Part 1

Tainted Love Podcast (Podcast) -

Part 1

Tainted Love Podcast (Podcast) -

Tainted Love, por Kerry240879, parte 1.

Tainted Love, by Kerry240879, part 1.

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Thank you for watching the video!

I have a guess.

I have a guess.

Blaze repeated softly in flames,

Blaze repeated softly in flames,

his face looking back at him,

su rostro mirándolo de vuelta,

flushing with embarrassment.

flushing with embarrassment.

Sorry, lad, I truly am Blaze,

Sorry, lad, I truly am Blaze.

but you know I wouldn't impose on you if it wasn't important.

But you know I wouldn't impose on you if it weren't important.

Blaze blanched and leaned closer to the fire.

Blaze paled and leaned closer to the fire.

What is it? Is she okay?

¿Qué es? ¿Está bien ella?

No, I can't figure out how to get her to St. Mungo's, Blaze.

No, no puedo averiguar cómo llevarla a St. Mungo's, Blaze.

That's why I'm calling for you.

That's why I'm calling you.

Fluing you, I mean.

Fluing you, I mean.

Blaze straightened foot and made a quick gesture with his hand.

Blaze straightened his foot and made a quick gesture with his hand.

Step back, Michael. I'm coming now.

Step back, Michael. I'm coming now.

The face faded away,

The face faded away,

but off the board Draco saw the look of relief

but off the board Draco saw the look of relief

on the face that disappeared from sight.

on the face that vanished from sight.

As Blaze took a step towards the fireplace,

As Blaze took a step towards the fireplace,

Draco cleared his throat,

Draco aclaró su garganta,

Blaze spinning in and around in surprise.

Blaze girando hacia dentro y hacia fuera con sorpresa.

Merlin, you scared the shit out of me, Draco.

Merlin, you scared the hell out of me, Draco.

Draco smacked a net back in his couch.

Draco slapped a net back on his couch.

His pose, one of casual arrogance.

His pose, one of casual arrogance.

Blaze licked his lips, suddenly nervous.

Blaze se lamió los labios, de repente nervioso.

He knew that look all too well.

He knew that look all too well.

Who was that? Draco asked as he lifted his hand

Who was that? Draco asked as he raised his hand.

to examine his nails.

to examine his nails.

Blaze started to look towards the flames,

Blaze comenzó a mirar hacia las llamas,

and then back at Draco.

y luego de vuelta a Draco.

Does it matter? He asked softly.

¿Importa? Preguntó suavemente.

Yes, Blaze, it does matter.

Yes, Blaze, it does matter.

I mean, after all, what would people think?

I mean, after all, what would people think?

You fluing to a Muggle's aid?

Are you flying to a Muggle's aid?

Draco lifted his gaze slowly,

Draco levantó su mirada lentamente,

his eyes flashing in mercury fire

sus ojos brillando en fuego de mercurio

as he stared at Blaze.

as he stared at Blaze.

Blaze winced and dropped his eyes.

Blaze se contrajo y bajó la mirada.

His lower lip corped him in his teeth

His lower lip bit him in his teeth.

as he mulled over what Draco was saying in his head.

As he pondered what Draco was saying in his head.

It was only years of friendship

It was just years of friendship.

with his fellow Slytherin

con su compañero Slytherin

that stopped him from telling Draco

that stopped him from telling Draco

what he wanted to know.

what he wanted to know.

The same as what they thought about you

The same as what they thought about you.

if they knew what happened

if they knew what happened

when you were in St. Mungo's last year, I suppose,

cuando estuviste en San Mungo el año pasado, supongo,

he stated softly,

he stated softly,

meeting Draco's gaze for the first time.

meeting Draco's gaze for the first time.

Draco smacked again,

Draco dio otra golpe.

his eyes flashing with something

his eyes flashing with something

akin to amusement.

similar to amusement.

It was only then that Blaze relaxed,

It was only then that Blaze relaxed,

knowing that Draco understood him perfectly.

knowing that Draco understood him perfectly.

While they were friends,

While they were friends,

there were lines you never crossed,

there were lines you never crossed,

and Blaze had just drawn it in the sand.

and Blaze had just drawn it in the sand.

Draco stretched slowly

Draco se estiró lentamente.

and yawned,


his gaze flicking back towards the fireplace

su mirada volviendo hacia la chimenea

as the emerald fire began to pale.

as the emerald fire began to pale.

He gestured lazily towards it,

He gestured lazily towards it,

his tone independent when he spoke.

his tone independent when he spoke.

You might want to go then, he drooled,

You might want to go then, he drooled,

Blaze shooting him a clear look

Blaze lanzándole una mirada clara.

and saying, you prick,

y diciendo, tú imbécil,

before he snorted and stepped into the fireplace

antes de que él resopló y entró en la chimenea

without another word.

sin otra palabra.

The flames flashed and Blaze vanished

The flames flashed and Blaze vanished.

just as the door flew open

just as the door flew open

and Angelique ran into the room.

and Angelique ran into the room.

A small black object was in her hand

A small black object was in her hand.

and it was vibrating.

and it was vibrating.

It was playing some sort of music.

It was playing some sort of music.

Blaze, how do I answer?

Blaze, how do I respond?

Oh, Draco.

Oh, Draco.

Draco frowned as he stared at the small object,

Draco frunció el ceño mientras miraba el pequeño objeto,

only to look up at Angelique

solo para mirar a Angelique

when she said his name.

cuando ella dijo su nombre.

He was flewed by someone called Michael, Angelique.

He was flown by someone called Michael, Angelique.

He's gone.

Él se ha ido.

What is that thing?

What is that thing?

Angelique looked down at the object in her hand

Angelique miró hacia abajo el objeto en su mano.

and gave a normal laugh.

y dio una risa normal.

Draco stood up and crossed over to her,

Draco se levantó y se acercó a ella,

his hand held out palm up

his hand held out palm up

as she stared at Angelique.

as she stared at Angelique.

She dropped it in his hand without a word,

She dropped it in his hand without a word,

Draco turning it over,

Draco dándole la vuelta.

and he said,

and he said,

as he walked back to the couch,

as he walked back to the couch,

oblivious to Angelique writhing her hands.

oblivious to Angelique wringing her hands.

Draco, what's it now?

Draco, ¿qué pasa ahora?

What, Michael, what?

What, Michael, what?

She asked softly.

Ella preguntó suavemente.

Draco glanced back at her with a startled sound

Draco miró hacia atrás a ella con un sonido sorprendido.

and then snorted.

y luego dio un resoplido.

Something about not being able to get someone to St. Mungo's.

Something about not being able to get someone to St. Mungo's.



Angelique gave a sound of distress

Angelique made a sound of distress.

and stepped over to the fireplace quickly.

y se acercó rápidamente a la chimenea.

Picking up the pot of flu powder,

Picking up the pot of flu powder,

she glanced at Draco over her shoulder briefly

she glanced at Draco over her shoulder briefly

as she threw some floury powder into the fireplace

as she threw some floury powder into the fireplace

and named St. Mungo's.

y se llamó St. Mungo's.

As her destination.

As her destination.

Never mind, dear, we'll be back.

No importa, querido, volveremos.

Make yourself at home, okay?

Make yourself at home, okay?

Bye now.

Bye now.

Draco's mouth dropped as she disappeared,

Draco's mouth dropped as she disappeared.

only to yell when the object in his hand started up again.

solo para gritar cuando el objeto en su mano se encendió de nuevo.

Looking at it closely,

Looking at it closely,

he turned it over in his hand

he turned it over in his hand

and couldn't help his jaw dropping open

and couldn't help his jaw dropping open

when he saw a big blue screen on the other side

cuando vio una gran pantalla azul al otro lado

flashing numbers dancing along it.

flashing numbers dancing along it.

What in Merlin's name are you?

What in Merlin's name are you?

He muttered,

He muttered,

growing increasingly angry

creciendo cada vez más enojado

when the thing quietened down once more.

cuando la cosa se tranquilizó una vez más.

He smoothed his fingers upwards

He smoothed his fingers upwards.

along the shiny object

a lo largo del objeto brillante

and purred in triumph

y ronroneó en triunfo

when it suddenly slid open,

cuando de repente se deslizó abierta,

drilling buttons with numbers and symbols

botones de perforación con números y símbolos

on the inside of it.

en el interior de él.

He pressed them randomly,

He pressed them randomly,

his grin turning into a smirk

su sonrisa convirtiéndose en una sonrisita despectiva

when he saw a screen flicked

cuando vio una pantalla parpadear

showing the word menu.

showing the word menu.

He was quickly figuring out what to do with it

He was quickly figuring out what to do with it.

when he saw a folio called contacts.

when he saw a sheet called contacts.

Opening it,


his smirk became one of shock

his smirk became one of shock

when he saw there were two names with numbers inside.

when he saw there were two names with numbers inside.

One was Hermione,

One was Hermione,

and the other was her mother.

and the other was her mother.

Hermione G.

Hermione G.

The other, Michael G.

The other, Michael G.

What the hell is Blaze doing

What the hell is Blaze doing?

with that mudblood's name in here?

¿Con el nombre de esa sangre sucia aquí?

Draco tossed the object on the couch

Draco arrojó el objeto sobre el sofá.

and leapt angrily to his feet.

y saltó enfadado a sus pies.

When he paced like an angry lion,

Cuando caminaba como un león enojado,

his gaze kept flickering to the fireplace

his gaze kept flickering to the fireplace

and then back to the object

y luego de vuelta al objeto

before he finally came to a decision.

antes de que finalmente llegara a una decisión.

A quick glance at the clock

A quick glance at the clock.

told him it was late.

told him it was late.

They had been gone for nearly two hours.

They had been gone for nearly two hours.

Draco picked up his light-colored coat

Draco recogió su abrigo de color claro.

and swung it around his broad shoulders.

y lo giró alrededor de sus anchos hombros.

His nimble fingers snapped the serpent into place

Sus dedos ágiles colocaron la serpiente en su lugar.

and drew the hood up over his head,

and pulled the hood up over his head,

shielding his recognizable hair from sight.

escudando su cabello reconocible de la vista.

Stepping over to the fireplace,

Stepping over to the fireplace,

he took a fan full of blue powder

he took a fan full of blue powder

and tossed it in the flames.

y lo arrojó a las llamas.

The emerald flames leaping high

The emerald flames leaping high

and showing a melting anger in a young man's case.

y mostrando una rabia derretida en el caso de un joven.

Stepping into the flames,

Stepping into the flames,

he spoke clearly,

he spoke clearly,

his words dripping with disdain.

sus palabras goteando desdén.

Saint among hosts.

Saint among hosts.

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