Full Of It | Part 3


Freedom Church (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/freedomchurch

Full Of It | Part 3

Freedom Church (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/freedomchurch

We're in the middle of a series called Full of It, and I think this is week three, and

Estamos en medio de una serie llamada Full of It, y creo que esta es la semana tres, y

I'm extremely excited about where we're going with this thing, and we've had a lot

I'm extremely excited about where we're going with this thing, and we've had a lot

of fun with it the first two weeks so far, and we've got three more coming up after

of fun with it the first two weeks so far, and we've got three more coming up after

this one, and so three more weeks of those Full of It jokes where we want you to be full

this one, and three more weeks of those Full of It jokes where we want you to be full

of it.

of it.

I made you say this after me, repeat after me, the first week, and I made you say, we

I made you say this after me, repeat after me, the first week, and I made you say, we.

desire to be full of it repeatedly, probably like four times, and that really is my desire.

desire to be full of it repeatedly, probably like four times, and that really is my desire.

I desire for you to be a person, as I'm praying for you every day, I'm praying that we would

I desire for you to be a person, as I'm praying for you every day, I'm praying that we would.

develop a church and we would become a group of people that is full of it, and some of

develop a church and we would become a group of people that is full of it, and some of

you are thinking, and here comes one of those little Full of It jokes.

You are thinking, and here comes one of those little Full of It jokes.

The people sitting next to me already are full of it, you know how it is, but I want

The people sitting next to me are already full of it, you know how it is, but I want.

you to be full of it, the kind of it that we're talking about this morning, and it's

You are full of it, the kind of it that we're talking about this morning, and it's

going to begin to come into focus for you as we go through the rest of this series,

going to begin to come into focus for you as we go through the rest of this series,

but I'm extremely excited about the direction that we're going and what's getting ready

but I'm extremely excited about the direction that we're going and what's getting ready

to happen, but I do have a confession for you today, and the confession goes like this.

to happen, but I do have a confession for you today, and the confession goes like this.

Usually, my desire is when you get ready to walk out of these doors, you're pumped up,

Usually, my desire is that when you get ready to walk out of these doors, you're pumped up,

you're ready to roll, you're ready to charge hell with what?

you're ready to roll, you're ready to charge hell with what?

Whatever it is that you can get your hands on, it's like a pep rally kind of thing.

Whatever it is that you can get your hands on, it's like a pep rally kind of thing.

Today is going to be a little bit different than that.

Today is going to be a little bit different than that.

When you walk out of these doors, I don't know if you saw the people leaving at 9.30,

When you walk out of these doors, I don't know if you saw the people leaving at 9:30,

but they walked out and they had like frowns on, you know what I mean, and they looked

pero salieron y tenían como caras de descontento, ¿sabes a lo que me refiero?, y se veían

extremely sad, and if you're a first time guest at Freedom, you're probably wondering

extremely sad, and if you're a first-time guest at Freedom, you're probably wondering

what in the world kind of a cult slash Kool-Aid drinking church it is that you came to, but

what in the world kind of a cult slash Kool-Aid drinking church it is that you came to, but

I'm going to probably today make some of you angry, make some of you mad, and if you know

I'm probably going to make some of you angry today, make some of you mad, and if you know

anything about Freedom and you've been around for a little while, sometimes that

Anything about freedom and you've been around for a little while, sometimes that

excites me, you know, and I like that, because you know what's weird, and I didn't say this

Excites me, you know, and I like that, because you know what's weird, and I didn't say this.

at 9.30, and I probably should have, but I don't care necessarily if I make you angry.

At 9:30, and I probably should have, but I don't necessarily care if I make you angry.

It doesn't matter to me if I make you mad.

I don't care if I make you angry.

It doesn't matter if you walk out of here sad or discouraged or encouraged.

It doesn't matter if you walk out of here sad or discouraged or encouraged.

I just want you to walk out of here different than the way that you walked in, you know

I just want you to walk out of here different than the way that you walked in, you know.

what I mean, because I'm tired of people showing up at churches and walking in one way and

what I mean, because I'm tired of people showing up at churches and walking in one way and

walking out completely the same, and so if you walk out, if you're hating me, at least

salir completamente igual, y así si sales, si me odias, al menos

you walk out different than the way that you came into the doors, and so I'll take it,

you walk out different than the way that you came into the doors, and so I'll take it,

you know what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

I'll take anything.

I'll take anything.

I'll take anything that I can get at this point, but today is going to be one of those

I'll take anything that I can get at this point, but today is going to be one of those.

messages that could be a little bit difficult for you to take.

messages that could be a little bit difficult for you to handle.

It was difficult for me to prepare.

It was difficult for me to prepare.

It was difficult for me to give at 9.30.

It was difficult for me to give at 9:30.

It's going to prove difficult again here at 11, but I do think that we can endure it together.

It's going to prove difficult again here at 11, but I do think that we can endure it together.

It's going to be fun.

It's going to be fun.

It's going to be a little bit scary.

It's going to be a little bit scary.

It's going to be a little strange, and you're going to have a lot of emotion welling up

It's going to be a little strange, and you're going to have a lot of emotions welling up.

inside of you as it comes to your perception of who God is and how he perceives your life,

inside of you as it relates to your perception of who God is and how he perceives your life,

but when it's all said and done, it's going to be a little bit scary.

pero cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, va a ser un poco aterrador.

When it's all said and done, in the grand scheme of things, I think you're going to

Cuando todo está dicho y hecho, en el gran esquema de las cosas, creo que vas a

walk out of here better than you were when you walked through these doors, and that is

walk out of here better than you were when you walked through these doors, and that is

my prayer.

mi oración.

That is my desire.

That is my desire.

Whether you're angry at me or not, we're good to go.

Whether you're angry at me or not, we're good to go.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

Because whether you hate me and you never come back, I'll still be here next Sunday,

Because whether you hate me and you never come back, I'll still be here next Sunday,

and if you do leave, we need the seats anyway for other people who are far from God so that

and if you do leave, we need the seats anyway for other people who are far from God so that

they can experience life in Christ, so that's the way that we take things at freedom.

They can experience life in Christ, so that's how we approach things at Freedom.

If you have your Bible, look in Acts chapter 5.

If you have your Bible, look in Acts chapter 5.

That's where we're going to get rolling.

That's where we're going to get started.

That's where we're going to get started.

That's where we're going to get started.

Acts chapter 5.

Acts chapter 5.

Let me give you a little bit of background.

Let me give you a little bit of background.

What is happening?

What is happening?

This church in Acts, it was a church that was full of it, right?

This church in Acts was a church that was full of it, right?

And I'm talking about the kind of full of it in the positive context.

And I'm talking about the kind of full of it in a positive context.

It was a church that there was something different happening there.

It was a church where something different was happening there.

People knew when they showed up, they got out of their, I was about to say their cars,

People knew when they showed up, they got out of their, I was about to say their cars,

but when they got out of their chariots or they jumped off the backs of the donkeys and

but when they got out of their chariots or jumped off the backs of the donkeys and

the camels, whatever it was that they were riding in, they stepped onto the ground, they

the camels, whatever it was that they were riding in, they stepped onto the ground, they

would walk into the doors, and they would know that something was different about this

would walk into the doors, and they would know that something was different about this



One thing that kind of set it apart.

One thing that kind of set it apart.

It was the fact that it had grown from just a handful of people to several thousand people

It was the fact that it had grown from just a handful of people to several thousand people.

in seemingly a moment's notice.

in what seems like a moment's notice.

There was a lot of activity that was happening.

There was a lot of activity happening.

People's lives were being changed.

People's lives were being changed.

Generosity was consistently on the forefronts of everybody's mind.

Generosity was consistently at the forefront of everybody's mind.

Acts chapter 4, the last couple of verses, there's a guy, his name, he is affectionately

Acts chapter 4, the last couple of verses, there's a guy, his name, he is affectionately

known as Barnabas, and hopefully many of you do not have the name Barnabas.

known as Barnabas, and hopefully many of you do not have the name Barnabas.

If any of you do, that's a really cool name, but I'm just glad that I wasn't named that.

If any of you do, that's a really cool name, but I'm just glad that I wasn't named that.

And there's little Barnabas.

Y allí está el pequeño Bernabé.

Look at him.

Look at him.

Could you imagine like holding a baby?

Could you imagine holding a baby?

There's a baby in the hospital.

There's a baby in the hospital.

Blake and Emily, Emily's in here, and she's about to have a baby literally like any second.

Blake y Emily, Emily está aquí y está a punto de tener un bebé, literalmente en cualquier segundo.

So if she needs to move out of the aisles, let her go because we do not want a baby in

So if she needs to move out of the aisles, let her go because we do not want a baby in.

the floor.

the floor.

But that was really awkward.

Pero eso fue realmente incómodo.

Sorry, Emily.

Lo siento, Emily.

But could you imagine like holding a little baby in the hospital and the nurse coming

But could you imagine holding a little baby in the hospital and the nurse coming?

up and saying, oh, what a cute baby.

up and saying, oh, what a cute baby.

What's the name?

What's the name?

And you say, Barnabas.

And you say, Barnabas.

You know, look at little Barnabas.

You know, look at little Barnabas.

But anyway, I think really strange.

But anyway, I think it's really strange.

But this guy named Barnabas, he's on the scene and he sells this piece of property.

Pero este tipo llamado Bernabé, está en la escena y vende esta propiedad.

And when he sells this piece of property, he takes all the money that he has earned from

And when he sells this piece of property, he takes all the money that he has earned from.

it, from that sale, and he goes and he brings it to the church.

It, from that sale, and he goes and brings it to the church.

The offering basket is passed.

The offering basket is passed.

He puts the whole thing in there, every single dollar, not 10%, not 20%, every single thing.

He puts the whole thing in there, every single dollar, not 10%, not 20%, every single thing.

And if you know anything about young churches, churches like ours that have only been around

And if you know anything about young churches, churches like ours that have only been around

a little bit over a year, 15 months, anything, any gift over like a dollar is celebratory.

a little bit over a year, 15 months, anything, any gift over like a dollar is celebratory.

You know, we're like, we're rich, you know, because when we started, we had five people

You know, we're like, we're rich, you know, because when we started, we had five people.

and no money.

and no money.

I remember the offering being like $11 sometimes.

I remember the offering being like $11 sometimes.

And we're like, man.

Y nosotros estamos como, hombre.

It's going to be very difficult to change the world with a $10 bill and a one that was

It's going to be very difficult to change the world with a $10 bill and one that was.

put in by my daughter, Lexi, who was five years old, you know?

put in by my daughter, Lexi, who was five years old, you know?

And but that's how it was.

And but that's how it was.

She's seven now.

Ella tiene siete años ahora.

She's about to turn seven.

She's about to turn seven.

And it makes me very sad because it's one year closer to a teenager.

And it makes me very sad because it's one year closer to being a teenager.

And pray for me when it comes to that.

Y reza por mí en lo que respecta a eso.

So anyway, Barnabas gives all this money, right?

So anyway, Barnabas gives all this money, right?

And the church is being blessed and lives are being changed.

And the church is being blessed and lives are being changed.

It's a cool thing.

Es algo genial.

Everybody's excited.

Todo el mundo está emocionado.

And that's kind of the context where we're going to pick up.

And that's kind of the context where we're going to pick up.

There's this other family.

Hay otra familia.

The dad's name, the husband's name was Ananias, the wife's name was Sapphira.

The dad's name, the husband's name was Ananias, the wife's name was Sapphira.

And they step onto the scene and listen to what happens.

And they step onto the scene and listen to what happens.

Acts chapter five is where we're going to pick up.

Hechos capítulo cinco es donde vamos a continuar.

Acts chapter five, verse one.

Acts chapter five, verse one.

Now, a man named Ananias, together with his wife, Sapphira, also sold a piece of property.

Now, a man named Ananias, along with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property as well.

With his wife's full knowledge, he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought

With his wife's full knowledge, he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought.

the rest and put it at the apostles' feet.

the rest and put it at the apostles' feet.

So here you have this family.

So here you have this family.

They see what response Barnabas had gotten.

They see what response Barnabas had received.

They see that people were celebrating.

They see that people were celebrating.

They see that people were celebrating just the fact of, they were celebrating his generosity.

They see that people were celebrating simply the fact that they were celebrating his generosity.

They were excited, giving him high fives, doing whatever it is that they did back then,

They were excited, giving him high fives, doing whatever it is that they did back then,

whatever ritual.

cualquier ritual.

And they're doing this thing and they're like, man, if we could just sell some property and

And they're doing this thing and they're like, man, if we could just sell some property and

we could give the money to the church like he did, then maybe we will get some of that

We could give the money to the church like he did, then maybe we will get some of that.

same recognition.

same recognition.

So they go out.

So they go out.

They sell this land and they're getting ready to come in and write the check or I don't

They sell this land and they're getting ready to come in and write the check or I don't.

know if they had checks or if they chiseled it on a little rock tablets, whatever they

know if they had checks or if they chiseled it on little stone tablets, whatever they



And they're coming into the church and they're getting ready to put it in.

And they're coming into the church and they're getting ready to put it in.

And like right before they get ready to put this money into the offering basket thing,

Y justo antes de que estén listos para poner este dinero en la canasta de ofrendas,

they kind of have some second thoughts about the whole scenario.

They kind of have some second thoughts about the whole scenario.

Because Ananias, he's been wanting, you know, he's been wanting a boat or he's been wanting

Porque Ananías, él ha estado queriendo, ya sabes, ha estado queriendo un barco o ha estado queriendo.

a car or not a boat or a car, but you get the point.

a car or not a boat or a car, but you get the point.

And he's sitting there and he's talking to his wife.

And he's sitting there and he's talking to his wife.

He's like, I just don't know.

Él dice, simplemente no sé.

If we should do this, I don't know if we should give all the money.

If we should do this, I don't know if we should give all the money.

I mean, it was our land and it is our money and we can do whatever we choose to do with

I mean, it was our land and it is our money and we can do whatever we choose to do with it.



God hasn't told us necessarily to give a certain amount.

God hasn't told us necessarily to give a certain amount.

So why don't we just hold back some of the money, put the rest of it into the offering

So why don't we just hold back some of the money, put the rest of it into the offering.

deal when it's passed and everything is going to be wonderful and everything is going to

deal when it's passed and everything is going to be wonderful and everything is going to

be good and nobody will know the difference.

Be good and nobody will know the difference.

And so he shows up, she takes the money that they hold back.

And so he shows up, she takes the money that they withhold.

She's off at the store shopping.

Ella está en la tienda comprando.

He shows up at church and he is coming up.

He shows up at church and he is coming up.

He goes to Peter and to the rest of the apostles and some of the other staff members there.

He goes to Peter and to the rest of the apostles and some of the other staff members there.

And he says, listen, I've sold some land.

And he says, listen, I've sold some land.

And when I sold this land, I am giving you now every single dollar that we received from

And when I sold this land, I am giving you now every single dollar that we received from.

the sale of this property.

the sale of this property.

I'm giving you every single penny that we earned every single penny.

Te estoy dando cada centavo que ganamos, cada centavo.

Peter, I am unbelievable.

Peter, I am unbelievable.

Just like Barnabas, you know, me and Barnabas were tight.

Just like Barnabas, you know, Barnabas and I were close.

Barnabas did this.

Barnabás hizo esto.

So I figured I might as well do it as well.

Así que pensé que también podría hacerlo.

I'm going to give just like he gave and in the back of his mind and probably in the forefront

Voy a dar justo como él dio y en el fondo de su mente y probablemente en el primer plano.

of his mind.

of his mind.

He's hoping that he's going to get a great response, just like Barnabas did because

Él espera que va a recibir una gran respuesta, así como lo hizo Bernabé porque

Barnabas gave the money and everything was good.

Barnabas gave the money and everything was good.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I'm saying?

Everybody was happy.

Todo el mundo estaba feliz.

Everybody was cheering.

Todo el mundo estaba animando.

It was one of those celebratory type atmospheres.

It was one of those celebratory types of atmospheres.

And then here he comes and he says he's given all the money, even though he had held back

And then here he comes and he says he's given all the money, even though he had held back.

a little bit of it.

a little bit of it.

He knew that nobody else knew that.

He knew that nobody else knew that.

And so he was sitting there.

And so he was sitting there.

He's like, man, Peter, I'm giving you all the money as well.

Él está diciendo, hombre, Peter, te estoy dando todo el dinero también.

I am a great person.

I am a great person.

I am investing in the kingdom of God so that people far from God can experience.

I am investing in the kingdom of God so that people far from God can experience it.

Life in Christ.

Life in Christ.

This is going to be a great thing.

This is going to be a great thing.

Aren't you really glad to have me as one of the church members?

Aren't you really glad to have me as one of the church members?

Aren't you glad?

Aren't you glad?

I mean, you should be really, really lucky that I'm here, you know, because we're generous.

I mean, you should be really, really lucky that I'm here, you know, because we're generous.

We're giving all the money that we got.

We're giving all the money that we have.

And Peter's kind of looking at him.

And Peter's kind of looking at him.

And Peter has that that sense about him where he can feel that this might be a little bit

And Peter has that sense about him where he can feel that this might be a little bit.

too good to be true.

demasiado bueno para ser verdad.

And he just can sense he has a little bit of discernment and he can tell that something

And he just can sense he has a little bit of discernment and he can tell that something.

is not quite right.

is not quite right.

You ever you ever been able to sense that before?

Have you ever been able to sense that before?

Like if you have kids and they.

Like if you have kids and they.

Come to you and my mom and dad are happened to be in this worship experience today, so

Come to you and my mom and dad happen to be in this worship experience today, so

this is going to be a funny story to be able to tell.

This is going to be a funny story to tell.

But when your kids come to you and they tell you a lie.

But when your kids come to you and they tell you a lie.

Don't you think that you would have to be a complete idiot to not know?

Don't you think that you would have to be a complete idiot not to know?

Do you know?

Do you know?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Parents nod your head.

Parents, nod your heads.

I've got a six year old who's about to turn seven, a three year old who will turn four

I've got a six year old who's about to turn seven, a three year old who will turn four.

in August and then a six or seven week old, something like that.

in August and then a six or seven week old, something like that.

And are I don't know, it's weeks.

And I don't know, it's been weeks.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I'm saying?

I know how old she is.

I know how old she is.

She's zero and or he is zero.

Ella es cero y o él es cero.



I'm not used to having boys, you know, or a boy.

I'm not used to having boys, you know, or a boy.

Shut up.

Shut up.

You stand on a stage and have a bunch of people looking at you.

You stand on a stage and have a bunch of people looking at you.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I'm saying?

So anyway, my about to be seven year old Lexi, she is like the most tender hearted girl in

So anyway, my about to be seven year old Lexi, she is like the most tender-hearted girl in

the world and would very, very.

the world and would very, very.

I mean, it has to be.

I mean, it has to be.

She has to really think she's about to get in trouble to ever tell even something that's

She has to really think she's about to get in trouble to ever tell even something that's

remotely similar to that of a lie.

remotely similar to that of a lie.

She's a very, very tender hearted girl.

Ella es una chica con un corazón muy, muy tierno.

She has to be a very honest person because she's so tender hearted that she's scared

She must be a very honest person because she's so tender-hearted that she's scared.

to death that she's going to get in trouble.

to death that she's going to get in trouble.

She'll remember stuff that we told her when she was like three and we'll tell her to do

She'll remember things we told her when she was about three, and we'll tell her to do.

something like her mom.

algo como su mamá.

We'll say she's over there.

Diremos que ella está allá.

Her mom will tell her something and then I will tell her something not knowing what her

Her mom will tell her something and then I will tell her something not knowing what her mom said.

mom said.

Mom dijo.

And she'll say, no, when I was three years old, my mommy told me not to do that.

And she'll say, no, when I was three years old, my mommy told me not to do that.

And I'm like, dude, you are awesome.

Y yo digo, amigo, eres increíble.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

Bryce, he's six or seven weeks old.

Bryce, tiene seis o siete semanas.

He doesn't really, he doesn't sin all that much.

He doesn't really, he doesn't sin all that much.

You know, he just kind of does his thing.

You know, he just kind of does his thing.

He stays where we put them and he, he cries every once in a while and he does bad and

He stays where we put them and he, he cries every once in a while and he does bad and

horrible things into his diaper.

horrible things into his diaper.

But that's about it.

Pero eso es todo.

But our three year old, now she's a little bit different.

Pero nuestra niña de tres años, ahora ella es un poco diferente.

She is a very tender hearted as well.

She is very tenderhearted as well.

But the thing about London is London will just straight up lie to you.

Pero lo que pasa con Londres es que Londres simplemente te mentirá.

She will look you right in the face and you will catch her red handed.

She will look you right in the face and you will catch her red-handed.

The other day, Devin is screaming at my child and I'm like, oh Lord, the something horrible

The other day, Devin is screaming at my child and I'm like, oh Lord, the something horrible.

has occurred.

has occurred.

And what had happened was London had decided that all the way up from one level of our

And what had happened was London had decided that all the way up from one level of our

house up to the next.

casa hasta la siguiente.

She was going to draw with a pencil on the wall, mimicking the banister on the way up.

She was going to draw with a pencil on the wall, mimicking the banister on the way up.

She thought that it was a masterpiece, a wonderful work of art that was, should be

She thought that it was a masterpiece, a wonderful work of art that was, should be.



Devin didn't see it as such.

Devin didn't see it that way.

I didn't see it as such.

I didn't see it that way.

That's one of my pet peeves.

Esa es una de mis cosas que me molestan.

If you write on the wall and break your face, that's just the way that that's the way that

If you write on the wall and break your face, that's just the way that that's the way that

it goes.

It goes.

It's like when they're born, I hold them and I say, if you write on the wall, I destroy

It's like when they're born, I hold them and I say, if you write on the wall, I destroy.

you just as Peter chopped off the ear of that man.

you just like Peter chopped off the ear of that man.

I will do the same to you except it will be your hands.

I will do the same to you except it will be your hands.

You know?

Do you know?

Uh, maybe just your thumb because you won't be able to hold a pencil very well.

Uh, maybe just your thumb because you won't be able to hold a pencil very well.

And, um, so Devin is asking her, she says, did you write on the wall?

And, um, so Devin is asking her, she says, did you write on the wall?

Actually, it was more like, what are you doing?

Actually, it was more like, what are you doing?

And she says, what did you, what did you do?

And she says, what did you, what did you do?

Did you write on the wall?

Did you write on the wall?

And London's like holding a pen.

And London's like holding a pen.

She'd be like, no, she's like, it's Bryce.

She'd be like, no, she's like, it's Bryce.

I'm like, Bryce, Bryce is seven weeks old.

I'm like, Bryce, Bryce is seven weeks old.

Bryce, I could sit Bryce in that chair and he would stay there for the next three weeks.

Bryce, I could sit Bryce in that chair and he would stay there for the next three weeks.

You know what I mean?

¿Sabes a qué me refiero?

He's not going to do anything wrong at this point.

He's not going to do anything wrong at this point.

It's definitely not Lexi because Lexi's terrified.

Es definitivamente no Lexi porque Lexi está aterrorizada.

She would rather have her arm chopped off than ever write on the wall.

She would rather have her arm chopped off than ever write on the wall.

And she'll just look at you and she would just bold face, tell you a lie.

And she'll just look at you and she would just boldly tell you a lie.

And it's not like me and Devin are sitting there.

And it's not like Devin and I are sitting there.

You're like, you know, you're probably correct.

You're like, you know, you're probably right.

That pencil just up and did that all by itself.

That pencil just went ahead and did that all by itself.

You know what I mean?

¿Sabes a qué me refiero?

You are right.

You are right.

London, it's a, thank you so much for telling the truth.

London, it's a, thank you very much for telling the truth.

And she's so funny because she'll come up to us like four days in a row later.

And she's so funny because she'll come up to us like four days in a row later.

And she'll just walk up to you with this real sad face and she'll say, daddy, I'm so sorry

And she'll just walk up to you with this really sad face and she'll say, daddy, I'm so sorry.

for writing on the wall.

for writing on the wall.

I'm so sorry for writing on the wall.

Lo siento mucho por escribir en la pared.

And at that point you're like, it's okay, you know, but she'll tell you stuff.

And at that point you're like, it's okay, you know, but she'll tell you stuff.

And it's not like in your mind, you're really wondering if it's true or not.

And it's not like in your mind, you're really wondering if it's true or not.

They're telling these stories and you're not sitting there trying to figure out and use

They're telling these stories and you're not sitting there trying to figure out and use.

your greatest sense of discernment to discern if they're telling the truth.

your greatest sense of discernment to determine if they're telling the truth.

You just kind of know.

You just kind of know.

And that's how Peter was in this situation.

And that's how Peter was in this situation.

This guy's telling me saying, I gave every single penny that I earned from the sale of

This guy is telling me that I gave every single penny that I earned from the sale of

my property and Peter, because I am a man.

mi propiedad y Peter, porque soy un hombre.

Of the living God.

Of the living God.

And because I am just such a wonderful individual, I am giving you every single thing that I

And because I am just such a wonderful individual, I am giving you every single thing that I



Well, this guy thinks that he's going to get away with it because nobody else really knows

Well, this guy thinks that he's going to get away with it because nobody else really knows.

about how much money he earned in the sale of the property.

about how much money he earned from the sale of the property.

I mean, you don't just walk around and tell people that stuff, you know, you don't go

I mean, you don't just walk around and tell people that stuff, you know, you don't go

up to somebody and say, Hey, how are you doing?

Approach somebody and say, "Hey, how are you doing?"

I earned $64,000 this year.

I earned $64,000 this year.

How about you?

What about you?

It's just a conversation that doesn't typically come up.

It's just a conversation that doesn't typically come up.

It's almost taboo.

It's almost taboo.

It's an unwritten rule.

Es una regla no escrita.

And so he goes to Peter, he makes this comment and he's sitting there with a big smile.

And so he goes to Peter, he makes this comment and he's sitting there with a big smile.

On his face, thinking that he's getting ready to get like the church member of the day

On his face, thinking that he's getting ready to become like the church member of the day.

award, you know, whatever the case may be.

premio, ya sabes, sea cual sea el caso.

And listen to what Peter says to him.

And listen to what Peter says to him.

Verse three.

Verse three.

Then Peter said in an is, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied

Then Peter said, "How is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied?"

to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money that you received for the

to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money that you received for the



Imagine how that joker must've felt right then, because he's like, how in the world

Imagine how that joker must've felt right then, because he's like, how in the world.

did you know that?

Did you know that?

I mean, he's probably, there's probably.

I mean, he's probably, there's probably.

There's probably a million scenarios running through his mind.

Probablemente hay un millón de escenarios corriendo por su mente.

You know how you are when you get in trouble.

You know how you are when you get into trouble.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

You're trying to figure out how it is that the other person figured it out.

You're trying to figure out how the other person figured it out.

He's probably wondering, did my realtor, does he live right next door to Peter?

He’s probably wondering, does my realtor live right next door to Peter?

I mean, what is the deal?

I mean, what is the deal?

How in the world does this guy know?

How in the world does this guy know?

Do they put it in the paper and the Jerusalem times or whatever the case may be?

Do they put it in the paper and the Jerusalem times or whatever the case may be?

How did they know what was going on?

How did they know what was going on?

Did somebody from the church buy the property?

Did someone from the church buy the property?

He's like, oh gosh, I have done something very bad right now.

Él está como, oh Dios, he hecho algo muy malo en este momento.

Listen, Peter keeps going.

Listen, Peter keeps going.

He says, you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself.

He says you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself.

Some of the money you received for the land, didn't it belong to you before it was sold?

Some of the money you received for the land, didn't it belong to you before it was sold?

And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal?

And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal?

What made you think of doing such a thing?

What made you think of doing such a thing?

You have not lied to men, but to God.

You have not lied to men, but to God.

Have you ever had that opportunity where you know somebody's lying to you and you really

Have you ever had that opportunity where you know somebody's lying to you and you really?

want to call them out?

¿Quieres señalarles?

Do you know what I'm saying?

Do you know what I'm saying?

It might be your kid as they get older, because right now it's kind of funny when your kids

It might be your kid as they get older, because right now it's kind of funny when your kids.

tell you lies, because they're usually goofball and they don't really matter.

tell you lies, because they’re usually silly and they don’t really matter.

Like in the grand scheme of things, writing a letter to God, it's kind of funny when your

Like in the grand scheme of things, writing a letter to God, it's kind of funny when you're

kid lies on our wall, it's kind of irrelevant, because we can just go get paint and paint

Kid lies on our wall, it's kind of irrelevant, because we can just go get paint and paint.

over it, it's no big deal.

over it, it's no big deal.

As they get older, the situation will change greatly, and at that point I really will chop

As they get older, the situation will change greatly, and at that point I really will chop.

off body parts, if need be.

off body parts, if need be.

You know what I'm saying?

Do you know what I mean?

Parents, you understand, hopefully.

Parents, you understand, hopefully.

If not, then you need to get a clue, because your kids are crazier than you think they

If not, then you need to get a clue, because your kids are crazier than you think they are.



But at any rate, we're sitting there and Peter is doing this thing, he's looking at

Pero en cualquier caso, estamos sentados allí y Peter está haciendo esto, está mirando a.

them, and he has this opportunity that many of us crave sometimes, and he has this opportunity

them, and he has this opportunity that many of us crave sometimes, and he has this opportunity

to let this guy have it.

to give this guy a piece of my mind.

Because he's lying to God.

Porque le está mintiendo a Dios.

He's lying to him, it's a bold-faced lie, he's looking right into the eyes of this

He's lying to him, it's a bold-faced lie, he's looking right into the eyes of this.

pastor, and the pastor does something that probably most pastors won't do, and he just

Pastor, and the pastor does something that probably most pastors won't do, and he just

calls him out on it.

calls him out on it.

He says, dude, you are full of it.

He says, dude, you are full of it.

And I'm not talking about the kind of full of it that they're going to be talking about

And I'm not talking about the kind of full of it that they're going to be talking about.

a couple thousand years later at that Freedom Church, I'm talking about the real deal full

A couple thousand years later at that Freedom Church, I’m talking about the real deal full.

of it.

of it.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I'm saying?

Like, really, seriously, you're full of it.

Like, really, seriously, you're full of it.

Like, in a bad sense.

Como, en un mal sentido.

You are full of something.

You are full of something.

And he's sitting there and he's like, what?

Y él está sentado ahí y dice, ¿qué?

How in the world?

How in the world?



And I was like, how in the world did this guy know this is not going to go very well

And I was like, how in the world did this guy know this is not going to go very well?

for me?

¿Para mí?

And Peter comes back and he says, the thing is that the money, wasn't it yours to begin

And Peter comes back and he says, the thing is that the money, wasn't it yours to begin with?



Like, you sold the property, it was your decision how much you were going to give.

Like, you sold the property, it was your decision how much you were going to give.

God never told you to give it all.

Dios nunca te dijo que lo dieras todo.

I never told you to give it all.

I never told you to give it all.

I never even, I didn't even know you sold the land until your realtor came and told

I never even, I didn't even know you sold the land until your realtor came and told me.

me yesterday.

me yesterday.

It was your money.

It was your money.

It was your choice.

It was your choice.

You could have given as much, you could have given 20 bucks or you could have given 20

You could have given as much, you could have given 20 bucks or you could have given 20.



It was irrelevant.

It was irrelevant.

You were still going to receive it.

You were still going to receive it.

You were still going to receive a reward for it.

You were still going to receive a reward for it.

But why did you come in and choose to lie about the percentage that you were giving?

Pero, ¿por qué entraste y decidiste mentir sobre el porcentaje que estabas dando?

If you tell me that you're going to give it all, but yet you don't give it all in front

If you tell me that you're going to give it your all, but you don't give it your all in front.

of all these people, then you're not telling the truth.

Of all these people, then you're not telling the truth.

You are full of it.

You are full of it.

And the problem with that is Ananias is Peter is saying, he's saying, you're not just lying

And the problem with that is Ananias, Peter is saying, he's saying, you're not just lying.

to men, but you're lying to God.

a los hombres, pero le estás mintiendo a Dios.

And what Peter was, was making very clear and it was clear for him, just like it's clear

And what Peter was, was making very clear and it was clear for him, just like it's clear.

for us, is the fact that integrity is, is not just a lie.

For us, the fact that integrity is, is not just a lie.

It's more than just being about the things that we do and doing the right things.

It's more than just being about the things that we do and doing the right things.

Integrity is about doing the right things for the right reasons.

Integrity is about doing the right things for the right reasons.

This guy was doing something that was good.

This guy was doing something that was good.

He was giving, he was being generous.

He was giving, he was being generous.

He was giving above and beyond what was required of him.

He was giving more than what was required of him.

He was doing something that usually would be celebrated.

He was doing something that would usually be celebrated.

It was, he was doing something that he figured he could be commended for and he would have

It was, he was doing something that he thought he could be praised for and he would have.



But the problem is that he was doing it for the wrong reason.

But the problem is that he was doing it for the wrong reason.

He wasn't giving to give.

He wasn't going to give.

He was giving to get.

He was giving to receive.

He wanted to receive recognition and that was the motivation behind his gift in the

He wanted to receive recognition and that was the motivation behind his gift in the.

first place.

first place.

And I was reading these verses and getting ready for this message.

And I was reading these verses and preparing for this message.

It's been, it's been basically prepared for several weeks and I'm reading through these,

It's been, it's been basically prepared for several weeks and I'm reading through these.

this passage of scripture and I'm asking myself the question, you know, what is the difference

this passage of scripture and I'm asking myself the question, you know, what is the difference

between what was happening in his life and what happens in our lives every single day?

between what was happening in his life and what happens in our lives every single day?

I don't know about you, but sometimes my motives get all out of whack.

I don't know about you, but sometimes my motives get all out of whack.

Do they ever do that for you?

Do they ever do that for you?

Do you ever do something and you do it and it's a nice thing to do and it's something

Do you ever do something and you do it and it's a nice thing to do and it's something?

that is positive and it's something that's good and everybody celebrates it, but deep

that is positive and it's something that's good and everybody celebrates it, but deep

inside, you know, the real reason that you did it, you know what I'm saying?

Inside, you know, the real reason that you did it, you know what I'm saying?

Husbands, we do that to our wives all the time.

Husbands, we do that to our wives all the time.

We are really good at being extremely nice when we are wanting something at the end of

We are really good at being extremely nice when we want something in the end.

the day.

the day.

We talked about this a little bit in the sex series and some of you were like, are you

We talked about this a little bit in the sex series and some of you were like, are you

seriously going there?

Seriously going there?

It's true.

It's true.

And it's so awkward to say with my mom and dad sitting in the room.

Y es tan incómodo decirlo con mi mamá y mi papá sentados en la habitación.

The babies came because of an immaculate conception.

The babies came because of an immaculate conception.

Some of you will get that later, but we're sitting there and we do things in our, the

Some of you will get that later, but we're sitting there and we do things in our, the

motives that are in our heart tend to manipulate us and we start off with all the right intentions,

motives that are in our heart tend to manipulate us and we start off with all the right intentions,

but we end up making the wrong choices because we allow our motives to gain control.

but we end up making the wrong choices because we allow our motives to take control.

And when our gate, our motives gain control, it can mean the difference between reward

And when our gate, our motives gain control, it can mean the difference between reward.

and rebellion.

y rebelión.

Because this guy would have received a reward had he just said, dude, I'm giving you 24%

Because this guy would have received a reward had he just said, dude, I'm giving you 24%.

of what I made from that deal and I'm excited about it and here you go, I'm pumped to be

of what I made from that deal and I'm excited about it and here you go, I'm pumped to be

able to invest in the kingdom of God so that people far from God can experience life in

able to invest in the kingdom of God so that people far from God can experience life in.



Here's 24% of what we made on that sale of what we made on the sale of our land.

Here's 24% of what we made on that sale of our land.

Here you go.

Here you go.

And Peter would have been like, dude, you are awesome.

And Peter would have been like, dude, you are awesome.

Praise the Lord.

Alaben al Señor.

That's awesome.

Eso es increíble.

You know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But because his motives were jacked up.

Pero porque sus motivos estaban arruinados.

It was the difference.

It was the difference.

The difference between reward and rebellion.

The difference between reward and rebellion.

And the rebellion that was happening was this guy was choosing, as I know none of you have

And the rebellion that was happening was this guy was choosing, as I know none of you have.

ever done, because your motives are all perfectly awesome and perfectly clean and pure all

siempre hecho, porque tus motivos son todos perfectamente increíbles y perfectamente limpios y puros todos.

the time.

the time.

But this guy's motives had just shifted just a little bit.

Pero los motivos de este tipo acaban de cambiar un poco.

And as a result, it led to rebellion and that rebellion, listen to what happened, because

And as a result, it led to rebellion and that rebellion, listen to what happened, because

a lot of times sin will take us a whole lot further than what we ever intended it for.

Many times, sin will take us much further than we ever intended.

It takes us further than we ever intended to go.

It takes us further than we ever intended to go.

Listen to what happens in verse five.

Listen to what happens in verse five.

This is one of the craziest verses in the whole Bible, I think.

Este es uno de los versículos más locos de toda la Biblia, creo.

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.

That's crazy.

Eso es una locura.

Imagine coming to church and you're just sitting there doing your thing and the offering thing's

Imagine coming to church and you're just sitting there doing your thing and the offering starts.

getting passed and some guy stands up and says, man, I'm giving you 100% of the money

Getting past and some guy stands up and says, man, I'm giving you 100% of the money.

that I earned from this thing.

que gané de esta cosa.

And everybody's clapping and cheering.

And everybody's clapping and cheering.

And then all of a sudden Peter says something to him and the joker dies.

And then all of a sudden Peter says something to him and the joker dies.

We've had a lot of different kind of worship experiences here.

We've had a lot of different kinds of worship experiences here.

Typically, we're very exciting.

Typically, we're very excited.

Typically, it's all up in your face kind of deal and you might love it or you might hate

Typically, it's all in your face kind of deal and you might love it or you might hate it.

it, but you're probably not usually going to be bored because we're very anti-boring

It, but you're probably not usually going to be bored because we're very anti-boring.

for the most part.

por lo general.

But even on those rare occasions where you walk out of here and you're like, that was

Pero incluso en esas raras ocasiones en las que sales de aquí y piensas, eso fue

a complete waste of time, I've never killed anybody.

a complete waste of time, I've never killed anybody.

I've never killed any of you before.

I've never killed any of you before.

You've never come to Freedom Church at 930 or 11 and walked in and then died because

You've never come to Freedom Church at 9:30 or 11 and walked in and then died because

you were here.

you were here.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I’m saying?

And so these people were like, dear Lord, this joker, he just died.

And so these people were like, dear Lord, this joker just died.

Listen to what he says.

Listen to what he says.

Verse five.

Verse five.

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died and great fear seized all who heard what

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died, and great fear seized all who heard what happened.

had happened.

had happened.

I'm not really sure.

No estoy realmente seguro.

I'm not sure why the penalty was so severe necessarily.

No estoy seguro de por qué la penalización fue tan severa necesariamente.

But one thing I do know is that God takes sin extremely seriously.

Pero una cosa sé con certeza: Dios toma el pecado extremadamente en serio.

And if you keep reading, I don't have time to read through it all, but in the following

And if you keep reading, I don't have time to read through it all, but in the following

verses, when you go home, read these.

Verses, when you go home, read these.

Ananias' wife comes in and she doesn't know that Ananias has already been like carried

Ananias' wife comes in and she doesn't know that Ananias has already been taken away.

out because they typically don't like dead people to be laying in the floor.

out because they typically don't like dead people lying on the floor.

So people carried him out and buried him in the sand.

So people carried him out and buried him in the sand.

And then in walks Ananias' wife.

And then in walks Ananias' wife.

She was late.

She was late.

Like some of you are to the surface.

Like some of you are to the surface.

When 11 o'clock starts, there's like three people in here.

When 11 o'clock starts, there are like three people in here.

And then at 1115, there's like the whole place is full.

And then at 11:15, the whole place is like full.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

You're like, oh, I stroll in at 1115.

You're like, oh, I stroll in at 11:15.

We're good to go.

Estamos listos para empezar.

And that's how she was.

And that's how she was.

So she gets there like 15 minutes late, right after the offering and right after her husband

So she arrives about 15 minutes late, right after the offering and right after her husband.

had died.

había muerto.

And he, she comes up to the front because he told her,

And he, she comes up to the front because he told her,

sit in the front because now that they gave that they would be recognized and they deserve

Sit in the front because now that they said they would be recognized, they deserve it.

the seat of honor, basically.

the seat of honor, basically.

And Peter stops, stops the message.

And Peter stops, stops the message.

Imagine this.

Imagine this.

Stops the message and he says, Sapphira, tell us about this land that you sold because

Stops the message and he says, Sapphira, tell us about this land that you sold because

you gave all of it, didn't you?

You gave all of it, didn't you?

And she's sitting there with their brand new Met jeans that she just bought.

And she's sitting there with her brand new Met jeans that she just bought.

And she's walking up with her shirt that she just got from Buckle.

And she's walking up with her shirt that she just got from Buckle.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

And she's sitting in there and she's like, oh, absolutely we did.

Y ella está sentada allí y dice, oh, absolutamente lo hicimos.

We gave it all because we are awesome.

We gave it all because we are awesome.

Well, have you seen my husband?

Well, have you seen my husband?

He is a sexy man beast and he gave all of it.

He is a sexy man beast and he gave it all.

Look at me, look what I'm wearing and I still gave you all of it, all of it.

Look at me, look what I'm wearing and I still gave you all of it, all of it.

One hundred percent, Peter.

One hundred percent, Peter.

And then all of a sudden he says to her, he goes, um, Sapphira, some jokers.

And then all of a sudden he says to her, he goes, um, Sapphira, some jokers.

You see them guys over there wearing the security guard shirts just a minute ago, they carried

You see those guys over there wearing the security guard shirts? Just a minute ago, they carried.

your dead husband out and buried him in the sand and they've already got a hole for you

Your dead husband is out and buried in the sand, and they already have a hole for you.

and you're going next.

y tú vas a seguir.

And then she falls down and dies and the people in the church, they, they don't react that

Y luego se cae y muere y la gente en la iglesia, ellos, no reaccionan a eso.



Because it's funny.

Porque es gracioso.

Like when you're looking back on it, it's not so funny when you're sitting there because

Like when you're looking back on it, it's not so funny when you're sitting there because

what if they're sitting right next to you?

¿Qué pasa si están sentados justo al lado tuyo?

I mean, I, I'm all about people, but I don't like dead ones.

Quiero decir, yo, me importan mucho las personas, pero no me gustan las muertas.

And all of a sudden they're like, she falls over dead and they carried this dead lady

And all of a sudden they're like, she falls over dead and they carried this dead lady.

out and I'm reading through these verses and I'm sitting here and I'm like, God, I don't

I'm out and I'm reading through these verses and I'm sitting here and I'm like, God, I don't

know if I want to preach this.

I don't know if I want to preach this.

I don't know if I want to preach that you've desperately need to be, uh, to be a person

I don't know if I want to preach that you desperately need to be, uh, to be a person.

that is filled with integrity all the time.

that is filled with integrity all the time.

Cause do you realize?

Because do you realize?

The ramifications here, I'm preaching a message.

The ramifications here, I'm preaching a message.

Imagine what's going through my head over the course of the past several weeks.

Imagine what has been going through my mind over the past several weeks.

And this is true.

And this is true.

This is how my mind thinks.

This is how my mind thinks.

I'm thinking, Lord, I'm preaching a message on integrity and people are dying because

I'm thinking, Lord, I'm preaching a message on integrity and people are dying because

they're not filled with integrity.

They're not filled with integrity.

Lord, I'm getting ready to walk on a stage and preach on integrity.

Lord, I'm getting ready to walk on a stage and preach on integrity.

And I'm about to preach that people are dying because they don't have integrity.

And I'm about to preach that people are dying because they lack integrity.

And all they did was really just tell one lie.

And all they did was really just tell one lie.

And I don't know about you, but I've told a lie before.

And I don't know about you, but I've told a lie before.

Have you ever told a lie?

Have you ever told a lie?



I realized that like, you don't, uh, if you've told one lie, you're a liar.

I realized that like, you don't, uh, if you've told one lie, you're a liar.

Like you don't tell 36 lies and then ding, ding, ding, the liar bell goes off and you're

Like you don't tell 36 lies and then ding, ding, ding, the liar bell goes off and you're

a liar for the rest of your life.

a liar for the rest of your life.

If you've ever told one lie, then you're pretty much just a liar.

If you've ever told one lie, then you're pretty much just a liar.

And so that's all of us.

And so that's all of us.

And so here I am a liar preaching a message against lying and talking about the fact that

And so here I am a liar preaching a message against lying and talking about the fact that

because they lied, they fell over dead.

porque mintieron, se cayeron muertos.

And I'm thinking to myself, God can make a really good point.

And I'm thinking to myself, God can make a really good point.

And I feel really weird right now.

And I feel really weird right now.

I'm like looking around me.

I'm like looking around me.

God can make a really good point.

Dios puede hacer un muy buen comentario.

If as I'm preaching about dying or as I'm preaching about lying that I'm dying and some

If as I'm preaching about dying or as I'm preaching about lying that I'm dying and some

joker has to come and pull me off the stage and Blake has to come out and do the most

Joker has to come and pull me off the stage and Blake has to come out and do the most.

awkward worship set in the history of church.

torpe conjunto de adoración en la historia de la iglesia.

It's strange.

It's strange.

And I'm sitting here and I'm preparing this message and I'm praying through it and I'm

And I'm sitting here and I'm preparing this message and I'm praying through it and I'm

saying, God, what is it that you choose to, what is it that you're trying to say to me?

saying, God, what is it that you choose to, what is it that you're trying to say to me?

Because as we go through this whole entire thing, I'm not exactly sure why it's so weird.

Porque a medida que pasamos por toda esta situación, no estoy exactamente seguro de por qué es tan extraño.

I'm not exactly sure why all this stuff is happening.

No estoy exactamente seguro de por qué está sucediendo todo esto.

But one thing I know is that you take holiness and you take integrity very, very seriously.

Pero una cosa que sé es que tomas la santidad y la integridad muy, muy en serio.

And I'm sitting here and I'm thinking through because I pray for y'all all the time and I'm

And I'm sitting here and I'm thinking through because I pray for you all the time and I'm

praying and I don't pray for every single person by name because number one, a ton of

praying and I don't pray for every single person by name because number one, a ton of

you are, this is your first time here and I don't even know your name.

you are, this is your first time here and I don't even know your name.

Some of you have been here every week since the beginning and I don't know your name.

Some of you have been here every week since the beginning and I don't know your name.

You know what I'm saying?

Do you know what I'm saying?

But I'm sitting here and I'm praying.

Pero estoy sentado aquí y estoy orando.

I'm saying, God, do this in our church.

Estoy diciendo, Dios, haz esto en nuestra iglesia.

Restore marriages.

Restore marriages.

Do this.

Do this.

Do that.

Do that.

Do all these incredible things.

Do all these incredible things.

I'm begging you for a miracle in the lives of people.

Te estoy suplicando por un milagro en la vida de las personas.

And I'm praying this prayer as I'm going through this message and I know I'm getting ready

And I'm praying this prayer as I'm going through this message and I know I'm getting ready.

to speak it from this stage.

to speak it from this stage.

And I'm terrified because I'm like, man, that would be a great God illustration if I died,

Y estoy terrified porque estoy como, hombre, eso sería una gran ilustración de Dios si muriera,

but I surely don't want to.

pero seguramente no quiero.

So I'm going to try to come up with a different way to illustrate this.

So I'm going to try to come up with a different way to illustrate this.

And I'm sitting here thinking and I'm like, man, there are people that are going to be

And I'm sitting here thinking and I'm like, man, there are people that are going to be

sitting in these chairs who they're going to have something in their life that they're

sitting in these chairs are going to have something in their life that they’re

going to be able to pinpoint.

going to be able to pinpoint.

There's something in your life, in the life of every single person, doesn't matter how

There's something in your life, in the life of every single person, it doesn't matter how.

old you are, how young you are.

Old you are, how young you are.

And right now, you know that it's a sin that you haven't really forsaken.

And right now, you know that it's a sin that you haven't truly abandoned.

It's almost like a sin that you've chosen to nurture.

It's almost like a sin that you've chosen to nurture.

Probably not a lot of them, probably not like 12 or 13 at this point, but you know that

Probablemente no muchos de ellos, probablemente no como 12 o 13 en este punto, pero tú sabes eso.

one, that, that one sin that you've kind of struggled with your whole entire life and

one, that, that one sin that you've kind of struggled with your whole entire life and

you know that you were supposed to get rid of it.

You know that you were supposed to get rid of it.

You know that you were supposed to turn and walk away from it.

You know that you were supposed to turn and walk away from it.

You knew that you were supposed to hand it over to God and say, God, forgive me of this.

You knew that you were supposed to hand it over to God and say, God, forgive me of this.

Wash me clean.

Wash me clean.

But you choose to maybe put it on the back shelf every once in a while, but then you

Pero decides tal vez ponerlo en un segundo plano de vez en cuando, pero luego tú

go and.

go and.

And you pick it up and you're so glad that you have it again.

And you pick it up and you're so glad that you have it again.

You know that sin.

You know that sin.

We all have that sin, by the way.

We all have that sin, by the way.

Every single person in this room has that one sin that we choose to nurture.

Every single person in this room has that one sin that we choose to nurture.

And I'm reading through these verses and I'm living in the reality that there are some

And I'm reading through these verses and I'm living in the reality that there are some

things in my life that I've been struggling with trying to get rid of for years.

things in my life that I've been struggling with trying to get rid of for years.

So have you.

So have you.

There's people in here that you know what God's word says about various situations,

There are people in here that know what God's word says about various situations.

but yet.

pero aún.

You choose to run the opposite direction of it in spite of the implications.

You choose to run in the opposite direction of it despite the implications.

You know that what God's word says maybe about marriage or you know what God's word says about

You know what God's word says, maybe about marriage, or you know what God's word says about.

finances, or you know what God's word just simply says about ethics and in the context of your

finances, or you know what God's word simply says about ethics and in the context of your

business, but you choose to ignore it because nobody else really has to know.

business, but you choose to ignore it because nobody else really has to know.

You know, maybe you're younger and you're not married and you've been dating the same person

You know, maybe you're younger and you're not married and you've been dating the same person.

for a long time.

por mucho tiempo.



You know what God's word says about purity and he knows and you know that he says that

You know what God's word says about purity, and he knows and you know that he says that.

if we would just wait, that God will give us an incredible blessing and blah, blah, blah.

if we would just wait, that God will give us an incredible blessing and blah, blah, blah.

But we're like, you know, I don't know if God really knows best for my life when it

Pero somos como, sabes, no sé si Dios realmente sabe lo que es mejor para mi vida cuando eso.

comes to this, when it comes to something like this.

comes to this, when it comes to something like this.

He doesn't know my situation.

He doesn't know my situation.

I mean, Jesus didn't date anybody for three years.

I mean, Jesus didn't date anybody for three years.

He doesn't know how hard that is.

He doesn't know how hard that is.

And so you choose to, to go your own way.

And so you choose to go your own way.

Or maybe there's, there's people in here who, you know, that you're not supposed to live

Or maybe there are people in here who, you know, you're not supposed to live with.

together until you're married but it's so much easier and so much more convenient to just go

together until you're married but it's so much easier and so much more convenient to just go

ahead and do that you always have it's so hard to get out now so why not just continue to stay in

Go ahead and do that; you always have. It's so hard to get out now, so why not just continue to stay in?

the relationship that i'm in until things begin to work out and then you'll say well man i'm going

The relationship that I'm in until things start to work out and then you'll say well man I'm going.

to pray every day that god would bless this relationship god can't bless what he's already

To pray every day that God would bless this relationship; God can't bless what He's already.

condemned he's already condemned it god can't bless that but god can still bless you if you

condemned he's already condemned it god can't bless that but god can still bless you if you

will back out turn away from it repent and say god if i gotta move out of the house for the next

I'll back out, turn away from it, repent and say, "God, if I have to move out of the house for the next..."

two months and get married super quick i don't care if i get married at a daggum 7-eleven or a

two months and get married super quick i don't care if i get married at a damn 7-eleven or a

qt whatever i gotta do i'm willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen so that i can live

Whatever I have to do, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen so that I can live.

in obedience to your command for my life and then i will ask you to bless

in obedience to your command for my life and then I will ask you to bless



and before

y antes

some of you shake your heads you know you married people who aren't struggling there

Some of you shake your heads; you know you married people who aren't struggling there.

before you shake your heads just know that there's a million different things that i can

Before you shake your heads, just know that there are a million different things that I can.

say that apply to you as well and i'm reading these verses and i'm like man this is going to

say that apply to you as well and i'm reading these verses and i'm like man this is going to

be one tense week up in freedom church they're going to think that i'm lost my mind they're

It's going to be a tense week at Freedom Church; they're going to think that I've lost my mind.

going to think that this is crazy because god killed these jokers for lying one sin

Going to think that this is crazy because God killed these jokers for lying about one sin.



and they're they're literally they're dead laying on the ground

and they're literally dead lying on the ground

until they get pulled out by the security guards

until they get taken out by the security guards

but god takes integrity seriously and as we stand up here and for the past this is the third week

but God takes integrity seriously and as we stand up here and for the past this is the third week

and then three more weeks and left in this series as we talk about desiring to become a person that

and then three more weeks and left in this series as we talk about desiring to become a person that

is full of it and desiring to become a church that is full of it we talked about having a passion for

is full of it and desiring to become a church that is full of it we talked about having a passion for

the presence of god we talked about having a craving to reach those who are far from god

the presence of God we talked about having a craving to reach those who are far from God

one of the characteristics of the life of a person who is full of it

one of the characteristics of the life of a person who is full of it

is sincere integrity as well

is sincere integrity as well

and i read these things and i'm like god how in the world am i supposed to even

and I read these things and I'm like god how in the world am I supposed to even

how can i even stand under pressure like that because we all know that

How can I even stand under pressure like that because we all know that?

we could be the ones who were standing in ananias's place and safira's place

we could be the ones who were standing in Ananias's place and Sapphira's place

the reason that it says that fear seized the whole church

the reason that it says that fear seized the whole church

is because

is because

everybody in the church knew that it could have been

everybody in the church knew that it could have been

them. They weren't

them. They weren't

sitting there thinking, you know, that Ananias

sitting there thinking, you know, that Ananias

and Sapphira, they were bad.

and Sapphira, they were bad.

They were some crazy

They were some crazy.

people. I saw them living. They lived

people. I saw them living. They lived.

next door to me. They were crazy. You should have seen what they did

next door to me. They were crazy. You should have seen what they did.

in their swimming pool. They were crazy.

in their swimming pool. They were crazy.

It's Freedom Church, y'all. I can say

It's Freedom Church, y'all. I can say

whatever I want.

lo que quiera.

Y'all know y'all think it.

You all know you all think it.

You know you got the crazy neighbors, just like your crazy

You know you have crazy neighbors, just like you're crazy.

uncle. Everybody's got a crazy uncle and a crazy neighbor.

Uncle. Everybody's got a crazy uncle and a crazy neighbor.

You know what I'm saying? Every one of you do.

You know what I'm saying? Every one of you does.

They're saying, I've seen them.

They're saying, I've seen them.

And they talk bad

And they speak badly.

about them because they finally

sobre ellos porque finalmente

found somebody that's crazier than

found somebody that's crazier than

them. And it's easier to talk about somebody

them. And it's easier to talk about somebody

else than it is to deal with the sin in your own life.

else than it is to deal with the sin in your own life.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

But the reason

Pero la razón.

fear seized the whole church

El miedo se apoderó de toda la iglesia.

was because they all knew that it could have been them.

was because they all knew that it could have been them.

They all knew

They all knew

that they were just as messed up.

that they were just as messed up.

They all knew that it was

They all knew that it was

them who could have died that day.

those who could have died that day.

And I'm sitting here

And I'm sitting here.

and I'm thinking, man,

and I'm thinking, man,

I think I should get a guest speaker

I think I should get a guest speaker.

this week.

this week.

I should bring somebody in, tell them what to preach

I should bring somebody in, tell them what to preach.

and tell them to preach boldly.

y diles que prediquen con valentía.

Because God, how?

Porque Dios, ¿cómo?

This is my prayer to him.

Esta es mi oración para él.

Writing it down because I'm so ADD, I have to

Escribiéndolo porque tengo tanto TDAH, tengo que hacerlo.

write my prayers down.

Escribe mis oraciones.

Because otherwise I'm thinking about cake and random stuff.

Because otherwise I'm thinking about cake and random things.

So I'm writing it down.

So I'm writing it down.

It's true. I'm not exaggerating and I didn't even say

It's true. I'm not exaggerating and I didn't even say.

that to be funny. It's just true.

That's to be funny. It's just true.

But write it down.

Pero escríbelo.

I'm saying, God, I don't

Estoy diciendo, Dios, yo no.

know how I

know how I

can stand

can stand

on this stage

on this stage

with integrity and preach

con integridad y predicar

on integrity to a bunch

on integrity to a bunch

of people who are

of people who are

struggling with integrity just like I am.

struggling with integrity just like I am.

And the

And the

good news is that God does not ask us to

The good news is that God does not ask us to.

be perfect as a

be perfect as a

follower of Christ because he knows that we are

follower of Christ because he knows that we are

so far from that.

so far from that.

But the Bible tells us in his

Pero la Biblia nos dice en su

word repeatedly, he says, that if we

word repeatedly, he says, that if we

will confess our sin, that

will confess our sin, that

he is faithful and he is just

he is faithful and he is just

to forgive us our sin

to forgive us our sin

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

y para limpiarnos de toda maldad.

And what that means is that means that

And what that means is that means that

I can stand on this stage and the reason that I

I can stand on this stage and the reason that I

don't get taken out is simply

don't get taken out is simply

because of the fact that every single morning

debido a que cada mañana

or during the afternoon or at night,

or during the afternoon or at night,

whenever it is that you choose to do it, I can

whenever it is that you choose to do it, I can

sit down, I can pray, and I can say,

sit down, I can pray, and I can say,

God, forgive me.

Dios, perdóname.

Because, Lord, I

Porque, Señor, yo

am one jacked up dude and I just

I'm one jacked up dude and I just

happen to be the pastor of a church and

happen to be the pastor of a church and

I know people see me and they act different

I know people see me and they act differently.

when they're around me and they're walking through the

When they're around me and they're walking through the

grocery store and their kids are screaming

grocery store and their kids are screaming

and going nuts and they're yelling at their kids and the

and going nuts and they're yelling at their kids and the

moment they lay eyes on me, everything's perfect

The moment they lay eyes on me, everything's perfect.

again. I understand that.

de nuevo. Lo entiendo.

Because they think that my life and

Because they think that my life and

my house, everything is perfectly good

My house, everything is perfectly good.

all the time. But I'm just

todo el tiempo. Pero solo soy

telling you straight up, it's not.

Telling you straight up, it's not.

And so, God,

And so, God,

you're going to have to forgive me.

You're going to have to forgive me.

You're going to have to

You're going to have to

cleanse me today

cleanse me today

because I'm just as guilty as Ananias and

porque soy tan culpable como Ananías y



I don't know if you've ever heard a message on them before,

I don't know if you've ever heard a message about them before,

but I think I have and I know that

pero creo que tengo y sé que

they were made out to be villains. I don't think they were

They were portrayed as villains. I don't think they were.

villains. I think that they were very unfortunate.

villains. I think they were very unfortunate.

I don't want to be the person that God makes an example

I don't want to be the person that God makes an example of.

out of.

out of.

We always say that God is a God of second chances,

We always say that God is a God of second chances,

but here, I don't know if that was

pero aquí, no sé si eso fue

necessarily true.

necesariamente cierto.

God wants us to be obedient.

God wants us to be obedient.

If he's calling

If he's calling

you to give

You to give

and he has, give.

and he has, give.

If he's calling you to

If he's calling you to

change and he has,

cambio y él tiene,



If he's calling you to fix

If he's calling you to fix

and rectify something in a relationship,

and rectify something in a relationship,

fix it.

Fix it.

If he's calling you to forsake

If he's calling you to abandon

a relationship, even if it's going to be

a relationship, even if it's going to be

hard, get out.

Hard, get out.

God wants

Dios quiere.

you to be

you to be

like him.

like him.

To be a person of integrity.

To be a person of integrity.

To stand up

To stand up

and say, you know,

y di, sabes,

I'm jacked up.

I'm pumped up.

I'm messed up. I'm

I'm messed up. I'm

screwed up. I've done a lot of

screwed up. I've done a lot of

things wrong.

cosas mal.

But I choose

Pero yo elijo.

every day to say,

every day to say,

God, I can

Dios, puedo.

confess to you

confess to you

my sin.

mi pecado.

Make me clean.

Make me clean.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

Remove the guilt. Remove

Remove the guilt. Remove.

the shame. Remove all that stuff.

the shame. Remove all that stuff.

And do something in my life. And make

And do something in my life. And make.

me today more like you

I like you more today.

than yesterday.

than yesterday.

And then when that day comes,

And then when that day comes,

saying, God, when I lay my head down on the pillow,

saying, God, when I lay my head down on the pillow,

make me more like you

Make me more like you.

today than I was yesterday.

Today than I was yesterday.

It's not about these gigantic

It's not about these gigantic

leaps moving from right here to the end of the

leaps moving from right here to the end of the

room in a single bound.

room in a single bound.

It's just taking one step closer

It's just taking one step closer.

every single day.

cada día.

Saying, God, today,

Saying, God, today,

I'm more like you than I was when I woke up.

I'm more like you than I was when I woke up.

If we had to read these verses

If we had to read these verses

and there was no forgiveness

and there was no forgiveness



this would be a pretty horrible church

this would be a pretty horrible church

to go to.

to go to.

I would definitely recommend you go somewhere

I would definitely recommend you go somewhere.

else. Matter of fact, I would recommend

else. As a matter of fact, I would recommend

you find a different

you find a different

philosophy and you would find,

philosophy and you would find,

a different, whatever word you want

a different, cualquier palabra que quieras

to use there, to follow.

to use there, to follow.

But the good news is, is that we

Pero la buena noticia es que nosotros

do have forgiveness.

Do have forgiveness.

There are people that are in this room and you think that

There are people in this room and you think that.

you're too far gone.

you're too far gone.

You think, there's no way that this God could

You think, there's no way that this God could

love me. If he, the same God who would

Love me. If he, the same God who would

like wipe out two people because they

like wipe out two people because they

lied, there's no way he's going to accept

He lied, there's no way he's going to accept.

me. I've told two

me. I've told two

lies in the past six minutes, you know what I'm saying?

lies in the past six minutes, you know what I'm saying?

There's no way he's going to accept me.

No hay manera de que él me acepte.

But he does.

Pero él lo hace.

For whatever

Por lo que sea.

reason, he has chosen to

razón, ha elegido para

forgive us

forgive us

through his son, Jesus Christ.

a través de su hijo, Jesucristo.

And we can come to him

And we can come to him.

no matter how far gone we think that we are

no importa cuán perdidos creamos que estamos

and we can say, Lord, whatever it takes,

y podemos decir, Señor, lo que sea necesario,

forgive me. Whatever it takes,

forgive me. Whatever it takes,

save me. If we're far from God, you don't

save me. If we're far from God, you don't.

have a relationship with him today, you can have

have a relationship with him today, you can have

walked into this room potentially on your way to

walked into this room potentially on your way to

hell and you can walk out of this room on your way to heaven.

hell and you can walk out of this room on your way to heaven.

I don't know how to explain it, I just know that it's

I don't know how to explain it, I just know that it's

true. If you're in this

true. If you're in this

room and you came walking in and man, you

room and you came walking in and man, you

are a follower of Christ and you believe

Are a follower of Christ and you believe.

that Jesus died for your sin and you

that Jesus died for your sin and you

believe all that, but you're still struggling,

believe all that, but you're still struggling,

you can walk out of here forgiven

You can walk out of here forgiven.

and at least having a brand new start

y al menos tener un nuevo comienzo

until you mess up tomorrow and then you can pray

hasta que la cagues mañana y entonces puedes rezar.

and beg God for forgiveness and for

and beg God for forgiveness and for

whatever reason he chooses to do it again.

cualquier razón que elija para hacerlo de nuevo.

It's amazing the God that we serve.

It's amazing the God that we serve.

On a tense Sunday morning,

On a tense Sunday morning,

usually y'all are clapping

usually you all are clapping

and cheering and smiling, everybody's looking at me

y animando y sonriendo, todos me están mirando

like I'm crazy right now.

like I'm crazy right now.

God can save you.

Dios puede salvarte.

On a day where it seemed like there

On a day where it seemed like there

wasn't a whole lot of hype and there wasn't

there wasn't a whole lot of hype and there wasn't

a lot of things to be cheerful

a lot of things to be cheerful about

for, we can celebrate

for, we can celebrate

because I can stand on

porque puedo apoyarme en

this stage forgiven.

this stage forgiven.

I just hope that as you walk out, as

I just hope that as you walk out, as

they did in this passage of

they did in this passage of

scripture, fear

escritura, miedo

seized them.

seized them.

Hopefully it lasted

Hopefully, it lasted.

for more than a moment

for more than a moment

and it was something that gripped their

and it was something that gripped their

heart to the point

heart to the point

to where they just chose and said, God,

to where they just chose and said, God,

whatever it takes, whatever

lo que sea necesario, lo que sea

it looks like, no matter how hard it

It looks like, no matter how hard it.

is and no matter what it costs,

is and no matter what it costs,

I'm going to follow you.

I’m going to follow you.

That's it.

That's it.



is not that difficult.

it's not that difficult.

Just follow God

Just follow God

every step of the way.

cada paso del camino.

That's my desire for you

Ese es mi deseo para ti.

today. Bow your head and close your eyes.

Today. Bow your head and close your eyes.

Real quick, we're about done. If you would say today,

Real quick, we're about done. If you could say today,

man, I walked

Man, I walked.

into this room, I walked in far from God.

Into this room, I walked in far from God.

I don't know that I had a relationship

I didn't know I had a relationship.

with him. I don't know that my sin has been forgiven.

con él. No sé si mi pecado ha sido perdonado.

I don't know that I have a home in heaven

I don't know that I have a home in heaven.

forever with him.

para siempre con él.

But I desire that.

Pero yo deseo eso.

I desire to have my

I desire to have my

sin removed. I desire to

sin removed. I desire to

know that I have a relationship

know that I have a relationship

with the son of the living God, Jesus

con el hijo del Dios viviente, Jesús



I believe that

I believe that

he died on the cross. I believe that he rose from the dead.

he died on the cross. I believe that he rose from the dead.

I believe that I'm a sinner separated from him

I believe that I am a sinner separated from him.

and I want to give him everything that I've got.

y quiero darle todo lo que tengo.

I'm willing to turn from

I'm willing to turn from

all the junk in my past and I want to give him everything I have

all the junk in my past and I want to give him everything I have

in the future.

en el futuro.

If that's you, pray this prayer with me.

If that's you, pray this prayer with me.

Say, dear Lord, I know

Say, dear Lord, I know.

that I'm a sinner, but I

that I'm a sinner, but I

know that you died

know that you died

on the cross for my sin.

en la cruz por mi pecado.

Forgive me of my sin.

Forgive me of my sin.

Come into my life

Come into my life

and save me.

y sálvame.

Lord, the best way I know how,

Señor, la mejor manera que sé cómo,

I turn from my past

I turn from my past.

and I give you everything

and I give you everything

I have in the future.

I have in the future.

Thank you for saving me.

Thank you for saving me.

If you prayed that prayer today for the first time

If you prayed that prayer today for the first time

or for the first time you meant it with all of your heart,

or for the first time you meant it with all your heart,

I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand. I'm not going to ask you to do

I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand. I'm not going to ask you to do.

really much of anything except for when you

really much of anything except for when you

walked through the doors today, you received

walked through the doors today, you received

a worship guide.

a worship guide.

On the back of that worship guide,

On the back of that worship guide,

there's a thing, a place for you

there's a thing, a place for you

to fill out some information about yourself.

to fill out some information about yourself.

You might have already put that in the offering. That's okay.

You might have already included that in the offering. That's okay.

But if you're not going to do that,

Pero si no vas a hacer eso,

if you have something there, I just want you to let us know

If you have something there, I just want you to let us know.

who you are.

Who you are.

Say, I accepted Jesus Christ.

I accepted Jesus Christ.

We want to pray for you.

We want to pray for you.

We want to help you

We want to help you.

to go to the next level.

to go to the next level.

We're not showing up at your house with 15 people,

We're not showing up at your house with 15 people.

a pound cake and a button that's

a pound cake and a button that's

red and says, I love Jesus. Nothing like that.

red and says, I love Jesus. Nothing like that.

We just want to pray for you.

We just want to pray for you.

How many of you in this room would say,

How many of you in this room would say,

you know what, today

you know what, today

there's something in my life that I need to deal with.

There's something in my life that I need to deal with.

There's something in my heart

Hay algo en mi corazón.

that I need to deal with.

that I need to deal with.

God pointed it out.

Dios lo señaló.

And I want to turn from it and I want to fix it.

And I want to turn away from it and I want to fix it.

If that's you, raise your hand.

If that's you, raise your hand.

Today, there is something in my life. Raise your hand all over the room.

Today, there is something in my life. Raise your hand all over the room.

Good. Put your hands down.

Good. Put your hands down.

Dear Lord, we thank you for today.

Dear Lord, we thank you for today.

I thank you for what you've done.

I thank you for what you've done.

I thank you for what you're doing.

I thank you for what you're doing.

And I pray right now for all these people who are within the sound of my voice.

And I pray right now for all these people who are within the sound of my voice.

I pray that you would challenge them.

I pray that you would challenge them.

I pray that you would change their heart.

I pray that you would change their heart.

I pray that you would change our lives.

I pray that you would change our lives.

God, allow us to live with boldness and to live with authority

God, allow us to live with boldness and to live with authority.

because of the fact that we have to live with boldness.

because we have to live boldly.

We have been adopted into your family.

We have been adopted into your family.

Lord, I pray that you would help us

Señor, te pido que nos ayudes.

to live lives of sincere integrity.

to live lives of sincere integrity.

That we would follow hard

That we would follow hard

after the heart of God every single day

after the heart of God every single day

that we live.

that we live.

That when we get to the end of our days,

That when we get to the end of our days,

when we get to the end of the day,

cuando lleguemos al final del día,

we will look back and say,

we will look back and say,

Lord, today I am closer to you than I was yesterday.

Lord, today I am closer to you than I was yesterday.

That's my desire.

Ese es mi deseo.

Make us a church.

Make us a church.

Make us a group of people that are full of it.

Make us a group of people that are full of it.

That's my desire for this place.

That's my desire for this place.

That's my desire for myself.

Ese es mi deseo para mí.

And I pray that your name,

Y rezo por que tu nombre,

as a result of these people,

as a result of these people,

would become famous,

would become famous,

in this city.

in this city.

That you would make it hard to go to hell

That you would make it hard to go to hell.

from Ackworth, Georgia.

from Ackworth, Georgia.

That you would help us to be contagious

That you would help us to be contagious.

when it comes to reaching people who are far from God.

when it comes to reaching people who are far from God.

Help us to be passionate about it.

Help us to be passionate about it.

Help us to do whatever it takes

Help us to do whatever it takes.

to bring as many people with us every single week

to bring as many people with us every single week

so that people far from God

so that people far from God

can experience life in Christ.

can experience life in Christ.

I thank you for the miracle that we've experienced

I thank you for the miracle that we've experienced.

even just over the past several weeks.

incluso solo en las últimas semanas.

I'm thankful to you for what you've done.

I’m thankful to you for what you’ve done.

I'm thankful to you for what you're doing.

I’m thankful to you for what you’re doing.

And I'm extremely thankful

Y estoy extremadamente agradecido.

for what you're going to continue to do.

for what you are going to continue to do.

In your name we pray.

In your name we pray.



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