03/07 - 두데 올드보이 with 김수용,이원석(데이브레이크)


두데 '올드보이' (종영)

03/07 - 두데 올드보이 with 김수용,이원석(데이브레이크)

두데 '올드보이' (종영)

남자로 태어나 남자라는 이유로 남자답게 살았다

I was born a man and lived as a man because I am a man.

과묵함이 가져다주던 권위 대신

Instead of the authority that silence brought.

친근함이 만들어주는 소통을 취하기 위해 진화 중인 존재

An evolving being that seeks communication created by familiarity.

누구냐 넌 올드보이

Who are you, Oldboy?

자 수드래곤 김수용씨 그리고 대빵남 이원석씨 어서오세요

Welcome, Mr. Kim Soo-yong, the dragon king, and Mr. Lee Won-seok, the big boss.

안녕하세요 반갑습니다

Hello, nice to meet you.

정말 그 요즘 어떻게 지내셨어요?

How have you been doing these days?

김수용씨는 좀 전에 깜짝 놀랐어요 빵 터졌잖아요

Mr. Kim Soo-yong was surprised a moment ago; he burst out laughing.

이제 그 팬관리를 하기 위해서

Now, in order to manage the fans.

개그맨 김수용 카페를

Comedian Kim Soo-yong's cafe.

제가 오늘 오전에 초록창 있는 카페에

I went to a cafe with a green search bar this morning.

제가 수드래곤

I am a dragon.

카페 이름이 수드래곤이에요?

Is the cafe name Sudragon?

아니요 개그맨 김수용 팬카페인데 주소는 이제 뒤에

No, it's a fan cafe for comedian Kim Soo-yong, but the address is at the back now.

아 수드래곤

Ah, Sou Dragon.

그럼 주인장은 복지창

Then the owner becomes a welfare officer.

주인장이 저예요

I'm the owner.

보통 연예인들이 팬카페 안 만들잖아요 팬들이 만들잖아요

Usually, celebrities don’t create fan cafes; fans create them.

저는 하도 없어서

I have so little to do.

지금 회원수 한 명입니다 저밖에 없어요

Right now, there is only one member, just me.

제가 아까 오전에 만들었거든요

I made it earlier in the morning.

연예인 최초로 팬카페를 자기가 만들었어요

For the first time, a celebrity created their own fan cafe.

제가 인증사진도 올렸는데

I also uploaded a verification photo.

아 그래요?

Oh, really?

제가 노트북 들고 인증사진 안 믿을까봐 제가 인증사진까지 올렸어요

I uploaded a verification photo just in case you won't believe I have the laptop.

오늘 옷하고 똑같네요

Today, it looks just like the clothes.


Is it real?

네 아까 제가 11시에 만든 거라니까요

Yes, I said I made it at 11 o'clock earlier.

거짓말하지 않습니다

I don't lie.

오늘 만들어서 즐겨찾는 멤버 0명

Today, created and has 0 favorite members.


0 people

게시판 구독수 0회

Board subscriptions: 0 times


Yes, yes.





카페 앱수 0회

Cafe app usage: 0 times

이렇게 돼있고

It's set up like this.

씨앗 한 단계고요 지금 회원이 한 명입니다

It's at the seed stage, and currently, there is one member.

저밖에 없습니다

There is only me.

아 한 명이 김수용씨?

Ah, is one person Kim Soo-yong?

네 저예요

Yes, it's me.

아 오늘 11시에 만들었으니까

Ah, I made it at 11 o'clock today.

여러분들 관심 있으신 분은 개그맨 김수용 팬카페

For those interested, comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe.

부디 많이 많이 찾아주시기 바랍니다

Please come and visit often.


I feel lonely.

만들지 얼마 안 됐을 때 가입하시는 게 의미가 있어요

It's meaningful to join shortly after it's created.

아 그럼요

Oh, of course.


Since it's warm.

초창기 멤버가

Early members

그 초반에 또 주인장이 신경 많이 쓰거든요

In the beginning, the owner really pays a lot of attention.


That's right.


Mr. Kim Soo-yong

또 시간 지난 그분들 터세도 부리고

And they are also exploiting their connections over time.


Of course.

정모도 계획하고 있어요

I'm also planning a get-together.

정모도 오프라인에서 만나서

Let's meet in person for the gathering.



That sounds fun!


That sounds fun.

정모 기획하고 있는데

I'm planning a meetup.

보통 정모하면 보통 연예인이 사거든요

Usually, when there is a gathering, it usually involves celebrities.

이 모임의 특징은 만 원씩 갖고 와야 됩니다

The feature of this meeting is that you must bring 10,000 won.

그날 이제 공지하죠

Let's announce it now.

패비 얼마라고

How much is the fee?

공지를 할 겁니다

I will make an announcement.

정말 오늘 만들어진 김수용

Kim Soo-yong was really created today.

개그맨 김수용의 팬카페

Comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe


That's right.

많이 사랑해 주시고

Love me a lot.

너무 지금 아무것도 꾸민 줄 알아요

I think you’re making too much out of nothing right now.

아직도 한 명이에요

I'm still the only one.

아무것도 없어요

There is nothing.

아직 한 명이에요

There's still one person.

16명 됐어요

There are 16 people.



16명 됐습니다

There are 16 people now.


Thank you.

여기 지금 라디오 듣고 가입합니다

I'm listening to the radio here and signing up.

라디오 듣고 바로 가입

Sign up right after listening to the radio.

16명 됐고

It's now 16 people.

새로 고침 해보시면 또 늘어날 수도 있을 것 같아요

If you refresh, it might increase again.

방송 끝날 때까지만 계속 보면 재밌겠는데

It would be fun to keep watching until the end of the broadcast.

50명만 넘어도 대박인데

It will be a huge success if we get more than 50 people.

33명 됐고요

There are 33 people.

여러분들 오늘 100명 채웁시다

Let's fill up the 100 people today, everyone!

오늘 100명 채웁시다

Let's fill it with 100 people today.

방송 끝날 때 몇 명인지 발표할게요

I will announce how many people there are at the end of the broadcast.

목표는 100명입니까

Is the goal 100 people?

100명 넘을 것 같네요

It seems like it will be over 100 people.



여러분들 감사합니다

Thank you all.

100명 채우시면 공약 하나 하시죠

If you gather 100 people, let's make a promise.

공약 하나 어떻게

How about a promise?

100명 넘으면 다음에 정모할 때

If it exceeds 100 people, then at the next meetup.

2시 데이트에서 듣고 가입했어요

I heard about it on a date at 2 o'clock and signed up.

그날 오늘 가입한 분들

Those who joined today.

회비 면제죠

It's an exemption from the membership fee.


Only those people.

오늘 회비 면제입니다

Today, the membership fee is waived.

오늘 가입하신 분들은

Those who joined today

정모할 때 그냥 오시면 됩니다

You can just come when we have a group meeting.


A little.


Like a multi-level marketing.


These people.

사파이어 등급입니다

It is a sapphire grade.



사파이어 등급

Sapphire grade

5분씩 데리고 오세요

Please bring them one at a time, every 5 minutes.

원석씨는 물론

Of course, Wonseok.

팬카페 팬클럽 있죠

There's a fan cafe and fan club, right?


There is.

요즘 또 페이스

These days, I'm feeling a bit off again.

운영하고 있고

operating and


on social media


That's amazing.

원석씨 팬들이 보내주신 떡

Rice cakes sent by Wonseok's fans.



이거 떡이에요

This is a rice cake.

케이크인 줄 알았어요

I thought it was a cake.

너무 예쁜 떡

So pretty rice cake.

정말 맛있던데요

It was really delicious.


Rice cake and

팬클럽에서 보내줬어요

It was sent by the fan club.

편지와 함께

With a letter.

김수용씨가 오늘 만들어줘서

Mr. Kim Soo-yong made it for me today.

김수용씨 팬들은 안 가져왔습니다

Mr. Kim Soo-yong's fans did not bring it.


That's right.



오늘 만들어줘

Make it for me today.

급하게 만들었어요

I made it in a hurry.

급하게 만들었기 때문에

Because it was made in a hurry.


It's fun.

오늘도 새로운

A new day today as well.

여러분들 순서

It's your turn, everyone.



지금 계속

Keep going now.

이어드릴 겁니다

I will continue.

아재 판별법

Detecting an old man.

아재 판별법 오늘 할 거예요

I will do the dad test today.

이런 남자는 아재다

This kind of man is a middle-aged guy.

오늘 주제인데

Today's topic is...

아재 판별법 뭐가 있을까요

What are some ways to determine if someone is an older man?

저 얼마 전에 친구들하고

I was just with my friends the other day.

그런 얘기 했었는데

I mentioned something like that.

브랜드들 있잖아요

There are brands, you know.

옷이나 신발 브랜드들

Clothing and shoe brands.

그거 왜 요즘 안 나오지

Why hasn't that been coming out lately?

뭐 이런 것들

Things like this.

옛날에 있었다가

Once upon a time there was...

저희 중학교 때나

When we were in middle school.

이럴 때는 너무 유행이었는데

It was so trendy at that time.

그거 왜 요즘 안 나오지

Why has that not been coming out lately?

그것도 재밌겠네요

That would be interesting too.

여러분 한번

Everyone, once.

요즘에 안 나오지 하는 것들도 보내주시고

Please send me the things that you haven't been coming out with lately.

아재 판별법도 보내주시고

Please send me the method to determine if someone is an "ajumma."

브랜드 옛날에 있었었는데

The brand used to exist a long time ago.

요즘 없는 것들

Things that are no longer present these days.

옛날에 청바지 중에

A long time ago, among jeans

지금도 있을까 봐 말을 못하겠어요

I'm afraid to speak up in case it's still there.

있을 수도 있겠죠

It might be possible.

말 그려있는 거

A drawing of a horse.

그거 없을 거예요 조다시

I don’t think there will be any of that, Jodashi.

말 그려있는 거 없죠

There's nothing drawn with a horse, right?



옛날에 조다시 말 그려있고

Once upon a time, there was a picture drawn in a long time ago.

조만 있는 것도 있었어요

There was something that was going to happen soon.




Do you have it?

말하면 안 되는데

I shouldn't say it, but...


I'm sorry.

하마도 있었는데

There was also a hippo.

하마도 있었죠

There was also a hippo.

발바닥도 있었어요

There was also a sole.


Sole of the foot.

지금도 있을걸요

It should still be there.

발바닥 있어요

There is a sole.


Nuclear Majo


Nuclear line type

처음에 힙합

At first, hip-hop.

FU로 시작하는 브랜드 있었어요

There was a brand that started with FU.


I know.

후 머신

Rear machine

후 부전자전 있잖아요

Well, it's a case of like father, like son.

지금도 있나 모르겠네요

I don't know if it's still there now.

그것도 있었는데

There was that too.


That's right.

옛날에 또 바지 중에

A long time ago, among the pants...

지금도 있대요

They say it's still there now.

지금도 있어요

It's still there now.

다 있어요

Everything is there.

이거 애용해줘야 된다

You have to use this often.


I see.


of memories

어쨌든 저는 그거

Anyway, I...



테레비라고 하시는

Called a television





용어를 테레비

The term is television.

TV도 있고

There is also a TV.

TV도 있고 하대요 테레비

They say there’s a TV and all.

아재들은 또 샌들에 양말이죠

Middle-aged men wear socks with sandals again.

샌들에 양말

Socks with sandals.


In summer.

샌들에 양말

Socks with sandals.

샌들에 꼭 양말을 신죠

You should definitely wear socks with sandals.

심한 분들은 발가락 양말

For those who are severe, toe socks.

그거 정말

That's really it.

발가락 양말

Toe socks

소름 돋아요 소름 돋아요

I'm getting goosebumps, I'm getting goosebumps.

소름 돋죠

It's creepy, isn't it?

음식점에서 물수건을 일단 목부터 닦아요

I first wipe my neck with the wet towel at the restaurant.

손만 안 닦죠 아재는

He just doesn't wash his hands, does he?

목 닦고

Wipe your neck.

겨 닦고

Wipe the embers.

많이 닦죠

I clean a lot.

있는 일인데 왜 그래요 홍피디

It's a situation that exists, so why is that, Producer Hong?

홍피디 안 해봤어요?

Have you not tried Hong PD?

진짜 한 번도 하지 마요

Really, don't ever do it.

미혼의 여자분들은 할 수가 없는 일이죠

It's something that unmarried women cannot do.

그래서 요즘 아재 판별법

So these days, ways to determine if someone is an "aunt" or "uncle."

앱으로도 나왔대요

They say it's also available as an app.


Through the app as well.

여러분이 알고 있는 것들

Things that you all know.

아재 판별법

How to determine if someone is an "ajusshi" (middle-aged man).

이러면 아재다 보내주세요

If this happens, please send it to the uncle.

샷 8,000번

8,000 shots

단문 50원

Short message 50 won.

장문 100원이고

It's 100 won for a long text.

미니는 무료입니다

Mini is free.

노래 듣고 올 동안

While listening to a song.

여러분들 많이 보내주세요

Please send a lot, everyone.


It is noise.

어제와 다른 오늘

A different today from yesterday.

노이즈의 어제와 다른 오늘이었습니다

It was a today different from yesterday's noise.

이 노래 알아도

Even if you know this song


Not yet.


Uncle (or slang for an older man)

나도 모르게 흥얼거리기 따오면

If I end up humming without realizing it



따라 부르면

If you follow along and sing.

표경인씨가 이렇게 해주셨네요

Mr. Pyo Kyung-in has done this for us.

광고를 선전이라고 하면 아재

If you call an advertisement a promotion, you're old-fashioned.

그렇죠 선전

That's right, propaganda.

뒤에 또 비슷한 게 있어요

There’s something similar behind it as well.

9274님이 요새 테레비

Mr. 9274 has been watching TV lately.

선전이 너무 많아요

There is too much propaganda.

요새 테레비 선전이

Lately, the TV commercials are...

너무 많아

That's too much.

제대로 인증

Proper authentication


Mr. 3093

부동산을 복덕방이라고 말할 때

When we refer to real estate as "bogdeokbang" (a traditional term for a real estate agency).

아재 같아요

You seem like an old man.

여러분들 들으시는 분들 참고하시고

For those of you listening, please take note.

내가 몇 개나 지금 포함되는지

How many am I included in right now?

한번 보세요

Take a look.


To 8558.

톡 보내면 무조건 전화가 와요

If I send a message, I'll definitely get a call.

크크크 일 사라지자마자

Hahaha, as soon as the work disappears.

왜냐하면 이거 답답하거든요

Because it's frustrating.

나도 가끔 막

I sometimes just...

답답하게 말 길게 써야 될 때는

When I have to write long and frustratingly,

바로 그냥 전화하거든요

I just call right away.

치다가 전화해

Call me when you're done.

성격 때문에 그냥

Just because of my personality.

근데 이거 톡으로만 계속 모든 업무를 보는 분들도 있더라고요

But there are also people who handle all their work solely through chat.

답답하지 않아요?

Aren't you frustrated?


That's right.


It seems to be a mystery.

손이 진하던데

My hands were shaking.

3925님 진짜 웃긴다 이거

3925, this is really funny!

LA를 나성

LA to Nason

나성에 가면 편지를 보내줘요

If you go to Los Angeles, please send me a letter.


Omission in the middle.

프랑스를 불란서


구라파 등등

Europe, etc.

아재 전문 용어들 쓰는 분들이면

If you are someone who uses specialized jargon...

99.9% 적중합니다

It has a 99.9% accuracy rate.

구라파가 유럽이 구라파죠

Korea is Europe, right?

유럽이 구라파죠

Europe is called "Gura-pa."


That's right.

옛날에 소련

In the past, the Soviet Union.


Soviet Union


The Soviet Union

소련 아세요?

Do you know about the Soviet Union?

소련 알죠

I know the Soviet Union.


Soviet Union

소련 알죠?

You know about the Soviet Union, right?



소련 알죠?

You know about the Soviet Union, right?



네덜란드 화란

Holland, Netherlands




In Holland


That's right.

윤정건 씨

Mr. Yoon Jung-geon

모든 말에 음을 넣어서 표현해요

I express everything with intonation.

보자 보자

Let's see, let's see.

그게 어딨더라

Where was that again?

가만히 있자

Let's stay still.


That's strange.

여기 있었는데

It was here.

멜로디를 넣어서 하시면 되겠잖아요

You can just add a melody to it.


That's right.

보자 보자

Let's see, let's see.

그게 어딨더라

Where was that again?

보자 보자

Let's see, let's see.

내가 손톱깎기를

I am using nail clippers.

어디다 두었느냐

Where did you put it?

서랍을 열어보니 없네

It's not there when I open the drawer.



레비전 옆에 있나

Is it next to the revision?

여보 어딨어

Honey, where are you?

랩으로 전환

Switch to rap.

7817님 볼까요?

Shall we take a look at 7817?




Screw eye.


This is


What do you mean by 'gyeol-an'?

결안이면 아재예요?

Are you an old guy if you wear glasses?


Are you an old guy?

난 저기 대구 군대 동기 중에

I'm among the military colleagues from Daegu over there.

대구 친구가 있었어요

I had a friend in Daegu.

그래서 그 친구는

So that friend...

계란을 다갈이라고 그러더라고요

They say it's called "dagal" for eggs.


Chicken egg

닭알 좋아하나?

Do you like eggs?

닭알이 뭐야?

What is a chicken egg?

닭알 모르나 닭새끼

Do you not know where eggs come from, chick?


They said so.


I am sorry.

이거 비방인가요?

Is this defamation?

그 친구가 그렇게 얘기한 거예요

That friend said it like that.

닭의 자식


닭의 아이


하여튼 그래서 닭알이라고도 하더라고요

Anyway, that's why they also call it a chicken egg.

9849님 볼까요?

Shall we take a look at 9849?




Cutting board

맞아요 맞아요

That's right, that's right.

어른 인증이죠

It's adult certification.



오토바이 타고 가

I'm riding a motorcycle.




cutting board



안경 머리에 끼고 핸드폰 보면 아재예요

Wearing glasses on your head while looking at your phone makes you seem like an old man.

안경 머리에 끼고

Wearing glasses on my head.

돋보기일 경우에

In the case of a magnifying glass


That's right.

그런 건가요?

Is that how it is?

멋스럽지 않나?

Isn't it stylish?

이게 좀 그런가요?

Is this a bit unusual?

안경을 머리 위에 탁 올리고?

Are you putting the glasses on top of your head?

멋있다고 생각하는 것 자체가 아재인가?

Is thinking something is cool itself a sign of being outdated?

특히 선글라스 예전에 머리

Especially sunglasses, back in the day.

딱 좀 많이 다녔는데

I've been out a lot lately.

여자도 되게 많이 하고 다녔어요

Women also did a lot of activities.

선글라스 뒤로 이렇게 하지 않았어요?

Didn’t you do this behind the sunglasses?

뒤로 하기도 하고

Sometimes I go back.




That's right.

그게 이행이었어요

That was the transition.


That's right.

목에 안경알이 있는

There are glasses lenses on the neck.


That's right.

맞아요 그랬었어요

That's right, it was like that.

자 그리고

"Now, and..."



자동차 번호판

License plate




It's the number.

그게 다

That's it.

이게 일본식 영어 표현이거든요

This is a Japanese-style English expression.



남바가 어떻게 되냐?

What is your number?








Back off.



네 김시영님

Yes, Kim Si-young.

식당 가서 주문할 때

When ordering at a restaurant.

여기 3인분 같은 2인분이요

This is a portion for two that looks like three servings.

이렇게 주문하면 아재죠

If you order like this, you're an old guy.

이게 아재예요?

Is this an old man?

그런 거 많이 하는데

I do that a lot.

대자 같은 소자요

It's a small piece like a big piece.


That's right.

중자도 아니고

It's not even medium.

대자 같은 소자

A child like a giant.


Excuse me.

곱빼기 같은 보통형

A regular type that is like a double serving.

이런 거 하죠

Let's do this kind of thing.

3인분 같은 2인분

Two servings that are like three servings.

이건 지금 굉장히 분위기 좋아지고 좋은데

This is becoming a really good atmosphere right now.

아 네

Ah yes.

뭐 이러면서

What is this?

자 다음 거 볼까요?

Shall we take a look at the next one?

네 박정선님이

Yes, Park Jeong-sun.

잠옷 상의 바지에 넣어 입는 거예요

It's a top that you wear tucked into the pants.

우리 남편

Our husband.

잠옷 상의를?

Pajama top?

왜 런닝을 바지에 넣어

Why do you put running in your pants?

배바지 입고 사는지 모르겠어요

I don't know if I can live wearing a belly band.

그래야 편한다는 사람도 있어요

Some people say that's how it feels comfortable.

이거 이유가 있습니다

There is a reason for this.

저도 이렇게 입는데요

I also wear it like this.

이렇게 입죠?

Do I wear it like this?

이유가 뭐예요?

What is the reason?

자다 보면 상의가 자꾸 말로 올라가요

When I sleep, my top often rides up.


That's right.

자다 보면

While sleeping


That's right.

정갈하게 넣어줘야 됩니다

It should be placed neatly.

심한 경우에는

In severe cases,

잠옷 바지를 넘어서서

Beyond the pajamas.

속옷에까지 이렇게 하기도 하고

They even go this far with underwear.

왜냐하면 올라오면 안 되니까

Because it shouldn't come up.

철저한 고정

Thorough fixation

자 볼까요 다음

Let's take a look at the next one.


Mr. Yang Won-cheol

시차 셀 때

When counting the time difference

한 점 두시기

Please put a dot.

석삼 너구리

Seok-sam raccoon



오징어 육개장

Squid spicy soup




What is "chiltteugi"?



Spotted cow.

칠뜨기 팔고채

Chiltteugi Palkgochae



9는 뭐야?

What is 9?



9는 뭐야?

What is 9?


9 degree?

9더기야 뭐야?

What is 9Dugi?


9 more?


9th Avenue


What is a 9-bong?

진짜 양원철씨 재밌네요

Yang Won-cheol is really interesting.


That's right.

확 온다

It's definitely coming.

확 오네요

It's definitely coming.

다음 거 볼까요?

Shall we take a look at the next one?


Kim Su-jeong

정장 바지 입을 때

When wearing dress pants

배꼽 위로 벨트 올라와 있으면 아재 아닌가요?

If the belt is up above the belly button, isn't that a sign of being an old man?


That's right.

그러니까 요즘 너무 내려 입잖아요

So these days, people are wearing clothes really low.


That's right.

저스틴 비버는 심할 정도로 그냥

Justin Bieber is just really extreme.

엉덩이 고리 보일 정도로

To the point where my butt ring is visible.


That's right.

벗었다고 봐야죠

You could say that I took it off.

아 그렇군요

Oh, I see.


5806님 (Mr./Ms. 5806)

아재들은요 나이트 가면 쉽게 구분할 수 있어요

Older guys can be easily distinguished when they wear a night mask.

춤 사이가 다들 비슷비슷하더라고요

The dance moves all seem pretty similar.

코디도 그 춤 아실 것 같은데

I think Cody would know that dance too.

아 알아요

Ah, I know.

이상하게 그냥 뭐 이렇게

Strangely, just something like this.

뭐 이렇게 추는 건가?

Is this how you dance like this?

보라도 아니고 그래서

It's not a rainbow, so...

뭔가 흐느적흐느적하는

Something that is swaying or wobbling.

그런 느낌이죠

It feels like that.



지금 방송 들으면서 아무 말 없이 미소 짓고 있으면 아재

If you're listening to the broadcast right now and smiling silently, you're an old man (or middle-aged man).

맞아 맞아 하시는 분들 있으면 아재

If there are people saying "that's right, that's right," they're middle-aged men.


That's right.

넘버를 남바라 그러시는 분

Those who say "number" as "namba."



테레비 선전

Television advertisement

뭐 이런

What is this?

자 2시의 데이트 함께하고 계십니다

Now, it's time for your 2 o'clock date.

자 노래 한 곡 들을 건데요

Now I'm going to play a song.

이 노래도 이 노래가 누구 노래야?

Whose song is this song?


김창완 노래 아니야? 하시는 분들은 아재

Isn't that a song by Kim Chang-wan? Those who say so are old-timers.

아이유 노래인가? 하시는 분들 아재가 아닙니다

Is it a song by IU? Those who ask are not old folks.

아이유의 너의 의미

IU's "Meaning of You"

피처링을 김창완 씨가 하셨어요

Kim Chang-wan featured on it.


Oh dear.

나의 한마음

My one heart.

2시의 데이트입니다

It's a date at 2 o'clock.

김수용 씨가 오늘 11시에 자기 자신이 팬카페를 만들어서

Mr. Kim Soo-yong created a fan cafe for himself at 11 o'clock today.


That's right.

지금 여기 와서 지금 팬카페 한 분밖에 안 계셨잖아요

You were the only one here in the fan cafe right now.

네 그렇죠

Yes, that's right.

그런데 그 공식 팬카페가 뭐냐 도대체

So what exactly is that official fan cafe?

사람들이 여러 개 김수용 씨를 치면 여러 개가 나오나 봐요

It seems that if people hit Kim Soo-yong several times, multiple ones come out.


Is that so?

제 팬카페에 들어가면 말이죠

If you enter my fan cafe, you know...

개그맨 김수용 팬카페

Comedian Kim Soo-yong fan cafe

개그맨 김수용 팬카페가 뭐냐고요?

What is the comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe?

김수용 팬카페

Kim Soo-yong Fan Cafe

거기 들어가시면 제가 노트북을 들고

If you go in there, I'll be holding a laptop.

찍은 사진

The photo taken.

인증샷이 있어요

I have a proof shot.

주소는 뒤에 수드래곤을 치시면 됩니다

You can enter the address by typing in Su-dragon at the end.

주소가 수드래곤 그렇군요

The address is Sudragon, I see.

이 팬카페 자유게시판에 올라온 글 하나 소개하고 갈게요

I'll introduce a post that was uploaded to the fan cafe's free bulletin board.

벌써 올라오셨어요

You've already come up?

제목이 김수용 씨 근황

The title is Kim Soo-yong's recent news.

작성자가 수용성 비타민

The author of water-soluble vitamins.

팬인가 봐요 수용성 비타민

I guess I'm a fan of water-soluble vitamins.

현재 지석진의 2시의 데이트 참석 중이라고

Currently attending Ji Seok-jin's 2 O'Clock Date.

근황을 이렇게

This is how I'm doing.

팬클럽 인원은 방송 끝날 때 발표할게요

I will announce the number of fan club members when the broadcast ends.

100은 훌쩍 넘었고요

It has surpassed 100 by a large margin.



방송이 이미 대단하네요

The broadcast is already amazing.

오늘 그랬잖아요

I told you so today.

오늘 가입하시는 분들은

Those who join today

첫 회 정모 때 회비를 안 받겠다

I won’t collect membership fees at the first meeting.

돈 좀 드시겠는데

Would you like some money?

100분이 넘을 줄 몰랐거든요

I didn't expect it to be over 100 minutes.

200이면 200 쓰셔야 되고요

You have to use 200 if it's 200.

만 원만 해도 200이네요

Even just 10,000 won is 200.

200이고 300명이면 300입니다

If it's 200 and 300 people, it's 300.

제가 한 5만 원 생각하고 있었거든요

I was thinking around 50,000 won.

좀 남기려고 했는데

I was trying to leave some behind.

여러분 한 500 쓸 수 있게

So that everyone can use about 500.

약속은 지켜야죠

You should keep your promises.

공식이 뭐냐고 많이 올라오는데

There have been many questions asking what the formula is.

개그맨 김수용의 팬카페

Comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe.

아주 굉장히 보통 별명이나 이렇게 멋있게 짓는데

It's quite common to come up with cool nicknames like this.

되게 단순하게 지으셨어요

You made it very simple.

개그맨 김수용의 팬카페

Comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe




It is light and plain.

아마 연인이 본인이 팬카페 만든

Maybe the lover created the fan cafe.

최초인 것 같아요

I think it's the first time.

최초일걸요 우리나라에서

It might be the first in our country.

그게 오늘 일어났습니다

That happened today.

오늘 11시

Today at 11 o'clock.

이제 올드보이

Now Oldboy.

오늘의 첫 번째 사연으로 갈게요

Let's move on to today's first story.

조유미 씨 사연입니다

This is the story of Jo Yu-mi.

학원 강사로 일하고 있습니다

I work as a private academy instructor.

그런데 참 희한한 인연의 선생님이 계신 거예요

By the way, there is a teacher with a truly strange connection.

얼마 전 강동원 나오는 영화를 보고

I watched a movie with Kang Dong-won in it recently.

너무 재미있고 멋있어서

It's so fun and cool.

칭찬을 했거든요

I gave a compliment.



동원이 멋있지

Dongwon is cool.

내가 고등학교를 같이 다녔거든

We went to high school together.


They were a junior.

멀리서 봐도 눈에 딱 띄었었어

It stood out clearly even from a distance.

어머 정말요?

Oh really?

얘기도 해봤어요?

Have you talked about it?

아 그럼

Oh, then.

같은 독서실도 다녔어

We attended the same study room.



부러워하면서 이런저런 이야기를 하다보니

As I talked about various things while feeling envious...

말이 안되더라고요

It doesn't make sense.

나이를 봐도 도저히 같이 학교를

Given the age, it's simply impossible to attend school together.

다닐 수 없는 나이였고요

It was an age when I couldn't attend.

또 제가 공유에게 빠져들어서

Also, I got captivated by sharing.

멋있다고 했을 때는요

When I said it was cool,



걔는 내 동생이랑 친해서 잘 알지

He knows my younger sibling well since they are close.

뜨기 전에 집에도 놀러오고

Come over to my house before you leave.



요즘 바빠지니까 못 오대

I've been really busy lately, so I can't come.

이러는 겁니다

This is what happens.

그리고 또 한 번은

And once again

요즘 인기있는 뉴스 앵커 얘기가 나와서

The topic of popular news anchors has come up these days.

너무 지적이고 멋있다고 했더니

When I said you are so intelligent and cool, then...

내가 예전에 그 사람 애들 과외했잖아

I used to tutor that person's kids.

집에 가면 그냥 런닝셔츠 입고

When I get home, I just wear a tank top.

소파 등받이에 다리 올리고

Put your legs on the back of the sofa.

쫙 드러누워 입고 그랬어

I lay down flat and wore it like that.

그 사람 집에 가면

If you go to that person's house

평범한 남자야

He's an ordinary man.

아니 어떻게 제가 멋있다고 하거나

No, how can I say that I’m cool or...

화제의 중심이 되는 사람들과는

With the people at the center of the conversation.

다 그렇게 인연이 있는 걸까요?

Is that how connections are made?

이런게 말로만 듣던

This is something I only heard about in words.

허언증인가 싶어서

I wonder if it's a delusion.

대화할 때면 맞잡고

When we talk, we hold hands.

상구를 쳐야 하는지

Should I hit Sang-gu?

아님 정색을 해야 할지 난감한데요

I'm in a dilemma about whether to be serious or not.

이 남자 왜 이러는 걸까요?

Why is this man acting like this?

사연주신 조혜미씨께 호두과자 교환권

Walnut cake exchange coupon for Ms. Jo Hye-mi who sent in her story.

드리도록 하겠습니다

I will provide it.

이게 저는 궁금한게

What I'm curious about is...

이게 정말 허언증일까?

Is this really a delusion?

아니면 농담을 하는 걸까?

Or are you joking?



농담일 수도 있거든요

It could be a joke.

농담을 너무 농담 아닌 것처럼 하는 거죠

It's making a joke in a way that doesn't really seem like a joke.



진지하게 하는 거죠

You're doing it seriously.

이런 모습을

Such a sight

사실 계시긴 해요

Actually, it does exist.

다뤄가다 보면

As we handle it.


There is.

내가 키웠잖아

I raised you.

그런 분 만나지 않아요?

Don't you meet someone like that?

이렇게 다니다보면

If you keep going like this...


Mr. Ji-seok-jin

나 그 M본부

I that M headquarters.

내가 누구 잘 아는데

I know someone very well.


There are many.

국장 잘 있나?

How is the director doing?

되게 많아요

There are really a lot.

누구 누구 국장 잘 있나?

Is everyone doing well at the department?

잘 모르는데

I don't know well.

어느 부서에 계신지

Which department are you in?

아마 그

Maybe that

어디 있더라?

Where was it again?



Are you a producer?

아니 아니 피디는 아니고

No, no, it's not the PD.

말을 일단 저한테 놓잖아요

You put the words down to me first.

그 어디 있더라

Where was that again?


기억이 안 나요

I don't remember.

빨리 얘기해

Talk quickly.

내가 전화해볼게

I will give you a call.

여기서만 전화하려고

I intend to only make calls here.


Because it's frustrating.

그런 분들 계시죠

There are people like that, right?

원석씨도 그런 분들 계시잖아요

There are people like that, including you, Wonseok.

그런 분들 굉장히 많죠

There are quite a few people like that.

그리고 일단 뭐

And well, anyway.

누구 안다고 하면

If you say you know someone.

보통 성을 빼고 말씀하시잖아요

You usually speak without mentioning titles.

예를 들어서 김수용씨다 그러면

For example, if it's Mr. Kim Soo-yong, then...

아 수용이

Ah, Su-yeong.

이런 식으로

In this way.

잘 모르는데

I don't know well.

근데 진짜 그렇게 안다고 그러는데

But really, you say you know like that.

모르는 분들 좀 있거든요

There are some people I don't know.

우리가 기억력이 없는 게 아니라

It's not that we have no memory.

진짜 언젠간 한 번 봤겠죠

I guess we've really seen each other at least once someday.

기억이 없는 분

A person with no memories.

아예 연이 없는 건 아닌 것 같아요

I don't think it's completely unrelated.

그렇죠 그렇죠

That's right, that's right.

어딘가에서 한 10초 정도

Somewhere for about 10 seconds.

근데 뭐 안도명은 있을 수 있는데

But there could be some sense of relief.

이분은 얘기하는 사람 다

This person talks about everyone.

다 전부 다


아 걔 동원이

Oh, that's Dong-won.

아 공유 걔

Oh, is it that guy?

막 이러니까

Just like this.

이거 농담 같아요

This feels like a joke.

이게 어떻게 좀

How do I do this?

어떻게 보면은

In a way,

약간 허언증 같은 거잖아요

It's kind of like a little bit of a delusion.

이게 어떻게 해야 되나요

What should I do about this?

그냥 그러니 해야죠

Then we should just do it.

진짜 알아요

I really know.

막 이렇게 또 따질 수도 없는 노릇이고

I can't keep arguing like this.

남자 동료분이

A male colleague.

이 여자분을 좋아하는 게 아닐까요

Could it be that you like this woman?

아 그래요

Oh, really?

괜히 계속 계속 그렇게 하려고

There's no reason to keep doing that.

아 대화를 어떻게 좀 해보려고

Ah, I was trying to have a conversation.

아 대화를 이어가려고

Oh, I’m trying to continue the conversation.

이어가기 위해서

To continue.

근데 너 그런 거 치고는 너무

But for someone like you, that's too...

지금 아는 분야가 너무 많아

There are too many areas I know about right now.

심지어 앵커 유명한 앵커까지 막

Even famous anchors, even the well-known anchors, are...

그댁 아들 과외 시켜줬대잖아요

They say you arranged private tutoring for your son.

아 근데 제발 부탁인데

Ah, but please, I beg you.

아는 척하는 건 좋은데

It's good to act like you know.

이렇게 험담 비슷하게

Talking like this is somewhat like gossiping.

다리 올리고

Raise your legs.

소파 등받이에 러닝 셔츠만 입고

Only wearing a running shirt on the sofa backrest.

그럼 집에서 뭐 정장 입고 있습니까

Then why are you wearing a suit at home?

김계환 씨

Mr. Kim Gye-hwan

모든 연예인이 자기 친구죠

All celebrities are my friends.

김진희 씨 허언증이네요

Kim Jin-hee has a tendency to lie.

라고 해 주셨습니다

They said so.

저희도 사실 같은 업종에 근무하지만

We also actually work in the same industry, but...

한두 번 인사한 사람 치고는

Considering we’ve only greeted each other once or twice.

이름 성 빼고 안 부르거든요

I don't call anyone except by their last name.

강동원 씨 그러죠

Mr. Kang Dong-won says so.

공유 씨

Mr. Gong Yoo

그러지 않아요 김수영 씨

That's not true, Kim Soo-young.

그럼요 그렇게 되죠

Of course, that would happen.

그렇게 되고

It becomes that way.

아는 척하는 거 어떻게 창피하고

How embarrassing it is to pretend to know.

가로까더가 이제 어디 가면

Where should I go now?

누가 물어보는 경우 있죠

There are times when someone asks.


What is it?

유재석 차린다 뭐 이런

It's like saying Yoo Jae-suk is preparing something.

아 뭐 잘 아세요

Oh, do you know well?

예전에 밥 한 번 먹었지

We had a meal together once before.

아 그래요

Oh, really?

그래서 제가 예전에 한 번 전화한 적 있어요

So I once called before.

그 앞에서

In front of that.

그러면 제가 직접 전화해 보겠습니다

Then I will call directly.

막 말리더라

They kept saying not to do it.

바쁜데 뭘 전화를 해

Why are you calling when you're busy?

김수영 씨 충분히 그러고도 남은 사람이에요

Kim Soo-young is someone who is more than enough for that.



바쁘려고 그래요

I'm trying to be busy.

그러지 마 그러지 마

Don't do that, don't do that.

지금 바쁜 사람 그러는 거 아니야

That's not something a busy person would say right now.

긋고 말려서 저는 안 했죠

I didn't do it because I drew a line and rolled it up.

어쨌든 직장 생활을 해야 되는 거니까

Anyway, I have to work in a job.

일단 뭐 그러려니 하면서 살아야 될 것 같아요

I think I just have to live with it for now.

내가 볼 땐

In my opinion

그걸 코치코치 진짜 알아요 정말 알아요

I really know that, I really do know.

이렇게 따지다 보면 되게 머쓱해질 것 같아요

I think it will get really awkward if we get into it like this.

왜냐하면 이렇게 다 연예인들을 다 알기가 쉽지 않거든요

Because it's not easy to know all these celebrities like this.

친구들도 다 알기 쉽지 않은데

It's not easy for even friends to know.

내 친구의 친구를 다 알기 쉽지 않은데 그분이

It's not easy to know all of my friend's friends, but that person...

자 노래 한 곡

Alright, a song.

다시 시작할게요

I will start again.

청해 듣도록 하겠습니다

I will listen carefully.

펀치와 찬열이 함께 부른

"Punch and Chanyeol's duet."

스테이 위드미

Stay with me.

자유게시판 김수영 팬카페에 하나 더 볼까요

Shall we take a look at one more on the Kim Soo-young fan cafe in the free board?

제목 여기 가입하면 정모비 면제된다는 그곳

The title: The place where joining exempts you from the meeting fee.

작성자 거짓일이니까요

Because the author is lying.

아 김수영 팬카페 띄어쓰기 없는 곳이 공식이래요

Ah, the fan cafe for Kim Soo-young without spacing is official, they say.

네 맞아요 제가 띄어쓰기 안 하고 그냥 한 것 같아요

Yes, that's right. I think I just typed it without spacing.

아 개그맨 이거 다 지금 많은 분들이 어떤 게 맞냐

Ah, comedian, what is right for so many people right now?


There isn't any.

김수영 팬카페 띄어쓰기 없는 곳이 공식입니다

The official place without spacing for Kim Soo-young's fan cafe is.

김수영 씨가 오전 11시에 직접 만든 팬카페

Kim Soo-young's fan cafe created by herself at 11 a.m.

띄어쓰기를 깜빡하고

I forgot to space out.

급하게 만드시네요

You're making it in a hurry.


I threw it together hastily.

자 다음 사연은 익명을 요청하셨습니다

Next story is a request for anonymity.

한 달 전 옆집에 젊은 부부가 이사를 왔는데요

A young couple moved in next door a month ago.

정말 하루다 멀다 하고 싸웁니다

We fight almost every day.

어떤 날은 신고를 해야 되나 싶을 정도로

Some days, I wonder if I should report it.

물건 던지는 소리와 함께 큰 소리가 나거든요

There's a loud noise along with the sound of something being thrown.

그래서 하루는 그랬죠

So one day, that happened.

아 진짜 아 진짜 못 참겠네

Ah, seriously, I really can't stand it.

내가 오늘 가만히 안 둬 내가

I won't let you be at peace today.


Are you?


That's funny.

당신은 못 쫓아가겠지?

You can't catch up, can you?

아 맨날 말만 그렇지

Ah, you always say that.

내가 당신 쫓아가는 걸 못 봤어

I didn't see you chasing after me.


What did you say?

한 번 해봐?

Give it a try?



한 번 해봐?

Try it once?

응 그래 해봐

Yeah, go ahead and try.

한 번 가봐

Go take a look.

가서 매운맛을 좀 보여줘봐

Go show me some spicy flavor.

아니 남편이 화가 나서 그러면 좀 풀어주는 맛이 있어야지

"Well, if my husband is angry, there should be a way to lighten the mood a bit."

어쩜 저렇게 남편의 화를 돋우는지 말입니다

I wonder how she manages to provoke her husband's anger like that.

그래요 솔직히 차장각이 그렇습니다

Yes, honestly, that's what the deputy manager position is like.

괜히 이웃지간에 얼굴 붉히는 것도 그렇고

It's not right to red-face each other for no reason as neighbors.

만에 하나 정말 이상한 사람이라서

What if it's really a strange person?

이상한 사람이라서

Because I'm a strange person.

제가 잘못되기라도 하면 어쩝니까

What if I make a mistake?

하지만 내 집에서 내 아내에게

But at my house to my wife

아 화가 난다 말은 할 수 있는 거잖아요

I'm so angry! I can express that, right?

그렇게 말한다고 꼭 가야 합니까?

Do I really have to go just because you said so?

요즘 세상이 얼마나 무서운데 쫓아가라니

These days, how scary the world is, and you're telling me to chase after it?

정말 우리 아내 너무 이상하지 않습니까?

Isn't our wife really strange?

아 맞아요

Oh, that's right.

정말 이 아래 위층 아파트에 살 때

When I really lived in the upstairs and downstairs apartments.

이런 것 때문에 쫓아가기가 참 무섭기도 하죠

It's really scary to chase after things like this.

요즘 층간소음 때문에 말이죠

It's because of the noise between floors these days.


That's right.

사연 주신 분께 선물로 콩차 세트 드리도록 할게요

I will give a set of bean tea as a gift to the person who sent in the story.

띠쇼 올라가는 편이세요?

Are you the type to get excited?

저는 안 올라가죠

I'm not going up.


I'm scared.

김세웅 씨는?

What about Mr. Kim Se-woong?

저도 그냥 놔두는데

I just leave it as it is too.

저희 아내는 못 견디더라고요

My wife couldn't stand it.


When you get annoyed

저희는 밤 11시에서 1시 사이에

We're between 11 PM and 1 AM.

윗집에서 진동암마?

Is there an earthquake massage from the upstairs?


Electric Massage Gun

그걸 틀어요 밤에

I turn that on at night.

그게 천적이 막 울려요

The natural enemy is ringing out.

그렇게 쐬요?

Is that how you do it?

특히 따다다다다다다다

Especially da-da-da-da-da-da-da.

그런 거?

Is that what you mean?

그 소리 있죠?

Do you hear that sound?

지이익 따다다다다다다

"Get the victory!"

인터폰 하는군요 바로

You're using the intercom right away.

네 하죠

Yes, let's do it.

그러면 뭐래요?

What does it say then?

하면 다다다다 빼고 다른 거를 해요

If I do that, I do something else instead of just that.

다다다다 다다다다다다다

The phrase appears to be a repetition of sounds and does not have a specific meaning in Korean. If it's intended to represent something like "tap-tap-tap" or a rhythmic pattern, it would be interpreted accordingly in English.



그냥 놔둬요

Just leave it alone.

또 하기도 뭐하고

It's not really worth doing again.

좀 낮에 하시지

Why not do it a bit earlier in the day?

밤에 해요

I do it at night.

밤 너무 늦게

So late at night.

청소기 돌려도 안 되고요

Even if I vacuum, it won't help.


That's right.

그렇죠. 공동주택에 살려면 이 정도 에티켓은 지켜줘야죠.

That's right. If you're going to live in a shared housing, you need to adhere to this level of etiquette.

그런데 이렇게 진짜 올라가시는 분들은 먼저 모를 얘기를 안 하더라고요.

However, those who truly succeed do not talk about things they don't know first.


Is that so?

화가 나면 그냥 가 있어요.

When I'm angry, I just stay away.

일단 얘기보다 몸이 가 있어요.

First of all, my body is there rather than the talk.

몸이 이미 가 있습니다.

The body is already there.

누르고 봅니다. 누르고 보고.

I press and see. I press and look.

어쨌든 언행일치를 해야 되는데 간다 그러고 안 가면 아내가 볼 때는 조금 그렇죠.

Anyway, you should practice what you preach, and if you say you're going and then don't go, it feels a bit off from your wife's perspective.

간다고 얘기하지 마시든가.

Don't say you're going.

저도 가본 적이 없어요.

I've never been there either.


It's scary.

무섭잖아요. 어떤 분이 나오실지.

It's scary, isn't it? I wonder who will appear.

뭐라도 싸들고 가면 몰라도.

I wouldn't know unless you brought something along.

아내분이 되게 놀리시는 것 같아요.

It seems like your wife is teasing you a lot.


Go ahead.

자 노래 드릴까요.

Shall I sing a song?

겁이 나서. 딱 여기에 맞는 노래네.

I'm scared. It's the perfect song for this.

원석 씨가 겁이 나서 못 올라가잖아요.

Wonseok is too scared to go up.

겁이 나서입니다.

It's because I'm scared.

백지영 나윤건이 함께 부르죠.

Baek Ji-young and Na Yoon-gun will sing together.


, 날 혼자 두고서

Leaving me alone

나 떠나면 내게

When I leave you.



두시의 데이트 지석진입니다.

This is Jiseok Jin from Two O'Clock Date.

함께하고 계십니다.

You are with us.

개그맨 김수용 팬카페 회원수는

The number of members in comedian Kim Soo-yong's fan cafe is


Drumroll, drumroll, drumroll, drumroll, drumroll.

한 명이었죠.

There was one person.

네네. 한 명이었죠. 저 혼자였죠.

Yes, yes. There was one person. It was just me.

공식 팬클럽 297명입니다.

There are 297 official fan club members.



한 시간 동안.

For one hour.

네. 한 시간 동안.

Yes. For one hour.


297 people.

297만 원 쓰셔야 되고요.

You need to spend 2,970,000 won.

다 오시면 297만 원.

When everyone comes, it's 2,970,000 won.

그리고 초록창에 있는 팬카페가 두 개 있는데 비공식 카페가 거기도 오늘 가입하신 분들이 109분이 새로 가입하셨어요.

There are two fan cafes in the green window, and in the unofficial cafe, 109 new members joined today.

원래 10명 계셨는데.

There were originally 10 people.

네. 원래 비공식 카페.

Yes. It's originally an unofficial cafe.

동반 상승.




공식 팬클럽은 개그맨 김수용 팬카페 띄어쓰기 없는 겁니다.

The official fan club is the fan cafe of comedian Kim Soo-yong without spaces.

급하게 만들어서.

Made in a hurry.

잠깐만. 방장이 접니다.

Wait a moment. I am the host.

김수용 씨가 만들었습니다.

Mr. Kim Soo-yong made it.

합하면 한 400 정도.

About 400 when combined.

많이 쓰시겠네요.

You must use it a lot.


I'm sweating.

그리고 오늘 월드보이 너무 아쉽게도 오늘 마지막 시간이었어요.

And today, unfortunately, was the last time for World Boy.


That's right.

두 분 너무 수고하셨고요.

Thank you both for your hard work.

특히 또 오늘 마지막이라 너무 그동안 또 이 원석 씨를 너무 또 아껴줘서 고맙다고 또 팬클럽에서 또 원석녀들이 원석녀들 드리면서 이렇게 멋진 편지와 함께 떡과 또.

Especially since today is the last day, I want to thank everyone for taking such good care of Wonseok during this time. The fan club members gave Wonseok some wonderful letters along with rice cakes.

팬카페 6만 명이에요?

Is the fan cafe 60,000 members?



6만 명?

60,000 people?



네. 페이지스.

Yes. Pages.


Oh my God.

6만 명.

60,000 people.



제가 300명인데.

I have 300 people.

같이 한번.

Let's do it together.

콜라보로 모일까요?

Shall we meet for a collaboration?

콜라보로 모이고.

Gathering through collaboration.

m&a m&a.

M&A M&A.

김수용 씨 너무 수고 많으셨고.

Mr. Kim Soo-yong, you have worked very hard.


Thank you.

한마디씩 하시죠.

Let's each say a word.

김수용 씨.

Mr. Kim Soo-yong.

그동안 월드보이 많이 청취해 주셔서 감사하고요.

Thank you for listening to World Boy so much during this time.

이 원석 씨랑 같이 해서 즐거웠습니다.

I had a great time working with this gemstone.

매주 올 때마다 형님 두 분하고 막 방송할 수 있어서 너무 좋았고요.

I really enjoyed being able to broadcast with the two older brothers every time I came here each week.

정말 마음이 따뜻해지는 그런 순간이었습니다.

It was a moment that truly warmed my heart.

난 또 아재 아닌데.

I'm not an old guy again.

계속 아재 쪽에 들어와서 좀 미안하긴 했어요.

I felt a bit sorry for continuously coming into the old man's side.



저 아재예요.

I'm an old man.


Are you an old man?

지금 흐르는 거.

What's flowing right now.

꽃길만 걷게 해줄게.

I will make sure you only walk on flower paths.

데이브레이크의 노래입니다.

It's a song by Daybreak.

이 노래 들으면서 인사드릴게요.

I will greet you while listening to this song.

너무 감사합니다.

Thank you very much.



지금까지 지석진이었고요.

That was Ji Seok-jin up to now.


Kim Soo-yong.


This was Lee Won-seok.

내일 오겠습니다.

I will come tomorrow.




It is.



유튜브 소풍 수상자계론.

YouTube picnic prize winner's theory.



EX mimit pointing.

EX mimit pointing.

에이, 수고하셨습니다.

Ah, thank you for your hard work.

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