우리 집 고양이가 갑자기 몸이 안 좋아져가지고

But last week, my cat suddenly got sick.

그런 얘기를 하니까

As we talk about such things...

또 룩게가 공감을 해주면서

And Lookae empathizes again.

나를 더 울리는 멘트를 날려가지고

Throwing lines that make me cry even more.

근데 그 시간에 구름이는 열심히 퍼즐러 자고 있었거든요

But at that time, Geunrum was diligently sleeping as a puzzler.

그랬죠 집에서

That's right, at home.

구름이 컨디션 상황 보고를 드리자면

If I were to report on the condition of the clouds...

괜찮아요 제 눈에는 괜찮은데

It's okay, it looks fine to me.

잘 놀기도 잘 놀고

You play well and have fun.

근데 약을 너무 안 먹어가지고

But I haven't been taking my medicine very much.

오늘 그 유튜브에 고양이 약 먹이는 법 검색해서

Today, I searched on YouTube for how to give medicine to a cat.

그 쪼그만한 티스푼에다가 물이랑 알약을 같이 올린 다음에

Then, place the water and the pill together on that tiny teaspoon.

입에다가 확 밀어 넣으면은

If you cram it into your mouth...

지가 뭘 먹은 줄도 모르게 이렇게 먹는다

I eat like this without even knowing what I ate.

그래서 해봤거든요 실패

So I tried, but I failed.

착한 고양이만 가능할텐데

Only a good cat would be possible.

네 이렇게 목덜미를 잡으면은 입이 바쁘고

Yes, if you grab the nape like this, your mouth gets busy.

벌어진다고 그래서 목덜미를 계속 이렇게 잡았는데

I kept holding my nape like this because I heard it would happen.

실패 했습니다


그래가지고 그냥 그 약 쪼글쪼글해진 캡슐을 약 다시 뜯어가지고

So I just opened the capsule that had shriveled up again.

습식에 섞어서 줬는데 역시나 안 먹는다

I mixed it with wet food, but as expected, he/she doesn't eat it.

내가 볼 때 주인이 카리스마가 없으면

In my opinion, if the owner doesn't have charisma...

좀 안 먹는 것 같아

I think I'm not eating much.

그래가지고 뭐 어쩔 수 없지

So, there's nothing I can do about it.

약 안 먹으면 지만 손해겠죠

If you don't take the medicine, it will only be your loss, right?

나는 나도 먹이기 싫어

I don't want to feed myself either.

그래가지고 그냥 원래 오후에 또 건식 사료 급여가 있는데

So, there is normally another feeding of dry food in the afternoon.

굶기면 먹겠지 싶어서

I thought they would eat if I let them starve.

그냥 습식만 주려고요

I'm just going to give them wet food.

구름이가 또 굶는 고양이는 아니거든요

Gureum isn't a cat that starves again.

지가 배고프면 먹더라고요

When I'm hungry, I eat.

진짜요? 진짜 밥에도 잘 먹어서 너무 다행이네요

Really? I'm so glad that they eat well with rice too.

밥을 너무 잘 먹어요

I eat very well.

아침에 걔 밥 먹는 소리 때문에 깼어요

I woke up because of the sound of him eating in the morning.

안 아픈 거 아니야?

Aren't you in pain?

아무튼 뭐 그런

Anyway, something like that.

근황 그리고 또 일주일 동안 제가

Updates and then for another week I...

구름이 걱정하느냐고

Are you worried about the clouds?

그런 핑계를 대면서 방송을 안 했단 말이에요

You're saying that you didn't broadcast while making excuses like that.



정기방송 날에만 하고

Only on the regular broadcast day.

근데 금요일에 방송을 키는데

But I'm starting the broadcast on Friday.

갑자기 심장이 쿵쾅쿵쾅쿵쾅

Suddenly, my heart is pounding.


While doing so




I don't know.

너무 오랜만에 방송 켜가지고

It's been such a long time since I turned on the broadcast.

갑자기 방송 중에 구름이 통하면 어떡하지?

What should I do if clouds suddenly come in during the broadcast?

어떡하지? 이런 걱정이 되면서

What should I do? I'm worried like this.

막 어지러운 거야 순간

It's just a dizzy moment.

막 기절할 것 같은 거야

I feel like I'm about to faint.

공항 아니에요 공항?

Isn't it the airport?

거의 그 수준이었어

It was almost that level.

그래가지고 어 큰일 났다 이러고 있다가

So I was thinking, "Oh no, this is a big problem."

채팅창에 막 햄하 햄하 이러고 올라오잖아

The chat window keeps going "ham ham" like this.

그거 보니까 또 괜찮아졌어요

Seeing that makes me feel better again.

근데 게임도 안 했어요 그러면 그 5일 동안?

But you didn't play any games during those 5 days?

방송 안 할 때는 그냥 누워있다가

When I'm not broadcasting, I just lie down.

일어나서 편집했다가

I got up and edited.

웹툰은 많이 보고

I watch a lot of webtoons.

수영 갔다가 웹툰 많이 보고

I went swimming and watched a lot of webtoons.

드라마도 보고

Watch dramas too.


That's right.

한동안 게임 중독의 삶을 끝냈네요

I have ended my life of gaming addiction for a while.


That's a relief.


So, then.

오늘 또 리설 하고 싶어가지고

I want to play 리설 again today.

원래 일요일마다 리설 나잇을

Originally, I used to have a rehearsal every Sunday.

햄구들이랑 같이 보냈는데

I spent time with the hamsters.

최근에 정신이 너무 없어가지고

I've been really out of sorts lately.

공포게임도 못하고

I can't even play horror games.

구름이 눈치만 보면서

The clouds are just watching.


I have been doing well.

근데 진짜로

But really.

똥오줌도 잘 싸고

Can also poop and pee well.

컨디션이 나쁘지 않아요

I'm not in bad condition.

다시 돌아온 것 같아요

I think I've come back again.


Isn't it fortunate?

서은이 같이 눈물을 흘려주셔서

Thank you for shedding tears with Seo-eun.

괜찮아진 게 아닌가

Isn't it getting better?

그리고 지난주에

And last week

서울병원 오느냐고

Are you coming to Seoul Hospital?

방이동 사무실에 잠깐

Just for a moment at the Bangi-dong office.

시간이 떠가지고 들렸거든요

Time just slipped away, and I ended up listening.

그래서 캐리어를 열어줬는데

So I opened the suitcase.

구름이가 바로 나와가지고

The clouds came right out.

겁나 돌아다니더라고요

It keeps going around a lot.



왔다 갔다

Going back and forth.

자기도 아는 거지

He knows it too.

이 방이동

This room is moving.

그리고 구름이가

And the cloud is


It disappeared.

그래서 구름이 어딨지?

So where are the clouds?


Doing this

트롤리 밑을 봤는데

I looked under the trolley.

거기 딱 숨어있는 거야

It's hiding right there.

그래서 구름이 찾았네?

So the cloud found it?

이러니까 바로 나와

This is why I come out right away.

약간 자존심 상한 표정으로

With a slightly offended expression.

아이씨 이걸 찾네?

Oh, you're finding this?

이러고 또 사라졌어

He disappeared again like this.

근데 커튼 뒤에 있는 거야

But it's behind the curtain.

그래서 구름이 거기 다 보이네?

So the clouds are all visible there?

이러니까 바로 나와

This is why I come out right away.

이러니까 또 나와

This is why it comes out again.

아이씨 이러면서

Damn it, while doing this.

숨바꼭질 했나봐

It seems like we were playing hide and seek.

어 숨바꼭질 좀 했어

I played a little hide and seek.


It's cute.

귀여운 일주일 보냈어요

I had a cute week.


That's right.

그래서 우리 다음주에

So, we next week...

벌써 추석이잖아요

It's already Chuseok.

다음주에 휴방을 하기로 했어요

We decided to take a break next week.


That's right.

저는 시간 되는데

I have time.

루케가 안 된다 그래가지고

They said it won't work.

다음주에는 휴방

There will be a break next week.

그래서 제가 금요일에 하는 거 어때?

So how about what I do on Friday?

뭐 목요일에 하는 거 어때?

How about doing it on Thursday?


This is why.

차가 밀릴 것 같은데

It seems like the traffic will be heavy.

안 된다 해서

Because they said it won't work.

휴방하면 잔소리

If you take a break, you'll get nagged.

그렇게 해서

So, that’s how it is.


That would be the case.

오늘의 주제

Today's topic.

인생 웹툰

Life webtoon

인생까지 붙여야 되나?

Do I have to stick my life to it?



내 인생에서 보는 웹툰

Webtoon that I see in my life.

아 내가

Ah, I...

지금 내 인생에서 보는 웹툰?

What webtoon am I currently reading in my life?

저는 늘

I always

그 완한 작가님의 만화를

That perfect author's comic.

옛날부터 좋아했어가지고

I have liked it since a long time ago.

네이버 웹툰이라는

It's called Naver Webtoon.

어플이 없을 때부터

Since before there was an app



아이폰이 우리나라에

The iPhone in our country

보급되지 않을 때부터

Since it will not be distributed.

어떻게 봤어요 그럼 그거를?

How did you see that then?


On the internet.


With a mouse.

홈페이지 같은 데에서요?

Is it on a website or something?

완한의 홈페이지?

Wanhwan's website?

아니 네이버 웹툰 홈페이지

No, the Naver Webtoon homepage.


네이버 웹툰 홈페이지

Naver Webtoon homepage

2009년 막 이럴 때

Around the end of 2009.

아 컴퓨터로만 봐야 돼서

Ah, I have to look at it only on the computer.

시기가 있었어요?

Was there a time?


진짜 웹툰이었구나

It was really a webtoon.

그때 이제 컴퓨터로

At that time, now with the computer.

어 오늘 만화 올라오는 날이다

Oh, today is the day the comic gets uploaded.

이러면은 딱 클릭 클릭해가지고

If you do it like this, just click, click.

들어가서 드르르륵 드르르륵

Go inside and rattle rattle.



그러면 그것도 봤어요?

Did you see that too?

그 잡지에서 연재하는 만화

The comic serialized in that magazine.

그런 것도 보셨어요?

Did you see that too?

아 그 정도는 아니었어요

Oh, it wasn't that much.

신문은 안 봤어요

I didn't read the newspaper.

그래서 300

So, 300.

어서오세요 305에

Welcome to 305.

그거랑 옛날에 재밌게 본 거

That, and something I used to enjoy watching in the past.

그 연민의 굴레

The fetters of that compassion.


연민의 굴레

The shackles of compassion.


It's fun, right?

대한민국의 아주만과 대왕이죠

It's the very same king and great king of South Korea.

아 그래요?

Oh, really?


너무 재밌는 학업몰이고

It's a really fun academic mall.

그 개그 코드가

That comedic code

진짜로 좀 되게 섬세하고

It's really quite delicate.

고급 개그들이 많이 나오거든요

There are a lot of advanced jokes.

사컷 만화를 조금

A little bit of a male comic.

되게 잘 뽑으시는

You're really good at picking (things).

아니 되게 감동적이었던 걸로

No, it was really touching.

기억하는데 그거

I remember that.

개그 웹툰이었어요?

Was it a comedy webtoon?

거의 개그 일상몰이죠

It's almost a daily life of comedy.

아 그래요?

Oh, really?

나는 왜 연민의 굴레

Why am I in the web of compassion?

다르게 기억하고 있지?

You're remembering it differently, aren't you?

다른 연민을 봤나?

Did you see another compassion?

305랑 연민의 굴레

305 and the Bond of Compassion

이거 두 개는

These two.

진짜 진짜 재밌게 봤고

I really really enjoyed it.

그 시절에 재밌게 본 거는

What I enjoyed back then was

근데 다 까먹었어요 진짜

But I forgot everything, really.

엄청 많았거든요

There were a lot.

마음의 소리 이것도 재밌게 보고

I hope you enjoy this as well.


"Cheese in the Trap?"

아 근데 치인트 보다 말았어요

Oh, but I ended up watching "Cheese in the Trap."

아 저도 치인트 중도하체 했어요

Ah, I also did a half-body in ChinT.

시내탑 이것도 보다 말았어요

I couldn't finish watching the city tower either.

다 보다 말았던 것 같아

I think I didn't get to see it all.

근데 엄청 재밌거든

But it's really fun.


Is it the city tower?


근데 이게 한 번

But this is once.

딱 끊기고

Just cut off.

오랜만에 한 두 달 만에

After a long time, it's been about a month or two.

또 밀린 거 봐야 되는데

I need to see what I missed again.


That's right.

또 이어서 보면은

If you look further,

내용 다 까먹는단 말이야

I forget all the details.

근데 처음부터 보려 그러면

But if you're trying to watch it from the beginning...

막 300화 밀려있고

I have about 300 episodes backed up.

여기까지 좀 엄두가 안 나긴 해요

I'm a bit hesitant to go this far.

아니 휴재를 하면

No, if we take a break...

또 알죠?

You know, right?


It gets disconnected.

작가님들이 휴재를 하면

When the authors go on hiatus

3개월 동안 안 돌아오고 이러면

If you don't come back for three months and do this...

야 돌아오는 게 어디야

Hey, where are you coming back from?

돌아오지 않아서

Because you don't come back.

그렇게 맨날 까먹는 거예요

That's how I forget it every day.

그쵸 그쵸

That's right, that's right.

네 그래서 집이 없어는

Yes, so I don't have a house.

지금 보셔야 되는 웹툰인 게

This is a webtoon you need to check out right now.


It's free.

다음 주인가?

Is it next week?

딱 완결

Exactly complete.

딱 완결이에요

It's just perfect.

그래서 지금 시작하면은

So if we start now,

솔직히 성실하게 읽으면

Honestly, if you read it sincerely...

이틀이면 다 읽거든요

I can read it all in two days.

그게 회차가

That's the episode number.


Episode 200

넘더라고 몰랐는데

I didn't know it was so much.



진짜 금세 읽어요

I read it really quickly.

만화책 한

One comic book.

5권 분량인가?

Is it the length of 5 volumes?

근데 진짜

But really

그 웹툰 하나는

That one webtoon is

거의 1, 2분도 안 걸리니까

It won't take more than 1 or 2 minutes.


268 screen

268분만 보면 되니까

You only need to see 268 minutes.

지금 무료로

Now for free



God's match

집이 없어를

I have no home.

무료로 볼 수 있는

Available for free to watch.

마지막 기회다

This is the last chance.

이런 기회는

Such opportunities are

평생 오지 않습니다 여러분

It will never come again in your lifetime, everyone.

맞아요 이거는 진짜

That's right, this is real.

지금 시작하셔야 됩니다

You need to start now.

인생 교육 웹툰을 지정해서

Designate a life education webtoon.

공무원들 다 봐야 돼

All the public officials need to see this.

집이 없어

I have no home.




Too much.

, 훅훅

, huff huff

읽을 수도 있고

You can read it.

대신에 읽다가

Instead, while reading

눈물이 나도

Even if I cry

닦아줄 수 없다는

Can't wipe it off.

눈물이 나느라

Because I’m crying.

5분 걸리는 거야

It takes 5 minutes.

원래 1분이면 보는데

It usually takes just one minute to watch.


Today is


Oh, come on!

4분 동안

For 4 minutes.

이거 바로 다음

This one right after.

그리고 나는

And I

집이 없어서

Because I don't have a house.

되게 흥미로웠던 부분이

The part that was very fascinating was

맨 처음에

In the beginning

캐릭터들이 보통

Characters usually

호감인 캐릭터가

A character I have a liking for.

한 명 있고

There is one person.

빌런이 있고

There is a villain and

그 빌런이

That villain.

주인공을 괴롭히다가

While tormenting the protagonist

그 빌런을

That villain.

어떻게 극복해 나가고

How to overcome it?

이제 그 빌런을

Now that villain

다시는 마주칠 일이라고

"Never to meet again."

이제 심심하면

If I'm bored now

다시 돌아오고

Come back again.

막 이러잖아요

They keep doing this.

근데 집이 없어에는

But I don't have a house.

빌런인 것처럼

Like a villain.



처음에 등장을 하는데

It makes an appearance at first.

그 캐릭터들이

Those characters

굉장히 입체적이어서

It's very three-dimensional.

나중 가면은

Later, the mask.

어느샌가 내가

Somehow, I became...

이 빌런이라고

This villain.

생각했던 인물조차

Even the person I had in mind.

그냥 정이 가고

I just feel attached.

사랑하게 되는 거지

You end up falling in love.


This one

그렇게 나쁜 면만 있는

It only has bad sides.

애는 아니구나

It's not a child.

얘가 이런 의도가

This kid has such an intention.

얘 성격이 이렇구나

So this is their personality.

뭐 이렇게 생각이 들 정도로

To the extent that I think like this.

캐릭터 빌드업이

Character buildup.

너무 입체적이고

It's too three-dimensional.

그 인물들과

With those characters

그 인물 관계도가

The character relationship chart.

되게 매력있어요

It's really attractive.

솔직히 만화나 드라마나

Honestly, whether it's a comic or a drama,

인물들의 관계도가

Relationship chart of the characters.

매력이 있어야지

You need to have charm.

그게 계속 빠져들면서

As it keeps pulling me in

보게 되는 거 아니겠어요?

Aren't you going to see it?

아무리 나는

No matter how I am

그림체가 이쁘고

The art style is pretty.

뭐 내용이

What's the content?

너무 재밌고 해도

It's so much fun to do.



인물들의 캐릭터가

The characters of the individuals.

매력이 없으면은

If there's no charm, then...

솔직히 안 보게 되더라고

Honestly, I end up not watching (it).


That's right.

저도 그림체가

I also like the art style.

이뻐야 봐서

I only look if it's pretty.

우선 집이 없어를

First of all, I don't have a house.

얘기하기 전에

Before we talk

무슨 장르인지

What genre is it?

얘기해줘야 될 것 같아요

I think I need to tell you something.

집이 없어요

I don't have a house.

집이 없어서는

Without a home

진짜 그냥

Really just.

일상 드라마

Daily drama





청소년 성장물이라고

It's called a coming-of-age story.

볼 수 있죠

You can see it.

귀신이 나오긴 하지만

Although ghosts do appear,

그 귀신이

That ghost.

뭐 해코지를 한다거나

What are you trying to do?

뭐 우리가 생각하는

What we think

공포 스릴러 웹툰은 아니고

It's not a horror thriller webtoon.

정말 일상 드라마

It's really an everyday drama.

가족에 관한

About family


It's a webtoon.

그리고 무슨

And what?


1 screen is

옆에 부제가 붙거든요

There is a subtitle attached next to it.

그 부제에 따라서

According to that subtitle.

좀 에피소드가

A bit of an episode.


That's right.

그래도 좀

Still a bit.

바뀌는 편이에요

It tends to change.

만약에 뭐

If something happens

고혜준 편 이러면

If it's like this for Go Hye-jun.

고혜준 위주로

Focused on Ko Hye-jun.

내용이 딱 흘러가다가

The content just flows smoothly.

뭐 다음 에피소드

What's the next episode?

백은영 편 이러면은

Baek Eun-young, if this continues...

백은영 에피소드로

With the episode of Baek Eun-young

딱 흘러가다가

Just flowing by.

아니면은 뭐

Or what?



김마리와 누구 편

Whose side is Kim Mari on?

김주환 뭐 이런

What is this, Kim Joo-hwan?

김주환 편

Kim Joo-hwan's side.

박주환 편

Park Joo-hwan's side

막 이렇게 해가지고

Just like this.


Park Joo-hwan

그래서 좀

So a bit.

너 얘 얘기만 보면

When I see you talking about this.


I'm bored.

이 다음은

This next is

얘 얘기니까

It’s because it’s about them.

얘 얘기도 좀 들어봐

Listen to what he/she has to say too.

이런 식으로 작가분이

In this way, the writer...

좀 완급 조절을

Please control the pace a bit.

되게 잘하세요

You do it very well.

웹툰 자체의 주인공은

The protagonist of the webtoon itself is

고혜준이라는 애랑

With a girl named Go Hye-jun.

백은영이긴 한데

It is indeed Baek Eun-young.


이제 서브 애들이 있잖아요

Now there are sub kids, you know.

친구들이 서브로

Friends in the subs.

몇 명 나오거든요

How many people will come out?

한 3, 4명 정도

About 3 or 4 people.

학교 친구들

School friends

네 그 3, 4명에 대한

Yes, about those 3 or 4 people.

내용이 다 나와요

Everything is revealed.

근데 걔네들도

But they also...

처음에는 다 너무 싫고

At first, I hated everything so much.

바로 손잘 때

Right after washing hands.

때리고 싶은 애들이거든요

They are the ones I want to hit.

막 왜


왜 친구해?

Why are we friends?

좀 이런 애들이

These kinds of kids...

이런 애랑은

With someone like this

나 진짜로 같이

I really want to be together.

못 지내겠다 하는데

"I can't stand it."

같이 지내더라고요

They seem to be living together.

그 사람이랑

That person.

그리고 막 억지로

And just forcefully.

같이 지내는 게 아니라

It's not about living together.



너 얘

You, hey.

진짜 싫었지?

Did you really hate it?

근데 얘 얘기 좀

But hey, let me tell you something.



얘도 이런 사정이

This one has a similar situation too.

있었던 애야

It was a girl who was there.

알고 보니까

As it turns out


How is it?


A little.

마음이 달라지지 않았어?

Hasn't your heart changed?

뭐 이런 식으로

What in this way?

계속 작가분이

The writer continues.

아주 재밌는

Very fun.

연출을 하시면서

While directing.

A little bit.

스며든다 그래야 되나?

Should I say it seeps in?

그 캐릭터들

Those characters

라는 매력이

has that charm



그런 거 되게 잘하세요

You do that very well.

악남과 악녀가 없는

No evil men and no evil women.


Evil man

악남과 악녀가 없는

There are no villains or wicked women.

있긴 해

It's there.

아 그

Ah, that.





어른들이 나쁜 놈이지

Adults are bad people.

그 친구들에 대해서는

About those friends.



근데 저는

But I am

이런 고딩들의

These high school kids'


From the conversation.

들을 수 있는 게

What can be heard.

솔직히 요즘

To be honest, these days

사람 다 도파민에

Everyone is on dopamine.


I'm addicted.

다 좀 무조건

Everything, no exceptions.

나쁜 놈 있어야 되고

There has to be a bad guy.

착한 사람 있어야 되고

There needs to be a good person.

이런 느낌인데

It feels like this.

이 집이 없어서는

Without this house.

딱 그런 느낌이었어요

It felt exactly like that.



우리가 고등학교 때

When we were in high school

생각할 수 있었던

Could think.



The truth is

사춘기 때 생각할 수 있었던

What I could think about during puberty.

이기적인 마음과

A selfish heart and


At the same time.

배려하는 마음

A considerate heart

근데 이게

But this is...

제가 이기적인 마음이

I have a selfish heart.

진짜 나쁜 마음으로

With a truly bad heart.

했던 게 아니라

It wasn't what I did.

나도 의도치 않게

I also did it unintentionally.

상처를 줬던 때가

The time when I was hurt.

있었을 거 아니에요

It must have been there, right?

그런 걸 생각하면서 보면

When you think about things like that,

아 진짜

Ah, really.

이 완한 작가가

This complete writer



공부를 했구나라는 게

It means "You studied, didn't you?"


I felt it.

그 청소년들에 대해서

About those teenagers.

연출도 진짜 진짜

The direction is truly, truly.


Well done.

이 캐릭터가 사실

This character is actually

한마디 하지 않아도

Even without saying a word.

그 연출로서

As that direction.

얘가 어 이런 기분인가 보다

I guess this is how it feels.

얘 지금 상처받았고

She's hurt right now.

얘 지금 위로받았구나

She is comforted right now.

딱 알 수 있게

Clearly identifiable.

만화를 너무

I love comics too much.

그냥 만신

Just a god.

만화의 신

God of Comics


That's right.

만화 너무 잘 그렸어

You drew the manga so well.

아 그리고 그림체도

Oh, and the art style too.

너무 예뻐요

You're so pretty.

어 맞아 귀여워

Oh right, it's cute.

그림체도 예쁘고

The art style is pretty.

그리고 백은영이

And Baek Eun-young

진짜 예쁜데

It’s really pretty.

아 진짜 너무 짜증나

Ah, I'm really so annoyed.


In the beginning

약간 진짜로

A bit seriously.

정 떨어지는

to be disenchanted


It's a character.


Baek Eun-young

정이 떨어지려면 떨어져

If you're going to lose affection, then lose it.

이미 정이 없어

I don't have any affection anymore.

그 얘기

That story.

그 주인공

That protagonist.

주인공인 고혜준이

The protagonist, Ko Hye-jun,

어렸을 때부터

Since I was young


A little.

집안이 좀

The family is a bit...


It's frustrating, isn't it?

엄마가 귀신을

Mom saw a ghost.




It's a person.

혜준이도 귀신 보지

Hye-jun can also see ghosts.


Let's see.

둘 다 귀신을 보는데

Both can see ghosts.

이제 어렸을 때는

Now, when I was young


That is.

그런가 보다 하고

I guess that's how it is.



혜준이가 어느 순간

At some point, Hyejun.

귀신 보는 엄마에 대한

About a mother who sees ghosts.

그런 거에

About that.

팍 질려가지고

I'm so fed up.

아 몰라

I don't know.

이러고 막

Doing this and then...


The house.

밖으로 확 나가버려요

It bursts out into the open.

엄마랑 더 이상

No more with mom.

살기 싫어

I don't want to live.


Like this.

근데 엄마가

But mom...

아 혜준아

Ah, Hye-jun.



이러고 따라다다가

Following around like this.

진짜 너무 슬퍼요

I'm really so sad.

갑자기 어디선가

Suddenly, from somewhere.


Flying in.

차에 치여가지고

I got hit by a car.

어머니가 한순간에

In a moment, my mother.

죽어버린 거죠

It must have died.

근데 혜준이는

But Hyejun is...

나 때문에

Because of me.

엄마가 죽었구나라는

Mom has died.

그 죄책감을 안고

Carrying that guilt.



혜준이가 또

Hye-jun is at it again.

남은 가족이

The remaining family.

없단 말이에요

There is none.


Father too

없고 안 계시고

There is none and not present.





평생 동안

For a lifetime

연락 안 하던

Not contacting.

외삼촌이 와가지고

My uncle came over.


Funeral home

뭐 이런 거

What is this?

혜준이 재산이랑

Hye-jun's property and

혜준이 그거

Hye-jun, that.

지원금 같은 것도

Things like subsidies.

다 삼촌을 통해서

All through my uncle.

받게 됐단 말이에요

I received it.


Hye-jun is

이제 아무도 없는 거죠

Now there's no one left, right?

그 상태에서

In that state

백은영을 만나는데

I am meeting Baek Eun-young.


Baek Eun-young


Hyejun is.




Free money


Is it 370,000 won?


That's right.


That one.


Like a thief.

갖다 쓰고

Use it.

배에 칼빵을

A knife wound to the stomach.


Did you poke it?


That's right.

아무튼 진짜

Anyway, really.

완전 나쁜 짓을 하고

Completely doing something bad.


Go Hye-jun

그리고 별명이 있거든요

And I have a nickname.

어렸을 때부터

Since childhood.

미친개라는 별명이 있었어요

I had a nickname called "Crazy Dog."


It's cool.


That guy.

CCTV 없는 데서만

Only where there are no CCTV cameras.

애들을 패가지고

Taking the kids down.

안 걸려

I won't get caught.


It's a crazy dog.

근데 그

But that

백은영이 미친개를

Baek Eun-young is a crazy dog.

잘못 건든 거죠

You touched the wrong thing.

그래서 그 둘의

So between those two


bad relationship

그때부터 시작되는데

It starts from that time.

우연치 않게

By chance


Hyejun is

혼자 살아야 되니까

Because I have to live alone.

그 학교에

At that school.


To high school

기숙사가 있거든요

There is a dormitory.


In the dormitory.

둘이 우연히 만나면서

As they met by chance.


Bang bang bang

생기는 에피소드인데

It's an episode that happens.

솔직히 그 둘이

To be honest, those two...


절친이 되거나

Become best friends

그러진 않아요

That doesn't happen.

둘이 성격이

The two have different personalities.

너무 안 맞기 때문에

Because it doesn't match very well.

근데 서로를 좀

But a little bit towards each other.


Understand me.

공감해줄 만한

Something relatable.

백그라운드 스토리가

The background story is


I have it.

이 둘이

These two.

너무 결핍된 부분이

There are parts that are severely lacking.

너무 공감이 될 만한

Very relatable.

그런 속사정이

That kind of background.


There are many.


Each other

평생을 이해하지는

"I can't understand it for a lifetime."


I can't do it.

근데 그냥

But just

위로는 해주는

Providing comfort.

그런 관계

That kind of relationship.

그 둘 관계가

The relationship between the two.

너무 재밌어요

It's so much fun!

저는 진짜 백은영

I am really Baek Eun-young.

저도 보면서

I also watched it.

백은영이 진짜

It's really Baek Eun-young.



너무 얄밉고

So annoying and...

예쁜 얼굴만 믿고

Relying only on a pretty face.

깝싸고 이래서

This is why it's so annoying.

너무 미웠거든요

I hated it so much.

근데 혜준이가

But Hye-jun is

혜준이가 되게 똑똑해요

Hyeyoon is really smart.

그리고 혜준이가 거의

And Hye-jun is almost


School authority

전교 1등이 있죠

There is the top student in the school.

공부 잘하지

You study well, right?

전교 1등인데

I'm the top student in the whole school.

이제 어떻게 보면

Now, in a way,

어머니도 안 계신 마당에

With my mother not being here...



엄청 자기의 소신을 지키고

Really sticking to one's convictions.

살아가는 친구였는데

He/She was a friend who lived.

백은영을 보면서

Looking at Baek Eun-young.

혜준이 나름대로

Hae-jun, in his own way.

백은영을 엄청 많이

A lot about Baek Eun-young.


I take care of you.

그러면서 백은영이

Meanwhile, Baek Eun-young...

점점 발전을 해요

It is gradually progressing.

그 발전 과정이

That developmental process

오래 걸리긴 하지만

It takes a long time, but...

너무 오래 걸려요

It takes too long.

한 200화 걸려요

It takes about 200 episodes.

근데 또 은영이는

But Eun-young is also...

그렇게 챙겨주는 것도

Taking care of you like that too.

별로 안 좋아해

I don't really like it.

은영이는 진짜로

Eun-young is really

인생에 있어서

In life.

늘 배신 당하는

Always betrayed.


It was the position.

나한테 잘 해주다가도

Sometimes you treat me well, but then...

다들 나를 떠나버리네

Everyone is leaving me.

그렇게 생각을 하는 애예요

She is the kind of person who thinks that way.

내가 힘들었을 때

When I was struggling.

잠깐 과도기 중에 하나라고만

Just one of the phases in transition.

자기를 생각한다고

Thinking of oneself.

생각하는 애거든요

It's a thinking person.

왜 그렇게

Why is that?

애가 이렇게

The child is like this.


What a headache.

왜 꼬이고

Why is it tangled?

싸가지가 없고

Rude and disrespectful.


Whether it's hopeless or not

그 집안 사정을 보면은

Looking at the circumstances of that family.

나중에 다 나오긴 하는데

It will all come out later.

사실 자세히 알 필요도 없이

In fact, you don't even need to know the details.

그냥 백은영이

It's just Baek Eun-young.

평소에 한 행동이랑

The usual behavior.

얘가 왜 이런 식으로

Why is he/she acting like this?

사람을 밀어내고

Pushing people away.

왜 이렇게 하지?

Why are you doing this?

싶을 때가 굉장히 많은데

There are many times I really want to.

얘도 다 살라고

This too, in order to live.

발버둥 치는 건가?

Are you struggling?

싶기도 하고

I want to too.


That's right.

보면은 다 이해가 되긴 해요

I can understand everything when I see it.

그래서 제가 봤을 때

So, from what I've seen,


That was it.


Eun-young is

왜냐면 혜준이는

Because Hye-jun is...

그 엄마니가 돌아가시기 전까지는

Until that mother passes away.

어머니의 사랑을 되게 많이 받았잖아요

I received a lot of love from my mother.

근데 은영이는

But Eun-young is...

은영이는 사랑을

Eun-young is in love.

부모님들이 주고 싶을 때만 주고

Only give when parents want to give.

은영이는 부모님 사랑을

Eun-young is loved by her parents.

왜 저래?

Why is that happening?

아니 근데

No, but...

백은영 에피소드가

The episode of Baek Eun-young

상당히 후반부에 나와서

It comes out quite late in the second half.

초반에는 사실 알 수가 없어요

In the beginning, it's really hard to tell.


Baek Eun-young

절대 집을 안 들어가는 애거든요

He's the kind of kid who never goes home.


That's right.

만약에 무슨 사고가 생겼는데

What if an accident happens?

너네 부모님한테 연락할 테니까

I will contact your parents.

전화번호 줘 이러면

If you say "Give me your phone number,"

백은영 바로 얼굴

Baek Eun-young, right in the face.

얼굴 색 확 바뀌면서

The color of the face changed drastically.

아 제가 죄송합니다

Oh, I'm sorry.


I am sorry.

바로 사과

Just apologize.


That's right.

혹시나 집에 연락할까 봐

I'm worried that I might contact home.

백은영이 사랑을 너무 받고 싶어해요

Baek Eun-young really wants to be loved.


To my parents

근데 백은영 내 엄마 아빠는

But Baek Eun-young, my mom and dad are...

진짜 좀


아빠가 완전한 가해자고

Dad is a complete perpetrator.

엄마는 진짜 방관자

Mom is really a bystander.

또 다른 가해자거든요

It's another perpetrator.

그래서 백은영은

So Baek Eun-young is

그 사랑을 못 받아서

Because I couldn't receive that love.

사랑 주는 법도 모르고

I don't even know how to give love.

그리고 자기가

And oneself

뭘 했을 때

When I did something

이제 그 사람들이

Now those people

자기를 때릴 거라는

"That they will hit themselves."

그런 생각이 너무 들어가지고

I can't help but think that way.

항상 피하죠

I always avoid it.

사랑받는 상황도 피하고

Avoiding situations where one is loved.

친구들도 어쨌든

Anyway, friends.

제대로 된 친구가 없어요

I don't have any true friends.



좀 보면 다

Just look at it a little.

가출 청소년들이고

They are runaway adolescents.

이러다 보니까

Because of this...

챙겨주는 친구 한 명 있던데

I have a friend who takes care of me.

가출팸 중에

Among runaway families

어 근데

Oh, but...

걔도 결국에는 돌아갈 집이 있어

He also eventually has a home to return to.

근데 백은영만 집이 없잖아요

But Baek Eun-young doesn't have a house.

근데 이제 거기서 집이 없는 애는

But now, for those kids who don't have a home there…

혜준이와 은영이밖에 없는데

There are only Hyejun and Eunyeong.

혜준이는 그래도

Hyejun still...

엄마의 사랑을 받은 적이 있고

I have received a mother's love.

그렇게 살아온 관계 속에서 형성된

Formed within the relationship developed through living that way.

신뢰나 믿음이 있는 애지만

It's a child with trust or faith, but...

은영이는 그런 게 전혀 없다 보니까

Eun-young doesn't have any of that at all.

혜준이가 그 삼촌을 믿을 때도

Even when Hye-jun trusts that uncle.

은영이가 계속

Eun-young keeps...

그 삼촌은 왜 믿는데

Why do you trust that uncle?

핏줄이라는 게 원래 그런 거야?

Is that how blood ties are supposed to be?

이해를 못 하는 거잖아

You don't understand, right?

근데 또 혜준이는

But Hye-jun again...


Is that so?


I want to.

처음에는 외삼촌을 믿었다가

At first, I believed my uncle.

백은영이 하는 말 들어보니까

Listening to what Baek Eun-young is saying.

진짜로 삼촌이 조금 의심스러운 거지

Honestly, I'm a little suspicious of Uncle.

근데 백은영은

But Baek Eun-young is...

혜준이가 이해가 안 가고

Hyejun doesn’t understand.

혜준이는 백은영이 이해가 안 가고

Hye-jun doesn't understand Baek Eun-young.



어쩔 때는 백은영 말이 맞고

Sometimes Baek Eun-young is right.

어쩔 때는 혜준이 말이 맞아요 또

Sometimes Hye-jun is right.


That's right.

왜냐면 혜준이와 은영이는

Because Hye-jun and Eun-young are...

서로 근데 너무 사랑하는 것 같아

It seems like we really love each other.


As a friend

근데 그 표현 방법이

But that way of expressing it

좀 서로 어렵고

It's a bit difficult for each other.

그리고 은영이는

And Eun-young is

혜준이가 상처받지 못하고

Hyun-joon won't get hurt.

상처받지 않길 바라는 마음이고

I hope you won't get hurt.

또 혜준이는 은영이가

Also, Hye-jun is...

상처받지 않길 바라는 마음인데

I hope you won't get hurt.

둘 다 말을 예쁘게 못하니까

Because neither of us can speak beautifully.

서로 상처를 주는 거예요

We are hurting each other.

대사를 잘 쓰시는 건지 모르겠는데

I don't know if you're good at writing dialogue.

둘 다 말을 너무 잘해요

Both of them speak very well.

그러니까 혜준이는

So, Hyeyoon is...

뭐가 문제다 싶으면

If you feel something is wrong


Sternly or strictly.

네가 여기서 이렇게 행동하고

The way you're acting here.

저런 거는 진짜 좀 아니지 않냐?

Isn't that really something unacceptable?

이런 식으로 얘기하면

If you talk like this,

백은영이 또 거기서

Baek Eun-young is there again.



그건 내가 미안

I'm sorry about that.

이런 식으로

In this way.

그리고 은영이가

And Eunyeong is

자기가 하고 싶어하는

What one wants to do.

뭐가 있거든요

There is something.

은영이 생각만 하면

Just thinking about Eunyeong...

왜 생각해?

Why are you thinking?

근데 이제 은영이가

But now Eun-young...

뭘 하고 싶어할 때

When you want to do something.

항상 방해꾼들이 있어요

There are always troublemakers.

은영이가 뭘 못

Eun-young can't do anything.

은영이의 꿈을 이루지 못하게

To prevent Eun-young from realizing her dream.

근데 그거는

But that's...

은영이의 업보라고 보시면 돼요

It's her karma, you could say.

은영이가 지금까지 해온 걸

What Eunnyoung has done so far.

나중에 다 돌려봤거든요

I watched everything later.


얘를 때렸었던 거라든지

Like when I hit her or something.

얘한테 돈을 훔쳤었던 거라든지

Like how he stole money from him.

그런 거를 이제

Now that kind of thing

나중에 자기 행동에 대한

Later about their actions

책임을 져야 되는 순간이 와요

The moment comes when you have to take responsibility.

근데 은영이가

But Eunyung...

그 원래 연극을 되게 하고 싶어했어요

I really wanted to do that original play.

그래서 이제 연극을 하고 싶었는데

So now I wanted to do a play.

또 은영이

Again, Eunyeong.


The teacher.

대머리 선생님이 있는데

There is a bald teacher.

그 선생님이

That teacher.


At first,


좀 아

A little bit.

계속 제가 이러면서 보다가

I keep watching while doing this.

너무 그냥 따뜻한 선생님이었던 거예요

He was just a very warm teacher.

은영이의 꿈을 밀어주는

Supporting Eun-young's dreams

그래서 은영이가

So Eun-young is...

좀 제대로

Get it right.

이제 올곧게 섰으면 좋겠으니까

I hope you can now stand upright.

그 선생님이 계속 은영이한테

That teacher keeps on talking to Eunyeong.

자기 사비를 털어서

Using one's own money.

은영이가 돈에 미쳐있는 걸 아니까

Since I know Eunnyoung is obsessed with money.

뭐 맨날 은영이한테

What, always to Eunyoung?

이거 가면

This mask.

뭐 상품권 준대

They said they would give a gift card.

이런 식으로

In this way

거짓말을 줘요

Give me a lie.

은영이가 원래 연극을 했던 애고

Eunyoung originally used to act in plays.

또 연극을 하고 싶어하는데

I want to act in a play again.

은영이 아빠가 진짜

Eun-young's dad is really...

그 빌런 중에 빌런이거든요

He's the biggest villain among villains.

그래서 은영이가

So Eunyeong...

은영이를 못하게 하니까

Because I can't let Eunnyoung do it.

선생님이 계속

The teacher keeps...

연극부에 들어가게 하려는 찰나에

At the moment when I was trying to get into the theater club,

그 은영이를 유일하게 걱정했던 친구가

The only friend who worried about Eun-young was

병원엔가 가요

I'm going to the hospital.

그래서 은영이가

So Eun-young...

그 친구를 택해요

I choose that friend.

근데 그 친구도

But that friend too

가출팸 중에 한 명인데

I'm one of the runaways.

걔네는 집안에 또

They're also inside the house.

엄마가 사이비였어가지고

My mom was a cult member.

엄마가 계속

Mom keeps

애 잡겠다고 집에 찾아오는데

They come to the house looking for the kid.


Eun-young is

아 걔 여기 없는데요

Oh, they are not here.

은영이가 또 거짓말을

Eun-young is lying again.

기가 막히게 잘하거든요

You do amazingly well.

아 진짜 없어요

Oh, there's really nothing.

막 이런 식으로

Like this.


I returned it.

막 이런 식으로

Like this.


I returned it.


I sent it back.



그 엄마랑 만나가지고

I met with that mom.

또 은영이가

Again, Eunyung.

그 엄마한테도 맞죠

That mom is also right.


너 거짓말했지?

Did you lie?

이러면서 막 때려

While doing this, they just hit.

그래서 은영이가

So Eunyung...




그 친구를 택해서

Choosing that friend.

연극부를 못 들어가는데

I can't join the drama club.

어떻게 해서

How did it happen?

연극부에 들어가요

I'm joining the drama club.

선생님이 미리 신청서 써놨나?

Did the teacher fill out the application in advance?


With this kind of thing,

은영이한테 허락 안 받고

Without Eun-young's permission.

사인 조작해서

Manipulating the sign.


I joined.

근데 이제 딱

But now, just...

그 연극부 에피소드를 보면서

While watching that play club episode

난 당연히

Of course, I do.


Eun-young is

얼굴도 예쁘니까

Because your face is pretty too.

주인공을 하겠다는

I want to be the main character.


My own

그 어느 정도의

To some extent

클릭을 하겠다는

I will click.

셰셰라고 있잖아

There is something called "xie xie."

그런 걸 했는데

I did something like that.

은영이가 한 역할이

The role Eun-young played is

그냥 말 역할인 거야

It's just a role of speaking.


Hee hee hee hee.

하는 거

What you are doing

그냥 그 말 역할을

Just play that role.


I did it, but...

저는 이게 진짜

I really think this is it.

여기서 완환 작가님이

Writer Wan-Hwan is here.

진짜 천재라고 느낀 게

I really felt like a genius.

보통 누구나

Usually anyone


Because it's the main character.

주인공 역할을 할 거고

I will play the role of the main character.

또 은영이는 예쁘니까

Also, Eunyung is pretty.

그런 멋진 역할에서

In such a wonderful role.

주목을 받겠지

You will get attention.

라고 생각을 했는데

I thought that.

은영이는 그냥

Eun-young is just...

그 말 역할을 함으로써

By playing that role.

자기가 되게

Be yourself.

연기를 하고 싶어 했고

I wanted to act.

자기가 그런

That's just how they are.

히히히히만 하는

Just giggling.


Even if it's just a line.

되게 열심히

Very hard.

하는 걸 보고

Watching you do it

아 이게 정말

Oh, this is really...



주인공만 세상에서

Only the protagonist in the world.

중요한 게 아니잖아요

It's not important, right?



그런 서브들이 중요한

Such subs are important.



저는 이 웹툰

I am this webtoon.

이 에피소드를 통해서

Through this episode

느꼈다고 생각했거든요

I thought I felt it.

그 장면이 저는

That scene for me

되게 좋았던 것 같아요

I think it was really good.

그 에피소드에서

In that episode.

은영이가 말이 된 장면

The scene where Eunyeong spoke.

말을 연기를

Acting out speech

굉장히 잘하더라고요

They did exceptionally well.




Sometimes, though.


혜준이가 은영이를

Hye-jun is (with) Eun-young.

구해줄 때가 있고

There are times when I will help you.


That's right.


Each other

서로를 구원해주거든요

We save each other.




That's right.

의도치 않게





From Baek Eun-young

오은영이 될 때가

When it’s time to become Oh Eun-young

굉장히 많다

There are very many.

아니 근데

No, but...




At the end.

좀 폭력

A bit violent.


With violence

서로 이제

Now, each other.

말이 안 들어가면

If it doesn't go in,

갑자기 폭력을 했어요

I suddenly became violent.

그러면 이제 가운데

Then now in the middle.

또 주환이라는

Also Ju-hwan.

캐릭터가 있어요

There is a character.

걔는 좀

He's a bit...

모든 걸


다 가진 놈이에요

He has everything.

약간 엄치나

A little bit of an overbite.

그래서 눈치가 없어요

So I have no sense of awareness.

그래서 좀

So a bit


Hye-jun or.


To Eunyeong.


A little.

벽이 느껴지는

I feel a wall.

그런 느낌

That kind of feeling.

아니 좀

No, come on.


It's a flower garden.


Flower garden

배가리 꽃밭

The flower garden of beggar's rice.

그래서 초반에

So at the beginning...


Park Joo-hwan

난 걔가 진짜 싫었어

I really hated him/her.


Park Joo-hwan


Too much.




One's own

우물 안에

In the well.



다른 거는

Is there anything else?

생각하지도 못하고

Not even thinking about it.

말하고 행동하고 하니까

Because I speak and act.

근데 주환이가 또

But Juhwan again

나중 가면은

When the time comes.



집안 사정이랑

Family circumstances.

백은영 집안 사정을 알고

Knowing the circumstances of Baek Eun-young's family.

걔는 아예

He/She is completely.

세상에 이런

Such a thing in the world.



겪는 애들이

The kids who are going through it.


There is.


While doing this

엄청 큰 충격에

Incredible shock.


I'm falling in.

막 꽁꽁 얼어서

Completely frozen.

움직이지도 못하거든요

I can't even move.

근데 이제 거기서

But now from there


With Hyejun.

은영이가 나서서

Eun-young took the initiative.

같이 같이

Together, together.



같이 같이죠

Let's be together.

그리고 주환이가

And Juhwan is

진짜 쫄보 중에

Among the real cowards.


You're such a coward.



구하기 위해서

In order to obtain.

집에 찾아가

Go to the house.

은영이 집에

Eun-young is at home.


Go find.

그 모습이

That appearance

진짜 너무

Really too much.

내가 박주환을

I am Park Joo-hwan.

처음 봤을 때

When I first saw you.

얘가 이런 일을

This kid is doing something like this.

할 수 있을 거라고

I believe you can do it.

생각을 절대

Absolutely think


I couldn't do it.

이렇게 강인한

So strong.

면모가 있는

Having features


So we were friends.

근데 진짜

But really.

개 떨고 있어

The dog is shaking.


A person is

진짜 한 면만 보고는

You can only see one side of it.

판단을 못한다라고

Said that they can't make a judgment.

생각을 했죠

I thought about it.

이 모든 애들이

All these kids.


Juhwan too

우리가 대가리

We are the boss.

꽃밭이라고 놀리긴 하지만

They tease that it's a flower garden, but...

주환이 사사가 나오거든요

When Juhwan comes out, there will be a sasaga.

주환이 에피소드도 보면

If you look at the episodes with Juhwan.

주환이도 좀

Juhwan too.

왕따 아닌

Not a loner.

왕따를 당해서

Being bullied.

또 거기서

Also there



자기를 구해준

Saved themselves.

친구가 있고

I have a friend.

그렇게 모든 애들이

So all the kids.

정말 양면성을

Really two-faced.

다 보여준 것 같아요

I think I've shown everything.

모든 캐릭터들에서

From all the characters.


That's right.

진짜 비호감이었는데

I really didn't like them.


That's right.

그리고 그 마리라는

And that horse is

김마리라는 캐릭터는

The character named Kim Mari is

신문부 부장인가

Is he the head of the newspaper department?


신문부 부장이자

Head of the newspaper department and



친구들 패밀리

Friends family

멤버 중에

Among the members

한 명이거든요

It's one person.

걔는 여자인데

She's a girl.

걔가 또

He/She is at it again.

걔네 집

Their house

집안 사장이

The head of the household.


Only son

오로지 아들만

Only the son.

그리고 그

And that

친오빠가 나오는데

My older brother is coming out.


Older brother (by blood).


It's violent.


마리 때려

Hit Mari.


So, in that case.

그 에피소드도

That episode too.

마리 에피소드도

Marie episode too

눈물 콧물을

Tears and mucus.

쫙 빼면서

While pulling tight


I have seen.


As a special feature

한 인물 특집해서

A special feature on a character.

걔네 집안을

Their family.

쫙 보여주고

Show it all off.


Later on

김마리와 박주환 해서

Kim Mari and Park Joo-hwan.

그 두 인물

Those two figures.



쫙 보여주고

Show it all clearly.


With this,

200화가 넘는

More than 200 episodes.


It's the amount.



틈이 없다

There is no gap.

그리고 이

And this

집이 없어의

No home.

웹툰을 좀

I want some webtoons.

관통하는 메시지가

A penetrating message.


It's a breakup.


Is that so?


Is that so?


Go Hye-jin.


With mom.


After the breakup.


Baek Eun-young is



이별을 하잖아요

We break up, you know.


With family.





연을 끊고

Cutting the string.

이별을 하는데

Ending a relationship.

웹툰을 보면서

While watching a webtoon

너무 좋았던 게

It was so great.






한다 그러면은

If you say so, then...

그 슬픔을

That sadness.

이겨내야 된다

We must overcome it.



극복해야 된다

We must overcome it.

뭐 이런 식으로

What is this kind of thing?

얘기를 하는데

While talking

집이 없어에서는

In the lack of a home


"Necessarily" or "specifically."

안 그래도 된다

It's okay not to do that.


If you're sad



울면 돼

You can cry.

울면 되는 거지

You just need to cry.



If needed.

막 (translated as "막")

진짜 이겨내고

Really overcome it.



할 필요가 없다

There is no need to do it.

라는 메시지를

the message that says

주는 것 같아가지고

It seems like it’s giving.

좀 그거에

Just about that.

큰 위로를 받았죠

I received great comfort.



그걸 보면서

While watching that

생각을 또

Another thought.


Do it.

새롭게 하게 된 게

What has been newly done.


There is/are.


A person is

뭐 혼자 산다

What, you're living alone?

나는 혼자도 편하던데

I feel comfortable being alone.

이런 생각을

Such thoughts


You do, don't you?


Me too.

20대 때는

In my 20s,

혼자가 너무 편하고

Being alone is so comfortable.

나이 들면

When you get older

외로움을 느끼는

Feeling lonely






왜 그러지

Why is that?

혼자가 이렇게 편한데

It's so comfortable being alone like this.

왜 그럴까 했거든요

I was wondering why that is.

근데 곰곰이

But thinking carefully...


Come to think of it.





혼자 있었던 적이

Times I've been alone

없었던 거예요

It didn't exist.





Eun-young too


That's right.




Too much




In loneliness



그런 캐릭터들

Such characters.


Isn't it?


Go Hye-jun too.


That's right.



혼자가 아니거든요

You are not alone.

항상 주변에

Always around.

좋은 친구들도 있고

I have good friends too.



어른들도 계시고

There are also adults.



내가 진짜

I'm really


Until now


I'm alone.


Deluding oneself

살고 있었구나

You were living.

이런 생각을

This thought.

좀 하게 됐어요

I started to do it a bit.

집이 없어를

I don't have a house.


Even while watching.


That's right.

이번 일주일 내내

This whole week

그런 생각을 하면서

While having such thoughts


I have been doing well.

집이 없어는

I have no home.


I am



우리나라 교육 웹툰으로

Educational webtoon from our country.




At each library

단행본 다 꽂아놓고서

After putting all the books on the shelf.

그 애들이

Those kids

다 이걸

I'll do this.

보게 해야 돼요

I have to make you see.

모든 학생들이

All students

보게 해가지고

Let me show you.


친구를 사귀는 법을

How to make friends.

배워야 된다고

You have to learn.

생각을 해요

I think.

그래서 그거 보고

So after seeing that...

진짜 나는

Really, I...

혼자 살기 싫다

I don't want to live alone.

이런 생각했어요

I thought like this.

곁에 누구랑

Who are you with?

같이 살고 싶고

I want to live together.

혼자는 싫다

I don't like being alone.

그리고 슬픈 일이 있을 때

And when there is something sad.

슬퍼 하다 보면

If you keep being sad

견딜 수 있게 되겠구나

I will be able to endure it.

그런 생각도 들었어

I had that thought too.

슬플 때 사람들이

When people are sad.


What should I do?

이 슬프면 어떡하지

What should I do if this is sad?

어떡하면 좋아

What should I do?

막 이러면서

Just like this.

가슴 치고

Hit the chest.

이겨내야지 이겨내야지

I have to overcome it, I have to overcome it.


If you're sad

이것 또한 지나가리라

This too shall pass.

지나가리라 하는데

It will pass by.

진짜 슬퍼하다 보면

When you truly feel sad,


Passing by.


That's right.

저는 그런 생각해요

I think that way.

슬플 때

When you're sad

제대로 울어야

You have to cry properly.

병이 안 난다고

I said I'm not sick.

생각을 해요

I think.

슬퍼할 줄 알아야 된다

You must know how to be sad.



사람이 슬플 때

When a person is sad

슬픔을 받아들이고

Accepting sorrow.

슬퍼하다 보면

If you keep being sad

그것 또한 성장이다

That is also growth.

그리고 어른이 될수록

And as I become an adult


That's how it is.

그게 행복이다

That's happiness.

어른이 될수록

As I become an adult.

좀 우는 게

It's a bit crying.

안 된다는 식이 되잖아요

It feels like you're saying it's not possible.

어느 순간

At some point

저는 많이 울지만

I cry a lot, but

아닌 것 같은데요

I don't think so.

좀 이제 어른이 되고서는

Now that I'm becoming an adult.

너무 울던데

You were crying a lot.

좀 울면

If you cry a little.

쟤 왜 아직도 울지

Why is she still crying?

좀 이런 느낌이 있어서

It has a bit of this feeling.

사람들이 우는 거를

People crying

되게 꺼려할 때가 많더라고요

I often feel very reluctant about it.

슬픈 일이 있었을 때

When something sad happened

견뎌내야 하는

You have to endure.

생각이 될 때가 있는데

There are times when I think.

지겹새를 보면서

While watching something boring.

눈물을 흘리시고

She is shedding tears.

근데 진짜로

But really.



누구한테나 공감이 될 만한

Something that anyone can relate to.

얘기가 많이 나와요

There's a lot of talk about it.

근데 그 공감이 될 만한

But that seems relatable.

얘기라는 게

It's about the story.

약간 남들한테

A little to others.

쉽게 털어놓을 수 없는

Difficult to open up easily.

류의 공감이 될 만한 얘기가

A story that could resonate with Ryu's empathy.

공감이 될 만한 얘기가

A story that is relatable.

많이 나오거든요

It often comes out a lot.

왜 진짜로

Why really?

누구나 다들 가정사가 있고

Everyone has family matters.

누구나 아픔이 있잖아요

Everyone has pain, you know.

근데 그거를 되게 좀

But that's really a bit...

위로를 많이 해주는 것 같아

It seems like you give a lot of comfort.

그 만화 자체가

That comic itself

힐링 웹툰

Healing webtoon

그리고 저는 웹툰

And I am a webtoon.

뭐 지비어스 뿐만 아니라

Not just Jeevious, but...

모든 웹툰을 보면

When you see all the webtoons

뭐 가정에 대한 얘기 나올 수 있고

There could be a conversation about family.

친구에 대한 얘기 나올 수 있잖아요

We can talk about friends, right?

그럼 가끔 댓글

Then sometimes comments.

자기 사연을 써놓은 사람들이 있거든요

There are people who have written about their own stories.

진짜 개슬픈 거예요

It's really super sad.

저도 이런 비슷한 상황이었는데

I was in a similar situation, too.

뭐 이거 보고

What is this seeing?

되게 위로를 많이 받았고

I received a lot of comfort.

이런 식으로 엄청 써있으면

If it's written like this, it's really excessive.

작가분들도 되게 기쁠 것 같더라고요

I think the writers would be really happy too.

그 댓글 보면서

While reading that comment

내가 누군가에게 힘을 줬구나

I gave someone strength.

이런 생각이 들 것 같더라고요

I think you might feel this way.

열심히 해야겠다

I need to work hard.


I will be on a break.

진짜 약간 좀 완한 작가님

Really a bit of a perfect writer.

제가 믿고 보는 작가님 중에 한 분이죠

You are one of the authors I trust and admire.

이번 지비업서가 좀 역대급

This year's GBA is quite extraordinary.

완벽한 그런 하나의 웹툰이 아니었나

Wasn't it a perfect webtoon?

완툰이요 완툰

It's Wantoonyo, Wantoonyo.

완툰이 아니었나

Wasn't it a webtoon?


I highly recommend it.

아 근데 제가

Ah, but I...

저희가 이거 얘기하면서

While we talk about this...

이 얘기 하자마자

As soon as I started talking about this

현빈이도 그날 가서 읽어봤는데

Hyun Bin also went and read it that day.

이틀 만에 다

All in two days.

아니 현빈이가 갑자기

No, Hyun Bin suddenly...

지비업서 시작했어

I started at the company.

이거 뭐

What is this?

햄튜브 160화까지밖에 없다면서

They said there are only up to episode 160 of HamTube.

200 몇 화 있는데

There are over 200 episodes.

찍찍 이러고 보냈는데 갑자기

I sent it saying "chirp chirp," but suddenly...

애들 언제 행복해져

When will the kids become happy?

나 지금 160화 보고 있어

I'm watching episode 160 right now.

이렇게 와가지고

I came this way.



아니 심지어

No, even.

이제 다음 주가 그거잖아요

Next week is that, right?


The end.

남현빈 완결까지 다 봤던데요

Nam Hyun-bin has watched everything until the end.

쿠키 구웠대?

Did you bake cookies?

나는 쿠키는 안 구웠는데

I didn't bake cookies.

그 완결까지 다 본 걸로 돼있더라고요

It turns out I've watched everything up to the end.

그래서 내가

So I...

어떻게 해야지

What should I do?


That's awesome!

엔딩도 진짜 너무 깔끔해가지고

The ending is really so neat.

왜 나는 그런 사람들 있잖아

Why are there people like that?

만화 나는 완결된 것만 시작해

I only start comics that are completed.

완결 아니면 안 봐

I won't watch it unless it's complete.

지금 보셔야지 된다

You need to see it now.

내가 진짜 응원하는 작가님이다 하면은

If I really am a fan of the author, then...

지금 봐야 된다

You need to see it now.

연재 중일 때 보기 시작해야 된다

You have to start watching it while it's still being serialized.

나중에 또 보면 되잖아

We can see each other later.

지금 봐야지 그게 조회수가 되고

You should watch it now; that's how it gets views.

작가 수익이 되고 이러는 건데

This is about generating income for the author.

아 그렇구나

Oh, I see.


That's right.

근데 지비업서는 게다가

But the GBI office is also...

다음 주에 완결이 되고

It will be completed next week.


Is it finished?

아직 무료?

Still free?

지금 시작하셔야 됩니다

You need to start now.

지비업서는 진짜 최강 웹툰이죠

Jibiopsseon is truly the strongest webtoon.

지금 안 보면 작가님이 휴재하고 안 돌아오실 수도 있다

If you don't look now, the author might go on hiatus and not return.

제가 근데 그거거든요

But that's what I mean.

제가 웹툰을 볼 때

When I watch webtoons

아 이거 좀 찢었다 이런 웹툰만 후기를 봐요

Ah, I only read reviews for webtoons that are a bit torn like this.

그 외에 만약에 그냥

Besides that, if just...

그냥 그냥 저냥 재밌게 봤다 하는 웹툰은

It's a webtoon that I just found somewhat amusing.

후기를 절대 안 봐요

I never look at reviews.

작가 후기를

Author's note.

아 작가 후기

Ah, author's afterword.

작가 후기

Author's Afterword

왜냐면 그 마지막에

Because at the end

마지막 에피소드 끝나고 후기가 올라오잖아요

After the final episode ends, reviews are posted, right?

이 웹툰은

This webtoon is

이 웹툰 찢었다

This webtoon is amazing.

이 작가님에 대해 알고 싶다 이러면

I want to know about this author.

그 후기 다 보고

I read all the reviews.

작가님 인스타 팔로우 다 가고

I followed the author's Instagram.

그 다음에


단행본 사고

Single-volume purchase

블로그 가서 보고

Go look at the blog.

이유 추가하고

Add the reason.

좀 이런 느낌이거든요

It's kind of like this feeling.

근데 지비업서는 후기가 기다려져요

But I’m looking forward to the reviews of the zibi-up service.

그리고 저는 지비업서가

And I am the CEO.

안녕 지비업서가 그 마지막 에피소드거든요

Hello, that's the last episode of "Gigi Upsur."

근데 저는 그때까지만 해도

But until then, I...

그냥 이러고 보고 있었어요

I was just watching like this.

뭔가 지비업서는 안 끝날 줄 알았어요

I thought something like a startup wouldn't end.

계속 연재가 될 줄 알았는데

I thought it would continue to be serialized.

이제 지비업서 곧 완결각이던데?

It seems that the Gibi up is about to be completed soon, right?

이러는 거예요

This is what happens.





From that time.




Since I graduated

아니 무슨 소리야

What are you talking about?

난 졸업해도 아직

I'm still not graduated.

우리 은영이는 졸업을 못했는데

Our Eun-young couldn't graduate.

제가 은영 마음으로서

As Eun-young’s heart,



어떻게 벌써 완결이자고 보니까

How is it already the ending when I look at it?

진짜 다음 주가 완결인 거예요

Next week is really the finale.

너무 지금 아쉬운 거예요

I'm really disappointed right now.

진짜 아쉽다

It's really a shame.

외전이 안 나오면

If the side story doesn't come out

나 너무 괴로울 것 같은데

I think I'm going to be in a lot of pain.


I am



개같이 싸울 때마다 흥분했어

I got excited every time we fought like dogs.

고혜진이랑 백은영이

Go Hye-jin and Baek Eun-young.

도파민 돌아서 그런 거 아니에요?

Isn't it because of dopamine turning back?



이렇게 관계 회복이 느리다면

If the healing of relationships is this slow


These guys.

쉽게 안 되죠

It doesn't come easily.

안 끝나겠다

It won't end.

완결은 멀었구나

The end is still far away.

근데 벌써 완결이라고 해서

But I heard it’s already completed.

너무 아쉬워요

I'm so disappointed.

이제 집이 있는 장면으로

Now, to a scene with a house.

나와야 되지 않을까

Shouldn't it come out?

너무 걱정됩니다

I'm very worried.

은영이도 진짜 많이 성장했다

Eun-young has really grown a lot.


Eunyoung is

사람 됐다 사람 됐어

You became a person.

다시 태어났죠

I was reborn.

그는 다시 태어났습니다

He has been reborn.

근데 나는 은영이를 보면서

But when I look at Eun-young,

약간 부러웠어

I was a little jealous.



저렇게 할 말 다 하고 사는?

Do you live by saying everything you want to say like that?

아니 남자들은

No, men are...

피지컬이 어찌 됐든

Regardless of physical appearance.

맞고 살다가

Living while getting beaten up.

힘으로 이길 수 있는 순간이

A moment when you can win with strength.

올 수도 있구나

It could come.

그런 점이 되게 부러웠어요

I was really envious of that.

못 이겼잖아요 은영이는 것까지

I couldn't win, not even against Eun-young.

아니 근데 힘으로 딱 제압했잖아

No, but you overpowered them with strength.

그래서 그 가해자가

So the perpetrator...

은영이보다 힘이 안 된다는 거

It means that I am not stronger than Eunyung.

아는 순간 약간 쫄거든요

The moment I realize, I get a bit scared.


That's right.

그때 은영이가 개처럼 좋아하죠

At that time, Eun-young likes [it] like a dog.

개같이 좋아하죠

I love it like a dog.

별것도 아니었네?

It wasn't a big deal, was it?

이런 대사 하거든요

They say lines like this.

맞아요 은영이가 그

That's right, Eun-young is that.

눈깔이 갑자기

The eye suddenly

이렇게 되면서 웃는 장면이 있어요

There is a scene where someone smiles like this.

나는 은영이가 그렇게

I don’t know why Eun-young is like that.

키가 큰지 몰랐어

I didn't know you were tall.

아 은영이?

Oh, Eunyung?

보통 주인공은 다 키가 크고

Usually, the main characters are all tall.


He's handsome, right?

나는 고혜진만

I only want Go Hye-jin.

그 미친 개많이인 것 같아요

I think that crazy dog is a lot.

미친 개 별명이 있어가지고

I have a nickname called Crazy Dog.

피지컬 좋고 키 큰 줄 알았는데

I thought you had a good physique and were tall.

은영이는 맨날 맞고 사니까

Eun-young gets hit all the time.

근데 대부분

But mostly

좀 다대일로 맞긴 했어요

It was somewhat mismatched for a one-to-many situation.

약간 여러 명이서

A bit with several people.

은영이를 패는 장면이 많이 나오거든요

There are many scenes of hitting Eunyung.

양아치들이 몰려와가지고

The punks are gathering.

은영이 아빠가

Eunyoung's dad

진짜 엄청난 가해자거든요

They are truly an incredible perpetrator.


School violence.

아 그 가정폭력의 주범

Ah, the main culprit of domestic violence.

근데 은영이 계속

But Eun-young keeps...

사람들이 은영이를 집으로 보내잖아요

They send Eun-young home.

은영이는 집에 가기 싫은데

Eun-young doesn't want to go home.

근데 은영이를 집으로 보내고

But after sending Eun-young home

또 엄마가 무슨

What else did mom say?

엄마가 진짜 방관자마냥 와서

Mom just came over like a bystander.

그거 알죠

You know that, right?

아빠가 그렇게 했는데 와서

Dad did that, so come here.

근데 아빠가

But Dad...

그런 사람은 아니야

He's not that kind of person.


You know.

좀 이런 스타일

It's a bit of this style.

아빠도 달라진대

Dad is changing too.


사람 더 피 말리게 하는 스타일

A style that makes people more anxious.

아빠 이제 진짜 달라질 거래

Dad, things are really going to change now.

그래서 은영이가 완전 마음에

So Eunyung is completely on my mind.

이미 겁먹기 까맣게 된 마음을 가지고 가서

Taking a heart that has already become thoroughly frightened.

내가 복수해야겠다라는 마음으로 가서

I will go with the mindset of seeking revenge.

막 집에서 더 얄밉게 행동을 해요

They act even more annoyingly at home.

근데 또 이제 아빠가

But now Dad...

막 그렇게 하려고 했는데

I was just about to do that.

은영이가 그걸 다 참아내거든요

Eun-young endures all of that.

그냥 자기 혼자 피식거리면서

Just snickering to himself.

근데 혜준이가 와서

But Hye-jun came.


To Hye-jun.

그 아빠가 뭐라는 장면이 나와요

There's a scene where the dad says something.

그때 은영이가 못 참아요

At that time, Eunyeong couldn't hold it in.




That's right.

근데 저는 그 장면이 너무

But I think that scene is too

은영이가 정말

Eun-young is really

자기 아빠보다도

More than your dad.

혜준이를 가족으로 생각하는구나

You consider Hyejun as family.


To Eun-young.

혜준이만이 자기 집이었구나라는 생각이 들면서

I realized that only Hye-jun's house felt like home.

마음이 너무 아픈 거예요

My heart hurts so much.

그래서 은영이가 눈이 돌아서

So Eun-young's eyes went wide.

이제 다 그 폭력을 써요

Now everyone uses that violence.

그때서야 제대로 된 폭력을

Only then did proper violence occur.

근데 이제 그때

But now at that time

또 혜준이가 막아요

Hye-jun is blocking it again.

혜준이가 힘이 세?

Is Hyejun strong?

어 혜준이가 막으면서

Oh, Hye-jun is blocking it.

인생 망치려 하냐

Are you trying to ruin your life?

참아라 계속 하는데

Hang in there, it's still happening.

결국 그것 때문에 혜준이가 병원에 가요

In the end, that's why Hye-jun goes to the hospital.


That's right.

그래가지고 은영이가 막 그때

So, at that time, Eunyeong was like...

또 엄청 막

Also a lot of 막 (mak).

은영이 머릿속이 그 배경으로 나오거든요

Eunyoung's thoughts come out as that background.

그 연출을 기가 막히게 하는 게

What makes that direction so amazing is...

웹툰 시작할 때 상단에

At the top when starting the webtoon.

좀 이미지 같은 거 있잖아

There are some things like images, you know?

이번화 요약 같은 이미지

Summary image of this episode.

그걸로도 좀

That's enough with that.



이번화가 어떤 식으로 진행되는지

How this episode unfolds.

미리 파악을 할 수 있어요

You can grasp it in advance.

그래서 이제 그렇게 혜준이가 가서

So now Hyejun goes and...

나는 그걸 보고

I saw that.

또 나만의 그런 여태까지 봐왔던

"Also, my own such thing that I have seen until now."

스토리들을 보면

When I look at the stories

다른 웹툰이나 다른 드라마 영화에서

In other webtoons or other dramas and movies.

그럼 아빠가 정신 차릴만 한데

Then Dad should be able to come to his senses.

그 놈의 아빠가 또

That guy's dad again.

너 너의 새끼 너의 새끼 너의 새끼

You, your baby, your baby, your baby.

막 이러면서 신고한다고

"Just doing this and saying they'll report it."

너 나 그거 소주병으로 때리려고 그랬지

You were going to hit me with a soju bottle, weren't you?

너 인생 망쳐줄 거야

I will ruin your life.

어 나 쫓아가서

Oh, I will chase after you.

어떻게든 쫓아가서 네 인생 망친다고

No matter what, I'll chase you down and ruin your life.

그런 말을 자기 자식한테

Saying such things to your own child.

내가 네 인생 제대로 망쳐줄게

I'll completely ruin your life.

막 이러는데

It's just like this.

옆에서 엄마가 듣고

Mom is listening from the side.

지금 가족끼리 뭐하는 짓이야

What are you all doing together as a family right now?


Only then

가족이 가족을 왜 신고해

Why would a family report another family?

근데 진짜 그게 엄청 슬퍼요

But that's really so sad.

그 은영이가 계속 풀리지 못하는

That Eunyeong is stillunable to solve it.



응어리를 계속

Continue with the frustration.

가지고 집에 사나요

Do you live at home with it?

왜냐면 은영이에게 집은

Because to Eunsuk, home is...

기숙사가 끝인데

It's the end of the dormitory.

자꾸 은영이의 부모로

Keep becoming Eunyung's parents.

돌려보내려고 하잖아요

You're trying to send me back.

은영이가 생각이 많아질 때마다

Whenever Eunyeong starts to think a lot

자꾸 기숙사에 가더라고요

I keep going to the dormitory.

여기가 자꾸 생각난대

They keep thinking about this place.

그리고 그 기숙사에 귀신이 있거든요

And there's a ghost in that dormitory.

혜준이 따라다니는 귀신이 있어요

There is a ghost that follows Hye-jun.

집이 없어 초반이

I don't have a house, it's the beginning.

약간 공포물처럼 연출이 돼요

It's directed a bit like a horror film.

왜냐면 고혜준이 귀신을 보는 애거든요

Because Ko Hye-jun is a girl who can see ghosts.

후반 가면은 별 의미 없어지긴 하는데

In the later stages, it becomes somewhat meaningless.

그 기숙사에 고혜준을 따라서

Following Ko Hae-jun to that dormitory.

그 기숙사에 들어가는 귀신이 한 명 있어요

There is a ghost that enters that dormitory.

미영이 언니라고

It's called Mi-young's older sister.

혜준이랑은 친해요

I am close with Hye-jun.

무서워요 개 무섭게 생겼어

I'm scared. The dog looks scary.

혜준이랑은 친해

I'm close with Hye-jun.

미영이 언니 미영이 언니 이러면서

"Mi-young, sister! Mi-young, sister!"

그래서 혜준이는 근데 그 미영이 누나가 있어야만

So, Hye-jun needs to have that Mi-young unnie.

좀 마음이 편해요

I feel a bit at ease.

마음이 편해서 혜준이는

Feeling at ease, Hye-jun

자기가 계속 귀신 있는 방 간다고

They keep saying they're going to the room with the ghost.

근데 은영이는

But Eunyeong is...

그 미영이 누나를 처음 보니까

When I first saw that sister Mi-young,

너무 무서워하는 거야

You're being too scared.

여기 너네도 202호

Here, you are also in room 202.

여기 귀신 봤지 봤지

I saw a ghost here, I saw it!

그 202호에만 있는 거야

It's only in room 202.

그 귀신이

That ghost.

그래서 애들이

So the kids

거기에 있는 귀신이

The ghost that's there.

거기를 안 들어가려고 그래

I’m trying not to go in there.

오직 혜준이만 그 방에서 견딜 수가 있는 건데

Only Hye-jun can endure in that room.

은영이가 이제 혜준이가 기숙사 공부를 잘하니까

Eun-young said that Hye-jun is studying well in the dormitory now.

신기숙사로 옮긴단 말이에요

I said I'm moving to the new dorm.

근데 거기서 은영이 혼자서 그 방에서 지내는데

But Eun-young is staying alone in that room.

미칠려고 그러는 거야

Are you trying to drive me crazy?

그러고는 혜준이한테 과외를 부탁하거든요

Then, I ask Hye-jun for tutoring.


Eun-young is.

아니 혜준이가 시킨 거 아니었어요 과외를 억지로

No, it wasn't Hyejun who forced you to take private lessons.

아니 약간 좀 상부상조했지

No, we kind of helped each other out a bit.

내가 도와줄까 도와줄래

Shall I help you or do you want to help?

약간 이런 식으로

Something like this.

근데 과외를 받다 보니까 은영이가

But since I've been tutoring, Eun-young...

혜준이를 귀신보다 더 무서워

I'm more scared of Hye-jun than a ghost.

방에 딱 들어왔을 때

When I just entered the room.

귀신이 있을까 봐 오들오들 떨었던 은영이가

Eun-young, who trembled in fear of ghosts.

문을 딱 열고 아무도 없으니까

I opened the door and because there was no one there.

휴 고혜준 없다

Huh, there's no Go Hye-jun.

고혜준이 진짜 은영이

Go Hye-jun is really Eun-young.

아빠 마냥 은영이 공부시켜서 대학 보내려고

I'm trying to get Eunyung into college by teaching her like a dad.

개 무서워요

I'm scared of dogs.

계속 쫓아다니거든요

They keep following me around.

그런 장면이 보면서

Seeing such a scene

정말 둘은 가족이구나

They really are family.

내 생각에

In my opinion

그 코미디를 진짜로 잘 그릴 줄 아시는 작가분이

A writer who truly knows how to portray that comedy well.

호러도 잘 아시고

You know horror well, too.


Like Jordan Peele.

조던필이 옛날에 코미디언인데

Jordan Peele used to be a comedian.


While being a film director

공포영화감독이 됐잖아요

I became a horror movie director.

그런 것처럼 완환 작가님도

Just like that, writer Wan-hwan too...

코미디를 잘하니까

Because I do comedy well.

공포도 잘하고

You also do well with horror.

휴먼드라마도 잘하고

They are also good at human drama.

다 잘해

You're doing great!

그림도 잘 그리고

You draw well, too.

랑또 작가님도 그렇죠

That's right about the author Rantto too.

처음에는 약간 좀 말도 안 되는

At first, it seemed a bit nonsensical.

4차원 코미디 웹툰만 그리시다가

After just drawing 4D comedy webtoons,

갑자기 가담항설이라는

Suddenly, rumors and gossip.

진지한 사극 플러스 코믹

Serious historical drama plus comedy

그 웹툰을 시작하시고 나서

After starting that webtoon

처음에는 어 랑또 작가님 신작 떴네

At first, I saw that the author of "Eolangto" has a new release.

보나마나 코미딩 했지

No doubt, you were just joking.

이러고 봤는데 너무 재밌는 거야

I looked at it like this, and it was so much fun.

깜짝 놀라가지고

I was taken by surprise.

오디오북 그런 것도 샀거든요

I bought things like audiobooks.

그 후원해가지고

After supporting that.

근데 한 번도 안 들어봤어요

But I've never heard of it before.

너 근데 진짜 팬이다

But you're really a fan.

너무 감동이다

It's so touching.

오디오북이 usb에 이렇게 담겨서 오거든요

The audiobook comes packaged on a USB like this.

그 공동인증서 보관하는 용도로

For the purpose of storing that joint certificate.

지금 쓰고 있습니다

I am writing now.

너무 한 거 아니에요

Isn't that too much?

거기 항상 그 외장화도 딱 들어가면

Whenever it fits perfectly there, that external shoe...

가담항설 오디오 파일이 있고

I have an audio file of "Gadamhangseol."

그 옆에 내 공동인증서 파일이 있고

Next to it is my joint certificate file.

근데 되게 좋다

But it's really good.

파일을 usb까지

File to USB.

해저네요 해저

It's the seabed, the seabed.

그때 성우진들도 엄청 화려했어요

At that time, the voice cast was also very glamorous.

운전하면서 들어요

I listen while driving.

그래야 될까 봐요

I think I should do that.


It's okay.

집이 없어는 이제 다음 주 완결이니까

There is no house, and it will be completed next week.

꼭 보세요 여러분

Make sure to watch it, everyone.

진짜 제 목숨을 걸고 추천하는 웹툰입니다

This is a webtoon I truly recommend with my life on the line.


Even my life.

여러분들이 꼭 보셔야 될 거 같아요

I think you all definitely need to see this.

그럼 다음 주에 추석에 좀 여유롭잖아요

Well, next week is Chuseok, so it should be a bit more relaxed.

친척들 만나기 싫으면?

What if I don't want to meet my relatives?

방에 들어가서 공부해야 돼요 이러고

I have to go into the room and study like this.

핸드폰 켜서 가면 돼요

You can just turn on your phone and go.

나 바쁘다고 이렇게 한마디 하고 방에 들어가가지고

I said I'm busy and then went into my room.

집이 없어 정주행 꼭 하시기를

I don’t have a house, so please make sure to binge-watch.

눈물 흘리며

With tears flowing

눈물의 추천드립니다

I recommend tears.

다음 추천작은 이제 루케씨의 추천작이 남아있는데요

The next recommended work is now Mr. Ruke's recommendation.

좀 간단하게 추천해주시죠

Please recommend something a bit simpler.

우선 마루는 강쥐라는 모조 작가님

First of all, Maru is a fake author named Kangji.

마루는 강쥐

Maru is a dog.

모조 작가님마다 나 옛날에 재밌게 봤어

I used to enjoy watching all the parody authors.

모조 작가님도 되게 유명하던데요

I've heard that the author Mojo is quite famous too.

코믹 개그 이런 걸로

With comic gags like this.

마루는 강쥐라는 웹툰은

"Maru is a webtoon called 'Dog'."

반려동물 키우는 사람이라면 진짜 좋아할 것 같은 웹툰인데

It seems like a webtoon that people who own pets would really love.

마루라는 강아지가 인간이 된 거예요

The puppy named Maru has become a human.

어느 날

One day

마루가 몇 살이야?

How old is Maru?

다섯 살

Five years old

그래서 다섯 살 인간이 돼버린 거야

So I ended up becoming a five-year-old human.

근데 이제 주인이 있잖아요

But now there is an owner, right?

마루를 어느 날 봤잖아

I saw Maru one day.

다섯 살 인간이 돼버린 거야

I've turned into a five-year-old human.

그래서 뜨억 이러고 유치원에 보내요

So that's why I'm sending them to kindergarten like this.

그래서 이제 마루를 유치원에 보내서

So now I'm sending Maru to kindergarten.

이제 그냥 마루랑

Now just with Maru.

사는 일상 얘기거든요

It's about daily life.

마루가 그래서 아직 강아지의 습성은 있고

That's why Maru still has the behaviors of a puppy.

근데 인간이고

But I'm human.

그래가지고 냄새도 되게 잘 맡고

So it can smell very well.

땅 파고

Digging the ground.

그냥 완전 강아지예요

It's just a complete puppy.

강아지인데 얼굴은 딱 인간

It's a dog, but its face looks just like a human.

그래서 그렇게 일어나는 일상인데

So that's how everyday life happens.

보통 사람들이 그런 생각 하잖아요

Usually, people think like that.

강아지 반려동물 키우면서

While raising a pet dog

우리 집 강아지가 말을 해서

My dog at home can talk.

나랑 소통이 되면 좋을 텐데

I wish we could communicate.

이런 생각 하잖아요

You think like this, right?

딱 그런 거를 만들어준

That's exactly what I wanted.



실감 있게 해준 영화

A movie that made it feel real.


It's a mattoon.

이게 그냥 이런 일상만 있는 게 아니라

It's not just that there is this kind of everyday life.

여기서 나오는 에피소드들이 진짜 슬퍼요

The episodes that come out here are really sad.

이 여주도 이 강아지를 데리고 온 계기가

The reason this female lead brought this puppy along is...

여주네 가족이 4명 있잖아요

There are four members in Yeoju's family.

언니가 있고

I have an older sister.

그 다음에 여주가 있는데

Next, there is a female lead.

엄마가 언니만 챙기는 거예요

Mom is only taking care of my sister.

그래서 여주는 항상 집에 있어도

So the heroine is always at home.

환영받지 못하는


근데 엄마를 챙기는 건 여주밖에 없어

But only the heroine takes care of mom.

언니는 좀 그냥 대충 하는데

You tend to do things a bit carelessly, sis.

항상 엄마가 언니만 챙겨요

Mom always takes care of my sister only.

장녀만 챙기는데

I'm only taking care of the eldest daughter.

여주 생일이었는데

It was Yeju's birthday.

언니 생일까지 생일 선물까지 챙겨주고

You took care of everything from my sister's birthday to her birthday present.

그래서 여주는 자기 생일이니까

So the female lead is because it's her birthday.

자기가 선물 받고 싶었는데

They wanted to receive a gift.

집이 없어

I have no home.

언니 선물이랑 똑같이 해주니까

Because it’s the same as the gift you gave me, unni.

여주 입장에서 기분이 나쁘잖아

It's not a good feeling from Yeojoo's perspective.

그래서 나는 이거 하고 싶었는데

So I wanted to do this.

빚 선물도 언니가 더 비싼 거야

The debt gift is also more expensive from you, sister.

근데 이제 여주 친구 중에

But now among the female lead's friends...

되게 친한 친구가 있어요

I have a really close friend.

유튜브 하는 친구가 있거든요

I have a friend who does YouTube.

근데 그 유튜브 하는 친구가

But that friend who does YouTube...

맨날 여주한테 나오라고 해요

I keep telling her to come out every day.

집 나와라

Leave the house.

그 집에 있는 게 너한테 더 스트레스일 거고

Being in that house is probably more stressful for you.

안 좋은 환경인 것 같다

It seems like a bad environment.

집 나와서 독립을 해라 라고 하는데

They say to leave home and become independent.

여주는 항상 또 그런 애들 있잖아요

There are always those kinds of kids in Yeoju, right?

그래도 엄마 옆엔 내가 있어야 될 텐데

Still, I should be next to Mom.

이런 스타일이었어요

It was this kind of style.

그러고 있다가 그날도 뭐 생일인가?

Is something happening that day, like a birthday?

그렇게 상처받고

In that way, being hurt.

그날 처음으로 화를 내나? 이래요

Is that the first time you got angry that day?

나도 하고 싶다고 화를 내는데

I'm angry because I also want to do it.

다들 아무렇지 않게

Everyone acts like it's nothing.

되게 예민한 애로 몰아가는 거야

You're pushing it as a very sensitive kid.

왜 이렇게 예민해? 왜 저래?

Why are you so sensitive? What's wrong?

좀 이런 느낌

It's a bit of this feeling.

그래서 걔가 상처받고 가는 와중에

So while they are hurt and leaving

그 마루를 보게 된 거예요

I saw that floor.

오디로디 떨고 있는

Shaking with anticipation.

유기견이 돼버린

Became a stray dog.

어 안쓰럽네 하고서

Oh, that's pitiful.

그 여주가 이제

That female lead is now

마루를 데리고 병원에 가요

I am taking Maru to the hospital.

동물병원을 가는데

I'm going to the animal hospital.

마루가 유기견이었고

Maru was a stray dog.

확대를 받았던 것 같아요

I think I was given an extension.

그래서 사람은 엄청 무서워해

So people are really scared.

그래가지고 오디로딜 막 떨고 있고 이러니까

So I was really nervous and shaking like this.

걔가 자기 같은 거야

He's just like himself.

그 여주가 마루가

That female lead is Maru.

그래서 맨날 마루를 보러 동물병원에 가요

So I go to the animal hospital every day to see Maru.

마루를 한 며칠 동안 보니까

After watching Maru for a few days...

마루가 이제 여주를 보고

Maru is now looking at Yeoju.

어 여주 오면 밥을 먹고

Oh, when the female lead comes, we'll eat.

여주 안 오면 밥을 안 먹고

If you don't come to Yeoju, I won't eat.

좀 이런 식인 거예요

It's kind of like this.

그래서 이제 그 여주가

So now that female lead...

어 좀 마루 좀 나갔네

Oh, I just went outside for a bit.

이렇게 막 생각을 하고 있던 찰나에

Just as I was thinking like this...

이제 유기견 사이트에 올렸는데

I just posted it on the stray dog site.

마루의 주인을 찾아야 되는데

I need to find the owner of the Maru.

아무도 안 오는 거죠

No one is coming, right?

그래서 안락사 당할 위기인 거죠

So it's at risk of being euthanized.

그래서 그냥 여주가 자기가 키우겠다

So the female lead will just raise it herself.

해가지고 그때 독립을 하게 된 거예요

So that's when we achieved independence.

근데 아직도 뭐 엄마가

But still, what about my mom?

언니만 챙기면서

Only taking care of you, sister.

뭐 아프거나 이러면 여주를 불러

If something hurts or anything like that, call the female lead.

좀 언니는 진짜 그냥 사랑만 주는 스타일

Sister really is the type to just give love.

잡니는 여주가 해라

"Let the female lead do it."

좀 이런 느낌으로

A bit like this.

엄마가 그런 가족인데

That's the kind of family my mom has.

여자 주인공은 마루를 보면서 되게

The female protagonist looks at Maru and feels really

애정을 얻는

Gaining affection.

왜냐면 마루는 항상 여자 주인공만을 위해서

Because Maru is always for the female protagonist only.


If you do it.


So, then...

그 아파트에 사는 애들이 다 나와요

All the kids living in that apartment come out.

그 아파트에 사는 사람 중에

Among the people living in that apartment.

유치원 선생님인데

I'm a kindergarten teacher.

엄청 무섭게 생긴 여자가 나와요

A woman who looks very scary is coming out.

진짜 엄청

Really amazing.

개 무섭게 생긴 여자가 나와요

A woman who looks scary like a dog is coming out.

그래서 막 사람들이 다 무서워서 피해

So everyone is scared and avoiding it.

근데 누구보다도 아기를 사랑하는

But someone who loves babies more than anyone else.

유치원 선생님이어가지고

Because I'm a kindergarten teacher.

또 마루네 유치원 선생님이에요

It's also the teacher at Maru's kindergarten.

그래서 또 이제 그 여자와의 관계성도 나오고

So now the relationship with that woman is also coming up.


That sounds fun.

또 다른 마루랑 같이 다니는 유치원에서

At the kindergarten where I go with another Maru.

다니는 남자애를 맡아주는

Taking care of the boy I’m dating.

사촌오빠 있는 주스라는 남자애가 나오고

A boy named Juice, who has a cousin older brother, appears.

또 이렇게 여러가지 관계성이 나오는데

Then, various relationships come out like this.



같은 인간이거든요

We're all human beings, after all.


Five years old.

근데 조금 고양이 같아 보이는 애들이 있어

But there are some kids that look a bit like cats.

되게 눈도 이렇게 뾰족해가지고

Your eyes are really sharp like this.

막 계속 이러고 있는 애들이 있어요

There are kids who keep doing this.

미소 아니야 미소?

Isn't it a smile?

그런 애들이 있는데 그런 애들은 알고보니까 고양이가

There are kids like that, and it turns out they are cats.

인간이 된

Becoming human.


It's the kids.

주스 아니라 준호라는데

It's not juice; it's Junho.

아 그래요? 근데 주스라고 알고 있지 나는

Oh really? But I thought it was juice.

주스라고 알고 있지 나는

I know it's called juice.

주스? 너무 다른데요

Juice? It's very different.

마루가 주스라 부르나?

Does Maru call it juice?

한국인에서 음식이 됐는데

It became food among Koreans.

그래서 그 강아지가 나오고

So the puppy comes out.

뭐 중학생이 된

What does it mean to become a middle school student?

고양이랑 강아지도 나오고 이래요

It features cats and puppies too.

그래서 이런건 반려동물 키우는 사람이라면

So this is something that pet owners would...

정말 추천할 것 같고

I would really recommend it.

저는 마루는 강지 보면서도 매회 울었거든요

I cried every time I watched Maru and Kangji.



그 너무 따뜻해요 내용이

It's so warm in content.

역시 개그마나 그리는 분들이

As expected, those who draw comedies.

따뜻함을 안다

I know warmth.

그런거 보면 좋을 것 같고

I think it would be nice to see things like that.

다음거는 도무지 그애는 이라는

The next one is really about that person.

주인공 이름이 도무지에요

The protagonist's name is Domuji.


absolutely not / no way

그래서 도무지 그애는 이건데

So that's why that kid is like this.

이 무지가 원래 음악을 하고 싶어 했던 애였어요

This ignorance was originally a kid who wanted to make music.

좀 잘 되지 않아

It's not going so well.

음악 자체가 잘 안되고

The music itself is not going well.

그리고 엄마가 아프셔요

And my mom is sick.

좀 치매는 아니고 좀

It's not exactly dementia, but...

정신적으로 아픈가?

Are you mentally ill?

네 정신적으로 좀 아파요

Yes, I'm mentally a bit unwell.

그래서 쓰레기 같은 거 계속 집에 가져오고

So you keep bringing garbage home.

남이 이렇게 물건을 내놓으면 그거 훔쳐오고

If someone puts out their belongings like this, they steal them.

도무지가 그것 때문에 엄청 힘들어 하는데

It's really struggling because of that.

무지가 좀 되게 살집이 많아요

There is a lot of flesh on the body.

살집도 많고 이러니까

Since there is plenty of flesh and things like this.

좀 어떻게 보면 인기 많은 느낌이 아닌 거죠

In a way, it doesn't feel like there's a lot of popularity.

그리고 일도 잘 안되고

And things aren't going well at work.

음악이라는 거 자체가 돈을 못 버는 직업이고

The very nature of music is that it's a profession that doesn't make money.

그래서 무지가 항상 이렇게 좀 실패 아닌 실패를 하다가

So ignorance always ends up having these sort of failures that aren't really failures.

그냥 어느 날 알바를 해야겠다고

I just decided one day that I should get a part-time job.

이제 마트에 가요

I'm going to the supermarket now.

오해피마트라는 마트에 가서

I went to a mart called Oh Happy Mart.

하는 걸 알바로 하는데

I do it as a part-time job.

무지가 또 일을 되게 괜찮게 해서

Mujiga has made it quite good again.

계속 거기서 정규직으로 다니게 돼요

I will continue working there as a full-time employee.

근데 뭐 사람들이란 게 가끔 가다가

But sometimes people...

좀 그런 마트 판매직을 무시하는 사람들도 있잖아요

There are people who look down on jobs in retail at supermarkets, you know.

그 직업적으로


그래서 무지가

So, ignorance is.

근데 이제 무지가

But now, Muji is...

남자친구 전 남친을 거기서 만난 거예요

I ran into my boyfriend's ex-boyfriend there.

근데 그 전 남친의 표정이 좀

But the expression of her ex-boyfriend is a bit...

아 마트?

Oh, a mart?

좀 이런 느낌인 거예요

It's kind of like this feeling.

근데 무지가 원래 이런 거 엄청 신경 쓰는데

But Mujiga usually really cares about things like this.

그때는 되게 당당하게 그냥 말해요

Back then, I just said it confidently.

어 나 여기서 이래 이렇게

Oh, I'm here like this.

그러고서 되게 뿌듯해요

And then I feel really proud.

어 내가 이제 이런 말을 할 수 있게 성장을 했구나

Oh, I've grown to the point where I can say something like this now.

그러면서 거기서 일어나는

And then what happens there.

그 남자 주인공과의 사연도 있고

There is also a story with the male protagonist.

또 무지도 뭐 집안 사정이 좀 안 좋고

Well, Mujido has some issues at home.

그 남자 주인공도 집안 사정이 있는데

The male protagonist also has family circumstances.

그 남자 주인공에 대한 에피소드는 아직까지는 안 나왔거든요

The episode about the male protagonist hasn't come out yet.

그래서 그 관계에서

So in that relationship.

그 관계성들이 나오면서

As those relationships emerge,

무지 옆에 있는 사람들의 관계성 다 나와요

The relationships of the people next to Muji all come out.


Is it a romance?

완전 로맨스 아니에요

It's not a complete romance.

거의 일상 가족이 더 가까운 것 같아요

It seems like my family is closer to my daily life.

이 도무지 그 애는 또 되게 따뜻한 거라서

She's really quite warm-hearted.


I recommend it.


Thank you.

꼭 볼게요

I will definitely watch it.

그리고 저 또 추천작 있거든요

And I have another recommendation as well.

GL 웹툴이죠

It's a GL web tool.

그녀의 심청이라는 웹툰 재밌게 봤어요

I enjoyed reading the webtoon "Her Simcheong."

근데 이름이 너무 로맨스 웹소설 같은

But the name feels too much like a romance web novel.

나도 좀 낯설어

I'm feeling a little unfamiliar too.


Sim Cheong?


"The Tale of Shim Cheong?"

뭐 이런 건 줄 알았는데

I thought it would be something like this.

그녀의 심청이었다

She was his Sim Cheong.

이게 약간 아가씨 영화 보시면은

If you watch some movies for the lady, this is a bit like that.

처음에 김민희가 김태리한테 사기치려 그러다가

At first, Kim Min-hee was trying to scam Kim Tae-ri but then...

사랑에 빠지는 거잖아요

It's about falling in love.

이것도 약간 비슷해요

This is also somewhat similar.

순진한 순박한 애한테 사기치려 그러다가

While trying to scam a naive and innocent kid,

사랑에 빠지는 그런 웹툰이에요

It's a webtoon where you fall in love.

추천드려요 재밌어요

I recommend it, it's fun!

완결 난 거죠?

Is it finished?

네 완결은 몇 년 전에 난 걸로 알고 있어요

Yes, I know your conclusion was a few years ago.

근데 그림체가 되게 예쁘더라고요

The drawing style is really pretty.

예뻐요 아주

You're very pretty.

저는 그림체 되게 중요시 생각해서

I consider the art style to be very important.

심청전 여러분 아시죠?

You all know about "The Tale of Sim Cheong," right?


You know, right?

그거에 좀

A little bit about that.

얘가 왜 공양미 백석을 줬을까?

Why did he give 100 bags of rice?

그런 생각부터 시작해가지고

Starting with such thoughts...

작가님이 상상의 나라를 펼치는 그런 웹툰인 거죠

It's a webtoon where the author unfolds a world of imagination.

손재 같다

It seems like I'm good with my hands.

근데 그녀의 심청을 되게 많이 받았나 봐요 사람들이

But it seems like a lot of people received her sincerity.


It's a fake.

이거는 좀 유명해

This is a bit famous.

나도 명작이라고 해서 보기 시작한 거야

I also started watching it because it's called a masterpiece.



심청전 모티브 웹툰이래

It's said to be a webtoon based on the tale of Shim Cheong.

추천 드립니다

I recommend it.

다음 신청은

The next application is

아 다음 추천은

Ah, the next recommendation is...


Who is Shim Cheong?

다음 심청은

The next Simcheong is

좀비 딸 좀비 딸은 보셨죠?

Have you seen Zombie Daughter?

그거 보다 말았어요

I ended up not saying that.

그 작가님 개그코드가 나랑 약간 맞아

The humor style of that writer matches with mine a bit.

재밌어요 웃겨요

It's fun and funny.

이동건 작가님인가?

Is it writer Lee Dong-geon?


Lee Yoon-chang?

아 이윤창 작가님

Ah, Writer Lee Yun-chang.

근데 좀비 딸은 저도 기억이 잘 안 나지만

But I don't really remember the zombie daughter either.

그 좀비가 이제 세상을 먹었어요

The zombie has now devoured the world.

또 드라마로 나온다고 했던 것 같아요

I think they said it will also be made into a drama.

넷플릭스인가? 작업하고 있다고 하더라고요

Is it Netflix? I heard they're working on it.

근데 이 좀비가 이미 세상을 다 먹어서

But this zombie has already devoured the whole world.

자기 딸이 좀비가 돼요

Your daughter becomes a zombie.

그래서 이 아빠가 자기 딸을 죽일 수 없잖아요

So this dad can't kill his own daughter.

그래서 교육을 하고 있어요

So I am providing training.

그래서 이 아빠가 자기 딸을 죽일 수 없잖아요

So this dad can't kill his own daughter, right?

그래서 교육을 하고 있어요

So I am providing training.

그래서 교육을 시켜

So, they provide training.

사람인 것처럼 보이게

Make it look like a person.



교육이 돼?

Is it educated?

어 교육이 돼 근데 걔가

Oh, they're educated, but that person...

가끔은 피 냄새 맡으면 눈이 도는데

Sometimes, when I smell blood, my eyes start to spin.

교육이 돼요

It is educational.

원래 공부를 잘했나 보다

It seems you were originally good at studying.



뭐 그런 내용인데 거기서 나오는 게 너무 슬퍼요

It's about that kind of content, and what comes out of it is very sad.

아 또 슬퍼요?

Oh, are you sad again?

그만 좀 슬프면 안 돼요 우리

Can't we stop being sad?

아 되게 슬퍼요 이거

Oh, this is really sad.

근데 이윤창 작가님 개그코드가 조금

But I think Lee Yoon-chang's humor style is a bit...

약간 허를 찌르는 개그

A slightly unexpected joke.

아까 많거든요

There is a lot earlier.

옛날에 한 번 어떤 독자가

Once upon a time, a reader...

인체를 어떻게 그리는지 알려달라고

Please tell me how to draw the human body.

어떤 식으로 그리나요?

How do you draw it?


It was like this.

그 작가님이 진짜 진지하게

That writer is really serious.

뼈부터 그리는 거야

It's all about drawing from the bones.

아 근데 봤던 것 같아

Ah, but I think I've seen it before.


From the ribs.

뼈대부터 그린 다음에

After drawing the framework.

근육을 올립니다

I build muscle.

그리고 근육을 다 그려

And draw all the muscles.

그 다음에 옷을 입힙니다

Then, I put on the clothes.

그러면 완성입니다

Then it's complete.


Isn't it fun?

좀 어이없는 개그코드

Some absurd sense of humor.

그런 개그코드 있거든요

There is such a gag code, you know.


보시고 계시면은

If you are watching.

보시면 알 거예요

You'll see when you look.

약간 맥빠지는 개그 감성

A slightly deflating sense of humor.

그게 아주 재밌다

That's very interesting.

그러면 그걸 데리고 왔어요

Then I brought that.

개그 웹툰을 제가 추천드릴게요

I'll recommend a comedy webtoon.

근데 개그는 제가 잘 안 울어요

But I don't really cry at jokes.


It's funny.

개그는 진짜 웃긴 건데

The joke is really funny.

쌉초의 난이라고

It's called the Sappcho Rebellion.

쌉초 작가님이

Author Ssabcho

내가 보기엔 신흥 작가 같아

It looks like a rising writer to me.

아 이거 일상물이야?

Oh, is this a slice-of-life story?


자기 일상이야

It's your daily life.

자기 일상

Your daily life.

모조님 웹툰 그거처럼?

Like that webtoon, Mojo?

모조의 일상 그거처럼?

Is it like Mojo's daily life?

내가 그걸 못 봤어 모조의 일상은

I couldn't see that; it's Mojo's daily life.

모조의 일상 진짜 재밌는데

Mojho's daily life is really fun.

자기 일상인 거지 그것도

It's just their daily life, isn't it?

가스파드 작가님 일상 웹툰 알아?

Do you know the daily webtoon by writer Gaspard?

그것도 진짜 재밌거든요

That's really fun too!

가스파드 작가님도 약간 만신

Writer Gaspar is also slightly injured.

어렸을 때 재밌게 읽었죠

I read it for fun when I was younger.

그것도 한번 읽어볼게요

I'll read that too.

쌉초의 난?

The Sappa War?

모조 것도 볼게요

I'll take a look at the imitation stuff too.

쌉초의 나는 그 쌉초 작가님이

I am the author of the book "Sabbcho."

제가 보기엔 이번에 네이버 처음 들어오신 분 같거든요

I think this is your first time entering Naver.

예대에 나왔나 봐요 미대에

It seems I got into art school.

미대에 나와서

Come out to the art university.

개원 나온 거 아니야?

Isn't it open now?

감성이 개원 감성이에요

It's an emotional opening feeling.

이분은 4년째 나온 것 같아요

It seems that this person has been coming for four years.

2년째 감성은?

How is the sentiment after two years?

4년째 느낌이에요

It feels like it's been four years.

약간 개그 속에서도

Even in a bit of a joke.

4년의 냄새가 났어

It smelled like four years.

2년은 더 배웠구나 하는 느낌이 났어요

It felt like I learned two more years.

근데 쌉초

But it's really spicy.

그래서 자기 학교 다녔을 때랑

So when you were in school

직장 다녔을 때 잠깐이랑

When I was briefly working at the office.

현재 이런 얘기 그냥 에피소드들이 많은데

There are currently many episodes about this.

에피소드들이 진짜 재밌어요

The episodes are really fun.

여러분들이 가끔 저보면서

Sometimes you all look at me.

왜 이렇게 썰이 많아 이러잖아요

Why are there so many rumors like this?

이분은 무슨 레이저 제모하는 것도

This person is doing some laser hair removal as well.

다 썰로 만들어서 쓰거든요

I make everything into slices and use it.


It's a talent.

그리고 그 그림체가

And that art style

일반 얼굴이 아니에요

It's not an ordinary face.


Is it your butt?

좀 심해 있는 치매동물?

A little severe dementia animal?



좀 이런 걸로 하는데

I tend to do things like this.

막 고양이랑 있는 일상

Just daily life with the cat.

가족이랑 있는 일상 이런 거 그리는데

I'm drawing a daily life like being with family.

진짜 재밌게 잘 풀고

Really fun and well resolved.

말도 웃기게 하고

You speak in a funny way.

그리고 좀 보면서

And while watching a bit.

작가님이 여자 같거든요

The author seems like a woman.

근데 여자인 거를

But being a woman...

여자인 걸 티를 났네

You've made it obvious that you're a woman.

그래서 자기 맨날 이렇게 벗고 있는 장면이 있어

So there's a scene where he's always like this, being undressed.

그럼 맨날 팬티만 입고 있거든요

Then I just wear underwear all the time.

그래서 사람들이 다 남자인 줄 알았나 봐

So I guess people thought everyone was a man.

가끔 여탕에 갔다와서

Sometimes, after going to the women's bathhouse…


If you speak.

남자가 어떻게 여탕에 갔어요?

How did a man get into the women's bathroom?

막 이런 식으로 댓글들이 몇 개 있어

There are a few comments like this.

막 그런 식으로

Don't do it that way.

목욕탕에 비었었나 보지

It seems like you were at the bathhouse.

그래서 사람들이

So people

아니 누가 봐도 여자지 않냐

No, doesn't it look like a woman to anyone who sees it?

막 이런 말 하는데

Well, saying things like this…

우리가 생각하는 그런 일반적인

The kind of ordinary that we think of.

막 여성스러운 걸 안 하고

Not doing anything overly feminine.

그냥 정말 일상에서 있는

Just something that happens in everyday life.

그냥 욕탕에 갔다고 하시지 그러면

Why don't you just say you went to the bathhouse then?

우리의 일상

Our daily life.

맞아 이 빨간 팬티 썰도 진짜 웃겨요

That's right, this story about the red panties is really funny.

보통 여자들은 예쁜

Usually, girls are pretty.

뭐 풀이 달린 작은 팬티를 입잖아요

What kind of panties with a little frill do you wear?

자기는 오로지 엄마가 면 팬티만 사줘서

She only bought me mom's special panty.

면 팬티만 입는데 기저귀 같은 것만

I only wear mesh panties, something like a diaper.

엉덩이도 입고 있잖아

You're wearing it on your butt too.

면 팬티로 낙하산처럼 쓸 수 있는

Underwear that can be used like a parachute.

그래서 맨날 엄청 큰 면 팬티만 입고 있어요

So I only wear really big underwear every day.

누워있을 때도

Even when lying down

근데 자기가

But you yourself...

이 면 팬티 썰을 하기 위해서

To tell the story of this thong.

계속 복선을 남겨둔 거였대

They said they were leaving hints all along.

벗을 때마다 그 면 팬티 입고 있었는데

Every time I took it off, I was wearing that kind of panty.

그래서 사람들이 안 알고 싶어

So people don't want to know.

떡밥이었어 떡밥?

Was it bait, bait?

그래서 자기가 떡밥 회수하는 물을 되게 좋아해서

So they really like the water for collecting bait.

이 날 만에 기다려왔다

I have been waiting for this day.

떡밥이 썩었네

The bait has gone rotten.

그래서 사람들이

So people

이걸 왜 떡밥으로 안 알고 싶었는데

I didn't want to know this as bait.

떡밥에 똥이 묻었어요 작가님

There's poop on the rice cake bait, author.

그래서 팬티 어디서 사는지도

So where do you buy panties?


Got it.

알려주더라고 백화점에 가면

They told me that if you go to the department store

하성민 기억

Ha Seong-min memory

그런 식으로

That way.

제가 이번에 또 하성민 트렁크 샀거든요

I bought another Ha Sung-min trunk this time.

그렇게 트렁크

That trunk.

멋진 게 아니라니까요 진짜 면 팬티

It's not cool, it's really just a pair of briefs.

기저귀 팬티라니까요

It's a diaper panty.

그래서 그런 웹툰인데

So that's the kind of webtoon it is.

제가 웹툰을 보면서 처음으로

It was the first time I saw a webtoon.


I bought it.

울기만 하다가

Just crying.

아 저 개웃기네 하면서

Oh, that dog is so funny!

선천적 얼간이들 가스파드 작가님 거

The innate fools, by writer Gaspard.

일상물도 되게 재밌고

Everyday things are also really interesting.

그것도 진짜로 어떻게

How do you really do that?

현실에서 이런

In reality, this kind of thing...

일이? 싶은 것만 올라오거든요

Only things that I want to do come up.

그분 만화도

That person's comics too.

근데 완결이 아마 됐을 거야

But it probably has been completed.

그래서 쿠키를 구우셔야지 볼 수 있어

So you need to bake cookies to see it.

쿠키를 돈 좀 쓰겠네요

I guess I'll spend some money on cookies.

모조의 일상도 아마 완결되지 않았나요?

Isn't Mojo's daily life probably not completed yet?

마루 나온 거 보면

It seems you've come out to the floor.


That would be the case.

반행분 없어요 모조의 일상은?

Is there no anti-social behavior? What is Mojo's daily life like?


There's none.


Buy it.

여기 복지로 하나 사주시죠

Please buy me one here on Welfare Road.

시간이 근데 벌써 22분인데

But it's already 22 minutes past.


That's right.

어떡해요 로맨스는

What should I do about romance?

로맨스가 중요한데

Romance is important.

로맨스가 중요해

Romance is important.

로맨스 사실

Romance facts

로맨스는 사실

Romance is, in fact,

저는 큰 관심 없어가지고

I'm not very interested.

아 로맨스 진짜

Ah, romance is really...

완전 열심히 했는데

I worked really hard, but...

그녀의 심청

Her Simcheong


Romance is

딱 몇 개만 할게요

I'll just do a few.

제가 쓴 것 중에서

Among the things I wrote

우선 루시드 작가님의

First of all, Lucid's author

호로와 로맨스라는

A romance with a horror theme.

웹툰이 있거든요

There is a webtoon.

근데 루시드는

But Lucid is...

제가 루시드 거는

I am lucid dreaming.

나올 때마다 다 봤는데

I've seen it every time it came out.


this person

믿고 보는 작가님

A writer you can trust and rely on.

네 이분 진짜

Yes, this person is real.

좀 멋있는 것 같아요

I think it's kind of cool.

스토리랑 이런 거

Things like the story.

되게 잘 쓰시는 것 같아요

I think you use it very well.

호로와 로맨스에서

In horror and romance.

이 여주인공은

This female protagonist is


I'm a horror maniac.


With a horror mania.

진짜 사람들이

Really people

다 피해요

I'm avoiding all of it.


This one.

그냥 귀신 보는

Just seeing ghosts.

애인 줄 알고

Thinking it's a lover

그래서 좀 무서운 거

So, it's a bit scary.



아 호녹은 안 보셨어요?

Oh, haven't you seen Ho-nok?

귀신도 막

Even ghosts are blocked.

그 인형 알죠?

Do you know that doll?

인형도 귀신 들린 거

A doll possessed by a ghost.

막 들고 오고

Just bring it over.

좀 이런 여자예요

She's a bit like this.

그런 여자애가

That kind of girl.

일어나는 로맨스인데

It's a romance that unfolds.

서사가 완벽하고

The narrative is perfect.

정성 로맨스이기 때문에

Because it's a sincere romance.

꼭 추천드리고요

I highly recommend it.

유부녀 킬러는

The married woman killer is

휴제 중인데

I'm on a break.

유부녀 킬러요?

Are you a married woman killer?

네 유부녀

Yes, you're a married woman.

유부녀를 뺏는

Stealing a married woman.


It's a comic.


It's a lie.


She is a married woman.


I'm a killer.


What is your occupation?


이거 근데

But this...


Last time

방송 중에

During the broadcast.

어떤 분이



I recommended it.

채팅창에 자꾸

Keep appearing in the chat window.

그런 내용 아니에요

That's not the case.

유부녀 킬러

Wife killer

그런 내용 아니에요

That's not the case.

아 누가 추천했어요

Oh, who recommended it?



어 근데 자꾸

Oh, but I keep...

내가 무슨 생각을

What am I thinking?

하는 줄 알고

I thought you were doing it.

그런 내용 아니라고

That's not the case.

계속 하시는 거냐면

Are you going to continue?


What did you say?

크게 한 마디

A big word.



기억이 있네요

I remember.

근데 그 유부녀 킬러가

But that married woman killer...

거짓말 치고



I'm married.

일을 하는데

While working,

그 회사가

That company

그 나쁜 놈만 죽이는

Killing only that bad guy.

신청서가 와요

The application form is coming.



나쁜 놈 신청서?

Application for a bad guy?

나쁜 놈

Bad guy.

나쁜 놈 죽여달라는

I want you to kill the bad guy.


Application form

네 그런 게 와요

Yes, those things come.



걔네들이 미팅 잡고

They are scheduling a meeting.

뭐 확인하고

What do you want to check?

진짜 나쁜 놈인지 확인하고

Check if he’s really a bad guy.

뭐 아동 성폭력자

What, a child molester?

막 이런 애들

Just kids like this.


It has become.

걔네가 나오는 날

The day they come out.

죽이거나 그래

Kill or something.

출소하는 날 죽이거나

On the day of release, kill him.

뭐 아니면

What or not.

다른 날 죽이거나

Kill on another day

근데 이 여자가

But this woman...

그래서 그

So that...

총 쏘는 여자예요

She's a woman who shoots.

아 스나이퍼요?

Ah, a sniper?

네 스나이퍼요

Yes, it's your sniper.



어떤 남자

A man.

너무 운명의 남자를 만나서

I met the man of my destiny.

결혼을 해요

I'm getting married.

근데 알고 보니까

But it turns out that...

그 남자는 기자예요

That man is a reporter.

그 킬러를

That killer.



네 그 킬러를

Yes, that killer.

취재하고자 하는

wanting to cover (a story)

오 약간 슈퍼맨 같다

Oh, you kind of look like Superman.

슈퍼맨 같다

It feels like Superman.


Even Superman

그 노래인

That song.


You're a journalist, right?

아 진짜?

Oh, really?


안 봐서 모르겠지만

I don't know because I haven't seen it.


That kind of


It's a relationship.

사람들이 이제

People now


Is it up to Part 3?

나오긴 했거든요

It did come out.

근데 3부 나오면서

But as the third part comes out,


the comments

그런 내용이 많았어요

There was a lot of such content.

아마 이 남자가

Maybe this man

알고 있는 것 같다

It seems like I know.

자기 아내가

Your wife

킬러라는 걸

Being a killer.

왜냐면 딸도 낳았거든요

Because I gave birth to a daughter.

근데 이

But this

유부녀 킬러가

The killer of married women.


I'm an orphan.



그 남자 쪽

That man's side.

가족이 별로 안 좋아했는데

My family didn't really like it much.

애가 엄청 똘똘하고

The kid is very smart.

다 해결도 잘해주고

They also resolve everything well.

막 엄청

Just really.

엄마 그

Mom, that...

남주 엄마 사기당하고 오면

When Nam-joo's mom comes back after being scammed.


Go and find.

막 돈 찾아다 주고

Just going around looking for money.

막 좀 일해요

Just work a bit.


So, then...

그 가족에 대한

About that family.

관계가 나오면서

As the relationship unfolds

되게 재밌고

It's really fun.

서사가 완벽해요

The narrative is perfect.

지금 연재 중인가요?

Is it currently being serialized?

지금 휴재

Currently on break.


I went in.

근데 3부까지 나와서

But it's out until Part 3.

무료로 볼 수 있을 거예요

You will be able to see it for free.

휴재가 들어간 거면

If it's a break.

한번 봐야겠네요

I guess I should take a look.



그녀의 앵무새

Her parrot.

금계수 작가님의

Author Geumgye-su's



이것도 카카오 웹툰인데

This is also a Kakao webtoon.

그녀의 앵무새도

Her parrot too.

무슨 보살이 나와요

What kind of bodhisattva is coming out?

근데 여기서는

But here...

사람이 죽으면

When a person dies


잠깐 동안

For a moment.


식물인간이 될

To become a vegetable.

때가 있잖아요

There are times, you know.


That time



변하게 해줘요

Make me change.

새랑 인간은

The bird and humans.

왔다 갔다 할 수 있어

You can go back and forth.

그래서 그 잠깐 동안

So for that brief moment.

후에 있는 애들한테 가

Go to the kids in the back.

그 보살이

That bodhisattva.

후에 있는 애들한테 가가지고

Go over to the kids in the back.

너가 그 목표를

You are that goal.


If achieved

너를 살려준다?

I'll save you?


Help me?

환생시키는 게 아니라?

Isn't it about being reincarnated?


Is it reincarnation?


Are you saving me?

막 그래

Just like that.

불교는 환생 아닌가요?

Isn't Buddhism about reincarnation?

그래서 그 새 인간들이

So those new humans

많이 나와요

It comes out a lot.

여자 주인공이랑

With the female protagonist.

그 새 남자 주인공이랑

That new male protagonist.

만나는 얘기인데

It's about meeting.

거기서 나오는

Coming out from there.

다른 인물들의

of other characters


The story goes.

막 translates to "stay" or "block" depending on the context.


It means "I am carrying it" or "I am taking it."

근데 알고 보니까

But it turns out that...

이 새 남주랑

This new male lead.

그 여자 주인공이랑

That female protagonist.

어렸을 때 이미

Already in my childhood.


We were friends.

소급 친구

retroactive friend

근데 그 남자가

But that man...

재벌 남주였고

He was a chaebol male lead.


여자 주인공의 아빠가

The main character's dad

그 재벌

That conglomerate.


At home




It was.

무슨 사고가 나서

What accident happened?



그리고 걔네

And they

그 여준의 아빠가

That person's dad.



범인으로 몰려가

Being treated as a suspect.

그래서 여준의 집이

So, Yeojun's house is

개 풍비박산나고

The dog is in chaos.


It's so unfair.

근데 둘이

But the two of them...

엄청 친했었거든요

We were really close.

나이도 같고

We're the same age.

이 남자애는

This boy is

엄마 아빠가

Mom and Dad

너무 바쁘니까

I'm too busy.

맨날 이 여자애랑 놀고

I play with this girl every day.


It was like this.

둘이 음악하면서

While the two are making music.

되게 친해졌었는데

We became really close.

그 아빠가

That dad


In disarray.

이 남자 주인공 때문에

Because of this male protagonist.

풍비박산난 거잖아

It's a complete disaster.

이 여자애는

This girl is

엄청 똑똑했어

You were very smart.

그래서 자기가

So, they themselves

원래 음악을 하고 싶었는데

I originally wanted to do music, but...

되게 딱

Very precise.

막내 딸 느낌이었는데

It felt like I was the youngest daughter.

집이 그렇게 망하고 나서

After the house fell apart like that.


Very much


Hard work

살아야만 하는 거야

You have to live.

그래서 은행에 취직을 해

So I got a job at a bank.

그래서 은행에서 완전

So, at the bank, completely...

은행에 취직을 한다고?

Are you saying you're getting a job at the bank?

왜냐면 그때는

Because at that time


Because I was a student.

공부 엄청 열심히 해서

I studied really hard.

은행에 취직해서

Get a job at a bank.

완전 1등 영어방

Perfect first-place English room.


That's awesome!

공부만 개 열심히 한

Only studied really hard.

1등 영어방이 돼

Become the top English room.



그 새를 만난 거야

I met that bird.

근데 그 여자 주인공이

But that female protagonist...

새를 되게 좋아하거든

I really like birds.

앵무새 이런 거를

Parrots like this.

그래서 그 남자애가

So that boy...





새가 돼서 온 거야

I came here as a bird.

근데 그 남자애는

But that boy is...

그 이제 기억에

That now in memory.

차차 돌아오면서

As time goes by, returning gradually.

그 여자

That woman

애인 걸 알아

I know you’re my lover.

그래서 그 남자애가

So that boy...

계속 속여

Keep deceiving.

자기가 그 남자애가

That boy of his.

안 한 척

Pretending not to have done it.

근데 그 여자애가 계속

But that girl keeps...

아 누구랑 닮았는데

Ah, who do you resemble?

계속 막 이런 느낌이 있긴 해

I still have this feeling.

그래서 거기서

So there.

일어나는 일들인데

These are the things that happen.

이 작가

This writer


Are you handsome?


You're handsome.



이 여자 주인공도

This female protagonist too



그림이 엄청 예뻐요

The picture is extremely pretty.



이 나왔던 얘기

The story that came out.

하나 에피소드 중에서

Among one episode

되게 슬펐던 장면은

The scene that made me really sad was

그 엄마가

That mom

새된 사람이 있어

There is a person who has become a bird.



이제 죽기 전에

Before I die now

새가 된 거야

I became a bird.

근데 그 엄마는

But that mother is

되게 자기가

Very self-centered.

이루고 싶었던 꿈이 있었는데

There was a dream I wanted to achieve.

애기를 낳음으로써

by giving birth to a baby

못 이룬 거야

I couldn't achieve it.



식물인가 상태인가

Is it a plant or a state?


That's interesting.

자기의 목표가

Your goal is

자기의 삶을

One's own life.

사는 거였거든

It was living.

그 엄마의

That mom's

엄마로서의 삶이 아니라

Not a life as a mother

그러니까 나

So, I...


As a woman

나의 삶을 사는 거였는데

I was living my life.

딸 생각이 계속 나는 거야

I keep thinking about my daughter.


What is it?



자기 꿈을 결국에

In the end, one's dream.

안 이뤄요

It doesn't happen.

그 딸을

That daughter

딸 걱정이

I'm worried about my daughter.

예상을 할 수 없는 타이밍에

At an unpredictable timing.

훅 들어오는 눈물

Tears that come rushing in.





그녀가 또

She's doing it again.

한 명의 딸로서

As a daughter

그녀의 모습

Her appearance.

슬프니까 추천이고요

It's a recommendation because it's sad.

아 슬프니까 추천이고요

Ah, it's sad, so I recommend it.

그 다음


순정 히포크라테스

Pure Hippocrates




It's a webtoon.

그 골드킷의

That gold kit's


Gold Kit's


웹툰 믿고 보는

Webtoon you can trust and enjoy.


It's a webtoon.



Gold Kit's

님 웹툰 진짜

Your webtoon is really...


Hee hee hee.

다 최고인 것 같아

I think everything is the best.





명대사 진짜 많이 나와요

There are really a lot of famous lines.


So, yeah.

순정 히포크라테스는

Pure Hippocrates is

의대 얘기거든요

It's about medical school.

근데 그 의대 속에서 일어나는

But within that medical school, 이야기가 벌어지고 있죠.

솔직히 진짜

To be honest, really.

성적에 미쳐버린

Obsessed with grades.

애 한 명

One child

사랑에 미쳐버린

Crazy about love

애 한 명

One child

성공에 미쳐버린

Obsessed with success

애 한 명

One child

그 다음 또

Then what?

그 레즈비언 여자의

That lesbian woman's

이렇게 나와요

It comes out like this.

그리고 그

And that

어떤 여주를 사랑해서

Because I love a certain female lead.





한 명이 나와요

One person is coming out.


Crazy guy.




Crazy or


minority or



그 여자에도

To that woman as well.

심지어 그

Even that


동성애자인 여자에도

Even for a woman who is a lesbian.

그래도 미쳤어요?

Are you crazy, still?


사랑에 미쳤어요

I'm crazy in love.

너무너무 미쳐버렸어요

I'm going crazy.

근데 진짜 재밌고

But it's really fun.

꼭 추천드립니다

I highly recommend it.


Gold Kit's





더 많은 로맨스 웹툰이

More romance webtoons.



시간 부족 관계로

Due to lack of time.


In the "See more" section.

적어두도록 하겠습니다

I will make a note of it.



That's right.

제가 오늘 좀 많이 울었는데

I cried a lot today.


Too much

너무 많이

Too much.


I cried.

아주 너무 슬픈데

It's really very sad.

근데 이게 좀

But this is a bit...


Like a trauma.

남은 것 같아요

I think there's something left.

그 눈물

That tear

기억은 안 난다며요

You say you don't remember.

기억은 안 났는데

I didn't remember.

그 장면이

That scene.

슬펐던 장면들이

Scenes that were sad.

있는 것처럼

As if there is (something)

제목만 들어도

Just hearing the title...


하면서 파들파들

While doing it, it trembles.


I was feeling nervous.

아무튼 뭐

Anyway, whatever.


Chew-dok Special

너무 많은 얘기를

Too much talk.


I ended up doing it.

벌써 거의

Almost already


It's 5 o'clock.

웹툰 특집인데요

It's a webtoon special.

씹덕특집 아니고

It's not a special feature for fans.


Chew-dok Special

오늘 우리가

Today we

입을 모아서

Gathering voices together



집이 없어는

I don't have a house.

꼭 봐주셨으면 좋겠어요

I hope you will definitely take a look.



지금 보셔야지

You should see it now.


That's right.


It can happen.




지금 시작하기에

To start now.

딱 좋은

Just right.



일주일 남은

One week left.

그런 웹툰이기 때문에

Because it's that kind of webtoon.

지금 시작하셔라

Start now.



마음에 드시면

If you like it

단행본도 나오면은

When the standalone book comes out.






햄티브도 보셔라

Check out Hamthib too.


Like this

몇 마디 드립니다

I have a few words to say.



여러분 지금까지 여기는

Everyone, so far here is

두말하는 잔소리

Needless nagging.


I am.




It was Seunghyun.


Stay healthy.

저는 루키였습니다

I was a rookie.



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