39. Jak zaplanowa膰 do艣wiadczenia pacjenta? 馃搳 Rozmowa z Adrian膮 Przesz艂owsk膮

Zima, UX, UI, Design Strategy

Design i Biznes

39. Jak zaplanowa膰 do艣wiadczenia pacjenta? 馃搳 Rozmowa z Adrian膮 Przesz艂owsk膮

Design i Biznes

Cze艣膰. W dzisiejszym odcinku kontynuujemy temat Patient Experience, czyli do艣wiadczenie pacjenta.

Hello. In today's episode, we continue the topic of Patient Experience, which is the patient's experience.

Wi臋c je偶eli jest to co艣, co Ciebie interesuje, zapraszam do wys艂uchania tego odcinka.

So if this is something that interests you, I invite you to listen to this episode.

A nasz膮 go艣cini膮 b臋dzie Adriana Przesz艂owska, kt贸ra zajmuje si臋 od wielu lat projektowaniem PX, czyli Patient Experience.

Our guest will be Adriana Przesz艂owska, who has been involved in PX design, or Patient Experience, for many years.



Podcast Design & Business.

Podcast Design & Business.

Zapraszam Ilona Skarbowska.

I invite Ilona Skarbowska.

I Radek Rejsen.

I Radek Rejsen.



Cze艣膰 Ilona.

Hi Ilona.

Ju偶 jest weso艂o, co jak w pocz膮tku.

It's already cheerful, just like at the beginning.

To b臋dzie dobra rozmowa, dobra energia.

It will be a good conversation, good energy.

No wi臋c zaczynaj膮c, przygotowuj膮c si臋 do naszej rozmowy, powiedzia艂y艣my sobie o tym, 偶e projektowanie do艣wiadcze艅 pacjenta i w og贸le projektowanie dla pacjent贸w jest dosy膰 m艂od膮 dziedzin膮.

So, to start, while preparing for our conversation, we talked about how designing patient experiences and design for patients in general is a relatively young field.

I mam tutaj na my艣li nie tylko Polsk臋, ale w og贸le ca艂y 艣wiat.

And I mean not only Poland here, but the whole world in general.

Nie jest to co艣, co robimy jako projektanci UX, czy w og贸le projektacze.

It's not something we do as UX designers, or designers at all.

Nie jeste艣my projektanci od dawien dawna, tylko jest to m艂oda dziedzina i dlatego chcia艂abym nasz膮 rozmow臋 zacz膮膰 od definicji, 偶eby w og贸le naszych s艂uchaczy i widz贸w ustawi膰 w jakim艣 takim rozumieniu, czym w艂a艣ciwie jest to projektowanie CX, czy projektowanie UX dla pacjent贸w.

We are not designers for a long time; it's a young field, and that's why I would like to start our conversation with a definition, to set our listeners and viewers in some understanding of what exactly CX design or UX design for patients actually is.

No od strony organizacji to jest po prostu zaplanowanie wszystkich wydarze艅, kt贸re maj膮 si臋 wydarzy膰 i kt贸re maj膮 si臋 nie wydarzy膰 w poszczeg贸lnych punktach styku.

From the organizational side, it is simply the planning of all events that are to occur and those that are not to occur at various points of contact.

I one maj膮 by膰 powtarzalne.

And they are supposed to be repetitive.

Powtarzalne i mierzalne. I czy to jest PX, czy to jest CX, to za艂o偶enie jest podobne.

Repeatable and measurable. And whether it is PX or CX, the assumption is similar.

Z punktu widzenia pacjenta i z punktu widzenia klienta to jest troch臋 nie suma tych wszystkich do艣wiadcze艅, a r贸偶nica.

From the patient's perspective and from the client's perspective, it's not so much the sum of all those experiences, but the difference.

Czyli klient albo pacjent wchodzi z za艂o偶eniami, ma jakie艣 wyobra偶enie, ma jakie艣 oczekiwania, a zakup us艂ugi, zakup produktu jest po prostu weryfikacj膮.

So the client or patient comes in with assumptions, has some idea, has some expectations, and purchasing a service or a product is simply a verification.

No i wtedy jest pytanie, czy wynik jest pozytywny, czy jest negatywny.

And then the question is whether the result is positive or negative.

No pi臋kna wynika do艣wiadczenia, chodzi o emocje.

Well, beauty comes from experience, it's about emotions.

Chodzi, dok艂adnie.

It goes, exactly.

Chodzi o emocje i chodzi o t膮 indywidualn膮 perspektyw臋.

It's about emotions and it's about that individual perspective.

No i to jest oczywi艣cie z punktu widzenia biznesowego trudno, jak si臋 tego dobrze nie ustawi, dobrze nie wyja艣ni, no to trudno rozmawia膰, no to co my mamy, jak mamy te emocje dostarcza膰.

Well, of course from a business perspective it's difficult; if it's not set up well and explained properly, then it's hard to have a conversation. So what do we have, how do we deliver those emotions?

Buduje si臋 specjalne platformy, buduje si臋 ca艂e procesy i buduje si臋 wszystkie standardy, w艂a艣nie to o czym na pocz膮tku m贸wi艂am.

Special platforms are being built, entire processes are being built, and all standards are being built, just like I mentioned at the beginning.

Czyli co si臋 ma wydarzy膰 i co si臋 ma na pewno nie wydarzy膰.

So what is supposed to happen and what is definitely not supposed to happen.

I ka偶da z tych zaplanowanych akcji jest obliczona na wywo艂anie konkursu.

And each of these planned actions is designed to provoke a competition.

P贸藕niej sobie to wra偶enie oczywi艣cie mierzymy, albo badaniem satysfakcji, chocia偶 ja my艣l臋, 偶e w przypadku do艣wiadcze艅 pacjent贸w bardziej powinni艣my m贸wi膰 o bezwysi艂kowo艣ci.

Later, we obviously measure this impression, either through satisfaction surveys, although I think that in the case of patient experiences we should speak more about effortlessness.

Bo o ile w przypadku klient贸w mo偶emy m贸wi膰 o satysfakcji, to pacjent raczej unika do艣wiadczenia, nie chce tej us艂ugi, cz臋sto nie ma wyboru, nie mo偶e zrezygnowa膰.

Because when it comes to clients, we can talk about satisfaction, but a patient is rather avoiding the experience, does not want the service, often has no choice, and cannot opt out.

W zwi膮zku z tym bardziej powinni艣my stawia膰 na t膮 tak膮...

Therefore, we should focus more on this kind of...

艁atwo艣膰 we wsp贸艂pracy.

Ease of collaboration.

To ja bym to uj臋艂a mo偶e w takie sformu艂owanie

I would perhaps phrase it like this.

pomaga膰, nie przeszkadza膰.

help, don't hinder.

O, dok艂adnie. Dok艂adnie.

Oh, exactly. Exactly.

Czyli patient experience,

So patient experience,

do艣wiadczenie pacjenta ma pomaga膰, nie przeszkadza膰.

The patient's experience should help, not hinder.

Dok艂adnie tak. Jak si臋

Exactly that. How are you?

藕le czujemy, a pacjent

we feel bad, and the patient

no raczej jest w obni偶onej kondycji

well, it's rather in a deteriorated condition

psychofizycznej i nie potrzebuje dodatkowych

psychophysical and does not require additional ones

bod藕c贸w. Oj, mam histori臋 na ten temat.

stimuli. Oh, I have a story about that.

Nie wiem, czy ci opowiada艂am to,

I don't know if I told you this,

jak rozmawia艂e艣 wcze艣niej.

as you talked earlier.

Jak膮艣 histori臋 mi opowiada艂a艣, tak, tak, tak.

You were telling me some story, yes, yes, yes.

Chyba ci opowiada艂am o mojej, o jak dzwoni艂am do lekarza, jak mia艂am

I think I told you about my experience when I called the doctor, how I had...

gor膮czk臋. Tak, tak. No w艂a艣nie.

the fever. Yes, yes. Exactly.

I to jest ta bezwysi艂kowo艣膰. Ty po prostu

And this is the effortlessness. You just

chcia艂a艣 jak najszybciej za艂atwi膰

you wanted to get it done as soon as possible

swoj膮 potrzeb臋 i nie mia艂a艣

your need and you didn't have

si艂y ju偶 na dodatkowe

forces already for additional

pytania, wyja艣nienia, przechodzenia

questions, explanations, transitions

przez aplikacje, przeklikiwania si臋,

through the application, clicking through,

wybory i tak dalej. Po prostu ju偶 na to

elections and so on. I'm just already on it

autentycznie nie ma

there is genuinely none

zasob贸w, wi臋c jak my艣limy

resources, so how do we think

o tych do艣wiadczeniach pacjenta, to to jest w og贸le

About these patient experiences, that is in general.

podstawa, ta bezwysi艂kowo艣膰.

the basis, this effortlessness.

I ona te偶 si臋 na jako艣膰 b臋dzie

And she will also focus on quality.

p贸藕niej przek艂ada艂a. Tak, to jest

later she translated. Yes, it is

fajne to, co m贸wisz i to,

That's nice what you're saying and that,

co te偶 sobie powiedzia艂y艣my

what we said to each other

wcze艣niej, to jest jakby to,

Earlier, it's like this,

偶e ta dziedzina jest taka m艂oda i nie ma

that this field is so young and there is no

jeszcze tych zasad tak sztywnie

not those rules so rigidly yet

ustawionych. Nawet nie powiedzia艂abym, 偶e zasad,

set up. I wouldn't even say that it's rules,

bo tak w艂a艣ciwie te zasady

because, in fact, these rules

user experience czy customer experience

user experience or customer experience

one s膮, one dotycz膮 innych bran偶,

they exist, they concern other industries,

bo to nie jest co艣 nowego. Tylko tutaj

because it's not something new. Just here

troch臋 si臋 tak zaw臋偶amy,

we're kind of narrowing down a bit,

偶e ta nasza persona jest bardzo

that our persona is very

sprecyzowana. Tutaj mamy,

specified. Here we have,

jeszcze b臋dziemy sobie o tym m贸wi膰, 偶e tych person

we will still talk about this, that these people

jest bardzo du偶o tak naprawd臋 dla kogo

There is really a lot for whom.

projektujemy, no ale mamy

we design, well, but we have

powiedzia艂abym, 偶e nie persona, tylko to 艣rodowisko

I would say that it's not the persona, but the environment.

jest bardzo zaw臋偶one, no bo w艂a艣nie to s膮 te

it is very narrow, because these are exactly those

produkty, us艂ugi medyczne, czyli

medical products, services, that is

co艣 si臋 dzieje z naszym zdrowiem i oczywi艣cie

Something is happening with our health and of course.

jest ten wycinek powiedzmy takiej

here is this excerpt, let's say such

bardziej medycyny estetycznej, gdzie co艣

more aesthetic medicine, where something

poprawiamy, chcemy si臋 poczu膰 lepiej. No to tutaj bardziej jest

We are improving, we want to feel better. So here it's more.

klient, albo klientka. Tak.

client, or client woman. Yes.

I wtedy mo偶emy m贸wi膰 o tej satysfakcji. My艣l臋,

And then we can talk about that satisfaction. I think,

偶e to by艂oby bardzo dobre s艂owo, ale w momencie,

that it would be a very good word, but at the moment,

kiedy mamy jak膮艣 jednostk臋 chorobow膮,

when we have a specific disease,

jak te偶 tak fajna nomenklatura

what a cool nomenclature too

medyczna, nie chorob臋, tylko jednostk臋

medical, not disease, but an individual

chorobow膮, to

sick, it

faktycznie tutaj powiedzie膰 o tym,

actually to say about it here,

偶e kto艣 jest usatysfakcjonowany,

that someone is satisfied,

chocia偶 to s艂owo jest mery pojemne,

although this word is very broad,

偶e faktycznie,

that indeed,

偶e moja sprawa w艂a艣nie by艂a za艂atwiona

that my matter has just been resolved

i nie mia艂am niepotrzebnych nerw贸w, prawda?

And I didn't have unnecessary nerves, did I?

Czyli to pomaga膰, nie przeszkadza膰, by nam fajnie to

So it's about helping, not bothering, to make it nice for us.

podsumowa艂o t膮 definicj臋

summarized this definition

do艣wiadczenia pacjenta.

patient experiences.

Ale te偶

But also

poruszy艂y艣my fajny w膮tek, kt贸ry

we touched on a nice topic that

bardzo mnie zaciekawi艂

it intrigued me a lot

i my艣l臋, 偶e fajnie, 偶eby艣my do tego wr贸ci艂y.

And I think it would be nice for us to return to that.

Poruszy艂y艣my w poprzedniej rozmowie,

We touched on it in the previous conversation,

tak, 偶eby艣my jakby, wiesz, podcast nagrywa艂o

So that we, like, you know, record a podcast.

trzech godzin.

three hours.

Bo te偶

Because also

rozmawia艂y艣my sobie o r贸偶nicach

we were talking about the differences

w podej艣ciu mi臋dzy tym polskim

in the approach between this Polish

rynkiem, a zagranicznym. A ty

the market, and foreign. And you

masz troch臋 do艣wiadcze艅, troch臋 edukacyjnych

you have some experiences, somewhat educational

te偶. Mam na my艣li, 偶e po prostu

too. I mean that it's just

zdobywa艂a艣 edukacj臋 zagranic膮.

You obtained your education abroad.



chcia艂abym, 偶eby艣my sobie chwil臋 powiedzia艂a,

I would like us to talk for a moment.

偶eby艣 ty powiedzia艂a, podzieli艂a si臋 swoj膮 perspektyw膮,

so that you would speak up, share your perspective,

jak w艂a艣nie to patient experience

just like that, patient experience

wygl膮da, nie wiem, UK,

looks, I don't know, UK,

US, no bo te do艣wiadczenia masz,

US, well because you have those experiences,

versus w艂a艣nie jak to wygl膮da w Polsce.

versus this is how it looks in Poland.

No, my jeste艣my na dobrej drodze

No, we are on the right track.

i ju偶,

and that's it,

troch臋 rzeczy si臋 wydarzy艂o. Oczywi艣cie one s膮

a few things have happened. Of course they are

kontrowersyjne, bo powsta艂a ustawa o jako艣ci

controversial, because a law on quality was created

w ochronie zdrowia, ta, ona tam

in healthcare, yes, she there

spor膮 cz臋艣膰 po艣wi臋ca w艂a艣nie

devotes a large part to just

satysfakcji i jako艣ci w obs艂udze

satisfaction and quality in service

pacjenta. No, ale to

patient. No, but that's

wymaga czasu. W Stanach

it takes time. In the States

satysfakcja pacjent贸w jest

patient satisfaction is

mierzona, no, od po艂owy lat dziewi臋膰dziesi膮tych

measured, well, since the mid-nineties

to by艂y takie, takie zr臋by,

they were such, such frameworks,

takie pocz膮tki. W UK troch臋 d艂u偶ej.

Such beginnings. A bit longer in the UK.

Wi臋c wiadomo, 偶e oni mieli

So it's known that they had.

po prostu, no, dwadzie艣cia pi臋膰 lat, tak w skr贸cie

Just, well, twenty-five years, so in short.

m贸wi膮c, czasu

speaking, time

na testowanie, na poprawianie, testowanie

for testing, for improving, testing

i poprawianie. I oni doskonale

and improving. And they are perfect.

wiedz膮, co mierz膮.

they know what they are measuring.

Tych wska藕nik贸w w Stanach to jest

These indicators in the States are

ponad trzysta, wi臋c oni naprawd臋 bardzo

more than three hundred, so they really very

rzeczowo do tego podchodz膮.

They approach it in a matter-of-fact way.

I g艂贸wna r贸偶nica,

And the main difference,

my艣l臋, polega

I think, it depends.

na tym, por贸wnuj膮c te dwa rynki

on this, comparing these two markets

UK i Stany do naszego,

UK and the States to ours,

to jest powi膮zanie

this is a connection

satysfakcji pacjenta

patient satisfaction

z finansowaniem plac贸wek.

with the financing of institutions.

I z finansowaniem produkt贸w.

And with the financing of products.

Bardzo ciekawa miara.

Very interesting measurement.

W Stanach na przyk艂ad aplikacje,

In the States, for example, applications,

kt贸re dotycz膮 zarz膮dzania

which relate to management

swoim stanem,

his state,

swoim bardziej samopoczuciem

your well-being more

w przypadku os贸b z ADHD,

in the case of people with ADHD,

aplikacje s膮 przepisywane

applications are being rewritten

na recept臋. Wi臋c to nie dotyczy tylko i wy艂膮cznie

by prescription. So it's not only and exclusively about

pomiaru satysfakcji

measurement of satisfaction

w szpitalach, chocia偶 na to jest po艂o偶ony

in hospitals, although it is laid down for that

bardzo du偶y nacisk, ale dotyczy te偶

a very strong emphasis, but it also concerns

produkt贸w cyfrowych.

digital products.

W zwi膮zku z tym, tam naprawd臋 na t膮

In this regard, there is really something about that.

satysfakcj臋 wszyscy menad偶erowie

satisfaction of all managers

bardzo patrz膮 i wszyscy

they look very much and everyone

na ni膮 pracuj膮.

They are working for her.

No u nas jeszcze

Well, not yet for us.



chwil臋 to zajmie.

It will take a moment.

I opr贸cz tego, 偶e wyniki s膮,

And besides the fact that the results are,

偶e jak gdyby satysfakcja jest

that as if satisfaction exists

powi膮zana z finansowaniem.

related to financing.

Ale finansowaniem plac贸wki, prawda?

But funding the institution, right?

Tak, z finansowaniem plac贸wki, ale

Yes, with the funding of the institution, but

te偶 z refundacj膮 na przyk艂ad

also with a refund, for example



Ale to mi si臋 bardzo podoba, co

But I really like it, don't I?

m贸wisz, bo jednak zdrowie,

you say, because after all health,

mimo tego, 偶e je偶eli sprzedajemy

despite the fact that if we sell

jako us艂ug臋, jakie艣 us艂ugi

as a service, some services

dotycz膮ce zdrowia, tutaj

concerning health, here

miar膮 mog艂yby by膰,

they could be a measure of,

mog艂a by膰 konwersja, ile

there could have been a conversion, how much

zarabiamy na

we earn on

danym pacjencie i tak dalej, i tak

the given patient and so on, and so forth

dalej. Co prowadzi艂oby w mojej

go on. What would lead in my

ocenie do pewnych patologii, 偶e

I assess certain pathologies that

zamiast wyleczy膰 pacjenta, by艣my

instead of healing the patient, we would

leczyli tego pacjenta.

They treated this patient.

A dzi臋ki temu, 偶e ten wska藕nik jest

And thanks to the fact that this indicator is

zmieniony i to nie jest, ile

changed and it is not how much

ten pacjent u nas wyda przez

this patient will spend with us through

ten lifetime, znowu

this lifetime, again

troch臋 niefortunne okre艣lenie.

a somewhat unfortunate term.

My jeste艣my na tym etapie w艂a艣nie,

We are at this stage right now,

ile wyda.

how much will it cost.

No w艂a艣nie.


Ile wyda, ile razy wr贸ci.

How much he spends, how many times he comes back.

Dok艂adnie, zamiast powiedzie膰 o

Exactly, instead of saying about

tym, to m贸wimy o tej satysfakcji,

we're talking about that satisfaction,

co bardzo fajnie zmienia nam wektor

which changes our vector very nicely

na to, na co faktycznie powinni艣my

for what we should actually

zwr贸ci膰 uwag臋, bo znowu

to pay attention, because again

te wszystkie

all of them

czy produkty, czy aplikacje, one

whether products or applications, they

maj膮 poprawi膰 nasze samopoczucie i

they are supposed to improve our well-being and

poprawi膰 nasz膮 jako艣膰 偶ycia.

improve our quality of life.

To o to chodzi.

That's what it's all about.

I to te偶 jest mierzone.

And this is also measured.

Ta jako艣膰 偶ycia po skorzystaniu

This quality of life after using it.

z us艂ugi czy produktu te偶

from the service or product too

jest liczona.

It is being counted.

W zwi膮zku z tym to, jak szybko

In connection with this, how quickly

wracamy do zdrowia, to jak szybko

We're getting back to health, so how quickly?

wracamy na rynek pracy, to jak

We're returning to the job market, so what now?

szybko wracamy do aktywno艣ci

we quickly return to activity

sportowych, to wszystko jest

sports, everything is

wska藕nikiem do tego, czy faktycznie

an indicator of whether in fact

dany produkt, czy us艂uga, jest wskazany.

The given product or service is indicated.

Czy us艂uga zadzia艂a艂a.

Did the service work?

Tak. I m贸wisz, 偶e w Polsce jeste艣my

Yes. And you say that we are in Poland.

jednak na tym etapie, 偶e liczymy

however, at this stage, we are counting

powracalno艣膰, jak w sklepie

returnability, like in a store



Tak, mierzymy lojalno艣膰.

Yes, we measure loyalty.

Nie bardzo lubi臋 t膮, to jest w og贸le

I don't really like this one, not at all.

ten zwrot lojalizacja, a ju偶 w og贸le

this phrase loyalty, and generally

lojalizacja pacjenta brzmi...

the patient loyalty sounds...



Tak, kuriozalnie brzmi, dok艂adnie,

Yes, it sounds absurd, exactly.

bo celem jednak powinna by膰 nie

because the goal should not be

powracalno艣膰 pacjenta.

patient recurrence.

Tylko wyleczenie.

Only healing.

Tylko wyleczenie i polecenia,

Only healing and recommendations,

czyli to

so that's it

opinie, kt贸rymi si臋

opinions, which we

dzielimy, no to jak gdyby, no ale

we're dividing, so it's like, well but

u nas si臋 bardziej stawia na t膮

we place more emphasis on this



lojalizacj臋, ale

loyalization, but

jest jeszcze...

there is still...

Ale w pi臋knych, okr膮g艂ych s艂owach o tym m贸wimy.

But we talk about it in beautiful, round words.

No tak, ale tak jest.

Well, that's how it is.

Tak jest po prostu, no mierzymy tego

It is just like that, well, we are measuring it.

NPS-a i p贸藕niej patrzymy, czy

NPS and then we see if

poleci艂 i czy wr贸ci艂, tak? I liczymy

He recommended and whether he returned, right? And we are counting.

w艂a艣nie to CLV z tego pacjenta,

that's exactly the CLV from this patient,

z tego pacjenta biednego,

from this poor patient,

ale jest jeszcze jeden wymiar,

but there is one more dimension,

kt贸ry nas r贸偶ni pomi臋dzy

which distinguishes us between

tak szeroko m贸wi膮c, 偶e

so broadly speaking that


The West.

I nami, mianowicie te wyniki s膮

And to us, namely these results are

publikowane i plac贸wki i

published and institutions and

w艂a艣ciciele produkt贸w maj膮

product owners have

obowi膮zek publikowa膰

obligation to publish

regularnie wyniki satysfakcji,

regularly satisfaction results,

co oznacza, 偶e ten produkt

what it means that this product

i us艂uga staj膮 si臋 bardziej

and the service becomes more

transparentne, mierzone s膮 w ten

transparent, they are measured in this

sam spos贸b, powtarzane badania

the same method, repeated studies

s膮 w tym samym czasie, co daje

they are at the same time, which gives

ewidentn膮 korzy艣膰 pacjentowi,

a clear benefit to the patient,

bo on ma mo偶liwo艣膰 por贸wnania

because he has the ability to compare

us艂ugi produkt贸w na rynku

product services in the market

medycznym, co jest bardzo trudne,

medical, which is very difficult,

bo nie posiadamy wiedzy,

because we do not have knowledge,

pojawiaj膮 si臋 r贸偶ne takie

various such things appear

zak艂贸cenia w stylu altmet,

disturbances in the style of altmet,

kt贸ry nie u艂atwia rzeczowego i

which does not facilitate a factual and

merytorycznego podej艣cia do por贸wnania us艂ug,

substantive approach to comparing services,

w zwi膮zku z tym w momencie, kiedy

In connection with this, at the moment when

T艂umacz jeszcze, co to jest ten altmet.

Translate what this altmet is.

To s膮 wszystkie alternatywne metody

These are all alternative methods.

podej艣cia do leczenia,

approaches to treatment,

czyli nie oparte o badania.

so not based on research.

Powiedzmy, jak medycyn臋 konwencjonaln膮,

Let's say, like conventional medicine,

jakby艣my to nazwali, a powiedzmy

how would we call it, let's say

jak膮艣 alternatywn膮. Dok艂adnie, wi臋c

some alternative. Exactly, so

raczej to jest pejoratywne

rather, it's pejorative

okre艣lenie, ten altmet.

definition, this altmet.

Wi臋c w momencie, kiedy

So at the moment when

instytucje pa艅stwowe, rz膮dowe

state institutions, government institutions

trzymaj膮 na tym r臋k臋

they are holding their hand on it

i w Stanach

and in the States

mamy t膮 instytucj臋 FDA,

we have the FDA institution,

kt贸ra gwarantuje

which guarantees

w jaki艣 spos贸b prawid艂owo艣膰

somehow correctness

dzia艂ania, legalno艣膰 badania

actions, legality of the investigation

i tak dalej, no to powoduje, 偶e to

and so on, well that causes it to

daje pacjentowi przewag臋

gives the patient an advantage

nad dokonaniem najlepszego w jego

at the completion of the best in his

mniemaniu wyboru co do produktu czy us艂ugi.

in the opinion of the choice regarding the product or service.

Tak, na nasz膮 te偶 aktualny stan

Yes, it's the current state for us as well.

wiedzy, bo wiadomo, 偶e

knowledge, because it is known that

te偶 medycyna ewoluuje,

medicine also evolves,

odkrywamy nowe

we are discovering new

rzeczy, dowiadujemy si臋 nowych rzeczy i te

things, we learn new things and those

zalecenia mog膮 si臋 zmienia膰, ale

recommendations may change, but

na aktualny stan wiedzy pacjent jest w stanie

Based on the current state of knowledge, the patient is capable.

podj膮膰 najlepsz膮 decyzj臋 dla siebie.

make the best decision for yourself.

Tak, ma narz臋dzia. Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, he has tools. Yes, exactly.

Ma narz臋dzia, wi臋c my powoli w tym

She has the tools, so we are slowly working on it.

kierunku zmierzamy.

which direction are we heading.

Takie badania s膮 prowadzone

Such studies are being conducted.



w Polsce w szpitalach. Jest taka organizacja

In Poland in hospitals. There is such an organization.

Centrum Miar i Jako艣ci

Center for Measurement and Quality

i oni w tym roku ju偶 przebadali 100 tysi臋cy

And they have already tested 100 thousand this year.

szpitali w taki wystandaryzowany, powtarzalny

hospitals in such a standardized, repeatable

spos贸b. Oko艂o 250

way. About 250

szpitali przyst膮pi艂o do tego badania.

hospitals participated in this study.

Wi臋c ju偶 mo偶na sobie

So now you can already...

co艣 por贸wna膰. No i oni w艂a艣nie badaj膮

compare something. And they are actually researching.

komunikacj臋, 偶ywienie,

communication, nutrition,

organizacj臋, opiek臋 piel臋gniarsk膮,

organization, nursing care,

zarz膮dzanie b贸lem.

pain management.

No tam jest ile艣 tych

Well, there are some of those.

wska藕nik贸w, kt贸re mo偶na

indicators that can

sobie jeden do jeden por贸wna膰

compare one to one

w ramach tych 250 szpitali. Wi臋c je偶eli

within these 250 hospitals. So if

szukasz jakiego艣 zabiegu,

are you looking for a treatment,

no to to jest dobre 藕r贸d艂o do tego,

well, this is a good source for that,

偶eby stwierdzi膰, ok, to jednak nie b臋d臋

to determine, okay, I won't after all

korzysta膰 z zabieg贸w w Warszawie, tylko

use treatments in Warsaw, only

we Wroc艂awiu na przyk艂ad.

in Wroc艂aw, for example.

Super. Bardzo, bardzo dobrze

Great. Very, very good.

jest to, 偶e zaczynamy to robi膰, zaczynamy mierzy膰

It is that we are starting to do it, we are starting to measure.

i dajemy pacjentom narz臋dzia

And we give patients the tools.

i w pewien spos贸b te偶 w艂adz臋 nad

and in a way also control over

tym, jak膮艣 decyzyjno艣膰 dotycz膮c膮

with some decisiveness regarding

w艂a艣nie stanu zdrowia.

just health condition.

W naszej rozmowie

In our conversation

jeszcze powiedzia艂a艣 co艣 fajnego, co mi si臋

you said something nice that I really like

mega spodoba艂o i

I really liked it and

chcia艂am do tego wr贸ci膰. U偶y艂a艣 w艂a艣nie

I wanted to come back to that. You just used it.

takiego cudownego okre艣lenia,

such a wonderful expression,

偶e do艣wiadczenie pacjenta to jest taki

that the patient experience is such a

dwug艂owy smok. Tak. I to mi si臋

a two-headed dragon. Yes. And I like that

strasznie spodoba艂o. I m贸wili艣my

I liked it a lot. And we talked.

wtedy o tym, 偶e to co si臋 dzieje online

then about what is happening online

jest tak samo wa偶ne, jak to

It is just as important as that.

co si臋 dzieje offline.

what happens offline.

Teraz powiedzia艂a艣 jeszcze o drugim

Now you mentioned the second one.

aspekcie tego dwug艂owego

aspect of this bicep



No w艂a艣nie, no bo 偶eby dostarczy膰

Exactly, because in order to deliver

to dobre do艣wiadczenie, to potrzebujemy

it's a good experience, we need it

i kadry zarz膮dzaj膮cej,

and the management staff,

i kadry administracyjnej,

and the administrative staff,

i kadry medycznej.

and medical staff.

I teraz to wszystko trzeba spi膮膰. Tutaj te grupy

And now everything needs to be tied together. Here are the groups.

mog膮 mie膰 r贸偶ne interesy,

they may have different interests,

cz臋sto maj膮 r贸偶ne interesy,

they often have different interests,

wi臋c to jest d艂uga i 偶mudna

so it is long and tedious

praca, taka strategiczna.

work, such a strategic one.

Dla co si臋 umawiamy, no i znowu wracaj膮c

What are we agreeing on, and once again going back?

do definicji do艣wiadcze艅.

to the definition of experiences.

Jakie do艣wiadczenia chcemy dostarcza膰,

What experiences do we want to provide,

w kt贸rym punkcie styku i jakich nie chcemy

at which contact point and which we do not want

do艣wiadcza膰 i jak b臋dziemy to robi膰. A na ko艅cu

to experience and how we will do it. And in the end

mamy tego pacjenta, kt贸ry

we have this patient who

spodziewa si臋, 偶e co艣 go spotka,

he expects something to happen to him,

b膮d藕 co艣 go nie spotka, no i decyduje

"Let something not happen to him, and then he decides."

czy to jest r贸偶nica, czy to jest

Is there a difference, or is it?

czy to jest suma.

Is this a sum?

My艣l膮c o tym do艣wiadczeniu pacjenta

Thinking about this patient experience

offline, online,

offline, online

w plac贸wce, w domu,

in the facility, at home,

no przecie偶 to nie chodzi o to, 偶e my

Well, it's not about the fact that we...

tam w tej aplikacji, w tym produkcie

there in this application, in this product

medycznym mamy sp臋dza膰 czas i si臋 dobrze bawi膰,

We should spend time in a medical environment and have a good time.

to nie jest Instagram, czy Duolingo,

This is not Instagram or Duolingo,

tylko chcemy za艂atwi膰 jak膮艣 spraw臋.

We just want to take care of some matter.

I teraz zastanawiam si臋,

And now I am wondering,

jakie pu艂apki czyhaj膮

What traps are lurking?

w tym projektowaniu do艣wiadcze艅 pacjenta,

in this designing of patient experiences,

je偶eli nie b臋dziemy pami臋ta膰 w艂a艣nie o tym

if we do not remember just about that

ca艂ym kontek艣cie offline,

in the entire offline context,

online, w szpitalu,

online, in the hospital,

w plac贸wce, w domu,

in the facility, at home,

to co tam si臋 kryje?

What is hidden there?

Co mo偶e p贸j艣膰 nie tak?

What could go wrong?

Jak to klasyk mawia, wszystko

As the classic says, everything.

mo偶e p贸j艣膰 nie tak.

things can go wrong.

Zacznijmy od pocz膮tku, my艣l臋, 偶e podstaw膮,

Let's start from the beginning, I think that the foundation is,

to te偶 o tym rozmawia艂y艣my

we talked about that too

na naszym ostatnim spotkaniu, 偶e w og贸le

at our last meeting, that at all

ochrona zdrowia,

health care,

niewa偶ne w jakim kanale, w jakim

it doesn't matter in which channel, in which

narz臋dziu, ona stoi na bezpiecze艅stwie

"tool, it stands on security"

i na jako艣ci. I teraz w zale偶no艣ci

and on quality. And now depending on

od tego, kto m贸wi o bezpiecze艅stwie i jako艣ci,

from the one who speaks about safety and quality,

no to b臋d膮 to

well, that will be it

troch臋 inne definicje, inaczej b臋dzie to definiowa艂

slightly different definitions, it will be defined differently

lekarz, no bo jego

doctor, well because of him

obowi膮zkiem jest dostarczy膰 jak najlepsz膮 us艂ug臋,

it is our duty to provide the best possible service,

pom贸c pacjentowi, ale te偶 ci膮偶y na nim

to help the patient, but it also weighs on him

odpowiedzialno艣膰 prawna za to, jak on dzia艂a

legal responsibility for how he operates

i co dostarcza. W przypadku

and what it delivers. In the case of

tej kadry niemedycznej, no oni

that non-medical staff, well they

te偶 pracuj膮 na bezpiecze艅stwo i na jako艣膰,

they also work on safety and quality,

no bo tu jest i zarz膮dzanie dokumentacj膮,

because there is also document management here,

zarz膮dzanie przep艂ywem informacji,

information flow management,

zarz膮dzanie kolejk膮 pacjent贸w

patient queue management



dopilnowanie, 偶eby wszystko dzia艂a艂o, po prostu 偶eby

making sure that everything works, just so that

rzeczy si臋 dzia艂y. Natomiast z punktu widzenia

things are divided. However, from the point of view

pacjenta, no to rozmawiamy

Patient, well then let's talk.

po prostu o jego

just about his

chyba no najpierwszej potrzebie,

probably in the first need,

jak膮 jest zdrowie i dobre funkcjonowanie,

what health and good functioning is,

wi臋c i on b臋dzie to ocenia艂

So he will evaluate it.

no na pewno niemerytorycznie,

Well, certainly not substantively,

bo nie jest lekarzem, nie ma takiej wiedzy,

because he is not a doctor, he does not have such knowledge,

tylko b臋dzie to ocenia艂 bardziej emocjonalnie,

he will only evaluate it more emotionally,

no i im jego stan b臋dzie trudniejszy, tym wi臋cej

Well, and his condition will be more difficult, the more.

emocji b臋dzie si臋 pojawia膰, wi臋c kluczem

emotions will appear, so the key

jest chyba zdefiniowanie na pocz膮tku

There is probably a definition at the beginning.



jako艣膰 my chcemy dostarczy膰, pami臋taj膮c

We want to deliver quality, remembering.

o bardzo szerokim kontek艣cie tej persony,

about the very broad context of this persona,

o kt贸rej rozmawiamy, bo ta persona

what time are we talking about, because this persona

b臋dzie, to nie b臋d膮 tylko lekarze, piel臋gniarki,

it will not only be doctors, nurses,



i otoczenie, czy produkt, ale te偶 na przyk艂ad

and the environment, or the product, but also, for example

opiekunowie, albo

caretakers, or

pacjentem jest dziecko,

the patient is a child,

a decydentem jest rodzic, wi臋c wtedy nam si臋

and the decision-maker is a parent, so then we have

w og贸le, nie mamy jednej persony, tylko

In general, we don't have one persona, only...

mamy dwie podstawowe persony, bo jest i dziecko

We have two primary personas because there is also a child.

i rodzic i musimy spe艂ni膰 troch臋 inne

And the parent and I have to meet a slightly different

oczekiwania, wi臋c no musimy

expectations, so we have to

na pocz膮tku wykona膰 bardzo

at the beginning do very

rzeteln膮 prac臋, te偶

reliable work, too



Takie pu艂apki nas czekaj膮 w艂a艣nie w tym pierwszym

Such traps await us precisely in this first one.

kroku, w tym kroku badawczym.

step, in this research step.

No nierozpoznanie potrzeb psychologicznych

Well, the failure to recognize psychological needs.

na przyk艂ad. Okej.

for example. Okay.

Nierozpoznanie potrzeb psychologicznych, czyli

Failure to recognize psychological needs, that is

jak na przyk艂ad ma wygl膮da膰

for example, how is it supposed to look like



obs艂uga dziecka w obecno艣ci

childcare in the presence



Bo mo偶na si臋 skupi膰 tylko

Because one can only focus

i wy艂膮cznie na opiekunie, a pozostawi膰

and exclusively on the guardian, and to leave

niezaopiekowane emocjonalnie dziecko,

emotionally neglected child,

nie zadba膰 o komfort, o dobre

not taking care of comfort, of good

emocje, o dobr膮 wsp贸艂prac臋, b膮d藕

emotions, for good cooperation, be

na odwr贸t, mo偶na w og贸le pomin膮膰 opiekuna

On the contrary, one can completely skip the guardian.

i to bardziej w przypadku

and it is more so in the case of

pacjent贸w starszych, w przypadku

older patients, in the case of

senior贸w, kiedy wchodz膮 do gabinetu

seniors when they enter the office

albo korzystaj膮 z us艂ug,

or they are using services,

do kt贸rych potrzebuj膮 w艂a艣nie

which they need right now

osoby towarzysz膮cej opiekuna, no i mo偶na

accompanying person of the caregiver, well, and one can

po prostu zapomnie膰 o potrzebach

just forget about the needs

jednej ze stron. I wtedy

one of the sides. And then

zaczynaj膮 si臋 komplikacje, mo偶na

complications are beginning, one can

zrobi膰 najpi臋kniejszy

to make the most beautiful

interfejs, on mo偶e by膰 prosty

interface, it can be simple

w u偶yciu, mo偶e by膰

in use, it may be



Albo nawet do艣wiadczenie w samej plac贸wce, bo to te偶 jest ciekawe,

Or even experience in the institution itself, because that's also interesting,

je偶eli mamy w艂a艣nie te dwie persony

if we have just these two personas

i wiemy o tym, 偶e jest osoba,

and we know that there is a person,

kt贸ra przychodzi z opiekunem, niewa偶ne

which comes with a guardian, it doesn't matter

jakby tu kwestia wieku,

it's like the issue of age,

bo tak w艂a艣ciwie

because actually

tak, dok艂adnie,

yes, exactly,

ale jakby wiemy, 偶e tutaj mamy, 偶e tak powiem

but as if we know that we have here, so to speak

brzydko, dw贸ch aktor贸w,

ugly, two actors,

kt贸rzy podchodz膮, nie wiem, do recepcji

who are approaching, I don't know, to the reception

czy nawet wype艂niaj膮 jakie艣 dokumenty,

do they even fill out any documents,

no to musimy wzi膮膰 pod uwag臋 to, 偶e

well, we have to take into account that

to b臋d膮 dwie osoby, a nie jedna. I mo偶na

It will be two people, not one. And you can.

w艂a艣nie, 偶e tak powiem, skiep艣ci膰

I would say, to screw up.

to i w tym produkcie cyfrowym

so in this digital product

i w tej us艂udze cyfrowej.

and in this digital service.

Tak, bo tutaj te偶 w gr臋 wchodz膮

Yes, because here it also comes into play.

na przyk艂ad umiej臋tno艣ci cyfrowe

for example digital skills

i pos艂ugiwanie si臋 produktami

and using the products

cyfrowymi. Kolejna warstwa, prawda?

digital. Another layer, right?

Jeden aktor, jak to 艂adnie go nazywa艂a艣,

One actor, as you beautifully called him,

jeden aktor b臋dzie bieg艂y i b臋dzie to dla niego

one actor will be running and it will be for him

naturalne, a drugi na przyk艂ad b臋dzie mia艂 problemy

natural, and the other one, for example, will have problems

z widzeniem, z niedowidzeniem

with sight, with low vision

i nie b臋dzie si臋 potrafi艂 p艂ynnie

and he will not be able to speak fluently

pos艂ugiwa膰 po aplikacji.

serve through the application.

Tak偶e albo wype艂ni膰 dokument贸w w plac贸wce

So either fill out the documents at the office.

na przyk艂ad, bo b臋dzie druk

for example, because there will be printing

na formularzach zbyt ma艂y.

too small on the forms.

Bez mo偶liwo艣ci

Without possibility

na przyk艂ad powi臋kszenia.

for example enlargements.

A to jest prosta rzecz, prawda?

And this is a simple thing, right?

Wszystkie te rzeczy s膮 proste, tylko

All these things are simple, only

najgorzej zrobi膰 b艂膮d

It's worst to make a mistake.

w za艂o偶eniach, w艂a艣nie w tej personie,

in the assumptions, precisely in this persona,

jak si臋

how are you

nie dopilnuje wszystkich szczeg贸艂贸w.

I won't oversee all the details.

Oczywi艣cie wiadomo, 偶e prawdopodobnie

Of course, it is known that probably

nie mo偶na zadba膰, nie da si臋,

it cannot be taken care of, it cannot be done,

to w kolejnych iteracjach mo偶na p贸藕niej poprawia膰,

In subsequent iterations, it can be improved later.

ale ta rzetelna praca na pocz膮tku

but this thorough work at the beginning

jest bardzo istotna, 偶eby wzi膮膰

it is very important to take

pod uwag臋, po prostu, no tak jak w CX

take into account, just, well just like in CX

si臋 m贸wi, albo w PX, wej艣膰 w buty klienta,

it is said, either in PX, to step into the customer's shoes,

wej艣膰 w buty pacjenta i naprawd臋 czasami

to step into the patient's shoes and really sometimes

oczy si臋 szeroko otwieraj膮,

the eyes widen,

o czym w og贸le nie pomy艣leli艣my,

what we didn't think about at all,

a to jest tak oczywiste, tak jak teraz powiedzia艂e艣,

and it is so obvious, just like you said now,

偶e powi臋kszenie tekstu, tak? To jest oczywiste,

that enlarging the text, right? It's obvious,

nie? Ale jednak my mamy

No? But still, we have.

tak膮, znaczy ciekaw膮,

such, means interesting,

nie wiem czy ciekaw膮, no bo

I don't know if it's interesting, because...

ciekawa to jest dobre s艂owo, bo my z miary neutralne,

"Interesting is a good word, because we are neutral by measure."

histori臋, kt贸r膮

the story that

opowiada艂a nam nasza PMK Dorota

our PMK Dorota told us

jaki艣 czas temu, kt贸ra ma

some time ago, which has

szcz臋艣cie trafi艂a do szpitala

Happiness ended up in the hospital.

z barkiem

with a shoulder

i powiedzia艂a... To bolesne dosy膰.

And she said... It's quite painful.

Tak, bolesne do艣wiadczenie, ale

Yes, a painful experience, but

to co nam opowiada艂a by艂o jeszcze

what she was telling us was still

bardziej bolesne, bo powiedzia艂a,

more painful, because she said,

偶e w szpitalu

that in the hospital

by艂y telewizory, za kt贸re

there were televisions for which

trzeba by艂o, czyli jedyna mo偶liwo艣膰

it had to be, which means the only option

zap艂acenia za ogl膮danie tej telewizji

payment for watching this television

by艂a za pomoc膮 blika

it was done using Blik

i wiele os贸b, kt贸re w艂a艣nie nie by艂y

and many people who just were not

na tyle bieg艂e, 偶e nie posiada艂y

sufficiently proficient that they did not possess

tej technologii, nie wiedzia艂y nawet co to jest

they didn't even know what this technology was

ten blik, by艂y pozbawione

this flash was devoid

mo偶liwo艣ci jakiego艣 zabicia czasu

options for killing some time

w pewien spos贸b w tej plac贸wce medycznej

in a way at this medical facility

no i musia艂y chodzi膰 szuka膰 jakiej艣 m艂odszej

And they had to go looking for some younger one.

osoby, kt贸ra pomog艂aby im obs艂u偶y膰

a person who would help them operate

tego blika i m贸c po prostu

this blik and simply be able to

ogl膮da膰 sobie t膮 familiad臋 czy

watching that Family Feud or

jakikolwiek inny program przyrodniczy

any other nature program

na kt贸ry mia艂aby ochot臋.

that she would like.

To nie ma znaczenia, ale po prostu

It doesn't matter, but just

to jak prawdopodobnie

so it's probably

projektantom mog艂o si臋 wydawa膰

designers might have thought

genialnym pomys艂em siedz膮c

a brilliant idea sitting

na sali warsztatowej i generuj膮c

in the workshop hall and generating

pomys艂, no to dajmy im mo偶liwo艣膰 zap艂acenia

The idea is to give them the option to pay.

z wysi艂kow膮. Dok艂adnie. Okazuje si臋,

with effort. Exactly. It turns out that,

偶e jest to praktycznie niemo偶liwe do wykonania

that it is practically impossible to accomplish

ze wzgl臋du w艂a艣nie na t膮 barier臋

due to this barrier

cyfrow膮. To te偶 fajnie podkre艣la

digital. It also nicely emphasizes

r贸偶nic臋 mi臋dzy

the difference between

pacjentem a klientem,

the patient and the client,

bo w przypadku

because in the case of



mo偶na stwierdzi膰,

it can be stated,

m贸wi臋 o produktach powszechnych,

I'm talking about common products,

niezwi膮zanych ze zdrowiem, m贸wi臋 o takich produktach,

not related to health, I'm talking about such products,

z kt贸rych nie mamy jako艣 wi臋kszej

from which we don't have any greater

relacji emocjonalnej. 艁atwo

emotional relationship. Easy

nam powiedzie膰, ok dobra to odcinamy

Let us know, okay good, we are cutting off then.

tych co nie obs艂uguj膮 blika,

those that do not support Blik,

no bo wiadomo, 偶e

because it is obvious that

idziemy do przodu, z czasem po prostu te

We're moving forward, with time just those.

grupy konsument贸w nam si臋 b臋d膮

consumer groups will be for us

zast臋powa膰. Tak, p艂acenie rachunk贸w tu mog艂o by膰 fajnym

to replace. Yes, paying bills here could have been fun.

przyk艂adem, bo ka偶dy musi to robi膰,

as an example, because everyone has to do it,

a jednak te sposoby s膮 r贸偶ne. Dok艂adnie.

However, these methods are different. Exactly.

Ca艂y czas trzymaj膮c si臋 tej analogii

All the time sticking to this analogy.

do sposobu p艂atno艣ci,

to the payment method,

kto艣 sobie b臋dzie p艂aci艂 blikiem za ten rachunek,

someone will be paying for this bill with Blik,

a kto艣 p贸jdzie na poczt臋 i wype艂ni

Someone will go to the post office and fill it out.

druczek. Dok艂adnie, tak, ale s膮 te dwie mo偶liwo艣ci.

The form. Exactly, yes, but there are these two possibilities.

A w przypadku o tym, o kt贸rym

And in the case of the one about which

powiedzia艂a艣, no jak gdyby

you said, well, like

zosta艂o wdro偶one bardzo dobre rozwi膮zanie,

a very good solution has been implemented,

no tylko, 偶e zapomniano o tym,

well, it was just forgotten about,

偶e to s膮 grupy

that these are groups

w艂a艣nie nie klient贸w,

not clients,

tylko pacjent贸w,

only patients,

kt贸rzy maj膮 inne potrzeby. Ich pierwsz膮 potrzeb膮

who have different needs. Their primary need

nie b臋dzie ogl膮danie Familiady,

there will be no watching of Familiada,

to te偶 jest wa偶ne.

this is also important.

Tak, jego figur臋 retoryczn膮 zabieramy.

Yes, we are taking his rhetorical figure.

Tak, dok艂adnie, oczywi艣cie tak, czy

Yes, exactly, of course, yes, or

innego programu

another program

podobnego do reporta偶u, natomiast

similar to a documentary, however

to nie b臋dzie pierwsza potrzeba, natomiast

it won't be a primary need, however

mo偶e znacznie poprawi膰 jako艣膰.

it can greatly improve quality.

Jako艣膰, dok艂adnie. W艂a艣nie i znowu wracam

Quality, exactly. That's right, and I鈥檓 back again.

do tej jako艣ci, 偶e

to such quality that

wydawa艂oby si臋, 偶e zupe艂nie banalny krok

it would seem to be a completely trivial step

b臋dzie wp艂ywa艂 na ocen臋 jako艣ci.

will affect the quality assessment.

I teraz tak, czy

And now, so are you...

wprowadzenie p艂atno艣ci

introduction of payments

przez Blika za telewizj臋 wp艂ywa

Through Blik, it affects the television.

na ocen臋 jako艣ci dostarczan膮

for the quality assessment provided

przez lekarza? Albo wyleczenie

by a doctor? Or a cure

tego pacjenta totalnie nie wp艂ywa,

this patient is totally unaffected,

ale na to jak ja si臋 czuj臋 b臋d膮c

but about how I feel being

w tym szpitalu wp艂ywa bardzo.

In this hospital, a lot is happening.

I te偶 wp艂ywa to na to, czy je偶eli dostan臋

And it also affects whether if I get

kolejne skierowanie, to ja

another referral, that's me

z ch臋ci膮 p贸jd臋 do szpitala, znaczy

I will gladly go to the hospital, I mean.

nikt raczej nie p贸jdzie z ch臋ci膮, ale przynajmniej

nobody will probably go willingly, but at least

z takim prze艣wiadczeniem, 偶e ok,

with the conviction that it's okay,

jest w porz膮dku,

it's fine,

czy b臋d臋 my艣la艂a znowu o tym

Will I think about it again?

przykrym do艣wiadczeniu, kt贸re spotka艂o mnie ostatnim

a unpleasant experience that happened to me recently

razem. To jest wykluczanie po prostu.

Together. This is just exclusion.

Wydawa艂oby si臋, 偶e rzecz b艂aha, natomiast

It would seem to be a trivial matter, however

w momencie, kiedy

at the moment when

tak si臋 nad tym g艂臋biej zastanowi膰,

to think about it more deeply,

to jest to po prostu wykluczenie. Bior膮c pod uwag臋

this is simply exclusion. Considering

te偶 jak nasze spo艂ecze艅stwo wygl膮da, no i wiadomo, 偶e

also how our society looks, and it is known that

chorujemy wraz z up艂ywem wieku, wi臋c w szpitalu

We get sick as we age, so in the hospital.

raczej jest wi臋cej os贸b starszych ni偶

there are rather more older people than

m艂odszych. Tak, ok. To wracaj膮c

younger. Yes, okay. So coming back.

do mojego pytania o pu艂apki,

to my question about traps,

kt贸re w艂a艣nie czyhaj膮 na

which are just lurking for

nas projektant贸w,

us designers,

czy w艂a艣nie CX, czyli Customer Experience,

is indeed CX, or Customer Experience,

czy UX, User Experience,

is UX, User Experience,

to powiedzia艂y艣my sobie o tych problemach

we talked about these problems

na samym pocz膮tku, czyli problemy

At the very beginning, that is, problems.

z za艂o偶eniami, kt贸re

with the assumptions that

mamy, dalej problemy

we still have problems



samym odbiorc膮, person膮, 偶e nie jest

the recipient itself, the persona, that it is not

ona do ko艅ca zdefiniowana. Potem mamy jakie艣

She is defined until the end. Then we have some.

problemy badawcze, 偶e tych bada艅 tak w艂a艣ciwie

research problems, that these studies actually

nie ma, czy tego rozpoznania

there is none, whether this diagnosis

艣rodowiska. Co jeszcze mo偶e si臋 pojawi膰?

environments. What else might emerge?

Tutaj mi przychodzi na my艣l,

Here I am reminded of,

by艂o takie badanie zrobione

There was a study conducted.

przez Deloitte'a za 2023

by Deloitte for 2023

rok. Ono nie dotyczy艂o

year. It did not concern

stricte ochrony zdrowia, ono dotyczy艂o

strictly health protection, it concerned

wszystkich bran偶, ale Deloitte

all industries, but Deloitte

zapyta艂 r贸wnie偶 w Polsce,

he also asked in Poland,

za co, za jakie do艣wiadczenia

for what, for what experiences

p艂acili klienci w 2023

customers paid in 2023

roku. I Polacy

year. And the Poles

orzekli jednog艂o艣nie, 偶e p艂acili

they unanimously ruled that they had paid

za to, 偶eby by艂o 艂atwo,

for making it easy,

szybko i komfortowo. To za to p艂ac膮,

quickly and comfortably. That's what they pay for,

otwieraj膮 swoje portfele,

they open their wallets,

natomiast bardzo nie

however, very no

lubi膮, je偶eli ich

they like it when their



reklamacje, pr贸ba kontaktu

complaints, attempt to contact

zwrotnego s膮 trudne.

Returns are difficult.

To wyj膮tkowo

It's exceptional.

nas irytuje i my艣l臋, 偶e to

It irritates us and I think that it

dobrze si臋 wpisuje te偶 w ochron臋 zdrowia,

it also fits well into health care,

bo opieka nad pacjentem

because patient care

nie ko艅czy si臋 w momencie wizyty

it doesn't end at the moment of the visit

albo przeklikania si臋 przez aplikacj臋,

or clicking through the application,

tylko ten proces trwa.

only this process is ongoing.

I to wra偶enie ko艅cowe,

And that's the final impression,

z艂e wra偶enie

bad impression

ko艅cowe, mo偶e absolutnie zatrze膰

final, can absolutely blur

wszystkie pozytywne do艣wiadczenia,

all positive experiences,

kt贸re mia艂y miejsce wcze艣niej.

that took place earlier.

I to ju偶 ta strata jest nie do odrobienia.

And this loss is already irreparable.

Wi臋c trzeba te偶 my艣le膰

So you also have to think.

o tych ko艅c贸wkach i o tym, co si臋 dzieje

about those endings and what is happening

po wizytach, po us艂udze,

after visits, after the service,

po zakupieniu produktu

after purchasing the product

i tak dalej. Te ko艅c贸wki s膮 bardzo

and so on. These endings are very



Czyli pu艂apki czekaj膮

So the traps are waiting.

na nas praktycznie

on us practically

na ca艂ej 艣cie偶ce, gdzie planujemy

On the entire path where we plan

do艣wiadczenie pacjenta.

patient experience.

I jakbym

And as if I

mia艂a wyci膮gn膮膰 taki wniosek

she was supposed to draw such a conclusion

z tego, co powiedzia艂a艣, to

from what you said, it is

musimy jako

we must as

w艂a艣ciciele us艂ug medycznych

owners of medical services

czy produkt贸w medycznych

or medical products

bardzo dobrze zastanowi膰 si臋

it's very good to think it over

nad za艂o偶eniami i mie膰

above the assumptions and have

艣wiadomo艣膰 ca艂y czas,

awareness all the time,

mie膰 艣wiadomo艣膰 gdzie艣 z ty艂u g艂owy

to have an awareness in the back of one's mind

problem贸w i wyzwa艅, jakie maj膮

problems and challenges they have

nasze osoby,

our people,

osoby, kt贸re korzystaj膮 z naszego produktu.

People who use our product.

Tak, ja mog臋 powiedzie膰 o swoim przypadku,

Yes, I can talk about my case,

nie b臋d臋 wymienia膰 nazwy,

I won't mention the name,



jedna z firm

one of the companies

bardzo podchodz膮ca nowocze艣nie

very modern-approaching

do ochrony zdrowia.

to health care.

Ja si臋 tam oczywi艣cie z za艂o偶膮cej konto

I will of course sign up there.

przez jaki艣 czas korzystam i

I've been using it for some time and

oni bardzo mocno stawiali na diagnostyk臋.

They placed a strong emphasis on diagnostics.

Zapraszali do tej diagnostyki,

They invited for this diagnosis,

przypominali, co mi si臋 bardzo podoba艂o.

They reminded me of what I really liked.

I nie wiem dlaczego oni w kt贸rym艣 momencie

And I don't know why they at some point

przestali to robi膰 i ja musz臋 powiedzie膰, 偶e ja odczuwam

they stopped doing it and I have to say that I feel

zaw贸d, bo dla mnie to by艂o

a profession, because for me it was

odci膮偶enie, 偶e kto艣 pami臋ta,

relief that someone remembers,

偶e ja raz na jaki艣 czas powinnam wykona膰 jakie艣

that I should do something once in a while

badania diagnostyczne dla w艂asnego

diagnostic tests for personal use

bezpiecze艅stwa, po prostu dla profilaktyki.

safety, just for prevention.

No i musz臋 powiedzie膰, niby nic si臋 wielkiego

And I have to say, it's like nothing big is happening.

nie sta艂o, ale kontakt si臋 urwa艂

It didn't happen, but the contact was lost.

i ja nad tym ubolewam.

I regret that as well.

Okej, okej. Czyli jakbym

Okay, okay. So if I were to...

mia艂a spojrze膰 z takiej perspektywy biznesowej,

she was supposed to look from such a business perspective,

to by艂a jaka艣,

that was some,

jaki艣 charakter marki, jaka艣 propozycja

some brand character, some proposal

warto艣ci, jak to lubimy

values, as we like them

m贸wi膰 w UX, czyli po prostu

speaking in UX, or simply

czym si臋 ta marka wyr贸偶nia i marka

What sets this brand apart and the brand?

przesta艂a to robi膰 i pewnie

she stopped doing it and probably

nie wiadomo dlaczego. Prawdopodobnie im si臋

it's unknown why. Probably they are

wydaje, 偶e nikt tego nie zauwa偶y艂,

it seems that no one noticed this,

a ty teraz masz w pewien spos贸b

and you now have in a way

poczucie zawodu,

feeling of disappointment,

bo nie jest to...

because it is not...

Brakuje mi tej warto艣ci po prostu.

I simply miss that value.

Bo przestali dostarcza膰 to, co

Because they stopped delivering what

by艂o wa偶ne.

it was important.

A powiedz mi jeszcze

And tell me still

o samych pacjentach, jakby艣my si臋 mog艂y

About the patients themselves, as if we could...

chwil臋 skupi膰 na pacjentach, jakie s膮 te偶 oczekiwania

focus for a moment on the patients, what their expectations are as well

pacjent贸w, bo powiedzia艂y艣my troch臋 o mapowaniu

patients, because we talked a bit about mapping

tej 艣cie偶ki, o tym co mo偶e p贸j艣膰 nie tak,

this path, about what could go wrong,

ale jakie s膮 oczekiwania pacjent贸w i te偶

but what are the expectations of the patients and also

na co s膮 gotowi, a na co nie s膮 gotowi

what they are ready for and what they are not ready for

w ochronie zdrowia?

in healthcare?

Oczekiwania co do ochrony zdrowia

Expectations regarding health care

s膮 dosy膰 zbie偶ne. Ilo艣膰 takich raport贸w

are quite similar. The number of such reports

powsta艂o, pocz膮wszy od

it was created, starting from

2019 roku

year 2019

i niezale偶nie od

and regardless of

grupy wiekowej, te oczekiwania

age group, those expectations

s膮 zbie偶ne, czyli 艂atwa dost臋pno艣膰,

they are convergent, meaning easy accessibility,

kr贸tkie kolejki, 艂atwy kontakt,

short queues, easy contact,

rzetelny, profesjonalny,

reliable, professional

merytoryczny lekarz,

substantive doctor

tempo zdrowienia i tak dalej.

the pace of recovery and so on.

Natomiast r贸偶nice si臋 pojawiaj膮

However, differences do appear.

w momencie, kiedy

at the moment when

rozmawiamy o

we are talking about

szybko艣ci realizacji

speed of execution

i o cierpliwo艣ci do b艂臋d贸w,

and about patience for mistakes,

kt贸re pope艂nia produkt

which is committed by the product

czy miejsce,

is the place,

w kt贸rym si臋 leczymy.

in which we are being treated.

No i to chyba jest znowu

Well, that's probably it again.

taka charakterystyka zbie偶na dla

such a convergent characteristic for

wszystkich bran偶. Im m艂odsze

all industries. The younger

pokolenie, im jeste艣my m艂odsi, tym

the younger we are as a generation, the more

mniejsz膮 wykonywujemy,

we perform a smaller one,

tym mniej wybaczamy, o tak.

the less we forgive, oh yes.

Tym mniej wybaczamy, jeste艣my bardziej

The less we forgive, the more we are.

surowi w ocenach

strict in evaluations

i te偶 jest bezpo艣redni zwi膮zek

and there is also a direct connection



kwotach, jakie p艂acimy za us艂ugi. Im

the amounts we pay for services. The more

wi臋cej p艂acimy, te wymagania rosn膮.

We pay more, these requirements are increasing.



baby boomers贸w najbardziej jest

most of the baby boomers are

wybaczaj膮ce, a p贸藕niej jak ju偶 schodzimy

forgiving, and then when we are already descending

ni偶ej, to jest

below, this is

coraz gorzej z tym wybaczeniem i z t膮

it's getting worse with this forgiveness and with this


with patience.

Te偶 jest bardzo

It is also very

du偶e oczekiwanie co do wyja艣nienia,

great expectation for an explanation,

co b臋dzie dalej. Im jeste艣my

What will come next. Who we are.

m艂odsi, tym bardziej nie

the younger, the more not

lubimy by膰 zaskakiwani. Lubimy przewidywalno艣膰

We like to be surprised. We like predictability.

i to wynika te偶 z tempa 偶ycia,

and it also results from the pace of life,

z ilo艣ci obowi膮zk贸w, kt贸re mamy,

from the number of responsibilities we have,

z planowania swojego dnia

from planning your day

pracy czy nauki.

work or study.

W zwi膮zku z tym nie lubimy

As a result, we do not like.

by膰 zaskakiwani. To zaskakiwanie,

to be surprised. This surprising,

brak informacji,

no information,

brak kontaktu, nieprzewidywalno艣膰

lack of contact, unpredictability

w planowaniu te偶 wp艂ywa na jako艣膰,

planning also influences quality,

wi臋c to jest tak jakby kolejny kamyczek

so it's like another pebble

do tego, o czym wcze艣niej rozmawia艂y艣my,

to what we talked about earlier,

偶e znowu to

that again

planowanie komunikacji na ka偶dym

communication planning at every level

kroku, oczywi艣cie nie mo偶emy zarzuci膰 te偶

step, of course we cannot blame also

nadmiern膮 liczb膮 komunikat贸w

excessive number of messages

naszego pacjenta, natomiast

our patient, however

ta przewidywalno艣膰 jest bardzo wa偶na, bo ona si臋

this predictability is very important because it is

sk艂ada na jako艣膰.

contributes to quality.

Je偶eli wiemy, co si臋 b臋dzie dzia艂o albo wiemy, 偶e

If we know what will happen or we know that

co艣 si臋 nie wydarzy z jakiego艣 powodu i

something will not happen for some reason and

znamy przyczyn臋, to wtedy jeste艣my bardziej sk艂onni

we know the reason, then we are more inclined

to wybaczy膰.

to forgive.

A czy s膮 jakie艣 elementy albo jakie艣

Are there any elements or any

nie wiem, fragmenty mo偶e

I don't know, maybe fragments.

produkt贸w medycznych, na kt贸re nie jeste艣my gotowi,

medical products that we are not ready for,

nie wiem, 偶eby by艂y scyfryzowane

I don't know if they are digitized.

albo nie chcemy w pewien spos贸b,

or we don't want to in a certain way,

albo mo偶e nie chcemy w艂a艣nie w ten tradycyjny spos贸b

or maybe we don鈥檛 want to do it in that traditional way

tych us艂ug

these services



produkt贸w cyfrowych jako艣

digital products in some way

z nich korzysta膰? Czy widzisz

to use them? Do you see?

co艣 takiego w艣r贸d pacjent贸w?

Something like that among the patients?

My艣l臋, 偶e jest wr臋cz odwrotnie.

I think it is quite the opposite.

W og贸le

At all

jako nar贸d kochamy

as a nation we love

nowinki technologiczne i w og贸le je

technological news and in general it

adoptujemy bardzo szybko, znacznie szybciej ni偶

we adopt very quickly, much faster than

nasi s膮siedzi z Europy.

our neighbors from Europe.

Co dowodem na to jest

What is the evidence for that?

ostatni case, nie b臋d臋 przywo艂ywa艂a nazwy

the last case, I won't mention the name

tej strony internetowej.

this website.

W og贸le trudno doj艣膰 kto jest

It's hard to figure out who is.

w艂a艣cicielem, kto j膮 postawi艂. Natomiast

the owner, who put it up. However

no ewidentnie tak od strony patrz膮c zza plecza

Well, obviously looking at it from behind.

to by艂o wyci膮ganie danych medycznych.

It was data extraction of medical records.

Ok, to od zakonu ta strona polega艂a?

Okay, so this page was based on the order?

Strona polega艂a na tym, 偶e kupujesz

The website was about you buying.

abonament, jest kilka

subscription, there are a few

plan贸w dost臋pnych,

available plans,

uploadujesz do tej platformy

you are uploading to this platform

swoj膮 dokumentacj臋 medyczn膮,

your medical documentation,

wypisy, wyniki

excerpts, results

bada艅, opinie, no jak gdyby wszystko,

research, opinions, well, as if everything,

co masz na sw贸j temat. No i ta

What do you have to say about yourself? And that.

platforma teoretycznie

theoretically platform

powinna ci postawi膰 diagnoz臋, da膰

She should give you a diagnosis, give you.

jaki艣 opis, co dalej, rekomendacje i tak dalej.

some description, what next, recommendations and so on.

Z tym, 偶e tam po drugiej stronie w og贸le nie by艂o 偶adnego

With the fact that there was absolutely no one on the other side.

lekarza, tam nie by艂o 偶adnego medyka.

There was no medic there.

Tam by艂 podpi臋ty

It was plugged in there.

czat po prostu. A, czat

Just chat. Oh, chat.

GTP, kt贸ry by艂 naszym lekarzem.

GTP, who was our doctor.

Kt贸ry by艂 naszym lekarzem, no ale ten czat

Which was our doctor, well, but this chat.

GPT on nie jest jeszcze na tym

GPT is not yet on that.

etapie, 偶eby tak膮 prac臋 wykonywa膰.

stage to perform such work.

Poza tym to zawsze jednak powinno

Besides, it should always, however, be.

by膰 przepuszczone przez

to be passed through

oko lekarza. Natomiast no

the eye of the doctor. However, no

bardzo ludziom si臋 to spodoba艂o,

many people liked it very much,

bo to by艂o te偶 proste rozwi膮zanie.

because it was also a simple solution.

Bezwysi艂kowe, o w艂a艣nie, no by艂o bezwysi艂kowe.

Effortless, oh exactly, it was effortless.

Zap艂ac臋 50 z艂otych albo

I will pay 50 zlotys or

70 za kolejny plan,

70 for the next plan,

za艂aduj臋 te dane i dostan臋

I will load this data and get it.

szybk膮, prost膮 odpowied藕. Natomiast w regulaminie

a quick, straightforward answer. However, in the regulations

by艂o jasno napisane, 偶e portal nie bierze za nic

It was clearly written that the portal takes no responsibility for anything.

odpowiedzialno艣ci, to nie s膮 parady medyczne

responsibility, these are not medical parades

i w og贸le to w zasadzie

and basically that's it

ta informacja

this information

zwrotna w 偶aden spos贸b nie jest wi膮偶膮ca.

The return is in no way binding.

Wi臋c my zdecydowanie

So we definitely

lubimy nowinki,

we like novelties,

lubimy rozmawia膰 z chatbotami, nawet si臋 zgadzamy

we like talking to chatbots, we even agree

na to, 偶eby z tym chatbotem rozmawia膰

to talk to this chatbot

zamiast na przyk艂ad z lekarzem,

instead of, for example, with a doctor,

byle by艂 on

as long as it's him

pod kontrol膮 i merytoryczny.

under control and substantive.

Wi臋c otwarto艣膰 mamy du偶膮, bym powiedzia艂a na ryzyka.

So we have a great openness, I would say, to risks.

Okej, bardzo ciekawe,

Okay, very interesting,

bo te偶 jaki艣 czas temu

because some time ago

rozmawia艂am z osobami, kt贸re

I talked to people who

projektuj膮 chatboty i w艂a艣nie

they design chatbots and just

one m贸wi艂y w drug膮 stron臋, 偶e

they were saying the other way, that

mamy przesyt

we have an excess

rozm贸w w艂a艣nie

just talking

nie z tym fizycznym cz艂owiekiem, tylko w艂a艣nie

not with this physical person, but rather

dzwoni臋 gdzie艣 na infolinie

I'm calling somewhere on the hotline.

i znowu rozmawiam

And I'm talking again.

z maszyn膮 i ona znowu nie rozumie, co ja do niej m贸wi臋.

With the machine and it still doesn't understand what I'm saying to it.

Tutaj wydaje mi si臋, 偶e

Here it seems to me that

fajnie to zahacza o to, co wcze艣niej

It's cool how it touches on what was before.

powiedzia艂a艣, czyli o ten brak cierpliwo艣ci,

you said, that's about the lack of patience,

znaczy brak, dosy膰 niski pr贸g

It means a lack, quite a low threshold.

je偶eli chodzi o nasz膮 cierpliwo艣膰

as for our patience

oraz bardzo niski pr贸g

and a very low threshold

wybaczenia b艂臋d贸w, bo je偶eli

forgiving mistakes, because if

taki chatbot si臋 wiele razy

such a chatbot does many times

pomyli albo my powtarzamy co艣, a on nie rozumie

He confuses something, or we repeat something, and he doesn't understand.

naszej sprawy, no to faktycznie

our case, well that's actually true

mo偶emy si臋 bardzo szybko te偶 zniech臋ci膰.

We can also get discouraged very quickly.

Wi臋c z jednej strony

So on one hand

chcemy szybkiej obs艂ugi w nocy

we want quick service at night

czyli chcemy z tym chatbotem rozmawia膰,

so we want to talk to this chatbot,

a z drugiej strony bardzo si臋 denerwujemy,

on the other hand, we are very concerned,

je偶eli on nie daje nam tej

if he doesn't give us this

dobrej diagnozy, czy nawet odpowiedzi na

a good diagnosis, or even an answer to

jakie艣 pytanie zwi膮zane z innego obszaru.

any question related to another area.

Je偶eli rozmawiamy o tych samych badaniach

If we are talking about the same studies.

i o tych samych do艣wiadczeniach, to

and about the same experiences, it

ja kojarz臋 taki w膮tek, 偶e

I associate such a thread that

my lubimy te

we like these



pod warunkiem, 偶e mamy mo偶liwo艣膰 wyboru,

provided that we have the option to choose,

偶e jak ju偶 si臋 zm臋cz臋 rozmow膮 z tym chatbotem

that when I get tired of talking to this chatbot

albo on po prostu gada jakie艣

or he's just talking some nonsense

bzdury po prostu wypisuje, to ja

I'm just talking nonsense, that's me.

chc臋 mie膰 mo偶liwo艣膰 p艂ynnego prze艂膮czenia si臋

I want to have the ability to switch smoothly.

na rozmow臋 z cz艂owiekiem,

for a conversation with a person,

ale to generalnie dop贸ki ten chatbot daje rad臋

but generally as long as this chatbot can handle it

to jest w porz膮dku.

It is okay.

I to te偶 fajnie te偶 zatacza p臋tl臋

And that's cool too, it also comes full circle.

wobec jakiej艣 takiej psychologii

in relation to some kind of psychology



i tej psychologii 艂膮cz膮cej si臋 z UX-em,

and this psychology related to UX,

bo podobny przyk艂ad,

because a similar example,

znaczy w podobny spos贸b

means in a similar way


they operate

aplikacje do zamawiania taks贸wek,

taxi ordering applications,

偶e nam nie zale偶y na tym,

that we don't care about it,

偶eby ta taks贸wka by艂a za minut臋, za pi臋膰,

so that the taxi arrives in a minute, in five,

czy za dziesi臋膰, to nie ma a偶 tak du偶ego wp艂ywu

Is it not such a big impact in ten?

dop贸ki nie wiemy kiedy ona b臋dzie.

until we know when she will be.



Chodzi o przewidywalno艣膰.

It's about predictability.

S膮 pewne zasady w艂a艣nie UX-owe,

There are certain rules that are specifically related to UX.

kt贸re wynikaj膮 z psychologii,

which stem from psychology,

kt贸re pomagaj膮 nam projektowa膰

which help us design

czy do艣wiadczenia pacjenta, czy szerzej

either patient experiences or more broadly

do艣wiadczenia u偶ytkownik贸w jako takie.

user experiences as such.

I je偶eli znamy te zasady,

And if we know these rules,

wiemy, potrafimy

we know, we can

z nich korzysta膰 i jakby

to use them and like

projektowa膰 produkty,

design products,

kt贸re b臋d膮 czerpa艂y te fajne

which will draw from those cool

wzorce z psychologii,

patterns from psychology,

no to faktycznie mo偶emy

Well, we can indeed.

zminimalizowa膰 te b艂臋dy,

minimize these mistakes,

i jako艣 zaopiekowa膰 si臋

and somehow take care of

oczekiwaniami pacjenta.

patient's expectations.

Albo wpa艣膰 na dobre tropy.

Or to get on the right track.

Co to znaczy dla ciebie

What does it mean to you?

wpa艣膰 na dobre tropy?

to be on the right track?

Jakie pytania zada膰?

What questions to ask?

Bo czasami dobrze zadane pytanie

Because sometimes a well-asked question

przerzuca nas na inn膮 艣cie偶k臋

it puts us on a different path

i powoduje, 偶e warto zbada膰

and it makes it worthwhile to investigate

inne w膮tki, co艣 doda膰,

other threads, to add something,

co艣 uj膮膰, no to znowu s膮 te badania

to capture something, well, there are those studies again

i dobrze zadane pytania

and well-posed questions

i zbudowane podstawy,

and the foundations were built,

te za艂o偶enia, na kt贸rych p贸藕niej chcemy bazowa膰.

the assumptions on which we want to base later.

A powiedzia艂a艣 co艣

And did you say something?

fajnego, co te偶 utkwi艂o mi w g艂owie,

cool, which also stuck in my mind,

o tym, 偶e


niezale偶nie od tego, do kogo

regardless of who

adresujemy w tej naszej dzia艂ce medycznej

we address in this medical field of ours

dany produkt, czy w艂a艣nie do personelu

the given product, or just to the staff

medycznego, czy do pacjenta,

medical, or to the patient,

czy nie wiem, do administracji,

I don't know, to the administration,

to jest ta cz臋艣膰 wsp贸lna zwi膮zana z jako艣ci膮

this is the common part related to quality

i bezpiecze艅stwem.

and safety.

I teraz zastanawiam si臋, jakby艣my zesz艂y

And now I wonder how we would go down.

do detalu, jak te r贸偶ne grupy

to detail, like these different groups

w og贸le rozumiej膮 t膮 jako艣膰

They generally understand this quality.

i bezpiecze艅stwo.

and safety.

Co taki na przyk艂ad

What such for example

produkt dla lekarzy,

product for doctors,

dla personelu medycznego,

for medical staff,

musi w sobie mie膰, 偶ebym

must have in itself, for me to

ja jako, powiedzmy, nie wiem, piel臋gniarka,

I as, let's say, I don't know, a nurse,

czy osoba, nie wiem,

I don't know if the person,

rejestratorka, rejestrator,

registrar, registrar

偶ebym ja si臋 czu艂a bezpiecznie i 偶ebym,

so that I would feel safe and that I,

偶eby ten produkt by艂 dobry.

for this product to be good.

Chyba podstaw膮 to jest

I think that's the basis.

przechowywanie danych i przetwarzanie tych danych.

data storage and processing of that data.

Natomiast je偶eli

On the other hand, if

chodzi o wsp贸lny mianownik w jako艣ci

It's about a common denominator in quality.

pomi臋dzy tymi

between these

trzema stronami, to jest chyba

three sides, that's probably it

tak skonstruowany interfejs

such a constructed interface

i tak zrobiona 艣cie偶ka,

and the path is made like that,



minimalizuje liczby czynno艣ci

minimizes the number of actions

do wykonania i pozostawia jak najwi臋cej

to be completed and leaves as much as possible

czasu na kontakt z pacjentem.

time to contact the patient.

Bo wizyty 艣rednio trwaj膮 od

Because visits usually last from

10 minut, one s膮 przekraczane tam

10 minutes, they are exceeded there.

do 20 nawet albo i wi臋cej.

up to 20 or even more.

Po prostu ze wzgl臋du na potrzeb臋

Simply due to the necessity.

zdrowotn膮 i te偶 zrobienie

health-related and also doing

dobrej diagnozy. No i tutaj

good diagnosis. And here

niebagateln膮 rol臋 odgrywa

plays a significant role

te偶 oprogramowanie czy aplikacja,

also software or application,

na kt贸rej si臋 pracuje. No bo je偶eli ona b臋dzie

on which one works. Well, if it is going to be

wymaga艂a wielu czynno艣ci,

required many actions,

przeklikiwania si臋,

clicking through

poszukiwania danych,

data search,

wracania, jeden z

returning, one of

produkt贸w gabinetowych

office products

do zarz膮dzania w艂a艣nie gabinetem

to manage the office

ma jedn膮 tak膮 funkcj臋, kt贸ra powoduje, 偶e jak

it has one such function that causes that when

chcesz wr贸ci膰 do danych

Do you want to return to the data?

z poprzedniej wizyty albo z jeszcze poprzedniej wizyty,

from the previous visit or from the one before that,

to musisz si臋 wylogowa膰 i zalogowa膰

You need to log out and log back in.

raz jeszcze, bo nie ma takiej mo偶liwo艣ci.

Once again, because there is no such possibility.

Pewnie jest to w roadmapie, kto艣 to doda,

It is probably in the roadmap, someone will add it.

natomiast obecnie

however currently

tej funkcjonalno艣ci

this functionality

nie ma, wi臋c

there isn't, so

ta jako艣膰, wsp贸lny mianownik to jest po prostu

this quality, the common denominator is simply

czas, bo oczekujemy i on jest

Time, because we are waiting and he is.

potrzebny i lekarzowi,

needed by the doctor,

bo on wtedy ma czas

because he has time then

na tego pacjenta, ma czas na niego spojrze膰,

for this patient, he has time to take a look at him,

ma czas pos艂ucha膰,

he has time to listen,

co on m贸wi, jakim tonem g艂osu,

what he says, in what tone of voice,

jak si臋 zachowuje,

how it behaves,

jak膮 ma mow臋 cia艂a. To te偶 jest wa偶ne

What kind of body language does she have? That's important too.

z punktu widzenia diagnozy. W momencie, kiedy

from the perspective of diagnosis. At the moment when

on tylko m贸wi,

he only says,

natomiast wzrok ma skierowany w ekran,

but their gaze is directed at the screen,

no to ta diagnostyka

well, that diagnostics

mo偶e by膰 nieco zubo偶ona.

it may be somewhat impoverished.

A z perspektywy pacjenta, po tej drugiej

And from the patient's perspective, after this second one.

stronie? To jest te偶 czas,

side? This is also a time,

po艣wi臋cony na

dedicated to

obs艂ug臋 tego pacjenta i na

the care of this patient and on

nawi膮zanie relacji, bo bardzo cz臋sto

establishing a relationship, because very often

pacjenci doceniaj膮, nie s膮 w stanie

patients appreciate, they are unable

oceni膰 merytoryki.

to assess the substance.

R贸偶ni bywaj膮, tak jak w innych zawodach,

They can vary, just like in other professions,

r贸偶ni bywaj膮 lekarze, jeden jest bardziej kontaktowy,

Doctors can vary, some are more approachable.

mniej kontaktowy, ale to nie wp艂ywa na to,

less contact-oriented, but that doesn鈥檛 affect it,

jak merytorycznie on jest mocny.

how strong he is substantively.

Wi臋c zdecydowanie

So definitely

znowu technologia

again technology

mo偶e wspom贸c

may assist

zbudowanie tej relacji z

building this relationship with

lekarzem, dzi臋ki temu, 偶e jest wi臋cej czasu.

a doctor, thanks to having more time.

A powiedz mi,

And tell me,

jak odnios艂aby艣 si臋 do stwierdzenia,

how would you relate to the statement,

偶e pacjenci k艂ami膮?

that patients lie?

To jest mocne stwierdzenie.

This is a strong statement.

No k艂ami膮,

They're not lying,

konfabuluj膮, nie przyznaj膮 si臋.

They are confabulating; they do not admit it.

I do czego

And what for

tutaj zmierzam?

Where am I heading?

Zmierzam do tego, 偶e te偶

I mean that too.

jaka艣 taka kompletno艣膰 naszej historii

some kind of completeness of our history



Ja tutaj u偶y艂am dosy膰 mocnego

I used quite a strong one here.

sformu艂owania, 偶e pacjenci k艂ami膮, ale

such statements that patients are lying, but

oni si臋 nie przyznaj膮.

They will not admit it.

Albo nie pami臋taj膮 te偶 wszystkiego.

Or they don't remember everything either.

I teraz w momencie, kiedy pacjent musi powtarza膰

And now, at the moment when the patient has to repeat.

dziesi膮temu lekarzowi, do kt贸rego idzie

to the tenth doctor he is going to

od pocz膮tku swoj膮 histori臋

from the beginning its story

medyczn膮 i

medical and

wyci膮ga膰 z g艂owy r贸偶ne wyniki,

to pull various results out of one's head,

czy w艂a艣nie co si臋 kiedy wydarzy艂o,

What just happened?

mo偶e po prostu tego nie pami臋ta膰, wi臋c

maybe just not remember it, so

automatycznie ta jego historia

automatically his story

medyczna b臋dzie niekompletna.

The medical report will be incomplete.

Przez co dostarcza mniej informacji

Because it provides less information.

lekarzowi i

to the doctor and

lekarz nie jest w stanie da膰

the doctor is unable to give

bardziej trafnej diagnozy.

more accurate diagnosis.

Tak, tak.

Yes, yes.

Czyli te偶 jest brak

So there is also a lack.

jednego centralnego miejsca,

one central place,

gdzie by艂yby wszystkie dane medyczne.

Where would all the medical data be?

Albo chocia偶by jaka艣

Or at least some

teczka pacjenta online,

online patient file,

ale w艂a艣nie znowu wracamy do tego

but we're getting back to this again

bezpiecze艅stwa danych, o kt贸rych powiedzia艂a艣,

data security that you mentioned,

czyli jako艣膰 i bezpiecze艅stwo.

that is quality and safety.

Te dwa wsp贸lne elementy,

These two common elements,

kt贸re s膮 po偶膮dane

which are desirable

w produktach medycznych.

in medical products.

I nawi膮偶臋 do tej strony, o kt贸rej powiedzia艂a艣.

And I will refer to that page you mentioned.

Tam teoretycznie

There theoretically

mo偶na by艂o za艂adowa膰 swoj膮 dokumentacj臋

You could upload your documentation.

medyczn膮 i mog艂aby by膰 taka funkcja,

medical and there could be such a function,

偶e ja po prostu sobie przechowuj臋 te dane

that I simply keep this data to myself

poza t膮 diagnoz膮,

besides this diagnosis,

no ale znowu, kto jest w艂a艣cicielem tych danych?

But again, who owns this data?

Czy one s膮 bezpieczne? Czy one nie zostan膮

Are they safe? Will they not be?

przechwycone albo usuni臋te kiedy艣?

Captured or removed once?

Jakie ja mam jako pacjent

What do I have as a patient?

gwarancje, 偶e

guarantees that

kto艣 nie

someone not

u偶yje kiedy艣 tych danych

I will use this data someday.

w jaki艣 niegodziwy spos贸b,

in some wicked way,

a jednocze艣nie chcia艂abym p贸j艣膰 na wizyt臋

At the same time, I would like to go for a visit.

i w艂a艣nie nie traci膰 tego czasu,

and just not waste that time,

to o czym powiedzia艂a艣,

what you said,

da膰 lekarzowi jak najwi臋cej danych?

Give the doctor as much information as possible?

Jezu, t臋gie g艂owy nad tym pracuj膮

Jesus, smart heads are working on this.

i nie ma dobrego rozwi膮zania.

And there is no good solution.

I to te偶 s膮

And these are too.

ustalenia na poziomie Unii Europejskiej.

arrangements at the European Union level.

Bo to nie jest tylko

Because it is not just

gromadzenie i przetwarzanie danych

collection and processing of data

w ramach jednego kraju, no ale my si臋 przemieszczamy.

within one country, but we are moving around.

Przecie偶 nasze ubezpieczenie dzia艂a nie tylko

After all, our insurance works not only

w Polsce, ale poza Polsk膮. W zwi膮zku z tym

in Poland, but outside of Poland. In this regard

ta wymiana danych powinna by膰 te偶 mi臋dzy krajami.

This data exchange should also occur between countries.

My艣l臋, 偶e wytrychem

I think it鈥檚 a key.

tutaj dla zarz膮dzania danymi

here for data management

i wsp贸艂dzielenia tych danych jest

and sharing this data is

na chwil臋 obecn膮 aplikacja IKP.

Currently, the IKP application.

W kt贸rej mo偶esz udost臋pni膰 swoje

In which you can share your

dane medyczne, czyli histori臋 chor贸b,

medical data, meaning medical history,

wyniki bada艅, recepty

test results, prescriptions

i leki, kt贸re za偶ywasz i w jakich dawkach.

and the medications you take and in what dosages.

Mo偶esz udost臋pni膰 farmaceucie,

You can share with the pharmacist,

mo偶esz udost臋pni膰 lekarzowi, piel臋gniarce po艂o偶nej,

you can share it with a doctor, nurse, midwife,

rodzinie, przyjaciom.

to family, to friends.

Gdyby ty decydujesz,

If you decide,

komu te dane udost臋pniasz. Wi臋c to na t膮 chwil臋

Who are you sharing this data with? So that's it for now.

to jest jakie艣

this is something

rozwi膮zanie. Ale te偶 czy te dane

solution. But also whether this data

w IKP s膮 bezpieczne? By艂 ju偶 przypadek

Are they safe in IKP? There was already a case.

chyba rok temu

probably a year ago

z poprzednim ministrem zdrowia, kt贸ry

with the previous Minister of Health, who

ujawni艂 tam jakie艣 dane pacjenta

he disclosed some patient data there

na temat tego, jakie leki

about what medications

za偶ywa. Wi臋c

uses. So

no w艂a艣nie, to bezpiecze艅stwo danych jest

Exactly, that data security is.

my艣l臋 kluczowe. Tak, ale

I think it's key. Yes, but

dzisiaj tego nie rozwi膮偶emy i nie wiemy

We won't solve this today and we don't know.

jak b臋dzie wygl膮da艂a przysz艂o艣膰

what will the future look like

i bezpiecze艅stwo naszych danych medycznych.

and the security of our medical data.

Ja 偶ycz臋 i sobie

I wish for myself too.

i tobie i te偶 wszystkim

and to you and also to everyone

pacjentom, 偶eby jednak by艂o

to the patients, so that it is still there

centralne miejsce, gdzie

central place where

te dane s膮 przechowywane, 偶eby艣my

these data are stored so that we

nie musieli mie膰 jeszcze

they didn't have to have yet

dodatkowego obci膮偶enia w postaci

additional burden in the form of



naszej teczki medycznej.

our medical folder.

I tym

And this

troch臋 optymistycznym akcentem

with a somewhat optimistic tone



bardzo ci dzi臋kuj臋 za nasz膮

thank you very much for our

dzisiejsz膮 rozmow臋. A ja ci dzi臋kuj臋

Today's conversation. And I thank you.

za zaproszenie i jestem bardzo zadowolona,

Thank you for the invitation, and I am very pleased.

偶e Patient Experience trafia

that Patient Experience is on target

na szersze wody i zaczyna si臋 o tym

to broader waters and it starts with this

bardzo otwarcie m贸wi膰. Dzi臋ki.

to speak very openly. Thank you.

Dzi臋kuj臋 bardzo.

Thank you very much.

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