Indigenous astronomy: How the sky informs cultural practices - Rdzenna astronomia: jak wiedza o niebie informuje i kształtuje praktyki kulturowe Rdzennych Narodów?


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Indigenous astronomy: How the sky informs cultural practices - Rdzenna astronomia: jak wiedza o niebie informuje i kształtuje praktyki kulturowe Rdzennych Narodów?

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SBS acknowledges the traditional custodians of country

SBS uznaje tradycyjnych opiekunów kraju.

and their connections and continuous care for the skies,

and their connections and continuous care for the skies,

lands and waterways across Australia.

ziemie i wody w całej Australii.

You're listening to Australia Explained,

You're listening to Australia Explained,

an SBS audio podcast helping you navigate life in Australia.

an SBS audio podcast helping you navigate life in Australia.

What a morning!

What a morning!

I'm Kerri-Lee Harding, the Indigenous Lead at SBS Audio.

I'm Kerri-Lee Harding, the Indigenous Lead at SBS Audio.

I'll be your host for this special episode of Australia Explained.

Będę waszym gospodarzem w tym specjalnym odcinku Australia Explained.

Under a canopy of twinkling stars and through innumerable cycles of the moon,

Pod baldachimem migoczących gwiazd i przez niezliczone cykle Księżyca,

the culture and presence of Australia's First Nations people

the culture and presence of Australia's First Nations people

stretches back thousands of years.

stretches back thousands of years.

Some traditions might talk about how the moon was a man hunting an emu

Some traditions might say that the moon was a man hunting an emu.

and the emu tried to run across a tree.

and the emu tried to run across a tree.

Astronomical knowledge of celestial objects influences

The astronomical knowledge of celestial objects influences

and informs the life and law of First Nations people.

i informuje o życiu i prawie ludów Pierwszych Narodów.

From the marvel of the Milky Way, galaxy to meteors

From the marvel of the Milky Way, galaxy to meteors.

and the different phases of the moon,

i różne fazy Księżyca,

there is lots to learn about Indigenous astronomy and star knowledge.

There is much to learn about Indigenous astronomy and star knowledge.

In First Nations astronomy, the origins of the universe go back,

In First Nations astronomy, the origins of the universe go back,

way, way back to the Chukpura.

way, way back to the Chukpura.

Westerners refer to that as the dreaming.

Westerners refer to that as the dreaming.

But basically,

Ale tak naprawdę,

it's the time long, long ago

it's the time long, long ago

when all of what exists came to be.

when all of what exists came to be.

Looking up into the night sky,

Looking up into the night sky,

we see a beautiful array of stars

we see a beautiful array of stars

twinkling amongst the ever-changing phases of the moon

twinkling amongst the ever-changing phases of the moon

after the daily progression of the sun.

po codziennej wędrówce słońca.

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena

Astronomia to badanie obiektów niebieskich i zjawisk.

and Indigenous astronomy refers to deep knowledge of the stars

A astronomia rdzennych ludów odnosi się do głębokiej wiedzy o gwiazdach.

and their connections,

i ich powiązania,

to the land,

to the land,

with the understanding that everything on land

with the understanding that everything on land

is reflected in the sky.

is reflected in the sky.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,

the sky informs cultural practices

the sky informs cultural practices

that have been handed down through oral tradition

that have been passed down through oral tradition

over thousands of generations

over thousands of generations

in the form of stories, songs, ceremony and art.

in the form of stories, songs, ceremony, and art.

Aunty Joanne Self is a Gadigal woman born in Sydney

Auntie Joanne Self jest kobietą Gadigal urodzoną w Sydney.

who grew up learning the stories of the Milky Way

who grew up learning the stories of the Milky Way

shared by her mother, elders and knowledge holders.

shared by her mother, elders and knowledge holders.

In her community.

W jej społeczności.

For more than 60,000 years,

For more than 60,000 years,

First Nations people have looked up to the sky.

The First Nations people have looked up to the sky.

It helps us understand the world around us.

It helps us understand the world around us.

Using our observation of the stars,

Using our observation of the stars,

the planets, the moon, the sun and the atmosphere

the planets, the moon, the sun and the atmosphere

to predict weather changes and tides,

to predict weather changes and tides,

to navigate on land and water

to navigate on land and water

and to plan food gatherings, hunting, trading or ceremony,

and to plan food gatherings, hunting, trading or ceremonies,

as well as pass down stories through the generations.

as well as pass down stories through the generations.

Looking up and reading,

Looking up and reading,

reading the skies was and still is

reading the skies was and still is

an important way to understand, interact with

an important way to understand, interact with

and develop connection to country

and develop connection to the country

and to know our place in the universe.

and to know our place in the universe.

As Aunty Joanne explains,

As Aunty Joanne explains,

Indigenous star knowledge is a way for First Nations people

Indigenous star knowledge is a way for First Nations people.

to understand the world in which they live

to understand the world in which they live

and their roles and responsibilities within it.

i ich role oraz odpowiedzialności w tym zakresie.

We have a saying,

We have a saying,

everything that's up there is down here.

wszystko, co jest tam na górze, jest tutaj na dole.

So you can find your community,

So you can find your community,

song lines, important ceremonial sites,

song lines, important ceremonial sites,

and other way finding points using the stars.

i inne punkty nawigacyjne wykorzystujące gwiazdy.

But the stars alone need a little bit of help

Ale same gwiazdy potrzebują trochę pomocy.

for you to understand everything.

Abyś wszystko zrozumiał.

So knowing your dance, knowing your language

So knowing your dance, knowing your language

and your area's connection to your piece of country

i twojego obszaru związku z twoim kawałkiem kraju

validates everything.

waliduje wszystko.

Dwayne Hamaker is an Associate Professor of Cultural Astronomy

Dwayne Hamaker jest profesorem nadzwyczajnym astronomii kulturowej.

in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne,

w Szkole Fizyki na Uniwersytecie w Melbourne,

who works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

who works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

To document their traditional knowledge.

To document their traditional knowledge.

What the elders talk about is how everything in the sky

What the elders talk about is how everything in the sky

is connected to the land.

is connected to the land.

So if you want to know how things around you work,

So if you want to know how things around you work,

you look to the stars.

you look to the stars.

The humans have always had this close connection with the stars

Humans have always had this close connection with the stars.

and the stars can serve as a textbook.

and the stars can serve as a textbook.

It can serve as a map,

It can serve as a map,

it can serve as a law book,

it can serve as a law book,

a social rule book,

a social rule book,

and they can also serve as a timepiece

a także mogą służyć jako zegar

and a memory space,

i przestrzeń pamięci,

how you can encode information to memory

how you can encode information to memory

by utilizing the stars.

by utilizing the stars.

Everything in the sky has meaning and purpose

Everything in the sky has meaning and purpose.

and the movements of the sun, moon and stars

i ruchy słońca, księżyca i gwiazd

are used to predict changes in the environment

są używane do przewidywania zmian w środowisku

such as seasons, weather patterns

such as seasons, weather patterns

and the behavior of plants and animals.

i zachowanie roślin i zwierząt.

The thing that's most important about understanding indigenous knowledge

The thing that's most important about understanding indigenous knowledge.

with the stars

z gwiazdami

is that it relates to everything else.

is that it relates to everything else.

So when you want to know

So when you want to know

if the seasons are going to change,

if the seasons are going to change,

is it going to rain,

Is it going to rain?

what the behaviors of the animals

what the behaviors of the animals

are going to be,

are going to be,

when to plant or harvest gardens

when to plant or harvest gardens

or food sources,

or food sources,

you need to be able to look to the stars

you need to be able to look to the stars

to understand how that's going to work,

to understand how that's going to work,

but you also need to look at everything around you.

but you also need to look at everything around you.

This holistic way of looking at the world around us

This holistic way of looking at the world around us.

is central to Aboriginal

jest centralne dla Aborygenów

and Torres Strait Islander culture.

and Torres Strait Islander culture.

In the Torres Strait elders talk about

In the Torres Strait, elders talk about.

observing how stars twinkle.

observing how stars twinkle.

And if you can read how they twinkle,

And if you can read how they twinkle,

which means observing or interpreting changes

which means observing or interpreting changes

in the properties and positions of stars,

in the properties and positions of stars,

if you can read all those subtle changes,

if you can read all those subtle changes,

they'll tell you something about the atmosphere.

They'll tell you something about the atmosphere.

They can tell you if a storm is coming

They can tell you if a storm is coming.

or if the seasons are going to change.

or if the seasons are going to change.

Every night the stars rise in the eastern sky

Every night the stars rise in the eastern sky.

four minutes earlier than the day before.

four minutes earlier than the day before.

Over the course of a year the stars come full circle

Over the course of a year the stars come full circle.

as the earth moves around the sun.

as the earth moves around the sun.

This cycle of celestial change

Ten cykl niebiańskiej zmiany

coincides with changes on the land.

coincides with changes on the land.

As Aunty Joanne explains,

As Aunty Joanne explains,

the emu in the sky, or the dark emu,

the emu in the sky, or the dark emu,

is a well-known constellation

is a well-known constellation

that is outlined by the dark areas in the Milky Way.

to, co jest zarysowane przez ciemne obszary w Drodze Mlecznej.

What I like about the emu in the sky

What I like about the emu in the sky

is it shows others how First Nations people

Is it shows others how First Nations people

use the dark patches in the sky

use the dark patches in the sky

as much as the stars.

as many as the stars.

But also because it mirrors the behaviour

Ale także dlatego, że odzwierciedla to zachowanie.

of the terrestrial emu.

of the terrestrial emu.

So whatever we see the terrestrial emu

So whatever we see the terrestrial emu

doing on the land,

doing on the land,

we also see that information

we also see that information

paralleled in the sky.

paralela w niebie.

For example, Dwayne Hamaker says

For example, Dwayne Hamaker says

when the dark emu constellation

when the dark emu constellation

starts to rise in the southeastern sky

zaczyna wschodzić na południowo-wschodnim niebie

just after sunset in April and May.

tuż po zachodzie słońca w kwietniu i maju.

That coincides with the time of the year

That coincides with the time of the year.

the emus are breeding.

The emus are breeding.

That dark constellation is high overhead

Ta ciemna konstelacja jest wysoko nad głową.

in June and July,

in June and July,

that's when the emus are sitting on their eggs.

To wtedy emu siedzą na swoich jajach.

When it shifts around

When it shifts around

and is sort of perpendicular to the southwest horizon,

i jest swojego rodzaju prostopadły do południowo-zachodniego horyzontu,

that is when the emus are rearing the young

that is when the emus are rearing the young

because the chicks are hatching.

because the chicks are hatching.

The celestial emu also features

The celestial emu also features

in the traditional stories passed down

in the traditional stories passed down

by First Nations people

by First Nations people

which record important scientific information.

which record important scientific information.

Some traditions might talk about how

Niektóre tradycje mogą opowiadać o tym, jak

the moon was a man hunting an emu

The moon was a man hunting an emu.

and the emu tried to run across a tree

and the emu tried to run across a tree

that was laying over a river

that was lying over a river

and it fell into the water.

i wpadło do wody.

And now when they go into the sky

And now when they go into the sky.

you can see the emu

you can see the emu

which is in the sky river,

which is in the sky river,

the Milky Way,

the Milky Way

the Wannambool.

the Wannambool.

But you can also see

Ale możesz też zobaczyć.

that tree that fell across

to drzewo, które przewróciło się na drugą stronę

is the Southern Cross,

is the Southern Cross,

it's the Yarin tree

to drzewo Yarin

which is right near the head of the emu

który jest tuż obok głowy emu

so it slipped into the water.

so it slipped into the water.

Now when the moon comes around

Teraz, gdy księżyc się zbliża

the emu disappears

the emu disappears

to hide away from the moon

to hide away from the moon

because he's the hunter trying to avoid him.

ponieważ jest myśliwym, który stara się go unikać.

That's also talking about

To też mówi o

the light pollution the moon creates

light pollution created by the moon

and why it's difficult to see the Milky Way

and why it’s difficult to see the Milky Way

when you have a moon out.

when you have a moon out.

Transient phenomena in the night sky

Transient phenomena in the night sky

such as meteors

such as meteors

also have meaning in indigenous cultures.

mają również znaczenie w kulturach rdzennych.

Transient phenomena in the night sky

Transient phenomena in the night sky

as Dwayne Hamaker explains,

as Dwayne Hamaker explains,

elders teach how those phenomena

Elders teach how those phenomena occur.

are important to understanding life,

are important for understanding life,

death and identity.

śmierć i tożsamość.

Across most of Australia

W całej Australii

bright meteors are seen

bright meteors are seen

as one of generally two things

as one of generally two things

that are often related.

that are often related.

It's either an evil spirit,

It's either an evil spirit,

sort of long spindly evil beings

rodzaj długich, cienkowłosych złych istot

that fly across the sky,

that fly across the sky,

but usually they're related to death.

ale zazwyczaj są związane ze śmiercią.

So in the Torres Strait for example

So in the Torres Strait for example

the really bright fireballs,

the really bright fireballs,

the really bright meteors

the really bright meteors

are called the Maier.

są nazywani Maier.

They're seen as the spirits of people

Są postrzegane jako duchy ludzi.

who've just passed away

who've just passed away

or just about to pass away.

or just about to pass away.

The relationship between Aboriginal

The relationship between Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander people

i ludzie z Wysp Torres Strait

and the stars encompasses a sense

and the stars encompass a sense

of identity and belonging

of identity and belonging

to the natural world,

to the natural world,

their sense of being and to their culture.

ich poczucie istnienia i ich kultura.

In First Nations astronomy

In First Nations astronomy

the origins of the universe

the origins of the universe

go back, way, way back

wróć, droga, dawno temu

to the Chukpura.

to the Chukpura.

Westerners refer to that

Westerners refer to that

as the dreaming.

jak marzenie.

But basically it's the time

Ale zasadniczo to jest czas.

long, long ago

long, long ago

when all of what exists came to be.

when all of what exists came to be.

But what's interesting in this history

But what's interesting in this history

is that neither time nor history

to ani czas, ani historia

as we understand it

as we understand it

is involved in the meaning.

is involved in the meaning.

You see, we have a concept

You see, we have a concept.

and that's called every when.

and that's called every when.

And just as the spirit people

And just as the spirit people

roamed the earth and made the mountains,

roamed the earth and made the mountains,

the river and the sky

the river and the sky

and all the celestial objects

i wszystkie obiekty niebieskie

that we see around us,

that we see around us,

it lets you have a glimpse

it lets you have a glimpse

into an understanding

w zrozumieniu

that we are in fact co-creators

that we are in fact co-creators

of the universe in which we live.

of the universe in which we live.

The observer and the observed

The observer and the observed.

are the same.

are the same.

In this way,

In this way,

Indigenous star knowledge

Indigenous star knowledge

is an integral part

is an integral part

of linking the past,

of linking the past,

present and future

teraźniejszość i przyszłość

into a holistic system of knowledge,

w holistyczny system wiedzy,

which is central

which is central

to First Nations culture.

to First Nations culture.

Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening.

to this episode

to tego odcinka

of Australia Explained,

of Australia Explained,

written and produced

napisane i wyprodukowane

by Phil Tusak

by Phil Tusak

and Australia Explained's

and Australia Explained's

managing editor

redaktor zarządzający

is Rosa Gurmian

Is Rosa Gurmian?

and I'm Kerri-Leigh Harding.

a ja jestem Kerri-Leigh Harding.

Until next time.

Until next time.

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