Community of Love (Audio)


그레이스언약교회 팟캐스트 GCCK Podcast

Community of Love (Audio)

그레이스언약교회 팟캐스트 GCCK Podcast

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jeong

그냥 쏟아보면 되는 거예요.

You just need to spill it out.

We don't need more.

We don't need more.

We just need to go deeper to whoever's in front of us.

We just need to go deeper with whoever is in front of us.

Now, we lose that and we don't delight in the moment

지금 우리는 그것을 잃고 순간을 즐기지 않습니다.

because we think we have eternity and even decades.

because we think we have eternity and even decades.

What if we don't?

What if we don't?

여러분, 우리에게 주어진 시간이 그렇게 몇 십 년이 아니라면요, 만약에.

If the time given to us is not just a few decades, then what if?

I know we all have those moments of clarity in our lives.

I know we all have those moments of clarity in our lives.

우리 삶 가운데 갑자기 막 뚜렷해질 때가 있어요.

There are times when things suddenly become clear in our lives.

Like, you recognize, I remember my very first visitation as a pastor to a hospital.

Like, you know, I remember my very first visit as a pastor to a hospital.

제가 처음에 목회자로서 처음으로 병원을 갔는데

When I first went to the hospital as a pastor,

어머니가 저보다 훨씬 어려운, 아니, 그때 30대 초반이었던 것 같아요, 아들이.

My mother was much younger than me, or rather, I think she was in her early thirties at that time, my son.

30대 초반 아들을 갑자기 사고가 나서 식물인간이 됐는데

My son in his early 30s suddenly had an accident and became a vegetable.

의사가 와서 이 기계를 꺼야 된다라는 거예요.

The doctor said we have to turn off this machine.

울면서 저를 붙잡고, 그게 신방이었는데

Crying and holding onto me, that was the bridal room.

목사님, 얘 어떻게 해요? 어떻게 해요?

Pastor, what should I do? What should I do?

우리가 해줄 수 있는 게 없잖아요.

There's nothing we can do, right?

생각, 그 순간 정말 복음밖에, 부활밖에, 능력밖에 소망이 없는 거예요, 그렇죠?

In that moment, there is really nothing but the gospel, nothing but the resurrection, nothing but hope, right?

그리고 저는 정말 다시 느끼는, 아, 우리가 하는 이 복음의 역사가 정말 중요하구나.

And I really feel again, oh, how important this work of the gospel we are doing is.

그리고 두 번째로는 우리가 사랑하는 사람과의 시간이 무조건 개리티된 게 아니구나, 다시 깨달아요.

And secondly, I realize again that the time spent with the people we love is not necessarily guaranteed.

And this is over and over.

And this is repeated over and over.

When we actually zoom out, we don't know what tomorrow holds for us, right?

When we actually zoom out, we don't know what tomorrow holds for us, right?

I mean, the author of tomorrow is only God, but we don't know what he writes.

I mean, the author of tomorrow is only God, but we don't know what He writes.

What do we do?

What do we do?

We're loving and we're present.

우리는 사랑하고 우리는 현재에 있습니다.

And what if that is actually enough?

And what if that is actually enough?

I'm going to say it again.

I'm going to say it again.

What if that is enough?

What if that is enough?

What if, what if what we need is not more stuff, but deeper, more genuine love?

What if, what if what we need is not more stuff, but deeper, more genuine love?

여러분, 예수님 말씀하신 대로 정말 한 가지 개명을 얘기하신다면,

Everyone, if we talk about just one commandment as Jesus said,

더 깊이 진심으로 사랑하는 것이 더 필요하다면요.

If you need to love more deeply and sincerely.

But rather, the opposite of the sickness comes from the place of ill love and ill self.

But rather, the opposite of the sickness comes from the place of unhealthy love and unhealthy self.

제가 전에도 한 번 얘기한 적이 있는 것 같은데요.

I think I've mentioned this before.

저희 17년 됐거든요, 저희 결혼한지를.

We've been married for 17 years.

박수 한 번 쳐주세요.

Please clap your hands once.

누구를 외치냐?

Who are you calling out?

이 사람을 위해서.

For this person.

저 같은 사람과 같이 살고 있으니까.

Because I'm living with someone like me.

얼마나 고생 많은지 몰라요.

I don't know how much you've suffered.

17년 동안.

For 17 years.

방금 어 한 사람들.

Just now, someone was here.

행복하게 결혼 많이 할지요.

I hope you get married happily many times.



아멘 할렐루야.

Amen, hallelujah.

정말 사랑스러워요.

It's really lovely.

사실 근데 결혼을 초창기에 해서는 저는 이제 다짐을 했죠, 결혼하면서.

Actually, I made a commitment when I got married early on.

나는 훌륭한 남편이 될 거야.

I will be a great husband.

하면서 아주 율법적으로 열심히 훌륭한 남편이 됐어요.

He became a very good husband while diligently adhering to the law.

결혼을 처음 했을 때, 저는 정말 훌륭한 남편이었어요.

When I first got married, I was a really great husband.

제가 할 수 있겠다고 생각했죠.

I thought I could do it.

이걸 부숴버릴 거예요.

I will break this.

알겠어요, 알겠어요.

I understand, I understand.

이 말은 잘 안 들어요.

I don't listen well to this.

그리고 저는 제 아내에게는 율법적으로 훌륭한 남편이었어요.

And I was a legally great husband to my wife.

열심히 섬겼어요.

I served diligently.

제가 믿음을 다해, 제가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 다 했죠.

I did everything I could with all my faith.

그리고 어느 날, 우리와 대화가 있었어요.

And one day, there was a conversation with us.

그리고 그녀는 말했죠.

And she said.

마음의 따뜻함이 좀 안 느껴지네.

I don't really feel a warmth in my heart.

그리고 그녀는 말했죠.

And she said.

나는 당신의 사랑을 원하지 않게 느끼고 있어요.

I feel like I don't want your love anymore.

그리고 저는 이렇게 생각했어요.

And I thought like this.

제가 frustrated.

I am frustrated.



내가 이렇게 열심히 하고 있는데?

I'm working so hard like this, you know?

그리고 이 율법적으로 훌륭한 남편이 저에게 말했죠.

And this legally excellent husband said to me.

나는 너무 열심히 하고 있어요.

I am working too hard.

나는 이런 모든 것을 다 하고 있어요.

I am doing all of this.

이게 부족하다고요?

Is this insufficient?

당신은 이렇게 생각했어요.

You thought like this.

이것은 충분하지 않다고요?

Isn't this enough?

그럼 내가 도대체 뭘 해야 돼?

Then what am I supposed to do?

여기 한 번 적어봐.

Try writing it down here.

1번부터 10번까지 적어.

Write down from number 1 to 10.

그럼 내가 다 해줄게.

Then I'll do everything for you.

라는 마음으로 봤어요.

I watched it with that mindset.

나는 이렇게 생각했어요.

I thought like this.

그럼 당신이 내가 무엇을 해야 할지 알려주세요.

Then please tell me what I should do.

그리고 그녀는

And she

나는 당신이 무엇을 해야 할지 모르겠어요.

I don't know what you should do.

그런데 저는

But I...

마음의 따뜻함이 안 느껴져요.

I don't feel the warmth of the heart.

사랑이 안 느껴진대요.

They say they don’t feel love.

라는 거예요.

It means.

그리고 저는

And I am



그녀는 더 할 수 없다고요.

She said she can't do any more.

그녀는 더 온전하게 될 거라고요.

She will become more complete.

저의 사랑의 탱크가 온전하지 못하니까

Because my love tank is not intact.

이것은 에베소서 3장 16절입니다.

This is Ephesians 3:16.

내면의 사람이 강건하지 못하니까

Because the inner person is not strong.

하나님과 예수님 믿고 복음이 있지만

I believe in God and Jesus and have the gospel, but...

내면의 사랑이 온전함이 없으니까

Because the love within is not whole.

사랑의 탱크가 질질 계속 새는 거예요.

The tank of love keeps leaking continuously.

그러니까 바닥을 박박 긁는 소리만 내면서

So all the while making a scraping sound against the floor.

사랑을 주니까

Because you give love.

아니 율법주의를 주니까

No, because you're imposing legalism.

그게 무엇인 사람입니까?

What kind of person is that?

그러니까 저는 집 안에서 바리새인이에요.

So I am a Pharisee at home.

정말 그때 그 사랑을 믿는 거에요.

I really believe in that love from back then.

지금은 조금 덜 그려요.

I'm drawing a little less now.

가끔씩 바리세인이 올라와요.

Sometimes a Pharisee comes up.

그러면 내려가 바리세인 이러고서

"Then he went down saying, 'Pharisee...'"

저리가 하지만

Go away, but...

가끔씩 올라오지만

It comes up occasionally.

그때 완전 바리세인으로

At that time, completely as a Pharisee.



I was living in the full glory of Pharisee.

I was living in the full glory of a Pharisee.

Pharisees at my house.

Pharisees at my house.

I can say that about me.

I can say that about myself.

Please don't say that about me.

Please don't say that about me.

Please don't tweet.

Please don't tweet.

My pastor is a Pharisee.

My pastor is a Pharisee.

Please don't.

제발 그러지 마세요.

I repented.

I repented.

I repented before God.

I repented before God.

I didn't know better.

I didn't know better.

어떻게 더 잘해야 될지 몰랐어요.

I didn't know how to do better.

But when she said that

But when she said that

I was like okay.

I was like okay.

What do I need?

What do I need?

뭘 해야 되지?

What should I do?

And then you know what we found ourselves in?

And then you know what we found ourselves in?

우리가 어느 곳에 도달한 자를

We have reached a place where someone has arrived.

She didn't know what to do.

She didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to do.

And I started to look through the scriptures

And I started to look through the scriptures.

that God says pray.

that God says to pray.

Because Ephesians 3.16 is about prayer.

Because Ephesians 3:16 is about prayer.

뭘 더 많이 하고

Do more of something.

더 훌륭한 사람이 되는 거에 대한 것이 아니라

It's not about becoming a better person.

기도하는 하나님

Praying God

제가 사랑받을 자격도 없지만

I don't even deserve to be loved, but

사랑을 받을 능력도 없고

I don't have the ability to receive love either.

사랑을 줄 수 있는 것도 없습니다.

There is nothing that can give love.

저는 사랑의 원천이 아닙니다.

I am not the source of love.

I am not the fountain of love.

I am not the source of love.

I thought I was

I thought I was.

and I wanted to be.

그리고 나는 그렇게 되고 싶었다.

But I wasn't clearly.

But I wasn't clear.

I'm only a conduit of love

I'm only a conduit of love.

and I'm not receiving love.

그리고 나는 사랑을 받지 않고 있다.

And I'm at your grace

And I'm at your mercy.

and complete mercy

그리고 완전한 자비

because I messed this up.

왜 내가 이걸 망쳤으니까.

제가 잘못하고 있다는 걸 깨닫고

I realized that I was wrong.

하나님께 기도하기 시작했어요.

I started praying to God.

Ephesians 3.16부터 19절까지

Ephesians 3:16 to 19.

열심히 암송하면서 기도하기 시작했어요.

I started to pray while diligently memorizing.

I'm praying that every day.

나는 매일 그렇게 기도하고 있어.

Lord Jesus.

주 예수님.

For example,

예를 들어,

one of the prayers sounded like this.

One of the prayers sounded like this.

I said, Lord Jesus,

I said, Lord Jesus,

would you grace me

Would you honor me?

with the work of the Holy Spirit

with the work of the Holy Spirit

to love my bride

to love my bride

the way you love your bride?

the way you love your bride?

예수님께 기도하기 시작했어요.

I started praying to Jesus.




Jesus Christ

예수님의 신부된 교회를

The church that has become the bride of Jesus.

사랑하시는 것처럼

As if you love.

제가 저에게 신부로 맡겨주시는 분을

Whoever you entrust to me as a bride

사랑할 수 있도록

So that I can love.

성령님의 역사를 주시겠어라고

"Will you give the work of the Holy Spirit?"

계속 기도하기 시작했어요.

I started to pray continuously.

After I pray that the next day

After I pray that the next day

I was a better husband?

Was I a better husband?

No, not really.

아니, 별로 그렇지 않아.

그 다음날 바로 바뀌었냐?

Did it change the very next day?

아니요, 아니요, 아니요, 아니요.

No, no, no, no.

마음은 시간이

The heart is time.

It's a habit in my heart, right?

It's a habit in my heart, right?

마음의 습관이니까

It's because it's a habit of the heart.

시간이 걸렸는지 몰라요.

I don't know if it took time.

But as I look back

But as I look back

in six months,

in six months,

six years,

six years,

I'm weeping more.

I'm crying more.

I'm loving her more.

나는 그녀를 더 사랑하고 있어.

I'm loving you more.

I'm loving you more.

God is just

하나님은 공정하다.

and I'm not saying it's enough.

그리고 내가 충분하다고 말하는 것은 아니다.

No one should be enough for anyone.

No one should be enough for anyone.

Only God is enough.

오직 하나님만으로 충분합니다.

But it's more.

하지만 그게 더 많아요.

더 사랑하는 거예요.

It means "I love you more."

여러분 저는 정말 교회를 볼 때

Everyone, when I see the church,

정말 감사한 게 뭔지 알아요?

Do you know what I'm really thankful for?

정말 여러분이 좋아요.

I really like you all.

그리고 교회가 귀여워요.

And the church is cute.

어떤 때 보면


아멘 없네?

No "amen"?


It's okay.

나 혼자 아멘.

Amen, just me.



교회가 귀여워요.

The church is cute.



I like you.

I like you.

I like church.

I like church.

I like spending time with you like this.

I like spending time with you like this.

I'm excited for it.

I'm excited for it.

It's work,

It's work.

but I'm excited for it.

하지만 나는 그것에 대해 기대하고 있어.

I mean

I mean

왜 그게

Why is that?

너무 감사하냐면

I'm so grateful.


It's me.



막 목회자니까

Just because I'm a pastor.

교회를 사랑해야지.

You should love the church.

교회를 위해서 희생하고

Sacrifice for the church.

뭐 해야죠.

What should I do?


We must make sacrifices.

아가페 사랑해야죠.

We should love with agape love.


Of course.

안 하겠다라는 게 아닌데

It's not that I won't do it.

근데 정말 사람을 보면서

But really, looking at people...

아이고 이 사람이 좋네.

Oh, I really like this person.

저 사람이 어떻게 귀엽지?

How can that person be so cute?

아 그리고 너무 죄송하죠.

Oh, and I'm really sorry.

제가 전에는 말씀드렸지만

As I mentioned before,

우리 저희 교회인은

Our church members

우리 장년 어른들

Our middle-aged adults

저보다 더 연세가 있으신데

You are older than me.


I'm sorry, but

너무 귀여울 때가 있어요.

Sometimes you're just too cute.


Oh dear.

어떻게 저렇게 순수하시지?

How can you be so pure like that?

어떻게 저렇게

How is that possible?

마음이 너무 귀하시지?

Isn't your heart so precious?

아이고 어떻게 이렇게

Oh my, how could this be?

목회 잘하고

Do well in your ministry.


Like this

같이 함께 예배해 주시고

Please worship together with us.


Young people

너무너무 좋은 거예요.

It's really, really good.

이런 분들이 어디서

Where do people like this come from?

막 이런 마음이 드는 거예요.

That's how I feel.



나 혼자 또 아멘 해야지.

I guess I'll say Amen by myself again.



I'm just going like

나는 그냥 가고 있어.

these people are amazing.

이 사람들은 대단해요.

Am I feeling that

Am I feeling that?

because you're perfect

Because you're perfect.

or I'm perfect?

Or am I perfect?



The love of God

The love of God

fills us

fills us

and we're more whole.

그리고 우리는 더 온전해진다.

What if

What if

what if that's for

무슨 뜻인가요?

the rest of our lives

the rest of our lives

and what if

그리고 만약에

as we become more genuine

as we become more genuine

and not because

그리고 그 이유는 아닙니다.

we're manufacturing something

우리는 무언가를 제조하고 있습니다.

but we're receiving

하지만 우리는 받고 있습니다.

love of Christ

love of Christ

that that is

that that is

the apology

the apology

for the world.

for the world.

우리 커뮤니티를 보면서

Looking at our community

여러분 저는 지금

Everyone, I am now...

믿음으로 이거 선포하는 거예요.

I'm declaring this with faith.

I'm just declaring this

나는 그냥 이것을 선언하는 중이다.

in faith.

in faith.

It's a vision.

그것은 비전이다.

I'm not saying

I'm not saying.

we're all there yet.

우리는 아직 모두 거기에 있습니다.

지금 저희가 여기

We are here now.

지금 막 다 도달했다는 건 아니에요.

It doesn't mean that I've just arrived now.



You know this

You know this.

but when we walk in faith

but when we walk in faith

like this

like this

as Jesus is declaring this

As Jesus is declaring this.

저 예수님이 교회에 대해서

About Jesus and the church.

말씀하신 이 말씀은 믿거든요.

I believe in what you just said.

근데 믿는다는 건 그거예요.

But believing is that.

현실에 있지만

It's in reality, but...

미래에 하나님의 보시는

God's view in the future.

확신도 같이 붙잡는 거예요.

It's about holding onto confidence as well.

You're living in two different times.

You're living in two different times.

You're in the here right now

너는 지금 여기 있다.

and I know

그리고 나는 안다.

and you know

그리고 당신은 알고 있습니다.

about certain issues.

about certain issues.

in our church

In our church.

and that's real.

And that's real.

Come on.

Come on.

There's no perfect community

There's no perfect community.

and no church.

그리고 교회도 없다.

It's no longer perfect

It's no longer perfect.

because you came.

because you came.

완벽한 교회를

A perfect church.

찾아서 가면은

If you find it and go,

그 완벽한 교회

That perfect church.

완벽하지 못해요.

It's not perfect.

완벽한 교회를 찾는 사람은

A person who is looking for a perfect church.

완벽하지 않거든요.

It's not perfect.

그러니까 완벽한 교회를

So, a perfect church.


I messed it up.

완벽한 교회를 찾는 사람이

A person who is looking for a perfect church.


Come and see.

그런 교회 존재하지 않아요.

That kind of church doesn't exist.

그건 천상교회예요.

That's the Cheon Sang Gyeo Church.

Go to heaven

Go to heaven.

and look for the perfect church.

그리고 완벽한 교회를 찾으세요.



Till then there's no perfect church.

Until then, there is no perfect church.


Isn't that right?

그러면 보세요.

Then look.

그 예수님 말씀하시는

That Jesus is speaking.

세상이 증거가 될 거라는 것은

That the world will be evidence.

아름다운 교회 모습이에요.

It's a beautiful church.

우리는 지금 여기 있어요.

We are here now.

그럼 둘 다 붙잡는 거예요.

Then we will hold onto both.

Hold to the reality of things

Hold to the reality of things.

and then by the grace of God

그리고 하나님 은혜로

we have faith to gaze

We have faith to gaze.

faith to gaze on what is to come.

믿음은 다가올 것을 바라보는 것입니다.

그 믿음의 둘을

The two of that belief.

동시에 붙잡는 거예요.

You hold on to it at the same time.

And you believe that

And you believe that.

about the body and Christ

About the body and Christ.

and the church.

and the church.

교회에 대해서 믿어주고

Believe in the church.

예수님을 신뢰하는 거예요.

I'm trusting Jesus.

여러분 소굴을

Your lair.

만약에 선택해서 들어가시면

If you choose to enter,

그 사람이 상처 줄까요?

Will that person hurt me?

완전 상처 줄 수 있죠.

You can totally hurt me.

Would you be hurt

Would you be hurt?

when you go to small groups?

When do you go to small groups?

Because it will take courage.

Because it will take courage.

교회에 해봤다가

I tried it at the church.

과거에 또 경험했을 때

When I experienced it again in the past.

상처도 있잖아요.

There are also wounds.

저도 그렇고

Me too.

여러분 저도 교회에서 자라서

Everyone, I also grew up in the church.

잘 아는데 있어요.

I know it well.


That's right, isn't it?

그럼 있어요.

Then I have it.

그럼 어떡해요?

What should I do then?

다시 용기고 들어가는 거예요.

It's about going back in with courage.

그럼 용서하면 되지.

Then you can just forgive.

아이고 성화됐네.

Oh my, it’s become a hassle.

할렐루야 아멘.

Hallelujah Amen.

여러분 우리가요.

Everyone, we...

내가 원하는 사람들만

Only the people I want.

교제를 하면요.

If you date.

그것도 안전한 것 아니지만

That's not safe either.

나의 성화는 안 되는 것이죠.

My sanctification is not happening.

아니면 성화는 더 늦어지는 거예요.

Otherwise, the holy fire will be delayed even longer.

Whenever I get to choose

Whenever I get to choose

to only fellowship with

to only associate with

who I prefer

who I prefer

your sanctification

당신의 거룩함

is slowed down

is slowed down

but when you go to

하지만 네가 갈 때

small group praise God

Praise God in a small group.

all sorts of people come.

All sorts of people come.

아주 다양한 분들이

A very diverse group of people.

많이 와요.

Come often.

할렐루야 아멘.

Hallelujah Amen.

여기 다양한 분들 많잖아요.

There are many different people here.

여기 다양한 분들이

Here, various people are.

다 많아요.

There is a lot.

딱 보면서 느낌 와요.

You can tell just by looking at it.

아이고 다양하네.

Oh my, that's diverse.

아유 다르네.

Oh, it's different.

아유 와 특별하다.

Wow, that's special.

와 특별해.

Wow, it's special.

So special.

So special.

They are so special.

그들은 정말 특별하다.


Isn't it?

And then you're like

And then you're like

Okay, I'm sanctified.

Okay, I'm sanctified.

And your tent picks

And your tent picks

are now widened.

are now widened.

여러분 우리의 장막이

Everyone, our tent is

넓어지는 게 그거예요.

That's what it means to expand.

저는 쉽다고 해서 말하는 게

I'm saying it because it's easy.

I'm not saying this is easy.

I'm not saying this is easy.

Building a community of love.

Building a community of love.

No, it takes a lifetime.

No, it takes a lifetime.

평생 해야 되는 거예요.

It's something you'll have to do for a lifetime.

But we hold in faith.

하지만 우리는 믿음을 지킵니다.

두 가지 시간을 붙잡고

Holding onto both times.

믿음으로 계속 바라봅니다.

I will continue to look forward with faith.

포기하지 않고 가요.

I won't give up and will keep going.

꾸준히 신실하게 걸어가는 거예요.

It's about walking steadily and faithfully.

그 하는 와중에 순종하다 보면

If you obey while doing that,

내가 넓어져 있네요.

I am widening.

And we will be able to now be used

And we will now be able to be used.

for the kingdom of God

하나님의 나라를 위해

in a greater measure.

In a greater measure.

That's what community does for us.

그것이 공동체가 우리에게 하는 일입니다.

여러분 그렇잖아요.

Everyone, isn't that right?

여기 결혼해서 사시는 분들 보면

When I see people who are married and living here,

매일매일 너무 이뻐 죽겠어요?

You look so beautiful every single day, it's driving me crazy!

질문만 하고 넘어갈게요.

I'll just ask the question and move on.

질문만 하고 넘어갔습니다.

I just asked the question and moved on.

아니 결혼한 사람이랑도 그러면

No, if you're doing that with someone who's married...

당연히 다른 사람하고 그렇죠.

Of course, it's different with other people.

아님 말고 넘어갈게요.

Never mind, I'll skip it.

I'll give you three applications.

I'll give you three applications.

I'm going to intentionally make this shorter

I'm going to intentionally make this shorter.

because we go to small group.

Because we go to a small group.

세 가지 적용하고 마무리할게요.

I'll apply three things and wrap it up.

You know what?

You know what?

Let's go back to the verse

Let's go back to the verse.

and let me visit this

그리고 이곳을 방문하게 해주세요.

because I'm just not making this stuff up.

Because I'm just not making this stuff up.

A new commandment I give to you

A new commandment I give to you.

that you love one another.

서로를 사랑한다는 것.

It says that just as I have loved you

It says that just as I have loved you.

the source of love is Jesus Christ.

The source of love is Jesus Christ.

예수님의 사랑이 우리 안에

The love of Jesus is within us.

이 많은 거 더 경험되는 거요.

This is experiencing so much more.

너희를 사랑한 것 같이 서로 사랑하라.

Love one another as I have loved you.

그냥 내 노력으로 사랑하는 게 아니에요.

It's not just about loving with my effort.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

The measure of love

The measure of love

that we're asking for us

우리가 요청하는 것

to walk in as a community

to walk in as a community

is not the measure

is not the measure

that you can muster up.

that you can gather.

I'm asking for you and I

I'm asking for you and me.

to walk in the measure of the grace

To walk in the measure of the grace.

that is in our lives already.

그것은 이미 우리 삶에 존재합니다.

이미 사랑받은 만큼

As much as I've already been loved.

사랑을 흘려보내자는 거예요.

It's about letting love flow away.

그 이상으로 하면 어떻게 되는지 알아요?

Do you know what happens if you go beyond that?

그러면 다 나아가요.

Then everything will get better.

나가 떨어져요.

I'm falling out.

다 지쳐 나가 떨어져요.

I'm completely exhausted and about to collapse.

그 이상을 하라는 게 아니에요.

I'm not asking you to do more than that.

우리가 예수님의 사랑을 아는 만큼

As much as we know the love of Jesus.

그만큼 사랑을 흘려보내면 돼요.

You just need to let that much love flow away.

그 이상을 굳이 계속 물어보는 거는

Continuing to ask beyond that is unnecessary.

어떤 주인지 아세요?

Do you know what week it is?


It's legalism.

이런 모습으로 사랑해야지

We should love each other like this.

이렇게 보여야지

It should look like this.

교회니까 이렇게 보여야지

It should look like this because it's a church.

소그름이나 이렇게 보여야지

It should look like this or something.



그게 건강한지는 잘 모르겠네요.

I'm not sure if that's healthy.

그렇다고 가가지고

So, you go there and...

막 욕하고 싸우고 그러지 마십시오.

Please don't yell and fight like that.

그러나 하나님이 나에게 사랑을 해주신 만큼

But as much as God has given me love

흘려보내면서 선택을 하는 거예요.

You make a choice while letting it flow.

Love is an active thing.

사랑은 활동적인 것이다.

Because we go back

Because we go back

it says this new commandment

It says this new commandment.

새 계명이래요.

It's a new commandment.

여러분 사랑은 그냥 느낌이 아닙니다.

Love is not just a feeling, everyone.

Love is not something that you just fall into.

Love is not something that you just fall into.

하나가 갑자기

One suddenly

나 사랑이 갑자기 빠졌어.

I'm suddenly in love.

그건 조금 의심해 봐야 돼요.

You should be a little suspicious about that.

그건 문제가 있어요.

That's a problem.

It's not a passive thing.

It's not a passive thing.

Love is active and furthermore

사랑은 적극적이며 더욱 그렇다.

계명이라는 게 무슨 뜻이에요?

What does the term "commandment" mean?

그것은 우리에게 주신 사명이라는 거예요.

It is the mission given to us.

It means it's a duty.

그건 의무라는 뜻입니다.

Love is a duty.

Love is a duty.

But in that duty

But in that duty



I almost said

I almost said.







there's the grace and joy of God.

하나님의 은혜와 기쁨이 있습니다.

하나님께서 기쁨과 온전하게 하심이 있는 것입니다.

God brings joy and completeness.

So that's what we've been looking at.

So that's what we've been looking at.

Three applications.

세 개의 애플리케이션.

세 가지 적용하고 여러분 마무리하겠습니다.

I will apply three things and wrap it up for you.

첫 번째


Join us.

Join us.

여러분 우리

Everyone, we

교회에 정말

Really at church.

가족이 되시기를 초대해 보고 싶습니다.

I would like to invite you to become a family.

And if this is

그리고 만약 이것이

너무 성급한 것 같아요.

I think it's too hasty.

만나자마자 갑자기 가족이 되지.

As soon as we meet, we suddenly become family.

그러면 천천히 시간을 가져서

Then take your time slowly.

Take your time.

Take your time.

No one wants to push anyone out of measure.

No one wants to push anyone out of line.

그러나 혹시

But perhaps

오늘 들으면서

Listening today

해보고 싶다.

I want to try it.

그럼 여덟 번만

Then just eight times.

한번 만나기를 한번 해보시면 좋겠어요.

I hope you can try meeting once.

Just eight times.

단지 여덟 번.

If you think I want to try this out.

If you think I want to try this.

And if this doesn't work out

And if this doesn't work out.

money back guarantee.

Money back guarantee.

Because you're not paying for it.

Because you're not paying for it.

It's free.

It's free.

So money back guarantee.

So, a money-back guarantee.

8주만 해보세요.

Just try it for 8 weeks.

뭐 안 되면 안 된 거죠.

If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.

어떻게 그럼 뭐

So, what then?

다른 데 가서 다시 해보시고

Try doing it again somewhere else.


Go ahead and try it.

아니면 뭐

Or what?

잠시 쉬었다 다시 해보든가

Take a break and try again.

그냥 해보는 거죠.

It's just about trying it out.

Just consider

그저 고려해 주세요.

for a small group

소규모 그룹을 위해

a community, right?

A community, right?

And see where it goes, right?

And see where it goes, right?

한번 해보세요.

Give it a try.

근데 아직 나는

But I'm still...

마음의 준비가 됐다.

I am mentally prepared.

If I'm like

If I'm like

I am just not ready.

I am just not ready.



Then just consider.

그러면 그냥 고려해봐.

And I'm glad

그리고 나는 기쁘다.

I'm really genuinely grateful

I’m really genuinely grateful.

that you have considered.

that you have considered.

여기서 소그룹 안 들어가신 분은

If you haven't joined a small group here,

소그룹도 안 들어

I can't even join a small group.

그럴 마음 전혀 없어요.

I have no intention of doing that at all.



모두가 다 여정이 있어요.

Everyone has a journey.

There's a journey

There's a journey.

that is unique to your own.

that is unique to you.

But all we're trying to say

하지만 우리가 하려는 말은

is receive the love of God

is receiving the love of God

and let it flow.

and let it flow.

Because when you let it flow

Because when you let it flow

more will flow.

More will flow.

More will flow.

More will flow.

한번 생각해보시면 좋겠습니다.

It would be good to think about it once.

근데 이미 생각을 마치신 분은

But those who have already finished thinking...

오늘 소그룹 가셔서

Today, go to the small group.

신나게 소그룹 하시기를 축복합니다.

I bless you to have a great time in your small group.

두 번째입니다.

It's the second one.


Let's pray.

이름을 부르며 기도합시다.

Let's pray while calling out the names.

The second is

The second is

let's pray for people by name.

Let's pray for people by name.

Because you know

Because you know

you and I just talked about it

You and I just talked about it.

and we shared in our testimonies as well.

그리고 우리는 우리의 증언을 나누었습니다.

And by the way

And by the way

I have like three different small groups

나는 세 개 정도의 작은 그룹이 있다.

that I meet regularly.

that I meet regularly.

I have a band of brothers

나는 형제 같은 친구들이 있다.

that I meet weekly to pray.

that I meet weekly to pray.

매주 모여서 지금 기도하고 있는

Gathering every week to pray now.

저 소그룹이 있어요.

I have a small group.

And I have a band of brothers

그리고 나는 형제의 무리를 가지고 있어.

that I meet monthly

that I meet with monthly

to eat and to talk and discuss

to eat and to talk and discuss

and to share life.

그리고 삶을 나누다.

한 달에 한 번은 만나서

Let's meet once a month.

삶을 나누는 소그룹이

A small group that shares life.

다른 소그룹이 있습니다.

There is another subgroup.

And the third tier is

And the third tier is

we meet at least quarterly.

We meet at least once a quarter.

1년에 3번에서 4번 정도는

About 3 to 4 times a year.

만나서 대화하는 사람들.

People who meet and talk.

1대1 말고 그룹으로 미팅이 있습니다.

There is a meeting in a group, not one-on-one.

그럼 여러분 물어보시죠.

Then, everyone, feel free to ask.

목사님 뭘 그렇게 굳이

Pastor, why are you being so insistent?

그렇게 많이 소그룹을 하시고

You are doing so many small group activities.

미팅을 하세요.

Please hold a meeting.

왜냐하면 하나님께

Because to God

저에게 맡기신 일을

The work you entrusted to me.

제가 하면서 더 느낀 게 뭐냐면

What I felt more while doing it is that

사명의 예수하다는 느낌을 보니까

I feel a sense of mission like Jesus.



이렇게 걷지 않으면

If I don't walk like this


It's impossible.

그냥 불가능해요.

It's just impossible.

할 수가 없어요.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

And I hope you come back next week

그리고 다음 주에 돌아오길 바래요.

because I want to talk about

왜냐하면 이야기하고 싶어서요.

within the context of fellowship

within the context of fellowship

how we can encourage each other

How can we encourage each other?

and spur each other to go on.

그리고 서로를 자극하여 계속 나아가게 하다.

여러분 사명의 예수하고

Everyone, with the mission of Jesus

걷는 모든 사람들은

All the people who walk

사실 커뮤니티가

In fact, the community is

필요할 수밖에 없어요.

It can't be helped that it's necessary.

그럼 여기에 깊이 사랑하는

Then here is deeply loved.

방법이 무엇인가.

What is the method?

방법이라는 것이 웃기지만

It's funny how methods can be.

그럼 딱 하나밖에 없어요.

Then there's only one.

기도하는 거예요.

I'm praying.

저희가 소그룹 리더들에게

We will provide to the small group leaders.

훈련할 때 이렇게 얘기해요.

I say this when training.

When we train our small group of leaders

When we train our small group of leaders

이분들은 소그룹 리더 하신 분들은

These people are those who have served as small group leaders.

귀에 피가 나게 들어서 하라.

Make it come in so that it causes blood to come out of your ears.

제가 계속 얘기하고

I keep talking.

수홍 형제 계속 얘기하고

Keep talking about Suhong and his brother.

미예 집사님 계속

Sister Miye, keep going.

우리 소그룹 이끄는 분들

The leaders of our small group.

계속 얘기해요.

Keep talking.

이렇게 얘기해요.

This is how we talk.

하나만 한다면

If I could do just one thing.

소그룹에 있는 사람들의

People in the small group.

이름을 부르면서 기도하십시오.

Pray while calling out the name.

여러분 사역을 위해서 기도하는 것과

Praying for your ministry and

사람을 위해서 기도하는 건 달라요.

Praying for someone is different.

사역을 위해 기도하는 거는

Praying for the ministry is

나 멋있게 보이려고

I'm trying to look cool.

내가 하는 일 잘 되려고

To help me succeed in what I'm doing.

기도할 수도 있잖아요.

You can pray, can't you?



저만 그런가요?

Is it just me?

저는 그렇게 해본 적 있어요.

I have tried that before.

하고 나니까 회개해요.

I regret it after doing it.

하나님 죄송합니다.

God, I am sorry.

그런데 사람을 위해 기도하면

But when you pray for a person

이상하게 기도하고 있는 사람을 향한

Towards the person who is praying strangely

사랑이 생기더라고요.

I found that love came to be.

여러분 사람을 사랑하게 되는

You all come to love people.

문이 있다면

If there is a door.

하늘의 문이 있다면

If there is a door to the sky

그것은 기도인 줄 믿습니다.

I believe it is a prayer.

중보 기도예요.

It's intercessory prayer.

이름을 놓고 기도하는 거

Praying with a name.

사람을 기억하면서

Remembering a person

여러분 소그룹 조인하시면

If you join a small group, everyone...

좋은 점이 뭔지 아세요?

Do you know what the good point is?

적어도 두 명은

At least two people.

여러분의 이름을 부르면서

Calling out your names.

정기적으로 기도하고 있어요.

I pray regularly.

첫 번째 여러분 소그룹 리더

First, your small group leader.

두 번째 여러분 목회자들

Second, you pastors.

정말 이름 부르면서 기도해요.

I really pray while calling out the name.

I think there is grace of covering

I think there is grace in covering.

in an unseen web of prayers

in an unseen web of prayers

that is happening in this church.

그 교회에서 일어나고 있는 일입니다.

And as that web is now fortified

And as that web is now fortified

love will go deeper.

Love will go deeper.



여러분 그래서요

So, everyone.

소그룹 리더들만 아니라

Not only the small group leaders

교회의 이 사명에 대해서

Regarding this mission of the church.

정말 좋은 것 같다라고 믿으신다면

If you believe that it's really good.

교회를 위해서

For the church.

소그룹 원들을 위해서

For the small group members.

이름을 부르면서 기도하는 습관들이

Habits of praying while calling out names.

여러분 생기시기를 축복합니다.

I bless you all to be born.

평생 가질 수 있는 축복이에요.

It's a blessing you can have for a lifetime.

여러분 평생 가질 수 있는 좋은 습관이에요.

It's a good habit that you can have for a lifetime.

그런데 너무 사람 숫자가 많아요.

But there are too many people.

그럼 딱 세 명만 놓고 기도해주세요.

Then please pray for just three people.

하나 소그룹 리더

One small group leader

두 번째 오줌 목사

Second Urine Pastor

왜 이렇게 기도하세요?

Why do you pray like this?

아니 이상한 목사 왜 이렇게 기도하세요?

No, strange pastor, why are you praying like this?

이것도 성경적인 얘기니까

This is also a biblical story.

제가 말씀드리는 거예요 여러분.

I’m telling you all.

왜냐하면 교회에 대해서 사랑이 있는 것은

Because having love for the church is...

그냥 부족함이 보이면

If you just see shortcomings.

그걸 놓고 중보해주면 되는 것입니다.

You just need to put that down and intercede.

부족함이 많거든요.

There are many shortcomings.

저도 저 자리에 보면 부족함이 엄청 많아요.

I also see a lot of shortcomings in that position.

저도 보면서 말 안 해도 너무 잘 알아요 부족함이.

I can see it too, and I understand very well the shortcomings without needing to say anything.

제 안에서 왔다 갔다 하는

Going back and forth inside me.

부족함에 대한 목소리 많이 있어요.

There are many voices about insufficiency.

여러분 기도해주세요.

Please pray, everyone.

서로 중보하면서 기도합시다.

Let's pray for each other in intercession.

When we pray for each other by name

When we pray for each other by name

not what we can achieve together

not what we can achieve together

but by name

하지만 이름으로

love and the web of love in us

사랑과 우리 안의 사랑의 연결망

the body becomes healthy.

The body becomes healthy.

여기서 여러분 카디오 운동 좋아하시는 분 있으면

If there are any of you here who like cardio exercises,

손 들어보십시오.

Please raise your hand.

오 와우

Oh wow.

제인 남

Jane Nam



옛날에 운동 하나도 안 했는데 많이 성장했네.

I used to grow a lot even though I didn't exercise at all.



너무 잘하고 있어요.

You are doing great.

젊을 때 시작해야 돼요 빨리.

You need to start quickly when you're young.

여러분 이 카디오 운동은

Everyone, this cardio exercise is

왜 할까요?

Why should we do it?

아니면 안 하시니까

Otherwise, you don't do it.

우리 그럼 하는 사람은 왜 한다고 할까요?

Then why do we say that those who do it do it?

아니면 하는 분들이 있으니까

Or there are those who do it.


It's the heart.

It's heart health right?

It's heart health, right?

But when you're doing it

하지만 당신이 그것을 하고 있을 때

it almost feels straining.

It almost feels like a strain.

But when your heart is healthy

But when your heart is healthy

the life that comes through that heart

the life that comes through that heart

is flowing everywhere.

is flowing everywhere.

여러분 그게 기도예요 우리 몸은.

Everyone, that is prayer, our body.

이게 우리의 몸이라면

If this is our body.

우리 소그룹과 커뮤니티는 심장 같은 거예요.

Our small group and community are like a heart.

근데 심장이 건강하면

But if the heart is healthy...

기도로 통해서 사랑이 건강하잖아요.

Through prayer, love becomes healthy.

그러면 막 핏줄이 살아있어.

Then the blood vessels are alive.

이렇게 하면 여기 불끈불끈 핏줄이 일어나요.

Doing this makes the veins here bulge.

그래서 막 생명이 흘러가는 것입니다.

So life is just flowing away.

그것은 기도에 있습니다.

It is in prayer.

기도하는 교회 되시길 여러분 초청합니다.

We invite you to be a praying church.

세 번째 마지막 하고 말씀 마무리 할게요.

I'll wrap up by saying the third and final point.

The last one is the gospel.

The last one is the gospel.

It has to be gospel centered.

It has to be gospel-centered.

복음 중심이 돼야 돼요.

It should be centered on the gospel.

I'm gonna read one quote and I'm gonna close.

I'm going to read one quote and then I'm going to close.

거룩한 음악 좀 틀어주세요.

Please play some holy music.

거룩하게 끝내게.

End it holily.

It says this.

It says this.

Our sense of belonging

우리의 소속감

내가 느껴지는 소속감은

The sense of belonging I feel is

can never be

can never be

greater than our level

greater than our level

of self-acceptance.

of self-acceptance.

내가 내 자신을

I myself

받아들이는 것 이상이 될 수 없다.

It cannot be more than just accepting.

Our sense of belonging

Our sense of belonging

can never be greater

can never be greater

than our level of self-acceptance.

than our level of self-acceptance.

여러분 지금 이 시대는요.

Everyone, this era is...

특히 코비드가 있었고 그 후에도 그렇지만

Especially with COVID, and even after that.

지금 소셜미디에 등등 여러 가지 때문에

Because of social media and various other reasons right now.

소속감에 대한 것.

About a sense of belonging.

내가 여기 어디에 속했다는 게 너무너무 소중하게 느껴져요.

I feel that belonging here is incredibly precious to me.

근데 여러분 저의 간증으로 들어주세요.

But everyone, please listen to my testimony.

저는 평생 살면서 나는

In my lifetime, I am...

외톨이라고 느끼는 게 오랫동안 된 사람이에요.

I've been someone who feels like an outsider for a long time.

근데 지금 그 어느 때보다

But now more than ever

아, 나는 이곳에 속했구나.

Ah, I belong here.

이 사람들이 나의 사람들이구나.

These people are my people.

이것이 하나님이 보내주신 나의 때구나라고 느끼며

I feel that this is the time God has sent me.

살고 있는 것 같아요.

I feel like I'm alive.

여러분 정말 간증으로 들어주세요.

Everyone, please listen as a testimony.

그것은 외부에서 일어나는 게 아니에요.

It's not happening from the outside.

외부는 도움이 돼요.

The outside is helpful.

External things are helpful.

External things are helpful.

But listen.

하지만 들어봐.

If our sense of belongingness

If our sense of belongingness

is dependent on the environment of other people

is dependent on the environment of other people.

then we're already anxious

Then we're already anxious.

because people are inconsistent.

Because people are inconsistent.

사람은 나를 잘해줬다가

People have treated me well and then...

내일은 못해줄 수 있거든요.

I can't do it tomorrow.

아니면 지금 있다가

Or just stay here now.

다음 시간에는 없을 수 있거든요.

You might not be available next time.

They might be anxious.

그들은 불안할 수 있다.

They might not show up now

그들은 지금 나타나지 않을 수도 있다.

but they might not show up.

하지만 그들은 나타나지 않을 수도 있습니다.

But you know what the gospel is?

But you know what the gospel is?

복음이 어떻게 되는지 아세요?

Do you know how the gospel works?

You heard about the gospel last week.

You heard about the gospel last week.

You heard about the gospel the week before.

You heard about the gospel the week before.

We shared the gospel with you consistently.

We consistently shared the gospel with you.

복음은 뭐가 되는지 아세요?

Do you know what the gospel is?

예수님이 나를 사랑하신다는 확신으로써

With the assurance that Jesus loves me.

그 내면의 사람의 확신이 생기니까

Because the conviction of that inner person arises.

다른 사람이 주위에 있는 것을 통해서

Through the presence of others around.

탱크가 이제 채워지는 거예요.

The tank is now being filled.

그러나 그 사람들이 우리의 답이 아니에요.

But those people are not our answer.

그 사람이 우리의 산성이 아니에요.

That person is not our fortress.

우리 산성은 하나님, 여호와 하나님이세요.

Our fortress is God, the Lord God.

Our rock, our fountain,

우리의 바위, 우리의 분수,

the solid foundation is Jesus Christ

The solid foundation is Jesus Christ.

and His word alone.

그리고 오직 그분의 말씀만.

So it has to be gospel center.

So it has to be gospel-centered.

복음 중심으로 가는 거예요.

It's about moving towards the gospel.

But other people are helpful.

하지만 다른 사람들은 도움이 됩니다.

It's an expression of it.

그것의 표현이다.

여러분, 다른 사람을 통해서

Everyone, through others.

내 안에 있는 공허함을 채우려고 하면

If I try to fill the emptiness inside me,

계속해서 불안한 거예요.

I keep feeling anxious.

지금 괜찮은데 다음에는?

It's okay now, but what about next time?

아니면 나의 이런 진짜 모습이 드러나면

Or if my true self like this is revealed

나의 죄가 드러나면

When my sin is revealed

나의 영약함이 드러나면

When my weakness is revealed

내가 다음에 실수하면

If I make a mistake next time

우리 실수할 거거든요.

We are going to make mistakes.

우리 영약함이 있거든요.

We have our own potion.

드러나는 게 맞거든요.

It's right to reveal it.

정말 잘 걷는다면.

If you walk really well.

그래서 복음으로 계속 돌아와요.

So I keep coming back to the gospel.

We gotta go back to the gospel.

We gotta go back to the gospel.

That Jesus, the perfect son and man,

That Jesus, the perfect son and man,

He lived the life that you and I should have lived

그는 당신과 내가 살아야 했던 삶을 살았다.

and died the death that you and I should have died.

그리고 당신과 내가 죽어야 했던 죽음을 죽으셨습니다.

He was resurrected on the third day.

He was resurrected on the third day.

He said, believe me.

그는 믿으라고 말했다.

Receive me as Lord and Savior.

나를 주님과 구주로 받아주세요.

그 복음

The gospel.

And then there's righteousness.

그리고 그 다음에는 의로움이 있다.

그 예수님의 온전한 의로움이

The perfect righteousness of that Jesus.

우리에게 임하는 그 믿음입니다.

It is the faith that comes to us.

믿음으로 말입니다.

It is by faith.

여러분 이제 커뮤니티로 가시고

Everyone, now go to the community.

소그룹으로 들어가실 때

When you enter the small group.

이 복음의 믿음으로

With the faith of this gospel.

복음 중심으로서

As center of the gospel


By loving.

세상의 아름다운 변증이 되는

Becoming the beautiful dialectic of the world.

아름다운 교회 되기를

May it be a beautiful church.

함께 꿈꿔봅시다.

Let's dream together.

그럴 수 있으면 정말 기쁘겠습니다.

I would be really happy if that can happen.

같이 기도하겠습니다.

I will pray together with you.

Let's pray.


Thank you for your agreement.

Thank you for your agreement.



꿈을 꾸며


우리가 할 수 없는 것을 놓고서

Let go of what we cannot do.

지금 선포하고 있습니다.

I am declaring right now.

God, I'm declaring things that

God, I'm declaring things that

I know can't happen, cannot happen

I know it can't happen, it cannot happen.

by human strength.

by human strength.

And as we said,

And as we said,

the source,

the source,

as you

as you

예수님의 사랑을 경험하는 것

Experiencing the love of Jesus

그 사랑이 우리에게 부어지는 것으로 말미암아

Because that love is poured out upon us

우리의 가족도

Our family too.

우리의 자녀들도

Our children too.

우리 교회도

Our church too.

우리 회사도

Our company also.

이 도시도

This city too

이 세대도

This generation too

온전해 줄 수 있는 줄 믿습니다.

I believe you can give it to me completely.

Lord, we now ask for that grace

주님, 우리는 이제 그 은혜를 구합니다.

and we now draw near to you in confidence

And we now draw near to you in confidence.

saying, Lord, we need help.

Saying, Lord, we need help.

하나님 우리 도와주십시오.

God, please help us.

We need help to love

We need help to love.

and to be whole.

그리고 완전해지기 위해.

God, in our pride,

God, in our pride,

Ephesians 3.16

Ephesians 3:16 - "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;"

Lord, I pray

주님, 제가 기도합니다.

that your spirit,

that your spirit,

the spirit of revelation

the spirit of revelation

will help us and minister to us

will help us and minister to us

so our inner man,

so our inner man,

inner woman

inner woman

will be strengthened in every way.

will be strengthened in every way.

속사람의 강관함이 임하기를 축복합니다.

I祝福 you with the inner strength to come upon you.

그렇게 소구름을 사용해 주시고

Please use the small clouds like that.

이 시대를 사용해 주시기 원합니다.

I hope you will use this era.

하나님, 정말 아름다운 간증과 변증이 되는

God, truly a beautiful testimony and defense.

교회가 되기 원합니다.

I want to become a church.

그럴 수 있도록 도와주십시오.

Please help me make that happen.

That's not because we're doing something great,

That's not because we're doing something great,

like we're producing something great.

like we're producing something great.

No, no, because we're loving great.

No, no, because we love greatly.

Let our produce be people

Let our produce be people.

and most of all,

그리고 무엇보다도,

love for you and love for others.

사랑은 당신을 위한 것이고, 다른 사람들을 위한 사랑입니다.

사랑이 우리의 열매가 될 수 있도록

So that love can become our fruit.

우리를 도와주시기 원합니다.

We want you to help us.

Let us celebrate love and people,

Let us celebrate love and people,

not products of stuff.

not products of stuff.


Thank you.

We love you.

We love you.

It is in your name we pray.

We pray in your name.

하나님께 영광의 박수 드리시기 바랍니다.

Please give glory to God with applause.

Thank God.

Thank God.

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