Acahertz presenta: Kasabian con Mónica López


PoDcAsTs AcAhErTz™

Acahertz presenta: Kasabian con Mónica López

PoDcAsTs AcAhErTz™

Podcast Akahertz, 200 esquemas auditivos, presenta

Podcast Akahertz, 200 auditory schemes, presents.

Especial Akahertz 2019

Akahertz Special 2019

Hola, yo soy Moniló en una colaboración especial para el noveno aniversario de Akahertz

Hello, I am Moniló in a special collaboration for the ninth anniversary of Akahertz.

La semilla de Cazabian

The seed of Cazabian

Radiohead, Oasis, The Verve, Blur, The Sun Roses

Radiohead, Oasis, The Verve, Blur, The Sun Roses

y una lista enorme de bandas forjaron la oleada musical inglesa de los 90

And a huge list of bands forged the English music wave of the 90s.

y dejó escuela que influyó a otros más

and left a school that influenced many others

no solo en la imagen del típico atuendo del chico malo de los suburbios bajos

not only in the image of the typical bad boy outfit from the low suburbs

sino también fueron una nueva fuente de inspiración

but they also became a new source of inspiration

que terminó en la formación de más grupos durante la primera década del siglo XXI como Cazabian

that led to the formation of more groups during the first decade of the 21st century such as Cazabian

Esta banda se formó en la ciudad de Leicester, la cual está llena de extranjeros

This band was formed in the city of Leicester, which is full of foreigners.

En 1997 hicieron sus pininos y se presentaron bajo el nombre de Saracus

In 1997 they took their first steps and performed under the name Saracus.

Tocaron en los barecitos de su localidad

They played in the little bars of their hometown.

y la alineación se conformaba por el vocalista Tom Magen

and the lineup consisted of the vocalist Tom Magen

el guitarrista de voz de fondo

the background voice guitarist

Sergio Pizorno

Sergio Pizorno

el bajista Chris Edwards

the bassist Chris Edwards

y el otro guitarro Christopher Gallo

and the other guitarist Christopher Gallo

quienes apenas estaban abandonando la adolescencia para convertirse en jóvenes

those who were just leaving adolescence to become young adults

Chris Edwards trabajó como ingeniero de audio

Chris Edwards worked as an audio engineer.

y ayudó por un tiempo en la ecualización de las primeras tocadas

and helped for a time with the equalization of the first performances

Sergio Pizorno, quien desde muy chiquito decidió practicar fútbol soccer

Sergio Pizorno, who decided to play soccer from a very young age.

Por ahí en el camino le dijeron que se volviera rockstar

Along the way, they told him to become a rockstar.

así que siguiendo el consejo incursionó en la música

so following the advice, he ventured into music

y su mayor inspiración fue Noel Gallagher

and his biggest inspiration was Noel Gallagher.

mientras que para Chris Edwards lo es la banda The Verve

while for Chris Edwards it is the band The Verve

De Tom Magen podemos mencionar que es una persona linda

From Tom Magen, we can mention that he is a nice person.

altruista y siempre anda en búsqueda de causas para beneficiarlas

altruistic and always seeking causes to support them

mientras que de Chris Harlow, quien escribía la letra de las rolas

while Chris Harlow was writing the lyrics to the songs

tenía una personalidad bastante extrovertida

he had quite an extroverted personality

Sí, es Linda Casilla

Yes, it is Linda Casilla.

el personaje y nombre de la chica que inspiró a Chris Harlow

the character and name of the girl who inspired Chris Harlow

para cambiar de nombre de Syracuse a Casilla

to change the name from Syracuse to Casilla

Deben saber que esta chica formó parte del clan de uno de los asesinos

They must know that this girl was part of the clan of one of the assassins.

más buscados en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica

most wanted in the United States of America

el de Charles Manson

the one by Charles Manson

quien fundó una comuna llamada The Manson Family

Who founded a commune called The Manson Family?

establecida en California durante la década de los 60

established in California during the 1960s

Así es

That's right.

Ahora escuchemos algo de su primer material

Now let's listen to something from their first material.

Esta canción se llama Reason is Reason

This song is called Reason is Reason.

Focus on the House

Focus on the House

You come the morning and I say goodbye to ya

You come in the morning and I say goodbye to you.

You come the morning and I say goodbye

You come in the morning and I say goodbye.

But I don't turn around

Pero no me doy la vuelta.

Cause the reason is true

Because the reason is true.

The reason is true

The reason is true.

You come the morning and I say goodbye to ya

You come in the morning and I say goodbye to you.

You come the morning and I say goodbye

You come in the morning and I say goodbye.

But I don't turn around

Pero no me doy la vuelta.

Cause the reason is true

Because the reason is true.

See the stones coming at my window

See the stones coming at my window.

See the left man no protection

See the man on the left has no protection.

Tell his family that he won't be okay

Tell his family that he won't be okay.



Check the angles from the window

Check the angles from the window.

Watch out for the

Watch out for the

You come the morning and I say goodbye to ya

You come in the morning and I say goodbye to you.

You come the morning and I say goodbye

You come in the morning and I say goodbye.

But I don't turn around

Pero no me doy la vuelta.

Cause the reason is true

Because the reason is true.

You come the morning and I say goodbye to ya

You come in the morning and I say goodbye to you.



Todos con un track escondido que se escucha

Everyone with a hidden track that can be heard.

en la última rola.

in the last song.

Cassevian tuvo un gran éxito con su primer material

Cassevian had great success with their first material.

y rápidamente les llovieron giras

and quickly they were flooded with tours

en las que, por cierto, participaron

in which, by the way, they participated

distintos bateristas. Pero al final,

different drummers. But in the end,

en Bristol, cuando entraron en contacto con el baterista

In Bristol, when they came into contact with the drummer.

Ian Matthews, hicieron click

Ian Matthews, they clicked.

y les gustó tanto que le pidieron que se quedara en la banda.

And they liked him so much that they asked him to stay in the band.

Exacto, consiguieron baterista,

Exactly, they got a drummer.

aunque perdieron al guitarrista.

although they lost the guitarist.

Esa brillante y escalofriantemente de Chris

That brilliant and chilling one by Chris.

Karloff terminó en diferencias creativas

Karloff ended up with creative differences.

con el resto de sus compañeros, quienes

with the rest of his/her companions, who

lo invitaron amablemente a que se retirara del

They kindly invited him to leave the

grupo. Aunque también ya tenía broncas

group. Although I already had problems too.

personales muy intensas, lo cual

very intense personal experiences, which

hicieron que se dificultara mucho más

they made it much more difficult

la relación. Sin embargo, todavía grabó

the relationship. However, it was still recorded

el sintetizador y algunas guitarras

the synthesizer and some guitars

para las canciones del segundo disco, que son

for the songs of the second album, which are

Empire, Stuntman y By My Side,

Empire, Stuntman, and By My Side,

la cual vamos a escuchar en este momento.

which we are going to listen to right now.

Empire, Stuntman y By My Side

Empire, Stuntman, and By My Side

Step out of the shadows

Step out of the shadows

Send the children to their seats

Send the children to their seats.

You create these zombies

You create these zombies.

Just to keep them from their fate

Solo para mantenerlos alejados de su destino.

No can be done by the way you are

It can't be done the way you are.

Come on, by my side

Come on, by my side.

Come on, both sides

Come on, both sides.

Come on

Come on

No hay retaliación, dijeron los poetas a su niño

There is no retaliation, the poets said to their child.

Separate los héroes y comete tu peor pecado

Separate the heroes and commit your worst sin.

Y todo está puesto de lado, quiero terminar cuando empiezas

And everything is set aside, I want to finish when you start.

Voy a coger los números, puedes tomar mi corazón

I'm going to take the numbers, you can take my heart.

Vení, por mi lado

Come, by my side.

Vení, de ambos lados

Come, from both sides.

Vení, por mi lado

Come, by my side.

Vení, de ambos lados

Come, from both sides.

No hay retaliación, dijeron los poetas a su niño

There is no retaliation, the poets said to their child.

Separate los héroes y comete tu peor pecado

Separate the heroes and commit your worst sin.

No hay retaliación, dijeron los poetas a su niño

There is no retaliation, the poets said to their child.

Y todo está puesto de lado, quiero terminar cuando empiezas

And everything is set aside, I want to finish when you start.

Voy a coger los números, puedes tomar mi corazón

I'm going to take the numbers, you can take my heart.

Vení, por mi lado

Come, on my side.

Vení, de ambos lados

Come, from both sides.

Vení, por mi lado

Come, by my side.

Vení, de ambos lados

Come, from both sides.

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