#70 Talking over a BBQ (Med) - SBS Learn English: 에피소드 70: 바비큐 하며 나누는 대화


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#70 Talking over a BBQ (Med) - SBS Learn English: 에피소드 70: 바비큐 하며 나누는 대화

SBS 영어 배우기

SBS 라이브 스트리밍과 팟캐스트들은 공개가 가능합니다.

SBS live streaming and podcasts can be made public.

영어를 이해하고 말하는 것은 호주에서의 삶을 더 풍성하게 해줍니다.

Understanding and speaking English enriches life in Australia.

SBS 런 잉글리쉬에서는 호주 일상생활에서의 표현을 배울 수 있는데요.

In SBS Run English, you can learn expressions used in everyday life in Australia.

영어 실력도 늘리면서 동시에 호주 문화도 함께 알아가는 시간입니다.

It’s a time to improve your English skills while also getting to know Australian culture.


Are you ready?

SBS 런 잉글리쉬

SBS Run English

런 잉글리쉬는 여러분과 함께 바베큐 즐길 수 있는 영어를 배울 수 있습니다.

Run English allows you to learn English while enjoying a barbecue with you.

SBS 런 잉글리쉬는 여러분과 함께 바베큐 즐길 수 있는 영어를 배울 수 있습니다.

SBS Run English allows you to learn English while enjoying a barbecue with everyone.

런 잉글리쉬는 여러분과 함께 바베큐 즐길 수 있습니다.

Run English can enjoy a barbecue with you.

이 맛은 제 얼굴에 웃음을 낼 수 있습니다.

This flavor can bring a smile to my face.

바닷가, 공원, 아니면 누군가의 뒷골목에서든지

Whether it's at the beach, in a park, or in someone's alleyway.

친절한, 편안한 바베큐가

A friendly, comfortable barbecue.

제 친구들과 시간을 보내는 하나의 가장 좋아하는 방법이 되었습니다.

It has become one of my favorite ways to spend time with my friends.

제 이름은 요시파입니다.

My name is Yoshipa.

바닷가를 떠나고 나서는 몇몇 바베큐에 왔습니다.

After leaving the beach, I came to a few barbecues.

바비는 바베큐의 짧은 아스트랄란말입니다.

Barbie is a short astral term for barbecue.

아르바이트는 오프닝이라는 짧은 말입니다.

"Arbeit" is a short term for "opening."

이 두 단어는 제가 좋아하는 단어입니다.

These two words are my favorite words.

아르바이트는 바베큐에 가봅시다.

Let's go to the barbecue for the part-time job.

오시아인들은 바비가 잘하는 방법을 알고 있습니다.

The ocean people know how to do things well.

아스트랄란말의 맛입니다.

It is the taste of astral language.

제 친구들, 앨런, 클레어는 이렇게 말합니다.

My friends, Alan and Claire, say this.

그리고, 제가 말할게요.

And I will say this.

바비가 제일 좋은 바비가 있습니다.

There is a best Barbie.

네, 바비는 파티처럼 바비를 던질 수 있습니다.

Yes, Barbie can be thrown like a party.

영어는 재미있는 언어입니다.

English is an interesting language.

오늘, 저는 패브,

Today, I am Fab,

제 좋아하는 디저트 중 하나입니다.

It's one of my favorite desserts.

패브는 앨런이 가장 좋아하는 디저트입니다.

Pav is Alan's favorite dessert.

제 갈비를 던질 수 있고,

I can throw my ribs,

아이들은 넉넉하게 달릴 수 있음을 알고 있습니다.

Children know that they can run freely.

늙은 사람은 패브에 대고 계속 여기저기에 밀려들고 있습니다.

Old people are continuously crowding in here and there towards the fabric.

그리고, 앨런, 클레어는 불을 끄고 함께 해먹습니다.

And, Allen, Claire turns off the light and we share a hammock together.




The purpose is...

음, 용도는…

Well, the purpose is...

오 kg기 Präsident,

Oh kg President,

암흑의 향을 일으키는 장면입니다.

This is a scene that evokes the scent of darkness.


That's right.

기다리고 있니?

Are you waiting?

네, 조금 더 가까이 가자.

Yes, let's get a little closer.

이거, 뚜껑을 닫고 지내고 있거든요.

I'm keeping this closed with the lid on.

바로, 이거.

Right, this one.

이제, 우리가 집으로 가야합니다.

Now, we have to go home.

네, 아니야.

Yes, no.

야, 이게 다 wipe 우선이다.

Hey, this is all about wiping first.

드라마가 온 것 같아.

It feels like a drama has come.


Move on.

I'm so hungry after listening to this dialogue

I'm so hungry after listening to this dialogue.

But before I can eat the leftovers from this amazing barbie

하지만 이 멋진 바비의 남은 음식을 먹기 전에

We have some work to do

우리가 해야 할 일이 있습니다.

By the way, leftovers are the food that is left after a meal

By the way, leftovers are the food that is left after a meal.

For example, if you have extra food after your dinner

For example, if you have extra food after your dinner.

You can have leftovers the next day for lunch

You can have leftovers the next day for lunch.

I do that all the time

I do that all the time.

Now let's get to work

이제 일을 시작하자.

Claire thinks that everything on the barbie still needs a little more cooking

Claire는 바비의 모든 것이 아직 좀 더 익혀야 한다고 생각합니다.

But Alan disagrees

하지만 앨런은 동의하지 않는다.

He said

그가 말했다

Yeah, nah, the chooks look done I reckon

Yeah, no, the chickens look done, I think.

I reckon is an informal way of saying I think

"I reckon" is an informal way of saying "I think."

And Alan doesn't think that the chook needs more cooking

And Alan doesn't think that the chicken needs more cooking.

So he disagrees with Claire

그래서 그는 클레어와 동의하지 않는다.

In Australian English, we can use the phrase

In Australian English, we can use the phrase.

Yeah, nah

Yeah, nah.

To start off when you don't agree with someone

To start off when you don't agree with someone

But you want to be friendly and informal

But you want to be friendly and informal.

For example, if Alan asks Claire to turn off the barbecue

For example, if Alan asks Claire to turn off the barbecue.

But she doesn't think that the chook needs more cooking

하지만 그녀는 그 닭이 더 익힐 필요가 없다고 생각한다.

They have finished cooking

그들은 요리를 다 마쳤다.

She can say

그녀는 말할 수 있다.

Yeah, nah, I don't think that's a good idea

응, 아니, 그건 좋은 생각이 아닌 것 같아.

And do you know what a chook is?

And do you know what a chook is?

In Aussie slang, chook means chicken

In Aussie slang, chook means chicken.

Alan said the chook, the chicken, looks done

Alan said the chicken looks done.

When food looks done, it looks as if it is cooked

When food looks done, it appears to be cooked.

Pass me the tongs, I need to flip these steaks

집게 좀 건네줘, 이 스테이크들을 뒤집어야 해.

Alan is asking for the tongs to flip the steaks

알란은 스테이크를 뒤집기 위해 집게를 요청하고 있습니다.

A tool used for picking up and turning food

A tool used for picking up and turning food.

And if you need to flip your food

그리고 음식을 뒤집어야 한다면

It means you have to turn it over while it's cooking

It means you have to flip it while it's cooking.

Claire passed him the tongs and said

Claire passed him the tongs and said.

I'll grab the prawns from the esky

I'll grab the prawns from the cooler.

Do you want the onions on now too?

Do you want the onions on now too?

Claire is going to get the prawns from the esky

클레어가 얼음 박스에서 새우를 가져올 것이다.

This is an Australian word for a cooler or icebox

This is an Australian word for a cooler or icebox.

That keeps food and drinks cold

That keeps food and drinks cold.

She asked Alan if he wants the onions too

그녀는 알렌에게 양파도 원하냐고 물었다.

Do you remember his reply?

Do you remember his reply?

He said

He said.

Yeah, chuck them on

Yeah, throw them on.

Chuck them on is an informal way to say

"Throw them on" is an informal way to say.

Put them on

Put them on

It's a useful phrase when it comes to adding more food

It's a useful phrase when it comes to adding more food.

But you can use it in other situations as well

하지만 다른 상황에서도 사용할 수 있습니다.

Let's say you're putting together a playlist for your food

Let's say you're putting together a playlist for your food.

For your family road trip

가족 여행을 위해

And your son wants to add more songs

And your son wants to add more songs.

You could say

You could say

Yeah, chuck them on

Yeah, just throw them on.

Let's continue

Let's continue.

Coming right up

곧 나올게요.

Let's throw some extra snags on

Let's throw some extra sausages on.

I'll bet you the kids will ask for a second round

I bet the kids will ask for a second round.

Coming right up

곧 나옵니다.

We can use this phrase when we are just starting to do something

We can use this phrase when we are just starting to do something.

That someone has asked us to do

That someone has asked us to do.

Or is expecting us to do

Or is expecting us to do

Cleaning up the dishes

Cleaning up the dishes

Claire also said

Claire도 말했다.

Let's throw some extra snags on. I'll bet you the kids will ask for a second round.

Let's throw some extra sausages on. I'll bet the kids will ask for a second round.

To throw something extra on means to add it.

To throw something extra on means to add it.

Claire wants to throw some extra snags on.

Claire는 추가로 몇 개의 소시지를 굽고 싶어 하세요.

A snag is Australian slang for a sausage.

A snag is Australian slang for a sausage.

So Claire wants to throw some extra snags on Barbie

So Claire wants to throw in some extra sausages on Barbie.

because she thinks the kids will ask for a second round.

Because she thinks the kids will ask for a second round.

That is another helping or portion.

그것은 또 다른 양이나 부분입니다.

We can use this phrase to talk about having more food or drink

We can use this phrase to talk about having more food or drink.

and also when we are playing games with other people.

그리고 우리가 다른 사람들과 게임을 할 때도.

So we can talk about another round of cards, for example, if we would like to play again.

So we can talk about another round of cards, for example, if we would like to play again.

At Barbie's, I always go for a second round of prawns.

At Barbie's, I always go for a second round of prawns.

At the end of our dialogue, Alan said

At the end of our dialogue, Alan said.

This is going to be a real problem.

이건 정말 문제 될 거예요.

Ripper means great or fantastic in Australian slang.

Ripper는 호주 속어로 훌륭하거나 환상적인 것을 의미합니다.

So Alan is saying that he thinks this barbecue is going to be great.

So Alan is saying that he thinks this barbecue is going to be great.

And it really was.

And it really was.

Now, let's listen to the dialogue once again.

Now, let's listen to the dialogue once again.

Actually, while you listen to Alan and Claire again, I'll enjoy the leftovers.

Actually, while you listen to Alan and Claire again, I'll enjoy the leftovers.



We need to get ready.

We need to get ready.

다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다.

I will see you next time.

글로리아는 SBS 캔터니스의 시청자들에게 인정받을 수 있는 아주 탄력한 프로듀서입니다.

Gloria is a very resilient producer who can be recognized by the viewers of SBS Cantoris.

글로리아는 오지 바베큐스에 큰 팬입니다.

Gloria is a big fan of the exotic barbecues.

그리고 분명히 그녀는 그것에 매우 좋은 것입니다.

And she is definitely very good at it.

맞지 않나요, 글로리아?

Isn't that right, Gloria?

네, 제가 대학생활을 했을 때,

Yes, when I was in college,

저는 소시지 통을 만들고 있었어요.

I was making sausage casings.

그래서 당신은 소시지를 하루 종일 뒤집고 있었어요?

So you were flipping sausages all day?

네, 저는 그 일을 주로 했고,

Yes, I primarily did that work,

그리고 모든 사람들이 행복했죠.

And everyone was happy.





오늘은 당신을 초대한 이유는

The reason I invited you today is...

당신이 영어 배우기 시작했기 때문입니다.

It is because you started learning English.

그런데 그에 대해 먼저 말해볼까요?

Shall we talk about that first?

당신이 자신에 대해 조금 말해주세요.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

네, 물론이죠.

Yes, of course.

안녕하세요, 저는 글로리아입니다.

Hello, I am Gloria.

SBS 캔터니스 팀에 있으며,

I am part of the SBS Cantoris team.

저는 홍콩에서 오기 시작했고,

I started coming from Hong Kong,

정보학과 지식학을 공부하고 있습니다.

I am studying informatics and knowledge studies.

5년 동안 오지 바베큐스에 오고 있습니다.

I have been coming to the remote Barbecue place for 5 years.

저는 크로에시아의 가족을 방문할 것입니다.

I will visit my family in Croatia.



저는 1개월 동안 방문할 것입니다.

I will be visiting for one month.

제가 방문할 때,

When I visit,

당신이 제 팟캐스트에 에피소드를 제작할 것입니다.

You will be producing an episode for my podcast.



당신이 그것에 대해 너무 감사합니다.

Thank you so much for that.

당신이 첫 에피소드에 이미 일하고 있는 것을 알고 있습니다.

I know that you are already working on the first episode.

당신이 그것에 대해 말해주세요.

Please talk about it.





계속 지켜봐요.

I will keep watching.

이 에피소드는

This episode is

스캠을 하는 것입니다.

It is a scam.

우리는 스캠을 하는 것에 대해 어떻게 말할지 배우자요.

Let's learn how to talk about scamming.



그게 정말 유용하고 흥미로운 것입니다.

That is really useful and interesting.

듣기 기다리게 해봅니다.

I will make you wait to listen.



당신은 이 에피소드에서

You in this episode

이 에피소드를 연습해 주실 수 있습니까?

Can you practice this episode for me?




Of course.

연습하기 시작합니다.

I will start practicing.

당신이 이 에피소드를 기억하고

I hope you remember this episode.

답을 듣기 전에

Before hearing the answer

그 의미를 기억해보시기 바랍니다.

Please try to remember that meaning.

이 에피소드는

This episode is

Let's have a barbie this arvo

Let's have a barbecue this afternoon.

이 의미는

This means

Let's have a barbie this arvo

Let's have a barbecue this afternoon.

이 의미는

This means

오늘 저녁에 바비큐를 먹을 것입니다.

I will be having barbecue this evening.

What is an esky?

What is an esky?

An esky is an Australian word

An esky is an Australian word.

for a cooler or icebox

for a cooler or icebox

that keeps food and drinks cold.

that keeps food and drinks cold.

Let's now practice our speaking skills

이제 우리의 말하기 능력을 연습해 봅시다.

by repeating after Alan and Claire.

by repeating after Alan and Claire.

The chuck looks done.

The chuck looks done.

Pass me the tongs.

집게 좀 넘겨줘.

I don't get it.

I don't understand.

I'm going to flip these steaks.

I'm going to flip these steaks.

I need to flip these steaks.

I need to flip these steaks.

I'll grab the prawns from the esky.

I'll get the prawns from the cooler.

For more practice, visit our website,

For more practice, visit our website,



learn English.

Learn English.

You can also find us on Facebook and YouTube.

You can also find us on Facebook and YouTube.

We are SBS Learn English. I'm Josipa. Thank you for learning Australian English with me.

We are SBS Learn English. I'm Josipa. Thank you for learning Australian English with me.

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