Make your daily- routine.


3MinutesKorean Motivation

Make your daily- routine.

3MinutesKorean Motivation

3분의 1 코리아

One Third Korea

4분의 1 코리아

Quarter Korea

Do you have any daily routine?

Do you have any daily routine?

당신은 당신의 하루 루틴이 있나요?

Do you have a daily routine?

And do you think that the routine suits on you?

그리고 그 루틴이 당신에게 맞는다고 생각하나요?

그리고 그 루틴이 당신에게 잘 맞다고 생각하시나요?

Do you think that routine suits you well?

If you were surprised by your routine,

If you were surprised by your routine,

then something is wrong.

Then something is wrong.

만약 당신이 당신의 루틴에 압도당하고 있다면,

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your routine,

그것은 잘못된 것입니다.

That is wrong.

And also, if you don't have any routine at all,

And also, if you don't have any routine at all,

and you just are following your day,

and you are just going about your day,

그리고 만약 당신만의 루틴이 없이,

And if you don’t have your own routine,

이리저리 휘둘리고 있는 경우가 있다면,

If you are being tossed around here and there,

그렇다면 그것 또한 잘못된 것입니다.

Then that is also wrong.

당신의 루틴을 변화시키세요.

Change your routine.

테스트해보는 것을 주저하지 마세요.

Don't hesitate to try it out.

당신이 당신의 하루 루틴을 통제할 수 있는 능력을 가진 것은 중요합니다.

It is important that you have the ability to control your daily routine.

그것이 바로 당신이 당신의 배를 운항하는 것입니다.

That is precisely how you navigate your ship.

You need to control your precious time in your day,

You need to manage your precious time in your day.

even if the job you've worked and the chores you're going to do bless you down.

Even if the job you've worked and the chores you're going to do weigh you down.

직장과 일이 당신의 시간들을 억누르고 있어도,

Even if work and your job are suppressing your time,

당신은 당신의 하루의 시간들을 통제해야 합니다.

You need to take control of your day's time.

Starting the controlling means,

Starting the controlling means,

means that you control your day's energy.

Means that you control your day's energy.

통제의 시작은 당신의 하루의 에너지를 조절하는 것입니다.

The start of control is managing the energy of your day.

Oh, did you sad that you go to work early,

Oh, did you say that you go to work early?

go home late than ordinary people?

Do you go home later than ordinary people?

아, 당신은 남들보다 일찍 출근하고 늦게 퇴근한다고 하셨나요?

Oh, did you say that you go to work earlier than others and leave later?

Yes, I do.

응, 그래.

Then prepare the time you need.

Then prepare the time you need.

Make it in your routine.

Make it a part of your routine.

그 시간들을 미리 예상하여 시간을 분배하세요.

Anticipate those times in advance and allocate your time accordingly.

그리고 당신의 루틴을 만드세요.

And create your routine.

Whatever the reason is, you should control your time.

Whatever the reason is, you should manage your time.

Then prepare the time you need.

Then prepare the time you need.

그럼에도 불구하고, 당신의 시간은 당신이 컨트롤해야 합니다.

Nevertheless, you must control your time.

당신의 집중력이 높은 시간들을 찾으세요.

Find the times when your focus is at its peak.

효과적으로 휴식할 수 있는 시간들을 찾아보세요.

Look for times when you can effectively rest.

당신이 일어날 때 가장 쾌적하게 일어나는 시간들을 찾아보세요.

Find the times when you wake up most comfortably.

당신의 목표에 잘 집중할 수 있는 시간을 찾아보세요.

Find some time to focus well on your goals.

당신이 생존할 수 있는 시간을 찾아보세요.

Try to find out how long you can survive.

당신에게 생기가 돌아나는 시간을 찾아보세요.

Find time to revive your energy.

당신이 잠을 잘 자는 시간을 찾아보세요.

Try to find a time when you can sleep well.

그리고, 잠깐 눈 붙이기 좋은 시간을 찾아보세요.

And, look for a good time to take a nap.

당신이 잠을 잘 자는 시간을 찾아보세요.

Find the time when you sleep well.

당신에게 걸맞는 루틴을 통제하는 당신은 자신의 일정을 스스로 바꿀 것입니다.

You, who control the routine that suits you, will change your schedule on your own.

자신의 시간을 통제할 것입니다.

I will control my own time.

당신에게 루틴이 없었을 때는 효율성이라고는 찾아보기 힘들었을 것입니다.

When you didn't have a routine, it would have been hard to find any efficiency.

하지만, 당신만의 루틴이 생겼다면, 당신의 일들을 매우 효율적으로 끝낼 수 있을 것입니다.

However, if you have your own routine, you will be able to finish your tasks very efficiently.

그러니, 지금 계획하고 오늘부터 당장 실천하세요.

So, plan now and put it into action starting today.

루틴을 통제하는 방법을 알아보시기 바랍니다.

Please find out how to control your routines.

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