07- emiliodj from djhouseproductions (julio 2011)


emiliodj from djhouseproductions in scena (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/emiliodj

07- emiliodj from djhouseproductions (julio 2011)

emiliodj from djhouseproductions in scena (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/emiliodj



Como de costumbre haremos un repaso de los temas que sonarán a continuación

As usual, we will review the topics that will be covered next.

Y para ir refrescando el ambiente

And to freshen up the atmosphere

He seleccionado un tema muy fresco

I have selected a very fresh topic.

Que viene al pelo para crear la atmósfera en todas las sesiones

It comes in handy to create the atmosphere in all the sessions.

Un tema con una base muy funky

A song with a very funky base.

Proviniente de la mano de Oliver

Coming from the hand of Oliver

Con su release Don't You Think

With their release Don't You Think

El segundo trabajo nos llega desde Urbana Recordings

The second job comes to us from Urbana Recordings.

Un tema que se sale por su inspiración en el funk más negro de los 70

A track that stands out for its inspiration in the darkest funk of the 70s.

Con Jethro y su Happy Town

With Jethro and his Happy Town

Prosiguiendo con la dinámica del disco

Continuing with the dynamics of the album

Y con el programa haremos girar una de las últimas producciones de Chocolate Puma

And with the program, we will play one of the latest productions by Chocolate Puma.

Junto a la prodigiosa voz de Conor Red

Together with the prodigious voice of Conor Red.

Con For You Love

With For You Love

Ronnie Sekele y la personal voz de Paulina

Ronnie Sekele and Paulina's unique voice

Nos presentan en esta ocasión un refrescante y personal trabajo

They present us this time with a refreshing and personal piece of work.

En el que pone las pistas en situación con Come With Me

In which he sets the clues in context with Come With Me.

La inconfundible voz de Boy George

The unmistakable voice of Boy George.

Acompaña la siguiente producción realizada por Frank Investigation

Accompany the following production made by Frank Investigation.

Con el legendario Generation of Love

With the legendary Generation of Love

Jason Chans y Michelle Wicks

Jason Chans and Michelle Wicks

Harán que la fiesta se termine

They will make the party end.

Y que la fiesta tome un color diferente

And may the party take on a different color.

Cuando de su inspiración oigamos Looking Forward

When we hear Looking Forward from their inspiration

Remezclado por el maestro Stefano Noferini

Remixed by master Stefano Noferini

Sobre el mismo estilo en pista

About the same style on track.

Mezclaré para ti el trabajo de Michael Gray

I will mix Michael Gray's work for you.

Danny Psa Gray

Danny Psa Gray

Con su You Will Remember

With your You Will Remember

El inconfundible estilo de Marking

The unmistakable style of Marking.

Hace del siguiente release

Make the following release.

Todo un número uno en los mejores clubs

A true number one in the best clubs.

Remix realizado para Florence and the Machine

Remix created for Florence and the Machine.

Con You Be Good to Love

With You Be Good to Love

El recopilatorio Balearica 2011

The Balearica 2011 compilation.

De la discografía

From the discography

Estéreo y producción de DJ Chus

Stereo and DJ Chus production

Sale este año cargado de pelotazos

This year is packed with hits.

Y para esta ocasión

And for this occasion

Hemos seleccionado por su alto dinamismo

We have selected it for its high dynamism.

La producción de Cookie Selection y Jorge Montía

The production of Cookie Selection and Jorge Montía

Con Jazz Standard

With Jazz Standard

Y aproximándonos a los últimos minutos del set

And approaching the last minutes of the set

Os sorprenderemos con un trabajo de True Love

We will surprise you with a work of True Love.

Con Rock de Casbah

With Rock of Casbah

Ofreciendo a todos una mezcla muy funky disco de los 80

Offering everyone a very funky disco mix from the 80s.

Para ir despidiendo la sesión de hoy

To wrap up today's session.

Repetiremos con dos temas más de Urbana Production

We will repeat with two more themes from Urbana Production.

Y es que este sello está que se sale sacando referencias a cual mejor

And it's that this stamp is really impressing, pulling references that are better than ever.

En penúltima y undécima posición

In penultimate and eleventh position.

Situaremos nuestro set con Central Avenue

We will set up our set with Central Avenue.

Y la voz de Andrea Love

And the voice of Andrea Love

En lo más alto con Pushing

At the top with Pushing

Situados en lo más alto

Situated at the highest point.

Será cuando despidamos nuestro set

It will be when we say goodbye to our set.

Y hayamos oído la personal y potente voz de Taren

And we have heard the personal and powerful voice of Taren.

En la producción realizada por

In the production carried out by

Robert Gáez, David Herrero, José de Mara

Robert Gáez, David Herrero, José de Mara

Y Javi Colina en Reason Up

And Javi Colina in Reason Up

Llegados aquí

Arrived here

Habrá sido un verdadero placer

It will have been a true pleasure.

Compartir la mejor música de la época

Share the best music of the time.

Para todos aquellos que realmente consideran esta labor

For all those who truly consider this work

Y como siempre

And as always.

Os invito a todos a seguir descargando todas mis sesiones

I invite you all to keep downloading all my sessions.

Desde www.djhouseproduction.com

From www.djhouseproduction.com

Sin más

Without further ado

Deseo que disfrutéis del verano 2011

I wish you enjoy the summer of 2011.

Advirtiendo a todos de la peligrosidad en las carreteras

Warning everyone about the dangers on the roads.

Ser prudentes

Be prudent.

Nos vemos en agosto

See you in August.

Bye Bye


I got to start this motherfucking record over again

I have to start this motherfucking record over again.

Wait a minute

Wait a minute.

Fuck that shit

Fuck that shit

Still on this motherfucking record

Still on this motherfucking record.

Yeah, that's what's happening

Sí, eso es lo que está sucediendo.

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Hey, y'all motherfuckers having a good time

Hey, are you all having a good time?

Hey, look here, I'ma play something

Hey, look here, I'm going to play something.

Hey, wait, wait, wait

Hey, wait, wait, wait.

I'ma play something new for y'all

I'm going to play something new for you all.

They gone

They are gone.

Oh, they must have left

Oh, deben haberse ido.

They like, fuck it, okay

They like, fuck it, okay.

Gonna take the picture back

Going to take the picture back.

What's happening?

What's happening?

Y'all alright?

Are you all alright?



Well, let's see

Well, let's see.

They told me I ain't supposed to play no more

They told me I'm not supposed to play anymore.





They don't know me like you know me

They don't know me like you know me.

Yeah, that's what's happening

Yeah, that's what's happening.

Hey, y'all motherfuckers having a good time

Hey, are you all having a good time?

Oh, man, that's what's happening

Oh, hombre, eso es lo que está pasando.

And I hope y'all out here enjoying

And I hope you all are out here enjoying.

Y'all armed yourselves

Y'all armed yourselves.

I'm just out here fucking around

I'm just out here messing around.


up to



I've seen a bitch like you

I've seen a bitch like you.

But if it ain't you

Pero si no eres tú.

You don't know me

You don't know me.





I feel like I thing you like it

I feel like I think you like it.

No sé ni siquiera qué tocar. Te diré lo que voy a hacer, lo que tengo en las tablas de turno.

I don't even know what to play. I'll tell you what I'm going to do, what I have on the schedule.

¿Qué diablos queréis escuchar?

What the hell do you want to hear?

Tuvimos dos categorías. Tuvimos esa buena mierda y tuvimos esa otra mierda.

We had two categories. We had that good shit and we had that other shit.

Espera, espera, espera. No voy a tocar más mi mierda ahora.

Wait, wait, wait. I'm not going to mess with my stuff anymore right now.

Había escuchado esa mierda un millón de veces. No voy a tocar más mi mierda.

I had heard that crap a million times. I'm not going to mess with my stuff anymore.

Te diré qué diablos es eso.

I'll tell you what the hell that is.

Quisiera que alguien me diera una CD o un vinyl o algún challenge desde aquí.

I would like someone to give me a CD or a vinyl or some challenge from here.

Maldita sea el resto del mundo. Maldita sean estos diablos.

Damn the rest of the world. Damn these devils.

Necesito algo desde aquí.

I need something from here.

Desde aquí. ¿Tienes una casseta?

From here. Do you have a cassette?

Maldita sea, ¿tienes una casseta?

Damn it, do you have a cassette?

No tengo ninguna casseta. ¿Qué tienes, bebé?

I don't have any cassette. What do you have, baby?

Él quiere escuchar algo. Él quiere algo de Edwards. Él quiere algo de Sheep.

He wants to hear something. He wants something from Edwards. He wants something from Sheep.

Voy a tocar este diablos de Sheep aquí.

I'm going to play this devil of Sheep here.

¿Qué tengo en mi mano aquí? Tengo...

What do I have in my hand here? I have...

Maldita sea, ¿Misterias del mundo? Ok, ok.

Damn it, Mysteries of the World? Okay, okay.

Oh, sí.

Oh, yes.

Hey, ustedes diablos están teniendo un buen tiempo.

Hey, you devils are having a good time.

Pero estoy feliz de que ustedes estén aquí teniendo un buen tiempo haciendo sus cosas.

But I'm happy that you are here having a good time doing your things.

Digo, no estoy contenta.

I mean, I'm not happy.


Please provide the text you would like me to translate.



¡Gracias a todos!

Thank you all!

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Time, time, time

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