
CALVONET RADIO - The Pocket Wave (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/calvonet


CALVONET RADIO - The Pocket Wave (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/calvonet

Hola y bienvenidos al episodio 28 de Calvonel Radio

Hello and welcome to episode 28 of Calvonel Radio.

Y es el episodio 28

And it's episode 28.

Y es muy emocionante

And it is very exciting.

Es el episodio 28 en la Francia

It is episode 28 in France.

El festival de Edimura ha comenzado y quiero preguntarte

The Edimura festival has begun, and I want to ask you.

Porque conmigo tengo aquí a Paolo y Sivas

Because I have Paolo and Sivas here with me.

Y quiero preguntarte, ¿estás emocionado por el festival o no?

And I want to ask you, are you excited about the festival or not?

Estoy muy emocionado, no puedo esperar a ver todos los shows

I am very excited, I can't wait to see all the shows.

¿Y tú, Sivas?

And you, Sivas?

Sí, vine especialmente aquí para ver el festival

Yes, I came here especially to see the festival.

El festival es increíble, es lo mejor que ocurre en el mundo

The festival is incredible, it's the best thing that happens in the world.

¿Puedes comprar un ticket?

Can you buy a ticket?

No, no todavía, pero lo voy a comprar pronto

No, not yet, but I'm going to buy it soon.

Sí, he pedido un par de tickets online

Yes, I have ordered a couple of tickets online.

¿Y tú, Paolo?

And you, Paolo?

Sí, mañana tendremos un ticket en una banda alemana

Yes, tomorrow we will have a ticket for a German band.

Va a ser perfecto

It's going to be perfect.

Creo que va a ser genial

I think it's going to be great.

Y mañana tendremos una fiesta

And tomorrow we will have a party.



Así que mañana el show

So tomorrow the show.

Porque hoy es la fiesta de adiós de Thomas

Because today is Thomas's farewell party.

Uno de nuestros mejores amigos

One of our best friends.

Así que tendremos una buena fiesta

So we will have a good party.

Va a ser una gran noche

It’s going to be a great night.

Antes de irnos, Paolo y Sivas, quiero preguntarte una pregunta

Before we leave, Paolo and Sivas, I want to ask you a question.

Sí, claro

Yes, of course.

¿Cómo llegamos aquí?

How did we get here?

No lo sé

I don't know.

No lo recuerdo

I don't remember it.

Solo pensemos en Paolo y en Sivas

Let's just think about Paolo and Sivas.

¿Cómo llegamos aquí?

How did we get here?

¡Calvonet Radio!

Calvonet Radio!

Palo, no sé cómo vamos a ir aquí

Stick, I don't know how we're going to go here.

Es el festival de nuevo, ¿eh?

It's the festival again, huh?

No, no sé cómo vamos a ir aquí

No, I don't know how we are going to get here.

Solo sé una cosa por cierto

I only know one thing for sure.

Sé qué día es hoy

I know what day it is today.

Es un día de descanso, ¿eh?

It's a day off, huh?

Es un día de descanso para mí, porque no saliste

It's a day off for me because you didn't go out.

Sí salí, no con ustedes

Yes, I went out, not with you.

Bueno, esto es como

Well, this is like

Estamos en el Royal Mile ahora

We are on the Royal Mile now.

Es el Festival Prince

It is the Prince Festival.

Es un día hermoso

It's a beautiful day.

Festival Prince 2010

Prince Festival 2010

Se siente un poco como Deja Vu

It feels a little like Deja Vu.

Porque se siente

Because it feels

Si te acuerdas, estábamos aquí hace un año

If you remember, we were here a year ago.

Así que se siente como un flashback

So it feels like a flashback.

No es real

It's not real.

Hola, buenas tardes

Hello, good afternoon.

Somos Calv de Calvonet Radio

We are Calv from Calvonet Radio.

Un podcast europeo

A European podcast

Te daré esto, si no te importa

I'll give you this, if you don't mind.

Solo necesitamos preguntarte

We just need to ask you.

¿Por qué te estás contactando?

Why are you reaching out?

¿Cuál es el concepto aquí?

What is the concept here?

¿Concepto? ¿Virgo concepto?

Concept? Virgo concept?

Vosotros sois el concepto

You are the concept.

¿Qué haces en tu show, chicos?

What do you do in your show, guys?

No, no es un show diferente

No, it's not a different show.

Se llama Face

His name is Face.

Sí, Face

Yes, Face.

Explícanos este show

Explain this show to us.

Ok, aquí hay una explicación

Okay, here is an explanation.

Es basado en historias de mujeres de confort

It is based on stories of women of comfort.

Que fueron abducidas y forzadas a la esclavitud sexual

That they were abducted and forced into sexual slavery.

Por el ejército japonés durante los...

By the Japanese army during the...

¿Cuántos años es eso?

How many years is that?

Es la Segunda Guerra Mundial

It is World War II.

Dios mío

My God

Eso suena emocionante, ¿eh?

That sounds exciting, huh?

Así que es algo político también, ¿eh?

So it's something political too, huh?

Sí, sí, un poco

Yes, yes, a little.

¿De dónde vienen ustedes?

Where are you all from?

De Corea

From Korea

¿De Corea?

From Korea?

Sí, de Corea

Yes, from Korea.





Nosotros somos multilingües aquí

We are multilingual here.

Ciudad Internacional

International City

Te deseo la mejor suerte y que tengas un buen tiempo, ¿de acuerdo?

I wish you the best of luck and hope you have a good time, okay?

¿Cuál es el momento del show?

What is the moment of the show?



Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Del 4 de agosto al 30

From August 4 to 30

Que tengas un buen tiempo

Have a good time.

Hasta luego

See you later.

Gracias, hasta luego

Thank you, see you later.



¿De dónde vení tú?

Where do you come from?

De China

From China

¿De China?

From China?






Parlamos de China

Let's talk about China.

¿De dónde es el show?

Where is the show from?

De qué época es el show?

What time period is the show set in?



Fue levantado esta semana

It was lifted this week.



Hemos deciso a ir a China

We have decided to go to China.



Y de nuevo calles

And again streets


Sit down.

Tenemos� bloqueado

We have it blocked.

Y la dificultad es que no se�iro

And the difficulty is that I didn't man.

La música del 18

The music of the 18th.

Es el segundo turno de Jicada

It is Jicada's second turn.

Es el CHOW de esta noche

It's the CHOW of tonight.

¿Por qué el show fue وتonay?

Why was the show وتonay?

No llegamos aBarne

We didn't arrive in Barne.

Yo no puedo entender mucho

I can't understand much.

¿Sabes lo que?

Do you know what?

Eso suena muy convencional

That sounds very conventional.

Sientole al maestro

Sit the teacher down.

Me parece que ao ver el show

It seems to me that upon watching the show

Es 다

It is 다

Muy agradable

Very pleasant.



Perdón, somos de Carbonet Radio, fuimos a ver vuestro show el otro día, el show alemán con las baterías, fuimos a verlo el sábado, solo queríamos decir que fue muy bueno, nos impresionó mucho, nos gustó todo lo de las baterías, fue un buen show.

Sorry, we are from Carbonet Radio; we went to see your show the other day, the German show with the drums, we went to see it on Saturday, we just wanted to say it was very good, we were very impressed, we liked everything about the drums, it was a great show.

¿Cómo está el show hasta ahora?

How is the show so far?

El show funciona perfectamente durante todo el día, cuando la gente está trabajando, en el oficina, va al teatro para relajarse por dos o tres horas, pero en la franja es un estrés decente, siempre, así que la gente intenta correr de una hora a la otra, y cuando ven las baterías, piensan que solo van a boom, y ahora hacemos el boom,

The show runs perfectly all day, when people are working, in the office, they go to the theater to relax for two or three hours, but in the time slot it's decent stress, always, so people try to rush from one hour to the next, and when they see the batteries, they think it’s just going to boom, and now we make the boom.

tomamos dos partes, que son bailes hermosas con baterías, pero para mantener la energía,

we take two parts, which are beautiful dances with drums, but to maintain the energy,

lo hacemos más como un show de fiesta, así que la gente, aparentemente, fue en uno de estos shows, después del cuarto show, cambiamos la cosa, y ahora es realmente,

we do it more like a party show, so people, apparently, went to one of these shows, after the fourth show, we changed things up, and now it's really,

fue ayer, y los últimos tres días, pero principalmente ayer, fue un gran impacto.

It was yesterday, and the last three days, but mainly yesterday, it was a big shock.

¿No ha sido vendido?

Has it not been sold?

El venue es muy grande, hasta ahora, muy buenas ventas de tickets, pero no vendidos, espero que podamos lograrlo al final, pero elegimos ese venue porque es un bonito venue,

The venue is very large, so far, very good ticket sales, but not sold out, I hope we can achieve it in the end, but we chose that venue because it is a nice venue.

también porque trajimos un gran escenario, necesitamos un gran escenario con grandes posibilidades técnicas, porque tenemos como 26 luces movilizadas, y no hay otro teatro que pueda ofrecer la técnica como necesitamos, tenemos 26 luces movilizadas, grandes amplificaciones.

Also because we brought a big stage, we need a large stage with great technical possibilities, because we have about 26 moving lights, and there's no other theater that can offer the technology as we need, we have 26 moving lights, large amplifications.

Me y mis amigos queremos volver a verlo, por favor vengan.

Me and my friends want to see him again, please come.

Bueno, desde Carbonet Radio, les deseamos el mejor éxito, y esperamos verlos de nuevo, hasta el próximo año.

Well, from Carbonet Radio, we wish you the best of success, and we hope to see you again until next year.

Sí, eso ya se ha decidido.

Yes, that has already been decided.





Nos vemos de nuevo.

We'll see each other again.

Muchas gracias.

Thank you very much.





Esto es Rhythm & Drum & Dance, el show de batería de Berlín.

This is Rhythm & Drum & Dance, the drum show of Berlin.

En contra del hip hop,criptura en preciosa suspensión.

Against hip hop, writing in precious suspension.

Como siempre, el

As always, the



Esto tiene una potencia Employ meanwhile Fachos en manzana.

This has a power Employ meanwhile Fachos in apple.

Esta gente quiere estar en altos estaciones de los institutos profesionales.

These people want to be in high positions in professional institutes.

Esta gente quiere un nuevo currículum .

These people want a new curriculum.

Rhyme nocerous, not because I'm fat, not because I got birds on my back,

Rhyme nocerous, not because I'm fat, not because I have birds on my back,

but because I'm horny, I'm horny.

but because I'm horny, I'm horny.

When I'm on the mic, I'm the global warming, you can't ignore me.

When I'm on the mic, I'm the global warming, you can't ignore me.

In the bedroom, I'm the gentleman, the ladies come before me.

In the bedroom, I'm the gentleman, the ladies come before me.

Check your yellow pages, I'm arranging to rhyme the color just now.

Check your yellow pages, I'm arranging to rhyme the color right now.

I'm passing over the mic to the hip-hop epitomist.

Estoy pasando el micrófono al epítome del hip-hop.

Yeah, they call me the hip-hop epitomist.

Yeah, they call me the hip-hop epitomist.

My lyrics are bottomless.

My lyrics are bottomless.

Sometimes, my rhymes are polite, like,

Sometimes, my rhymes are polite, like,

Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for dinner, that was delicious, good night.

Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for dinner, that was delicious, good night.

And other times, they're obscene, like a pornographic R-18 dream

And other times, they're obscene, like a pornographic R-18 dream.

about bitches smothered in margarine.

about bitches smothered in margarine.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

They call me the hip-hop epitomist.

They call me the hip-hop epitomist.

I got flows that glow like phosphorus,

I got flows that glow like phosphorus,

popping off the top of this esophagus.

popping off the top of this esophagus.

I'm not a water-dwelling mammal from Africa

No soy un mamífero acuático de África.

that's moved to the metropolis and been taught how to break dance.

that has moved to the metropolis and been taught how to break dance.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?

Did Steve tell you that?

Did Steve tell you that?

What's he got to do with it?

¿Qué tiene él que ver con eso?

What kind of rapping name is Steve?

What kind of rapping name is Steve?



Other rappers diss me, say my rhymes are sissy.

Other rappers diss me, say my rhymes are weak.

What, what, why?

What, what, why?

Be more constructive with your feedback.

Be more constructive with your feedback.


¿Por qué?



What, what, why?

What, what, why?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Why, cause I rap about reality, like me and my grandma having a cup of tea.

Why, because I rap about reality, like me and my grandma having a cup of tea.

That ain't no party.

That's not a party.

Like my nana's tea party.

Like my grandma's tea party.

Ay, oh.

Oh, oh.



Hip-hop a part of us.

Hip-hop a part of us.



Hip-hop a part of us style.

Hip-hop is a part of our style.

I'm freestyling.

Estoy improvisando.

Just saying what comes into the top of my head.

Just saying what comes to the top of my head.

Like it's just random.

Como si fuera simplemente al azar.



Um, ooh.

Um, ooh.



There's a picture of New York.

Hay una foto de Nueva York.

There's a big, fat, crazy picture of New York.

Hay una gran, gorda y loca imagen de Nueva York.

I'm just free.

I'm just free.

New York.

New York.



There's a picture of New York.

Hay una imagen de Nueva York.



Sometimes when I freestyle, I lose confidence.

Sometimes when I freestyle, I lose confidence.

My rhymes are so potent that in the small segment,

My rhymes are so potent that in the small segment,

I made all of the lyrics.

I wrote all of the lyrics.

I made all of the ladies in the first two rows pregnant.

I made all of the ladies in the first two rows pregnant.

Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, that's right.

Sometimes my lyrics are sexist,

Sometimes my lyrics are sexist,

but you lovely bitches and hoes should know I'm trying to correct this.

But you lovely bitches and hoes should know I'm trying to correct this.

When I say, ooh, all the ladies go, ah, ooh, ooh.

When I say, ooh, all the ladies go, ah, ooh, ooh.

When I go, ooh, all the fellas go, er, er, ooh, ooh.

When I go, ooh, all the guys go, er, er, ooh, ooh.

We keep it real sexy, fellas.

We keep it really sexy, guys.

Ooh, ooh.

Ooh, ooh.

That's my dogs.

Ese es mi perro.

When I go, ooh, all the ladies go, ooh, ooh.

When I go, ooh, all the ladies go, ooh, ooh.

Lady, the cocoons, you're so big.

Lady, the cocoons, you're so big.



Wow, thank you.

Wow, thank you.

Thank you, ladies.

Thank you, ladies.

You didn't have to say that.

You didn't have to say that.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Can I just ask you a question?

¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta?

We are from a Calbonet Radio.

We are from Calbonet Radio.

It's a European podcast.

It's a European podcast.



So can you ask you what the concept is?

So can I ask you what the concept is?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Oh, sí, claro.

It's quite apparent.

Es bastante evidente.

I think you're selling it well.

I think you're selling it well.



We are an improvised comedy show.

We are an improvised comedy show.



We take a word from the beginning.

We take a word from the beginning.

Sorry, we take a word from the audience at the beginning of the show,

Sorry, we take a word from the audience at the beginning of the show.

and we create an entirely improvised show around it.

and we create an entirely improvised show around it.

It's always very funny, complete with songs, improvised lighting.

It's always very funny, complete with songs and improvised lighting.

We've got a pianist.

We have a pianist.

He improvises some music.

He improvises some music.

We make it up as we go along,

We make it up as we go along,

and we have literally nothing to show at the beginning.

and we have literally nothing to show at the beginning.

But we take it from you guys, and we make the show.

Pero lo tomamos de ustedes y hacemos el show.



How has the show been doing so far?

How has the show been doing so far?

Pretty good.

Bastante bien.

We've been selling out pretty much every night.

Hemos estado agotando casi todas las noches.

Oh, that's really good.

Oh, eso es realmente bueno.

The show's on at 8.05 at the Radisson Hotel.

The show's on at 8:05 at the Radisson Hotel.

Radisson Hotel?

Radisson Hotel?



On the Royal Mile.

On the Royal Mile.

It's 5 past 8 p.m.

It's 8:05 p.m.

Is it a naked show?

Is it a naked show?

No, we are fully clothed in the show.

No, we are fully clothed in the show.

There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the flyer

Hay un aviso legal en la parte inferior del folleto.

and of our posters that says we do wear clothes.

y de nuestros carteles que dicen que sí usamos ropa.

It's not only for adults.

It's not only for adults.

We can still go.

We can still go.

You can still go.

You can still go.

12 plus.

12 plus.

We are a family-friendly show,

We are a family-friendly show,

but please make sure that your children are over 12

pero por favor asegúrate de que tus hijos tengan más de 12 años.

to come and see it just in case.

to come and see it just in case.

Well, I wish you the best luck,

Well, I wish you the best of luck.

and you take care.

and you take care.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Take care as well.

Take care as well.



Have a good day.

Have a good day.



Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me, sir.

We are from Carbonet Radio.

We are from Carbonet Radio.

Can you describe the show for us and for our listeners?

Can you describe the show for us and for our listeners?



First, can you explain why is this person doing on the floor?

First, can you explain why this person is on the floor?

It looks like a kind of Al-Qaeda detainee or something.

It looks like a kind of Al-Qaeda detainee or something.

Yeah, absolutely.

Sí, absolutamente.

From Guantanamo Bay.

From Guantanamo Bay.

This man is down on the floor in an orange jumpsuit

This man is on the floor in an orange jumpsuit.

with a black hood.

con una capucha negra.

And she's down on the floor to advertise our show.

And she's down on the floor to advertise our show.

Oh, what a lovely war.

Oh, qué guerra tan encantadora.

Oh, what a lovely war on terror.

Oh, qué hermosa guerra contra el terrorismo.

Inspired by Joan Littlewood's epic in the 1960s.

Inspired by Joan Littlewood's epic in the 1960s.

Oh, what a lovely war.

Oh, qué guerra tan encantadora.

This is Oh, what a lovely war on terror.

This is Oh, what a lovely war on terror.

Satirizing the last 10 years of mad politics

Satirizing the last 10 years of crazy politics

that we've seen in trying to fight a war

that we have seen in trying to fight a war

against an abstract concept.

against an abstract concept.

Who are the main characters in the show?

Who are the main characters in the show?

The main characters?

The main characters?

The main figures in the show,

The main figures in the show,

we've got George Bush and Tony Blair, obviously.

We've got George Bush and Tony Blair, obviously.

Big stars.

Estrellas grandes.

Yeah, big stars.

Yeah, big stars.



Yeah, A-list.

Yeah, A-list.

They're A-list celebrities.

Son celebridades de la lista A.

It's a good way for sure.

It's definitely a good way.

Donald Rumsfeld also plays a pretty big part.

Donald Rumsfeld también juega un papel bastante importante.

We look at Donald Rumsfeld in a lot of detail.

We look at Donald Rumsfeld in a lot of detail.

A lot of people haven't done that before.

A lot of people haven't done that before.

Some of the stuff that Donald Rumsfeld says

Some of the things that Donald Rumsfeld says.

is just absolutely fantastic.

is just absolutely fantastic.

You have to come and see the show

You have to come and see the show.

to see that kind of stuff.

to see that kind of stuff.

We've also got some imagined characters.

También tenemos algunos personajes imaginarios.

The show is 4.55 at the Cabaret Bar

The show is at 4:55 at the Cabaret Bar.

at C-Venues underneath the Carlton Hotel on Northbridge.

at C-Venues underneath the Carlton Hotel on Northbridge.

Well, let's also say that we have Osama Bin Laden

Well, let's also say that we have Osama Bin Laden.

in the poster.

in the poster.

We have Osama Bin Laden on the flyer, yeah.

We have Osama Bin Laden on the flyer, yeah.

It's the Lord Kitchener's,

Es del Lord Kitchener.

the very famous Lord Kitchener poster.

the very famous Lord Kitchener poster.

But instead of Lord Kitchener's face,

Pero en lugar de la cara del Lord Kitchener,

there's Osama Bin Laden.

There’s Osama Bin Laden.

We've also got variations on the poster.

También tenemos variaciones en el cartel.

We have Tony Blair's face in there

We have Tony Blair's face in there.

and George Bush's face as well.

y la cara de George Bush también.

That sounds beautiful.

That sounds beautiful.

That's selling it for me already.

Eso ya me lo está vendiendo.

Yeah, fantastic.

Yeah, fantastic.

Well, yeah, we've got some great reviews.

Well, yeah, we’ve got some great reviews.

Broadway Baby gave it four stars,

Broadway Baby le dio cuatro estrellas,

described it as something new and wonderful,

described it as something new and wonderful,

the future of British comedy,

the future of British comedy,

said it was polished to perfection.

dijo que estaba pulido a la perfección.

The Scotsman said it was cutting political points

The Scotsman said it was gaining political points.

through poignant and hilarious sketches.

a través de bocetos conmovedores y divertidos.

And we are the Fringe Review's recommended show

And we are the recommended show of the Fringe Review.

this year.

este año.

So, ticket sales have been going very, very well.

So, ticket sales have been going very, very well.

People need to get their tickets soon

People need to get their tickets soon.

before they sell out.

antes de que se agoten.



I think we need to see the show as well

I think we need to see the show as well.

so we can put the name on the poster.

so we can put the name on the poster.

Yeah, absolutely.

Sí, absolutamente.

Maybe next year it will be our names.

Maybe next year it will be our names.

Yeah, I think that you should come along

Sí, creo que deberías venir.

and see the show.

and see the show.

Write a review, that kind of stuff.

Write a review, that kind of stuff.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

I wish you the best luck.

I wish you the best of luck.

Yeah, you too.

Yeah, you too.

Well, we look forward to seeing you at the show.

Well, we look forward to seeing you at the show.





Thanks very much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I don't know how many people in the Royal Mile, eh?

I don't know how many people are on the Royal Mile, eh?

I mean, look how many people there are around here.

I mean, look how many people there are around here.

It's full, it's fast.

It's full, it's fast.

It's difficult to walk around.

It's difficult to walk around.

I know.

I know.

I love this kind of, you know, place in here.

I love this kind of, you know, place here.

It's brilliant.

Es brillante.

Paolo, that's weird.

Paolo, eso es raro.

It looks like that building is moving a bit.

It looks like that building is moving a bit.

I know, I just noticed now.

I know, I just noticed it now.

What's going on?

What's going on?

It's going like up.

It's going up.

It's coming.

Está viniendo.

Fuck, it's coming to us.

Fuck, it's coming to us.

All of it.


Yeah, come on.

Yeah, come on.

Let's move.


Where is everyone going?

Where is everyone going?

I know, everyone has disappeared.

I know, everyone has disappeared.

What's happening?

What's happening?

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Sergio, what's happening?

Sergio, what's happening?

I thought we were at the Royal Mile

I thought we were at the Royal Mile.

and everyone there is all...

y todos allí están todos...

I know.

I know.

It's a mess.

It's a mess.

It's all really dark.

Es todo realmente oscuro.

Oh, no, hold on, hold on.

Oh, no, wait, wait.

It's not dark.

It's not dark.

There is a curtain there.

There is a curtain there.

A curtain.

A curtain.

I know, it's changing the picture all the time.

I know, it's changing the picture all the time.

Yeah, but it's a red curtain.

Yeah, but it's a red curtain.

You should open it.

You should open it.

See what's behind the red curtain.

See what's behind the red curtain.

I know, yeah, I know.

I know, yeah, I know.

Okay, let's open it.

Okay, let's open it.

What the fuck is that?

What the fuck is that?

Oh, look.

Oh, mira.

There is a fucking dwarf dancing.

There is a fucking dwarf dancing.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

What is going on in here?

What is going on in here?

Something is weird is going on.

Something weird is going on.

How the fuck did we get here?

How the fuck did we get here?

I know, how did we get here?

I know, how did we get here?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Let's go back to the Royal Mile.

Let's go back to the Royal Mile.

No, it's really undead.

No, it's really undead.

So, excuse me, sir.

So, excuse me, sir.

We are from Carbonite Radio.

We are from Carbonite Radio.

It's a European podcast.

It's a European podcast.



Can you describe the show for the listeners?

Can you describe the show for the listeners?

Yeah, of course.

Yeah, of course.

You can take this and listen to the show online.

You can take this and listen to the show online.



Okay, so can you just describe it as a comedy?

Okay, entonces, ¿puedes describirlo solo como una comedia?

What's the concept?

What's the concept?

Okay, the concept is to take sort of familiar themes

Okay, el concepto es tomar una especie de temas familiares.

in sketch comedy and refresh them

in sketch comedy and refresh them

and write new material as well

and write new material as well

that really we want to keep away from smut and swearing.

That we really want to keep away from smut and swearing.

And try and get some quality comedy,

And try to get some quality comedy.

fast-paced, hard-hitting,

intenso y contundente

that basically makes people laugh

that basically makes people laugh

and makes people have a great hour of time.

and makes people have a great time.

You know, early evening is a great slot for us.

You know, early evening is a great time for us.

And we really enjoy basically having a lot of people

And we really enjoy basically having a lot of people.

who are going to go on and see some big names.

who are going to go on and see some big names.

And we're just establishing ourselves.

And we're just establishing ourselves.

And they can come and see us.

And they can come and see us.

What are the main characters in the show?

What are the main characters in the show?

We see three people here on the poster.

We see three people here on the poster.

That's right.

That's right.

Two guys and one woman.

Two guys and one woman.

That's right.

That's right.

There are three people.

There are three people.

That's the three...

That’s the three...

It's a cast of three.

Es un reparto de tres.

And then, basically,

Y luego, básicamente,

we do...

we do...

We've seen different sketches.

Hemos visto diferentes bocetos.

All completely different and very distinct.

All completely different and very distinct.

And we've got characters from all over the world

And we've got characters from all over the world.

and with different accents.

and with different accents.

And we basically...

Y básicamente...

It's a good showcase comically for us

Es una buena vitrina cómica para nosotros.

to use our talents.

to use our talents.

When is it on?

¿Cuándo es?

And what's the venue?

And what's the venue?

The venue is the Cabaret Voltaire.

The venue is the Cabaret Voltaire.

And it's down at the end of Blair Street

Y está al final de la calle Blair.

on the left,

on the left,

just before you get to C venue.

just before you get to C venue.

And it's on at 5.15.

And it's on at 5:15.

Right, excellent.

Right, excellent.

So I wish you the best luck.

So I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

You have fun.

You have fun.



See you later.

See you later.




Lo siento.

We are from California.

We are from California.

Radio here.

Radio here.

I'll give you my flyer as well.

Te daré mi volante también.

We can do swapping flyers.

We can do flyer swapping.



European podcast.

European podcast.

Can you describe the show?

Can you describe the show?

On there, sure.


It's called Last Easter.

Se llama Última Pascua.

It's about four friends that go to Lourdes

It's about four friends who go to Lourdes.

after one friend is diagnosed with cancer.

after one friend is diagnosed with cancer.

So it's a way of trying to overcome

So it's a way of trying to overcome.

their grief with it.

su dolor con ello.

And that's a comedy.

And that's a comedy.

It is a comedy.

It is a comedy.

All right, okay.

All right, okay.

It's sad at the same time,

It's sad at the same time,

especially towards the end,

especialmente hacia el final,

but it's a funny tragedy.

pero es una tragedia graciosa.

It's a true story on the...

It's a true story on the...

It's a true story.

It's a true story.

It's a beautifully written...

It's a beautifully written...

It's an uplifting story.

Es una historia inspiradora.

It is.

It is.

It's a beautiful story.

It's a beautiful story.

And it's the four characters,

And it's the four characters,

they tell the story to the audience.

They tell the story to the audience.

So it's very interactive.

So it's very interactive.

It's very well written.

Está muy bien escrito.

It's written by Bryony Lavery.

Está escrito por Bryony Lavery.

She's got a great show on also

Ella también tiene un gran espectáculo.

called Beautiful Burnout at Pleasant,

called Beautiful Burnout at Pleasant,

which has been sold out.

que se ha agotado.

She's a great writer.

Ella es una gran escritora.

And people love the show.

And people love the show.

They really love it.

They really love it.

What time is the show?

What time is the show?

10 o'clock.

10 o'clock.

And it's at Underbelly.

And it's at Underbelly.

At the Underbelly Cowgate.

At the Underbelly Cowgate.

It's a great venue as well.

It's a great venue as well.

From California Radio,

From California Radio,

we wish you the best luck, okay?

We wish you the best of luck, okay?

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

This is the best comedy festival in the world.

This is the best comedy festival in the world.



Bar none.

Without exception.

Number two is so far behind.

Number two is so far behind.

It should be number three.

It should be number three.

And the reason...

And the reason...

Some of the best comics in the world are here.

Some of the best comics in the world are here.

That's one of the reasons I come.

Esa es una de las razones por las que vengo.

I get to be around some of the best comics in the world

I get to be around some of the best comics in the world.

for a month.

for a month.

And like my dad used to say,

And as my dad used to say,

if you are around shit,

if you are around shit,

you will become shit.

you will become shit.

My father's a ghetto Jedi.

My father's a ghetto Jedi.

And, um...

And, um...

Finally, I saw the DVD of Brokeback Mountain.

Finally, I saw the DVD of Brokeback Mountain.

I watched it with my boyfriend.

I watched it with my boyfriend.

And it was beautiful.

And it was beautiful.

And, uh...

And, uh...

He had to close his eyes

He had to close his eyes.

during all the, like, gay sex scenes.

durante todas las, como, escenas de sexo gay.

But it's not...

Pero no es...

He's not homophobic.

He's not homophobic.

He just...

He just...

You know, it's the only way he can come.

You know, it's the only way he can come.

What's funny?

What's funny?





How are you doing, Agatha?

How are you doing, Agatha?



I'm feeling great now.

Me siento genial ahora.

Now, here's the question, Agatha.

Ahora, aquí está la pregunta, Agatha.



How did you get here?

How did you get here?

I was walking here.

I was walking here.

I came here on my feet.

I came here on foot.

How did I get to Edinburgh?

How did I get to Edinburgh?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

How did I get in Pleasanton?

How did I end up in Pleasanton?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

How did you get here?

How did you get here?

That's a very complicated question.

That's a very complicated question.

How did I get here?

How did I get here?

I don't...

I don't...

Yeah, I don't know.

Yeah, I don't know.

You don't know?

You don't know?

I think there's something in my mind

I think there's something in my mind.

that brought me here.

that brought me here.

I think there's something in my mind

I think there's something on my mind.

that brought me here again.

that brought me here again.

Can you remember how you got here?

Can you remember how you got here?

First time I came here with my friends

Primera vez que vine aquí con mis amigos.

and I went back home

and I went back home

and then I came here

y luego vine aquí

because something in my mind

because something in my mind

was telling me to come here.

was telling me to come here.

We are from the Calvary Radio European Podcast.

We are from the Calvary Radio European Podcast.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, gracias.

Don't be confused.

Don't be confused.

I thought it was non-verbal,

I thought it was non-verbal,

but you're talking.

pero estás hablando.

Yeah, you should be talking.

Yeah, you should be talking.

It's non-verbal comedy.

Es comedia no verbal.

In the show, no.

In the show, no.

Okay, you're not a performer, are you?

Okay, no eres un intérprete, ¿verdad?



Are you the performer?

Are you the performer?

Are you in the performance?

Are you in the performance?

Where are you from?

Where are you from?



From Japan, excellent.

From Japan, excellent.

Can you describe the show?

Can you describe the show?

What's the concept of the show?

What's the concept of the show?

The concept is comedy.

The concept is comedy.

It's a comedy?

Is it a comedy?



And it's non-verbal?

And it's non-verbal?

Non-verbal, yes, yes, yes.

Non-verbal, yes, yes, yes.

So people don't talk?

So people don't talk?



I speak gibberish,

I speak gibberish,

not a language.

not a language.

Like a bit of Japanese, yeah?

Like a bit of Japanese, yeah?

No, not Japanese.

No, no Japanese.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

You don't talk?

Don't you talk?

No, don't talk.

No, no hables.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.



So, what part of Japan are you from?

So, what part of Japan are you from?



What part of Japan?

What part of Japan?

Ah, Nagoya.

Ah, Nagoya.



Nagoya, excellent.

Nagoya, excellent.

When is the show on?

When is the show on?

Is the show on tonight?

Is the show on tonight?

Not tonight.

Not tonight.







10 p.m.

10 p.m.

All right.

All right.

I wish you the best luck with the show, okay?

I wish you the best of luck with the show, okay?




Thank you.

Bye, bye.




Oh, excuse me.

Oh, perdón.

Can we give you this?

Can we give you this?

We are from a carbonate radio station.

We are from a carbonate radio station.

Oh, excuse me.

Oh, perdón.

Can we give you this?

Can we give you this?

Carbonate radio.

Carbonate radio.

European podcast.

European podcast.

Podcast, yeah.

Podcast, yeah.



Can you tell me?

Can you tell me?

You look like you come from a manga comic.

You look like you come from a manga comic.





Japanese comic.

Japanese comic.



It looks amazing.

It looks amazing.

You look like from the film Run from Kurosawa as well.

You look like you're from the film Run by Kurosawa as well.



It's kind of Kurosawa Run.

Es un poco como un Kurosawa Run.

Ah, it is.

Ah, it is.

Ah, this is.

Ah, this is.

Very colorful.

Very colorful.



Like you get the fashion design there.

How do you get the fashion design there?



Can you describe the concept of the show?

Can you describe the concept of the show?



Ah, Japanese culture and comical and caricature.

Ah, Japanese culture and comedy and caricature.

Ah, so.

Ah, so.

I'm Japanese God.

Soy un Dios japonés.





It's a comedy, yeah.

Es una comedia, sí.

Comedy show.

Comedy show.

Comedy, yeah.

Comedia, sí.

Comedy show.

Comedy show.

Comedy show and colorful as well.

Comedy show and colorful as well.





Very colorful.

Very colorful.





What time is the show?

What time is the show?

Show at 7.45.

Show at 7:45.

You look pretty serious there.

You look pretty serious there.

You look a bit creepy with all these skeletons around you.

You look a bit creepy with all these skeletons around you.

You are from Japan then?

So, you are from Japan then?



From Japan.

From Japan.



Toki is speaking English very good.

Toki is speaking English very well.

He is speaking English very good.

He is speaking English very well.

We are very poor.

We are very poor.

As long as you tell us when the show is the show, what time is the show?

As long as you tell us when the show is, what time is the show?



Radio, Carbonate Radio, European podcast.

Radio, Carbonate Radio, European podcast.

And you have to listen it online, on the Internet.

And you have to listen to it online, on the Internet.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, very good.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, very good.






Thank you for the video.



¡Estás bromeando!

You're joking!

¡Adiós Nara!

Goodbye Nara!

¡A Tokio!

To Tokyo!

¿Dónde está?

Where is it?

¡Muy político!

Very political!

¡Tenemos que esperar!

We have to wait!

¡Estamos aquí!

We are here!



¡Podemos hablar japonés!

We can speak Japanese!

¿Podemos hablar japonés?

Can we speak Japanese?



¡Mi nombre es Sergio!

My name is Sergio!

¡Mi nombre es Kazushita Minai!

My name is Kazushita Minai!

¡Soy de Tokio!

I'm from Tokyo!

¡Yo soy un samurái!

I am a samurai!

¡Oh! ¡Yo soy un samurái!

Oh! I am a samurai!

¡Yo soy un samurái!

I am a samurai!

¡Eres un samurái!

You are a samurai!



¿7 samuráis?

Seven Samurai?

¡1 samurái!

One samurai!

¡Oh! ¿Eres Kurosawa?

Oh! Are you Kurosawa?



¡Oh! ¡Tenemos que beber!

Oh! We have to drink!

¡Oh! ¡Un gaseol Challenge!

Oh! A gaseol Challenge!


Of course!






Thank you!

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

This aging couple who thinks they're not good enough for each other anymore, so they build replacements of themselves.

This aging couple who think they're not good enough for each other anymore, so they build replacements of themselves.



And those replacements basically teach them a huge lesson about what to really value.

And those replacements basically teach them a huge lesson about what to really value.

It's your first day today.

It's your first day today.



It's your first day today.

It's your first day today.

Our first day was on the 5th. We've been doing very well, run-wise, but we're in a...

Our first day was on the 5th. We've been doing very well, run-wise, but we're in a...

Selling okay, then.

Selling okay, then.

We're in a huge house, though, and we'd love to...

Estamos en una casa enorme, sin embargo, nos encantaría...

I think you're all selling it very well, actually.

I think you're all selling it very well, actually.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, gracias.

The whole outfield at the same production is really good.

The whole outfield at the same production is really good.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you so much.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you very much.

Well, good luck everyone.

Well, good luck everyone.

We wish you the best luck from California Radio, and I'll see you soon.

We wish you the best of luck from California Radio, and I'll see you soon.

All right.

All right.

Happy show.

Happy show.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

All right.

All right.





All of these are the Chinese ladies we were talking to before.

All of these are the Chinese ladies we were talking to earlier.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, I noticed that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, I noticed that.

He visto a mí en el estudio,

I have seen myself in the studio,

puse un basi-play en frente mío de Chicago.

I placed a basi-play in front of me from Chicago.

Mamá, mamá, mira a mi tío Joe,

Mom, mom, look at my Uncle Joe,

está haciendo un handjob con mi hermana Flo.

He is giving a handjob to my sister Flo.

Me dio la banda con mi hermana y me dejó.

He hooked up with my sister and left me.

Dice, haz ese handjob una vez más.

He says, do that handjob one more time.

Un handjob.

A handjob.

Es un buen blues, Paulo.

It's a good blues, Paulo.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Paolo, solo porque estamos nominados por el premio European Vodka Awards,

Paolo, just because we are nominated for the European Vodka Awards,

quería hacer algo especial para este año.

I wanted to do something special for this year.

Ah, será un gran show el próximo.

Ah, it will be a great show next time.

Pero sabes, he estado tratando de conseguir una estrella en el show,

But you know, I've been trying to get a star on the show,

como una muy grande celebridad de Hollywood.

like a very big Hollywood celebrity.

Estaba en el teléfono haciendo algunas negociaciones

I was on the phone making some negotiations.

y él aceptó, finalmente aceptó estar en el show.

And he accepted, he finally agreed to be on the show.

Pero hay algún problema ahora.

But there is a problem now.

El nombre de la estrella es Mel Gibson.

The name of the star is Mel Gibson.

Pero hay algún problema, y por cierto, él se canceló.

But there is some problem, and by the way, he canceled.

¿En serio? ¿Por qué? Porque él tuvo algún problema en el último periodo.

Really? Why? Because he had some problems in the last period.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Así que, ya sabes, todo el mundo lo sabe.

So, you know, everyone knows it.

Sí, sí. Hemos estado un par de veces allí.

Yes, yes. We have been there a couple of times.

Él ha estado golpeando a mujeres, no lo sé.

He has been hitting women, I don't know.

Bueno, quién sabe, ya sabes.

Well, who knows, you know.

Sólo se lanzó la estrella, ya sabes.

The star was just launched, you know.

Nunca, nunca decimos una frase sobre la gente.

Never, we never say a phrase about people.

Todo el mundo tiene su propia historia.

Everyone has their own story.

Pero todavía estaba bien.

But it was still fine.

Esa es la noticia, esa es la noticia de la gente, de los papeles.

That is the news, that is the news of the people, of the papers.

Incluso si refiere a estar en el show en el último minuto,

Even if it refers to being on the show at the last minute,

se canceló.

It was canceled.

Aún estamos esperando.

We are still waiting.

Pero hizo algo muy bueno.

But he did something very good.

Le dejó un mensaje de voz para nosotros.

He left us a voicemail.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

En el teléfono.

On the phone.

Le dejó un mensaje de voz.

He left her a voicemail.

Deja escucharlo.

Let me hear it.

Lo sé, está bien.

I know, it's fine.

Sólo ponelo.

Just put it.

No me importas.

I don't care about you.

Estoy pasando un momento difícil, y te cagaste el brazo.

I'm going through a difficult time, and you messed up your arm.

Ahora tienes una más oportunidad.

Now you have one more opportunity.

Y lo quiero decir.

And I want to say it.

Ahora, caga si quieres.

Now, poop if you want.

Pero te daré otra oportunidad.

But I will give you another chance.

Necesitas un médico.

You need a doctor.

Necesitas un trasplante de cerebro.

You need a brain transplant.

Necesitas un...

You need a...





No fue demasiado bueno.

It wasn't too good.

Quiero decir, fue un poco enojado.

I mean, it was a bit angry.

Lo sé, pero te dije, está pasando un momento malo ahora.

I know, but I told you, they are going through a bad time right now.

No es un momento malo.

It's not a bad moment.

No es nada malo.

It’s nothing bad.

Así que ya está justificado ahora.

So it's justified now.

Ya no nos atrapamos en él ahora.

We no longer get caught up in it now.

Ya le damos tiempo libre.

We are already giving him free time.

Sí, él necesita descansar.

Yes, he needs to rest.



Por favor, no toquen a nadie.

Please, don't touch anyone.

No toquen a nadie.

Do not touch anyone.

Vamos a preguntar a otro estrella.

Let's ask another star.

Otro estrella.

Another star.

Sí, necesitamos otro estrella.

Yes, we need another star.

Tal vez alguien de Escocia.

Maybe someone from Scotland.

Estamos en Escocia, así que...

We are in Scotland, so...

Creo que deberíamos obtener a Cameron Diaz en el show.

I think we should get Cameron Diaz on the show.

No, tal vez deberíamos obtener a Sean Connery.

No, maybe we should get Sean Connery.

Tal vez.


Puede que esté por aquí.

He might be around here.

Vamos a ver.

Let's see.



Bien, bueno.

Well, good.

Necesitamos un truco ahora.

We need a trick now.

Necesitamos algo para comer.

We need something to eat.

Necesitamos un descanso.

We need a break.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vamos a rechazar las baterías.

We are going to reject the batteries.

Y volvemos después de esta canción.

And we'll be back after this song.




Let's go!


Leave it!

¡Soy Taiwan!

I am Taiwan!

¡Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

Si tu nuevo Iphone funciona bien

If your new iPhone is working well.

Es solo para asegurarte de que tu nuevo Iphone funciona bien

It's just to make sure your new iPhone is working well.

Richie, tengo una mala noticia para ti

Richie, I have some bad news for you.

Justo descubrí que tu nuevo Iphone se ha ido a la obsolescencia

I just discovered that your new iPhone has gone obsolete.

CEO de Apple Computers Steve Jobs

CEO of Apple Computers, Steve Jobs

Gracias, Amy y Tina

Thank you, Amy and Tina.

¿Estás buscando el perfecto regalo de vacaciones?

Are you looking for the perfect holiday gift?

Bueno, aquí está

Well, here it is.

El nuevo Iphone

The new iPhone

Oh, el Iphone Nano, lo tengo, me encanta

Oh, the iPhone Nano, I have it, I love it.

Oh, no, Tina, es ese nuevo Iphone de video

Oh, no, Tina, it's that new video iPhone.

Están geniales, quiero comprar uno de ellos

They are great, I want to buy one of them.

No, ambos son obsoletos

No, both are obsolete.

Este salió hace unos minutos

This one came out a few minutes ago.

¿Unos minutos?

A few minutes?

Sí, señoras y señores

Yes, ladies and gentlemen.

Les voy a presentar, y estoy encantado de esto

I am going to introduce you, and I am delighted about this.

El Iphone Micro

The iPhone Micro

El Iphone Micro contiene más de 50.000 canciones

The iPhone Micro contains over 50,000 songs.

Tiene Iphoto, puedes ver películas en él, en alta definición

It has iPhoto, you can watch movies on it in high definition.

Pero no podemos verlo

But we can't see it.

Exactamente, eso es emocionante

Exactly, that is exciting.

Bueno, supongo, pero ¿cómo deberíamos ver películas en él?

Well, I guess, but how should we watch movies on it?

Bueno, no tendrás que preocuparte de eso

Well, you won't have to worry about that.

El Iphone Micro será obsoleto

The iPhone Micro will be obsolete.

Señoras y señores, estoy encantado de esto

Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted with this.

Les voy a presentar el nuevo Iphone Pequeño

I am going to introduce you to the new Small Iphone.

Oh, sí

Oh, yes.

¿Cuándo salió eso?

When did that come out?

Justo ahora

Right now

El Iphone Pequeño, el Iphone más pequeño hasta ahora

The Small Iphone, the smallest Iphone so far.

Tiene un millón de canciones

It has a million songs.

Un millón de canciones

A million songs

Tiene un calendario de oídos que va 7.000 años hacia el futuro

It has an ear calendar that goes 7,000 years into the future.

Iphoto, puedes ver películas en él

Iphoto, you can watch movies on it.

Eso es muy pequeño

That is very small.

¿Y puedes ver películas en él?

And can you watch movies on it?

No más

No more.

Porque a finales de Navidad, el Iphone Pequeño será obsoleto

Because by the end of Christmas, the Small iPhone will be obsolete.

Espera, ese Iphone solo salió durante cinco segundos

Wait, that iPhone was only out for five seconds.

¿Cuántos segundos?

How many seconds?

Cinco segundos es demasiado largo, es demasiado grande

Five seconds is too long, it is too big.

Ridiculoso, viejo, obsoleto

Ridiculous, old, obsolete.

Pero imagínate, estoy muy orgulloso de presentarlo y estoy encantado de esto

But just imagine, I am very proud to present it and I am delighted with this.

El nuevo Iphone Inviso

The new Inviso iPhone

Ok, espera un minuto, Steve Jobs, no creo que realmente estés teniendo nada

Okay, wait a minute, Steve Jobs, I don't think you're really having anything.

Lo estoy

I am.

El Iphone Inviso, el perfecto almacenador de paquetes

The Inviso iPhone, the perfect package holder.

Tiene ocho millones de canciones

It has eight million songs.

Cada fotografía que has tomado

Every photograph you have taken



Y mira, ups, lo dejé

And look, oops, I left it.

Pero ¿dónde está, en el suelo?

But where is it, on the ground?

No, está flotando

No, it's floating.

Steve Jobs, todos

Steve Jobs, everyone.

No estaba teniendo nada, chicos

I wasn't having anything, guys.

¿Es el Festival del Príncipe ahora en Edinburgh?

Is the Prince's Festival now in Edinburgh?

Es el Festival del Príncipe

It is the Prince's Festival.

¿Esta es la noche de adiós de Thomas?

Is this Thomas's goodbye night?

Así que, Sergio

So, Sergio

Sergio, ahora te estoy preguntando un par de preguntas

Sergio, now I am asking you a couple of questions.

Ahora eres el entrevistador y yo soy el entrevistador

Now you are the interviewer and I am the interviewee.

Me presento, soy Thomas Lang

Let me introduce myself, I am Thomas Lang.

Y voy a preguntarle a Sergio un par de preguntas

And I am going to ask Sergio a couple of questions.

¿Por qué estás aquí, Sergio?

Why are you here, Sergio?

No sé por qué voy aquí, me tomó horas llegar aquí

I don't know why I'm here, it took me hours to get here.

Sergio, tal vez todavía estás en tu suelo

Sergio, maybe you are still on your ground.

Tal vez todavía estás en tu suelo, Sergio

Maybe you're still on your ground, Sergio.

Pero estás aquí

But you are here.

Estoy en un sueño, en un sueño, en un sueño, en un sueño

I am in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream.

Déjame decirte una cosa

Let me tell you one thing.

El único día que fui con Paolo a ver un filme

The only day I went with Paolo to see a movie.

Se llama El A-Team, ¿eh?

It's called The A-Team, huh?

El A-Team, sí

The A-Team, yes.

El A-Team es un filme chévere, es un filme muy malo

The A-Team is a cool movie, it's a really bad movie.

Tuve un gran tiempo, ¿sabes por qué?

I had a great time, do you know why?

Porque se trata de la nostalgia del A-Team del 80

Because it's about the nostalgia of the A-Team from the '80s.

Te creciste con el A-Team

You grew up with the A-Team.

Te vas a encantar ver los personajes de nuevo, ¿sabes?

You're going to love seeing the characters again, you know?

Pero hay un problema con eso

But there's a problem with that.

Puedes ver el A-Team ahora

You can watch the A-Team now.

Me encanta cuando un plan se une

I love it when a plan comes together.

Como ver la serie del A-Team ahora, del A-Team

How to watch the A-Team series now, the A-Team.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

No va a ser lo mismo

It won't be the same.

Va a parecer un poco diferente

It is going to look a little different.

Y lo que vamos a hacer ahora, solo para demostrarlo

And what we are going to do now, just to demonstrate it.

Vamos a tocar un clip de una serie británica que se llama Rainbow

We're going to play a clip from a British series called Rainbow.

Hace mucho tiempo, mucha gente británica veía esta serie

A long time ago, many British people watched this series.

Como Sesame Street

Like Sesame Street.

Llamada Rainbow

Rainbow call

¿Qué pasa si escuchas ahora?

What happens if you listen now?

¿Hay algo que te faltó cuando la estabas viendo?

Is there something you felt was missing while you were watching it?

Back in time

Back in time

Vamos a ver eso

Let's see that.

Oh, hola

Oh, hello.

Vamos a hablar de jugar hoy

Let's talk about playing today.

¿Jugar con los demás, Jeffrey?

Play with the others, Jeffrey?

Sí, Bungle

Yes, Bungle.

Dime, ¿tienes un amigo especial que quieras jugar con?

Tell me, do you have a special friend you want to play with?

Jeffrey, ayer jugamos con nuestras bolsas, ¿no?

Jeffrey, we played with our bags yesterday, didn't we?

¿Vamos a jugar con las bolsas de nuestros amigos hoy?

Are we going to play with our friends' bags today?


Y podemos jugar con nuestros twangers también

And we can play with our twangers too.


¿Has visto a Bungle's Twanger?

Have you seen Bungle's Twanger?

Sí, lo he visto

Yes, I have seen it.

Lo enseñé a tocar con él

I taught him to play with it.

Sí, es mi instrumento de toque

Yes, it is my instrument of choice.

¿Puedes tocar como Bungle?

Can you play like Bungle?

Sí, puedo, soy el mejor toque

Yes, I can, I am the best touch.

Vamos a volver a Bungle's Twanger

We're going back to Bungle's Twanger.

¡Oh, Jeffrey!

Oh, Jeffrey!

Podríamos pintar todos nuestros twangers, ¿no?

We could paint all our twangers, right?

No ahora, Bungle, casi es hora de que todos nos vayamos

Not now, Bungle, it's almost time for all of us to leave.

Bueno, ya lo hemos hecho

Well, we have already done it.

Lo sé

I know.

Vamos a cantar otra canción de toque

Let's sing another song of touch.

¡Oh, sí! Y Rod y Roger podrían sacar sus instrumentos

Oh, yes! And Rod and Roger could take out their instruments.

Y Jane tiene dos maracas hermosas

And Jane has two beautiful maracas.

¡Oh, qué idea maravillosa!

Oh, what a wonderful idea!

¡Jane! ¡Rod! ¡Rod! ¡Rod! ¡Rod!

Jane! Rod! Rod! Rod! Rod!

¡Hola a todos! ¡Hola!

Hello everyone! Hi!

Podríamos oírlos todos tocando

We could hear them all playing.

¡Tocando puede ser divertido!

Playing can be fun!

¡Sí! Y yo estaba tocando toda la noche con Rod y Roger

Yes! And I was playing all night with Rod and Roger.

Sí, pero mi instrumento de toque se rompió

Yes, but my touch instrument broke.

¡Oh, no importa, Roger!

Oh, it doesn't matter, Roger!

Mira, todos vamos a ver la canción de toque

Look, we're all going to watch the touch song.

Así que vengan todos a sacar sus instrumentos

So everyone come to take out your instruments.

¡Sí, sí, sí!

Yes, yes, yes!

¿Quieres que toque mi tubo mientras estoy tocando?

Do you want me to play my pipe while I'm playing?

¡Oh, no, Rod! Estaba tocando mucho con Roger la noche pasada

Oh, no, Rod! I was playing a lot with Roger last night.

¿Te gustaría tocar mis maracas?

Would you like to play my maracas?

¡No, no! ¡Vamos a tocar con nuestros toques!

No, no! Let's play with our touches!

¡Sí! No importa el tamaño de tu toque

Yes! It doesn't matter the size of your touch.

¡He, he! ¡Tengo un toque grande!

Ha, ha! I have a big touch!

No, yo solo tengo un pequeño toque

No, I just have a small touch.

Pero funciona bien

But it works well.

Me gusta tocar con él

I like to play with him.

¡He, he!

Ha, ha!

Bueno, ¿tienes tu toque?

Well, do you have your touch?

Ahora retágalo

Now re-tag it.

Pierda el toque

Lose the touch.

Y recuerda, puedes empujarte, si quieres

And remember, you can push yourself, if you want.

O si no tienes toques, le preguntarás a un amigo si puede tocar con él

Or if you don't have any touches, you will ask a friend if they can play with him.

Bien, vamos a cantar la canción de toque

Well, let's sing the touch song.

Bien, ¿estamos listos?

Alright, are we ready?

Uno, dos, tres...

One, two, three...



Toc, toque, toque, toque

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Nos vamos a toque el día a día

We'll go to touch on the day-to-day.

Toc, toque, toque, toque

Knock, knock, knock, knock

Nos vamos a toque el día a día

We are going to touch the day-to-day.



Pero no olviden sacar sus twangas y jugar con sus bolsos.

But don't forget to take out your twangas and play with your bags.

Nos vemos pronto. ¡Adiós!

See you soon. Goodbye!



¿No crees que eso fue obvio, Thomas?

Don't you think that was obvious, Thomas?

Sí, fue obvio.

Yes, it was obvious.

¿Crees que eres mejor educado que los británicos?

Do you think you are better educated than the British?

Depende de lo que quieras decir.

It depends on what you want to say.

Creo que es un poco lo mismo.

I think it's a bit the same.

Pero los británicos, por ejemplo,

But the British, for example,

empiezan siempre diciendo que están en Europa.

They always start by saying that they are in Europe.

Sí, estamos en Europa.

Yes, we are in Europe.

Sí, estamos en Europa, por supuesto.

Yes, we are in Europe, of course.

Pero los británicos siempre dicen que están en Europa.

But the British always say that they are in Europe.

¡Oh, estamos en el sur!

Oh, we are in the south!

¡Estamos en el sur de Europa!

We are in southern Europe!

¡El continente!

The continent!



Pero también estamos en Europa.

But we are also in Europe.

No hay sur y no hay islas en Europa.

There is no south and there are no islands in Europe.

Es solo Europa.

It's just Europe.

Pero sí, creo que son un poco educados.

But yes, I think they are a little polite.

¿Qué piensas de las redes sociales?

What do you think about social media?

¿Qué piensas de la fe?

What do you think of faith?



De hecho, para ser honesto con ti, estoy en Facebook, pero odio Facebook.

In fact, to be honest with you, I am on Facebook, but I hate Facebook.

¿Tú odias Facebook?

Do you hate Facebook?

Odio Facebook.

I hate Facebook.

Me gusta escribir un mensaje personal a alguien, que es bueno, para estar en contacto con la gente.

I like to write a personal message to someone, which is good, to stay in touch with people.

Pero al final, odio Facebook.

But in the end, I hate Facebook.

Facebook es una mierda.

Facebook is garbage.

Odio a la gente que dice,

I hate people who say,



¡Estoy en la cama ahora!

I'm in bed now!



¡Estoy tomando una sopa de mierda en este momento!

I'm eating a bowl of crap right now!

Y no me interesa toda esa mierda, ¿sabes?

And I don’t care about all that bullshit, you know?

No estoy leyendo esto.

I am not reading this.

Estoy buscando mierda.

I'm looking for crap.

Estoy buscando mierda, lo que sea.

I'm looking for shit, whatever.

No me interesa eso.

I'm not interested in that.

Si te conectas a Facebook, automáticamente esa página se puede leer.

If you log into Facebook, that page can be read automatically.

Pero es como...

But it's like...

Vamos a decirle algo a la gente que está en Facebook.

Let's tell something to the people who are on Facebook.

No nos gastemos el tiempo en Facebook, lo gastamos en nuestro sitio de Facebook.

Let's not waste time on Facebook, let's spend it on our Facebook page.





Es un buen show.

It's a good show.

La gente lo disfruta.

People enjoy it.

Es divertido, feliz, ¿sabes?

It's fun, happy, you know?

Así que eso es lo que necesitamos.

So that's what we need.





Se está volviendo más popular y más impopular.

It is becoming more popular and more unpopular.

La gente lo encanta.

People love it.

¡Cállate de esa página de Facebook!

Shut up that Facebook page!



No cállate de esa página de Facebook.

Don't shut up about that Facebook page.

Porque esa es donde está toda la acción.

Because that's where all the action is.

Y ahí es donde empieza la vida.

And that is where life begins.

Tengo más amigos que Caio. Tengo más amigos que Caio.

I have more friends than Caio. I have more friends than Caio.

¿Cómo diablos tienes más amigos que yo?

How the hell do you have more friends than I do?

Porque la gente cree que soy genial, tío.

Because people think I'm awesome, dude.

¿Cuántos amigos tienes, Kenny?

How many friends do you have, Kenny?



¿Cómo diablos solo tengo 37 amigos?

How the hell do I only have 37 friends?

¿Estás haciendo esa mierda de Facebook otra vez?

Are you doing that Facebook crap again?

Mierda de Facebook, Dev.

Facebook shit, Dev.

¿Por qué estás aquí gastando tu tiempo?

Why are you here wasting your time?

Deberíamos estar fuera jugando videojuegos.

We should be outside playing video games.

Stan, no entiendes lo genial que Facebook se ha convertido.

Stan, you don't understand how great Facebook has become.

Puedes mensajear a tus amigos, jugar Yahtzee con tus amigos,

You can message your friends, play Yahtzee with your friends,

incluso empezar tu propia tienda virtual y hacer que tus amigos lo visiten.

even start your own online store and get your friends to visit it.

Tío, ¿quién quiere jugar Yahtzee?

Dude, who wants to play Yahtzee?

Stan, sabemos que es difícil empezar.

Stan, we know it's hard to start.

Pero tenemos una pequeña sorpresa para ti.

But we have a little surprise for you.

Sí, tío. Hicimos tu propia página de Facebook.

Yes, dude. We created your own Facebook page.

Hey, Stan.

Hey, Stan.

Estaba en mi computadora en el trabajo y vi que tienes una página de Facebook ahora.

I was at my computer at work and saw that you have a Facebook page now.

Sí, papá. Estaba un poco forzado.

Yes, dad. It was a bit forced.

Bueno, entonces... ¿me vas a añadir como amigo?

Well, then... are you going to add me as a friend?

No, papá. No quiero entrar más en eso.

No, dad. I don't want to get into that anymore.

Oh, está bien.

Oh, it's fine.

¿Entonces no soy tu amigo?

So, I'm not your friend?

Papá, eres mi amigo.

Dad, you are my friend.

Pero no quieres añadirme como amigo.

But you don't want to add me as a friend.

Papá, es solo un clic de un botón que toma dos segundos.

Dad, it's just a click of a button that takes two seconds.

Claro, pero no tienes los dos segundos o...

Sure, but you don't have the two seconds or...

¡Solo quiero hacer mi trabajo!

I just want to do my job!

Bien, está bien.

Good, that's fine.

Para ser claros, tú y yo no somos amigos.

To be clear, you and I are not friends.

Bien, papá. Te añadiré.

Alright, dad. I'll add you.

Oh, está bien.

Oh, it's fine.

¿Soy una broma para ti?

Am I a joke to you?



Solo quiero saber, ¿es todo lo que soy? ¿Una broma grande?

I just want to know, is that all I am? A big joke?

Um, no.

Um, no.

¡Tienes una página de Facebook, Stan!

You have a Facebook page, Stan!

¡Oh, dios mío! ¡No! ¡Tenía eso porque el co...

Oh my God! No! I had that because the co...

¡Sí, bueno, vi tu página, Stan!

"Yes, well, I saw your page, Stan!"

¿El estatus de relación? ¿Singles?

Relationship status? Singles?

¿El estatus de relación? Ni siquiera puse atención a eso.

The relationship status? I didn't even pay attention to that.

¿Te gusta ser single, Stan? ¿Para que puedas usar Facebook para encontrar a otras chicas?

Do you like being single, Stan? So that you can use Facebook to find other girls?

Según tu página de Facebook, no somos amigos.

According to your Facebook page, we are not friends.

Bien, te agregaré como amigo. Lo siento.

Well, I'll add you as a friend. I'm sorry.

¡Y mejor cambia tu estatus de relación para estar en una relación!

And you better change your relationship status to be in a relationship!



¡Editingando tu perfil bajo información básica!

Editing your profile under basic information!

Bien, lo siento.

Well, I'm sorry.

¿Ese es tu novio, Thomas, que te pide que estés en una relación en su propia página de Facebook?

Is that your boyfriend, Thomas, asking you to be in a relationship on his own Facebook page?

Es, eh...

It is, uh...

Bueno, no quiero decir nada de que creo que es una locura y...

Well, I don't want to say anything about how I think it's crazy and...

Lo que creo es que en un par de veces, un par de años, tal vez,

What I believe is that in a couple of times, a couple of years, maybe,

la gente estará en casa, escribiendo en Facebook y...

people will be at home, writing on Facebook and...

la gente tenga una relación en Facebook y toda esa mierda, que es una mierda.

people have a relationship on Facebook and all that crap, which is crap.

Es virtual, no es real.

It's virtual, it's not real.

Me gustaría...

I would like...

...advisar a la gente a ir a un pub,

...to advise people to go to a pub,

tener un par de panes,

to have a couple of loaves of bread,

tener un buen tiempo,

having a good time,

y hablar frente a frente.

and talk face to face.

Y no como en Facebook,

And not like on Facebook,

¡Oh, ella no...

Oh, she doesn't...

¡Oh, él no me escribió en mi Facebook!

Oh, he didn't write to me on my Facebook!

¡Oh, esto y esto!

Oh, this and this!

Es como si la gente estuviera en casa

It's as if people were at home.



mantenerse en contacto con amigos en Facebook o...

stay in touch with friends on Facebook or...



teléfonos móviles o...

mobile phones or...





cosas impersonales.

impersonal things.

Y eso es lo que está creciendo cada vez más.

And that is what is growing more and more.

Y después de Facebook habrá algo nuevo ahí...

And after Facebook, there will be something new there...

¿Qué es la acción real?

What is real action?

No hay acción real, no.

There is no real action, no.

¿La acción real está en la vida real?

Is actual action in real life?

La acción real está en la vida real?

Is real action in real life?

La acción real es...

The real action is...

Dejar casa,

Leave home,

y encontrar a alguien en algún lugar.

and to find someone in some place.

Hasta que se permita por dos horas y llegar,

Until it is allowed for two hours and to arrive,

y estar con mucha alegría.

and be very happy.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Déjame pedirte una pregunta, Thomas.

Let me ask you a question, Thomas.

¿Cómo llegaste aquí?

How did you get here?

No recuerdo.

I don't remember.




Of course.

Paolo, ¿cuántas personas hay en el Royal Mile?

Paolo, how many people are on the Royal Mile?

Es genial, ven aquí.

It's great, come here.

Mira cuántas personas hay aquí alrededor.

Look how many people are around here.

Entonces, Paolo, ¿qué nivel vamos a ir?

So, Paolo, what level are we going to go to?

Vamos a ir a nivel 3.

We are going to go to level 3.

¿Por qué estoy aquí?

Why am I here?

No eres Paolo, eres Sibas.

You are not Paolo, you are Sibas.

¿Por qué estás aquí?

Why are you here?

¿Por qué estoy aquí?

Why am I here?

¿Cómo llegué aquí?

How did I get here?

No lo sé.

I don't know.

¿Sabes qué?

Do you know what?

¿Qué nivel?

What level?

Quiero ir al Royal Mile.

I want to go to the Royal Mile.

¿Es el nivel 3 o el nivel 1?

Is it level 3 or level 1?

Es el nivel 3, pero no lo sé.

It's level 3, but I don't know.

¿Por qué me dijiste que era el nivel 3?

Why did you tell me it was level 3?

¿No es el nivel 3 del Royal Mile?

Isn't it level 3 of the Royal Mile?

Sí, creo que es el nivel 3.

Yes, I think it's level 3.

Vamos a ir al nivel 3.

We are going to go to level 3.

¿Dónde está el botón?

Where is the button?

Es este, ¿vale?

It's this one, okay?


Come in.


Let's go.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Let's go!


Let's go.


Let's go!

Bien, esta es la...

Well, this is the...

Es como...

It's like...

Estamos en el Royal Mile ahora.

We are on the Royal Mile now.

Es el Festival Prince.

It is the Prince Festival.

El Festival es un día hermoso.

The festival is a beautiful day.

Sí, el Festival Prince 2010.

Yes, the Prince Festival 2010.

Siente un poco como deja vu.

It feels a bit like déjà vu.

Estoy aquí con Wilson en el...

I am here with Wilson in the...

¿Cómo se llama el lugar?

What is the name of the place?

No sé.

I don't know.

Silent Disco.

Silent Disco.

Estoy disfrutando.

I am enjoying.

Está bien.

That's fine.

Estoy disfrutando de Sibas.

I am enjoying Sibas.

Sí, es genial.

Yes, it's great.

Es así como suena un Silent Disco.

This is what a Silent Disco sounds like.

Sí, es genial.

Yes, it's great.

Es como si fuera un disco.

It's like it's a record.

Sí, es genial.

Yes, it's great.

Me gusta mucho.

I like it a lot.

Está genial.

It's great.

¿Qué suena el disco?

What does the record sound like?

Es muy silencioso

It's very quiet.

La gente está bailando pero no hay música

People are dancing but there is no music.

¿Dónde está la música?

Where is the music?

Si pones el teléfono abajo, te sientes como si estuvieras en la calle Princesa

If you put the phone down, you feel like you're on Princesa Street.

Escucha, escúchame

Listen, listen to me.

No hay música, pero si pones el teléfono en la calle, es así que suena

There is no music, but if you put the phone on the street, that's how it sounds.

¡Sí, bebé!

Yes, baby!

Es un disco silencioso

It is a silent record.

Mi primer disco

My first album

¡Maldita sea! ¡Maldita sea!

Damn it! Damn it!

En este caso...

In this case...

No sé si puedo escupir

I don't know if I can spit.

¡Maldita sea! ¡Maldita sea! ¡Maldita sea!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Es húmedo, Paulo. No me gusta cuando es húmedo

It's humid, Paulo. I don't like it when it's humid.

No me gusta el húmedo de la noche

I don't like the dampness of the night.

Dímelo, amigo

Tell me, friend.

Paulo, no te conozco, pero creo que ha sido un gran show

Paulo, I don't know you, but I think it has been a great show.

Ha sido un gran show

It has been a great show.

Hasta ahora ha sido muy bueno

So far it has been very good.

Ha sido genial

It has been great.

Me he sentido real

I have felt real.

Ha sido genial

It has been great.

Paulo, quiero que les digas a los escuchadores dónde deberían ir si quieren más acción

Paulo, I want you to tell the listeners where they should go if they want more action.

Si quieren una experiencia mejor de Calvonet Radio, ¿dónde deberían ir?

If they want a better experience of Calvonet Radio, where should they go?

Pueden ir al sitio web de Facebook, Calvonet Radio, por supuesto

You can go to the Facebook website, Calvonet Radio, of course.

O a iTunes, ¿sí?

Oh, to iTunes, right?

¿iTunes también?

iTunes too?

Exactamente, iTunes

Exactly, iTunes

¡Eso es donde está toda la acción!

That's where all the action is!

¡Fantástico! Así que todos pueden disfrutar de los shows

Fantastic! So everyone can enjoy the shows.

O también pueden ir a poderato.com slash calvonet

Or you can also go to poderato.com slash calvonet.

Y ha sido un gran show

And it has been a great show.

Y creo que eso es todo, ¿eh, Paulo?

And I think that's all, right, Paulo?

Creo que ya hemos terminado

I think we have already finished.

Ahora podemos terminar

Now we can finish.

Sí, podemos esperar por el siguiente, ¿sí?

Yes, we can wait for the next one, can't we?

Espero que haya el siguiente

I hope there is the next one.

Así que eso fue todo para el episodio 28 de Calvonet Radio

So that was it for episode 28 of Calvonet Radio.

Muchas gracias por escuchar

Thank you very much for listening.

Y nos vemos pronto

And we'll see each other soon.





Oh, mierda

Oh, shit.

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