45 kraj贸w i 50 stan贸w w 30 dni 馃實 | Interesy #49 | Bartek Majewski | "Nie b贸j si臋 b艂膮dzi膰" | J. Bezos

Bartosz Majewski

Interesy: podcast Majewskiego

45 kraj贸w i 50 stan贸w w 30 dni 馃實 | Interesy #49 | Bartek Majewski | "Nie b贸j si臋 b艂膮dzi膰" | J. Bezos

Interesy: podcast Majewskiego

Dzie艅 dobry Pa艅stwu, nazywam si臋 Bartosz Majewski, a to s膮 interesy o Invent & Wonder,

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bartosz Majewski, and these are the affairs of Invent & Wonder.

kt贸r膮, no niestety, kto艣 przet艂umaczy艂 na polski jako Nie b贸j si臋 b艂膮dzi膰.

which, unfortunately, someone translated into Polish as Don't be afraid to wander.

Napisa艂 j膮 za艂o偶yciel Amazona oczywi艣cie, czyli Jeff Bezos.

It was written by the founder of Amazon, of course, that is Jeff Bezos.

Ksi膮偶ka zosta艂a wydana w 2020, a w Polsce pojawi艂a si臋 rok p贸藕niej.

The book was published in 2020 and appeared in Poland a year later.

Ta ksi膮偶ka sk艂ada si臋 z trzech element贸w.

This book consists of three elements.

W pierwszym jest wst臋p, kt贸rym moim zdaniem napisa艂 najwybitniejszy wsp贸艂czesny biograf Walter Isaacson.

In the first one, there is an introduction that, in my opinion, was written by the most outstanding contemporary biographer, Walter Isaacson.

Zrobi艂em zreszt膮 o jego biografii Ilona Muska odcinek numer 21.

I actually made episode number 21 about the biography of Elon Musk.

Druga cz臋艣膰 to wyb贸r list贸w do akcjonariuszy napisanych przez autora, czyli Jeffa Bezosa,

The second part is a selection of letters to shareholders written by the author, namely Jeff Bezos.

gdy by艂 na stanowisku prezesa zarz膮du Amazona.

when he was the CEO of Amazon.

Trzecia to wyb贸r tekst贸w i przem贸wie艅 napisanych przez Bezosa na przestrzeni lat.

The third is a selection of texts and speeches written by Bezos over the years.

Ja troch臋 postrzegam t膮 ksi膮偶k臋 jako po偶egnanie z prezesur膮,

I see this book somewhat as a farewell to the presidency.

bo nied艂ugo po opublikowaniu tej ksi膮偶ki Bezos zako艅czy艂 swoj膮 przygod臋 na pozycji CEO Amazona

Because shortly after the publication of this book, Bezos ended his journey as CEO of Amazon.

i przesun膮艂 si臋 na pozycj臋 executive chairmana.

and moved to the position of executive chairman.

On zreszt膮 nadal pozostaje najwi臋kszym akcjonariuszem sp贸艂ki nawet po tylu latach i serii sprzeda偶y akcji.

He still remains the largest shareholder of the company even after all these years and a series of share sales.

Ale pos艂uchajcie jak wygl膮da艂 start Amazona, bo wygl膮da艂 naprawd臋 imponatycznie.

But listen to how Amazon's start looked, because it was truly impressive.

Ju偶 w pierwszym miesi膮cu, opieraj膮c si臋 g艂贸wnie na marketingu szeptanym,

Already in the first month, relying mainly on word-of-mouth marketing,

Amazon realizowa艂 zlecenia we wszystkich 50 stanach oraz 45 krajach na 艣wiecie.

Amazon fulfilled orders in all 50 states and 45 countries around the world.

Pierwszy miesi膮c 50 stan贸w, 45 kraj贸w, g艂贸wnie w oparciu o to, 偶e klienci sobie polecaj膮 klient贸w.

The first month, 50 states, 45 countries, mostly based on clients recommending clients to each other.

No tak wygl膮da product market fit.

Well, that's what product market fit looks like.

Ewidentnie gigantyczny by艂 ten rynek i by艂 gotowy na przyj艣cie Amazona.

Clearly, this market was gigantic and ready for Amazon's arrival.

A przypominam, 偶e w tamtym czasie to by艂 tylko sklep z ksi膮偶kami.

I remind you that at that time it was just a bookstore.

Nie sprzedawali jeszcze wszystkiego tak jak teraz.

They haven't sold everything like they do now.

Na pewno...

For sure...

Bez Amazona nie by艂oby jednak wielu innych biznes贸w i wcale nie tylko e-commerce'owych.

Without Amazon, there wouldn't be many other businesses, and not only e-commerce ones.

Ile biznes贸w by nie powsta艂o albo nie rozwin臋艂o si臋 dlatego, 偶e ca艂y 艣wiat nie zyska艂 dost臋pu do literatury o biznesie.

How many businesses would not have been established or developed because the whole world did not gain access to literature on business?

Ilu mened偶er贸w, marketer贸w, handlowc贸w, programist贸w nie przeczyta艂oby g贸ry ksi膮偶ek po angielsku, kt贸re zbudowa艂y ich kompetencje.

How many managers, marketers, salespeople, and programmers would not have read a pile of books in English that built their competencies?

Ja na pewno nie by艂bym tu gdzie dzisiaj jestem, gdyby Amazon nie zaoferowa艂 mi mo偶liwo艣ci kupienia du偶ej ilo艣ci ksi膮偶ek.

I definitely would not be here where I am today if Amazon had not offered me the opportunity to buy a large number of books.

Najpierw kupowa艂em...

First, I was buying...

Kupi艂em je sobie na Kindlu, potem oczywi艣cie audiobooki i ksi膮偶ki papierowe.

I bought them for myself on Kindle, then of course audiobooks and printed books.

Naturalnie lwiej cz臋艣ci pozycji, kt贸re przeczyta艂em w Polsce do dzisiaj nikt nie wyda艂.

Naturally, the lion's share of the titles I read in Poland has not been published by anyone until today.

I dlatego m.in. czytanie w j臋zykach innych ni偶 ojczysty stanowi przewag臋 konkurencyjn膮.

And that is why reading in languages other than your native one constitutes a competitive advantage.

W kraju, w kt贸rym nikt nie czyta, masz przewag臋 je艣li czytasz ksi膮偶ki, ale du偶膮 wi臋ksz膮 je偶eli czytasz je po angielsku.

In a country where no one reads, you have an advantage if you read books, but a much greater one if you read them in English.

A jak jeste艣my przy czytaniu po angielsku i na Kindlu, to zobaczcie jak wygl膮da艂a atrakcyjno艣膰 oferty dla autor贸w sprzedaj膮cych...

And since we're talking about reading in English and on Kindle, let's see what the attractiveness of the offer looked like for authors selling...

przez Amazon Kindle w por贸wnaniu do oferty tradycyjnych wydawc贸w.

through Amazon Kindle compared to the offerings of traditional publishers.

W momencie premiery oczywi艣cie Kindla.

At the time of the premiere, of course, the Kindle.

Nasi autorzy pozostaj膮 w艂a艣cicielami praw autorskich i praw pochodnych i publikuj膮 w dogodnym dla siebie terminie...

Our authors retain ownership of copyright and related rights and publish at a time that is convenient for them...

w przeciwie艅stwie do tradycyjnego wydawnictwa, gdzie od uko艅czenia ksi膮偶ki do momentu jej wydania mija 艣rednio rok.

Unlike traditional publishing, where it takes an average of a year from completing a book to its release.

Na koniec to, co nasi autorzy ceni膮 sobie najwy偶ej.

Lastly, what our authors value the most.

Tantiemy w wysoko艣ci 70%.

Royalties at 70%.

Najwi臋ksi tradycyjni wydawcy p艂ac膮 tantiemy na poziomie 70%.

The biggest traditional publishers pay royalties at a level of 70%.

17,5% dla e-book贸w, 25% z 70% ceny sprzeda偶y, co daje 17,5% ceny sprzeda偶y.

17.5% for e-books, 25% of 70% of the sale price, which gives 17.5% of the sale price.

System wyp艂aty tantiem KDP ma dla autor贸w charakter rewolucyjny.

The KDP royalty payment system is revolutionary for authors.

Czytelnicy zwykle p艂ac膮 za ksi膮偶ki partner贸w KDP 2,99 dolara, z czego autor dostaje a偶 2 dolary.

Readers usually pay $2.99 for books from KDP partners, of which the author receives as much as $2.

Aby autor m贸g艂 zarobi膰 2 dolary u tradycyjnego wydawcy, czyli 17,5% od ceny sprzeda偶y,

In order for the author to earn 2 dollars from a traditional publisher, which is 17.5% of the sale price,

czytelnik musia艂by zap艂aci膰 za ksi膮偶k臋 11,43 dolara.

The reader would have to pay $11.43 for the book.

Zapewniam Pa艅stwa, 偶e zaznaczam, 偶e to nie jest tak, jak w przypadku ksi膮偶ek,

I assure you that I want to emphasize that this is not the case, as with books,

za cen臋 2,99 dolara jeste艣my w stanie sprzeda膰 o wiele wi臋cej egzemplarzy ksi膮偶ki ni偶 za cen臋 11,43 dolara.

At a price of $2.99, we are able to sell many more copies of the book than at a price of $11.43.

Czytelnicy Kindle Direct Publishing mog膮 cieszy膰 si臋 nie tylko ni偶sz膮 cen膮,

Kindle Direct Publishing readers can enjoy not only a lower price,

lecz tak偶e, co wa偶ne, zyskuj膮 dost臋p do daleko szerszej oferty tytu艂贸w,

but also, importantly, gain access to a much broader range of titles,

r贸wnie偶 tych nieakceptowalnych przez renomowane domy wydawnicze.

including those unacceptable to reputable publishing houses.

Analiza asortyment贸w nie powinna przysporzy膰 Pa艅stwu trudno艣ci.

The analysis of the assortments should not cause you any difficulties.

Prosz臋 por贸wna膰 listy bestseller贸w Kindla i New York Timesa,

Please compare the Kindle and New York Times bestseller lists.

kt贸ra prezentuje bardziej zr贸偶nicowan膮,

which presents a more diverse,

ofert臋. Pierwsza z nich pe艂na jest publikacji pomniejszych dom贸w wydawnicznych

the offer. The first of them is filled with publications from smaller publishing houses.

oraz niezale偶nych autor贸w, podczas gdy nowojorski gigant

and independent authors, while the New York giant

ogranicza si臋 jedynie do znanych i renomowanych pisarzy.

It is limited only to well-known and reputable writers.

No w艂a艣nie. Amazon wynagradza艂 te偶 autor贸w szybciej ni偶 wydawnictwa.

Exactly. Amazon also paid authors faster than publishers.

Si艂a Amazona bywa nadal niedoszacowywana.

The power of Amazon is still often underestimated.

M贸j ulubiony pisarz Ryan Holiday opowiedzia艂 kiedy艣 tak膮 histori臋 o tym,

My favorite writer Ryan Holiday once told a story about how,

偶e zrobi艂 na swoj膮 pierwsz膮 ksi膮偶k臋 o stoicyzmie,

that he made for his first book on Stoicism,

czyli Obstacle is the Way, promocj臋.

So, "Obstacle is the Way," promotion.

Po prostu zni偶ka na Kindle Booka.

Just a discount on a Kindle Book.

Amazon po ustaniu promocji z jakiego艣 powodu utrzyma艂 na sw贸j koszt

Amazon, for some reason, continued to maintain it at its own expense after the promotion ended.

ten sam rabat przez 11 miesi臋cy.

the same discount for 11 months.

Reszta jest histori膮. To 11 miesi臋cy by艂o dla Ryana

The rest is history. This 11 months has been for Ryan.

jednym z g艂贸wnych powod贸w znalezienia si臋 na trajektorii, na kt贸rej jest teraz.

one of the main reasons for being on the trajectory it is now.

A to z kolei wprowadzi艂o stoicyzm ponownie na salony.

And that, in turn, brought Stoicism back into fashion.

Jeszcze kr贸tka refleksja nad pewnego rodzaju polityk膮 cenow膮 w Amazonie,

A brief reflection on a certain type of pricing policy at Amazon,

kt贸ra jak zwykle idzie w poprzek obiegowym opiniom specjalist贸w od podnoszenia cen.

which, as usual, goes against the prevailing opinions of price increase specialists.

Akcjonariusze przyzwyczaili si臋, 偶e wszystkie nasze decyzje maj膮 na uwadze sukcesywne

Shareholders have become accustomed to the fact that all our decisions take into account gradual success.

rok po roku obni偶anie cen na tyle, na ile pozwala skala dzia艂alno艣ci

Year by year, lowering prices as much as the scale of operations allows.

i wydajno艣膰 naszego modelu biznesowego.

and the efficiency of our business model.

Tego rodzaju decyzja z jednej strony ma znaczenie absolutnie kluczowe,

Such a decision is absolutely crucial on one hand,

z drugiej strony jednak zwykle zaprzecza regu艂om matematyki.

On the other hand, however, it usually contradicts the rules of mathematics.

W istocie, gdy obni偶amy ceny, matematycy 艂api膮 si臋 za g艂owy,

In fact, when we lower prices, mathematicians pull their hair out.

poniewa偶 z ich punktu widzenia jedyn膮 s艂uszn膮 drog膮 jest podnoszenie cen.

Because from their point of view, the only correct way is to raise prices.

Zgromadzili艣my rzetelne dane, kt贸re potwierdzaj膮 elastyczno艣膰 cenow膮 popytu.

We have gathered reliable data that confirms the price elasticity of demand.

Z du偶膮 dok艂adno艣ci膮 mo偶emy wi臋c za艂o偶y膰, 偶e obni偶ka cen w okre艣lonym przedziale procentowym

We can therefore assume with great accuracy that the price reduction within a certain percentage range

zaowocuje zwi臋kszeniem popytu w zakresie odpowiednim do obni偶ki.

will result in an increase in demand in line with the reduction.

Nieliczne wyj膮tki potwierdzaj膮 r贸wnie偶 regu艂臋, kt贸ra m贸wi, 偶e w kr贸tkim okresie

Few exceptions also confirm the rule that in the short term

zwi臋kszenie sprzeda偶y nigdy w pe艂ni nie rekompensuje spadku cen.

An increase in sales never fully compensates for a drop in prices.

Podej艣cie ilo艣ciowe do elastyczno艣ci cenowej cechuje my艣lenie kr贸tkofalowe.

The quantitative approach to price elasticity is characterized by short-term thinking.

Jeste艣my w stanie obliczy膰 efekt redukcji cen w perspektywie najbli偶szego tygodnia

We are able to calculate the effect of price reduction in the upcoming week.

i bie偶膮cego kwarta艂u.

and the current quarter.

Uwa偶anie to wydaje si臋 jednak niemo偶liwe, gdy staramy si臋 oszacowa膰,

However, it seems impossible when we try to estimate,

w jaki spos贸b konsekwentnie realizowana polityka promocji cenowych

In what way is the policy of price promotion consistently implemented?

odbije si臋 na kondycji sp贸艂ki za 5 albo 10 lat.

it will impact the condition of the company in 5 or 10 years.

W naszej ocenie metodyczne doskonalenie efektywno艣ci modelu biznesowego

In our assessment, the systematic improvement of the business model's effectiveness.

oraz korzy艣ci skali mog膮 przek艂ada膰 si臋 na systematyczne obni偶ki cen,

and economies of scale may translate into systematic price reductions,

tworz膮c zamkni臋te ko艂o warto艣ci, a to z kolei w perspektywie d艂ugoterminowej

creating a closed circle of value, and this in turn in the long-term perspective

wygeneruje o wiele wi臋kszy wolny przyp艂yw pieni臋偶ny.

it will generate a much larger free cash flow.

Czyli w skr贸cie.

So in short.

Co do zasady.

As a rule.

Nasze ceny s膮 lepsze ni偶 mniejsze.

Our prices are better than the smaller ones.

Ale istniej膮 wyj膮tki, szczeg贸lnie w biznesach horyzontalnych,

But there are exceptions, especially in horizontal businesses,

kt贸re oferuj膮 masow膮 ofert臋 do masowego klienta.

which offer a mass offering to the mass customer.

Cena czyni cuda, tak偶e e-commerce.

Price works wonders, including in e-commerce.

Zako艅czmy kosmicznie, bo dawno kosmosu w interesach nie by艂o.

Let's end it cosmically, because it's been a long time since there was any space in business.


Listen up.

Od czasu do czasu zadaj膮 mi niezwykle ciekawe pytanie.

From time to time, I am asked an extremely interesting question.

Jeff, jak my艣lisz, co si臋 zmieni na 艣wiecie w ci膮gu nast臋pnej dekady?

Jeff, what do you think will change in the world over the next decade?

Z przyjemno艣ci膮 mog臋 porozmawia膰 na ten temat,

I would be happy to discuss this topic.

przy okazji dobrego obiadu.

on the occasion of a nice lunch.

Osobi艣cie nurtuje mnie jednak pytanie, kt贸rego jak dot膮d nikt mi jeszcze nie zada艂.

Personally, however, I am intrigued by a question that no one has asked me yet.

Co si臋 nie zmieni w ci膮gu nadchodz膮cych 10 lat?

What will not change in the coming 10 years?

Odpowied藕 na tak zadane pytanie ma znaczenie fundamentalne,

The answer to such a question is of fundamental importance.

poniewa偶 jest podstaw膮 my艣lenia o przysz艂o艣ci.

because it is the foundation for thinking about the future.

Nie mam 偶adnych w膮tpliwo艣ci, 偶e klienci Amazona za 10 lat

I have no doubt that Amazon customers in 10 years.

wci膮偶 b臋d膮 oczekiwa膰 niskich cen.

They will still expect low prices.

To si臋 na pewno nie zmieni.

That will definitely not change.

Ka偶dy kupuj膮cy b臋dzie r贸wnie偶 spodziewa艂 si臋 szybkiej dostawy

Each buyer will also expect fast delivery.

i docenia艂 szeroki asortyment produkt贸w.

and appreciated the wide range of products.

Musimy by膰 zatem pewni, 偶e nasze wysi艂ki w tym obszarze

We must therefore be sure that our efforts in this area

niezmiennie b臋d膮 przynosi膰 korzy艣ci.

they will consistently bring benefits.

Nie mog臋 sobie wyobrazi膰, 偶e za 10 lat odwiedzi mnie klient i powie

I can't imagine that in 10 years a client will visit me and say

Jeff, uwielbiam to, co robi dla mnie Amazon.

Jeff, I love what Amazon does for me.

Mam tylko jedn膮 pro艣b臋.

I have just one request.

Czy istnieje mo偶liwo艣膰 wyd艂u偶enia czasu dostawy?

Is it possible to extend the delivery time?

Albo czekam, a偶 w ko艅cu podniesiecie ceny.

Or I wait until you finally raise the prices.

To jest po prostu niemo偶liwe.

This is simply impossible.

To elementy rzeczywisto艣ci, kt贸re jak twarda ska艂a

They are elements of reality that are like hard rock.

nie poddadz膮 si臋 i pozostan膮 niezmienione w ka偶dych warunkach,

they will not give up and will remain unchanged in any conditions,

wyznaczaj膮c kierunki naszych dzia艂a艅.

defining the directions of our actions.

Mamy 艣wiadomo艣膰, 偶e bez wzgl臋du na wszystko

We are aware that regardless of everything

nie zniknie z listy priorytet贸w koszt, niezawodno艣膰

The cost and reliability will not disappear from the list of priorities.

oraz bezproblemowy start.

and a smooth start.

Ka偶dy z wymienionych element贸w wymaga poprawy,

Each of the mentioned elements requires improvement.

zanim wejdziemy w kolejny etap eksploracji Uk艂adu S艂onecznego

before we enter the next stage of exploring the Solar System

bez wzgl臋du na to, kiedy to nast膮pi.

regardless of when it happens.

Nie wyobra偶am sobie, by jakikolwiek pasa偶er New Glenn

I can't imagine any passenger on New Glenn.

za 10 lat skar偶y艂 si臋

in 10 years he complained

Jeff, uwa偶am, 偶e rakieta powinna psu膰 si臋 nieco cz臋艣ciej

Jeff, I believe the rocket should break down a little more often.

lub szkoda, 偶e tak tanio i na dodatek nigdy nie sp贸藕nisz si臋 ze startem.

Or it's a pity that it's so cheap and on top of that, you'll never be late for takeoff.

Jestem zdania, 偶e dost臋pno艣膰 oraz punktualno艣膰

I am of the opinion that availability and punctuality

to kwestie o znaczeniu o wiele wi臋kszym,

these are issues of much greater significance,

ni偶 si臋 wydaje osobom niezwi膮zanych bezpo艣rednio z bran偶膮 kosmiczn膮.

than it seems to people not directly involved in the space industry.

Op贸藕nienia wprowadzaj膮 chaos i generuj膮 koszty dla klient贸w.

Delays create chaos and generate costs for customers.

Tego b臋dziemy si臋 trzyma膰, wyznaczaj膮c kierunki dzia艂ania na kolejne lata.

We will stick to this, setting directions for action in the coming years.

B臋dziemy ogniskowa膰 dzia艂ania przede wszystkim wok贸艂 tych trzech element贸w.

We will focus our actions primarily around these three elements.

No i chcia艂bym zwr贸ci膰 Wasz膮 uwag臋 na trzy rzeczy.

Well, I would like to draw your attention to three things.

Zacznijmy od chwytu retorycznego.

Let's start with a rhetorical device.

Zauwa偶yli艣cie ten moment, w kt贸rym on nie odpowiada

Did you notice that moment when he doesn't respond?

na samo pytanie?

to the question itself?

M贸wi, 偶e o tym to on mo偶e sobie pogada膰 innym razem przy obiedzie,

He says he can talk about that another time during lunch.

po czym zadaje sobie samemu inne pytanie

then I ask myself another question

i nie odpowiada na samym pocz膮tku?

And it doesn't respond at the very beginning?

To jest tak zwana technika mostu w retoryce.

This is the so-called bridge technique in rhetoric.

Je艣li jeste艣 kandydatem na prezydenta i kto艣 zadaje Ci pytanie,

If you are a presidential candidate and someone asks you a question,

kt贸re Ci si臋 nie podoba, jak na przyk艂ad

which you don鈥檛 like, for example

jak chce Pan kandydowa膰, je艣li Pana 偶ona siedzi w wi臋zieniu?

How do you want to run for office if your wife is in prison?

To mo偶esz odpowiedzie膰 na przyk艂ad

Then you can reply, for example.

to bardzo dobre pytanie,

that's a very good question,

ale odwraca uwag臋 od spraw najwa偶niejszych.

but it distracts from the most important issues.

My艣l臋, 偶e to nad czym naprawd臋 powinni艣my si臋 zastanowi膰

I think that is something we should really think about.

to to, jakim cudem m贸j kontrkandydat nadal chodzi na wolno艣ci.

How is it possible that my opponent is still walking free?

Czy nasz kraj na to sta膰?

Is our country capable of that?

To jest taka sprytna technika mostu.

This is a clever bridge technique.

Druga kwestia, na kt贸r膮 chc臋 zwr贸ci膰 Wasz膮 uwag臋 to jest to,

The second issue I want to draw your attention to is that,

偶e ten spos贸b my艣lenia jest dok艂adnym przeszczepem

that this way of thinking is a perfect transplant

z kultury Amazona w艂a艣nie do Blue Origin.

from Amazon's culture straight to Blue Origin.

Ja m贸wi艂em o tym na moim TEDx-ie

I talked about it in my TEDx talk.

w chyba 2018 roku.

in probably the year 2018.

Ka偶d膮 inicjatyw臋 Amazona da si臋 przyczepi膰

Every initiative from Amazon can be criticized.

w艂a艣nie do jednego z niezmiennych priorytet贸w,

just to one of the unchangeable priorities,

wi臋c ka偶d膮 inicjatyw臋 w Blue Origin te偶 si臋 da.

So every initiative in Blue Origin can also be done.

Trzecia i ostatnia to kwestia bezsensowno艣ci

The third and final issue is the question of senselessness.

podr贸偶y kosmicznych jako biznesu.

space travel as a business.

Co do zasady, biznesy mo偶na podzieli膰 na dwa rodzaje.

As a rule, businesses can be divided into two types.

Takie, kt贸re s膮 ograniczone popytem

Such that are limited by demand.

i takie, kt贸re s膮 ograniczone poda偶膮.

and those that are limited by supply.

Czyli by艂by rynek na to,

So there would be a market for it,

偶eby by艂o dwa razy tyle nieruchomo艣ci

to have twice as many properties

przy linii brzegowej na Helu albo w Sopocie.

by the coastline in Hel or in Sopot.

Ale nie ma tyle linii brzegowej,

But there isn't that much coastline,

wi臋c ich nie b臋dzie.

so they won't be there.

Wi臋c nieruchomo艣ci w najbardziej presti偶owych lokalizacjach

So real estate in the most prestigious locations.

s膮 na og贸艂 ograniczone poda偶膮, a nie popytem.

They are generally limited by supply, not demand.

Z drugiej strony da艂oby si臋 pewnie wyprodukowa膰

On the other hand, it would probably be possible to produce.

10 razy tyle koszulek H&M,

10 times as many H&M t-shirts,

ale kto by to kupi艂 i nosi艂?

But who would buy it and wear it?

Podr贸偶e kosmiczne s膮 unikalnym biznesem.

Space travel is a unique business.

I tutaj,

And here,

jest ekstremalnie ci臋偶ko zabra膰 kogo艣 na orbit臋 i z powrotem.

It's extremely difficult to take someone to orbit and back.

W efekcie to musi by膰 drogie.

As a result, it must be expensive.

Za lot trzeba dzisiaj zap艂aci膰 jakie艣 250 tysi臋cy dolar贸w.

You have to pay about 250 thousand dollars for the flight today.

Ale za to prawie nikt nie chce tam polecie膰.

But almost no one wants to fly there.

Na razie w kosmosie by艂o jakie艣 500 os贸b.

So far, there have been about 500 people in space.

W ca艂ej historii ludzko艣ci.

In the entire history of humanity.

Lista oczekuj膮cych Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic waiting list

szacowana jest dzisiaj na jakie艣 800 os贸b,

is estimated today at around 800 people,

z czego 500 zapisa艂o si臋 do 2018.

of which 500 registered by 2018.

Wi臋c ten przyrost te偶 nie jest jaki艣 taki super, jest spektakularny.

So this increase isn't just super; it's spectacular.

Takie bardziej optymistyczne nazwijmy to 藕r贸d艂o

Let's call it a more optimistic source.

m贸wi艂o o 4 tysi膮cach czy nawet 8 tysi膮cach ludzi,

it spoke of 4 thousand or even 8 thousand people,

ale to i tak jest tyle co kot nap艂aka艂 jak na 8 miliard贸w ludzi na Ziemi.

but it's still just a drop in the ocean considering there are 8 billion people on Earth.

Tak偶e Blue Origin je艣li b臋dzie chcia艂o co艣 wskura膰

Also, Blue Origin, if it wants to accomplish something.

w walce ze SpaceXem b臋dzie musia艂o wzi膮膰 si臋

In the fight against SpaceX, action will have to be taken.

za przew贸z cargo.

for the transportation of cargo.

A to oznacza konkurowanie 艂eb w 艂eb z Elonem Muskiem,

And that means competing head-to-head with Elon Musk,

co nie jest dobrym planem emerytalnym, delikatnie m贸wi膮c.

what is not a good retirement plan, to put it mildly.

Bezosowi nie idzie najlepiej,

Bezos is not doing very well.

por贸wnuj膮c go w艂a艣nie ze SpaceX.

comparing it specifically to SpaceX.

Najlepiej sytuacj臋 odda艂 przewodnik,

The situation was best described by the guide,

kt贸ry obwozi艂 mnie po przyl膮dku Canaveral,

who took me around Cape Canaveral,

gdy par臋 miesi臋cy temu ogl膮da艂em muzeum NASA na Florydzie.

When I visited the NASA museum in Florida a couple of months ago.

To jest 艣wietne miejsce do startowania rakiet,

This is a great place to launch rockets.

wi臋c tam jest du偶y o艣rodek NASA,

so there is a large NASA center there,

jak i SpaceX, jak i Blue Origin.

Both SpaceX and Blue Origin.

I nasz przewodnik by艂 wieloletnim pracownikiem NASA,

And our guide was a long-time employee of NASA,

kt贸ry na emeryturze oprowadza艂 wycieczki

who, in retirement, guided tours

i zabawia艂 historiami. To mog艂o wygl膮da膰 mniej wi臋cej tak.

and entertained with stories. It could have looked something like this.

Postaram si臋 odda膰 sens, nie zacytuj臋 go 艣ciawiernie.

I will try to convey the meaning, I won't quote it verbatim.

Tutaj Pa艅stwo mog膮 widzie膰 niebieskie fabryki Blue Origin.

Here you can see the blue factories of Blue Origin.

Pi臋kne s膮. Widzia艂em na w艂asne oczy

They are beautiful. I have seen them with my own eyes.

tak偶e rakiety. Najbardziej podoba艂y mi si臋

also rockets. I liked them the most.

czubki rakiet. Pi臋kne, polakierowane,

rocket tips. Beautiful, lacquered,

spiczaste, nowiutkie. Nie takie jak SpaceX.

pointed, brand new. Not like SpaceX.

Te w SpaceX s膮 brzydkie, czarno-bia艂e

These ones at SpaceX are ugly, black and white.

od ci膮g艂ego startowania i l膮dowania, bo oni non-stop startuj膮 i l膮duj膮.

from continuous takeoffs and landings, because they are constantly taking off and landing.

Jak przebijaj膮 si臋 przez atmosfer臋 tyle razy w roku,

How they break through the atmosphere so many times a year,

to si臋 brudz膮, tak 偶e nie mo偶na doczy艣ci膰. Okropnie to wygl膮da.

They get dirty, so much so that they can't be cleaned properly. It looks awful.

A u Bezosa pi臋kne, niebieskie.

And at Bezosa, beautiful, blue.

Mo偶e to si臋 kiedy艣 zmieni,

Maybe that will change someday,

ale w 2023 jednak SpaceX odpowiada

but in 2023 SpaceX is indeed responding

za 70% start贸w, a Blue Origin

for 70% of the launches, and Blue Origin

delikatnie m贸wi膮c nie.

To put it mildly, no.

Dla kogo to jest ksi膮偶ka? Dla dw贸ch grup ludzi.

Who is this book for? For two groups of people.

Po pierwsze dla przedsi臋biorc贸w, kt贸rzy chc膮

First of all, for entrepreneurs who want

zobaczy膰 jak mo偶na si臋 najlepiej

to see how to do it best

komunikowa膰 z rynkiem. Bezos moim zdaniem

communicate with the market. In my opinion, Bezos

jest mistrzem 艣wiata w relacjach inwestorskich.

He is the world champion in investor relations.

To jest facet, kt贸ry zdo艂a艂 zebra膰 g贸ry kapita艂u

This is a guy who managed to accumulate mountains of capital.

i rozwadniaj膮c rewelacyjn膮 histori臋,

and diluting the remarkable story,

kt贸ra wcale nie wygl膮da艂a tak genialnie w Excelach

which didn't look that brilliant in Excel at all

jak przyzwyczajona jest do tego Wall Street.

as Wall Street is used to it.

I on jednocze艣nie utrzyma艂 wycen臋 przez wi臋kszo艣膰 czasu,

And he simultaneously maintained the valuation for most of the time,

kt贸ra nie rozwadnia艂a sp贸艂ki zanadto

which did not excessively dilute the company

i zyska艂 mi臋dzy innymi dzi臋ki tym 艣rodkom

and gained, among other things, thanks to these resources

gigantyczn膮 przewag臋 nad konkurencj膮.

a huge advantage over the competition.

I po drugie dla entuzjast贸w samego Bezosa,

And secondly for the enthusiasts of Bezos himself,

Amazonu, e-commerce, kosmosu

Amazon, e-commerce, space

i firmie i na temat postaci i tej historii

about the company and about the character and this story

warto naprawd臋 zaczerpn膮膰 wiedz臋 u 藕r贸d艂a

It is really worth gaining knowledge from the source.

zamiast powtarza膰 niekoniecznie sprawdzone

instead of repeating unverified information

obiegowe opinie.

Circulating opinions.

No i nie wiem czy zauwa偶yli艣cie, ale jeste艣cie ju偶 prawie na samym ko艅cu

Well, I don鈥檛 know if you noticed, but you are almost at the very end.

tego odcinka. Skoro sp臋dzili艣my ju偶 razem tyle czasu

this episode. Since we've already spent so much time together

to mo偶e warto 偶eby艣cie wpadali cz臋艣ciej.

Maybe it's worth it for you to drop by more often.

Subskrybujcie kana艂, 偶eby nie przegapi膰 nast臋pnych odcink贸w.

Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next episodes.

M贸g艂bym tak jeszcze d艂ugo, ale tutaj postawimy kropk臋,

I could go on like this for a long time, but we will put a period here.

偶eby nie stre艣ci膰 Wam ca艂ej ksi膮偶ki, tylko zach臋ci膰 Was do jej przeczytania.

To not summarize the entire book for you, but to encourage you to read it.

Jeszcze raz Jeff Bezos, Invent & Wonder.

Once again Jeff Bezos, Invent & Wonder.

Serdecznie polecam Wam t膮 pozycj臋

I wholeheartedly recommend this title to you.

i widzimy si臋 w nast臋pnym odcinku.

And we'll see each other in the next episode.

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