馃捇 Po godzinach z Neuronem, czyli jak wygl膮da przysz艂o艣膰 interfejs贸w m贸zg-komputer

Kamil Nawirski | Akademickie Radio LUZ

PWr po godzinach

馃捇 Po godzinach z Neuronem, czyli jak wygl膮da przysz艂o艣膰 interfejs贸w m贸zg-komputer

PWr po godzinach

Cze艣膰, mi艂o mi Ci臋 powita膰 w podca艣cie PWR po godzinach.

Hi, nice to welcome you to the PWR After Hours podcast.

Dzisiaj porozmawiamy z zespo艂em ko艂o naukowego neuroinformatyki neuron z Wydzia艂u Informatyki i Telekomunikacji w studio Dominika, Iza i Pawe艂.

Today we will talk with the team of the Neuroinformatics Scientific Circle "Neuron" from the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications in the studio: Dominik, Iza, and Pawe艂.

To wyj膮tkowe ko艂o naukowe skupia pasjonat贸w neuroinformatyki i sztucznej inteligencji, kt贸rzy z zaanga偶owaniem pracuj膮 nad interfejsem m贸zg-komputer.

This exceptional scientific circle brings together enthusiasts of neuroinformatics and artificial intelligence who are dedicated to working on brain-computer interfaces.

Dzi臋ki zaawansowanym technologiom zbieraj膮 dane o aktywno艣ci m贸zgowej, przetwarzaj膮 je i tworz膮 innowacyjne modele sztucznej inteligencji.

Thanks to advanced technologies, they collect data on brain activity, process it, and create innovative artificial intelligence models.

W trakcie dzisiejszego odcinka nasi go艣cie opowiedz膮 o swoich inspiruj膮cych projektach 艂膮cz膮cych ESG z AI oraz podziel膮 si臋 swoimi do艣wiadczeniami i celami.

During today's episode, our guests will talk about their inspiring projects that combine ESG with AI and share their experiences and goals.

Du偶o siedzicie po godzinach?

Do you spend a lot of time after hours?

My艣l臋, 偶e tak. Szczeg贸lnie jako zarz膮d tutaj ko艂a naukowego.

I think so. Especially as the board here of the scientific circle.

Uczestniczymy te偶 w r贸偶nych projektach, wi臋c te偶 zale偶y od etapu, ale my艣l臋, 偶e sporo. Szczeg贸lnie, 偶e jednak nas to pasjonuje.

We also participate in various projects, so it depends on the stage, but I think quite a bit. Especially since it truly fascinates us.

No i te偶 wyje偶d偶amy na wyjazdy r贸偶nego rodzaju. Konferencje, hakatony, to wszystko.

We are also going away on various trips. Conferences, hackathons, all of it.

A tam si臋 w og贸le nie 艣pi, tak?

And over there, nobody sleeps at all, right?

No, cz臋sto nie.

No, often not.

Czym dok艂adnie si臋 zajmujecie? No bo tak brzmi modnie neuroinformatyka, ale co konkretnie robicie?

What exactly do you do? Because "neuroinformatics" sounds trendy, but what exactly do you work on?

Neuroinformatyka, tak jak powiedzia艂e艣.

Neuroinformatics, just as you said.

Tutaj ta dwucz艂onowa nazwa.

Here is the two-part name.

Neuro i informatyka. 艁膮czymy neuronauki i informatyk臋. Tak samo nazwa wskazuje.

Neuro and computer science. We connect neuroscience and computer science. Just as the name suggests.

Tworzymy r贸偶ne rozwi膮zania, kt贸re w艂a艣nie wykorzystuj膮 aktywno艣膰 m贸zgu cz艂owieka w jakich艣 na przyk艂ad aplikacjach, grach czy do sterowania urz膮dzeniami.

We create various solutions that utilize human brain activity in applications, games, or for controlling devices.

Czyli to ju偶 jest ten moment, kiedy nie b臋d臋 musia艂 klika膰 przycisku, 偶eby w艂膮czy膰 艣wiat艂o, tylko my艣l臋, 艣wiat艂o i ono si臋 zapali, tak?

So this is the moment when I won't have to click a button to turn on the light, I just think "light" and it will turn on, right?

Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, exactly.

Dobrze, doskonale.

Good, perfect.

I jakie s膮...

And what are...

Wasze najwi臋ksze sukcesy?

Your biggest successes?

Okej, to w sumie mo偶na tutaj wspomnie膰 na pewno o w艂a艣nie tych hackathonach, kt贸re pad艂y wcze艣niej.

Okay, so we can definitely mention the hackathons that were mentioned earlier.

Biali艣my udzia艂 w dw贸ch hackathonach w ostatnim roku.

We participated in two hackathons in the last year.

W jednym uda艂o si臋 zdoby膰 drugie miejsce na 艣wiecie, w nast臋pnym pi膮te miejsce, dos艂ownie miesi膮c temu.

In one, we managed to achieve second place in the world, and in the next, fifth place, just a month ago.

Wi臋c to by艂y takie najwi臋ksze osi膮gni臋cia.

So those were the biggest achievements.

A opr贸cz tego, no to brali艣my udzia艂 w konferencjach, czy to na UMCS w Lublinie, czy te偶 na VAC-ie w Warszawie.

In addition to that, we participated in conferences, whether at UMCS in Lublin or at VAC in Warsaw.

I bierzemy udzia艂 w r贸偶nych takich wydarzeniach.

And we also participate in various events like these.

AI Innovators w Warszawie, mo偶na by te偶 powiedzie膰.

AI Innovators in Warsaw, you could also say.

I te uczelniane uczelnie.

And the academic institutions as well.

No, takie drugie miejsce na 艣wiecie brzmi bardzo dumnie.

No, such a second place in the world sounds very proud.

Rozumiem, 偶e konkurencja jest du偶a.

I understand that the competition is great.

Czym zab艂ysn臋li艣cie na takim hackathonie, 偶e tak wysoko sko艅czyli艣cie?

What did you shine with at such a hackathon that you ended up so high?

Tak, to mog臋 tutaj wspomnie膰, bo akurat jestem te偶 liderem tego projektu, wi臋c...

Yes, I can mention that here because I am also the leader of this project, so...

Born on Morty te偶 projekt, kt贸ry dalej jest rozwijany w kole.

Born on Morty is also a project that is still being developed in the circle.

To nie by艂o tylko jednorazowy wypadek w trakcie hackathonu.

It was not just a one-time incident during the hackathon.

Dalej go rozwijamy.

We are continuing to develop it.

Zab艂ysn臋li艣my tym, 偶e chcieli艣my stworzy膰 rozwi膮zanie, kt贸re wykorzystuje znu偶enie u偶ytkownika,

We shone by wanting to create a solution that leverages user fatigue.

偶eby poprawi膰 rozgrywk臋, czy na przyk艂ad uczelni臋.

to improve gameplay, or for example, the university.

Brzmi do艣膰 ciekawie, ju偶 my艣l臋 teraz nawet, ale jak sobie to wyobra偶amy?

Sounds pretty interesting, I'm even thinking about it now, but how do we imagine it?

Czyli kto艣 si臋 nudzi, gramy sobie w jak膮艣 gr臋 na przyk艂ad, zaczynamy si臋 nudzi膰.

So someone is bored, we play some kind of game for example, and we start to get bored.

Poziom jest niewystarczaj膮cy, wi臋c w tym momencie podkr臋camy ten poziom.

The level is insufficient, so at this moment we are raising that level.

Tylko nie sztucznie algorytmem, tylko bezpo艣rednio bior膮c aktywno艣膰 m贸zgu cz艂owieka,

"Not artificially by an algorithm, but directly taking the activity of the human brain,"

analizuj膮c to i identyfikuj膮c stan.

analyzing it and identifying the state.

Czyli taka, mo偶na powiedzie膰, gra dopasowana do gracza i do jego...

So it's a game tailored to the player and their...

tego, czy w艂a艣nie ju偶 nie jest za proste, ja ju偶 tylko klikam, 偶eby klika膰,

whether it's already too simple, I'm just clicking to click.

偶eby ca艂y czas by艂y odpowiednie wyzwania.

so that there are always appropriate challenges.

Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, exactly.

A macie jakie艣 ciekawe pora偶ki na swoim koncie, z kt贸rych wyci膮gn臋li艣cie wnioski?

Do you have any interesting failures in your record from which you learned lessons?

Te偶 szcz臋艣ciowo my艣l臋, 偶e to pi臋te miejsce na 艣wiecie.

I also happily think that it's the fifth place in the world.

Z jednej strony bardzo fajnie, ale wiadomo, 偶e zawsze jest apetyt dla co艣 wi臋cej.

On one hand, it's really nice, but it's known that there's always a craving for something more.

Ale nie by艂o pi臋ciu zespo艂贸w?

But there weren't five teams?

Nie, nie, nie. Nie by艂o du偶o wi臋cej i rzeczywi艣cie by艂y r贸偶ne miejsca, w kt贸rych odbywa艂o si臋.

No, no, no. There wasn't much more, and there were actually different places where it happened.

Po prostu 艂膮czyli艣my si臋 na koniec i przedstawiali艣my z r贸偶nych miejsc na ca艂ym 艣wiecie sw贸j projekt.

We simply connected at the end and presented our project from different places around the world.

My akurat byli艣my wtedy...

We just happened to be there then...

Wtedy w Austrii, ale by艂o sporo wi臋cej jednak tych dru偶yn, wi臋c po cz臋艣ci sukces, po cz臋艣ci mieli艣my apetyt, wiadomo, na wy偶sze miejsce.

Back then in Austria, there were quite a few more teams, so partly it was a success, but partly we had an appetite, of course, for a higher place.

No dobrze, to jakby艣my pog艂臋bili ten temat w艂a艣nie, jak si臋 艂膮czy ten m贸zg z EEG.

Alright, so how about we delve deeper into this topic, specifically how the brain connects with EEG.

Gdyby艣cie troch臋 wi臋cej tutaj opowiedzieli w艂a艣nie, co to jest EEG, dla tych, kt贸rzy nie wiedz膮.

If you could explain a little more about what EEG is here, for those who don't know.

No i jak mo偶e wygl膮da膰 艣wiat, je偶eli wasze tutaj badania i wasze projekty stan膮 si臋 takimi produktami powszechnego u偶ytku?

Well, how could the world look if your research and projects here became such widespread consumer products?

No to my艣l臋, 偶e po pierwsze w og贸le.

Well, I think that first of all, at all.

Mo偶emy na to tak popatrze膰, 偶e jakby w ka偶dej chwili naszego 偶ycia nasz m贸zg wykazuje aktywno艣膰 m贸zgow膮.

We can look at it this way: that at any moment in our lives, our brain is exhibiting brain activity.

I my to po prostu tak badamy, 偶e u偶ywamy w艂a艣nie w naszym przypadku urz膮dze艅 nieinwazyjnych, czyli urz膮dzenia EEG.

We are simply examining it in such a way that we are using non-invasive devices, namely EEG devices, in our case.

No i w艂a艣nie to najcz臋艣ciej albo taki czepek, taki charakterystyczny, albo ewentualnie jaka艣 opaska.

Well, that's usually either a cap, a characteristic one, or possibly some kind of headband.

Mamy tam elektrody i tymi elektrodami ju偶 typowo sczytujemy ten w艂a艣nie sygna艂 m贸zgowy.

We have electrodes there, and we typically use these electrodes to read the brain signal.

Czyli u nas to si臋 przejawia w艂a艣nie w postaci fal m贸zgowych.

So in our case, it manifests in the form of brain waves.

Wi臋c de facto dostajemy sygna艂 m贸zgowy.

So in fact we receive a brain signal.

Sygna艂 w czasie, w kt贸rym jest po prostu jakby napi臋cie, dostajemy napi臋cie, tak?

The signal at the time when there is just some kind of tension, we get the tension, right?

W czasie typowo.

In typical time.

Wi臋c tak to w og贸le dzia艂a, czyli mamy zawsze ten m贸zg, mamy zawsze jak膮艣 aktywno艣膰.

So this is how it works, we always have this brain, we always have some activity.

No i teraz w og贸le jak my to wykorzystujemy?

So how are we using this now?

Og贸lnie jakby wraz z rozwojem neuronauki, bo to te偶 wiadomo si臋 bardzo rozwija i ca艂y czas tak naprawd臋 dowiadujemy si臋 nowych rzeczy.

Generally, as neuroscience develops, because it is also known to be constantly evolving, we are really learning new things all the time.

Wykryto jakby takie charakterystyczne mo偶e zachowanie i punkty w艂a艣nie, kt贸re my mo偶emy wykorzystywa膰 w naszych rozwojach.

It has been detected, as if there are certain characteristic behaviors and points that we can use in our developments.

W naszych powi膮zaniach i przyk艂adowo jest to na przyk艂ad paradygmat, bo tak og贸lnie nazywamy, tak jakby paradygmat dzia艂ania.

In our connections, for example, it is a paradigm, because we generally refer to it as a paradigm of action.

Jest na przyk艂ad SSW, w艂a艣nie sygna艂y P300, ewentualnie w艂a艣nie motion imagery i w og贸le tak, 偶eby pokr贸tce na czym to w og贸le polega, 偶eby ka偶dy mniej wi臋cej wiedzia艂, to na przyk艂ad motion imagery po prostu pewn膮, jakby wiadomo, te偶 wiadomo jak si臋 uczyli艣my, 偶e r贸偶ne tam cz臋艣ci m贸zgu czy tam p艂aty bardziej si臋 skupiaj膮 na dzia艂alno艣ci jakkolwiek.

For example, there is SSW, specifically P300 signals, or possibly motion imagery, and generally speaking, to briefly explain what it's all about so that everyone has a rough idea, motion imagery is just a certain, as we know, also it is known how we learned that different parts of the brain or lobes focus more on activities in some way.

Wi臋c w艂a艣nie z tych charakterystycznych punkt贸w g艂贸wnie zbieramy te sygna艂y EEG, no i w艂a艣nie motion imagery, no to po prostu jak kto艣 na przyk艂ad my艣li o tym samym w og贸le ruchu, 偶e na przyk艂ad my bierzemy, 偶e my艣limy, 偶e chc臋 rusza膰 teraz praw膮 r臋k膮, to dostajemy dosy膰 podobny sygna艂, jakby艣my rzeczywi艣cie ruszali t膮 r臋k膮.

So it is mainly from these characteristic points that we collect the EEG signals, and with motion imagery, for example, when someone thinks about the same movement, like when we think that we want to move our right hand now, we get a signal quite similar to if we were actually moving that hand.

Wi臋c no jakby tutaj od razu mo偶na zauwa偶y膰, 偶e mo偶na to w wielu miejscach wykorzysta膰, tak jak na przyk艂ad, nie wiem, sterowanie jakim艣 w贸zkiem walizkim.

So, you can immediately notice that this can be used in many places, like, for example, I don't know, controlling a suitcase cart.

Kt贸ra mo偶e nie mie膰 w og贸le zdolno艣ci do poruszania 偶adn膮, jakby z ko艅czym, teoretycznie, no i w sumie te偶 ju偶 s膮 takie rozwi膮zania.

Which may not have the ability to move at all, as if with the end, theoretically, and in fact there are already such solutions.

Przy u偶yciu takiego urz膮dzenia EEG mo偶e sterowa膰 takim w贸zkiem, w贸zkiem w艂a艣nie za pomoc膮 samych my艣li.

Using such a device, EEG can control a cart solely with thoughts.

Czyli w贸zkiem albo te偶 r贸wnie偶 protez膮, tak?

So, a wheelchair or also a prosthesis, right?

Protez膮 te偶, og贸lnie, nie wiem, samochodzikami, bo s膮 cho膰by takie w艂a艣nie konkursy.

With prosthetics, generally, I don鈥檛 know, with little cars, because there are such competitions, for example.

W tym przypadku jest chyba jaki艣 Cybatlon i w艂a艣nie tam s膮 typowo takie konkurencje troch臋, 偶e rzeczywi艣cie osobowo...

In this case, there seems to be some Cybatlon, and there are typically such competitions there, where it really is about personal...

osoby niepe艂nosprawne je偶d偶膮 tam i konkuruj膮 w艂a艣nie w jakich艣 na przyk艂ad takich wy艣cigach i to wszystko przy u偶yciu urz膮dze艅 EEG.

People with disabilities go there and compete in events like some racing, all using EEG devices.

Wi臋c jakby tak w skr贸cie s膮 te r贸偶ne paradygmaty, kt贸re u偶ywamy.

So, to sum it up, there are these different paradigms that we use.

My wiemy, jak si臋 m贸zg zachowuje przy danym przypadkach i jak jest jaki艣 po prostu sygna艂 czy bodziec, my to potem wykorzystujemy.

We know how the brain behaves in certain cases and how, when there is a specific signal or stimulus, we then utilize that.

No i w艂a艣nie tak w og贸le mo偶na w og贸le przej艣膰 do tego, jak my robimy te interfejsy m贸zg-komputer, czy jak w og贸le taki proces wygl膮da.

So, that's how we can actually move on to how we create these brain-computer interfaces, or what such a process looks like.

No to wiadomo, na pocz膮tku jest jaki艣 pomys艂.

Well, you know, at the beginning there's some idea.

Patrzymy, jak to w og贸le mniej wi臋cej wygl膮da tak na zasadach naukowych, patrzymy na jakie艣 artyku艂y naukowe.

We look at how it generally looks on scientific principles, we look at some scientific articles.

Wi臋c maj膮c ten pomys艂, musimy zaprojektowa膰 do艣wiadczenie, czyli tak jak w艂a艣nie ju偶 mo偶emy i艣膰 tym przyk艂adem tego w贸zku inwalidzkiego,

So having this idea, we need to design the experience, just like we can already go with the example of this wheelchair.

bo my艣l臋, 偶e to dobrze obrazuje, wi臋c po prostu zbieramy dane od u偶ytkownika podczas w艂a艣nie wykonywania tych danych czynno艣ci typu teraz wyobra偶aj sobie, 偶e ruszasz praw膮 r臋k膮 albo lew膮 r臋k膮.

because I think it illustrates well, so we simply gather data from the user while they are performing these actions, such as now imagine that you are moving your right hand or left hand.

My to sobie oznaczamy.

We mark it for ourselves.

No i dalej po prostu musimy przetworzy膰 ten sygna艂, zebrane ju偶 sygna艂y.

Well, we simply need to process this signal, the signals that have already been collected.

No wi臋c je艣li chodzi w艂a艣nie o takie sygna艂y, no to dostajemy w艂a艣nie jaki艣 zbi贸r danych i wtedy mamy jaki艣 konkretny projekt i na bazie w艂a艣nie tego, co Dominika powiedzia艂a, doczytujemy, co robi膮 specjali艣ci.

So when it comes to such signals, we receive a specific set of data and then we have a concrete project, and based on what Dominika said, we look up what specialists are doing.

I musimy odpowiednio przerobi膰 dane.

And we need to properly modify the data.

Wiadomo, 偶e czasem zale偶nie od sprz臋tu mo偶emy dosta膰 ju偶 wst臋pnie przetworzone dane, ale zazwyczaj wybieramy te surowe,

It is known that sometimes, depending on the equipment, we may receive already pre-processed data, but usually we choose the raw ones.

bo dzi臋ki temu mo偶emy wydoby膰 wi臋cej jakich艣 cech, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci, zale偶no艣ci, na kt贸rych nam w艂a艣nie zale偶y.

Because this allows us to extract more of the features, properties, and dependencies that we are actually interested in.

Wi臋c na przyk艂ad w czasie eksperymentu mo偶e by膰 problem z tym, 偶e osoby cz臋sto mruga艂y, wi臋c w艂a艣nie w taki spos贸b.

So, for example, during the experiment there might be a problem with the fact that people often blinked, so it was in this way.

Ale nie jest to rzecz, kt贸r膮 chcieli艣my bada膰 w czasie tego eksperymentu i mo偶e nam znacz膮co zak艂贸ca膰 nasze dane.

But this is not something we wanted to investigate during this experiment and it may significantly disrupt our data.

I na przyk艂ad nasz model potem, kt贸ry budujemy, mo偶e w艂a艣nie si臋 skupia膰 na tym mruganiu i przez to w praktyce nie b臋dzie nam tak fajnie dzia艂a艂,

And for example, our model that we build later may focus on that blinking, and as a result, it may not work as well in practice.

jakby艣my chcieli ju偶 w tych naszych projektach, implementacjach.

as if we wanted to already in our projects, implementations.

Wi臋c pierwszy etap to jest w艂a艣nie przetwarzanie sygna艂贸w, dostosowany do projektu, bo tak naprawd臋 zale偶nie od tego, na czym si臋 skupiamy,

So the first stage is signal processing, tailored to the project, because it really depends on what we are focusing on.

troch臋 inaczej wygl膮da, jakie filtry zastosujemy i co powinni艣my zrobi膰.

It looks a bit different, what filters we will apply and what we should do.

Nast臋pnie po przetworzeniu takiego wst臋pnego sygna艂u tworzymy w艂a艣nie model.

Then, after processing such an initial signal, we create the model.

Czyli taki najbardziej modny temat, troch臋 zwi膮zany w艂a艣nie z t膮 sztuczn膮 inteligencj膮, czyli tworzenie modelu.

So it's the most fashionable topic right now, somewhat related to artificial intelligence, which is creating a model.

Mamy bardzo r贸偶ne modele, zaczynaj膮c od jakich艣 prostych algorytm贸w uczenia maszynowego,

We have very different models, starting from some simple machine learning algorithms,

do teraz bardzo popularnych sieci neuronowych.

up until now very popular neural networks.

I wyb贸r modelu polega troch臋 na tym, 偶e doczytujemy kto co wybra艂 w jakim艣 przypadku, bo na bazie tego wiemy, co mog艂o si臋 ju偶 sprawdza膰.

And the choice of the model is somewhat about reading who chose what in a particular case, because based on that we know what might have already been effective.

Ale to te偶 jest taka cz臋艣膰 eksperymentu, po prostu badamy, co lepiej nam si臋 sprawdzi.

But this is also a part of the experiment; we are just exploring what works better for us.

Czyli na przyk艂ad mamy dane, trenujemy na nich, a potem na ju偶 testowych danych sprawdzamy, jak cz臋sto dany model si臋 myli艂.

So, for example, we have data, we train on it, and then on the test data, we check how often a given model was wrong.

Czyli 偶e mamy na przyk艂ad dwa modele, widzimy, 偶e jeden radzi艂 sobie lepiej, wi臋c prawdopodobnie tego w艂a艣nie,

So we have, for example, two models, we see that one performed better, so probably that one,

ten model w艂a艣nie wykorzystamy ju偶 w praktycznym zastosowaniu.

We will now use this model in practical application.

I w艂a艣nie czas tej implementacji, czyli takiej najwa偶niejszej cz臋艣ci, bo mo偶emy ju偶 pokaza膰 ludziom, o co w tym chodzi.

And now it's time for this implementation, which is the most important part, because we can already show people what it's all about.

Jest to tak najbardziej jednak pokazowa cz臋艣膰, bo nawet osoby niezwi膮zane ani z neuroinformatyk膮, ani z sztuczn膮 inteligencj膮,

This is the most demonstrative part, because even people not connected to either neuroinformatics or artificial intelligence,

mog膮 zauwa偶y膰 co艣 fajnego w tym projekcie i zrozumie膰, o co w nim chodzi艂o.

They may notice something cool in this project and understand what it was all about.

Co robicie? Bo opowiadacie bardzo szczeg贸艂owo, ale tak sobie my艣l臋, to jest tak, 偶e badacie siebie nawzajem.

What are you doing? Because you are describing things in great detail, but I鈥檓 thinking, it鈥檚 like you are studying each other.

W sensie, jak robicie badania, to zak艂adacie ten czapek i teraz zaczynam tam czym艣 sterowa膰.

In the sense that when you conduct research, you put on this cap and now I start to control something there.

Czy to jest bardziej takie, 偶e po prostu zbieracie dane i patrzycie, co z tego wynika?

Is it more like you just collect data and see what comes out of it?

Czy kiedy dochodzi ten moment, w kt贸rym tymi falami mo偶na czym艣 zarz膮dzi膰? Nie wiem, czy rozumiecie, o co mi chodzi w pytaniu?

Is there a moment when these waves can be managed somehow? I don't know if you understand what I mean by the question?

Tak. Najpierw mamy prototyp i to rzeczywi艣cie s膮 zebrane dane z nas samych, bo musimy sprawdzi膰, czy w og贸le to ma sens, co ustalili艣my.

Yes. First, we have a prototype, and these are indeed collected data from ourselves because we need to check if what we have established makes any sense.

Ale 偶eby w og贸le by艂o mo偶liwe sterowanie czym艣, to taki model, czy no w艂a艣nie te sieci neuronowe, bo powiedzmy, s膮 najbardziej teraz modele,

But for it to be possible to control something at all, such a model, or rather these neural networks, because let's say they are the most common models right now.

bo to w艂a艣nie chat GPT i te sprawy, to najpierw trzeba nakarmi膰 ten nasz model tymi danymi, bo musi znale藕膰 te wzorce, musi je rozpozna膰.

Because it's exactly chat GPT and those matters, first we need to feed our model with this data, because it has to find those patterns, it has to recognize them.

Wszyscy zostan膮 dzi艣 na roku, wszyscy na uczelni, tak?

Everyone will stay at the faculty today, everyone at the university, right?

Oczywi艣cie w takim najfajniejszym scenariuszu, jakby艣my mieli super komputer, kt贸ry ma bardzo du偶e moce przerobowe, mogliby艣my nakarmi膰 ca艂膮 Politechnik膮 Wroc艂awsk膮,

Of course, in the best-case scenario, if we had a supercomputer with very high processing power, we could feed the entire Wroc艂aw University of Technology.

ale zazwyczaj tak 20-30 os贸b to ju偶 jest naprawd臋 fajna baza, 偶eby ju偶 co艣 zrobi膰 porz膮dnego, 偶eby to dzia艂a艂o.

But usually, having about 20-30 people is already a really nice base to do something good that works.

Ale to tak naprawd臋...

But it really is...

Ja nie chc臋 nawet 1000 os贸b da膰, ale to nie ma znaczenia, je艣li nie pomy艣limy, bo mo偶na wrzuci膰 1000 danych nieprzerobionych, niewybranych w艂a艣nie,

I don鈥檛 even want to give 1000 people, but it doesn鈥檛 matter if we don鈥檛 think about it, because you can throw in 1000 unprocessed, unfiltered data.

na przyk艂ad na kt贸rych partiach m贸zgu chcemy si臋 skupi膰, wi臋c no to jest taki pomys艂.

For example, which areas of the brain we want to focus on, so that's the idea.

Czyli na wasze potrzeby ko艂a naukowego grupa 20 os贸b ju偶 wystarczy, 偶eby wyci膮gn膮膰 wnioski i wiedzie膰, co chce zbada膰.

So for your scientific circle needs, a group of 20 people is already enough to draw conclusions and know what you want to research.

Tak, nawet w pracach naukowych zazwyczaj ludzie skupiaj膮 si臋, tak 20-30 os贸b jest to taka polecana ilo艣膰.

Yes, even in scientific papers, people usually focus, so 20-30 people is a recommended number.

I to chyba nawet jest taki dobry wynik.

And I think it's actually quite a good result.

Bo czasami nawet s膮 mniejsze w艂a艣nie grupy.

Because sometimes there are even smaller groups.

Mniejsze grupy w og贸le badawcze, wi臋c 20-30 to dobry wynik.

Smaller groups for research purposes, so 20-30 is a good result.

I te偶 warto wspomnie膰 po prostu mniej wi臋cej jak to czasowo schodzi, bo te偶 m贸wi si臋 w艂a艣nie tak 20-30 tysi膮c os贸b.

It's also worth mentioning roughly how much time it takes, because it's often said that it's about 20-30 thousand people.

To nie jest ankieta na 5 minut, tylko to na przyk艂ad trzeba chodzi膰 ten ca艂y dzie艅, tak?

This is not a 5-minute survey; for example, you have to walk the whole day, right?

Tak, no na przyk艂ad nasze zespo艂y licz膮 po 4 osoby, na przyk艂ad do 6 te偶.

Yes, for example, our teams consist of 4 people, and sometimes up to 6 as well.

No to taka grupa musi na przyk艂ad po prostu zrobi膰 eksperyment do 20 os贸b, ka偶da osoba po godzince, do tego p贸艂 godziny przygotowania.

Well, such a group must, for example, simply conduct an experiment with 20 people, each person for an hour, plus half an hour of preparation.

Wi臋c zrobi si臋 z tego 25-30 godzin ju偶 samego zbierania danych.

So that will be 25-30 hours just for data collection.

No tak, a studia kr贸tkie, to trzeba si臋 艣pieszy膰.

Well, and short studies, you have to hurry.

No powiedzcie mi, co si臋 dzieje na 艣wiecie w tym obszarze?

Well, tell me, what is happening in the world in this area?

Jakie s膮 takie najbardziej gor膮ce informacje, co w tym 艂膮czeniu, mo偶na powiedzie膰, nasz z komputerem si臋 teraz dzieje?

What are the hottest pieces of information regarding this connection, what can be said about what is currently happening between us and the computer?

Chyba najbardziej gor膮cy temat teraz to Neuralink, czyli firma, no tak, to jest firma Elona Muska.

I guess the hottest topic right now is Neuralink, which is a company, well yes, it's Elon Musk's company.

I to, co teraz by艂o g艂o艣ne, to 偶e w艂a艣nie ju偶 do pierwszej osoby wstrzepili ten chip.

And what was recently loud news is that they have just implanted this chip into the first person.

I rzeczywi艣cie to dzia艂a艂o.

And indeed, it worked.

To w og贸le jest naprawd臋 fascynuj膮ca technologia i my艣l臋, 偶e tutaj te偶 troch臋 to jakby zahaczamy w og贸le, co w og贸le sprawia, 偶e to jest taka innowacyjna technologia.

This is really a fascinating technology, and I think here we touch a bit on what makes it such an innovative technology.

No to to jest po pierwsze ilo艣膰 elektrod.

Well, first of all, it's the number of electrodes.

My teraz mamy, dobra, czepki 16-32 amnie艅ce elektrody, ale tam na przyk艂ad ju偶 jak wszczepiane jest to typowo do m贸zgu, no to jest, nie wiem, 1024 elektrod, wi臋c to w og贸le jest inna skala.

We now have, good, caps with 16-32 electrodes, but for example, when it comes to implants that are typically for the brain, there are, I don't know, 1024 electrodes, so it's a completely different scale.

To te偶 te偶 w艂a艣nie to, co Iza m贸wi艂a, czyli ten, no w艂a艣nie ten szum, typu mruganie i tak dalej.

That's also exactly what Iza was saying, that is, the noise, like blinking and so on.

No wiadomo.

Well, you know.

Wi臋c tutaj zbierzemy st膮d sygna艂, to mamy po drodze w og贸le jakie艣 tam w艂a艣nie p艂aty m贸zgu, p艂yny, czaszk臋, w艂osy.

So here we will collect the signal from here, and we have along the way some brain tissue, fluids, skull, hair.

Wi臋c tutaj ta droga jest dosy膰 daleka, wi臋c te偶 my mamy, jak zbieramy z tym urz膮dzeniem EEG, bardzo w og贸le taki niski sygna艂, w sensie niskiej warto艣ci.

So here the path is quite long, so we also have, when we collect with this EEG device, a very low signal overall, in the sense of low value.

Wi臋c to w og贸le jakby ta innowacja te偶 w tym troch臋 polega na tym, 偶e my mamy bardzo czysty sygna艂 i w艂a艣nie po pierwsze du偶o go mamy.

So, this innovation is also a bit about the fact that we have a very clean signal, and first of all, we have a lot of it.

W tej Neuralinku, tak?

In this Neuralink, right?

Tak, to ju偶 s膮 typowo takie nawet nie, 偶e, bo jeszcze jest taka technologia ECOG.

Yes, these are typically not even such, because there is also this ECOG technology.

Po prostu to ju偶 jest.

It just is.

Tak jakby troch臋, mo偶na to por贸wna膰 do EEG, tylko 偶e jakby na m贸zgu ju偶 bezpo艣rednio.

It's kind of like that, you could compare it to an EEG, only that it's more direct on the brain.

A oni w艂a艣nie wczepiaj膮 te swoje elektrody do m贸zgu, wi臋c to jeszcze jest jakby inna technologia, czyli ju偶 wczepiania tych elektrod do m贸zgu.

And they are just implanting their electrodes into the brain, so it is still like a different technology, meaning the implantation of those electrodes into the brain.

Jeszcze kolejny poziom.

Another level.

Tak, kolejny poziom i oni do tego specjalnie maj膮 takiego charakterystycznego robota w艂a艣nie, kt贸ry, bo to s膮 bardzo cienkie elektrody.

Yes, another level, and they have a specifically designed characteristic robot for that, because these are very thin electrodes.

One s膮 cie艅sze ni偶 chyba w艂a艣nie w og贸le grubo艣膰, jakby czy tam szeroko艣膰 艣rednica w艂a艣nie w艂osa ludzkiego.

They are thinner than probably the thickness, or rather the width, diameter of a human hair.

Wi臋c tutaj to te偶 w og贸le nam daje t膮 kolejn膮 w og贸le w艂a艣nie t膮 warstw臋.

So here it also gives us another layer altogether.

No i to w艂a艣nie g艂贸wnie teraz na nich by艂o skupienie.

And that is precisely what the focus was primarily on now.

No trzeba przyzna膰, 偶e teraz by艂 jaki艣 problem z tymi elektrodami, bo po prostu zacz臋艂y jakby si臋 odczepia膰.

Well, it must be admitted that there was some problem with these electrodes now, because they just started to seem like they were coming off.

I te偶 podejrzewaj膮, 偶e to mo偶e by膰 dlatego, 偶e po prostu nie zosta艂y wczepione wystarczaj膮co g艂臋boko.

They also suspect that this may be because they were simply not implanted deeply enough.

Ale no wszystkie pozwolenia maj膮 i ju偶 szukaj膮 chyba drugiej i trzeciej osoby do badania, wi臋c to jakby idzie do przodu i b臋dzie tylko i艣膰 do przodu.

But all the permits are in place, and they are already looking for a second and third person for the research, so it's moving forward and will only continue to move forward.

I de facto teraz to ma po prostu pomaga膰 ludziom niepe艂nosprawnym w艂a艣nie na co dzie艅 w poruszaniu si臋.

And in fact, it is now simply meant to help people with disabilities in their daily movement.

Bo tutaj przyk艂ad pierwszej osoby, do kt贸rej to by艂o wczepione, to by艂 w艂a艣nie m臋偶czyzna po wypadku, kt贸ry w og贸le nie m贸g艂 rusza膰 偶adn膮 ko艅czyn膮.

Because here the example of the first person to whom this was attached was indeed a man after an accident who could not move any limb at all.

Jak chcia艂 w og贸le cokolwiek obs艂ugiwa膰, to musia艂 takim rysikiem w ustach to w og贸le robi膰 i musia艂 te偶 by膰 na siedz膮co.

If he wanted to operate anything at all, he had to do it with a stylus in his mouth and he also had to be sitting down.

A to mu sprawia艂o du偶膮 jakby b贸lu, bo dosta艂 takich spazm贸w od samego siedzenia.

And it caused him a lot of pain, as he was having spasms just from sitting.

Wi臋c teraz ju偶 maj膮c tego chipa, kt贸ry w艂a艣nie te偶 de facto zosta艂 wyszkolony bardziej na podstawie tego paradygmatyki,

So now having this chip, which has actually also been trained more based on this paradigm,

tego motor imagery, b臋dzie te偶 po prostu sobie wyobra偶a艂 bardziej, w kt贸r膮 stron臋 na przyk艂ad rusza r臋k膮 i tak dalej.

This motor imagery will also simply involve imagining more, for example, which way the hand is moving and so on.

Mo偶e bezpo艣rednio w艂a艣nie kontrolowa膰 urz膮dzenia jakie艣, gra膰 w gry i tak dalej.

Maybe directly control some devices, play games, and so on.

Wi臋c to jest jakby taki pierwszy w og贸le stopie艅 do tego wszystkiego.

So this is like the very first step towards all of this.

Dalej oni chc膮 w艂a艣nie u偶y膰 to do sterowania r贸偶nymi protezami i tak dalej.

They want to use it to control various prosthetics and so on.

No ale te偶 naprawd臋 chyba to w og贸le jest taki w og贸le pierwszy krok do czego艣 wi臋kszego,

Well, I think this is really the first step towards something bigger.

co b臋dzie w przysz艂o艣ci i nie wiem, tutaj ju偶 mo偶na si臋 inspirowa膰 troch臋 cyberpunkiem,

what will happen in the future and I don't know, here you can already get inspired a bit by cyberpunk,

w sensie gr膮, kt贸ra jest bardzo fajna, polecam.

In the sense of a game that is very cool, I recommend it.

No ale w艂a艣nie to chyba jest ten pierwszy krok do tego w og贸le, 偶eby w og贸le i艣膰 w tym kierunku.

Well, this is probably the first step towards actually going in that direction.

Ale tak naprawd臋 to, co chyba Elon Musk ko艅cowo chce, to po prostu da膰 szans臋 ludzko艣ci,

But what Elon Musk probably ultimately wants is simply to give humanity a chance.

偶eby mog艂a w og贸le konkurowa膰 ze sztuczn膮 inteligencj膮.

to be able to compete at all with artificial intelligence.

Tak, 偶eby w艂a艣nie ko艅cowo jakby wszczepi膰 j膮 troch臋 do samych siebie, wi臋c...

Yes, in order to finally kind of implant it a bit into ourselves, so...

M贸wi si臋, 偶e to, co osobom pe艂nosprawnym u艂atwia 偶ycie, osobom z niepe艂nosprawno艣ciami

It is said that what makes life easier for able-bodied people is a challenge for people with disabilities.

to umo偶liwia w og贸le pewne dzia艂ania, wi臋c to jest taki przyk艂ad.

This allows for certain actions at all, so this is an example.

Chyba 偶e w艂a艣nie kto艣, kto nie m贸g艂, to b臋dzie m贸g艂, a dla nas to jest zabawka, gad偶et,

Unless someone who couldn't will be able to, and for us, it's a toy, a gadget.

a dla innych to jest po prostu w og贸le umo偶liwienie pewnych dzia艂a艅.

And for others, it is simply enabling certain actions at all.

To co mnie interesuje, dwie rzeczy mnie interesuj膮 jeszcze w tym obszarze,

What interests me are two more things in this area.

czy jak z energi膮, w sensie, no bo to, je偶eli to jest pod艂膮czone,

Is it like with energy, in the sense that, well, if it's connected,

czy tak jakby ten wasz czepek obserwuje fale m贸zgowe, to on tylko bierniej obserwuje?

So, if your cap is somehow observing brain waves, is it just passively observing?

Czy te偶 to powoduje jakie艣 zwi臋kszenie zu偶ycia energii, je偶eli chodzi o nasz m贸zg?

Does it also cause any increase in energy consumption when it comes to our brain?

Tak, to tutaj warto w艂a艣nie wspomnie膰, czym s膮 te w艂a艣nie interfejsy m贸zg-komputer,

Yes, it is worth mentioning here what these brain-computer interfaces are.

bo ta definicja jest do艣膰 wa偶na. Interfejs m贸zg-komputer, tak jak Sanna zaskazuje,

because this definition is quite important. A brain-computer interface, as Sanna surprises,

idzie od m贸zgu do komputera, wi臋c ta informacja idzie w jedn膮 stron臋,

it goes from the brain to the computer, so this information goes in one direction,

bezpo艣rednio do urz膮dzenia, kt贸re chcemy mie膰, i nie ma to zbytnio takiej ingerencji w m贸zgu.

directly to the device we want to have, and it doesn't involve that much interference with the brain.

M贸wi膮c oczywi艣cie szczeg贸lnie o tych urz膮dzeniach nieinwazyjnych.

Speaking, of course, particularly about those non-invasive devices.

Tutaj po prostu mamy za艂o偶ony ten czepek, on pobiera sobie aktywno艣膰 elektryczn膮...

Here we simply have this cap on, it collects the electrical activity...

M贸zg i tak wysy艂a te fale, a on tylko obserwuje.

The brain still sends out those waves, and he is just observing.

Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, exactly.

No, a te chipy wszczepiane do m贸zgu, to dalej jest ta sama technologia, czy tutaj co艣 si臋 zmienia?

No, are these chips implanted in the brain still the same technology, or is something changing here?

Tak, tutaj te偶 wyst臋puj膮 elektrody, tylko tak jak by艂o wspomniane w艂a艣nie przez Dominika,

Yes, there are electrodes here as well, just as Dominik mentioned.

one s膮 wszczepiane bezpo艣rednio do m贸zgu, czy te偶 k艂adzione na powierzchni m贸zgu.

Are they implanted directly into the brain, or are they placed on the surface of the brain?

I co jest tutaj wa偶ne, to w艂a艣nie zachowanie bezpiecze艅stwa tych pacjent贸w.

And what is important here is the safety of these patients.

To te偶 jest bardzo pod uwag臋, tutaj by艂o du偶o bada艅 po prostu te偶 na pocz膮tek na zwierz臋tach,

This is also very important; there have been a lot of studies here, just starting with animals.

偶e te偶 by艂o du偶o opracowania tego, jak taki chip mo偶na wszczepi膰.

that there was a lot of development on how such a chip can be implanted.

To jest zdecydowanie bardziej zaawansowana technologia.

This is definitely a more advanced technology.

No i akurat je艣li chodzi o takie rzeczy, to implanty inwazyjne w艂a艣nie ju偶 wyst臋powa艂y wcze艣niej.

Well, in fact, when it comes to such things, invasive implants have already been present before.

Teraz jeste艣my my艣l臋 na drodze w najbli偶szych latach w艂a艣nie do wi臋kszego zastosowania,

Now I think we are on the path in the coming years towards greater application.

takiego powszechniejszego w艂a艣nie u os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych i mo偶e nawet na szersz膮 skal臋.

such a more common one among people with disabilities and perhaps even on a broader scale.

Ale dalej chodzi ca艂y czas o t膮 energi臋.

But it's still all about that energy.

Czy one maj膮 swoje zasilanie, czy jakby podbieraj膮...

Do they have their own power supply, or are they like stealing...

Tak, tak.

Yes, yes.

W przypadku w艂a艣nie Neuralink, kt贸ry jest u偶ywany na co dzie艅, on jest bezprzewodowo 艂adowany, wi臋c to trzeba 艂adowa膰.

In the case of Neuralink, which is used on a daily basis, it is wirelessly charged, so it needs to be charged.

Ok, czyli to nie zu偶ywa energii.

Okay, so it doesn't consume energy.

Dobra, i powiedzia艂a艣, 偶e w艂a艣nie wa偶ne jest to kolejne, 偶e to jest m贸zg, komputer.

Okay, and you said that what's important is that it's another, that it's the brain, the computer.

A czy s膮 prace, czy wy nad tym pracujecie, czy w艂a艣nie te 艣wiatowe firmy pracuj膮 w drug膮 stron臋,

Are there any works, are you working on this, or are those global companies working in the opposite direction?

czyli 偶eby ten implant, czy jakie艣 w艂a艣nie urz膮dzenie przekazywa艂o bezpo艣rednie informacje do m贸zgu?

So, to have this implant or some device transmit direct information to the brain?

Tak, tutaj by艂y te偶 ju偶 takie badania i to do艣膰 ciekawe my艣l臋.

Yes, there have been studies here too, and I think they are quite interesting.

S膮 r贸偶ne metodyki, s膮 takie elektrostymulatory, kt贸re stymuluj膮 elektrycznie, s膮 TMS, chyba to mo偶na nazwa膰,

There are various methodologies, there are electrostimulators that stimulate electrically, there are TMS, I think that can be called.

czyli to s膮 takie urz膮dzenia, kt贸re wysy艂aj膮 pole magnetyczne bezpo艣rednio w m贸zg, to jest wykorzystywane na przyk艂ad do leczenia depresji.

So these are devices that send a magnetic field directly to the brain, which is used, for example, to treat depression.

A my艣l臋, 偶e tutaj warto przytoczy膰 ciekaw膮 prac臋, kt贸r膮 zrobili w艂a艣nie tak膮 sie膰 od m贸zgu do m贸zgu, oni to w艂a艣nie nazwali.

And I think it's worth mentioning an interesting work they did, which was a network from brain to brain, and they called it just that.

Dwie osoby mia艂y interfejsy m贸zg-komputer i widzia艂y ekran Tetrisa, g贸rn膮 cz臋艣膰 tylko, czyli wiedzieli jaki klocek spada tutaj w艂a艣nie, 偶eby dopasowa膰 jak to leci.

Two people had brain-computer interfaces and saw the top part of the Tetris screen, meaning they knew which block was falling so they could adjust as it descended.

A jedna osoba mia艂a interfejs komputer-m贸zg i dostawa艂a informacje od tych dw贸ch os贸b, czy ma przekr臋ci膰 klocek, czy te偶 nie, 偶eby wygra膰 rozgrywk臋.

And one person had a computer-brain interface and received information from those two people about whether to turn the block or not in order to win the game.

I tutaj uda艂o im si臋, to by艂o chyba ju偶 w 2018-2019, wi臋c troch臋 czasu ju偶 min臋艂o, uda艂o im si臋 uzyska膰 lepsze wyniki ni偶 losowo艣膰, czyli faktycznie to dzia艂a艂o.

And here they succeeded, it was probably already in 2018-2019, so some time has passed, they managed to achieve better results than randomness, which means it actually worked.

Okej, zdobyli tam 14 punkt贸w. Tetrisa, nie 偶artuj臋, rozumiem, lepiej ni偶 losowo艣膰, czyli jakby po prostu spada艂y same z siebie,

Okay, they scored 14 points there. Tetris, I'm not joking, I understand, better than randomness, meaning they just fell on their own.

bo tutaj te osoby to po艂apa艂y. No dobra, ale to ca艂y czas intryguje mnie, czy w艂a艣nie te wasze dzia艂ania doprowadz膮 do tego, 偶e bez komputera m贸g艂 si臋 po艂膮czy膰 z internetem?

Because here these people caught on. Okay, but it still intrigues me whether your actions will lead to someone being able to connect to the internet without a computer?

Nasze bezpo艣rednio? Dobre pytanie. Bardziej w艂a艣nie te inwazyjne wydaje mi si臋, 偶e to by w t膮 stron臋...

Our direct ones? Good question. It seems to me that the more invasive ones would go in that direction...

I nie no, m贸wi臋 ju偶 o... dalej inwazyjne i dalej w艂a艣nie, 偶e od komputera do... w sensie, 偶eby by艂a wymiana w dwie strony, tak?

And no, I mean already about... further invasive and further, you know, from the computer to... in the sense that there should be an exchange in both directions, right?

Czyli ja mog臋 zada膰 pytanie na przyk艂ad do internetu i ono mi wraca bezpo艣rednio do m贸zgu, czy to ju偶...

So I can ask a question, for example, to the internet, and it comes back directly to my brain, or is that already...

My艣l臋, 偶e na pewno w t膮 stron臋 to p贸jdzie.

I think it will definitely go that way.

I my艣l臋, 偶e to tylko czas jakby jest barier膮. Ale badanie, czy nikt tego nie robi?

And I think that it's only time that is a barrier. But is there any research on whether no one is doing this?

Oj, dobre pytanie w艂a艣nie, czy kto艣 to robi, bo jakby teraz neurotechnologii teraz tak po prostu jest, 偶e du偶o jest bada艅 prywatnych i po prostu nie dziel膮 si臋 tym,

Oh, that's a good question, actually. Is anyone doing it? Because right now, neurotechnology is such that there are a lot of private studies, and they simply don't share this information.

no bo w sumie dlaczego mieliby tym si臋 dzieli膰? W sensie, bo to jest jakby taka ich wewn臋trzna technologia, wi臋c my do ko艅ca nie wiemy co dok艂adnie r贸偶ne firmy,

Well, basically, why would they share that? I mean, it's like their internal technology, so we don't really know exactly what different companies...

co w og贸le nad czym pracuj膮, tylko mo偶emy analizowa膰 to, co jest udost臋pniane rzeczywi艣cie do zewn膮trz, ale tak to du偶o firm ma po prostu swoje wewn臋trzne,

what they are actually working on, we can only analyze what is actually shared externally, but many companies simply have their internal processes.

jakie艣 badania, kt贸rych po prostu nie dziel膮 si臋 nimi, bo to jest jaka艣 w艂asno艣膰 intelektualna ich i...

Some studies that they simply do not share because it is some kind of their intellectual property and...

Tak, no bo to jest w艂asno艣膰 intelektualna, kt贸ra si臋 bezpo艣rednio prze艂o偶y na biznes, je偶eli kto艣 co艣 wymy艣li i jako pierwszy wejdzie z tym na rynek, rozumiem, tak?

Yes, because this is intellectual property that directly translates into business; if someone invents something and is the first to bring it to market, I understand, right?

Czyli z jednej strony chcieliby艣my, 偶eby nauka by艂a taka og贸lnodost臋pna, artyku艂y naukowe, konferencje, 偶e wiemy co si臋 dzieje i patrz臋 co zrobili koledzy z innego kraju,

So on one hand we would like science to be so publicly accessible, scientific articles, conferences, that we know what is happening and I can see what my colleagues from another country have done,

czy z innego uniwersytetu i dok艂adam swoj膮 cegie艂k臋 i w ten spos贸b co艣 osi膮gam, ale chyba w 艣wiecie tych w艂a艣nie ogromnych firm, korporacji,

whether from another university and I'm contributing my part and in this way I'm achieving something, but probably in the world of those huge companies, corporations,

tam wewn臋trzne dzia艂y R&D, kt贸re pewnie s膮 wielko艣ci uniwersytet贸w i oni to trzymaj膮 dla siebie, tak?

There are internal R&D departments there that are probably the size of universities, and they're keeping it to themselves, right?

Ale odpowiadaj膮c na pytanie tak, my艣l臋, 偶e tak na pewno b臋dzie, jedynie co w艂a艣nie to kiedy, pytanie kiedy, no i ewentualnie, nie wiem, mo偶e by艂aby jaka艣 blokada ewentualnie prawna,

But in response to the question, yes, I think it will definitely be so, the only thing is when, the question is when, and possibly, I don't know, maybe there would be some potential legal blockage.

ale to te偶 w zale偶no艣ci my艣l臋 od kraju, czy tam cz臋艣ci w og贸le 艣wiata.

But that's also dependent, I think, on the country or the part of the world at all.

No to wiemy, tak, 偶e tam Stany wymy艣laj膮, Chiny kopiuj膮, a w Europie regulujemy, nie?

Well, we know that the States invent, China copies, and in Europe, we regulate, right?



Z wieloma nowymi rzeczami to idzie mniej wi臋cej w ten spos贸b.

With many new things, it usually goes something like this.

Kolejnym podcastu jest NOT Wroc艂aw, zrzeszaj膮cy blisko 20 stowarzysze艅 naukowo-technicznych, kt贸re opiekuj膮 si臋 in偶ynierami z ka偶dej bran偶y.

The next podcast is NOT Wroc艂aw, which brings together nearly 20 scientific and technical associations that support engineers from every industry.

We wroc艂awskim NOT-cie dzia艂a komisja dworaw m艂odej kadry technicznej oraz akcelerator projekt贸w studenckich, kt贸ry wspiera student贸w z pomys艂ami,

In the Wroc艂aw NOT, there is a committee for the development of young technical staff and an accelerator for student projects that supports students with ideas.

g艂贸wnie z k贸艂 naukowych i organizacji studenckich wszystkich wroc艂awskich uczelni.

mainly from scientific circles and student organizations of all universities in Wroc艂aw.

No dobra, wr贸膰my do waszego ko艂a, bo tak troch臋 zobaczyli艣my, co si臋 dzieje na 艣wiecie.

Alright, let's go back to your circle, because we have seen a bit of what's happening in the world.

Jakie s膮 wasze g艂贸wne projekty, kt贸re realizujecie i o czym warto kr贸ciutko powiedzie膰?

What are your main projects that you are working on and what is worth briefly mentioning?



Kolejnym procesem projekt贸w mamy bardzo r贸偶norodne, zaczynaj膮c od w艂a艣nie na przyk艂ad Mind Stride, kt贸ry zajmuje si臋 tymi problemami z wizualizacj膮 wyobra偶onego ruchu,

The next process of projects is very diverse, starting with, for example, Mind Stride, which deals with issues related to the visualization of imagined movement.

czyli troch臋 w艂a艣nie w kierunku tego w贸zka dla os贸b z niepe艂nosprawno艣ciami, a偶 po w艂a艣nie te偶 na przyk艂ad Brain World,

so a bit in the direction of this cart for people with disabilities, all the way to, for example, Brain World,

kt贸re te偶 jest zwi膮zane w艂a艣nie z ulepszeniem warunk贸w 偶ycia dla os贸b z niepe艂nosprawno艣ciami, poniewa偶 umo偶liwi obs艂ug臋 po prostu klawiatury dla os贸b, kt贸re normalnie nie maj膮 takich mo偶liwo艣ci.

which is also related to improving the living conditions for people with disabilities, as it will enable the use of a keyboard for individuals who normally do not have such capabilities.

Tak偶e mamy gry.

We also have games.

Niekt贸re ju偶 zrealizowane i mo偶emy z nich by膰 w艂a艣nie kojarzeni z DAS-贸w.

Some have already been completed, and we can be associated with them in terms of DAS.

Mamy na przyk艂ad gr臋 Neurorun, kt贸ra skupia si臋 na tym, czy dana osoba jest rozlu藕niona, czy w艂a艣nie skupiona i to uruchamia odpowiednie elementy w grze.

For example, we have the game Neurorun, which focuses on whether a person is relaxed or currently focused, and this triggers the appropriate elements in the game.

Czyli jest to taka interakcja z gr膮.

So it is such an interaction with the game.

My艣l臋, 偶e bardzo ciekawa i rzeczywi艣cie du偶o os贸b lubi w ni膮 zagra膰.

I think it's very interesting, and indeed a lot of people enjoy playing it.

Tak偶e mamy na przyk艂ad przeci膮ganie liny i to ju偶 jest taka gra, w kt贸rej mo偶na rywalizowa膰.

We also have, for example, tug of war, which is already a game where you can compete.

Bez liny.

Without a rope.

Bez liny, tylko my艣lami.

Without a rope, only with thoughts.

Si艂膮 umys艂u.

By the power of the mind.

Tak, to bardziej si臋 skupi i to naprawd臋 wida膰...

Yes, it focuses more and you can really see it...

Takie lukusz i moce, tak?

Such luxury and powers, right?

Tak, tak. I to jest rzeczywi艣cie, wida膰 r贸偶nic臋 pomi臋dzy osobami.

Yes, yes. And it is indeed clear to see the difference between people.

Na przyk艂ad ja rzeczywi艣cie mam problem z kim艣 wygra膰, 偶eby si臋 na tyle skupi膰 i oderwa膰 od 艣wiata wok贸艂.

For example, I really have a problem winning against someone to focus enough and detach from the world around me.

Ale na przyk艂ad Dominika wygrywa艂a konkursy z innymi, jak by艂y organizowane przez Ko艂o.

But for example, Dominika won competitions with others when they were organized by the Circle.

Tak, mieli艣my raz taki fina艂 chyba czterominutowy.

Yes, we had a final that was probably four minutes long once.

A ty pisa艂a艣 ten program?

Did you write this program?

Nie, ja nie. Ja w艂a艣nie, ja tylko gra艂am.

No, not me. I was just playing.

Nie by艂o 偶adnej oszustwy.

There was no cheating.

Nie ma szkod贸w.

There are no damages.

Nie, nie.

No, no.

Ja mam problem z tym, 偶e kto艣 inny tworzy艂, wi臋c to po prostu rzeczywi艣cie brawa dla Dominiki, jak potrafi si臋 oderwa膰 i skupi膰 na jednym zadaniu.

I have a problem with the fact that someone else created it, so it's really just applause for Dominika for being able to detach and focus on one task.

No, ale opr贸cz tego mamy naprawd臋 r贸偶norodne.

No, but besides that we have really diverse ones.

Mamy te偶 na przyk艂ad wykrywacz QAMS, ale tak偶e otwieramy nowe projekty, kt贸re po prostu daj膮 mo偶liwo艣膰 wdro偶y膰 si臋 nowym osobom.

We also have, for example, the QAMS detector, but we are also opening new projects that simply allow new people to get involved.

My艣l臋, 偶e warto o tym wspomnie膰 w kontek艣cie og贸lnie dzia艂ania naszego Ko艂a, 偶e w trakcie przyjmowania nowych os贸b zorganizowali艣my okres wdro偶eniowy, kt贸ry pomaga douczy膰 si臋 potrzebnych jakich艣 informacji,

I think it's worth mentioning this in the context of the general functioning of our Circle that during the onboarding of new members, we organized an onboarding period that helps to learn any necessary information.

aby poby膰 w艂a艣nie wiedz臋, do艣wiadczenie, zapyta膰.

to gain knowledge, experience, to ask.

My w艂a艣nie zawsze jak膮艣 rad膮, podzielimy si臋 jak膮艣 rad膮 i w艂a艣nie na koniec takiego okresu wdro偶eniowego dali艣my mo偶liwo艣膰 zapoznania si臋 ze sprz臋tem, a tak偶e bycia cz臋艣ci膮 projektu.

We always share some advice, and at the end of such an implementation period, we provided the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and also to be part of the project.

To pomo偶e w艂a艣nie ludziom pozna膰, jak to wygl膮da od 艣rodka, jak ju偶 si臋 pracuje nie samodzielnie, ale z grup膮 ludzi, jak to wygl膮da z komunikacj膮, prac膮 zespo艂ow膮.

This will help people understand what it looks like from the inside, how it is to work not independently, but with a group of people, how communication and teamwork look.

Wi臋c otworzyli艣my w艂a艣nie w tym roku dwa nowe projekty, jeden zwi膮zany z badaniem odczu膰 osoby na temat koloru, a drugi z badaniem emocji i tym w艂a艣nie si臋 zajmuj膮 nowo przyj臋ci u nas cz艂onkowie.

So we just opened two new projects this year, one related to studying a person's perception of color, and the other focused on studying emotions, which is exactly what our newly hired members are working on.

Zintrygowa艂 mnie ten wykrywacz k艂amstw i co, to jest taki, 偶e te偶 kto艣 si臋 musi ubra膰, czy mo偶na go tam, nie wiem, nagra膰 i wiadomo, 偶e k艂amie, czy nie k艂amie?

I was intrigued by this lie detector and what, is it such that someone has to get dressed, or can it be, I don't know, recorded there, and you know if they are lying or not?

Trzeba si臋 ubra膰.

You need to get dressed.

Ubra膰, tak, stosujemy do tego nasz sprz臋t EEG, wi臋c rzeczywi艣cie to raczej nie jest jaka艣 technologia z, nie wiem.

To dress, yes, we use our EEG equipment for that, so it really isn鈥檛 some technology from, I don't know.

Rozpoznawaniem czego艣 z obrazu albo samego d藕wi臋ku jest to typowo w艂a艣nie badanie reakcji danej osoby w trakcie korzystania z urz膮dzenia EEG.

Recognizing something from an image or sound is typically the study of a person's reaction while using an EEG device.

I co, idzie si臋 do prowadz膮cego z t膮 czapk膮 i m贸wicie, naprawd臋, uczy艂em si臋 tu, nie k艂amie.

And what, you go to the instructor with that cap and say, really, I studied here, I'm not lying.

W艂a艣nie to te偶 pomy艣la艂am nad tym w og贸le, czy tak rzeczywi艣cie mo偶na dalej to by艂o u偶ywa膰 i kto by ewentualnie w og贸le t膮 technologi臋 m贸g艂 u偶ywa膰 w艂a艣nie w badaniach takich, czy to jest co艣, co jest prawdziwe.

I was just thinking about whether it was really possible to continue using it and who could potentially use this technology in such research, whether it is something that is real.

Warto te偶 zaznaczy膰, 偶e akurat u nas ten wykrywacz k艂amstw,

It is also worth noting that this lie detector, in our case,

jest bardziej skupiony wok贸艂 autentykacji danej osoby, czyli czy podaje w艂a艣ciwe swoje dane osobowe, wi臋c nie jest to na dowolny temat.

It is more focused on the authentication of a given person, meaning whether they provide their correct personal information, so it is not about any random topic.

Nie jest to taka magia troch臋 z film贸w, tylko rzeczywi艣cie przemy艣lany projekt, kt贸ry ma dzia艂a膰, wi臋c...

It's not the kind of magic you see in movies, but rather a thoughtfully designed project that is meant to work, so...

Zabi艂e艣? Nie zabi艂em.

Did you kill? I didn't kill.

Tak, wi臋c jest to troch臋 bardziej ograniczone pole, ale dzi臋ki temu rzeczywi艣cie mo偶e dzia艂a膰 i jest czym艣 realnym.

Yes, so it's a bit of a more limited field, but thanks to that, it can really work and is something real.

Ca艂y czas my艣l臋 nad tym, jakie mog膮 by膰 przysz艂e zastosowania tego, nad czym badacie.

I keep thinking about what the future applications of what you are researching could be.

W sensie, gdyby艣cie tak mieli pu艣ci膰 troch臋 wodze fantazji, ale tak fantazji,

In the sense that if you were to let your imagination run wild a bit, but really wild imagination,

ale jednak trzymaj膮c si臋 tego, co ju偶 wiecie, w kt贸r膮 stron臋 to idzie, to jak b臋dzie wygl膮da艂 艣wiat w艂a艣nie,

but still holding on to what you already know, which way it is going, this is how the world will look,

kiedy te technologie 艂膮cz膮ce cz艂owieka z komputerem wejd膮 do takiego codziennego u偶ytku?

When will these technologies connecting humans with computers enter everyday use?

Ja my艣l臋, 偶e tutaj mo偶na wyj艣膰 od tego, co ju偶 teraz jest tak naprawd臋, bo to b臋dzie fajnie po prostu pokaza膰.

I think we can start from what is already truly here, because it will simply be nice to showcase that.

Ju偶 teraz w tym momencie mamy na przyk艂ad takie firmy jak New Robo, kt贸re w tym momencie, w tym roku dos艂ownie, w styczniu,

Right now, at this moment, we have companies like New Robo, which this year, literally in January,

dopu艣cili sw贸j pierwszy komercyjny produkt, s艂uchawki z ERG, wygl膮daj膮 ca艂kowicie jak normalne s艂uchawki, tylko maj膮 aplikacje,

They released their first commercial product, headphones with ERG, which look completely like regular headphones, only they have an app.

kt贸ra m贸wi, kiedy kto艣 jest ju偶 zm臋czony i powinien zrobi膰 sobie przerw臋, wi臋c w艂a艣nie...

which says when someone is already tired and should take a break, so just...

I to m贸wi膮 tej osobie, hej, jeste艣 zm臋czony?

And they say to that person, hey, are you tired?

Tak, zostawiaj膮 po prostu powiadomienie, jeste艣 zm臋czony, zr贸b sobie przerw臋.

Yes, they simply leave a notification, you are tired, take a break.

Gorzej jakby ca艂y czas tak pisa艂y, to wtedy ju偶...

It would be worse if they wrote like that all the time, then it would be...

Ba艂bym si臋 za艂o偶y膰.

I would be afraid to bet.

Tak, no i w艂a艣nie od tego mo偶na wyj艣膰, 偶e to nie s膮 tylko w艂a艣nie, wspomnia艂e艣 o tym, 偶e w艂a艣nie dla niepe艂nosprawnych to jest szansa,

Yes, and this is exactly the point that one can start from, that it's not just, you mentioned that for people with disabilities this is an opportunity,

偶eby wzi膮膰 normalne 偶ycie, ale te偶 my艣l臋, 偶e mo偶e to pom贸c osobom po prostu,

to take a normal life, but I also think it can help people simply,

wszystkim, mo偶na to zastosowa膰 codziennie, tak jak by艂o wspomniane, 偶e po prostu zapalaj膮c 艣wiat艂o w pokoju,

everyone, this can be applied daily, as it was mentioned, by simply turning on the light in the room,

je艣li mia艂oby si臋 po prostu co艣 takiego zaimplantowane, czy nawet po prostu w takich s艂uchawkach.

If something like that were simply implanted, or even just in such headphones.

Staraj膮 si臋 to miniaturyzowa膰, wi臋c mo偶liwe, 偶e po prostu nie b臋dziemy ju偶 chodzi膰 ze s艂uchami takimi doucznymi, zwyk艂ymi,

They are trying to miniaturize it, so it's possible that we simply won't be walking around with such regular, auxiliary hearing aids anymore.

tylko b臋d膮 one mia艂y po jedn膮 elektrod臋, kt贸ra b臋dzie w stanie odczyta膰 jaki艣 sygna艂 i bada膰, wspomaga膰 w r贸偶ne sposoby,

they will only have one electrode each, which will be able to read some signal and examine, assist in various ways,

w艂a艣nie sterowanie urz膮dzeniami, zapalanie 艣wiat艂a.

just controlling devices, turning on the lights.

Nie wiem, mo偶e uruchomienie ekspresu, jak si臋 od razu wstanie rano.

I don't know, maybe starting the espresso machine as soon as you get up in the morning.

Mo偶e to b臋dzie co艣 fajnego.

Maybe it will be something cool.

Czekamy, czy herbat臋.

We're waiting, whether it's tea.

I ju偶 tam si臋 co艣 w kuchni robi, tak?

And something is already being done in the kitchen, right?

Co艣 takiego, albo w艂a艣nie wspomaganie nauki, tutaj te偶 takie projekty, jak tutaj Bono Mor mamy wizj臋 tak膮,

Something like that, or specifically supporting learning, there are also such projects here, like the one we have here with Bono Mor, we have a vision like this.

偶e na przyk艂ad robi膮c Duolingo, b臋dzie mo偶na wzi膮膰 odczyt臋 EG i po prostu pobudzi膰 kogo艣, kt贸ry zacznie si臋 nudzi膰.

For example, by using Duolingo, one could take an EG reading and simply stimulate someone who is starting to get bored.

Wi臋c mo偶e to wspom贸c w nauce, mo偶e to wspom贸c przy skupieniu, mo偶e to wspom贸c po prostu przy takich codziennych,

So it might help in learning, it might help with concentration, it might help simply with everyday things.



Ale to pobudzi膰 t膮 trudno艣ci膮, nie?

But that should stimulate with that difficulty, right?

To trzeba wspomnie膰, 偶e po prostu zwi臋kszy膰 trudno艣膰, a nie, 偶e tam jakie艣 stymulacje jeszcze, 偶eby nie by艂o.

It should be mentioned that it just needs to increase the difficulty, and not that there are any additional stimuli, so that there is none.

Albo ciekawsze s艂贸wka, kt贸re kogo艣 bardziej interesuj膮.

Or more interesting words that engage someone more.

Wyczyta艂em te偶, 偶e robili艣cie seri臋 wyk艂ad贸w New Learn Talks.

I also found out that you did a series of lectures called New Learn Talks.

Czego mo偶na by艂o tam si臋 nauczy膰, dowiedzie膰 i co doprowadzi艂, kto s艂ucha艂?

What could one learn there, find out, and what did it lead to for those who listened?

G艂贸wnie to ja to prowadz臋 i zdobywam tutaj go艣ci, nawiadam wam pomoc jakby z ko艂a, 偶eby to wszystko w og贸le og艂asza膰 i organizowa膰.

Mainly, I run this and get guests here, I'm coordinating help from the group to announce and organize everything at all.

Teraz w艂a艣nie mieli艣my

We just had it.

czerwcowy taki maraton, jutro b臋dzie zako艅czenie, bo b臋dzie ostatni go艣膰 w czerwcu.

A June marathon like this, tomorrow will be the finale, as there will be the last guest in June.

I no jest to naprawd臋 bardzo r贸偶norodne s膮 te wyk艂ady, bo pierwszy by艂 cho膰by w czerwcu w艂a艣nie

And these lectures are really very diverse, because the first one was, for example, in June.

z w og贸le w艂a艣cicielem firmy, neurotechnologicznej i troch臋 nam bardziej to by艂o w takiej formie Q&A i nam opowiada艂 w og贸le jak to wygl膮da.

With the owner of the company, a neurotechnology firm, it was more in a Q&A format and he was telling us how it looks in general.

Mo偶na by艂o w艂a艣nie zadawa膰 pytania i te偶...

One could just ask questions and also...

Ale to nie by艂 Elon?

But wasn't it Elon?

Nie, jeszcze nie.

No, not yet.

Spokojnie, to tak my艣l臋, 偶e za mo偶e w pa藕dzierniku.

Calm down, I'm just thinking that maybe in October.

Wi臋c tutaj to jakby to jedna taka by艂a cz臋艣膰.

So here it was kind of one part.

W zesz艂ym tygodniu w艂a艣nie

Last week, just

mieli艣my go艣cia, kt贸ry typowo zajmuje si臋 u偶ywaniem tych BCI, czyli Brain Computer Interfaces, w skr贸cie te w艂a艣nie

We had a guest who typically deals with the use of these BCIs, that is, Brain-Computer Interfaces, in short, those exactly.

interfejsy m贸zg-komputer, w艂a艣nie do gier typowo, jak to wykorzysta膰.

brain-computer interfaces, just for typical games, how to use it.

No a teraz b臋dziemy bardziej poznawa膰 jutro w og贸le jak dzia艂a

Well, now we will get to know how it works more tomorrow.

urz膮dzenie EEG typowo takie ju偶 na przyk艂adzie w艂a艣nie

an EEG device typically just like in this example

urz膮dzenia Unicorn z firmy G-Tech.

Unicorn devices from the company G-Tech.

Wi臋c tutaj jakby jest ca艂y taki przekr贸j.

So here there is like a whole cross-section.

Ale wszystko kr臋ci si臋 wok贸艂 neurotechnologii

But everything revolves around neurotechnology.

i te偶 no w艂a艣nie neuronauki typowo, bo na przyk艂ad w og贸le pierwszy wyk艂ad jaki mieli艣my

And yes, precisely neuroscience, because for example, the very first lecture we had...

to w艂a艣nie doktora Agnieszk膮 Kazimiersk膮, kt贸ra nam opowiada艂a troch臋 mo偶e nawet nie o EEG,

It was indeed Dr. Agnieszka Kazimierska, who told us a little, perhaps not even about EEG.

ale o troch臋 innej technologii, kt贸ra te偶 jakby pozwala nam bada膰 to, co si臋 dzieje w m贸zgu.

but about a slightly different technology that also allows us to examine what is happening in the brain.

Wi臋c to wszystko po prostu si臋 kr臋ci wok贸艂 tego, co si臋 dzieje w m贸zgu, jak to

So it all just revolves around what happens in the brain, how it

wykorzystujemy i w og贸le jakie s膮 takie 偶yciowe implementacje.

we utilize and generally what such life implementations are.

No i zawsze mo偶na zadawa膰 pytania, wi臋c my艣l臋, 偶e to jest ta warto艣膰 dodana tego,

Well, you can always ask questions, so I think that's the added value of this.

偶eby przechodzi膰 rzeczywi艣cie live, bo to jest

to actually go live, because it is

organizowane live na Facebooku, wi臋c zawsze mo偶na zadawa膰 pytania.

Live events are organized on Facebook, so you can always ask questions.

No ale wiadomo, wszystko potem te偶 jest wstawiane na naszego YouTube'a ko艂o, wi臋c.

Well, it's known that everything is later uploaded to our YouTube circle as well, so.

Czyli ka偶dy nawet dzi艣 mo偶e sobie to ods艂ucha膰, odtworzy膰, ale je偶eli kto艣 by

So anyone can listen to it even today, play it back, but if someone were to...

chcia艂 zada膰 pytania, jakie艣 nurtuj膮ce tematy do go艣ci, to powinien Was obserwowa膰 i

he wanted to ask questions, some intriguing topics for the guests, so he should observe you and

na bie偶膮co w kolejnych spotkaniach si臋 bra膰 udzia艂 na 偶ywo.

to participate live in subsequent meetings on an ongoing basis.

A powiedzcie mi, jak wygl膮daj膮 takie hackatony czy neuro hackatony?

And tell me, what do such hackathons or neuro hackathons look like?

Jakie wyzwania dostaj膮 zespo艂y?

What challenges do teams face?

Co trzeba zrobi膰 na takim hackatonie,

What needs to be done at such a hackathon?

偶eby w og贸le si臋 zmierzy膰 z innymi zespo艂ami ze 艣wiata?

to even compete with other teams from around the world?

Wi臋c tak typowo hackatony trwaj膮 okre艣lon膮 ilo艣膰 godzin.

So typically hackathons last a certain number of hours.

Zazwyczaj jest to oko艂o 24 godzin, ale mo偶e to by膰 36.

It usually takes about 24 hours, but it can be 36.

Zale偶y od hackatonu.

It depends on the hackathon.

Nie 艣pi si臋.

One does not sleep.

Nie 艣pi si臋, no. Du偶o si臋 pracuje.

You don't sleep, no. You work a lot.

U nas w艂a艣nie my w listopadzie chcemy zorganizowa膰 w艂asny neuro hackaton Heroes of the Brain

We want to organize our own neuro hackathon Heroes of the Brain in November.

i on b臋dzie trwa艂 24 godziny, wi臋c ca艂a nocka tylko pracy, kawa i du偶o

And it will last 24 hours, so the whole night is just work, coffee, and a lot.

fajnych na pewno pomys艂贸w.

definitely cool ideas.

My ten neuro hackaton g艂贸wnie celujemy nie

In our ten neuro hackathon, we mainly do not target.

tylko do os贸b ju偶 zafascynowanych neuroinformatyk膮, ale te偶 do os贸b mo偶e

only for people already fascinated by neuroinformatics, but also for people perhaps

zupe艂nie w tych nowych, takich, kt贸re chc膮 spr贸bowa膰 swoich si艂.

completely in these new ones, those who want to try their hand.

Dlatego, 偶e umo偶liwimy im prac臋 ze sprz臋tem EG, kt贸ry normalnie nie jest tak

Because we will enable them to work with EG equipment, which is not normally available like this.

艂atwo od r臋ki dost臋pny, a ka偶da z grup b臋dzie mia艂a, mia艂a sw贸j sprz臋t, sw贸j czepek.

Readily available, and each group will have its own equipment, its own cap.

Tak, sw贸j czepek i b臋d膮 mogli sobie ubra膰, zebra膰 dane.

Yes, they can put on their cap and collect the data.

Ale tak偶e nasi wolontariusze pomog膮 obs艂ugiwa膰 go, bo na pewno jest to co艣

But our volunteers will also help to operate it, because it is definitely something.

nowego, a my pozwolimy w艂a艣nie pierwszy raz u偶y膰 tego, jak pobra膰 te dane, wi臋c na

new, and we will allow you to use this for the first time, like downloading this data, so to

pewno wiele nowych do艣wiadcze艅 i wiedzy. I dodatkowo zorganizujemy mentor贸w z

certainly many new experiences and knowledge. And additionally, we will organize mentors with

r贸偶nych dzia艂ek, 偶eby ka偶dy m贸g艂 zrealizowa膰 sw贸j pomys艂, ale te偶 z jak膮艣

various plots, so that everyone can realize their idea, but also with some

rad膮 i 偶eby rzeczywi艣cie wyszli z tego hackatonu z now膮 wiedz膮 i do艣wiadczeniem.

advice and to truly leave this hackathon with new knowledge and experience.

I my planujemy dwie kategorie.

We are planning two categories.

Wi臋c b臋d膮 bardziej projekty zwi膮zane z tworzeniem gier w艂a艣nie z tym

So there will be more projects related to game creation involving that.

interfejsem m贸zg-komputer, ale tak偶e z w艂a艣nie ulepszeniem 偶ycia

brain-computer interface, but also with enhancing life itself

codziennego, wi臋c tak jak ju偶 w艂a艣nie powiedzia艂e艣, mog膮 by膰 to jakie艣 pomys艂y

daily, so just as you said, these could be some ideas.

z w艂膮czaniem 艣wiat艂a, a mo偶e ju偶 co艣 bardziej ze sterowaniem czego艣.

with turning on the light, or maybe something more related to controlling something.

To tak od uczestnik贸w zale偶y, jak bardzo to b臋dzie zaawansowane i my艣l臋, 偶e

It depends on the participants how advanced it will be, and I think that

wiele projekt贸w ko艅cowo, to my nawet nie wpadniemy w tym momencie, co oni wymy艣l膮.

Many projects ultimately, we won't even realize at this moment what they will come up with.

Czyli po prostu w wa偶nym wypadku

So just in an important case.

na Heroes of the Middle East.

To the Heroes of the Middle East.

Brain b臋dzie dost臋p do sprz臋tu i tu jak gdyby fantazja i pomys艂owo艣膰

There will be access to the equipment and here, as it were, imagination and creativity.

uczestnik贸w mo偶e ich sprowadzi膰 w r贸偶ne miejsca, plus b臋dzie wsparcie mentor贸w.

Participants can lead them to various places, plus there will be support from mentors.

A powiedzcie mi, jak sztuczna inteligencja wpisuje si臋 w te

And tell me, how does artificial intelligence fit into this?

dzia艂ania, kt贸re robicie jako ko艂o naukowe?

What activities do you do as a scientific club?

Macie jakie艣 przyk艂ady wykorzystywania sztucznej inteligencji w tym, co robicie?

Do you have any examples of using artificial intelligence in what you do?

Tak, no chyba faktycznie wi臋kszo艣膰 naszych projekt贸w jest po prostu oparta na t膮

Yes, well, I think most of our projects are simply based on that.

sztuczn膮 inteligencj臋. Faktycznie, no s膮 new logiczn膮 cz臋艣ci膮

artificial intelligence. Indeed, they are a new logical part.

tego, co robimy, czyli zbieramy te dane i p贸藕niej te dane trzeba przetworzy膰.

What we are doing is collecting this data and then the data needs to be processed.

Nie no, do czata to jeszcze...

No, not yet for the chat...

Chocia偶 to jest jedna ciekawa praca, ale to mo偶e za chwil臋 akurat wspomn臋, z zesz艂ego roku.

Although this is an interesting job, I might mention it in a moment, from last year.



bierzemy sobie w艂a艣nie dane, musimy je przetworzy膰, tak jak wspomina艂em przez Iz臋,

we are currently taking the data, we need to process it, as I mentioned through Iza,

czyli najlepsz膮 opcj膮, 偶eby uzyska膰 to, czy np.

so the best option to obtain this is, for example.

ci膮gle b臋d臋 si臋 odwo艂a艂 od tego znudzenia, skupienia, bo to s膮 takie stany, kt贸re cz臋sto si臋 identyfikuje.

I will still refer to that boredom, focus, because those are states that are often identified.

Jak to zrobimy?

How will we do it?

Potrzebujemy modelu, czyli trzeba co艣 wycenowa膰, 偶eby w og贸le zidentyfikowa膰 te

We need a model, meaning we need to price something in order to identify these at all.

stany. Bez tego, no to nie ruszymy. Raczej...

States. Without that, we won't get moving. Rather...

Nie kojarz臋 nikogo, nie s艂ysza艂em, 偶eby kto艣 by艂 w stanie spojrze膰 na wykresy fal

I don't remember anyone; I haven't heard of anyone being able to look at wave charts.

m贸zgowych i powiedzie膰, o, tutaj trzecia sekunda, jeste艣 znudzony.

brain and say, oh, here鈥檚 the third second, you鈥檙e bored.

Jak w Matrixie lecia艂y te numerki i tylko ci ju偶 uprawieni to widzieli po tych numerkach, co si臋 dzieje, tak?

Just like in the Matrix, those numbers were flying by and only those who were already trained could see what was happening with those numbers, right?

Tak, no i p贸藕niej czterech cz艂onk贸w zespo艂u b臋dzie siedzie膰, patrze膰 po prostu na te ERG przez godzin臋.

Yes, and later four team members will sit and just look at those ERGs for an hour.

To ju偶 tysi臋czna godzina specjalizacji. O, ju偶 wszystko widz臋.

This is already the thousandth hour of specialization. Oh, I can see everything now.

Nie, w艂a艣nie dlatego to jest newelgiczna cz臋艣膰 tego wszystkiego.

No, that's exactly why this is the newelgic part of all of it.

Bez tego to te wszystkie paradygmaty, o kt贸rych by艂o wspominane, czy motor imagery,

Without this, all those paradigms that were mentioned, or motor imagery,

czy P300, nie jeste艣my w stanie po prostu zidentyfikowa膰, jak te fale,

Can we not simply identify how these waves are with P300?

a w jakim aktualnie stanie s膮 te fale.

And what is the current state of those waves?

Jest to jeden taki rzeczywi艣cie z wa偶niejszych 艂膮cznik贸w, 偶eby wykry膰 jakie艣

This is indeed one of the more important connectors to detect something.

zale偶no艣ci i w tym nam pomaga ta sztuczna inteligencja.

dependencies, and artificial intelligence helps us with this.

Jakie艣 du偶e modele, oczywi艣cie szeroka matematyka za tym.

Some large models, of course, there's broad mathematics behind it.

Jak rozumiem du偶o danych, du偶o...

As I understand, a lot of data, a lot...

Trzeba w nich jakie艣 prawid艂owo艣ci zaobserwowa膰, tak?

We need to observe some regularities in them, right?

Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, exactly.

Nawet czasem przy samym przetwarzaniu sygna艂贸w te偶 ju偶 si臋 stosuje sztuczn膮

Sometimes artificial intelligence is already used even in signal processing.

inteligencj臋, 偶eby ona ju偶 na tamtym poziomie wykry艂a jakie艣 wst臋pne

intelligence, so that it could detect some preliminary signs at that level already

zale偶no艣ci i np. pozwoli艂a nam wykluczy膰 dane, kt贸re nie s膮 potrzebne.

dependencies and, for example, allowed us to exclude data that is not needed.

A przy tym np.

And for example.

zmniejszy膰 wymiar danych, czyli to, 偶e potrzebujemy s艂absze komputery.

reduce the data dimension, meaning that we need weaker computers.

No bo jednak my pracujemy na swoich komputerach, wi臋c je艣li naraz tam damy

Well, we are working on our computers, so if we suddenly put it there.

tysi膮ce cech, tysi膮ce danych, no to nie damy rady nic z tym zrobi膰, bo b臋dzie si臋 to

thousands of features, thousands of data, well, we won't be able to do anything about it, because it will...

uczy艂o tygodniami.

It taught for weeks.

Komputer nie da rady, wi臋c czasem ta sztuczna inteligencja mo偶e ju偶 pom贸c na

The computer can't handle it, so sometimes this artificial intelligence can already help out.

tym poziomie, 偶eby wyodr臋bni膰 te cechy, kt贸re s膮 dla nas najwa偶niejsze, bo widzi

at this level, to extract those features that are most important to us, because it sees

jakie艣 zale偶no艣ci.

some dependencies.

Ale teraz jak powiedzia艂a艣, 偶e pracujecie na w艂asnych, prywatnych komputerach, to

But now that you mentioned you are working on your own, private computers, then

taka my艣l mi przysz艂a, 偶e to, co robicie, co wydaje si臋 takie, wiecie,

I had a thought that what you are doing seems so, you know,

bardzo zaawansowane, nie jest a偶 takie trudne, no bo skoro zwyk艂y laptop to

very advanced, it's not that difficult, well, since an ordinary laptop is

poci膮gnie na takim podstawowym poziomie, no to do pewnych wniosk贸w mo偶na doj艣膰 po

If it pulls at such a basic level, then certain conclusions can be drawn after...

prostu, je偶eli si臋 odrobin臋 cz艂owieka zainteresuje tematem, to nie trzeba jeszcze

Simply put, if you just slightly interest a person in the topic, then it's not necessary yet.

mie膰 tego, znacie, na fizyce rakietowej, 偶eby jakie艣 takie podstawowe rzeczy robi膰.

To have this, you know, in rocket physics, to do some basic things like that.

Dobrze to rozumiem?

Do I understand this correctly?

Troch臋 tak, ale chyba te偶 wa偶ny punkt to jest w艂a艣nie jakby te dane, 偶e trzeba je mie膰.

A little bit yes, but I think an important point is that you need to have that data.

S膮 te偶 platformy, kt贸re udost臋pniaj膮 dane i te偶 cz臋sto jak s膮 udost臋pnione, to

There are also platforms that provide data, and often when they are made available, then...

nie s膮 dobrze oznaczone, ale my艣l臋, 偶e to jest w艂a艣nie ten plus tego, 偶eby by膰

They are not well marked, but I think that's precisely the advantage of being.

jakby bycia w kole, to jest ten dost臋p do sprz臋tu.

It's like being in a circle, that's the access to the equipment.

Czyli w og贸le, 偶e my mamy w艂a艣nie t膮 kontrol臋 w tym pocz膮tkowym stadium, 偶e my

So basically, we have this control in this initial stage, that we

sobie mo偶emy wymy艣le膰 jakie艣 dane.

We can come up with some data.

My mo偶emy wymy艣le膰 do艣wiadczenie, zebra膰 te dane, no i potem je wytrenowa膰, no nawet

We can come up with an experience, gather that data, and then train it, well, even.

tutaj u siebie, ale chyba my艣l臋, 偶e te dane to te偶 jednak jest co艣 kluczowego w tym przypadku.

Here at home, but I think that this data is also something crucial in this case.

My艣l臋, 偶e te偶 bardzo wa偶na jest ta wiedza, bo je艣li kto艣 nie wie na czym si臋 skupi膰 i co

I think that this knowledge is also very important, because if someone does not know what to focus on and what

zrobi膰, to w艂a艣nie b臋dzie wsadza艂 wszystkie dane, nie b臋dzie ich przerabia艂, a w kole

to do, he will be inserting all the data, he won't be modifying it, and in a circle

te偶 mamy osoby, kt贸re na pewno pomog膮 od naszych opiekun贸w czy od innych cz艂onk贸w,

We also have people who will definitely help from our caregivers or other members.

kt贸rzy mog膮 mie膰 wi臋ksze do艣wiadczenia, wi臋c wszyscy si臋 od siebie uczymy i wiemy

who may have more experiences, so we all learn from each other and we know

jak to zrobi膰, 偶eby w艂a艣nie by艂o takie proste i mo偶e si臋 to takie wydawa膰, ale to jest

how to make it so that it is just that simple and it may seem that way, but it is

po ilu艣 godzinach nauki, obserwacji, analizy, szukanie jakich艣 nowych rozwi膮za艅.

after several hours of learning, observing, analyzing, looking for some new solutions.

Czyli jednak tak ca艂kiem w domu z YouTube'a tego nie wymy艣l臋, warto przyj艣膰 na uczelni臋.

So I definitely can't come up with this whole thing at home from YouTube, it's worth coming to university.

Tak, tak. My艣l臋, 偶e du偶o rzeczy na YouTube'ie jest s艂abiej opisane, a w艂a艣nie na uczelni,

Yes, yes. I think a lot of things on YouTube are poorly described, while at the university,

na wyk艂adach cz臋sto, wiadomo, 偶e nie na wszystkie, wiadomo, 偶e nie zawsze studenci

In lectures often, it is known that not all, it is known that students are not always.

s膮 super szcz臋艣liwi, ale ja uwa偶am, 偶e na uczelni bardzo du偶o si臋 nauczy艂am i nie

They are super happy, but I believe that I learned a lot at the university and I don't...

by艂abym w stanie tego samego nauczy膰 si臋 w domu przy laptopie.

I would be able to learn the same thing at home with a laptop.

Powiedzcie mi, jak jeste艣my przy uczelni, w jaki spos贸b uczelnia,

Tell me, how are we at the university, in what way is the university,

wydzia艂 wspieraj膮 nasze dzia艂ania?

Does the department support our activities?

Tak, tutaj zdecydowanie warto wspomnie膰 po prostu o promocji po prostu nawet samego ko艂a.

Yes, it's definitely worth mentioning here simply the promotion of the wheel itself.

Ta promocja jest do艣膰 wa偶na dla nas, bo tak przyci膮gamy te偶 nowe osoby do ko艂a.

This promotion is quite important for us because it also attracts new people to the group.

Bez tego, no to jak nie dotrzemy do nowych student贸w, do nowych cz艂onk贸w przysz艂ych,

Without this, how will we reach new students, new future members?

nie b臋dziemy mieli nowych os贸b, wi臋c po prostu ko艂o zacznie powoli sobie upada膰.

We won't have new people, so the circle will just start to slowly fall apart.

Tak偶e wa偶na jest ta promocja.

This promotion is also important.

Tutaj dzia艂 zdecydowanie promocji nam zawsze

Here, the promotion department definitely always helps us.

wspiera, udost臋pnia np. nasze sukcesy, ale opr贸cz tego to te偶

supports, shares for example our successes, but besides that it is also



Ale sobie my艣l臋, jak m贸wicie o tym zbieraniu danych, to ile艣 tych zestaw贸w musicie mie膰.

But I think to myself, when you talk about collecting data, you must have quite a few of those sets.

To nie tak, 偶e macie jeden na sp贸艂k臋, tylko troch臋 tego musicie mie膰 w ko艂ach.

It's not that you share one, but you need to have a bit of that in your wheels.

Nie, w艂a艣nie z czasem ju偶 coraz wi臋cej mamy tego sprz臋tu w艂a艣nie i dzi臋ki uczelni

No, in fact, we have more and more of this equipment over time, thanks to the university.

i te偶 sukcesom naszych, 偶e zdobywamy r贸偶ne rzeczy.

And also to the successes of ours, that we achieve different things.

Tak, to zdecydowanie, bo wi臋kszo艣膰 spr臋tu w ko艂a jednak jest zakupiona po prostu z

Yes, definitely, because most of the equipment in the wheels is simply purchased from

r贸偶nego rodzaju wniosk贸w czy te偶 po prostu te偶 nagr贸d, grant贸w mo偶na tutaj powiedzie膰.

various types of applications or simply also awards, grants one can mention here.

Wi臋c to jest my艣l臋 te偶 g艂贸wna rola tutaj

So I think this is also the main role here.

dla uczelni, kt贸ra pozwala nam na zakup takich sprz臋t贸w.

for the university that allows us to purchase such equipment.

A powiedzcie mi, czy zdarza Wam si臋

And tell me, do you ever happen to...

wsp贸艂pracowa膰 z jakimi艣 firmami, przedsi臋biorstwami?

to cooperate with some companies, enterprises?

Jak wygl膮da taka wsp贸艂praca?

What does such cooperation look like?

Teraz np. mamy, bo jak w og贸le organizujemy ten neurohackathon, no to musimy mie膰 te

Now, for example, we have to have these because if we are organizing this neurohackathon at all.

urz膮dzenia, no to nie mamy tych 32 urz膮dze艅 na sta艅.

Well, we don't have those 32 devices on standby.

My艣la艂em, 偶e to w艂a艣nie w艂a艣nie ten.

I thought it was exactly this one.

No nie, 32 nie mamy w og贸le, wi臋c tutaj nawi膮zali艣my wsp贸艂prac臋 z firm膮

Well, no, we don't have 32 at all, so here we have established cooperation with a company.

Brain Access, w艂a艣nie neurotechnologiczn膮, kt贸ra nam zapewnia te 16 opasek i 16

Brain Access, just a neurotechnology that provides us with these 16 bands and 16.

czepk贸w, wi臋c tutaj jakby to jest taka chyba

caps, so here it鈥檚 kind of like that

nasza jedna z wi臋kszych takich wsp贸艂pracy pierwszych, no ale my艣l臋, 偶e to tylko si臋

one of our bigger initial collaborations, well, I think it's only going to...

b臋dzie dalej rozwija膰, bo te偶 b臋dziemy na pewno dalej w og贸le kontaktowa膰 si臋 z

will continue to develop, because we will definitely still be in contact with

organizacjami takimi mi臋dzynarodowymi, 偶eby w艂a艣nie one te偶 nas rozpromowa艂y,

international organizations so that they can promote us as well,

cho膰by ten sam neurohackathon, 偶eby w og贸le by艂a jak najwi臋ksza liczba os贸b, kt贸ra w og贸le przyjedzie.

Even if it's the same neurohackathon, to ensure that the maximum number of people actually comes.

Warto艣ciowi ciekawi uczestnicy, kt贸rzy b臋d膮 mieli wysoki poziom, tak?

Valuable, interesting participants who will have a high level, right?

Te偶, te偶 na pewno.

Me too, for sure.

A jak widzicie przysz艂o艣膰 Waszego ko艂a? Jakie s膮 Wasze plany i ambicje?

And how do you see the future of your circle? What are your plans and ambitions?

Tak, zdecydowanie tutaj warto zaznaczy膰, 偶e

Yes, it's definitely worth noting here that

jest 艣wie偶e, poniewa偶 powsta艂o w 2023 roku, to by艂o w艂a艣nie za艂o偶enie tego ko艂a,

It is fresh because it was created in 2023, that was exactly the purpose of setting up this circle.

ale do tego czasu uda艂o nam si臋 uzyska膰 35 cz艂onk贸w, wi臋c jest to do艣膰 spora i do艣膰

But by that time we managed to get 35 members, so it's quite a large and quite.

my艣lewna organizacja tutaj na studiach i jak to widzimy w przysz艂o艣ci, wi臋c naszym

a contemplative organization here at university and how we see it in the future, so our

celem g艂贸wnie tutaj by艂o troch臋 usystematyzowanie tego wszystkiego

The main purpose here was to somewhat systematize all of this.

pod wzgl臋dem np. tego okresu wdro偶eniowego, jak wprowadzamy nowych cz艂onk贸w,

in terms of, for example, this implementation period, how we introduce new members,

poprawa tego, jak si臋 promujemy, jak funkcjonujemy.

improving how we promote ourselves, how we operate.

Takich rzeczy te偶 wizualnych np.

Such visual things, for example.

te偶 mamy te偶 bluzy, tutaj te偶 uczelnia, mo偶na powiedzie膰.

We also have hoodies, here is also the university, you could say.

Dla tych, kt贸rzy tylko s艂uchaj膮, warto uruchomi膰 na chwil臋 YouTube'a

For those who are just listening, it's worth turning on YouTube for a moment.

i poogl膮da膰 tutaj pi臋kn膮 identyfikacj臋 koszulki, bluzy, wszystko.

And to look at the beautiful identification of t-shirts, hoodies, everything here.

Tak, dok艂adnie. Albo zapraszamy na naszego fanpage'a, tutaj te偶 warto wspomnie膰.

Yes, exactly. Or we invite you to our fan page, it's also worth mentioning here.

No w艂a艣nie.


Tak. I jaka przysz艂o艣膰?

Yes. And what future?

Zdecydowanie chcemy te偶 przyj膮膰 nowe osoby.

We definitely want to welcome new people as well.

Zadejemy, 偶eby nasze ko艂o si臋 rozrasta艂o, 偶eby艣my utrzymywali po prostu sta艂膮 liczb臋 cz艂onk贸w, 偶eby艣my

We will strive for our circle to grow, so that we simply maintain a stable number of members, so that we...

byli do艣膰 spor膮 grup膮, kt贸ra b臋dzie szerzy膰 po prostu t膮 neuroinformatyk臋, pokazywa膰

they were quite a large group that will simply promote this neuroinformatics, showing

j膮, stawiamy te偶 na praktyk臋, wi臋c chcemy mie膰 jak najwi臋cej tych projekt贸w, jak

We also focus on practice, so we want to have as many of these projects as possible, as...

najwi臋cej robi膰 nowych, fajnych, ciekawych rzeczy i dzieli膰 si臋 wiedz膮.

to do the most new, cool, interesting things and share knowledge.

I tak jak m贸wi艂e艣, nowe osoby dostaj膮 zadania, wi臋c tych projekt贸w mo偶na robi膰 w

And as you said, new people are getting tasks, so these projects can be done in

zasadzie ka偶demu jakie艣 zadanie da膰. Podejrzewam te偶, 偶e po takim hackatonie to

Basically, give everyone some task. I also suspect that after such a hackathon, it...

te偶 tych pomys艂贸w b臋dzie od groma do realizacji.

There will also be a ton of ideas to implement.

Ale w艂a艣nie teraz, gdyby艣my si臋 na chwil臋

But right now, if we could just take a moment...

zastanawia膰, czy p贸j艣膰 do waszego ko艂a, do jakiego艣 innego.

I am wondering whether to join your group or another one.

U was na wydziale jest sporo z tych k贸艂, wi臋c to na pewno jest trudny wyb贸r.

You have quite a few of those clubs in your department, so it must be a difficult choice.

Jakie s膮 korzy艣ci z bycia cz艂onkiem w kole naukowym?

What are the benefits of being a member of a scientific club?

Ja my艣l臋, 偶e bym zacz臋艂a od tego, 偶e my rzeczywi艣cie chcemy co艣 zrobi膰.

I think that I would start by saying that we really want to do something.

My艣l臋, 偶e te偶 mo偶na to powiedzie膰, 偶e jednak celujemy w to, 偶eby by膰 tym ko艂em

I think it can also be said that we aim to be that wheel.

strategicznym, ko艅cem ko艅c贸w, 偶eby by膰 tym ko艂em strategicznym.

strategic, ultimately, to be that strategic wheel.



jakby to, co w og贸le po pierwsze jest korzy艣ci膮, to to, 偶e my rzeczywi艣cie

It seems that the first benefit is that we actually

dzia艂amy i to nie jest jakie艣 po prostu ko艂o widmo,

we are taking action and this is not just some phantom wheel,

bo jest gdzie艣 po prostu na wydziale i nic nie robi.

because he's just somewhere in the department and doing nothing.

Wi臋c my rzeczywi艣cie jeste艣my tym wiod膮cym ko艂em, my艣l臋, 偶e u nas na wydziale i te偶 tym

So we are indeed the leading wheel, I think, in our department and also that.

jednym, kt贸re b臋dzie zaraz najbardziej wiod膮cych w og贸le na Politechnice.

one that will soon be among the leading ones at the Polytechnic.

Wi臋c to jest na pewno to. Czyli kolejna rzecz w og贸le dost臋p do tego sprz臋tu, tak jak

So this is definitely it. So the next thing is access to this equipment, just like

powiedzia艂am, dost臋p do sprz臋tu jest jednak kluczowy w tym przypadku tutaj.

I said, access to equipment is crucial in this case here.

W og贸le kontakt z lud藕mi. My艣l臋, 偶e mamy naprawd臋 fajny zesp贸艂 i te spotkania nie

At all, contact with people. I think we have a really nice team and these meetings don't...

tylko w艂a艣nie naukowe, ale te偶 potem integracyjne, jakie艣 wyjazdy.

only scientific ones, but also later integrative ones, some trips.

I to te偶 my艣l臋, 偶e warto wspomnie膰 w艂a艣nie, 偶e jakby

And I also think it's worth mentioning that like

dlaczego w og贸le cho膰by by膰 na Politechnice, czy te偶 w og贸le w jakim艣 kole.

Why even be at the Polytechnic or in any other association at all?

Teraz jak jechali艣my na ten neurohekaton

Now, as we were going to that neurohecaton.

w艂a艣nie do Wiednia, to wszystko by艂o zasponsorowane przez Politechnik臋.

I just went to Vienna, everything was sponsored by the Polytechnic.

Praktycznie wszystko.

Practically everything.

Wi臋c tutaj jakby te偶 nam w og贸le daje takie mo偶liwo艣ci, 偶eby gdziekolwiek pojecha膰.

So here it also gives us the opportunity to go anywhere.

I to w艂a艣nie wsp贸lnie. I tu my艣l臋, 偶e ka偶dy z nas b臋dzie, bo tutaj akurat wszyscy

And it is precisely together. I think that each of us will be here, because here everyone is present.

byli艣my, dobrze wspomina膰 ten wyjazd i w艂a艣nie te偶 du偶o si臋 nauczyli艣my, ale

we were, fondly reminiscing about this trip and we also learned a lot, but

my艣l臋, 偶e te偶 by艂o po prostu takie przyjemne w艂a艣nie ze wzgl臋du na to, 偶e w og贸le mamy

I think it was just so enjoyable because we have it at all.

z wszystkimi lud藕mi. I te偶 my艣l臋, 偶e w og贸le tak wzajemnie troch臋 nap臋dzamy i mamy

with all people. I also think that we somewhat motivate each other and we have

jakie艣 tutaj takie za艂o偶enia. I z mojej perspektywy to my艣l臋, 偶e same w og贸le

Some assumptions here. And from my perspective, I think that overall...

bycie w kole jest o wiele bardziej ciekawe ni偶 samo bycie na studiach.

Being in a circle is much more interesting than just being in college.

Jednak bycie w kole to jest taka chyba najlepsza rzecz, jaka w og贸le mo偶e by膰 na studiach.

However, being in a circle is probably the best thing that can happen in college.

I te偶 tak jakby w og贸le ma si臋 takie hands on experience, a nie, 偶e tylko co艣 si臋 tam

And also it's like having that hands-on experience, not just that you're doing something there.

czyta, tylko rzeczywi艣cie co艣 robimy. Tak, tak. Bierzesz ten sprz臋t do r臋ki, ka偶dego

reads, we are really doing something. Yes, yes. You take this equipment in your hands, everyone.

i widzisz jakie艣 tam wyniki, a nie tylko skrypty, skrypty i matematyka.

And do you see any results there, and not just scripts, scripts, and math?

Nie wiem, my艣l臋, 偶e na pewno s膮 jeszcze jakie艣 korzy艣ci.

I don't know, I think there are definitely still some benefits.

Tak i warto tutaj wspomnie膰 zdecydowanie po prostu, jak np.

Yes, it is definitely worth mentioning here, simply, like for example.

wyr贸偶niamy si臋 na tle innych k贸艂 po prostu, to stawiamy t膮 multidyscyplinalno艣膰.

We stand out among other circles simply by emphasizing this multidisciplinarity.

Mamy jednak t膮 neuroinformatyk臋 jako nasz g艂贸wny cz艂on, czyli to nie jest tylko po

However, we have this neuroinformatics as our main component, so it's not just about...

prostu klepanie kodu, po prostu nie siedzimy tylko przed komputerami i nie klefimy tego

Just coding, we don't just sit in front of computers and whip this up.

kodu, tylko te偶 faktycznie mamy eksperymenty, mamy tutaj t膮 cz臋艣膰 naukow膮 w og贸le. Przerobi膰 prace,

code, we actually have experiments, we have this scientific part here at all. To revise the work,

dowiedzie膰 si臋 czego艣, jak nasz m贸zg funkcjonuje.

to learn something about how our brain functions.

To s膮 takie, wychodzicie daleko poza to, czego by si臋 cz艂owiek m贸g艂 spodziewa膰 po

These are such that you go far beyond what one could expect from

waszym wydziale informatyki i telekomunikacji, no bo to troch臋 te偶 biologia,

in your department of computer science and telecommunications, because it's also a bit of biology,

troch臋 te偶 jakie艣 elementy spo艂eczne, w sensie rozumiem, 偶e jak kto艣 idzie i ma,

a bit of social elements as well, in the sense that I understand that when someone goes and has,

potrzebuje si臋 zbada膰 te fale m贸zgowe, to on musi jakie艣 rzeczy robi膰 i troch臋

I need to examine these brain waves, so he has to do some things and a bit.

zahaczamy te偶 jakie艣 eksperymenty spo艂eczne.

We also touch on some social experiments.

Troch臋 tak. Ja my艣l臋, 偶e wa偶ne jest te偶 powiedzie膰 to, 偶e osoba przychodz膮ca do

A little bit. I think it's also important to say that the person coming to...

naszegooko艂a nie musia艂a ju偶 mie膰 przed

Our surroundings no longer had to be before.

tego do艣wiadczenia, bo tak jak powiedzieli艣my, mamy ten okres wdro偶eniowy.

this experience, because as we said, we have this implementation period.

Wi臋c my艣l臋, 偶e to jest taka fajna mo偶liwo艣膰, 偶eby sprawdzi膰 si臋 w czym艣

So I think it's a great opportunity to test myself in something.

nowym, czym艣, co jednak na w艂a艣nie wydziale informatycznym, no nie ma jednak tej

new, something that, however, in the faculty of computer science, well, it doesn't have this after all

neuroinformatyki, nie s艂ysza艂am, 偶eby na jakimkolwiek tutaj kierunku by艂a.

Neuroinformatics, I haven't heard of it being offered in any program here.

A jest to nowe mo偶liwo艣ci, nowe projekty.

And these are new opportunities, new projects.

Jest to w艂a艣nie te偶 przede wszystkim ta

This is primarily that as well.

praca zespo艂owa, to o czym m贸wimy, 偶e wa偶ni s膮 ci ludzie, 偶e du偶o si臋 od siebie

teamwork, that's what we talk about, that these people are important, that we learn a lot from each other

uczymy i jest to co艣 innego ni偶 siedzenie samemu w pokoju, przed komputerem.

we teach and it is something different than sitting alone in a room in front of a computer.

A po prostu praca razem i nowe pomys艂y, bo nap臋dzamy si臋 w艂a艣nie nawzajem.

It's just about working together and new ideas, because we drive each other forward.

Taki element synergii wyst臋puje.

Such an element of synergy occurs.

Tak, dok艂adnie.

Yes, exactly.

Kto艣 wpadnie na co艣, kto艣 wpadnie na co艣 kolejnego i kolejnego i kolejnego.

Someone will come up with something, someone will come up with something else, and something else, and something else.

I nagle robicie mi wykrywacz k艂amstwa.

And suddenly you make me a lie detector.

Dobrze, a powiedzcie mi, jak my艣licie, bo jeste艣cie

Well, tell me, what do you think, because you are...

m艂odym ko艂em, nie wiecie, co b臋d膮 robili wasi absolwenci po kole naukowym, ale

young circle, you don鈥檛 know what your graduates will be doing after the scientific circle, but

jak s膮dzicie, jak wasze do艣wiadczenia zdobyte w艂a艣nie w kole

What do you think, what are your experiences gained specifically in the circle?

naukowym przyczyni膮 si臋 do waszych przysz艂ych karier?

Will they contribute to your future careers?

Tak, opowiadali艣my o tej przysz艂o艣ci troch臋, 偶e to b臋dzie coraz wi臋cej tego wszystkiego

Yes, we talked a bit about that future, that there will be more and more of all this.

w naszych 偶yciach, wi臋cej interfejs贸w m贸zg贸w, komputery, w艂a艣nie to w艂膮czanie

in our lives, more brain interfaces, computers, just turning that on

艣wiat艂a czy cokolwiek. My艣l臋, 偶e rynek zacznie si臋 otwiera膰 coraz szerzej.

lights or anything. I think the market will start to open up wider and wider.

Aktualnie s膮 to do艣膰, my艣l臋, ma艂a liczba w por贸wnaniu np.

Currently, they are quite, I think, a small number in comparison, for example.

do innych takich ga艂臋zi sztucznej inteligencji, 偶e tutaj np.

to other such branches of artificial intelligence, that here for example.

pracy w neuroinformatyce jeszcze nie ma a偶 tak du偶o, ale b臋dziesz to zwi臋ksza膰 na pewno.

There isn't that much work in neuroinformatics yet, but you will definitely increase it.

I same umiej臋tno艣ci to nie jest tylko, 偶e

These same skills are not just that

jeste艣my jednopostrze偶nowi, 偶e tylko jeste艣my w stanie dzia艂a膰 w neuroinformatyce.

We are one-dimensional, being only capable of operating in neuroinformatics.

To s膮 umiej臋tno艣ci z zakresu przetwarzania

These are skills in the area of processing.

sygna艂贸w, to s膮 umiej臋tno艣ci z zakresu przetwarzania danych, tej sztucznej

signals, these are skills in data processing, this artificial

inteligencji, czy takie typowo naukowe, takie bioinformatyczne, m贸g艂bym powiedzie膰

intelligence, or something typically scientific, something bioinformatics-related, I could say

po prostu, wi臋c to s膮 umiej臋tno艣ci, kt贸re s膮, my艣l臋, szeroko rozchwytywane.

Just so, these are skills that I think are in high demand.

Tacy b臋dziecie pionierami po prostu neuroinformatyki.

You will simply be pioneers of neuroinformatics.

I pewnie jak kto艣 si臋 zorientuje, 偶e

And probably when someone realizes that

potrzebuje takiego pracownika, no to wtedy b臋dziecie, a jest nas tylko 30,

I need such an employee, so then you will be, and there are only 30 of us.

zastanawia si臋, czy mog臋 dla ciebie pracowa膰.

He wonders if I can work for you.

A co by艣cie doradzili studentom, kt贸rzy nie s膮 zaanga偶owani w 偶adn膮 dzia艂alno艣膰 studenck膮?

What would you advise students who are not involved in any student activities?

呕eby si臋 zaanga偶owa膰, to na pewno.

To get involved, for sure.

Bo to w og贸le otwiera w og贸le ca艂kowicie inne 偶ycie.

Because it opens up a completely different life altogether.

Te偶 nie wiem, tak naprawd臋 to, co chyba z w艂asnych do艣wiadcze艅 mog艂abym

I don't know either, really, what I could say from my own experiences.

doradzi膰, to 偶eby pr贸bowa膰 po prostu, no jak nie to ko艂o, to inne, 偶eby rzeczywi艣cie

to advise to just try, well if not this way, then another, so that indeed

pr贸bowa膰. Ja to chyba w og贸le zanim trafi艂am typowo ju偶 do neurona, to by艂o moje trzecie ko艂o dopiero.

I think before I ended up in a typical neuron, it was only my third attempt.

I dopiero tutaj si臋 odnalaz艂am.

And only here did I find myself.

I zosta艂am. Wi臋c tak, 偶eby pr贸bowa膰.

And I stayed. So yes, to try.

I naprawd臋, 偶eby by膰 w jakimkolwiek, 偶eby

And really, to be in any way, to...

co艣 robi膰 potem, bo to w og贸le inny 艣wiat otwiera.

to do something later, because it opens a completely different world.

I to, 偶eby w艂a艣nie po prostu funkcjonowa膰 jako艣 na tej uczelni, nie tylko, 偶e ko艅czy si臋

And that in order to simply function at this university, not just that it ends.

na wyk艂adzie po prostu, wychodz臋 z wyk艂adu, wracam do domu, tylko w艂a艣nie faktycznie

In the lecture, I simply leave the lecture, and I go back home, that's actually the case.

tutaj jest pole do integracji, pole w艂a艣nie do poznania nowych, ciekawych ludzi.

Here is a space for integration, a space to meet new, interesting people.

Po co mi akademik? Mam ko艂o naukowe, tak?

Why do I need a dormitory? I have a scientific circle, right?

Tak, dok艂adnie. Tutaj w艂a艣nie te integracje, to nie tylko w艂a艣nie pracujemy nad

Yes, exactly. Here, these integrations, we are not only working on...

fajnymi projektami, tylko chodzimy na te integracje, te wyjazdy, to wszystko. Jest okazja, 偶eby

cool projects, we just go to those integrations, those trips, that's all. There is an opportunity to

nawet te偶 my艣l臋, 偶e pozna膰 po prostu troch臋 艣wiata.

I also think that it's good to simply get to know a little bit of the world.

No i te偶 dawno, dawno temu ludzie byli 艂膮czeni w grupy na studia.

Well, a long, long time ago, people were grouped together for studies.

Tak偶e z t膮 sam膮 grup膮 si臋 zaczyna艂o, si臋 przechodzi艂o ca艂y tok studi贸w.

It also started with the same group, going through the entire course of studies.

No na Politechnice jest tak, 偶e chyba ju偶 od drugiego semestru wybiera si臋 te zaj臋cia,

Well, at the Polytechnic, it is such that you probably choose these classes starting from the second semester.

kt贸re nam pasuj膮, bo wyk艂adowca, bo takie godziny nam pasuj膮 itd.

which suit us, because of the lecturer, because those hours suit us, etc.

Wi臋c nie ma takich mocnych, silnych wi臋zi mi臋dzy grupami.

So there are no such strong, powerful bonds between the groups.

Natomiast w艂a艣nie w ko艂ach naukowych, w

In scientific circles, however, in

organizacjach studenckich jest szansa takie wi臋zi zbudowa膰, bo nagle jest grupa, z kt贸r膮

in student organizations there is a chance to build such bonds, because suddenly there is a group with which

trzy lata na przyk艂ad ca艂ego pierwszego stopnia czy wi臋cej, je偶eli p贸jdziemy na

three years for example for the entire first degree or more, if we go to

drugi stopie艅, czy to b臋d膮 te same osoby, plus minus,

second degree, will it be the same people, plus or minus,

wiadomo, b臋d膮 troszk臋 si臋 zmienia艂y. Czyli zast臋pujemy to, co kiedy艣 by艂o tymi

Of course, they will change a little. So we are replacing what used to be with these.

typowymi grupami, tak jak rodzice opowiadaj膮, 偶e no, a z tym tam z czwartej grupy, no to tam

typical groups, just as parents say, well, and with that one from the fourth group, well, there

pi臋膰 lat studi贸w, wszystkie wyk艂ady, wszystkie notatki i wszystkie imprezy, nie?

Five years of studies, all the lectures, all the notes, and all the parties, right?

My艣l臋, 偶e tak.

I think so.

Tak, no i my艣l臋, 偶e przede wszystkim jest to fajne do艣wiadczenie w艂a艣nie do pracy, 偶e robi艂o si臋 ju偶 co艣 ciekawszego i taki

Yes, and I think that above all it is a nice experience for work, that you have already done something more interesting and such.

te偶 fajny wst臋p, bo jednak cz臋sto pracuje si臋 w takich zespo艂ach.

A nice introduction as well, because you often work in such teams.

A jednak w czasie toku studi贸w s膮 te projekty, ale to nie jest to samo, jak na

And yet during the course of studies there are these projects, but it's not the same as at

przyk艂ad rok tworzy si臋 jeden projekt i rzeczywi艣cie trzeba dba膰 o kontakty,

an example is that one project is created in a year and indeed one has to take care of the contacts,

komunikacj臋 i rozwi膮zywa膰 czasem jakie艣 problemy.

communicate and sometimes solve some problems.

Przygotowanie pod to, co b臋dzie dzia艂a艂o w robocie, bo w pracy nie pracujemy indywidualnie,

Preparation for what will work in the job, because we do not work individually at work.

tylko raczej w艂a艣nie wszyscy gramy do jednej bramki, staramy si臋 jak najlepiej, 偶eby co艣 osi膮gn膮膰.

It's just that we all play for the same goal, we try our best to achieve something.

A powiedzcie mi, czy waszym zdaniem s膮 jakie艣 zagro偶enia wynikaj膮ce z dzia艂alno艣ci studenckiej?

And tell me, do you think there are any dangers arising from student activities?

Zaniedbanie snu, my艣l臋 jedynie.

Neglecting sleep, I think only.

No i mo偶e zaniedbanie studi贸w na rzecz w艂a艣nie ko艂a albo czego艣.

Well, maybe neglecting studies for the sake of the club or something.

Ale my艣l臋, 偶e to jest warte wszystkiego.

But I think it's worth everything.

My艣l臋, 偶e to tylko jak kto艣 si臋 za mocno wci膮gnie, a czy to jest 藕le, jak kto艣 ma tak膮 pasj臋?

I think it's only if someone gets too carried away, but is it wrong for someone to have such a passion?

Zw艂aszcza, 偶e wy wejdziecie te czapki i m贸wi膮, hej id藕 spa膰.

Especially since you will put on those hats and say, hey go to sleep.

Macie ju偶 tak膮 aplikacj臋?

Do you already have such an application?

Nie, nie, raczej chyba nie wiedzie膰 takich rzeczy.

No, no, I probably shouldn't know such things.

Ko艂o pi膮tku tam id藕, mo偶e ju偶 si臋 wy艣pij.

Go there around Friday, maybe you will have had enough sleep by then.

Nie, nie ma zagro偶e艅, zapraszamy.

No, there are no threats, we invite you.

Zapraszacie, polecacie.

You invite, you recommend.



Dzi臋kuj臋 wam bardzo w takim razie.

Thank you very much then.

Do zobaczenia, us艂yszenia.

See you, hear you.

To mo偶e jeszcze tylko opowiedzcie na koniec,

So maybe just tell us at the end,

gdyby kto艣 by艂 na waszym wydziale, czy w og贸le nie musi by膰 z naszego wydzia艂u?

If someone were at your faculty, does it not have to be from our faculty at all?

Nie, ja na przyk艂ad nie jestem.

No, for example, I am not.

Kiedy was szuka膰? Czy macie takie rekrutacje, 偶e tylko w pa藕dzierniku przez dwa tygodnie

When should I look for you? Do you have recruitments that only happen in October for two weeks?

trzeba si臋 zg艂osi膰, czy w ka偶dej chwili mo偶na do was do艂膮czy膰, jak to wygl膮da?

Do we need to sign up, or can we join you at any time? How does that work?

Tak, tutaj sporo wygl膮da nast臋puj膮co, 偶e cz臋sto w trakcie takich du偶ych wydarze艅 na

Yes, here it often looks like this during such large events at

uczelni naszych, czyli Dni Aktywno艣ci Studenckiej, wtedy si臋 wystawiamy.

our university's, that is, Student Activity Days, then we showcase ourselves.

Mamy nasze stoisko, mo偶na do nas podej艣膰, z nami porozmawia膰.

We have our booth, you can come up to us and talk to us.

Mo偶na zobaczy膰 ten sprz臋t, bo ten sprz臋t pokazujemy, wi臋c...

You can see this equipment because we are showing this equipment, so...

A 偶e od razu zbieracie dane przy okazji?

Oh, so you are collecting data right away as well?

Nie, nie, trzeba mie膰 chyba pozwolenie.

No, no, you probably need a permit.

Tak, pozwolenie, wi臋c tutaj nie ma takiej samowolki, ale mo偶na pogra膰 w fajne gry,

Yes, permission, so there is no such unauthorized action here, but you can play cool games.

albo pobawi膰 si臋 z samym sprz臋tem, wi臋c to jest to.

or have fun with the equipment itself, so that's it.

I w tych momentach zazwyczaj otwieramy rekrutacje, bo wtedy mamy szans臋 doj艣膰 do

And in those moments, we usually open recruitment because then we have a chance to reach

najwi臋kszej liczby os贸b i prawdopodobnie takie rekrutacje najcz臋艣ciej odbywaj膮 si臋

the largest number of people and probably such recruitment takes place most frequently

marzec, kwiecie艅 i pa藕dziernik, listopad.

March, April and October, November.

Jasne, czyli na pocz膮tku ka偶dego semestru mo偶na w okolicach Dni Aktywno艣ci

Sure, so at the beginning of each semester, it can be around the Days of Activity.

Studenckiej was 艂apa膰 i nie trzeba by膰 z W4.

You could catch a student and it doesn't have to be from W4.

Mo偶na przyj艣膰, je偶eli kogo艣 to interesuje, to mo偶e si臋 zaanga偶owa膰.

You can come, if anyone is interested, they can get involved.

Tak i to, co na pewno mo偶na robi膰, to przez ca艂y czas nas obserwowa膰 na Facebooku,

Yes, and what you can definitely do is follow us on Facebook all the time.

LinkedInie, Instagramie, wsz臋dzie mamy tak naprawd臋 jakie艣 konta.

On LinkedIn, Instagram, we actually have accounts everywhere.

No i po prostu by膰 na bie偶膮co z tym, co si臋 dzieje, bo te偶...

Well, just to stay updated on what's happening, because...

A macie tak膮 aplikacj臋, 偶e sobie my艣l臋 o po艣cie na LinkedInie i on tam si臋 sam tworzy?

Do you have an app that creates a LinkedIn post for me when I think about it?

Jeszcze nie, to troch臋 skomplikowane bardziej.

Not yet, it's a bit more complicated.

My艣l臋, 偶e tutaj

I think that here.

jednak te inwazyjne

however, these invasive

zastosowania by si臋 przyda艂y, niestety.

Applications would be useful, unfortunately.

Ale to rozumiem, 偶e...

But I understand that...

To jeszcze za rok, za rok, okej.

So it's for next year, next year, okay.

Tak jak wspomina艂em np.

As I mentioned, for example.

w艂a艣nie o tej jednej aplikacji, o kt贸rej mia艂em tutaj podr贸偶, ChargeGPT, bo w艂a艣nie

about that one application, the one I was supposed to travel to, ChargeGPT, because just

wykorzystuj膮c taki du偶y model j臋zykowy, w zesz艂ym roku uda艂o si臋 stworzy膰 takie

By using such a large language model, last year it was possible to create such a thing.

rozwi膮zanie, wk艂adamy kogo艣 do rezonansu magnetycznego,

solution, we put someone in an MRI scanner,

on sobie s艂ucha podcast贸w, taki jak ten np.

He listens to podcasts, like this one for example.

i trenujemy nasz model.

And we are training our model.

P贸藕niej tak膮 osob臋 znowu mo偶emy wsun膮膰 do tego rezonansu magnetycznego i

Later, we can insert such a person back into the magnetic resonance imaging and

stworzy膰 my艣li. Nie by艂o to a偶 tak szczeg贸艂owe.

create thoughts. It wasn't that detailed.

Wiadomo, to nie jest jeden do jednego, ale tam by艂y takie...

Of course, it's not a one-to-one translation, but there were such...

Ale czy my艣la艂 o wakacjach, czy my艣la艂 o robocie?

But was he thinking about vacation, or was he thinking about work?

Tak, tam by艂y takie przyk艂ady, 偶e np.

Yes, there were such examples, for instance.

za艂贸偶my, 偶e Ania chodzi akurat na kurs prawa jazdy.

Let's assume that Ania is currently attending a driving course.

Ania zaczyna je藕dzi膰, to by艂o t艂umaczenie tego modelu, wi臋c by艂o to do艣膰 zbli偶one i

Ania is starting to drive, it was a translation of this model, so it was quite similar and

to jest te偶, my艣l臋, 艣wie偶a informacja, bo to jest z zesz艂ego roku, dos艂ownie 2023 si臋 pojawi艂o.

This is also, I think, fresh information, because it is from last year, literally it appeared in 2023.

Ciekawe, ciekawe.

Interesting, interesting.

Czyli ju偶 nawet nie mo偶na o czym艣

So you can't even talk about something anymore.

pomy艣le膰, bo ju偶 wszyscy b臋d膮 wiedzieli, jak kto艣 nas sadzi do rezonansu.

to think, because soon everyone will know how someone is putting us in for an MRI.

No, tylko na szczycie to jest takie dosy膰

No, only at the top it's quite enough.

du偶e urz膮dzenie, tak na ulicy, tylko kto艣 podejdzie, prosz臋 tu na chwil臋 wej艣膰.

A large device, like on the street, just when someone approaches, please step in here for a moment.

Dobrze, dzi臋kuj臋 wam bardzo.

Alright, thank you very much.

Tak jak wspomnia艂a艣, zapraszamy do social medi贸w, do obserwowania linkiny Facebook i

As you mentioned, we invite you to our social media to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and

Instagramy. W opisie odcinka oczywi艣cie wszystkie wasze sociale, wi臋c je偶eli kto艣

Instagram. In the episode description, of course, all your socials, so if someone

zainteresowa艂o Ko艂o Naukowe Neuron, to zapraszam.

The Neuron Scientific Circle is interested, so I invite you.

Oczywi艣cie zapraszam do obserwowania

Of course, I invite you to follow.

akademickiego Radia Luz oraz podcastu PWR po godzinach, gdzie wywiady z Ko艂ami

academic Radio Luz and the PWR after hours podcast, where interviews with the circles

Naukowymi i Organizacjami Studenckimi Politechniki Wroc艂awskiej.

Scientific and Student Organizations of Wroc艂aw University of Technology.

Do zobaczenia, do us艂yszenia.

See you, hear you later.

Do zobaczenia. Do zobaczenia.

See you. See you.

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