The Rundown: Tim Kurkjian

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The Rundown: Tim Kurkjian

The Rundown (Podcast) -

Tenemos un invitado muy especial hoy, es en realidad Jim Kirkton de ESPN.

We have a very special guest today, it is actually Jim Kirkton from ESPN.

Mr. Kirkton, ¿estás ahí?

Mr. Kirkton, are you there?

Estoy aquí, ¿qué tal?

I'm here, how are you?

Estamos haciendo fantástico.

We are doing fantastic.

Sabemos que tienes un poco de tiempo, pero eso es ok.

We know you have a little time, but that's okay.

Así que vamos a empezar con las preguntas.

So let's start with the questions.

La primera pregunta va a ser de mí, va a ser una pregunta personal.

The first question is going to be about me; it’s going to be a personal question.

La primera es, hay mucho que hablar de Jake Peevey en la temporada de offseason,

The first is, there is much to talk about Jake Peevey in the offseason.

y si o no va a ir a los Chicago Cubs.

And yes or no, is he going to the Chicago Cubs?

¿Ves eso sucediendo, incluso en la tarjeta de intercambio del 31 de julio?

Do you see that happening, even in the exchange card on July 31?

Y si él es intercambiado, ¿sería para los Chicago Cubs?

And if he is traded, would it be to the Chicago Cubs?

Es un intercambio muy bueno, porque creo que los Padres están en mucho problema ahora mismo

It is a very good exchange because I think the parents are in a lot of trouble right now.

en cuanto a su talento en su equipo y en su organización.

regarding your talent in your team and in your organization.

Y él es el único que puede...

And he is the only one who can...

Pero realmente, realmente, yo no sería sorprendido si Peevey fuera intercambiado

But really, really, I would not be surprised if Peevey were traded.

antes del comienzo de la temporada.

before the start of the season.

Pero creo que de una manera u otra, él va a ir, seguramente, antes de intercambiar,

But I think one way or another, he is going to go, surely, before exchanging,

principalmente porque él es tan bueno que él es el tipo de jugador que puede

mainly because he is so good that he is the type of player who can

poner un equipo completamente sobre el topo y convertir a un competidor

put a team completely over the mole and turn a competitor

en un campeonato de calidad, y tal vez convertir a un no competidor

in a quality championship, and perhaps turn a non-competitor into one

en un competidor, y seguramente él puede pensar en los Cubs.

in a competitor, and surely he can think of the Cubs.

Él es capaz de pensar en los Cubs, así que ¿dónde necesito ir?

He is able to think about the Cubs, so where do I need to go?

¿Dónde necesito ir?

Where do I need to go?

Él está en la primera temporada mundial en 101 años, así que si la oportunidad

He is in the first world season in 101 years, so if the opportunity

se da, creo que los Cubs van a buscarlo.

It's happening, I think the Cubs are going to go for him.

Depende de dónde están, ¿sabes?

It depends on where they are, you know?

Un mes antes de la temporada, dos meses antes de la temporada, depende de dónde están

A month before the season, two months before the season, it depends on where they are.

en la horita de entrenamiento.

in the training hour.

De una manera u otra, creo que los Cubs van a volver a entrar en este sentido.

One way or another, I think the Cubs are going to get back into this.

Así que, incluso si tenemos que dar un aspecto extra, tenemos que hacer esto porque

So, even if we have to give an extra touch, we have to do this because

este tipo de gente puede ayudarnos finalmente a ganar la temporada mundial.

This kind of people can help us finally win the world season.

Ok, la siguiente pregunta será de Andrew.

Okay, the next question will be from Andrew.

Hey, Mr. Cracken, ¿cómo estás?

Hey, Mr. Cracken, how are you?

¿Qué tal, Andrew?

How's it going, Andrew?

Bien, soy de Atlanta, así que soy un gran fan de los Braves.

Well, I'm from Atlanta, so I'm a big fan of the Braves.

Mi pregunta tiene que ver con Smoltz, que es muy cercano a mi corazón.

My question is about Smoltz, who is very dear to my heart.

Entendí por qué fue a Boston. No me hizo más fácil.

I understood why he went to Boston. It didn’t make it any easier for me.

¿Qué tipo de impacto crees que puede tener en ese equipo de Boston?

What kind of impact do you think it can have on that Boston team?

¿Cuántas partidas crees que va a hacer este año para ellos?

How many games do you think he will play for them this year?

Bueno, puede que solo haga 100 partidas, pero si hace 100 partidas,

Well, it may only play 100 matches, but if it plays 100 matches,

eso podría ser una gran cosa para los Red Sox por un montón de razones.

That could be a big thing for the Red Sox for a lot of reasons.

Están buscando a John Smoltz para jugar en Yankee Stadium en septiembre en un partido de Braves.

They are looking for John Smoltz to play at Yankee Stadium in September in a Braves game.

¿Quién sería mejor para manejar la presión de un asesino como ese que John Smoltz?

Who would be better to handle the pressure of a killer like that than John Smoltz?

Él es el mejor jugador de la temporada de la segunda temporada de la segunda temporada.

He is the best player of the season of the second season of the second season.

De todos modos, no hay nada que hacer con este tipo.

Anyway, there's nothing to be done with this guy.

Es el jugador más competitivo de la temporada de la segunda temporada que he visto.

He is the most competitive player of the season in the second season that I have seen.

Y esto es un nuevo desafío, un nuevo equipo, un nuevo competidor.

And this is a new challenge, a new team, a new competitor.

No puede esperar a hacer esto.

He can't wait to do this.

Y es un perfecto lugar para él.

And it's a perfect place for him.

Ahora, él dice que estará listo el día de ayer.

Now, he says he will be ready yesterday.

Los Red Sox dicen, mira, no necesitamos que te dejemos hasta que tengamos suficiente fichero aquí.

The Red Sox say, look, we don't need to let you go until we have enough files here.

Queremos que tú, como tu mayor fuerza, estés con nosotros.

We want you, as your greatest strength, to be with us.

Y eso es lo que creo que va a pasar.

And that is what I think is going to happen.

Están buscando a él para 100 partidas, 100 buenas partidas, y eso puede ser todo lo que los Red Sox necesitan.

They are looking for him for 100 games, 100 good games, and that might be all the Red Sox need.

¿Van a usarlo como un empezador o como un reloj?

Are they going to use it as a starter or as a watch?

Creo que van a usarlo como un empezador.

I think they're going to use it as a starter.

Esa ha sido la indicación hasta ahora.

That has been the instruction so far.

Creo que van a usarlo como un empezador.

I think they are going to use it as a starter.

Y eso es lo que creo que van a usarlo como un empezador.

And that's what I think they are going to use it as a starter.

Obviamente, los Red Sox van a cerrar en frente de él.

Obviously, the Red Sox are going to close in front of him.

Creo que van a tener suficiente gente con Saito y otras personas que no están en él.

I think they will have enough people with Saito and others who are not in it.

Creo que va a ser el empezador clásico.

I think it's going to be the classic starter.

Y, de nuevo, van a ir a la lucha de los enemigos en septiembre o agosto.

And, again, they are going to go to the fight of the enemies in September or August.

Y van a ganar un gran partido con los Red Sox, que es precisamente por eso que empezaron.

And they are going to win a great game against the Red Sox, which is exactly why they started.

Bien, nuestra siguiente pregunta va a ser de Kevin.

Well, our next question is from Kevin.



Kevin, ¿qué estás haciendo?

Kevin, what are you doing?

¿Qué estás haciendo?

What are you doing?

Puedo decirte con certeza que soy la persona más famosa que ha venido a esta estación de radio.

I can tell you with certainty that I am the most famous person who has come to this radio station.

Soy un fanático de los indios, y tengo una pregunta sobre un aspecto que no está nombrado en la meta de Matt Laborda.

I am a fan of the Indians, and I have a question about an aspect that is not mentioned in Matt Laborda's goal.

Carlos Santana vino de Los Ángeles, Dodgers.

Carlos Santana came from Los Angeles, Dodgers.

Y Casey Pettit, que ha estado escribiendo en las últimas semanas.

And Casey Pettit, who has been writing in recent weeks.

¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que Vickie Martinez, que es el primero que se vea en el uniforme indio,

Is there any possibility that Vickie Martinez, who is the first to be seen in the Indian uniform,

se vea antes de que expandan los rosas en septiembre?

Will it be seen before the roses bloom in September?

¿Qué tal?

How are you?



Es posible.

It is possible.

Los indios son un equipo que está dispuesto a dar a sus jóvenes jugadores la oportunidad,

The Indians are a team that is willing to give their young players the opportunity.

tal vez más que otros equipos que lo hicieron y que han construido con sus jóvenes jugadores.

perhaps more than other teams that have done so and have built with their young players.

Y es posible que puedan tener una visita, pero la clave es cómo está haciendo Travis Asher,

And it is possible that they can have a visit, but the key is how Travis Asher is doing.

cómo está haciendo Vickie Martinez, cómo está haciendo Kelly Shaffer.

How is Vickie Martinez doing, how is Kelly Shaffer doing?

¿Cómo están los jugadores?

How are the players?

¿Están saludables?

Are they healthy?

¿Van a permanecer saludables durante todo el año?

Will they stay healthy throughout the year?

Eso determinará si se vuelve a subir antes de septiembre, pero eso no está previsto.

That will determine if it goes back up before September, but that is not expected.

¿Qué tal?

How are you?

¿Están saludables?

Are they healthy?



Están saludables.

They are healthy.

¿Están saludables?

Are they healthy?

Están saludables.

They are healthy.

¿Están saludables?

Are they healthy?



Están saludables.

They are healthy.





Muy bien.

Very well.

Vamos a empezar con la segunda pregunta.

Let's start with the second question.

Esta es una pregunta de Dan Broder.

This is a question from Dan Broder.

Dan, Tim, muchas gracias por acompañarnos.

Dan, Tim, thank you very much for joining us.

Es un placer teneros en el programa.

It is a pleasure to have you on the program.

Mi placer.

My pleasure.

Mi pregunta es en el sentido de la película clásica del mundo de basquetbol.

My question is in the sense of the classic basketball world movie.

En 2006 vimos la emergencia de Daisuke Matsuzaka, que antes era desconocido en muchos organismos

In 2006 we saw the emergence of Daisuke Matsuzaka, who was previously unknown in many organizations.



¿Qué opinas de él?

What do you think of him?



circles on the

circles on the

Japanese team as a

Japanese team as a

premier player and

premier player and

he turned out to be pretty good. Do you see

he turned out to be pretty good. Do you see?

anyone emerging like that in this

cualquiera que surja así en esto

year's WBC?

year's WBC?

There will be somebody

There will be somebody.

who emerges, somebody that we don't

who emerges, someone that we don't

even know about right now. I don't

even know about right now. I don't

pretend to know all the prospects in

pretend to know all the prospects in

Japan, there are just too many of

Japan, there are just too many of them.

them, but it happens every

ellos, pero sucede cada

year where somebody lights it up

year where someone lights it up

whether it's a hitter or pitcher

whether it's a hitter or a pitcher

and scouts and GMs from across

y exploradores y gerentes generales de todo

the game, that's going to

the game, that's going to

say, hey, how about this guy?

Say, hey, how about this guy?

So when he becomes available a year

So when he becomes available in a year.

from now or so,

from now on,

American teams are going to jump all over

American teams are going to jump all over.

that. That's one of the beauties of this

That. That's one of the beauties of this.

is they try and globalize the game

is they try to globalize the game

and really sell it

y realmente véndelo

all over the world. This is the only

all over the world. This is the only

way to do it and show people

way to do it and show people

hey, these guys can really play

Hey, these guys can really play.

in Korea and in Japan and

in Korea and in Japan and

wherever it may be and maybe

dondequiera que esté y tal vez

those guys can help our major league team.

Those guys can help our major league team.

I don't know specific guys, but I'm

I don't know specific guys, but I'm

honest with you, someone will open the eyes

Honestly with you, someone will open their eyes.

of a major league team and will be in a

of a major league team and will be in a

major league uniform because of it next

Major league uniform because of it next.



I just would like for you to

I just would like for you to

just assess their offseason and

just assess their offseason and

what can tribe fans,

what can tribe fans,

what can they be looking forward to this year?

What can they be looking forward to this year?

Well, I love what they did

Well, I love what they did.

in the offseason. I think very much

in the offseason. I think a lot.

the type of closer

the type of closer

that they really haven't

that they really haven't

had since the Mark Shapiro

had since the Mark Shapiro

reign in Cleveland. That is

reinar en Cleveland. Eso es

a guy who can come in and strike

a guy who can come in and hit

out the side in the ninth inning.

out the side in the ninth inning.

They've basically been faking it in that role

They've basically been pretending in that role.

for years with Joe Borowski

for years with Joe Borowski

and some others. And now they have a guy

y otros más. Y ahora tienen a un tipo

who not only is exciting to watch

who is not only exciting to watch

and is a strikeout pitcher,

and is a strikeout pitcher,

but he's just a

pero él es solo un

dominant, hard thrower in that role

dominante, lanzador potente en ese papel

that they haven't had. And if you don't

that they haven't had. And if you don't

think that's important, go find teams

I think that's important, go find teams.

that don't have a dominant thrower and

that don't have a dominant thrower and

see what happens to them. I also think

see what happens to them. I also think

that Mark Borowski's trade was a

that Mark Borowski's trade was a

great trade. Mark Borowski is a better

great trade. Mark Borowski is a better

third baseman than he is in any other

third baseman than he is in any other

position, even though he can play

position, even though he can play

all over the field. He's

por todo el campo. Él está

really cool. Last year, what a good

Really cool. Last year, what a good time.

major league hitter he is. He's a really

major league hitter he is. He's really good.

smart guy. I mean, he went

smart guy. I mean, he went

quarterback at 10. There's

quarterback at 10. There's

so much to like about this guy.

So much to like about this guy.

He's a great chemistry guy. He's a

Él es un gran tipo de química. Él es un

great clubhouse guy. And I think

great clubhouse guy. And I think

those two guys have a

those two guys have a

chance, you know, with the return

chance, you know, with the return

out, the Martinez loop,

out, the Martinez loop,

after the rest, that they can

Después del descanso, que puedan.

win that division this year and maybe do

win that division this year and maybe do

even more than that because of

aún más que eso debido a

their offseason and the fact that they played

su temporada baja y el hecho de que jugaron

so well after July

así que bien después de julio

12th or so last year. They had the second best

12th or so last year. They had the second best

record in the American League last year

record en la Liga Americana el año pasado

other than the Angels. So there's a lot

other than the Angels. So there's a lot

to like about the Indians

to like about the Indians

coming into this year.

coming into this year.

All right. We have a question. Also,

All right. We have a question. Also,

there's a couple, there's a lot of Boston fans

there's a couple, there are a lot of Boston fans

here. They don't really get along too well with the Indians

Here. They don't really get along too well with the Indians.

fans. About three weeks ago, John

fans. About three weeks ago, John

Henry, the Red Sox owner, said that he would

Henry, the Red Sox owner, said that he would.

be pushing for a salary cap in

be pushing for a salary cap in

baseball when the current collective bargaining

baseball when the current collective bargaining

agreement expires after

the agreement expires after

the 2011 season.

the 2011 season.

Do you think baseball needs a salary

Do you think baseball needs a salary?



Well, I think it does need a salary cap,

Well, I think it does need a salary cap,

but it doesn't matter what I think

pero no importa lo que piense

because the only guys that matter

porque los únicos chicos que importan

are the players of the association, the

are the players of the association, the

leaders there, and they are not going to allow

leaders there, and they are not going to allow

the salary cap in baseball.

the salary cap in baseball.

As long as they're in charge,

As long as they're in charge,

there won't be a cap. Their theory

there won't be a cap. Their theory

has always been, and I've known these guys

has always been, and I've known these guys

for 25 years, that

for 25 years, that

if the team

if the team

had money to pay for these players,

had money to pay for these players,

then we shouldn't drop salaries

then we shouldn't lower salaries

in any way, and that's how it's going to

de ninguna manera, y así es como va a ser

be going. And unfortunately

be going. And unfortunately

for baseball right now, not too many

For baseball right now, not too many.

teams can afford

los equipos pueden permitirse

the highest-priced players because of

the highest-priced players because of

the economic conditions.

the economic conditions.

And I think the game would benefit from a salary

And I think the game would benefit from a salary.

cap, and yet that is simply

cap, y sin embargo eso es simplemente

not going to happen, and I

not going to happen, and I

don't think it's going to cause

no creas que va a causar

a work stoppage a couple years from now

una huelga laboral en un par de años

because I think the owners understand

porque creo que los propietarios entienden

that the game is pretty healthy right now,

that the game is pretty healthy right now,

a work stoppage would kill it, and the way

a work stoppage would kill it, and the way

to get a work stoppage is to insist

To achieve a work stoppage is to insist.

on a salary cap because that is

en un tope salarial porque eso es

not going to happen.

not going to happen.

So are there any circumstances where we might

So are there any circumstances where we might

see a salary cap, or is it pretty much out of the

see a salary cap, or is it pretty much out of the

question? Well, for now

question? Well, for now

I think it's out of the question. The only

I think it's out of the question. The only

way is if the union leadership changes

the only way is if the union leadership changes

and new guys replace

y nuevos chicos reemplazan

Don Feer and Gene Orda, otherwise

Don Feer y Gene Orda, de otra manera.

it's not going to happen.

It's not going to happen.

And the one thing is that

Y lo único es que

at least under 5% chance

at least under 5% chance

of it happening because I believe the players

of it happening because I believe the players

have taken control of the union

have taken control of the union

in the last 5 or 6 years,

in the last 5 or 6 years,

which is a really good thing. It's their union,

lo cual es algo realmente bueno. Es su unión,

those guys work for the players,

those guys work for the players,

and I think the players, I know the

And I think the players, I know the

players that stood up in the last 6 or 7

players that stood out in the last 6 or 7

years and basically said, look,

años y básicamente dijo, mira,

we can't have another work stoppage.

We can't have another work stoppage.

We need the game to be healthy

We need the game to be healthy.

and it will never survive if we walk

y nunca sobrevivirá si caminamos

again or if they're locked out again.

again or if they're locked out again.

So that's the only hope

So that's the only hope.

is that the players go to the

is that the players go to the

management and say, look, we

management and say, look, we

have to have a cap here. But again,

tiene que haber un límite aquí. Pero de nuevo,

I cannot see the players doing that at this

I cannot see the players doing that at this.



Alright, next question will be from Ken.

Alright, next question will be from Ken.

The name of your soccer is starting to get a little

The name of your soccer is starting to get a little



Are the Los Angeles Dodgers going to sign maybe

Are the Los Angeles Dodgers going to sign maybe?

and how long are they going to have to give them

And how long are they going to have to give them?

to get them in there?

to get them in there?

This situation is more than a little

This situation is more than a little.

out of hand.

fuera de control.

I don't even know what to say

I don't even know what to say.

about this anymore. Here's the bottom line.

about this anymore. Here's the bottom line.

I think one way or another,

I think one way or another,

Maynard Harris has to end up with

Maynard Harris tiene que terminar con.

the Dodgers. They really want him.

the Dodgers. They really want him.

They really need him. They have the money

They really need him. They have the money.

to afford it. And I think one way

para permitirlo. Y creo que una forma

or another, by opening day, he's

or another, by opening day, he's

going to get some sort of 2-year deal

going to get some sort of 2-year deal

and he's going to have stages because

and he's going to have stages because

I don't see another team get involved

I don't see another team getting involved.

here. Not many teams have

aquí. No muchos equipos tienen

1-year $25 million

1 año $25 millones

or 2-years $25 million

or 2 años $25 millones

but go around in the month of March

pero rodea en el mes de marzo

most of their money for salaries

most of their money for salaries

and the money has been paid out.

and the money has been paid out.

If the platform is to say, oh, teams are going to get

If the platform is to say, oh, teams are going to get.

interested here, somebody's going to get hurt

interesado aquí, alguien va a salir herido

and then somebody's just going to

y luego alguien simplemente va a

turn around and give Maynard Harris $50 million

Turn around and give Maynard Harris $50 million.

I just don't see

I just don't see.

that happening. So I just think one way or another

eso sucediendo. Así que solo pienso de una forma u otra

the Dodgers are going to have

the Dodgers are going to have

to sign this guy. They're doing the

to sign this guy. They're doing the

right thing by not bidding against

the right thing by not bidding against

themselves and yet,

mismos y, sin embargo,

they cannot go into the season without him

They cannot go into the season without him.

because if they do, they will go

porque si lo hacen, se irán

from the favorite in that division

from the favorite in that division

to just another team in that division

a solo otro equipo en esa división

and I don't think they can afford

y no creo que puedan permitírselo

the way Danny played last year

la manera en que Danny jugó el año pasado

to just say, all right, we're going to save some

to just say, all right, we're going to save some

extra dollars and not sign him.

extra dollars and not sign him.

All right. I'm going to ask one question

All right. I'm going to ask one question.

from David Worcester

from David Worcester

who's a Cincinnati Reds fan.

who's a Cincinnati Reds fan.

The Reds have reportedly been entertaining trades

Los Rojos, según informes, han estado considerando cambios.

involving Howard Bailey. I think this is a

involving Howard Bailey. I think this is a

huge mistake because

gran error porque

he has such a raw talent.

He has such a raw talent.

That is sparse. Hitching $95

Eso es escaso. Haciendo autoestop $95.

an hour plus into the seventh inning

an hour plus into the seventh inning

that doesn't happen too much.

that doesn't happen too often.

In general, what is that turning point

In general, what is that turning point?

that teams give up on prospects

that teams give up on prospects

and try to trade them? These decisions

and try to trade them? These decisions

are very crucial.

are very crucial.

Which factors

Which factors

play into the equation and which top

play into the equation and which top

MLB prospects do you see

MLB prospects do you see

being dealt in 2009?

¿se está tratando en 2009?

Well, it would

Well, it would

be unusual for any top

be unusual for any top

prospects to go this year because

prospects to go this year because

the trend

the trend

now among most major league teams

now among most major league teams

is to hold on to your best players.

is to hold on to your best players.

With the ways for that last year

Con los caminos para el año pasado.

that if you keep your best guys

that if you keep your best guys

you'll always have a chance.

You'll always have a chance.

And I don't see the Reds trading Howard Bailey.

And I don't see the Reds trading Howard Bailey.

I just saw the Reds late last

I just saw the Reds late last.

week in spring training. And apparently

semana en el entrenamiento de primavera. Y aparentemente

for the guys that I talked to

for the guys that I talked to

he has completely turned the corner

he has completely turned the corner

from the guy who was there the last

from the guy who was there last

two years to act kind of a

two years to act kind of a

sense of entitlement. Hey, I'm a little bit

sense of entitlement. Hey, I'm a little bit

better than that one out here. Hey, I'm the

better than that one out here. Hey, I'm the

number one draft choice. But hey,

number one draft choice. But hey,

well, he got knocked around hard

Well, he got beaten up badly.

enough that he finally said, all right,

enough that he finally said, all right,

maybe I need to work on this a little bit.

Maybe I need to work on this a little bit.

And he came back with a whole different attitude

And he came back with a whole different attitude.

this year. And apparently he's

este año. Y aparentemente él está

completely different than the guys that showed

completamente diferente a los chicos que mostraron

up last year. And that really helps

hasta el año pasado. Y eso realmente ayuda.

because his stuff is really good.

because his stuff is really good.

And in his first spring training appearance

And in his first spring training appearance

he's doing better than anybody

He's doing better than anybody.

who I saw him throw last year.

who I saw throw last year.

I don't know if they'll make the call out of spring training

I don't know if they'll make the call after spring training.

but I also don't think they're going to trade him

pero tampoco creo que lo vayan a intercambiar.

because they know that he's a big time

porque saben que él es un gran tiempo

prospect still.

prospect still.

I've got a question for you. I'm going to put you on the spot

Tengo una pregunta para ti. Te voy a poner en una situación difícil.

here because I know you are a Hall of Fame

Here because I know you are a Hall of Fame.

voter. And

voter. And

you know, all moral or

you know, all moral or

principle issues aside,

principle issues aside,

yes or no, does Alex Rodriguez

Yes or no, does Alex Rodriguez.

get your vote?

get your vote?

Yes, Alex Rodriguez

Yes, Alex Rodriguez

gets my vote.

gana mi voto.

This is a very, very difficult question.

This is a very, very difficult question.

I don't pretend to have it right

I don't pretend to have it right.

but my theory, my philosophy

pero mi teoría, mi filosofía

on this has been

on this has been

that, you know, this is an entire

that, you know, this is an entire



so many players, hundreds

so many players, hundreds

and hundreds apparently were doing

y cientos aparentemente estaban haciendo

you know, something illegal during this time.

You know, something illegal during this time.

This will be known for the rest of time

Esto será conocido por el resto del tiempo.

as the story, you know, there will be

As the story goes, there will be.

an imaginary half-pitch over this

an imaginary half-pitch over this

unit for the rest of time.

unidad para el resto del tiempo.

And I just don't know

Y simplemente no sé.

if it's fair or right

if it's fair or right

to take the best players of the era

to take the best players of the era

and say, okay, we're going to punish you guys

and say, okay, we're going to punish you guys

more than anyone else. But if it's fair

more than anyone else. But if it's fair

a fall allows this to happen

a fall allows this to happen

there's so many people

there are so many people

to blame for this.

to blame for this.

So the media as well as the players

So the media as well as the players

the commissioner, owners, general managers

the commissioner, owners, general managers

everyone, including the players

todos, incluidos los jugadores

have just not sure

"Acabo de no estar seguro."

if that's the right thing to do.

si eso es lo correcto.

The people want to punish A-Rod more

The people want to punish A-Rod more.

they want to kick him out of the Hall of Fame

They want to kick him out of the Hall of Fame.

they want to take his records away

They want to take away his records.

they want to send him from baseball

they want to send him from baseball

I really do understand all of those points.

I really do understand all of those points.

My point would be, though, at this stage

Mi punto sería, sin embargo, en esta etapa.

the punishment is

the punishment is

his integrity, his reputation

his integrity, his reputation

will be stained for the rest of his life

will be stained for the rest of his life

and his name

y su nombre

is what it means, what it used to be

is what it means, what it used to be

and that is what it should indeed be.

y eso es lo que debería ser, de hecho.

I think they're going to be right there

I think they're going to be right there.

again. I think they're going to be in a low

again. I think they're going to be in a low.

mid-90s and win.

mid-90s y ganar.

Again, I think the Yankees and the Rays

Again, I think the Yankees and the Rays.

are going to be right with him

are going to be right with him

and I'm pretty sure three teams in that division

y estoy bastante seguro de que tres equipos en esa división

are going to win 90 or more games this year.

are going to win 90 or more games this year.

I like what the Red Sox did in the offseason.

I like what the Red Sox did in the offseason.

I like the Saito move.

I like the Saito move.

I like Bob Belly.

I like Bob Belly.

I really like John Smalls.

I really like John Smalls.

I really like Brad Penny.

I really like Brad Penny.

Instead of spending big money on the biggest guy

Instead of spending big money on the biggest guy

they went to fill in some gaps here.

They went to fill in some gaps here.

And again, a lot has to happen.

And again, a lot has to happen.

There's no guarantee Smalls will be great.

No hay garantía de que Smalls sea genial.

There's no guarantee Penny will be

No hay garantía de que Penny esté.

a pitcher of two years ago

a pitcher from two years ago

or Saito will be the best.

or Saito será el mejor.

But what they're banking on

Pero en lo que están apostando

is bigger teams coming back healthy

is bigger teams coming back healthy

like Lowell coming back healthy

like Lowell coming back healthy

and giving them a pretty darn good lineup.

y dándoles una alineación bastante buena.

But their starting pitching still has a chance

Pero su rotación de abridores todavía tiene una oportunidad.

to be really, really good

to be really, really good

if Penny's good.

si Penny está bien.

And with some of the kids from the minor leagues

And with some of the kids from the minor leagues.

who are coming on the way back

who is coming on the way back

it should be really, really interesting

It should be really, really interesting.

to see how they do.

to see how they do.

All right. Kevin, you had another question?

All right. Kevin, did you have another question?



Do you feel that there's another team this year

Do you feel that there’s another team this year?

that can play really well?

¿Que puede jugar realmente bien?

Eyes up for the ashes type of thing

Eyes up for the ashes type of thing.

like the Tampa Bay Rays did last year

como lo hicieron los Tampa Bay Rays el año pasado

and the Colorado Rockies did two years ago?

and the Colorado Rockies did two years ago?

Yeah, there's a team out there.

Yeah, there's a team out there.

I didn't wish to watch the guys

I didn't want to watch the guys.

who got out there.

who went out there.

I know.

I know.

But I really, I like what the Oakland A's did

But I really like what the Oakland A's did.

in the offseason.

in the offseason.

They were a serious offense team last year

They were a serious offensive team last year.

and they didn't get that in that holiday

y no lo consiguieron en esa festividad

as one of the best offensive players in the game.

as one of the best offensive players in the game.

But they had a Jason Giambi

Pero tenían un Jason Giambi.

and again, their Travis Baskey's apparently healthy.

And again, their Travis Baskey's apparently healthy.

They could be,

They could be,

they did a monstrously better offensive team

They made a monstrously better offensive team.

and with what the Angels lost,

and with what the Angels lost,

I think they could make an outside shot,

I think they could make an outside shot.

make an outside shot

make an outside shot

and make it a run at the Angels.

y hazlo una carrera en los Ángeles.

This year it's not going to be easy by any means.

Este año no va a ser fácil de ninguna manera.

But there's another team out there.

Pero hay otro equipo allí afuera.

I don't know what it is,

I don't know what it is,

but this is a problem

pero este es un problema

for the good thing about spring training.

For the good thing about spring training.

I just want to say that

I just want to say that

when Jerry Harrison at the end of my stay there

when Jerry Harrison at the end of my stay there

just looked at me and said,

just looked at me and said,

watch out for our team.

watch out for our team.

He said, there's a couple of we know we know what we can do

He said, there's a couple of us who know what we can do.

for the Tampa Bay Rays.

para los Tampa Bay Rays.

It's out of the nine.

Está fuera de los nueve.

Everything is so much better here.

Everything is so much better here.

So we'll keep an eye on that.

So we'll keep an eye on that.

But I don't have a team that I think can come from

Pero no tengo un equipo del que crea que pueda venir.

70 wins to 97 like Tampa Bay did.

70 wins to 97 like Tampa Bay did.

But some people will be out there

Pero algunas personas estarán ahí afuera.

and that's the great part of the game

and that's the great part of the game

is trying to figure out which team that's going to be.

is trying to figure out which team that's going to be.

All right, Tim.

All right, Tim.

This is a question from back home,

Esta es una pregunta de casa.

from Bethesda.

from Bethesda.

And I know we're all pressed on time

Y sé que todos estamos presionados por el tiempo.

and I may have to get somewhere.

and I may have to get somewhere.

From Danny in Bethesda.

De Danny en Bethesda.

Now we use Baltimore Orioles.

Now we use Baltimore Orioles.

Really underhanded at this point.

Realmente engañoso en este punto.

How do you see him performing

How do you see him performing?

if he gets the starting spot this year?

si consigue el puesto de titular este año?

Okay, I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I missed the name.

I missed the name.

Matt, Matt, Matt Weir.

Matt, Matt, Matt Weir.

Oh, Matt Weir.

Oh, Matt Weir.

Matt Weir is one of the best young catching prospects

Matt Weir es uno de los mejores jóvenes prospectos de receptor.

to come up in a long time.

to come up in a long time.

I mean, in a way,

I mean, in a way,

he's Joe Mauer holding you to the switcher.

he's Joe Mauer holding you to the switcher.

He's big.

Él es grande.

He's strong.

Él es fuerte.

He hits with power.

He hits with power.

He can throw.

He can throw.

He hits the entire package behind the plate.

He hits the entire package behind the plate.

And if I were the Orioles,

Y si yo fuera los Orioles,

and clearly I'm not,

y claramente no soy,

I would.

I would.

I would run him on opening day

I would start him on opening day.

and say,

and say,



pick us when you are going to catch for us this year

Elíjanos cuando vayan a atraparnos este año.

because Orioles fans need somebody,

because Orioles fans need somebody,

something to latch on to

algo a lo que aferrarse

for the rest of this season.

for the rest of this season.

And we're going to get them,

And we're going to get them,

get their fans excited about coming to the ballpark.

get their fans excited about coming to the ballpark.



I would put Matt Weir in there

I would include Matt Weir in there.

and say,

and say,

your job's done.

Your job's done.

And yet,

And yet,

I don't think that's going to happen.

I don't think that's going to happen.

The Orioles guys,

The Orioles guys,

for me,

for me,

in the middle of last season,

in the middle of last season,

they don't want to bring Matt Weir up

They don't want to bring Matt Weir up.

at the beginning of the 2019 season.

at the beginning of the 2019 season.

Because the team

Porque el equipo

is not going to be good

is not going to be good

and they don't want him

y no lo quieren

to be a part

to be a part

of a looming situation

of a looming situation

that when he steps in,

que cuando él entra,

they want that team

they want that team

to be going in the right direction

to be going in the right direction

at a high fantasy.

at a high fantasy.

And my concern for the Orioles

And my concern for the Orioles

is that that day

is that that day

is maybe at least two years off

is maybe at least two years away

and they can't wait

y no pueden esperar

two years

dos años

to put Matt Weir in there.

to put Matt Weir in there.

I think he'll be up by June.

I think he'll be up by June.

I think once he gets there,

I think once he gets there,

he stays for 15 years

he stays for 15 years

or until they have to trade him.

o hasta que tengan que intercambiarlo.

But he's going to be

Pero él va a estar.

a great,

a great,

great young player.

gran jugador joven.

You know,

You know,



I have to ask you this question.

I have to ask you this question.

I don't know how much you know

I don't know how much you know.

about the college game

sobre el juego universitario

and I don't get too many

y no recibo demasiados

opportunities like this.

opportunities like this.

how do you like the college

How do you like the college?

or Worcester's prospects

or Worcester's prospects

in commission?

on commission?

I mean,

I mean,

let's see here.

let's see here.

I had to do it.

I had to do it.

Sorry, guys.

Lo siento, chicos.

All right.

All right.



we can see a chance

we can see a chance

which is a little bit

which is a little bit

of a serious question.

of a serious question.

Sorry, Tim.

Lo siento, Tim.

All right,

All right,

I do have a serious question,

I do have a serious question,





I'll be honest with you,

I'll be honest with you,

I don't know whether

I don't know whether

it was a Braves fan.

It was a Braves fan.

The Braves have kind of,

The Braves have kind of,

I really didn't like

I really didn't like it.

what they did

lo que hicieron

in the offseason

in the offseason

at the beginning.

at the beginning.

Then they put it,

Luego lo ponen,

they kind of,

they kind of,

they got Derek Lowe,

they got Derek Lowe,

they got Vasquez,

they got Vasquez,

and they've got the guy

and they've got the guy

from Japan,

from Japan,

and I can't remember

y no puedo recordar

his name.

his name.

What kind of,

What kind of,

they've kind of put together

they've kind of put together

a decent rotation,

a decent rotation,

but there are some

pero hay algunos

definite question marks.

definite question marks.

How do you see that

How do you see that?

panning out down in Atlanta?

How's it going down in Atlanta?



I like a couple things

I like a couple of things.

they did in the offseason.

they did in the offseason.

Javier Vasquez

Javier Vasquez

is a 200 inning guy.

He is a 200-inning guy.



they didn't have

they didn't have

one guy with

one guy with

160 innings last year,

160 entradas el año pasado,

and that's ultimately

y eso es, en última instancia

why they ended up

why they ended up

losing that game.

losing that game.



I don't know

I don't know.

why they ended up

why they ended up

losing that game.

losing that game.



they had a few more

they had a few more

portions at the top

portions at the top

in Derek Lowe

in Derek Lowe

and Javier Vasquez

and Javier Vasquez

and the kid

and the kid

from Japan,

from Japan,



I saw him

I saw him.

throw this spring

lanzar esta primavera

and he's going

y él se va.

to be pretty good too.

ser bastante bueno también.



their rotation

su rotación

is going to be

is going to be

way better

mucho mejor

than it was

than it was

last year.

last year.

Their bullpen

Su bullpen

is going to be better

is going to be better

as soon as

tan pronto como

Peter Moreland

Peter Moreland

comes back healthy

comes back healthy

and as soon as

y tan pronto como

Soriano comes back healthy.

Soriano regresa saludable.

They should have

They should have

a pretty good back end

un backend bastante bueno

for both of them

para ambos

with a healthy

con un saludable

Mike and Lowe.

Mike y Lowe.

But having said all that,

Pero habiendo dicho todo eso,

they don't have enough

they don't have enough

power in the outfield.

power en el jardín.

They don't have

They don't have

enough offense

sufficient offense

on that team

en ese equipo

and I don't see

and I don't see

them finishing

them finishing

above third place

above third place

certainly in that division

certainly in that division

just because the Phillies

solo porque los Phillies

are good

are good

and have gotten better

y han mejorado

and the Mets

y los Mets

are pretty good

son bastante buenos

and have gotten

y han conseguido

much better

much better

and don't cut out

y no cortes.

the Marlins either.

neither the Marlins.

I saw that in the spring

I saw that in the spring.

and I was

y yo estaba

thoroughly impressed

thoroughly impressed

with what I saw.

con lo que vi.

And so,

And so,

right now,

right now,

would you say

would you say

that the Braves

that the Braves

are probably going

are probably going

to finish in third?

to finish in third?

Is that the depth

¿Es esa la profundidad?

of your guess?

¿de tu suposición?



I would say

I would say

third place

third place

and if they can get

y si pueden conseguir

to 500 this year

a 500 este año

which would be

which would be

a fairly big job.

a fairly big job.

over last year

over the past year

that would have

eso habría

to be considered

to be considered

a relatively

a relatively

successful team.

equipo exitoso.



I do know

I do know

that you do

that you do

have a busy day

tener un día ocupado

because you've got

porque tienes

some ESPN work

algún trabajo de ESPN

to do

to do

and it's snowed

and it has snowed

in in D.C.

in D.C.

One final question.

One final question.

I know you've been

I know you've been.

making your way

making your way

around to

alrededor de

sprint training camps.

sprint training camps.

Most impressive team

Most impressive team

and most impressive

y más impresionante





the most impressive

the most impressive

player I've seen

player I've seen

this spring

esta primavera

is Andy Ramirez

is Andy Ramirez

of the Marlins

of the Marlins

who's put on

who's put on

25 pounds.

25 libras.

He's gigantic.

He's gigantic.

He played

He played

at 200 last year

at 200 last year

and now he's

y ahora él está



He's huge.

Él es enorme.

He's a great player

He's a great player.

and he's vowed

y ha prometido

to hit more home runs

to hit more home runs

and drive in a lot

y conducir en un lote

more runs

more runs

and he's vowed

y ha jurado

to hit third

to hit third

in the order this year

in the order this year

and take the place

y ocupa el lugar

of some guys

of some guys

that traded

que comerciaba

in Jacobs

in Jacobs

and Willingham.

and Willingham.



the more I see

the more I see

this guy,

this guy,

the more I talk

the more I talk

to people

a la gente

about this guy,

sobre este chico,

the more I think

the more I think

he's as good

él es tan bueno

as he wants to be.

as he wants to be.

This year he's

Este año él está.

in the driving run

in the driving run

and he's going

y él se va

to go from

to go from

67 RBI

67 RBI

to 100.

to 100.

That's how good

Así de bueno.

he is.

he is.

He's the most

Él es el más.

impressive player

impressive player

that I've seen

that I've seen

in training this year.

in training this year.



of course,

of course,

Albert Pirol

Albert Pirol

being the best

being the best

player in the league

jugador en la liga



I mean,

I mean,

that's the

eso es el

most I've seen

most I've seen

in a group.

in a group.



as for the best

as for the best



I mean,

I mean,

that's way

that's way

up in the air

up in the air

as to who's

as to whose

the best team

the best team

out there.

fuera de aquí.

you know,

you know,

I think

I think

New York

New York

is just so good.

is just so good.

A really good team

Un equipo realmente bueno

is going to come

is going to come

out of there.

out of there.

The one thing

The one thing

about the Rays,

about the Rays,

and I'm not sure

y no estoy seguro

they're the best team,

they're the best team,



their attitude

su actitud

is so good.

is so good.

They went to

They went to

spring training

spring training

and now one guy

y ahora un chico

in that club

in that club

is walking around

is walking around

with a big head

con una cabeza grande





we won this

we won this

season last year.

season last year.

We're going to

Vamos a

roll over everyone

roll over everyone

this year.

este año.

That's not the

That's not the

way they're looking

modo en que están mirando

at it.

en ello.

It's the perfect

It's the perfect

attitude to have.

attitude to have.

We still have a lot

We still have a lot.

to prove here

demostrar aquí

and so far,

and so far,

so good.

so good.

All right,

All right,

Mr. Kirsch,

Mr. Kirsch,

I'll leave it to Tim.

I’ll leave it to Tim.

I was just going

I was just going.

to say,

to say,



thank you so much

thank you so much

for joining us.

for joining us.

We really appreciate

We really appreciate.

you having us.

you having us.

One of the most

One of the most

famous guests

famous guests

we have ever had

we have ever had

on Blue 91.

on Blue 91.



thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Can you tell us

Can you tell us

a little bit about it?

A little bit about it?

I speak on behalf

I speak on behalf.

of all of us.

of all of us.

If we ever had

Si alguna vez tuvimos

paid to cover

pagado para cubrir

baseball games

baseball games

and travel around

y viajar por

the country,

the country,

we would be in heaven.

we would be in heaven.

We're all very,

We're all very,

very jealous of you.

very jealous of you.

All right,

All right,



thanks for having

thanks for having





Thanks so much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much,

Thank you very much,



Can you give him

Can you give him

a big round of

a big round of

applause for that?

Applause for that?



I mean,

I mean,

he's just,

he's just,

he's a real,

he's a real

real humble guy

really humble guy

and he's so known

and he's so well-known

and wanted.

y quería.





I mean,

I mean,

his voice,

his voice,

you know,

you know,

he has that,

he has that,



distinct voice

distinct voice

that you always hear

that you always hear



and just to hear it

y solo para escucharlo

come through

come through

these headphones.

these headphones.



nobody else

nobody else

could even try

could even try

to pretend to be him

to pretend to be him

because he's just

porque él es justo

so smart

so smart

with looking

con mirada

and giving him

y dándole

that perfect sense

that perfect sense

about every question

About every question.

he has.

he has.

You can tell

You can tell.

he does this

he does this

all the time.

todo el tiempo.

Say for that

Say for that.

monster question

monster question

that Dan had,

that Dan had,

what were you thinking?

What were you thinking?

I didn't know

I didn't know.

you had that question.

you had that question.



I know.

I know.

It was a terrible idea.

It was a terrible idea.

I forgot

I forgot.

because I was

porque yo era





I know,

I know,



one thing,

one thing,



I thought

I thought

it was going

it was going

to be on for longer

to be on for longer

but it's,

pero es,

it's not like

it's not like

he doesn't have

he doesn't have

anything else

anything else

to go around

to go around

this time.

esta vez.



I told you

I told you.

before the show

before the show



he could be anywhere

he could be anywhere

from 10 minutes

from 10 minutes

to two hours

a dos horas

and that is

y eso es

what he thought.

what he thought.

He just got back

He just got back.

from showing

de mostrar

his driveway

su entrada de vehículos

and he could

y él podría

go show

go show

his mom's driveway

his mom's driveway

and he's like,

y él está como,

Tyler's playing

Tyler está jugando.





he's in

él está dentro

Bethesda right now.

Bethesda right now.



he's just hanging out

él solo está pasando el rato

and he's,

y él está,

he can't get

he can't get

a flight out

a flight out


cualquier lugar

so instead

so instead

he's going

he's going

into like

into like







where they do

donde lo hacen



and that's

y eso es

where they,

donde ellos,







If we get

If we get

Robon on the show

Robon en el espectáculo.

that'd be fantastic.

Eso sería fantástico.

Robon's a little bit,

Robon's a little bit.

I'm sure,

Estoy seguro,

Robon on the show,

Robon on the show,

if I could get

if I could get

any ESPN out of the show

any ESPN out of the show

with that real ESPN

con ese verdadero ESPN

or I could get

or I could get

one guy to get out there

un chico para salir ahí afuera

just to argue with him

just to argue with him

it would be

it would be

Jay Mariotti

Jay Mariotti

and I would

y yo lo haría

love to get into

love to get into



and that would be

y eso sería







I'm not even

I'm not even.

going to stop it.

going to stop it.



the thing is

the thing is

that Mariotti

that Mariotti

you don't believe

you don't believe

they're not guys

they're not guys

funny thing

cosa graciosa

you should just

you should just

mention that

menciona eso

I think I might

I think I might

be able to get

be able to get





no joke

no joke

I know,

I know,

I know

I know

Wesley of

Wesley of

Master of Games

Master of Games

has said

has said

that he possibly

that he possibly

has a guest

has a guest

and the way

y el camino

I will not

I will not

ruin that

ruin that





How can you

How can you

explain that?

¿Puedes explicar eso?

If you say that

If you say that

you gotta back it up

You gotta back it up.



Since that

Desde eso

is the only way

is the only way

you can back it up.

You can back it up.



my grandfather

my grandfather

works for the

works for the

Washington Post

Washington Post

as does Robon

as does Robon



he looked for me

he looked for me

and I was like

y yo estaba como





I have

I have



for Tony Kornheiser

for Tony Kornheiser

and I've

y he

seen him

lo he visto

Tony Kornheiser

Tony Kornheiser

would not

would not

do this

do this



it's very rare

it's very rare

you find someone

you find someone

as humble

as humble

and as friendly

y tan amigable

as a guy

as a guy

you won't be surprised

you won't be surprised

because all these guys

porque todos estos chicos

got their start

got their start

in a little buddy

in a little buddy

that's rich

that's rich

unless you consider

a menos que consideres

that Kornheiser

that Kornheiser

came from

came from

Binghamton College

Binghamton College

or you know

or you know

the Sydney School

the Sydney School

and the

and the

just a smaller school

solo una escuela más pequeña

just like ours

just like ours

you'd be surprised

You'd be surprised.

at how these guys

at how these guys

because it's like

porque es como

they're like

they're like

the big star

the big star

they come here

they come here

and talk

and talk

the kids are just

los niños son solo

so eager

tan ansioso

to go out

to go out

and talk

and talk

and like

and like

I just know

I just know.

there's so much

there's so much

buzz going on

buzz going on

on campus

on campus

about room 91

acerca de la habitación 91

for the first time

for the first time

and they have

y tienen

an area

an area

if you're listening

si estás escuchando

right now

ahora mismo

we did our job

we did our job

let's be completely

let's be completely

honest here

honest here

I mean I'm sorry

I mean I'm sorry.

if we didn't get

if we didn't get

to ask you a question

to ask you a question

because I mean

porque quiero decir

he does work

he does work

for ESPN guys

para los chicos de ESPN

I mean

I mean

I had no

I had no

I've interviewed him

Lo he entrevistado.

plenty of times

plenty of times



and I have

y tengo

I have had a two hour

I have had a two hour.

conversation with the man

conversation with the man

he does love

he does love

talking about baseball

talking about baseball

he generally

he generally



talking about baseball

talking about baseball



kind of scary

kind of scary



it's all he thinks about

es lo único en lo que piensa

you know

you know

it's his family

it's his family

and it's baseball

y es béisbol

with him

con él

and it's

and it's



it's cool

It's cool.

I love

I love

he kind of

he kind of

gets a break

gets a break

and he's sort of

y él es una especie de

funny too

funny too

saying that

saying that

the Reds are going

the Reds are going

to contend this year

to compete this year



I could

I could

that came from

que vino de

Jerry Hairston

Jerry Hairston



I mean

I mean

I'm on

I'm on

still now

still now

kind of

sort of



he's lucky

he's lucky

that he got out

that he got out

when he did it

cuando lo hizo

because my next question

because my next question

might have ruined

might have ruined

himself with ESPN

himself with ESPN

because I was going

because I was going

to ask him

to ask him

his predictions

sus predicciones

and I know

y lo sé

they haven't made

they haven't made

their prediction

su predicción



so it might have

así que podría tener

caused some

caused some

rumbling going on

rumbling going on

but I was going

pero yo iba

to give it a shot

to give it a try

I know

I know

some people

some people





and texting

y enviando mensajes de texto

and whatnot

and so on





the question

the question

didn't get asked

didn't get asked

we still have

we still have

all these questions

todas estas preguntas

you know

you know

we may not be

we may not be

Tim Kirchner

Tim Kirchner

or Buster

or Buster

or only

or only



I'm sure

Estoy seguro.

it's not

it's not

what Peter

what Peter





he has

he has

a grandfather

a grandfather

he's like

he's like

the Boston Red Sox

the Boston Red Sox



by the way

by the way



we have

we have

these questions

estas preguntas



I don't

I don't



he's my guy

he's my guy

he's got

he has

a thing

a thing

going on

going on

for sure

for sure

he'll shoot you

he'll shoot you

right now

ahora mismo

he does

he does

that's cool

eso es genial

I kind of

I kind of

it is the best

it is the best

name in baseball

name in baseball

way and away

way and away



Shin Su Chu

Shin Su Chu

yeah he's good

yeah he's good

he's opening

he's opening

up fast

up fast



like Chu Freeman

like Chu Freeman

those might be

esos podrían ser

the best two names

the best two names

in baseball

in baseball

Chu Freeman

Chu Freeman

is he even

is he even

in the major leagues

in the major leagues



I don't know

I don't know

he had the best

he had the best



he's up

he's up



he's up

he's up



I don't know

I don't know.

I'm sorry

Lo siento.

Shin Su Chu

Shin Su Chu

is still the best

is still the best

name in history

name in history

of baseball

of baseball



we'll take a quick

we'll take a quick



we'll talk ourselves

we'll talk ourselves

about some of these

sobre algunos de estos



but we're not

pero no lo somos

Tim Kirkton

Tim Kirkton

let's be honest

let's be honest

we'll play you

we'll play you

center field

center field

just for old times

just for old times' sake

you're listening

you're listening



room 91

room 91

it is

it is

90.9 FM

90.9 FM



a public

a public

service station

service station

of the college

of the college



do not stop

do not stop

do not pass

do not pass

go do not

go do not

collect 200 dollars

collect 200 dollars

and do not

y no

change that dial

cambia ese dial

you're listening

you're listening

right here

justo aquí

to room 91

a la habitación 91

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