Bloguerismos: De reformas financieras y derrames de petróleo

Los Blogueros ([email protected])

El Bloguipodio

Bloguerismos: De reformas financieras y derrames de petróleo

El Bloguipodio



Hola bloguera, ¿cómo estás?

Hello blogger, how are you?

Hace tanto tiempo que no te veía por acá

I haven't seen you around here in such a long time.

por el Estudio Z, ¿qué ha sido tu vida?

For the Z Study, what has your life been?

No, hace mucho tiempo que no me veías

No, it's been a long time since you last saw me.

Sí me veías

Yes, you saw me.

No te veía, punto, no te veía

I didn't see you, period, I didn't see you.

Hace mucho tiempo que no grabamos un podcast

It's been a long time since we recorded a podcast.

pero a todos los que nos han escrito

but to all those who have written to us

y nos han mandado mensajes

and they have sent us messages

ya estamos de regreso, por ahora

We're back now, for the moment.

¿Se acordarán de nosotros?

Will they remember us?

Porque ya ha sido como hace medio año, creo

Because it has already been like half a year ago, I think.

Bush era presidente todavía, ¿no?

Bush is still president, right?

No, no, no, yo creo que estábamos

No, no, no, I think we were.

a punto de aprobar

about to be approved

la supuesta y llamada reforma de salud

the supposed and so-called health reform

La reforma de salud, esa que se comienza

The health reform, the one that is starting.

en el 2014

in 2014

Ya cuando todos estamos enfermos

Already when we are all sick

Cuando todos muertos

When everyone is dead.

Y que es buen negocio para las empresas

And that it is good business for companies.

aseguradoras, porque van a tener más clientes

insurers, because they will have more clients

Exactamente, bueno

Exactly, well.

Digamos entonces, recordándoles

Let's say then, reminding you.

A los que todavía nos siguen

To those who still follow us

A los dos o tres oyentes

To the two or three listeners.

Que todavía quedan ahí

That there are still some left there.

Yo creo que hay como cinco y medio

I think there are about five and a half.

Y a lo mejor tenemos nuevo oyente, no se sabe

And maybe we have a new listener, you never know.

Estamos tratando de convencer a uno más

We are trying to convince one more.

Bueno, tenemos que trabajar, tenemos que esmerarnos

Well, we have to work, we have to put in our best effort.

para conseguir unos oyentes

to get some listeners

Sí, porque ese yo creo que es como bien crítico

Yes, because I think that is quite critical.

No acepto tan fácil

I don't accept so easily.

Bueno, es viernes, mayo 21 del 2010

Well, it's Friday, May 21, 2010.

Aquí estamos los blogueros

Here we are, the bloggers.

La bloguera Ida Blogiman

The blogger Ida Blogiman

Todavía desde el Estudio Z

Still from Studio Z

No nos hemos ido del Estudio Z

We haven't left Studio Z.

No lo hemos remodelado tampoco

We haven't remodeled it either.

Z de Sotano, acuérdate

Z of Basement, remember.

Sí, exacto

Yes, exactly.

Aquí, ya saben que los blogueros

Here, you already know that bloggers

Siempre vamos con la ortografía

We always go with the spelling.

Somos muy buenos en ortografía

We are very good at spelling.

Entonces acá con otro episodio

So here with another episode.

En el blogipodio, no recordamos qué episodio es este

In the blogipod, we don't remember what episode this is.

Pero obviamente es un episodio

But obviously it is an episode.

Que es especial

What is special

¿Llevamos cuántos años?

How many years have we been together?

2005, son cinco años

2005, there are five years.

Cinco años

Five years

Cuatro años y medio, porque hay medio año que somos de vacaciones

Four and a half years, because there is half a year that we are on vacation.

No, no, no, de vacaciones no

No, no, no, not on vacation.

Estuvimos muy ocupados

We were very busy.

En otras cosas, porque también hay que vivir la vida offline

In other things, because you also have to live life offline.

La vida offline

Offline life

A ver, cuéntame sobre la vida offline

Let's see, tell me about offline life.

Me interesó eso, la vida offline

I was interested in that, offline life.

La vida offline

The offline life

Sí, porque resulta que la bloguera no solamente vive del internet

Yes, because it turns out that the blogger doesn't only live off the internet.

No solo de pan vive el hombre, tienes razón

Man does not live by bread alone, you are right.

No solo de pan, exacto

Not only from bread, exactly.

No solo de internet vive

Not only of the internet does one live.

¿De qué más vive la bloguera?

What else does the blogger live on?

Cuéntame, o sea

Tell me, I mean.

Pues miren

Well, look.

Los oyentes quieren saber, ¿no?

The listeners want to know, right?

O sea, la vida de la bloguera

I mean, the life of the blogger.

¿Qué es lo que sucede?

What is happening?

Digamos que tenemos nuevo oyente

Let's say we have a new listener.

Se espera

It is expected.

Tenemos nuevo oyente

We have a new listener.

Así es

That's right.

Hemos dado la bienvenida a un nuevo oyente

We have welcomed a new listener.

Por supuesto que sí

Of course so.

Estamos muy contentos

We are very happy.



La bloguera se quedó muda

The blogger was left speechless.

Aquí, primera vez en la historia de los blogueros y el blogipodio

Here, the first time in the history of bloggers and blogipods.

Que la bloguera se quedó sin decir una palabra

The blogger was left speechless.



Pasemos a política

Let's move on to politics.

Pasemos a política mejor

Let's move on to politics instead.

No, no, pero está bien

No, no, but it's fine.

Ya que yo sé que me van a insistir

Since I know they are going to insist on me.

Y me van a escribir

And they are going to write to me.

Y me van a preguntar

And they're going to ask me.

No, la bloguera está muy feliz y contenta

No, the blogger is very happy and content.



Parte de la razón por la cual no ha venido al Estudio Z

Part of the reason why you haven't come to Studio Z.

Es porque está muy feliz y contenta

It is because she is very happy and cheerful.



Pero ahora que está de nuevo en el Estudio Z

But now that he is back in Studio Z

Nos va a contar un poquito más

He/She is going to tell us a little more.

Que lo que está pasando en Washington

That what is happening in Washington.

En Washington, sí

In Washington, yes.

Lo que pasa es que la bloguera

What happens is that the blogger

También tiene que tener una vida personal

You also need to have a personal life.

Así es

That's right.

Y se puede decir que ha aparecido alguien en moto

And it can be said that someone has appeared on a motorcycle.

Por ahí

Over there

En moto

By motorcycle

Bueno, no sé

Well, I don't know.

Todavía no tiene los diarios

He doesn't have the newspapers yet.

Los diarios de motocicleta no están todavía

The motorcycle diaries are not ready yet.

Todavía no

Not yet.

Pero yo creo que va a ser un podcast

But I think it will be a podcast.

Vas a tener que compartirlos

You are going to have to share them.

Cuando se escriban los diarios de motocicleta

When the motorcycle diaries are written.

Claro, claro que sí

Of course, of course.

Van a ser por iPhone

They are going to be for iPhone.

Eso les puedo decir

I can tell you that.

A nuestros seguidores

To our followers

Que aquí el candidato tiene iPhone

That the candidate has an iPhone here.

Entonces eso ya es una

So that's already a

Ya es un

It's already a

Yo sé que a ustedes les va a caer bien

I know you will like them.

Ya con eso

That's enough.

Muy bienvenido entonces, ¿no?

Very welcome then, right?

Por supuesto

Of course

Ya con eso ya se lo ganan

With that, they have already earned it.

Bueno, y ahora también que te mudas

Well, and now that you're moving too.

Me dicen al distrito

They tell me to the district.

¿Te mudas a la Casa Blanca?

Are you moving to the White House?

¿O cerca a la Casa Blanca?

Or near the White House?

No, pues estaba pensando que si no encuentro dónde

No, I was thinking that if I can't find where.

Porque puedo mudarme

Because I can move.

Ahí en la Casa Blanca hay una señora

There is a lady there in the White House.

Que está protestando desde la guerra

That has been protesting since the war.

No, la guerra nuclear no todavía no se ha dado

No, nuclear war has not happened yet.

Digamos que está protestando contra las armas nucleares

Let's say that he is protesting against nuclear weapons.

Desde los años 70, 80, más o menos

Since the 70s, 80s, more or less.

Ella tiene como una chocita

She has like a little hut.

Bueno, una chocita ahí al frente de la Casa Blanca

Well, a little hut there in front of the White House.

En el parque Lafayette

In Lafayette Park

En el parque, sí, claro

In the park, yes, of course.

A lo mejor con ella, ella me acepta

Maybe with her, she accepts me.

No sé

I don't know.

Pero el hecho es que vamos a empezar a hacer el blog

But the fact is that we are going to start making the blog.

Y el Estudio Z creo que tendrá Estudio Satélites

And I believe that Study Z will have Satellite Study.

Va a tener que tener Estudio Satélites

You will need to have satellite study.

Para poder continuar estos

In order to continue these

Pero sí les cuento que no me he encontrado últimamente a Aznar

But I do tell you that I haven't run into Aznar lately.

¿No está por acá más?

Isn't he/she around here anymore?

Bueno, sí, él está, claro, está súper amañado

Well, yes, he is, of course, he is totally rigged.

Pero que yo no me lo he encontrado

But I haven't run into him/her.

¿Ha sido a los lugares donde él usualmente está?

Have you been to the places where he usually is?

Bueno, realmente yo no frecuento los mismos

Well, I actually don't frequent the same ones.

Trato de evitar

I try to avoid.

Pero ya lo habías visto una vez por ahí, ¿no?

But you had already seen him once around, hadn't you?


Bueno, me lo diera

Well, he/she would give it to me.

Entre el petróleo y la reforma financiera

Between oil and financial reform

Y lo que queda de la reforma de salud

And what remains of the health reform.

Que no es mucho

That it is not much.

Yo creo que ha pasado

I think that has happened.

Cantidades de cosas en Washington

Amounts of things in Washington

Que nuestros oyentes estarán

That our listeners will be

Por los correos que nos han llegado

For the emails that have come to us

Y los twitters que nos llevas a ti también

And the twitters that you take us to you too.

Están interesados en saber qué es lo que ha pasado

They are interested in knowing what has happened.

Es como si se hubiera paralizado

It's as if it had become paralyzed.

El mundo se paralizó seis meses

The world came to a standstill for six months.

No ha pasado nada en Washington

Nothing has happened in Washington.

Porque nosotros no lo hemos conversado

Because we haven't discussed it.

No lo hemos comentado o conversado, claro

We haven't commented on it or talked about it, of course.

Pero han pasado muchísimas cosas

But many things have happened.

Entonces lo que vamos a hacer es

So what we are going to do is

Para no recalcar los seis meses

To avoid reiterating the six months.

Porque la última vez que hicimos podcast

Because the last time we did a podcast.

Estaba a punto de aprobarse la reforma de salud

The health reform was about to be approved.

La supuesta reforma

The supposed reform

Eso ya es tema de la prehistoria

That's already a matter of prehistory.

Porque en Washington los temas cambian de día a día

Because in Washington, issues change from day to day.

Entonces hagamos más bien lo que ha pasado

Then let's rather do what has happened.

En los últimos días

In the last few days

Los temas que se están comentando hoy en día

The topics that are being discussed nowadays.

Uno de los temas que ha salido

One of the topics that has come up.

Casi a la fuerza

Almost by force

O sea, ha sido una noticia

I mean, it has been news.

Que no se ha hablado mucho

That hasn't been talked about much.

Pero que está ahí más o menos escondida

But it's more or less hidden there.

Es la del petróleo

It's about oil.

Y esto, la fuente

And this, the source.

En realidad no es Washington

It's not really Washington.

Pero tiene muchas implicaciones

But it has many implications.

Por lo que

So that

Las decisiones que se están tomando en Washington

The decisions being made in Washington.

Y porque en Virginia

And because in Virginia

Por ejemplo, que es uno de los estados que queda al lado

For example, it is one of the states that is next to it.

También hay toda una controversia

There is also a whole controversy.

Con lo que está haciendo el gobernador

With what the governor is doing

En cuanto al petróleo

Regarding oil

Pero en este caso, como yo sé que

But in this case, as I know that

Dablow Gilman es un expertísimo

Dablow Gilman is an expert.

Bueno, en petróleo

Well, in oil.

Y en fugas

And in leaks



En fugas es diferente

In leaks, it is different.

En fugas incontrolables que no se pueden tapar

In uncontrollable leaks that cannot be stopped.

En mancharse

In getting stained.

En mancharse y en fugas, sí

In staining and in leaks, yes.

Entonces lo voy a dejar a

So I'm going to leave it to

Porque él ha seguido el tema con más atención

Because he has followed the topic more closely.

Porque yo creo que él estaba pensando en unas vacaciones

Because I think he was thinking about a vacation.

En una playa cercana

On a nearby beach

A esa zona que ya ha tenido que posponer

To that area that has already had to postpone.

O trasladar

Or transfer

Tienes razón

You are right.

Hay múltiples factores

There are multiple factors.

En este sentido

In this sense

Hay implicaciones fuera de simplemente

There are implications beyond simply.

La fuga de petróleo y todo eso

The oil spill and all that.

Sino las decisiones que está tomando el gobierno

But the decisions the government is making

Que ha tomado y que se tomaron

What has been taken and what was taken.

Incluso antes de esta explosión

Even before this explosion.

Bueno, las primeras

Well, the first ones.

Las implicaciones

The implications

Tal vez más importantes

Perhaps more important.

Eran las implicaciones ecológicas

They were the ecological implications.

O sea, cuando tienes una cantidad tan grande de petróleo

I mean, when you have such a large amount of oil

Que en realidad no se sabe cuánto es

That it is not really known how much it is.

O sea, acá estoy leyendo

I mean, here I am reading.

Y que no dejan medir

And that do not allow measuring.

No es que no se sepa

It's not that it isn't known.

O sea, hay alguien que sabe

I mean, there is someone who knows.

El British Petroleum dijo desde el principio

British Petroleum said from the beginning.

Que se estaban derramando

That were spilling.

Que estaban saliendo de esa fuga

That they were coming out of that leak.

5.000 barriles diarios de petróleo

5,000 barrels of oil per day

Por ahí, en los días siguientes

Around there, in the following days.

Hubo un grupo de científicos

There was a group of scientists.

Que estudió algún video

That studied some video.

Que había por ahí donde había un flujo

That there was around where there was a flow.

Del petróleo saliendo

Out of the oil.

Y dijeron que no, que para nada

And they said no, not at all.

5.000 ni cerca

5,000 not even close

O sea, que eran por lo menos

I mean, that they were at least

Entre 80 y 90.000 barriles diarios

Between 80,000 and 90,000 barrels daily.

Que se estaban derramando dentro del océano

That they were spilling into the ocean.

Y por ahora

And for now

El gobierno y la British Petroleum

The government and British Petroleum

Han continuado defendiendo su posición

They have continued to defend their position.

De que son solamente 5.000 barriles

That they are only 5,000 barrels.

Inclusive ayer dijeron

Even yesterday they said.

Y taparon 5.000

And they covered 5,000.

O sea, que sería cero

That is to say, it would be zero.

Taparon 4.500

They covered 4,500.

Claro, que taparon como 4.500

Of course, they covered about 4,500.

En los últimos métodos

In the latest methods

El día de ayer o antes de ayer

Yesterday or the day before yesterday.

O sea, que según eso

In other words, according to that

No debería estar saliendo nada

Nothing should be coming out.

Absurdo, no, absurdo

Absurd, no, absurd.

Y ahora veo acá

And now I see here.

Que la Associated Press

That the Associated Press

Está reportando

It is reporting.

Que desde New Orleans

That from New Orleans

Que hoy jueves

That today is Thursday.

La British Petroleum por fin

British Petroleum finally

Hoy, hoy no es jueves

Today, today is not Thursday.

Para que vean

So you can see.

Lo bien que estoy en fechas

How well I am with dates.

Mejor dicho

Better said.

Ustedes, ustedes pensaban

You all, you all thought.

Que el blogipodio

That the blogipod.

Era una vaina seria

It was a serious thing.

Y que teníamos la noticia

And that we had the news.

El blogipodio no tiene tiempo

The blogipodio has no time.

El blogipodio es todo un espectro

The blogipodio is quite a spectrum.

En el tiempo, ¿no?

In time, right?

Es que el tiempo es

It's just that time is

Algo que ha construido la sociedad

Something that society has built.

Y realmente

And really

No se puede medir el tiempo

Time cannot be measured.

Pero por fin

But finally


They said.

Es que nosotros tenemos

It's just that we have.

La noticia adelantada

The advance news

Él está hablando del jueves

He is talking about Thursday.

Que sigue la próxima semana

What follows next week.

Lo que va a salir el próximo jueves

What is going to be released next Thursday.



Concedieron los de British Petroleum

They granted it from British Petroleum.

Que era más de 5.000

That it was more than 5,000.

O sea, no han dicho cuánto

That is to say, they haven't said how much.

Pero dicen que es más de 5.000

But they say it's more than 5,000.

Bueno, los estimados

Well, the estimates.

Los conservadores

The conservatives

Son que sean entre 50.000 a 60.000

They are between 50,000 and 60,000.

Y como te digo

And as I tell you

Hay científicos que dicen

There are scientists who say

Que es 80.000 a 90.000

What is 80,000 to 90,000?

Lo cual te da un

Which gives you a

Exxon Valdez

Exxon Valdez

¿Te acuerdas del accidente

Do you remember the accident?

Que ocurrió en Alaska?

What happened in Alaska?

Que devastó

That devastated.

Eso yo creo que era

I believe that was.

Más de tu época

More from your time.

Que de mi época

That of my time.

¿No te acuerdas?

Don't you remember?

Yo tenía como dos años

I was about two years old.

No he leído la historia

I haven't read the story.

Tenía como dos años

I was about two years old.

Por favor


Dos años de universidad

Two years of university

Tal vez, pero bueno

Maybe, but well.

Y el Exxon Valdez

And the Exxon Valdez

Destruyó el ecosistema

He destroyed the ecosystem.

De ciertas áreas de Alaska

From certain areas of Alaska.

Por décadas

For decades

Y no solamente eso

And not only that.

Yo vi un reportaje reciente

I saw a recent report.

Que fueron aprovechando

They were taking advantage of.

La oportunidad

The opportunity

De que estaba pasando

Of what was happening.

Esto en Louisiana

This in Louisiana

Regresaron a Alaska

They returned to Alaska.

Y la gente todavía

And the people still

Hoy en día


Sigue trabajando

Keep working

Viviendo las consecuencias

Living with the consequences.

De eso

Of that.

Bueno, este accidente

Well, this accident

Se dice

It is said.

De que equivale

What does it equal?

A un Exxon Valdez

To an Exxon Valdez

Cada tres días

Every three days

Que pasan

What happens?

El derrame de petróleo

The oil spill

Es equivalente

It is equivalent.

A lo que se derramó

To what was spilled.

En todo el episodio

Throughout the episode.

De Exxon Valdez

From Exxon Valdez

Imagínate eso

Imagine that.

La diferencia

The difference

Es que esto está profundísimo

It's just that this is very deep.

Son varios kilómetros

It's several kilometers.

No tengo el número exacto

I don't have the exact number.

De cuántos kilómetros

How many kilometers?



De la superficie

From the surface

Y por lo tanto

And therefore

No se puede ver

Cannot be seen

Desde la superficie

From the surface

Muy fácilmente

Very easily

Pero hay toda una columna

But there is a whole column.

De petróleo inmensa

Of immense oil





El fondo

The background

Hasta cerca de la superficie

Up to near the surface

Que está completamente

That it is completely.



El ecosistema

The ecosystem

En esa área

In that area



No solamente el petróleo

Not only oil.

Sino que además

But also

Hay un derrame

There is a spill.

De gas

Of gas

Gas metano

Methane gas

Y el gas metano

And the methane gas

Lo que hace

What it does.

Es básicamente

It is basically

Te consume

It consumes you.

Todo el oxígeno

All the oxygen

De esa columna de agua

From that column of water

Y mata

And kill.

Cualquier ser viviente

Any living being





Lo que fuera

Whatever it was.

Que están en esa columna

What is in that column

O sea que

I mean that

Es realmente

It is really.

La magnitud

The magnitude

De ese desastre

From that disaster

No se conoce

It is not known.

A ciencia cierta

For certain.

Y el gobierno

And the government

Y British Petroleum

And British Petroleum

Están haciendo

They are doing.

Todo lo posible

Everything possible

Porque no se llegue

Because it does not arrive.

A conocer

To get to know.

Pero ¿Qué es lo que

But what is it that

Yo no entiendo

I do not understand.

A ver

Let's see.


Tell me.

¿Por qué


El gobierno

The government

Le importa

Does it matter to you?

¿Por qué no se meten

Why don't they get involved?

Con British Petrol?

With British Petrol?

Que además

That moreover

Es una empresa británica

It is a British company.

Porque el gobierno

Because the government





Que unos meses

A few months.

O sea ¿Qué ventaja

I mean, what advantage?

Saca el gobierno

Remove the government.

Con tapar

With cover

Lo que está haciendo

What he/she is doing.



Unos meses

A few months

Unos meses antes

A few months before

De que ocurriera

That it happened.

Este accidente

This accident




He/She decided.

Que iba a ir

That I was going to go

A perforar

To perforate

El pozo de petróleo

The oil well

En todo el país

Throughout the country

O sea ¿No?

I mean, right?

Que ese era el plan

That was the plan.

Energético de Estados Unidos

United States energy

Aparte de bueno

Aside from good

Buscar fuentes alternativas

Look for alternative sources.

Pero por ahora

But for now

Vamos a seguir

We are going to continue.



El pozo de petróleo

The oil well

Donde sea

Wherever it is.

Una oposición

An opposition

Que en su campaña

That in his campaign

No mantuvo

Did not keep.

La contraria

The opposite

Su posición

Your position

En la campaña

In the campaign

Fue no

It was not.

Vamos a buscar

Let's go look.





Y no más petróleo

And no more oil.

Bueno acá

Good here

Se unió a Bush

Joined Bush.

Y ahora a perforar

And now to drill.

Lo que sea ¿No?

Whatever, right?

No se está uniendo a Bush

He is not joining Bush.

Para mí

For me

Está haciendo mucho

He/She is doing a lot.

Las cosas que hizo Bush

The things that Bush did.

A ver

Let's see

Por ejemplo

For example

Estamos hablando

We are talking.

De un presidente

Of a president

Que por lo menos

At least

Puede hablar coherentemente

He/She can speak coherently.

Como se llama

What is your name?

El petróleo

The oil

¿Por qué estás comparando

Why are you comparing?

Obama con Bush?

Obama with Bush?

Yo no estoy comparando

I am not comparing.



Estoy diciendo

I am saying.

Que está continuando

That is continuing.

Muchas de sus políticas

Many of its policies

Pero eso es lo que pasa

But that's what happens.

Con los presidentes

With the presidents

Ellos eran una situación

They were a situation.

Que ya está en marcha

It's already underway.

Eso no es política

That is not politics.

Que él haya sacado

That he has taken out

De su propia

Of its own

Él no tenía que decir

He didn't have to say.

Que iba a perforar

That I was going to pierce.

Más pozo de petróleo

More oil well

Él podía haber dicho

He could have said.

Voy a hacer lo que dije

I am going to do what I said.

Que iba a hacer en mi campaña

What I was going to do in my campaign

O sea

I mean

Ser ecológico

Being ecological

Buscar fuentes alternativas

Look for alternative sources

Y eliminar

And eliminate

La dependencia

The dependence

De Estados Unidos

From the United States.

De países

Of countries





No dijo eso

He didn't say that.

Cuando después

When afterwards

Desde que salió el presidente

Since the president left.

Y hace pocos meses

And a few months ago


He/She/It says.

No, lo que vamos a hacer

No, what we are going to do.

Es vamos a continuar

Let's continue.

A perforar

To drill

Más pozo de petróleo

More oil well

O sea

In other words

Eso tiene mucho que ver

That has a lot to do with it.

Con la situación

With the situation

De la economía

Of the economy

Eso tiene todo que ver

That has everything to do with it.

Con la cantidad de dinero

With the amount of money

Que las petroleas

That the oil companies

Le dan a los demócratas

They give to the democrats.

O sea

I mean

Y la cantidad de dinero

And the amount of money.

Que no pagan en impuestos

That they do not pay in taxes.

El partido que está en el poder

The party that is in power.

Recibe dinero

Receive money.

De las fuentes de poder

Of the power sources



En este caso

In this case

Los demócratas

The democrats

Están en el poder

They are in power.

Entonces todo lo que

Then everything that

Están haciendo

They are doing.

Están más o menos

They are doing okay.

En el poder

In power

Porque no hacen de cuenta

Because they don't pretend.

Que no

No way.

Wall Street

Wall Street

Lo de salud

The health matter.

Y las aseguradoras

And the insurers

Y British Petroleum

And British Petroleum

Y todas las petroleras

And all the oil companies

Le están dando

They are giving him/her.

En este momento

At this moment

Dinero a los que están

Money to those who are.

En el poder

In power.

Entonces ellos

So they

No van a hacer nada

They are not going to do anything.

Que pueda afectar

That may affect.

La posibilidad de ellos

Their possibility

De recibir dinero

To receive money

Es Washington

It's Washington.



Y vas a vivir

And you are going to live.

Muy cerca

Very close

De la Casa Blanca

From the White House

No sé que tan cerca

I don't know how close.

Voy a vivir

I am going to live.

De la Casa Blanca

From the White House

Ya vas a poder ver

You will be able to see soon.

Desde tu ventana

From your window

Desde mi ventana

From my window

No, desde mi ventana

No, from my window.

Creo que voy a ver

I think I'm going to watch.

La embajada rusa

The Russian embassy

Porque la embajada rusa

Because the Russian embassy

Les voy a contar

I'm going to tell you.

De la embajada rusa

From the Russian embassy.

Esto digamos

Let's say this.

No es noticia de última hora

It's not breaking news.

Pero en la embajada rusa

But at the Russian embassy

Yo antes trabajaba

I used to work.

Al frente de la embajada rusa

In front of the Russian embassy.

Que era un centro

That it was a center.

Que durante la guerra fría

That during the Cold War

Era un centro

It was a center.

De mucha actividad

Of much activity

Y mucha vigilancia

And a lot of surveillance.

Por supuesto, claro

Of course, sure.

Pero les cuento ahora

But I'll tell you now.

Que si ustedes van

That if you all go

A la embajada rusa

To the Russian embassy.

Que queda como

That remains as

A tres cuadras

Three blocks away.

De la Casa Blanca

From the White House

Tienen su propio

They have their own

Servicio secreto

Secret service

Tienen un camión

They have a truck.

O un SUV

Or an SUV

Que está ahí

What is there

Día y noche

Day and night

Y lo más interesante

And the most interesting thing

Que pasa

What's happening?

Es que todos los días

It's just that every day.

Al mediodía

At noon

Sale un señor

A gentleman goes out.



Presuntamente ruso

Presumably Russian.

Porque sale

Because it comes out.

De la embajada rusa

From the Russian embassy.

¿Qué evidencia tiene

What evidence do you have?

De que es ruso?

What is he Russian?

No tengo ninguna evidencia

I have no evidence.

Por eso les estoy diciendo

That's why I'm telling you.



Sale de la embajada rusa

It leaves the Russian embassy.

A pasear a un perro

Taking a dog for a walk

Que es un puro

What is a cigar?

¿Un pastor ruso?

A Russian shepherd?



Un puro

A cigar.

Tú dices

You say

La embajada rusa

The Russian embassy

Tremendo país

Tremendous country

En guerra fría

In cold war.

Deberían tener

They should have.

No sé

I don't know.

Un perro grande

A big dog

Un perro espía

A spy dog

Sí, pero este es un perro

Yes, but this is a dog.

Pasa desapercibido

Goes unnoticed.

Pasa muy

It happens very.

Bueno, yo no sé

Well, I don't know.

Si pasa desapercibido

If it goes unnoticed.

Pero yo lo vi

But I saw him.

Y yo lo hice notar

And I pointed it out.

Porque dije

Because I said

¿Cómo así que

How come that

De la embajada rusa

From the Russian embassy.

Sale un

A sale out

Semejante perrito

Such a little dog.

Tan chichipato?

So cheap?


So then

Sale un señor

A man is leaving.

Y pasea al perro

And walk the dog.

Da la vuelta

Turn around.

A la cuadra

To the block

Y se pone a podar

And he/she starts pruning.

Las rosas

The roses

Porque hay un montón

Because there are a lot.

De rosas

Of roses

Es el jardinero

He is the gardener.

No sé

I don't know.

Pero también pasea al perro

But he/she also walks the dog.

O sea que hace multitasking

So it means multitasking.

No sé si tiene

I don't know if you have.

Un part time

A part time.

No solamente

Not only

Haciendo eso

Doing that

Los espías son así

Spies are like that.

Les dan trabajos

They give them jobs.



Sí, pero lo que pasa

Yes, but what happens is

Es que nadie

It's just that no one.

En esa cuadra

On that block

Que es

What is it?




It is

En donde


Está la National Geographic

National Geographic is there.



Te aseguro que por ahí

I assure you that over there

Hay todo un piso

There is a whole floor.

Dedicado a la CIA

Dedicated to the CIA

Que está

What is it?



Qué es lo que está pasando

What is happening?

En la embajada rusa

At the Russian embassy.

Que están viendo

What are they watching?

Qué perro están paseando

What dog are they walking?

Y por qué lo pasean

And why do they walk it?

Todos los días

Every day

Yo creo que el perro

I think that the dog.

Tiene una cámara

She has a camera.



Para poder ver

In order to see

Dónde está

Where is it?



Pero si la CIA

But if the CIA

No se ve

It can't be seen.

Tiene que haber

There has to be.

¿Sabes qué hay al frente?

Do you know what is ahead?

Al frente hay una clínica

In front there is a clinic.


Do you see?

De salud

Of health

¿Tú crees que es una clínica?

Do you think it is a clinic?

Y eso es lo que

And that is what

Pero tú vas ahí

But you go there.

Y no hay médicos

And there are no doctors.

No hay ni médicos

There are not even doctors.

Ni pacientes

Not even patients.

Tocas la puerta

You knock on the door.

Y vas a ver

And you will see.

Pues sabes que no he tocado

Well, you know I haven't touched.

La puerta

The door

La verdad

The truth

No he tenido

I haven't had.

Necesidad de ir a esa clínica

Need to go to that clinic.

Tocas la puerta

You knock on the door.

Y tienes que estar

And you have to be.

Con dolor de cabeza

With a headache

Que quieres que te vean

What do you want them to see you?

Los médicos

The doctors

O sea que no hay médicos

So there are no doctors.

Son espías todos

They are all spies.

La CIA tiene salud

The CIA is healthy.

Pero la CIA también

But the CIA also

Tiene médicos

It has doctors.

A lo mejor me hacen

Maybe they make me.

Un experimento

An experiment

Eso de

That of



Te dan droga gratis

They give you free drugs.

Te aseguro que no existe

I assure you that it does not exist.

Embajada rusa en el mundo

Russian embassy in the world

Que no tenga

That I do not have.

Al frente

In front

Un complejo americano

An American complex


Investigating it

Sí pero

Yes, but

Como sucede lo mismo

As it happens the same.

Con las embajadas americanas

With the American embassies.

En otros países

In other countries

Y como sucede

And as it happens

Con la embajada de Irán

With the Iranian embassy

Y con la embajada de Corea

And with the embassy of Korea.

Y con la embajada

And with the embassy.

De todas las embajadas

Of all the embassies

De países que

From countries that

No sean

Don't be.

Entonces ese señor

So that man

Con el pudor y las rosas

With modesty and roses.

Todo tiene que ver

Everything is connected.

En este asunto

In this matter

O sea no es

That is to say, it is not.

Pues hasta ahora

Well, until now.

Yo no he descubierto

I have not discovered.

El sentido

The meaning

Toma las fotos

Take the photos.

Tú crees que yo me voy a poner

You think that I'm going to get

A tomar fotos

To take photos

Para que me arresten

So that I get arrested.

Ahí sí peor

There it's worse.

Toma las fotos

Take the photos.

Si ponen en mi blog

If they put on my blog

A ver si nuestros oyentes

Let's see if our listeners

Pueden dar más indicios

They can provide more clues.

De por qué

Of why

Porque si han visto

Because if you have seen

Ese puro

That cigar.

En algún otro país

In some other country

No no no

No no no

Bueno de qué

Well, about what?

Estábamos hablando

We were talking.

Porque yo creo que

Because I believe that

Eso no tiene nada que ver

That has nothing to do with it.

Ni con el petróleo

Not even with the oil.

Ni con nada

Not even with anything.

Pero yo creo que

But I think that

El petróleo

The oil

Era este

It was this.

Ese es un tema

That is a topic.

Que va a seguir

What is going to continue.

Va a seguir por mucho tiempo

It will go on for a long time.

Para mucho tiempo

For a long time

Lo que sí sería interesante

What would certainly be interesting

Es que nos cuesten

It costs us.

Que nos cuenten

Let them tell us.

Nuestros oyentes

Our listeners

Cómo se está reportando

How is it being reported?

Esta noticia

This news

Fuera de Estados Unidos

Outside the United States

Porque aquí

Because here

Es una noticia

It is news.

Que ha salido gota a gota

That has come out drop by drop.

Entonces el primer día

So the first day

Que hubo una explosión

That there was an explosion.

Por allá

Over there.

En el Golfo de México

In the Gulf of Mexico.

Que nada

Let nothing.

Ahí terminó

There it ended.

Como noticia de tercera

Like third news.





No que

Not that

Está regando petróleo

He is spilling oil.

Porque todo está bajo control

Because everything is under control.

Después una semana

After a week



Ah que a lo mejor

Oh, maybe.

Afecta las cosas

It affects things.

De las cosas de Luisiana

Of the things of Louisiana

Y ahora

And now

Como que por fin

As if finally

Se está dando

It is happening.

La noticia

The news

De que esto

Of this

Es realmente

It is really

Un desastre

A disaster



Y es algo

And it is something

Que va a afectar el país

That will affect the country.

Un montón de tiempo

A lot of time

Y solamente porque

And only because

Ahora parece que

Now it seems that



Que todo ese

That all of that

Petróleo se va

Oil is leaving.

Para Key West

To Key West

Y la gente

And the people

Ya está diciendo

He's already saying.

Bueno se van a meter

Well, they are going to get involved.

Con mi playa

With my beach

Y yo que tenía

And I who had

Planes de bajar

Plans to lower



Así como

Just as

Da blog

Give blog

O todavía no nos has dicho

Or you still haven't told us.

Planes de vacaciones

Vacation plans




It is

Ha sido curioso ver

It has been interesting to see.

No curioso

Not curious.

Digamos que

Let's say that

Es como lo de Guantánamo

It's like what happened in Guantanamo.

Son ese tipo de noticias

They're that kind of news.

Que las tienen

That they have them.

Por debajo


En Guantánamo

In Guantánamo

Por ejemplo

For example

Todavía están sucediendo

They are still happening.

Un montón de cosas

A bunch of things

Que no están saliendo

That they are not going out.

A la luz

In the light

Ha salido

He has gone out.

Un reporte

A report

Una investigación

An investigation

Acerca de los

About the

Supuestos suicidios

Alleged suicides

Que no fueron

That they were not.

Tan suicidios

So many suicides

Al final

In the end

Se está pidiendo

It is being requested.

Una investigación

A research.

Sobre eso

About that

Entonces sería interesante

Then it would be interesting.

Que ustedes nos cuenten

Let you tell us.





Bueno si primero

Well, if first.

Que todo se está hablando

That everything is being talked about.

De este tema

On this topic

Bueno en Cuba

Good in Cuba

Se tiene que estar hablando

One must be talking.

Porque ya

Because already

En Cuba se les viene encima

In Cuba, they are coming at them.

El petróleo

The oil

O sea ya ahí no hay embargo

That means there is no longer an embargo there.

Para que valga

For it to be worth it



Que bien petróleo

How good oil

Ya no le tienen que pedir

They no longer have to ask him/her.

A Chávez

To Chávez

Y el otro asunto

And the other matter.

Es que conversábamos antes

It's just that we were talking before.



Cómo se está impidiendo

How is it being prevented?

Que la prensa libre

Let the free press be.

Vaya a las playas

Go to the beaches.

Y reporte

And report

Haga reportajes

Do reports.



En las playas

On the beaches

Ni siquiera

Not even.

Están pidiendo acceso

They are requesting access.

En las playas públicas

In the public beaches.

Ah ya

Oh, I see.

O sea por ejemplo

That is to say, for example.

Había un equipo de CBS

There was a CBS team.

El día de ayer


Antes de ayer

The day before yesterday.

Que estaba intentando

That I was trying.

Hacer un reportaje

To make a report.

De una playa de Luisiana

From a beach in Louisiana

Donde estaba comenzando

Where it was beginning.

Ya a llegar el petróleo

The oil is already arriving.

Y por ahí

And around there.

El guardacosta

The coastguard





Les evitó

He/She avoided them.

Que hicieran el reportaje

That they made the report.

Diciéndoles que estaban

Telling them that they were


Doing it

Bajo órdenes

Under orders

De la British Petroleum

Of British Petroleum.

O sea

I mean.

Desde cuando

Since when

El guardacosta

The coast guard

Sigue órdenes

Follow orders.

De la British Petroleum

Of British Petroleum

O sea es completamente

I mean, it's completely.





Pero es lo que mucha gente dice

But that's what a lot of people say.

Que hay un cierto

There is a certain.

Que se yo

I don't know.

No diría yo

I wouldn't say so.

Una confabulación

A conspiracy

Una cosa así

Such a thing

Pero entre el gobierno

But between the government

Y British Petroleum

And British Petroleum

Están tratando

They are trying.

De ocultar

To hide

Muchas de las noticias

Many of the news

Que la gente

That the people

Está tratando de dar

He is trying to give.



La otra cosa

The other thing

Es que

It's just that

Si esta

If this



Esta mancha de petróleo

This oil stain

Que es millas de millas

What is miles of miles?

Llega a la corriente

It arrives at the current.

Que existe en el Golfo

That exists in the Gulf.

Que se dirige

That is directed

Hacia el este

To the east

Hacia el Golfo

Toward the Gulf

Hacia la zona

Towards the area

De Key West

From Key West




I could.

La mancha de petróleo

The oil stain.



No solo llegar a Key West

Not just arriving in Key West.

Sino subir

Otherwise, go up.

La costa atlántica

The Atlantic coast


Hasta Washington

Up to Washington

Y llegar

And arrive



No sé si llegar a Washington

I don't know if I will get to Washington.



A Nueva York

To New York

Pero por lo menos

But at least

Llegaría a Florida

I would arrive in Florida.

La parte de la costa atlántica

The part of the Atlantic coast

De Florida

From Florida

Y tal vez otros estados

And maybe other states.



O sea que

I mean that

La magnitud

The magnitude

Yo creo

I believe.

De la catástrofe

From the catastrophe

No ha sido determinada todavía

It has not been determined yet.

Y yo creo que el gobierno

And I believe that the government

Está haciendo todo lo posible

He is doing everything possible.

Por evitar

For avoiding

El impacto

The impact

De que se sepa

As far as is known





Que es lo que está pasando

What is happening?





Hablando de

Speaking of



No sé si

I don't know if

Esa es una buena transición

That is a good transition.



Pero estamos

But we are

Bueno hablando del gobierno

Well, talking about the government.

Y de las reformas

And of the reforms

Que no existen

That they do not exist.

Hoy se aprobó

Today it was approved.

La reforma financiera

The financial reform

En el Senado

In the Senate

Esta reforma financiera

This financial reform.

Es digamos

It's let's say.

Un barniz

A varnish

No es

It is not.

Es mejor que nada

It's better than nothing.

Pero no va

But it doesn't go.

A prevenir

To prevent

Ninguna de las cosas

None of the things

Que están

That they are

Diciendo que va a prevenir

Saying that he/she is going to prevent

Tiene varios elementos

It has several elements.



Yo creo que

I believe that

Lo más

The most

Yo diría que

I would say that

Lo más

The most




It is



Bueno lo que pasa

Well, what happens is...

Es que

It's just that

Esas cosas

Those things

No salen

They don't go out.

Una de las cosas

One of the things

Que están proponiendo

What are they proposing?

O que se proponen

Or what they propose.

Esta nueva ley

This new law

Es que los contribuyentes

It's just that the taxpayers

No paguen los platos

Don't pay the bills.

Rotos de Wall Street

Broken from Wall Street

Y de los bancos

And about the banks.

Cuando hacen

When they do

Sus embarradas

Your messes



Pero lo que pasa

But what happens

Es que

It's just that

En un momento

In a moment.

De crisis

Of crisis

Igual el gobierno

Same the government

Dice pues toca

It says, "so it’s time."


Help them

Y les van a ayudar

And they are going to help them.

También crea

It also creates



Un comité

A committee

O una comisión

Or a commission.

Para defender

To defend

Los derechos

The rights

De los consumidores

Of the consumers

Que en realmente

That in reality

Que realmente

That really

No es ninguna reforma

It is not a reform.

Es decir

That is to say

Bueno si ya le fregaron

Well, if they already messed it up.

La vida


Les vamos a ayudar

We are going to help them.



A ver si

Let's see if



Pero lo más curioso

But the most curious thing

Es que cuando

It's just that when

Cuando Obama

When Obama


I was


Let's say

Haciendo su conferencia

Giving his/her lecture.

De prensa

From the press

Después de que

After that

El Senado votó

The Senate voted.

Para decir

To say

Que qué bueno

How good!

Que están apoyando

That they are supporting.

Mi propuesta

My proposal



Fue lo más importante

It was the most important thing.

Que salió

That came out.

De esa conferencia

From that conference

De prensa

Of the press

Que todo el mundo

That everyone

Está hablando ahorita

He is talking right now.

En Washington

In Washington

No fue lo que dijo

It wasn't what he/she said.



Si no

If not


Please provide the sentence you would like me to translate.

Que un intruso

That an intruder

En la Casa Blanca

In the White House

Esta semana

This week


There was


Let's say.

La segunda cena oficial

The second official dinner

Con el presidente

With the president.

Felipe Calderón

Felipe Calderón

Y bueno

And well

La primera dama

The first lady

De México

From Mexico



Dijo que

He said that

Vestía un vestido

She was wearing a dress.

Según eso

According to that

Inspiración azteca

Aztec inspiration

Pero yo creo

But I believe

Que ningún azteca

Let no Aztec

Que se respete

That it be respected.

Si hubiera puesto

If I had put

Ese vestido

That dress

Ni ninguna mujer

Nor any woman



Pero bueno

But well

Ese es tema

That is the topic.



Ese es para el podcast

That is for the podcast.

De modas

Of fashions

Que no es el

That it's not him.

De nosotros

Of us

Un ratón

A mouse

O una rata

Or a rat.

No sabemos aún

We don't know yet.

No se sabe

It is not known.

La identidad

The identity

Si era con papeles

If it was with papers.

Sin papeles

Without papers

O demócrata

The democrat.

Se coló

He/She sneaked in.

En la conferencia

At the conference

De prensa

Of press

De Obama

Of Obama

Y fue lo que

And it was what


He/She monopolized.

La atención

The attention

De la prensa

From the press

Porque ellos saben

Because they know

Que la reforma

That the reform

A Wall Street

To Wall Street

No sirve para nada

It’s useless.

Pero un ratón

But a mouse

En la Casa Blanca

In the White House

Es noticia

It's news.

La noticia

The news

50 veces

50 times

Hoy día


Mostrando al ratoncito

Showing the little mouse

Ese caminando

That walking

A frente de Obama

In front of Obama.

Y nadie

And nobody

Haciéndole caso

Paying attention to him/her

A lo que decía Obama

To what Obama said



Es este

It is this.

Y porque ya

And because already

La gente está

The people are

Además un viernes

Also a Friday

Eso es lo más

That is the most.

No sé

I don't know.

No fueron

They were not.

El servicio secreto

The secret service

Bueno la gente

Well, the people.

La gente está harta

People are fed up.

La gente no solamente

People not only

Está harta

She is fed up.

Sino que

But rather

Esta rutina

This routine

De decir

To say

Que algo que se ha hecho

That something that has been done

Cuando no se ha hecho nada

When nothing has been done.

Cuando todo el mundo

When everyone

Sabe que no

He knows that no.

Y van a

And they're going to

Entonces ya la gente

So then the people

No está cansada

She is not tired.

Ya está cansada

She is already tired.

Entonces ven un ratón

Then a mouse comes.

En la Casa Blanca

In the White House

Y eso ya es noticia

And that is already news.

Es lo más interesante

It's the most interesting.

Del día

Of the day

O sea es increíble

I mean, it's incredible.

Pero eso fue lo más

But that was the most.

Interesante del día

Interesting of the day

Todos los titulares

All the headlines

Yo no sé si eso ha salido

I don't know if that has come out.



A noticia internacional

The international news

Van a haber videos

There are going to be videos.

Bueno el video ya está

Well, the video is ready.

El video del ratón

The video of the mouse



Es interesante ver

It is interesting to see.

Que eso ha sido

That it has been.

Se ha convertido

It has become.

En la noticia del día

In the news of the day.



Bueno yo creo que

Well, I think that

Realmente refleja

It really reflects.

La actitud

The attitude.

De mucha gente

Of many people

En este país

In this country

Ya no les interesa

They are no longer interested.

Están hartos de Washington

They are fed up with Washington.

O sea

That is to say.

El día martes


Subieron elecciones

Elections were raised.




He/She lost.



Y republicanas

And Republican



Para elegir a los que van a ser

To choose those who will be



En noviembre

In November

Para el Senado

For the Senate

O Congreso

The Congress

O la Cámara

Oh the Chamber

Y la mayoría

And the majority

De los que son

Of those who are

Los que ganaron

The winners

Son gente de afuera

They are people from outside.

Gente afuera

People outside

Ya sea

Whether it be

Eso fue algo que

That was something that

Que fue claro

That was clear.

Para tanto los republicanos

For so much, the republicans

Como los demócratas

Like the Democrats.


He/She won.

Un tipo del Tea Party

A guy from the Tea Party.

Que son

What are they?

Que es extrema

What is extreme?

O sea

That is to say


Of course

Pero bueno

But well.

Este tipo está

This guy is

Este tipo está loco

This guy is crazy.

Y no va a ganar

And he/she is not going to win.




I win.

Y lo mismo

And the same.

Por el lado demócrata

On the democratic side

También los demócratas

The Democrats too.

Que fueron contra

That they went against

Candidatos demócratas

Democratic candidates



También ganaron

They also won.



Por ambos partidos

For both parties.


It is.

Está pasando eso

That's happening.

Pero por si acaso

But just in case

Para no perder

To not lose

La noticia del ratón

The news of the mouse.

Para los que no saben

For those who don't know



Es la capital

It is the capital.

De las ratas

Of the rats

De Estados Unidos

From the United States

En Washington

In Washington

Hay más ratas

There are more rats.

Per cápita

Per capita

Que cualquier otra ciudad

That any other city.

Del país

From the country

Incluso que

Even that

Nueva York

New York

Bueno yo creo que

Well I think that

En el Capitolio

In the Capitol.

Esas son ratas

Those are rats.

De un nivel especial

Of a special level.


Eso yo creo que

I think that.

Es para otra encuesta

It's for another survey.



Parte del problema

Part of the problem

En Washington

In Washington

Es que

It's just that

El Departamento

The Department

De Salud

Of Health

De Antirratones

Of Antirats

Porque tienen

Because they have

No sé

I don't know.

Un comité

A committee

O un

Or a

Comité de ratones

Committee of Mice

No sé si un comité

I don't know if a committee



Una sección

A section

Es una sección

It is a section.

Son como dos personas

They are like two people.

Nada más

Nothing more

Que trabajan

That they work.

Porque la ciudad

Because the city

No tiene presupuesto

It has no budget.

Más para cazar ratas

More for hunting rats.

Entonces si ustedes van

So if you all go

Incluso en los barrios

Even in the neighborhoods

Más elegantes

More elegant

De Washington

From Washington

Van a ver

They are going to see.


Like this.

En ciertas horas del día

At certain times of the day

Van a ver ratas

You will see rats.

Que parecen

What do they look like?



Sí, exactos

Yes, exactly.

Y te pelean

And they fight you.

O sea ellos no le tienen miedo

I mean, they are not afraid of him.

A los políticos

To the politicians

Ni a nadie

Nor to anyone

Eso sí he visto

I have seen that.



Solo para que sepan

Just so you know.

Como dato interesante

As an interesting fact

Que no solo políticos

That not only politicians.

Hay sino que también

There is but also

Y estas dos personas

And these two people

No se encargan

They don't take care of it.

De eliminar ratas

To eliminate rats.



O sea ahora

I mean now.

No, no, sí

No, no, yes.

Se encargan simplemente

They simply take care of it.

De tratar de dar la versión

Trying to give the version



Ocultando las ratas

Hiding the rats



Como todo en Washington

Like everything in Washington.

Digamos que

Let's say that

Esa no es una estadística

That is not a statistic.

Que la ciudad

That the city

Saca a relucir

Bring to light.


A lot

Yo creo que es

I think it is.

La capital de otras cosas

The capital of other things

Per cápita también

Per capita as well.

Pero digamos que

But let's say that

En términos de ratas

In terms of rats.

Es un dato

It's a fact.

Poco conocido

Little known

Pero gracias al

But thanks to the



Ustedes ahora saben

You all now know.

Pero no dejen

But don't leave.

De venir a Washington

Of coming to Washington

Por eso

That's why.

No, claro que no

No, of course not.

Claro que no

Of course not.

Las ratas no asaltan

Rats do not assault.



No usan el dinero

They don't use money.

De los impuestos

Of the taxes

De la gente

Of the people

No empiezan guerras

They do not start wars.

Que no deben ser

That they should not be



Y no se les permite

And they are not allowed.

Subir a los

Climb to the

Ómnibus y al metro

Bus and subway



O sea que

That is to say that

No, no

No, no.

En el metro también

In the subway too.

Ay, claro

Oh, of course.

Pues claro que sí

Of course!

Claro que sí

Of course yes.

Dentro de los trenes

Inside the trains

Bueno, dentro de los trenes

Well, inside the trains.

No sé

I don't know.

Digamos personalmente

Let's say personally.

La rata sentada

The sitting rat.

En el metro

In the subway.

Tal vez sí va a ser

Maybe it will be.

El metro que para

The subway that stops

En el capitolio

In the capitol

Todos los días

Every day

Salen un montón

They go out a lot.

Y salen todos

And they all go out.

Con sus

With their

Con sus IDs

With their IDs

Con sus identidades

With their identities

Salen bien vestidas

They leave well dressed.

Pero bueno

But well

Son ratas bien vestidas

They are well-dressed rats.

Son ratas

They are rats.

Sí, pero yo creo

Yes, but I think.

Que esas son más peligrosas

That those are more dangerous.

Porque esas realmente

Because those really

Son las que utilizan

They are the ones they use.

El impuesto de uno

The tax of one

Las ratas así

The rats like that.

Digamos animales

Let's say animals.

Como un incorriente

Like a delinquent.

Por lo menos

At least

No te están robando

They are not robbing you.

La plata

The silver

No están

They are not here.



Sobrevivir simplemente

Survive simply.



En su ambiente

In its environment.



O sea

I mean

Eso no se les puede

That cannot be done to them.

Criticar mucho

Criticize a lot

Bueno, ese fue

Well, that was it.

El minuto rodén

The rolling minute.

¿Cómo se llama?

What is your name?

El rodedor

The rodent

El minuto zoológico

The zoological minute



¿Qué más entonces?

What else then?

Lo verá

You will see it.

Aquí estamos

Here we are.



Ya que ya

Since already

Ya se nos va a acabar

It's about to run out on us.

El tiempo

The time


We are

Todavía tenemos

We still have.

Un poco más de tiempo

A little more time.

Si quieres

If you want.

Pues entonces

Well then

Hablemos de

Let's talk about

Algunos de mis temas favoritos

Some of my favorite topics.

Que son los escándalos sexuales

What are sexual scandals?

De Washington

From Washington

Que siempre están

That they are always.



Que antes

That before

Como que era más noticia

As if it were more news.

Hoy en día ya no

Nowadays no longer

Yo me acuerdo

I remember.

Cuando salió

When she/he left

Lo de la Madame de D.C.

The matter of Madame de D.C.

Esa era la noticia

That was the news.





Lo divulgó

He/she spread it.

A nivel mundial


No, acuérdate

No, remember.

Acuérdate que hicimos

Remember that we did.

Una entrevista exclusiva

An exclusive interview

Con ella

With her

En Halloween

On Halloween

Claro, me acuerdo

Of course, I remember.

En Adams Morgan

In Adams Morgan


We did.

Una entrevista exclusiva

An exclusive interview



Lástima que pues

It's a pity that well.

La señora se suicidó

The lady committed suicide.



Pero el senador

But the senator

Hay que

There is a need to

Hay que recordar

It is necessary to remember.

Es que el senador

It's just that the senator

De Louisiana

From Louisiana





Que prestó

What a loan.

Que solicitó

What was requested

Los servicios

The services

Él sigue

He continues.

Como senador

As a senator

Como si nada

Like it's nothing.

Y sigue casado

And still married.

Y todas las cosas

And all the things

Y sigue defendiendo

And he/she continues to defend.

Los valores familiares

Family values

Y todo

And everything

Por supuesto

Of course

Eso no hace diferencia

That makes no difference.

Ha sido un tipo

He has been a guy.

Muy coherente

Very coherent.



Él no por eso

He doesn't do it for that.

Va a perder su trabajo

He is going to lose his job.

Pero hay un político

But there is a politician.

Que sí perdió su trabajo

That he did lose his job.

Esta semana

This week

Porque renunció

Because he/she resigned.

Que es

What is it?

Un republicano

A republican

De Indiana

From Indiana

Que se llama

That is called

Mark Sauter

Mark Sauter

Y el

And the

Problema con él

Problem with him.


It was

O su situación

Or your situation.

Que lo llevó a la renuncia

That led to his resignation.

Es que

It's just that

Él está

He is




It is

Siempre promotor

Always a promoter

De los valores familiares

Of family values.

Los únicos tipos

The only guys.

Que les pasa eso

What happens to them?

Son los que promueven

They are the ones who promote.

La familia

The family



Y el matrimonio

And the marriage

Y todo eso

And all that

Nunca los que no

Never those who do not.

No he visto

I haven't seen.

Que les tengan

That they have them.

Mucho escándalo

A lot of scandal.

En muchos casos

In many cases

Es su pantalla

It's your screen.

Esa es la pantalla

That is the screen.


Of course

Pero bueno

But well

Lo que yo digo

What I say

Es que

It's just that

Tú nunca

You never

Casi nunca

Almost never


You listen.

Por ejemplo

For example

Un escándalo sexual

A sexual scandal.



Barney Frank

Barney Frank



Pero bueno

But well

Él mismo es un escándalo

He himself is a scandal.

Pero eso es otro tema

But that is another topic.

Para otro día

For another day

Entonces este señor

So this gentleman



Digno de los valores familiares

Worthy of family values.

De la familia

Of the family

Del matrimonio

Of the marriage

Y todo eso

And all that

Resulta que estaba teniendo

It turns out that I was having

Una relación

A relationship

Con una

With a

De sus empleadas

Of their employees.

Que son

What are they?

Digamos ya

Let's say already.

Eso es como

That is like

Doble violación

Double rape

En el sentido

In the sense





Porque es

Because it is.

Él como jefe

He as a boss.

Teniendo un poder

Having power





Sobre sus empleados

About their employees

O en este caso

Or in this case

Su empleada

Your employee

O ella sobre él

Or she over him.

Lo que sea


Ella era una empleada

She was an employee.

Medio tiempo

Half time

Entonces no se sabe

Then it is not known.

Si ella tenía beneficios

If she had benefits.

De salud o no

Whether healthy or not



Y él

And he

Lo interesante es que

The interesting thing is that

Cuando él renunció

When he resigned

Y cuando ellos renuncian

And when they resign.

Es porque hay más

It's because there are more.


Of course.

Porque lo que ha salido

Because what has come out

Es apenas el principio

It's just the beginning.

Él renunció

He resigned.

Y le metió la culpa

And he/she placed the blame on him/her.

A Washington

To Washington

Cuando él renunció

When he resigned.

Casi llorando

Almost crying





Muy este

Very this







El señor

The gentleman.

Político este

This politician.

Dijo que

He said that

Lo que pasaba

What was happening.

Es que era en Washington

It's just that it was in Washington.

Uno perdía

One was losing.

El sentido

The meaning

De la moral

Of morality

Y que le

And that he

Y que estaba uno

And that one was there.

Bajo malas influencias

Under bad influences

Y que por eso

And that’s why

Fue que él

It was that he

Este cayó

This one fell.

En esta

In this

En esta trampa

In this trap.



Y claro pues

And of course, then.


Let's say



Tiene una esposa

He has a wife.

Desde hace

Since ago

Treinta años

Thirty years



Tenía varias

I had several.


Let's say.

Varios comerciales

Several commercials

También que él hacía

Also that he did

A favor de

In favor of

De la moralidad

Of morality

Y la persona

And the person

Esa con la que

That one with whom

Él estaba teniendo

He was having

La relación

The relationship.

Era precisamente

It was precisely.

La encargada

The manager.

De radio

Of radio

Y de internet

And from the internet.

O sea que

I mean that

A lo mejor eso

Maybe that

Escucha el progipodio

Listen to the progipodio.

No sé

I don't know.

Siendo ella

Being she

Tan web

So web



Era la

It was the

Era la encargada

She was in charge.

De divulgar

To disclose

Sus mensajes

Their messages

De moralidad

Of morality

A través de la radio

Through the radio

Y a través de internet

And through the internet

Y esa era su

And that was her/his.



Esa era su

That was his/her.

Bueno su pareja ilícita

Well, your illicit partner.



La que

The one

Pero lo interesante

But the interesting thing

Es que ella está reclamando

It's just that she is complaining.



Aunque él renunció

Although he resigned

Ella no quiere renunciar

She does not want to give up.

A su trabajo

To his/her work

¿Por qué?


Ella no tiene

She doesn't have.

¿Qué culpa tiene ella?

What guilt does she have?

Ella no es de Washington

She is not from Washington.




Of course.

Ella tiene un part time

She has a part-time job.

Y entonces

And then

Ella también tiene que ganarse

She also has to earn it.

Ella no ha cometido

She has not committed.

Ningún delito

No crime.

Ningún pecado

No sin.

Ni nada

Nothing at all.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Pero lo que me parece interesante

But what seems interesting to me

Es que

It's just that

Ella dijo que

She said that

Ella sí no va a renunciar

She is not going to resign.

Ella sí se quedará

She will stay.

Con su trabajo

With his/her work

De promover la moralidad

To promote morality

Por radio y por internet

By radio and by internet.

O sea que

I mean that

No ha tenido

Has not had

¿Por qué no va a hacer eso?

Why aren't you going to do that?




Imagine yourself.



Me parece

It seems to me.

Me parece muy bien

It seems very good to me.



Yo la contrato

I hire her.

Yo no sé

I don’t know.

Yo no sé tú

I don't know about you.

¿Qué opinas de Auro Guimán?

What do you think of Auro Guimán?



Es típico

It's typical.

De cómo son las cosas

About how things are.

En Washington

In Washington

Y es típico

And it's typical.

Que eso ya ni siquiera

That not even that anymore.

Es escándalo

It's a scandal.

Eso ya nadie

That's no one anymore.

Nadie le

Nobody gives him/her.

Ha habido tantos

There have been so many.

En el doble

In double.

Hemos tenido tantos

We have had so many.

De esos

Of those

Uno más

One more.

Una raya más

One more stripe.

Pero hablando de uno más

But talking about one more.

Hay uno más

There is one more.

Hay otro más

There is one more.

Ok, bueno

Okay, good.

Y entonces

And then

Este es

This is

Este tiene su

This has its

Tiene también que ver

It has to do with it too.

Con la economía

With the economy





Realmente no es un escándalo

It's really not a scandal.



Es un escándalo

It's a scandal.



Que lo que pasaba

What was happening

Es que en la

It's just that in the





Que es el

What is it?

Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities and Exchange Commission



Son los que se encargan de

They are the ones in charge of

De vigilar

To watch over

El sistema financiero

The financial system

De Estados Unidos

From the United States

Y de

And from

La reglamentación

The regulation

Y de que

And what about it



¿Cómo se llama?

What is your name?

De que la gente de Wall Street

That the people from Wall Street

No esté haciendo lo que hicieron

Don't do what they did.

En los últimos

In the last

Cinco, seis años

Five, six years.

Y todo eso

And all that

Esa es la que se pasó

That's the one who went overboard.

En los últimos seis años

In the last six years.



Por eso

That's why.

Pero es que no estaban

But they weren't there.

No estaban durmiendo

They were not sleeping.

Resulta que lo que estaban haciendo

It turns out that what they were doing

Era que estaban bajando

They were going down.



En las computadoras

On the computers

Estaban ocupados

They were busy.

En las prioridades

In the priorities

Otras cosas

Other things

En las computadoras

On the computers



Por nosotros

For us

La gente que estaba

The people who were

Encargada de vigilar

In charge of monitoring

Estaban bajando

They were going down.

O sea

That is to say

Era una cosa

It was one thing.

Que ni siquiera disimulaban

That they didn't even disguise it.

Estaban cohesionando

They were coalescing.

Las redes

The networks

Mientras el sistema financiero

While the financial system

Se derrumbaba

It was collapsing.

Estos tipos

These guys

Estaban mirando

They were looking.

Pornografía en las redes

Pornography on social media

Estaban mirando

They were watching.

Pero no solamente

But not only

Las redes

The networks

Estaban mirando

They were looking.

Estaban haciendo

They were doing.



Que eso

What is that?


It dominates.



Toda una red

An entire network

O sea

That is to say.

Eso no es fácil

That's not easy.


Lower it.

Eso es

That is it.

Por supuesto

Of course

Bueno yo no sé

Well, I don't know.

Yo tampoco

Me neither.

Pero me imagino

But I imagine.

Que nos explique

Let him/her explain to us.

Me imagino

I imagine.

Que si es

That it is.

Nos explique más bien

Please explain to us more.

Es un video

It's a video.

Y es un video cargado

And it is a loaded video.

De que se yo

I don't know.

De todo tipo

Of all kinds





Y lo interesante

And what's interesting

Es que esta gente

It's just that these people

En este momento

At this moment.

Aunque ya se sabe

Although it is already known

El escándalo

The scandal

Ya ha salido

It has already come out.

Ya ustedes saben

You already know.

Que en las computadoras

That in computers

Todo queda registrado

Everything is recorded.

Ninguno ha sido despedido

None have been fired.

De todas esas personas

Of all those people

Que fueron investigadas

That were investigated.

Que son como

They are like

28 tipos

28 types

Y como

And like

O sea

I mean.

Estás hablando en serio

Are you serious?



Ninguno ha sido despedido

None have been fired.

Hasta este momento

Until this moment

Hay algunos

There are some.

Que han renunciado

That they have resigned.

Hay algunos que

There are some who

Seguro han recibido

Surely they have received.



Y se han ido

And they have left.

A mejores trabajos

To better jobs

Pero ninguno

But no one

Ha sido despedido

He has been fired.

Y esas personas

And those people



En esta investigación

In this research

Y en este

And in this



O digamos

Or let's say.

Esa malversación

That embezzlement.

De fondos

Of funds


They were earning.

Entre 99 mil

Between 99 thousand

A 222 mil

To 222 thousand.



Al año

In the year

O sea

I mean

No es que tú digas

It's not that you say.

Que eran los

What they were

Los interns

The interns

Ni los que

Not even those who

No tenían nada

They had nothing.

Que hacer

What to do

Pero yo creo

But I believe

Que debe ser

What must be

Que eso de mirar números

That thing about looking at numbers.

Debe ser bien aburrido

It must be really boring.

No sé

I don't know.

La gente que estaba

The people who were

Realmente bien pagada

Really well paid.

Para estar

To be

Pero por ejemplo

But for example


They found.





De estas

Of these

En estas computadoras

On these computers

Había más de

There were more than









En estas computadoras

On these computers

Del gobierno

Of the government

O sea

That is to say

Ni siquiera

Not even.


They pretended.



Y eso

And that

Y otro

And another

A otro empleado

To another employee

Se le

It is given to him/her.

Se le encontró

He was found.





De download

The download

O sea

I mean

Que intentó

That he/she tried.

Y no pudo

And he couldn't.

Lo bloquearon

They blocked him.

Porque yo no sé

Because I don't know.

Si ya era

If it was already

Como en esos

Like in those.



Que dicen

What are they saying?

Que puedes comer

What can you eat?

Todo lo que quieras

Everything you want

Pero si ya

But if already

Si te comes todo

If you eat it all

Ya te echan

They're already kicking you out.

Del restaurante

From the restaurant

Entonces imagínate

So imagine.

Ya ni siquiera

Not even anymore.

Los que venden

Those who sell



Estaban de acuerdo

They were in agreement.

Con ese esquema

With that scheme



Pero yo creo

But I believe

Que esos han sido

That those have been.



De lo que ha pasado

Of what has happened

En los últimos

In the last

Pues 8 años

Well, 8 years.

O sea

That is to say.

En casi todo

In almost everything

O sea

I mean

Es un ejemplo más

It's another example.

De todo lo que ha estado sucediendo

Of everything that has been happening.

Es parte

It's part.

De lo que ha sucedido

Of what has happened.

También con esta cuestión

Also with this matter

Del petróleo

From oil

Que está claro

It is clear.

Que si hubiera habido

That if there had been



Que se hubieran

That they had.

Hecho los controles

Done the checks.

Que se necesitan hacer

That need to be done.

Que si BP

That yes BP

Hubiera revisado

I would have reviewed.


Let's say

Las válvulas

The valves



De protección

Of protection

Para evitar

To avoid

Este tipo de derrames

This type of spills

Con la regularidad

With regularity

Que deberían haberlo hecho

That they should have done it.

Esto no hubiera sucedido

This would not have happened.

Y si las

And if the

Autoridades de gobierno

Government authorities

Hubieran realmente

They would have really.



Que se hicieron

What was done.

Todas esas revisiones

All those reviews.

Esto no hubiera sucedido

This would not have happened.

O sea

I mean

Todo el mundo


Abandonó esto

He abandoned this.

Y que BP

And that BP

Haga lo que quiera

Do what you want.

Pero algo que le quería agregar

But something I wanted to add.

Y yo sé que

And I know that



Esto es un detalle

This is a detail.


Very important

Pero no solamente

But not only

Estaban bajando

They were going down.



Sino que

But rather

Estaban haciendo

They were doing.



Estaban haciendo

They were doing.

Chats online

Online chats

Con mujeres desnudas

With naked women



Estaban en serio

They were serious.

Pero es que

But it's that

Lo que yo no entiendo

What I don't understand

Es que

It is that

Cómo se comen

How are they eaten?

En ese contexto

In that context

Si es un chat

If it is a chat.

Tú qué vas a saber

What do you know?

Si esa mujer

If that woman

De verdad está desnuda

She is really naked.

O no

Oh no

Es un chat

It's a chat.

Es online

It's online.

Pues no

Well, no.

O sea

That is to say.

A ti te cobran más

They charge you more.

Diciendo que

Saying that

Es una mujer desnuda

She is a naked woman.

Pero cómo vas a

But how are you going to

Cómo puedes tú

How can you

Comprobar eso

Check that.

Por chat

By chat

Es que además

It's just that moreover

Son brutos

They are idiots.

¿Por qué crees

Why do you think

Que se jodió la economía?

Did the economy get screwed?

Por lo menos

At least

Que sean inteligentes

May they be intelligent.

Que si

That if

Que si les dicen que

That if they tell them that

Estaban pagando más

They were paying more.

Y me imagino

And I imagine

Que lo ponían

That they put it.

En tarjeta

On a card

De gobierno

Of government



Les podemos decir

We can tell them.

Que no se puede

That it cannot be.

Que el blogipodio

That the blogipod.

Se graba desnudo

He records himself nude.

Y nadie va a saber

And no one will know.

Si sí o si no

Either yes or no.

Que cobramos más

That we charge more.

Cobramos más

We charge more.

Tenemos que hacer eso

We have to do that.

Yo creo que eso es una buena

I think that is a good one.

Si nos están escuchando

If they are listening to us.

Hoy día desnudos

Today naked

Paguen el doble

Pay double.

O sea

I mean.

Cero multiplicado

Zero multiplied



Por dos es cero

Two times zero is zero.

Pero igual

But still.

Pero no

But no

Pero si esta gente

But if these people



Esta gente maneja

These people drive.

Nuestro sistema financiero

Our financial system



Si no

If not

Y le venden

And they sell him/her.

Qué fácil

How easy

No se engañan

They are not fooled.

Le venden el puente

They sell him the bridge.

De Lincoln

From Lincoln

¿Cómo se llama?

What is your name?

El Washington

The Washington

George Washington Bridge

George Washington Bridge

Sí, yo se lo digo ahí

Yes, I will tell him there.

Hablando de George Washington

Talking about George Washington

Y esta ya es la última

And this is the last one.

Porque yo creo que ya

Because I believe that already

Yo sé que nos han extrañado

I know that they have missed us.

Pero no tanto

But not that much.

El primer presidente

The first president

De Estados Unidos

From the United States

George Washington

George Washington

Alquiló un libro

He rented a book.


He/She rented.

Ah, sí

Oh, yes.

Bueno, alquiló un libro

Well, he/she rented a book.



Saca un libro

Take out a book.

De la biblioteca

From the library


It makes

Doscientos veintiún años

Two hundred twenty-one years





No lo devolvió

He/she didn't return it.



Hay una biblioteca

There is a library.

En Nueva York

In New York

Que ha reclamado

What has been claimed?

Que le devuelvan el libro

That they return the book to him.

Porque ya

Because already

Aunque sea

Even if it is

Doscientos años después

Two hundred years later

Pues necesitan ese libro

Well, they need that book.



Me imagino

I imagine.

Que la gente lo quiere leer

That people want to read it.



Si él pagara

If he paid

Bueno, ya está muerto

Well, he's already dead.



Por si acaso

Just in case.

La multa

The fine

De ese libro

From that book

De no devolverse

If not returned

En todos esos años

In all those years

Es de más de

It is more than

Trescientos mil dólares

Three hundred thousand dollars.



Le van a perdonar

They are going to forgive you.

La multa

The fine

O si no

Or if not

Se queda

He/She stays.

George Washington

George Washington

Con el libro

With the book



Se lo pone

He puts it on.

Pero lo que pasa

But what happens

Es que ahora

It's just that now.

George Washington

George Washington


He/She has.

Su casa

Your house.

Y todo eso

And all that



Un sitio histórico

A historical site

Entonces una fundación histórica

So a historical foundation.

La fundación histórica

The historical foundation

No quería devolver el libro

I didn't want to return the book.

El libro está ahí

The book is there.


Of course

Ellos tienen el libro

They have the book.

Pero lo que ellos

But what they


They said.

Le dieron a la biblioteca

They gave it to the library.

En Nueva York

In New York

Nosotros les devolvemos

We give it back to them.

Una copia del libro

A copy of the book.

O sea

That is to say.

Porque ellos también

Because they also

Querían quedarse con el libro

They wanted to keep the book.



Ahora ese libro es famoso

Now that book is famous.

Y la gente lo quiere ver

And people want to see it.

Por supuesto

Of course

Todo el mundo quiere verlo

Everyone wants to see him.

Pero ellos dijeron

But they said.

No, no, no

No, no, no.

Una copia del libro

A copy of the book.

No, nosotros queremos el libro

No, we want the book.

No le vamos a cobrar

We are not going to charge you.

La multa de trescientos mil dólares

The fine of three hundred thousand dollars.

Les perdonamos la multa

We forgive them the fine.

Pero que nos devuelvan

But let them return to us.

El libro

The book

¿Y qué dijeron?

And what did they say?

¿Qué dijeron quién?

What did they say who?

No, yo no sé

No, I don't know.

Le van a dar la copia

They are going to give him/her the copy.

A Notariano

To a notary

¿Y qué libro?

And what book?

¿Sabes qué libro era o no?

Do you know what book it was or not?

No era un libro de pornografía

It was not a pornographic book.

Eso les puedo decir

I can tell you that.

Que por lo menos

At least

No era eso

It wasn't that.

Bueno, pero George Washington

Well, but George Washington

Pero entonces sabes que

But then you know that

Eso es para el próximo

That is for the next one.



Para el próximo

For the next

Que no va a ser en seis meses

It won't be in six months.

Les diremos dos cosas

We will tell them two things.

Les diremos el título

We will tell you the title.

De este libro

From this book



Y les diremos

And we will tell them.

A dónde se iba

Where he/she was going.

George Washington

George Washington

A pasar sus

To pass their



No tenía

I didn't have.

No tenía su kingdom

He did not have his kingdom.

Tenía sus affairs

He had his affairs.

Tú sabías que tenía sus affairs

You knew that I had my affairs.

Claro, pues con todos

Of course, with everyone.

Los presidentes

The presidents


Of course.

Y tú sabes que él tenía

And you know that he had

Se venía

It was coming.

De Washington

From Washington

Te voy a contar

I'm going to tell you.



Había un Buffalo Trail

There was a Buffalo Trail.

Que era un

That it was a

Era un camino de búfalo

It was a buffalo path.

Era un

It was a

Era una huella de búfalo

It was a buffalo track.



Un caminito

A little path.

Y él se venía

And he was coming.

Desde Washington

From Washington

En su

In his/her



O en su carreta

Or in your cart.

Lo que fuera

Whatever it was.

A encontrarse

To meet

En su moto

On his motorcycle.

Con su

With his/her/its

En su moto

On his motorcycle

Es que estoy

It's just that I am.

Fija en las motos

Fixed on the motorcycles.

Les cuento que la bloguera

I tell you that the blogger

Ya tiene casco

He/she already has a helmet.

Tiene casco

She/he has a helmet.

Y me midieron

And they measured me.

Me midieron la cabeza

They measured my head.

¿Puedes creer?

Can you believe it?

Mira tú

Look at you.

Y creo que no

And I think not.

No pasé

I didn't pass.

No pasaste el examen

You did not pass the exam.

Imagínate que no te dieron el casco

Imagine that they didn't give you the helmet.

No, no

No, no.

Sí me dieron el casco

Yes, they gave me the helmet.

Porque pues yo pagué

Because I paid.

Y ya sabes

And you know already.

Si lo quieren vender

If they want to sell it.

Pero afortunadamente

But fortunately

No me midieron el nivel de inteligencia

They didn't measure my level of intelligence.



Solo el tamaño de la cabeza

Only the size of the head.



Entonces el trail de

Then the trail of

El trail que se venía

The trail that was coming.



George Washington

George Washington

A encontrarse con su amante

To meet with her lover


They say.

En los fines de semana

On weekends

A una casa que él tenía

To a house that he had.

De verano

Of summer

En las afueras de Washington

On the outskirts of Washington.





Y esa casa se encontraba

And that house was located

Nada menos que en Great Falls

Nothing less than in Great Falls.

Se encontraba

He/She was located.



Que es cerca de donde vive

What is near where he/she lives?

La bloguera

The blogger

Que es por aquí

What is it around here?

Y ese

And that

Buffalo Trail

Buffalo Trail


It is

Que por la que él venía

That for which he was coming.

Es ahora

It's now.

Lo que es

What it is

Una avenida

A boulevard

Que se llama

That is called

Georgetown Pike

Georgetown Pike

Que es una avenida muy linda

It is a very beautiful avenue.

Y he visto muchos caballos

And I have seen many horses.

Por ahí

Around there.

Así es

That's right.

Siempre ves caballos

You always see horses.

Hay mucha hacienda

There is a lot of livestock.

Pero ¿Quién era el amante?

But who was the lover?

O sea que los escándalos sexuales

I mean that the sexual scandals

En Washington

In Washington



El amante no sé

The lover I don't know.



Si Georgetown Pike

If Georgetown Pike

Fue declarada

It was declared.

La primera avenida

The first avenue

O ruta escénica

The scenic route.

De los Estados Unidos

From the United States

O sea sabes que en Estados Unidos

I mean, you know that in the United States.

Hay muchas rutas

There are many routes.

Que son consideradas escénicas

That are considered scenic.

Por escenarios

By scenarios

Entonces las preservan

So they preserve them.

En este caso

In this case

Fue Georgetown Pike

It was Georgetown Pike.

La primera

The first

Y lo que les cuento

And what I'm telling you.

Es que

It's just that

La bloguera

The blogger

Recorre la ruta

Travel the route.

Del amante

Of the lover

De George Washington

Of George Washington

Todos los días

Every day

Y de vuelta

And back.

Sigo buscando la casa

I am still looking for the house.

De verano

In summer

Que no la encuentro

I can't find it.

Por ningún lado




A lo mejor la encuentras

Maybe you will find her.

Por chat

By chat

Tienes que hacer un chat

You have to make a chat.



Y especialmente

And especially



Con mujeres desnudas

With naked women



Con medias

With stockings




Con avatars

With avatars

Tienes que intentarlo

You have to try it.

Tengo que conversar

I have to talk.

Con alguien del SEC

With someone from the SEC.

El SEC está acá en Washington

The SEC is here in Washington.

Dicho sea de paso

By the way




Te voy a preguntar

I am going to ask you.



Dónde estás

Where are you?

En chat

In chat



Estás en sus chats

You are in their chats.

Ok bloguera

Okay blogger.

Creo que hemos llegado

I think we have arrived.

Entonces ya

Then already.

A los cuarenta y tantos minutos

At around forty-something minutes.

Es este

It is this.

Nuestro primer podcast

Our first podcast

Hace mucho tiempo

A long time ago

Estamos así

We are like this.






Estamos un poco

We are a little.







No tanto

Not so much

No creo

I don't believe so.

Pero ya este

But this already

Sería bueno

It would be good.

Pensar la próxima vez

Think next time.

Dónde vamos a hacerlo

Where are we going to do it?

Dónde vamos a encontrarnos

Where are we going to meet?

O sea que

I mean that

El estudio siempre está abierto

The studio is always open.

Bueno el estudio

Good the study

A veces está abierto

Sometimes it is open.

Y a veces no

And sometimes not.

Pero lo que sí tenemos que planear

But what we do need to plan

Son dos cosas

They are two things.

Bueno como siempre

Good as always.

Las preguntas

The questions

Y los temas de ustedes

And your topics.

Que nos manden

Let them send us.

Que realmente

That really

Siempre les hacemos caso

We always listen to them.

Respondamos a las preguntas

Let's answer the questions.

Y los temas que ustedes quieren

And the topics that you want.

Y la otra es que

And the other is that

Ya nos estamos preparando

We are already getting ready.

Para el mundial

For the World Cup

Que ya saben

That they already know.

Que la política

That politics

Es muy importante

It is very important.

Pero el fútbol

But football

Mucho más

Much more

Y entonces

And then

A lo mejor


Vamos a hacer un chat

We are going to have a chat.

También como

I also eat.

En algún momento

At some point

Del mundial

Of the World Cup

Y los Skypecast

And the Skypecasts.

Y todo eso

And all that

Se va a renovar

It is going to be renewed.

Desde Washington

From Washington

Para nosotros

For us

En Estados Unidos

In the United States.

El tema del mundial

The topic of the World Cup.

Es diferente

It is different.

Que para ustedes

What for you

Porque aquí las cosas

Because here things

No paran

They don't stop.

Es como ese

It's like that.

Ese torneo

That tournament

No existiera

Would not exist.

Entonces uno siempre

So one always

Está buscando la manera

He/She is looking for a way.

De salirse del trabajo

To leave the job.

O ver dónde encuentra

Or see where it finds.

Sitios para ver los partidos

Places to watch the matches.

Porque además

Because besides

Van a ser durante el día

They will be during the day.

En horas laborales

During working hours



Vamos a estar atentos

We are going to stay alert.

A eso también

To that too.



¿Y a dónde nos pueden escribir?

And where can they write to us?

Nos pueden escribir

They can write to us.



Recibirán respuesta

They will receive a response.

A veces



Sí van a recibir respuesta

Yes, they will receive a response.

Entonces hay varios métodos

So there are several methods.

Según la disposición

According to the provision

De cada uno

Of each one

Pueden ir siempre

They can always go.

A los

To the

Que ahí encuentran

That they find there.

El blog y podio

The blog and podium.

Nos pueden dejar mensajes

They can leave us messages.



En lo que

In what

Hacía años

It had been years.


Let's write.

Y ya no

And no more.

También pueden escribirle

They can also write to him/her.

Lo actualizaremos

We will update it.



Lo actualizaremos

We will update it.



Porque todavía tiene ese reloj

Because he/she still has that watch.

Contrarreloj de la salud

Health countdown

Y eso ya pasó

And that already happened.



Tenemos que poner un reloj del mundial

We need to put up a World Cup clock.

O algo

Or something.



Algo así

Something like that.

O de cuántos impuestos

Or how many taxes

Se van para la guerra

They are going to war.

O algo así

Or something like that.

Bueno la salud

Well, health.

Lo hemos dejado

We have left it.

Porque no

Because not.

No se ha solucionado nada

Nothing has been resolved.

Entonces sigue avanzando

Then keep moving forward.

Sí puede ser

Yes, it could be.

Nos fue el panda

The panda left us.

No hablamos de eso

We don't talk about that.

Pero bueno

But well

El panda

The panda



Se nos regresó

It was returned to us.

Para la China

For China

Lo deportaron

They deported him.

El panda que nombramos

The panda we named.

Acá en los blogueros

Here in the bloggers.

¿Te acuerdas?

Do you remember?


Of course.

Hicimos un concurso

We held a contest.

Y Paco Portero

And Paco Portero

Se lo ganó

He earned it.

¿Te acuerdas?

Do you remember?


Of course

Esas viejas épocas

Those old times.

Si estás por ahí

If you are around

Espero que todavía te acuerdes

I hope you still remember.

De nosotros

About us

El panda se regresó

The panda went back.

A China

To China

Pero regresó

But he/she/they returned.

Con tu nombre

With your name

Con el nombre

With the name

Que tú le diste

That you gave him/her.



Pero ya te acuerdas

But you remember now.

Qué bueno

How nice.

Sí me acuerdo

Yes, I remember.

Porque eso

Because of that

Ya me llega puro spam

I'm only getting spam now.

Pero si ustedes me mandan

But if you send me

Manden una nota

Send a note.

Algo que no diga Viagra

Something that doesn't say Viagra.

Y voy a saber

And I will know.

Que no es spam

That it's not spam.


Y también

And also

Estamos en Facebook

We are on Facebook.

El blog y podio

The blog and podium.

Está en Facebook

It is on Facebook.

Y por Twitter

And on Twitter

Nos pueden seguir

They can follow us.

A la bloguera

To the blogger.

Y también

And also



Está en Twitter

It is on Twitter.



Y ya si con eso

And already if with that.

No nos consiguen

They can't catch us.



Tendremos que hacer

We will have to do.

Un chat

A chat

Tenemos reportados

We have reported.



De esos que

Of those that

Tan famosos

So famous

En la SDS

In the SDS





Muy bien

Very good.

Entonces este

So this

De nuevo


Un placer

A pleasure.

Haber estado acá

Having been here.

En el estudio

In the study.





Después de tanto tiempo

After such a long time

Y esperamos

And we hope.

Que se repita

Let it be repeated.

Como dirán

As they will say.

Nuestros amigos

Our friends

Que se repita

Let it be repeated.



Que se repita

Let it be repeated.

Ya con más información

Already with more information.

Y espero que

And I hope that

En este podcast

In this podcast

Hayamos ganado

We have won.

Un nuevo

A new

Un nuevo fan

A new fan

Ya les contaré

I will tell you all later.

El nuevo fan

The new fan



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