馃珌 178. Oddech podczas d藕wigania (BRACING) - naucz臋 Ci臋 go w 2 minuty

Mi艂osz Szkudlarek

馃弸馃徎 艢wiadomy Trening - Zdrowy styl 偶ycia, czyli o ruchu, diecie i zdrowiu (Mi艂osz Szkudlarek)

馃珌 178. Oddech podczas d藕wigania (BRACING) - naucz臋 Ci臋 go w 2 minuty

馃弸馃徎 艢wiadomy Trening - Zdrowy styl 偶ycia, czyli o ruchu, diecie i zdrowiu (Mi艂osz Szkudlarek)

Dzie艅 dobry, z tej strony Mi艂osz z kana艂u 艢wiadomy Trening,

Good morning, this is Mi艂osz from the channel Conscious Training.

a dzisiaj poruszymy sobie temat bracingu, z kt贸rym wydaje mi si臋,

And today we will discuss the topic of bracing, which it seems to me,

du偶o os贸b, szczeg贸lnie nieobeznanych w tej technice, mo偶e mie膰 problem.

Many people, especially those unfamiliar with this technique, may have difficulties.

Czym jest bracing? Ci臋偶ko mi by艂o to przet艂umaczy膰 na polski,

What is bracing? I found it difficult to translate this into Polish.

nawet w tytule jakie艣 tam nieudolne pr贸by mo偶ecie zauwa偶y膰,

even in the title you can notice some clumsy attempts.

ale po prostu nazwa艂em to oddechem do 膰wicze艅.

but I simply called it breath for exercises.

Jest to oddech, kt贸ry pozwoli nam si臋 bardziej spi膮膰

It is a breath that will allow us to tense up more.

i jest to oddech, kt贸ry b臋dziemy wykorzystywa膰 w艂a艣nie w tych 膰wiczeniach,

and it is the breath that we will use in these exercises.

gdzie spi臋cie centralne b臋dzie potrzebne, czyli patrz膮c na tr贸jb贸j,

where the central tension will be needed, that is, looking at the triathlon,

oczywi艣cie w wyciskaniu le偶膮c te偶 warto si臋 dobrze spi膮膰,

of course it's also worth tensing up properly when bench pressing,

偶eby przekaza膰 energi臋 z leg drive'u na sztang臋,

to transfer the energy from the leg drive to the barbell,

ale najwa偶niejsze jest, 偶eby dobrze si臋 spina膰 w przysiadzie i w martwym ci膮gu

But the most important thing is to brace well in the squat and deadlift.

i tutaj ten bracing jest obowi膮zkowy, wymagany.

And here this bracing is mandatory, required.

No oczywi艣cie, je偶eli kto艣 nie zrobi, to po prostu odejmuje sobie si艂y,

Well, of course, if someone doesn't do it, they simply take away their own strength.

bo nie b臋dzie a偶 tak bardzo spi臋ty, nie b臋dzie a偶 tak bardzo napi臋ty

because he won't be that tense, he won't be that tight

i przez to tych kilogram贸w na sztandze b臋dzie mniej.

And because of that, there will be fewer kilograms on the barbell.

Tak偶e bracing zdecydowanie.

Also bracing definitely.

Warto robi膰 i klasyczne szko艂y bracingu, nazwijmy to,

It's worth doing both classic bracing schools, let's call it that.

m贸wi膮 o tym, 偶eby za艂o偶y膰 sobie pas, bo oczywi艣cie w pasie jest to 艂atwiej wykona膰,

They say to put on a belt, because of course it's easier to do that with a belt.

mamy przestrze艅 do wype艂niania, a w艂a艣nie o to wype艂nianie tak naprawd臋 w bracingu chodzi

We have space to fill, and that's exactly what filling is really about in bracing.

i teraz tak, s膮 instrukcje, aby w og贸le nie rusza膰 klatk膮 piersiow膮

And now, there are instructions not to move the chest at all.

i wszystko wci膮ga膰 w cudzys艂owie do przepony,

and to draw everything into quotes to the diaphragm,

czyli bierzemy powietrze, klatka si臋 w miar臋 nie rusza,

so we take a breath, the chest doesn't move much,

a tutaj wszystko dooko艂a wype艂niamy.

and here we fill everything around.

Prz贸d, cz臋sto si臋 m贸wi o bokach, 偶eby poczu膰 z bok贸w,

Front, often there's talk about the sides, to feel from the sides,

jak si臋 te偶 wype艂nia, czasem nawet z ty艂u si臋 m贸wi,

"as it is also filled in, sometimes it is even said from the back,"

偶eby poczu膰 jak te powietrze wype艂nia nam nawet tutaj okolice l臋d藕wi.

to feel how this air fills even the area around our lower back.

No i oczywi艣cie jest to technika skuteczna

Well, of course, it is an effective technique.

i du偶o os贸b jak najbardziej j膮 wykonuje, umie j膮 wykona膰, czuje j膮

And many people definitely perform it, are able to execute it, feel it.

i przede wszystkim ma efekty, bo o to w tym wszystkim chodzi,

and above all, it has effects, because that's what it's all about.

ale te偶 wydaje mi si臋, 偶e wiele os贸b ma problem ze zrozumieniem tego,

but it also seems to me that many people have trouble understanding this,

ma problem z odpowiednim w艂a艣nie nabraniem powietrza w przepon臋,

has a problem with properly taking air into the diaphragm,

jak to si臋 m贸wi, i odpowiednim spi臋ciem, koniec ko艅c贸w.

As they say, with the right tension, in the end.

Na pocz膮tek chcia艂em powiedzie膰, 偶e to nie jest tak,

To begin with, I wanted to say that it's not like that,

偶e bierzemy powietrze albo w przepon臋, albo w p艂uca,

that we take air either into the diaphragm or into the lungs,

tylko po prostu bierzemy powietrze w p艂uca,

we just take a breath in.

a kwestia tego, 偶eby oddech by艂 przeponowy, to jest kwestia ruchu przepon膮 w艂a艣nie,

The issue of breath being diaphragmatic is precisely a matter of moving the diaphragm.

czyli je偶eli obni偶ymy przepon臋, no to wtedy, 偶e tak powiem,

so if we lower the diaphragm, then, so to speak,

wype艂nimy bardziej d贸艂 brzucha, przepona nam si臋 obni偶y,

we will fill the lower belly more, the diaphragm will lower for us,

sp贸d troch臋, 偶e tak powiem, do przodu i na boki ucieknie

The bottom will somewhat, so to speak, run forward and to the sides.

i wtedy mamy taki oddech przeponowy, czyli po prostu oddech przeponowy

And then we have such diaphragmatic breath, which is simply diaphragmatic breath.

wykorzystuje bardziej przepon臋 do oddychania,

uses the diaphragm more for breathing,

ni偶 tutaj ruchy klatki piersiowej.

than here the movements of the chest.

I teraz, je偶eli masz problem w艂a艣nie z tym oddechem przeponowym,

And now, if you have a problem with that diaphragmatic breathing,

czyli klatka si臋 nie rusza, wci膮gasz wszystko brzuchem,

so the cage doesn't move, you pull everything in with your stomach,

no to by膰 mo偶e pomo偶e Ci ta porada w艂a艣nie z tego odcinka.

Well, perhaps this tip from this episode will help you.

A porada jest dosy膰 prosta, mo偶e troch臋 kontrowersyjna,

And the advice is quite simple, maybe a bit controversial,

bo prawdopodobnie b臋dzie si臋 to k艂贸ci膰 z wieloma zaleceniami

because it will probably conflict with many recommendations

dotycz膮cymi bracingu, o kt贸rych s艂yszeli艣cie dotychczas,

regarding the bracing that you have heard about so far,

ale moja rada jest taka, 偶eby艣cie wzi臋li po prostu, tak po prostu,

but my advice is to just take it, just like that,

nie skupiaj膮c si臋 czy do p艂uc, czy do przepony,

not focusing on whether to the lungs or to the diaphragm,

jak najwi臋cej powietrza, ale tak naprawd臋 na maksa

as much air as possible, but really to the max

i dopiero wtedy spr贸bowali obni偶y膰 przepon臋,

and only then did they try to lower the diaphragm,

czyli tak jakby wci膮gn膮膰 p艂uca do 艣rodka.

so it's like pulling the lungs inward.

Chodzi o to, 偶eby po prostu, jak klata nam si臋 wydmie,

It's about simply, when our chest puffs up,

偶eby po prostu obni偶y膰 przepon臋 i przekierowa膰 to powietrze do brzucha,

to simply lower the diaphragm and redirect that air to the belly,

czyli robimy pe艂ny wdech, oboj臋tnie gdzie

So we take a full breath, no matter where.

i teraz obni偶amy to.

And now we are lowering this.

O, i teraz mam tutaj wype艂nione wszystko wok贸艂 przepony,

Oh, and now I have everything filled around the diaphragm here,



Ca艂y czas w tym samym miejscu, a ja jako, 偶e wzi膮艂em tyle powietrza,

All the time in the same place, and as I took in so much air,

ile by艂em w stanie, no to nie b臋d臋 w stanie jeszcze wzi膮膰 wi臋cej tego powietrza,

as far as I was able, I won't be able to take any more of this air yet,

nie b臋d臋 w stanie wi臋cej si臋 wypcha膰 w cudzys艂owie w tym pasie,

I won't be able to stuff myself more, in quotes, in this lane.

wi臋c mo偶e by膰 to skuteczny spos贸b.

So it can be an effective way.

Je偶eli my艣licie, 偶e wzi臋li艣cie ju偶 ca艂e powietrze,

If you think you have taken all the air,

to spr贸bujcie si臋 zatrzyma膰 na sekundk臋 i wzi膮膰 jeszcze kolejny wdech,

so try to stop for a second and take another breath,

tak jakby dopompowa膰 spr贸bowa膰, bo by膰 mo偶e jeszcze troch臋 Wam si臋 uda.

It's like trying to pump it up a bit, because maybe you'll succeed a little more.

Uwaga, je偶eli b臋dziecie to robi膰 pierwszy raz, to zwr贸膰cie uwag臋,

Attention, if you are doing this for the first time, pay attention,

偶e mo偶e Wam si臋 troch臋 nie uda.

that it may not work out for you a bit.

Mo偶e Wam si臋 troch臋 zakr臋ci膰 w g艂owie, bo tego tlenu mo偶e by膰 wi臋cej ni偶 zazwyczaj

You might feel a bit dizzy because there may be more oxygen than usual.

i to te偶 mo偶e Wam przeszkodzi膰, tak偶e absolutnie nie pr贸bujcie tego pierwszy raz na ci臋偶arach.

And this can also interfere with you, so absolutely do not try this for the first time with weights.

Spr贸bujcie sobie czy to na pustej sztandze, czy nawet stoj膮c i robi膮c przysiad,

Try it on an empty barbell, or even while standing and doing a squat.

czyli stoicie, bierzecie taki bracing, jak si臋 uczy, czyli 偶e w og贸le klatka si臋 nie rusza,

so you stand there, take a bracing like you're taught, meaning that the chest doesn't move at all,

tylko wype艂niamy brzuch, napinamy si臋, robimy przysiad, a potem spr贸bujcie t臋 drug膮 wersj臋

we only fill our stomachs, we tense up, we do a squat, and then try the other version

i by膰 mo偶e w艂a艣nie ta wersja, o kt贸rej teraz powiedzia艂em, b臋dzie dla Was lepsza.

And maybe this version that I just mentioned will be better for you.

Kolejny spos贸b, nieco podobny do tego pierwszego,

Another way, somewhat similar to the first one,

to jest zrobienie niepe艂nego wdechu i dopiero obni偶enie przepony,

this is taking an incomplete breath and then lowering the diaphragm,

no bo zobaczcie, 偶e je偶eli robicie ten klasyczny bracing wed艂ug klasycznych zalece艅,

Well, just look at that, if you're doing this classic bracing according to the classic recommendations,

no to je偶eli wype艂nicie ju偶 tutaj ca艂膮 przepon臋, wszystko tutaj 艂adnie jest nape艂nione,

So if you have already filled the entire diaphragm here, everything is nicely filled.

no to tak naprawd臋 nie jeste艣cie nape艂nieni powietrzem w ca艂o艣ci,

Well, you are not completely filled with air, actually.

czyli je偶eli zrobicie sobie taki pe艂ny bracing i b臋dziecie ju偶 powiedzmy gotowi do zrobienia przysiadu,

so if you do a full bracing and you are already, let's say, ready to do a squat,

przyk艂adowo, no to ca艂y czas b臋dziecie mogli jeszcze tego troch臋 powietrza sobie doci膮gn膮膰

For example, you will still be able to take in a bit more air all the time.

i wtedy zapewne klatka piersiowa Wam si臋 upowa偶nia.

And then your chest is probably authorized.

Prowi臋kszy i b臋dzie taki oddech w cudzys艂owie w p艂uca.

It will expand and there will be a breath in quotation marks in the lungs.

No i zobaczcie, mo偶ecie zrobi膰 co艣 podobnego, tylko w drug膮 stron臋,

Well, just see, you can do something similar, but in the opposite direction.

czyli wzi膮膰 sobie tyle powietrza, ile czujecie mniej wi臋cej, to te偶 z jak膮艣 wpraw膮 wyjdzie,

So take as much air as you feel approximately, it will also come with some practice.

wzi膮膰 sobie powietrza, nie na maksa, tylko tak, nie wiem, 70-80%

take a breath, not all the way, just like, I don't know, 70-80%

i dopiero opu艣ci膰 w przepon臋, czyli je偶eli trzymacie sztang臋,

and only then release it in the diaphragm, that is, if you are holding the barbell,

to bierzecie wdech, nawet Wam si臋 lekko barki unios膮 pewnie

So you take a breath, your shoulders probably lift slightly too.

i dopiero przed samym powt贸rzeniem wype艂niacie ten pas,

and only right before the repetition do you fill in this belt,

robicie bracing.

You are doing bracing.

Tak te偶 mo偶na robi膰 i tak cz臋sto robi臋, czyli stoj臋 ze sztang膮,

That's how it can be done, and that's often what I do, which means I'm standing with a barbell,

bior臋 du偶y wdech, wszystko mi si臋 tu podnosi, czasem nawet 艂膮cznie z barkami,

I take a deep breath, everything here lifts up, sometimes even including my shoulders.

wida膰, 偶e to jest oddech w cudzys艂owie do p艂uc, a nie do przepony

You can see that this is a breath in quotation marks to the lungs, not to the diaphragm.

i dopiero przed samym powt贸rzeniem opuszczam wszystko,

and only right before the repetition do I let go of everything,

spinam si臋 i wykonuj臋 powt贸rzenie.

I tense up and perform the repetition.

Jak najbardziej, je偶eli taka technika jest dla Was skuteczna,

Absolutely, if that technique is effective for you,

je偶eli tak膮 technik膮 potraficie si臋 bardziej spi膮膰, to jest ona te偶 poprawna.

If you can tense up more with that technique, then it is also correct.

Nie musicie si臋 moim zdaniem skupia膰, 偶eby tutaj by膰 nieruchomo,

You don't have to focus, in my opinion, to be still here.

odlatanie ruchomo i ca艂y czas ci膮gn膮膰 to do brzucha,

fly away and keep pulling it towards the belly all the time,

szczeg贸lnie, 偶e je偶eli nie jeste艣cie obeznani w艂a艣nie z takim oddechem,

especially since if you are not familiar with such breathing,

no to mo偶e by膰 to dla Was dziwne, mo偶ecie si臋 czu膰 mniej komfortowo,

Well, this might be strange for you, you might feel less comfortable.

mo偶ecie by膰 po prostu w tym s艂absi.

You might just be weaker at this.

Ogl膮da艂em kiedy艣 odcinek Wodyna, kt贸ry w艂a艣nie m贸wi艂 o tym

I once watched an episode of Wodyn that was just about that.

i on zrobi艂 test na kim艣, gdzie wzi膮艂 sobie tak zaci艣ni臋t膮 r臋k臋,

And he did a test on someone, where he took his hand clenched like this,

wzi膮艂 swoj膮 i pr贸bowa艂 otworzy膰 czyj膮艣 r臋k臋,

he took his and tried to open someone else's hand,

czyli to jest czyja艣 r臋ka, to jest r臋ka Wodyna i stara艂 si臋 j膮 otworzy膰.

So this is someone's hand, this is Odin's hand, and he tried to open it.

Nie wiem, czy to by艂a losowa osoba, czy jaki艣 operator kamery,

I don't know if it was a random person or some camera operator.

niewa偶ne, poprosi艂 kogo艣, 偶eby zrobi艂 bracing w klasyczny spos贸b

It doesn't matter, he asked someone to do the bracing in the classical way.

i zaciska艂 z ca艂ej si艂y d艂o艅, no i wtedy otworzy艂 bez problemu,

and he clenched his hand with all his strength, and then he opened it without any problem,

a da艂 tak膮 prost膮 rad臋 w艂a艣nie, czyli wzi膮膰 tyle powietrza,

And he gave such a simple piece of advice, which is to take as much air as possible.

ile si臋 da, oboj臋tnie gdzie, no i wtedy ta si艂a chwytu by艂a lepsza.

As much as possible, no matter where, and then the grip strength was better.

Mo偶ecie sobie pomy艣le膰, co ma w og贸le si艂a chwytu do bracingu,

You might wonder what grip strength has to do with bracing.

do spi臋cia centralnego, no ma bardzo du偶o, bo niestety albo istety,

for the central fastening, there is a lot, because unfortunately or fortunately,

ca艂y nasz organizm jest po艂膮czony i to nie mo偶na patrze膰 tak,

Our entire body is interconnected, and one cannot look at it that way.

wybi贸rczo, 偶e jeden mi臋sie艅 tu, drugi mi臋sie艅 tu, tylko jak wiecie,

selectively, that one muscle here, another muscle there, only as you know,

mamy jakie艣 tam ta艣my, tutaj osteopaci pewnie s膮 w tym bardziej biegli

We have some tapes, here osteopaths are probably more skilled in this.

i naprawd臋 wszystko mo偶e wp艂ywa膰 na wszystko, pewnie posmyranie sobie

And really, everything can affect everything, probably just a little bit of self-tinkering.

jakiego艣 punktu na g艂owie czy na stopie mo偶e wam poprawi膰 sytuacj臋 z barkiem.

A specific point on the head or foot may improve your shoulder situation.

Oczywi艣cie ja cz臋sto te偶 daj臋 taki przyk艂ad, 偶e mo偶e kontuzja barku

Of course, I often give an example like that, such as a shoulder injury.

wynika膰 na przyk艂ad z niedoleczonej kontuzji kostki, czyli bior膮c pod uwag臋,

it may result from an untreated ankle injury, that is to say, taking into account,

偶e macie kostk臋 niedoleczon膮, stawiacie lekko krzyw膮 stop臋, lekko krzywa stopa

that you have an untreated ankle, you are placing a slightly crooked foot, slightly crooked foot

na inn膮 prac臋 kolana, inna praca kolana wp艂ywa na inn膮 prac臋 biodra,

to another knee work, another knee work affects another hip work,

a inna praca biodra mo偶e sprawi膰, 偶e chodzicie na przyk艂ad tak,

And another hip movement can make you walk like this, for example.

czyli pod k膮tem i teraz ca艂y czas macie ten bark na przyk艂ad w protrakcji

So at an angle and now you all have that shoulder, for example, in protraction all the time.

i przez to mo偶ecie mie膰 kontuzj臋, oczywi艣cie bardzo mocno przejaskrawiaj膮c,

and because of that you could injure yourself, of course exaggerating quite a bit,

ale tak niestety trzeba patrze膰 na organizm jako ca艂o艣膰 i rzeczywi艣cie

but unfortunately, one must look at the body as a whole and indeed

wiele sposob贸w takiej diagnostyki r贸偶nych metod mo偶na poczyni膰

There are many ways to conduct such diagnostics using different methods.

w bardzo r贸偶nych miejscach. Mo偶na na przyk艂ad sobie sprawdzi膰 aktywno艣膰,

in very different places. You can, for example, check your activity,

po艣ladka, czyli ka偶emy si臋 komu艣 po艂o偶y膰 na brzuchu, zgi膮膰 nog臋 90 stopni,

buttocks, meaning we instruct someone to lie on their stomach, bend the leg at a 90-degree angle,

podnie艣膰 lekko do g贸ry i staramy si臋 na ni膮 naciska膰. Oczywi艣cie trzeba sprawdzi膰,

lift it slightly upwards and we try to press on it. Of course, we need to check,

czy na pocz膮tku, 偶e tak powiem, na efekcie wyj艣ciowym b臋dziemy w stanie

At the beginning, so to speak, will we be able to work with the output effect?

docisn膮膰 t臋 nog臋 do ziemi, a potem wypr贸bowa膰 jak膮艣 metod臋,

press that leg to the ground and then try some method,

chocia偶by z tym oddechem i zobaczy膰 ponownie, czy b臋dziemy t臋 nog臋 do ziemi

Even with that breath and see again if we will put that leg to the ground.

w stanie przycisn膮膰. Je偶eli nie, je偶eli si艂a w po艣ladku si臋 poprawi艂a,

in a position to press. If not, if the strength in the buttock has improved,

to znaczy, 偶e prawdopodobnie nasza metoda b臋dzie skuteczna,

that means our method is likely to be effective,

zar贸wno w 膰wiczeniach, jak i we wszelkich innych aspektach,

both in exercises and in all other aspects,

kt贸rych ta metoda dotyczy. Dobra, my艣l臋, 偶e odcinek by艂 dosy膰

which this method concerns. Okay, I think the episode was quite

klarowny, szybkie tipy. Wiadomo, je偶eli jeste艣cie zainteresowani

Clear, quick tips. You know, if you are interested.

treningiem, je偶eli interesujecie si臋 treningiem si艂owym,

training, if you are interested in strength training,

od偶ywianiem, to koniecznie obserwujcie ten kana艂. No i c贸偶,

if you're interested in nutrition, make sure to follow this channel. Well,

s艂yszymy si臋 w kolejnych odcinkach. Dzi臋ki.

We'll hear from each other in the next episodes. Thanks.

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