Today in the news: Belarusian chips will equate with Russian, Central Bank will keep the key rate, films and TV series from Korea, alternative sourcing of bananas

Roman Bannov

Учим английский по новостям

Today in the news: Belarusian chips will equate with Russian, Central Bank will keep the key rate, films and TV series from Korea, alternative sourcing of bananas

Учим английский по новостям

Привет, друзья! С вами снова Роман Баннов. Сегодня будем читать очередные новости на английском языке и пытаться понять, о чем в них говорится.

Hello, friends! It’s Roman Bannov again with you. Today we will read the next news in English and try to understand what they are about.

Напомню кратко порядок работы нашего подкаста.

Let me briefly remind you of the order of work for our podcast.

Сначала читаю небольшой кусочек текста, как правило, это одна новость, вы слушаете и пытаетесь понять. Далее разбиваю эту новость на несколько фраз или предложений и читаю более медленно, а также перевожу.

First, I read a small piece of text, usually it’s one news item, you listen and try to understand. Then I break this news down into several phrases or sentences and read more slowly, as well as translate.

Кстати, если вам нравятся мои подкасты, то буду очень благодарен за любую вашу поддержку.

By the way, if you enjoy my podcasts, I would be very grateful for any support you can provide.

Может вы захотите поддержать меня донатом с помощью сервиса Boosty.

Maybe you would like to support me with a donation through the Boosty service.

Ссылку я оставлю в описании этого выпуска.

I will leave the link in the description of this episode.

Ну или можете просто поставить хорошую оценку, сердечко, лайк в том приложении, через которое слушаете мой подкаст.

Or you can just leave a good rating, a heart, or a like in the app through which you listen to my podcast.

Мне будет очень приятно.

I will be very pleased.

Также призываю вас активнее комментировать мои подкасты, предлагать новые идеи и делиться вашими наблюдениями.

I also encourage you to actively comment on my podcasts, suggest new ideas, and share your observations.

Ну что ж, на этом вводная часть закончена, давайте начинать.

Well then, the introduction is over, let's get started.

Субтитры делал DimaTorzok

Subtitles by DimaTorzok.

Давайте переведем.

Let's translate.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft resolution

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft resolution.

Минпромторг подготовил проект постановления

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft resolution.

that acquires Belarusian chips with Russian ones

that acquires Belarusian chips along with Russian ones

который приравнивает белорусские чипы к российским.

which equates Belarusian chips to Russian ones.

According to it, documents on the Belarusian production of...

According to it, documents on the Belarusian production of...

materials and components

materials and components

по нему документы о белорусском производстве материалов и комплектующих

There are documents regarding Belarusian production of materials and components.

as well as on production and technological operations

as well as on production and technological operations

а также о производственных и технологических операциях

as well as about production and technological operations

are equated to documents on the production of a component

are equated to documents on the production of a component

issued by Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

выдано Торгово-промышленной палатой России

приравнивается к документам о производстве компонента

is equivalent to documents on the production of the component

выдаваем торгово-провышенной палатой России.

issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia.

Second news.

Second news.

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank

at its meeting on March 22, 2024

at its meeting on March 22, 2024

will keep the carry rate at 16%, experts believe.

Experts believe the carry rate will remain at 16%.

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17%

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17%

will be discussed, but don't consider this the main scenario.

It will be discussed, but don't consider this the main scenario.

Давайте переведем.

Let's translate.

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank

at its meeting on March 22, 2024

at its meeting on March 22, 2024

Совет директоров на заседание 22 марта 2024 года

Board of Directors meeting on March 22, 2024.

will keep their carry rate at 16%, experts believe.

Experts believe they will keep their carry rate at 16%.

Сохранить ставку на уровне 16% полагают эксперты.

Experts believe that the rate should be maintained at 16%.

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17% will be discussed,

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17% will be discussed.

but don't consider this the main scenario.

but don't consider this the main scenario.

Но не считают этот сценарий основным.

But they do not consider this scenario to be the main one.

Third news.

Third news.

Russian content distributors and online platforms

Russian content distributors and online platforms

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies

for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

Russian content distributors and online platforms bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

Russian content distributors and online platforms purchased 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

for 1 to 1.5 million USD.

1.2 million USD.

1.2 миллиона долларов США.

Terming companies are also interested in the exclusive pushes of right to localize content in Russian.

Terming companies are also interested in the exclusive rights to localize content in Russian.

Давайте переведем.

Let's translate.

Russian content distributors and online platforms

Russian content distributors and online platforms

российские дистрибьюторы контента и онлайн-платформы

Russian content distributors and online platforms

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1.2 million USD.

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1.2 million USD.

Russian content distributors and online platforms bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1.2 million USD.

Russian content distributors and online platforms purchased 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies for 1.2 million USD.

Купили у корейских медиаконбанков.

Bought from Korean media banks.

компаний 26 фильмов и сериалов на 1,2 млн долларов.

companies 26 films and series for 1.2 million dollars.

Тримминги также интересуются эксклюзивной покупкой

Trimmings are also interested in exclusive purchasing.

прав на локализацию контента на русском языке.

rights to localize content in Russian.

Давайте переведём.

Let's translate.

Группные ритейлеры,

Group retailers,

начали искать альтернативы поставкам бананов из Эквадора.

They started looking for alternatives to banana supplies from Ecuador.

Сети стали организовывать поставки из Индии,

The networks began organizing supplies from India.

Коста-Рики, Колумбии, Бразилии и других стран.

Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, and other countries.

Давайте переведём.

Let's translate.

Группные ритейлеры, начали искать альтернативы поставкам бананов из Эквадора.

Group retailers have started to seek alternatives to banana supplies from Ecuador.

Российские туристы забронировали на лето 2024 года

Russian tourists have booked for the summer of 2024.

большие отели за рубежом.

large hotels abroad.

Чем годом ранее, пишет сервис One2Trip.

Than the year before, writes the One2Trip service.

According to its own data,

According to its own data,

по его собственным данным,

according to his own data,

the share of hotel bookings abroad has increased from 23 in 2023 to 30%.

The share of hotel bookings abroad has increased from 23% in 2023 to 30%.

По его собственным данным,

According to his own data,

доля бронирования гостиниц за рубежом выросла с 23 в 2023 году до 30%.

The share of hotel bookings abroad has increased from 23% in 2023 to 30%.

Лидерами среди городов стали Стамбул, Париж и Рим.

The leaders among the cities were Istanbul, Paris, and Rome.

А теперь давайте закрепим всё, что переводили.

And now let's reinforce everything we've translated.

Я прочитаю все новости на английском в более быстром темпе и уже без перевода.

I will read all the news in English at a faster pace and already without translation.

А вы, с учётом изученного,

And you, taking into account what you have studied,

попытайтесь понять, о чём в них говорится.

try to understand what they are talking about.

Итак, поехали.

So, let's go.

First news.

First news.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft resolution

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft resolution.

that equates Belarusian chips with Russian ones.

that equates Belarusian chips with Russian ones.

According to it,

According to it,

documents on the Belarusian production of materials and components,

documents on the Belarusian production of materials and components,

as well as on production and technological operations,

as well as on production and technological operations,

are acquired to documents on the production of a component,

are obtained for documents on the production of a component,

issued by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

issued by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Second news.

Second news.

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank at its meeting on March 22, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank at its meeting on March 22, 2024.

will keep the kidney rate at 16%, experts believe.

Experts believe the kidney rate will be kept at 16%.

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17% will be discussed,

Some admit that an increase to 16.5% or 17% will be discussed.

but do not consider this as the main scenario.

but do not consider this as the main scenario.

Third news.

Third news.

Russian content distributors and online platforms

Russian content distributors and online platforms

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies

bought 26 films and TV series from Korean media companies

for $1.2 million.

за 1.2 миллиона долларов.

Streaming companies are also interested

Streaming companies are also interested.

in the exclusive pushes of right to localize content in Russian.

in the exclusive pushes of the right to localize content in Russian.

Fourth news.

Fourth news.

Large retailers have begun to look for alternatives

Large retailers have begun to look for alternatives.

to sourcing bananas from the Russian market.

к поиску бананов на российском рынке.

И последнее новое для сегодняшнего дня.

And the last news for today.

Вот и подошел к концу очередной выпуск подкаста.

Another episode of the podcast has come to an end.

Надеюсь, он будет для вас полезен.

I hope it will be useful for you.

Оставляйте свои комментарии к этому выпуску.

Leave your comments on this issue.

Я их все читаю и стараюсь отвечать.

I read them all and try to respond.

Кстати, если вам нравятся мои подкасты,

By the way, if you like my podcasts,

то буду очень благодарен за любую вашу поддержку.

I will be very grateful for any support you can provide.

Может быть, вы захотите поддержать меня донатом

Perhaps you would like to support me with a donation.

с помощью сервиса Boosty.

using the Boosty service.

Ссылку я оставлю в описании этого выпуска.

I will leave the link in the description of this episode.

Ну или можете просто поставить хорошую оценку,

Well, you can just give a good rating.

сердечко, лайк в том приложении,

little heart, like in that app,

через которое слушаете мой подкаст.

through which you listen to my podcast.

Мне будет очень приятно.

I will be very pleased.

Ну что ж, на этом все.

Well, that's all for now.



С вами был Роман Банов.

This was Roman Banov with you.

Редактор субтитров А.Семкин

Subtitle editor A. Semkin

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