Welcome to the Super Easy Polish Podcast for Beginners

Aga, Dawid, Justyna and Janusz

Super Easy Polish for Beginners: Learn Polish with Simple Dialogues | Polski dla początkujących

Welcome to the Super Easy Polish Podcast for Beginners

Super Easy Polish for Beginners: Learn Polish with Simple Dialogues | Polski dla początkujących

Cześć, jestem Justyna, a ja Aga.

Hi, I'm Justyna, and I'm Aga.

...i potrzebujemy więcej kontaktu z językiem.

...and we need more contact with the language.

Chcemy Ci dać szansę, aby usłyszeć fajne, codzienne rozmowy,

We want to give you a chance to hear cool, everyday conversations.

które wyświetlają Twoje ulubione charakterystyki z naszego kanału YouTube.

which display your favorite features from our YouTube channel.

Każdy odcinek tego podcastu będzie wskazany na kilka dialogów,

Each episode of this podcast will feature a few dialogues.

skupionych na jednym temacie.

focused on one topic.

Przeczytamy każdego dialogu dwóch razy dla Ciebie.

We will read each dialogue twice for you.

Pierwszy raz będzie bardzo ślubny,

The first time will be very wedding-like,

a drugi raz na naturalnej ilościu mówienia.

And the second time at a natural amount of speaking.

Jak najlepiej się nauczyć z tym podcastem?

How can I best learn with this podcast?

Podczas ślubnych części polecamy Ci, by się powstrzymać

During the wedding part, we recommend that you hold back.

i czytać.

and read.

Podczas naturalnych części polecamy Cię, by się powstrzymać

During natural parts, we recommend that you hold back.

i sprawdzić, czy rozumiesz wszystko, co zostało powiedziane.

and to check if you understand everything that has been said.

Zobacz też transkrypcję i przesłanie odcinka,

See also the transcript and message of the episode.

aby nauczyć Cię także odczytania i znaczenia nowego języka.

to teach you how to read and understand a new language.

Transkrypcje, automatyczne przesłanie i pomysł na język

Transcriptions, automatic submission, and the idea for the language.

dla każdego odcinka są dostępne dla podcaści z EasyPolish.

For each episode, they are available for the podcast with EasyPolish.

Możesz także zostać członkiem na easypolish.org.

You can also become a member at easypolish.org.

This podcast will come in seasons.

Ten podcast będzie miał sezony.

Every season will have 12 episodes that will appear on a weekly basis.

Each season will have 12 episodes that will be released on a weekly basis.

The regularity of new seasons will depend a lot on your enthusiasm about this project,

The regularity of new seasons will depend a lot on your enthusiasm for this project.

so be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast app.

So be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast app.

And give us 5-star rating.

And give us a 5-star rating.

And if you need more beginner-friendly resources for learning Polish,

And if you need more beginner-friendly resources for learning Polish,

visit easypolish.org.

visit easypolish.org.

We've prepared for you a free PDF checklist,

We've prepared a free PDF checklist for you,

with all the topics you need to master in order to become A1 in Polish.

with all the topics you need to master in order to become A1 in Polish.

Of course, the list comes with links to our existing resources on this level.

Of course, the list comes with links to our existing resources at this level.

No to co? Gotowi?

So what? Ready?

Do usłyszenia w pierwszym odcinku.

See you in the first episode.

P.S. Just a friendly reminder that the stories from this podcast

P.S. Just a friendly reminder that the stories from this podcast

don't represent our real lives.

nie reprezentują naszych prawdziwych żyć.

Most of them were made up for language learning purposes.

Most of them were created for language learning purposes.

Continue listening and achieve fluency faster with podcasts and the latest language learning research.