El perdon

Juan Ramos

Podcast Sermones Adventistas

El perdon

Podcast Sermones Adventistas

Good morning. Glad to see you all bright and shiny.

Good morning. Glad to see you all bright and shiny.

Gusto de verles tan temprano por esta mañana.

It's a pleasure to see you so early this morning.

Are you glad that God is willing to forgive you?

Are you glad that God is willing to forgive you?

¿No les da gusto que Dios está dispuesto a perdonarles?

Doesn’t it make you happy that God is willing to forgive you?

Are you willing to forgive each other?

Are you willing to forgive each other?

¿Están dispuestos a perdonarse unos a otros?

Are you willing to forgive each other?

Have you ever done anything to hurt anybody?

Have you ever done anything to hurt anyone?

¿Alguna vez has hecho algo que lastime a algún prójimo?

Have you ever done something that hurt a fellow human?

Hopefully they forgave you.

Hopefully, they forgave you.

Espero que les hayan perdonado.

I hope they have forgiven them.

Has anyone ever hurt you?

Has anyone ever hurt you?

¿Alguien te ha lastimado a ti?

Has someone hurt you?

Have they ever talked about you?

Have they ever talked about you?

¿Alguna vez han hablado acerca de ti?

Have they ever talked about you?

Or betrayed you?

Or did it betray you?

¿Te han traicionado?

Have you been betrayed?

Or done something vicious and mean?

Or done something vicious and mean?

¿Han hecho algo malo?

Have they done something wrong?

The Bible says that we must learn to forgive no matter what.

The Bible says that we must learn to forgive no matter what.

Dice la Biblia que debemos aprender a perdonar no importa lo que te hayan hecho.

The Bible says that we must learn to forgive no matter what they have done to you.

Not just for the other person.

Not just for the other person.

No solo por la otra persona.

Not just for the other person.

But especially for you.

Pero especialmente para ti.

Sin embargo, en forma especial para ti.

However, in a special way for you.

When someone hurts you.

When someone hurts you.

Cuando alguien te lastima.

When someone hurts you.

And you refuse to forgive them.

And you refuse to forgive them.

Y tú no les quieres perdonar.

And you don't want to forgive them.

It's like an acid that eats away.

It's like an acid that erodes.

At your character.

At your character.

Es como si fuera un ácido que come tu carácter.

It's like it's an acid that eats away at your character.

You need to let it go.

You need to let it go.

Debes soltarlo.

You must let it go.

There's a story in the Bible.

Hay una historia en la Biblia.

A parable of Jesus.

A parable of Jesus.

Hay una parábola de Jesús en la Biblia.

There is a parable of Jesus in the Bible.

That illustrates this truth.

That illustrates this truth.

Que ilustra esta verdad.

That illustrates this truth.

Go with me if you have your Bibles.

Go with me if you have your Bibles.

Si tienen sus Biblias, acompáñenme.

If you have your Bibles, join me.

To the book of Matthew, please.

To the book of Matthew, please.

En el libro según Mateo.

In the book according to Matthew.

Chapter 18.

Chapter 18.

Capítulo 18.

Chapter 18.

Verse 21.

Verse 21.

Versículo 21.

Verse 21.

Pedro llegó ante Jesús y le hizo una pregunta muy sencilla.

Peter arrived before Jesus and asked him a very simple question.

¿Cuántas veces perdonaré a mi hermano?

How many times will I forgive my brother?

Que peque contra mí.

Let him sin against me.

Hasta siete veces.

Up to seven times.

You see, in the minds of the Jewish people.

You see, in the minds of the Jewish people.

En la mente del pueblo judío.

In the mind of the Jewish people.

Dios solo perdonó tres veces.

God only forgave three times.

Como el béisbol.

Like baseball.

Básico tres veces y estás fuera.

Basic three times and you're out.

Tenían una idea diferente de lo que era el pecado.

They had a different idea of what sin was.

Pensaban en el pecado en estas ofensas muy grandes.

They thought of sin in these very great offenses.

Pero como el rey David.

But like King David.

Cuando pecó con Bathsheba.

When he sinned with Bathsheba.

Y cuando él hizo el censo en Israel.

And when he conducted the census in Israel.

Vieron esto como dos ofensas mayores.

They saw this as two major offenses.

Así que todavía se le podía perdonar.

So he could still be forgiven.

Pero el rey Saúl fue culpable de tres rebeliones.

But King Saul was guilty of three rebellions.

Así que Dios quitó el Espíritu Santo y se suicidó.

So God took away the Holy Spirit and committed suicide.

Y Dios le quitó el Espíritu Santo y él se suicidó.

And God took the Holy Spirit away from him and he committed suicide.

Tenían una concepción equivocada acerca del pecado.

They had a misguided conception about sin.

Cuando llegó Jesús.

When Jesus arrived.

Él explicó que el pecado no es simplemente una acción.

He explained that sin is not simply an action.

Es una actitud.

It's an attitude.

Uno no peca solamente con la conducta.

One does not sin only with behavior.

Puedes pecar con el pensamiento.

You can sin with your thoughts.

A decir verdad, la mayoría de los pecados inician con el pensamiento.

To tell the truth, most sins begin with thought.

Puedes pecar con solamente mirar al sexo opuesto y tener lujuria en el corazón.

You can sin just by looking at the opposite sex and having lust in your heart.

O pensar pensamientos de asesinato en cuanto a otra persona.

Or to think murderous thoughts about another person.

¿Qué harías

What would you do?

si tuvieras un pequeño video en tu cabeza

if you had a small video in your head

si tuvieras una pequeña pantallita de video en la frente

if you had a small video screen on your forehead

y todo el mundo pudiera ver lo que estás pensando?

And what if everyone could see what you are thinking?

No saldrías a ninguna parte

You wouldn't go anywhere.

o te portarías un sombrero de aquellos, ¿verdad?

Or you would wear one of those hats, right?

Porque todos sabemos

Because we all know.

que hay cosas que pasan por nuestra mente

that there are things that go through our mind

que nunca querríamos que nadie sepa.

that we would never want anyone to know.

Que jamás quisiera que nadie sepa.

That I would never want anyone to know.

Jesucristo explicó que el perdón va más allá de las acciones.

Jesus Christ explained that forgiveness goes beyond actions.

Así que Pedro pensó que Jesús es muy misericordioso.

So Peter thought that Jesus is very merciful.

No le voy a preguntar si solamente tres veces.

I am not going to ask him if only three times.

Pero le dijo, Señor, tal vez deberíamos perdonar siete veces.

But he said to him, Lord, maybe we should forgive seven times.

Señor, tal vez deberíamos perdonar siete veces.

Lord, perhaps we should forgive seven times.

vieron a un profesional

they saw a professional

siete veces

seven times

y él pensó

and he thought

que Jesús

that Jesus

iba a decir

I was going to say

bien, Pedro

good, Pedro

estás obteniendo

you are getting

la imagen ahora

the image now

oh, eres tan generoso

oh, you are so generous



pero eso no es

but that is not

lo que Jesús dijo

what Jesus said

Jesús no lo dijo

Jesus didn't say it.

no te digo

I won't tell you.

hasta siete veces

up to seven times

sino aún

but still

hasta setenta

up to seventy

veces siete

times seven

ahora eso no significa

now that doesn't mean

que Dios

that God

tiene una gran

has a great



eso no significa

that doesn't mean

que Dios

that God

tiene un listado

he has a list



y está haciendo

and is doing

una marquita

a little mark

cada transgresión

each transgression

y cuando llegas

and when do you arrive

a las cuatrocientos

to the four hundred

ochenta y nueve


te queda un solo

you have only one left



y después de eso

and after that

estás frito

you're fried

Dios no lo hace

God does not do it.

de esa manera

in that way

¿por qué dijo

Why did he/she say?

setenta veces siete?

seventy times seven?

ese es un número

that is a number



de perdón

of forgiveness

sin límites

without limits

ese es un número

that is a number



de el perdón

of forgiveness

sin límites

without limits

cuando los israelitas

when the Israelites

estaban cautivos

they were captives

en Babilonia

in Babylon

Daniel oraba

Daniel was praying.



¿todavía podrás

Will you still be able to?

perdonar a tu pueblo?

forgive your people?

¿cuándo vendrá

When will he/she come?

el Mesías?

the Messiah?

Él es el gran

He is the great one.



y el Señor

and the Lord

y el tiempo

and the time

que se le había dado

that had been given to him/her

fue setenta

it was seventy

veces siete

times seven



y ahí vendría

and there it would come

el Mesías

the Messiah

el gran perdonador

the great forgiver

y cuando Jesús

and when Jesus

le dijo a Pedro

he told Pedro

deberías perdonar

you should forgive

setenta veces siete

seventy times seven

Él no quería decir

He didn't want to say.


four hundred

noventa veces

ninety times

de perdón

of forgiveness




four hundred

años de perdón

years of forgiveness

y ese número

and that number

apunta al

aims at



que Cristo

that Christ

es el que perdona

he is the one who forgives

con la perdonación

with the pardon



ahora algunos

now some

podrían pensar

they could think

oh, eso es bueno

oh, that's good


to know it

cada vez que peco

every time I sin

Dios me va a perdonar

God is going to forgive me.

no es tan simple

it's not that simple

no es tan sencillo

it's not that simple

como eso

like that

cada vez que pecas

every time you sin

y te arrepientes

and you regret it

en forma genuina

in a genuine way

Él te perdonará

He will forgive you.

el peligro no es

the danger is not

que no te vaya a perdonar

that I won't forgive you

el peligro es

the danger is

que entre más veces

that the more times

pecas en forma

freckles in shape



puedes perder

you can lose

la habilidad

the ability

de arrepentirse

of regretting

puedes desarrollar

can you develop

un caos

a chaos

en tus oídos espirituales

in your spiritual ears

así que no escuchas

so you don't listen

la voz del Espíritu Santo

the voice of the Holy Spirit

para dejar de escuchar

to stop listening

la voz del Espíritu Santo

the voice of the Holy Spirit

podrías llegar a ser

you could become

tan bueno en pecar

so good at sinning

que puedes perder

what you can lose

la capacidad

the capacity

de la convicción

of the conviction

del pecado

of sin

cuando pecas

when you sin

debería doler

it should hurt

y no puedes

and you can't

es muy peligroso

it is very dangerous

cuando haces algo malo

when you do something bad

y no te molesta

and it doesn't bother you

la conciencia

the consciousness

si tus padres

if your parents

y tienes un hijo

and you have a son

que miente una y otra vez

that lies time and time again

o cada vez que van a la tienda

or every time they go to the store

se meten cosas en la bolsa

They put things in the bag.

y tú le dices

and you tell him/her

eso no es bueno

that is not good

no lo hagas hijo

Don't do it, son.

y ellos no tienen

and they do not have

ningún sentido de vergüenza

no sense of shame

o remorso

the remorse

y ellos no tienen

and they do not have

nada de vergüenza

no shame

ni sienten culpabilidad

nor do they feel guilt

estás preocupado por ellos

Are you worried about them?

ellos tendrán

they will have

un problema grande

a big problem

sin embargo si mienten

however, they do lie

o roban algo

or they steal something

y si tú le dices

and if you tell him/her

no debes hacer eso

you shouldn't do that

y empiezan a llorar

and they start to cry

significa que todavía

it means that still

está hablando su corazón

your heart is speaking

hay esperanza

there is hope

sin embargo si se endurece

however, if it hardens

su corazón

your heart

y no sienten

and they don't feel



ese es el peligro

that is the danger

Dios siempre nos quiere perdonar

God always wants to forgive us.

pero no debiéramos

but we shouldn't

tomar ventaja

take advantage

de su misericordia

of his mercy

como la mafia

like the mafia

van y matan a alguien

they go and kill someone

y luego van a la iglesia

and then they go to church

caen de rodillas

they fall to their knees

y dicen una Ave María

and they say a Hail Mary

y dicen

and they say

ok, tengo una licencia fresca

ok, I have a fresh license.

para matar

to kill

y dicen bueno, ahora tengo una licencia fresca

And they say, well, now I have a fresh license.

otra licencia para seguir matando

another license to keep killing

eso no es arrepentimiento

that is not repentance

el verdadero arrepentimiento

true repentance

tiene que ver con el

it has to do with him

sentir dolor por el pecado

to feel sorrow for sin

y la disposición

and the disposition

de darle la espalda al pecado

of turning one's back on sin

así que Jesús

so Jesus

ilustra el perdón

illustrates forgiveness

con una parábola

with a parable

Mateo 18, 23

Matthew 18:23

por lo tanto


el reino de los cielos

the kingdom of heaven

es como un rey

It's like a king.

que quería hacer cuentas

that I wanted to do some calculations

con sus siervos

with their servants

y cuando comenzó

and when it started

a hacer cuentas

to do the math

fue traído a él

was brought to him

que le debía

that I owed him/her

10.000 talentos

10,000 talents

¿saben lo que es un talento?

Do you know what a talent is?

en Hebreo

in Hebrew

y no están incluso seguros

and they are not even sure

un talento

a talent

y no están demasiado seguros

and they are not too sure

era entre

it was between

56 libras

56 pounds

ahora esos talentos

now those talents

podrían ser talentos de plata

they could be silver talents

o talentos de oro

or golden talents

¿pueden imaginar

Can you imagine?

que le deban a alguien

that they owe to someone

10.000 talentos

10,000 talents

de oro?

of gold?

¿quién es lo que es deberle a alguien

Who is it that owes someone?

10.000 talentos

10,000 talents

pero de oro?

but of gold?

y cada uno de ellos

and each one of them

son 50 libras

It's 50 pounds.

de oro

of gold

eso sería

that would be

en algún lugar


en el barrio

in the neighborhood

de 52 millones de dólares

of 52 million dollars

sería más o menos

it would be more or less

unos 52 millones de dólares

about 52 million dollars

si le debieras a alguien

if you owed someone

52 millones de dólares

52 million dollars

¿podrías pagarlo?

Could you pay for it?

déjame ver tus manos

let me see your hands

porque después quiero visitar con ti más tarde

because later I want to visit with you.

hazme una ofrenda

make me an offering

para mi ministerio

for my ministry

así que Jesús

so Jesus

hablaba de este siervo

I was talking about this servant.

trabajaba en el palacio

I worked in the palace.

de un rey muy rico

of a very rich king

y tal vez

and maybe

era responsable

was responsible

de sus finanzas

of your finances

pero desperdiciaba su dinero

but he was wasting his money

tal vez tenía un problema

maybe I had a problem

de juego

of game

o tenía un negocio

I had a business.

o tenía una adicción

I had an addiction.

a hacer compras

to do shopping

y cuando debía trabajar para el rey

and when I had to work for the king

estaba en el mall

I was at the mall.

haciendo compras


y a través de los años

and over the years

fue aumentando una deuda tremenda

a tremendous debt was accumulating

y se preocupaba

and was worried

que algún día el rey se daría cuenta

that one day the king would realize

que desperdiciaba su dinero

that wasted his money

y así fue

and thus it was


it happened

el rey

the king

hizo una auditoría

he conducted an audit

encontraron que faltaba tanta plata

they found that so much money was missing

todos los dedos

all the fingers

apuntaban a este señor

they were pointing at this gentleman

lo trajeron frente al rey

They brought him in front of the king.

le mostraron los libros

They showed him the books.

le dijeron

they told him/her

has desperdiciado

you have wasted

10.000 talentos del dinero del rey

10,000 talents of the king's money

debes pagarlo y ahora

you must pay it and now

y se puso a llorar

and started to cry

y le dijo

and he said to him

no tengo el dinero

I don't have the money.

y el rey dijo

And the king said



agarren a su familia y a sus hijos

Grab your family and your children.


bring them

traigan todas sus posesiones

bring all your possessions

todo el dinero en su banco

all the money in your bank

vendan todas sus cosas

Sell all your things.

vendan a su familia como esclavos

sell your family as slaves

envíenlo a la prisión

Send him to prison.

donde él será torturado

where he will be tortured

por su deuda

for her debt

y el hombre se puso a llorar

and the man started to cry

él vio que se llevaban a su mujer

He saw them taking his wife away.

la iban a vender

they were going to sell her

a formar parte del harén

to become part of the harem

de otra persona

of another person

se vendían a sus hijos

they were selling their children

como esclavos

like slaves


they said

papá, papá

dad, dad

le llevaban todas las cosas

they took all the things away from her

de su casa

from his house

todas sus posesiones preciosas

all his precious possessions

y el hombre le rogó al rey

and the man begged the king

por favor


ten misericordia de mí

have mercy on me

ten paciencia conmigo

have patience with me

te lo voy a pagar todo

I am going to pay you back for everything.

y la Biblia dice

and the Bible says

que el rey fue movido a compasión

that the king was moved to compassion

y él dijo

and he said

ok, te digo lo que voy a hacer

Okay, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

te voy a perdonar tu deuda

I am going to forgive your debt.



es muy misericordioso

he is very merciful

el rey ni siquiera

the king doesn't even

desarrolló un programa de pago

developed a payment program

dice que le perdonó la deuda

he says he forgiven the debt

le dijo al contador

he told the accountant

que borrara la cuenta

that will delete the account

y lo perdonó por completo

and she forgave him completely

es lo que Dios hace con nosotros

It is what God does with us.

tú tienes una deuda

you have a debt

que no puedes pagar

that you cannot afford

el rey le dijo a la deuda

the king said to the debt

el rey dice yo lo pagaré

the king says I will pay for it

voy a sufrir esa pérdida

I am going to suffer that loss.

por tu mala conducta

for your bad behavior

en este momento tenemos un problema

At this moment we have a problem.

como es en Norteamérica

What is it like in North America?

hubo personas de inversiones

there were investment people

muy avaras

very stingy

en la industria

in the industry

de las casas

of the houses

y ellos se fueron a la casa

and they went home

donde había mucha gente pobre

where there were many poor people

y les vendieron casas

and they sold them houses

que no podían pagar

that they could not pay

luego cambiaron los registros

then they changed the records

y le vendieron

and they sold him

estas deudas a los bancos

these debts to the banks

y los bancos no percibieron

and the banks did not notice

que no lo iban a poder pagar

that they were not going to be able to pay it

así que estas personas

so these people

de bienes raíces

of real estate

se metieron todo el dinero

They took all the money.

en sus bolsas

in their bags

y se metieron todo el dinero

and they took all the money

en sus bolsas

in their bags

y salieron sonriendo

and they left smiling

con el tiempo

over time

los bancos se dieron cuenta

the banks realized

que los pobres

that the poor

no podrían pagar sus casas

they couldn't pay for their houses

y los bancos

and the banks

se les acabó la plata

They ran out of money.

pero las personas

but the people

de bienes raíces

of real estate

que son un ejército

what are an army

de ladrones

of thieves

siguen con su dinero

they continue with their money

ahora el gobierno

now the government

tiene que pagar

you have to pay

su mala conducta

her misbehavior

porque gastaron su dinero

because they spent their money

y ahora los contribuyentes

and now the taxpayers

tienen que pagar

they have to pay

y ustedes lo tienen que pagar

and you all have to pay for it

todo el mundo ahora

everyone now

lo tiene que pagar

You have to pay for it.

el rey dijo

the king said

yo voy a cubrir esa deuda

I am going to cover that debt.

y aquí es donde

and here is where

se hace sorprendente

it becomes surprising

la historia

the story

ese mismo siervo

that very servant

salió de la presencia

he left the presence

del rey

of the king

salió de la presencia

he went out from the presence

del rey

of the king

y en vez de salir

and instead of going out

brincando de felicidad

jumping with happiness

salió enojado

he left angry

bueno pues hay gente

Well, there are people.

que me debe a mí también

that owes me too

yo sé que el rey

I know that the king

me perdonó

he forgave me

pero yo no estaría

but I wouldn't be

en tantos problemas

in so many problems

hay gente que yo les

There are people that I...

presté dinero

I lent money.

y no me lo han pagado

and they haven't paid me for it

así que fue

so it was

encontró un amigo

he found a friend

que le pagó

that he/she paid him/her

que le debía

that I owed him/her

unos cuarenta y dos dólares

about forty-two dollars

y lo agarró

and he caught it

de la ropa

of the clothes

de la garganta

from the throat

y le dijo

and he said to him

¿dónde está mi dinero?

Where is my money?

y su amigo dijo

and his friend said

ten paciencia conmigo

have patience with me

te lo voy a pagar todo

I will pay you everything.

su amigo le dijo

his friend told him

exactamente lo mismo

exactly the same

que este siervo

that this servant

sin misericordia

without mercy

le habían dicho al rey

they had told the king

pero él no quiso

but he didn't want to

tener misericordia

to have mercy

y lo metió a prisión

and he put him in prison

para que fuera torturado

so that he/she would be tortured

por cuarenta y dos dólares

for forty-two dollars

¿quién tiene cuarenta y dos dólares?

Who has forty-two dollars?

come on

come on

algunos de los estudiantes

some of the students

no tienen nada

they have nothing

no te voy a pedir el dinero

I'm not going to ask you for the money.

no te preocupes

don't worry

pero si tienes unos

but if you have some

cuarenta y dos pesos

forty-two pesos

antes de la final de la semana

before the final of the week

¿cuántos de ustedes

how many of you

podrían obtenerlo?

Could you obtain it?

¿cuántos de ustedes

How many of you

podrían conseguirlo?

Could you get it?

oh come on

oh come on

you're not that poor

you're not that poor

no son tan pobres

they are not that poor

could you borrow it?

Could you borrow it?

¿cuarenta y dos dólares?

Forty-two dollars?

cuatrocientos pesos

four hundred pesos

your students are really poor here

Your students are really poor here.

son muy pobres los alumnos

The students are very poor.

si yo no tuviese ningún centavo

if I didn't have a cent

en la bolsa

in the bag

I'm pretty resourceful

Soy bastante ingenioso.

yo tengo varios recursos

I have several resources.

yo encontraría la manera

I would find a way.

de conseguir cuarenta y dos dólares

to get forty-two dollars

en veinticuatro horas

in twenty-four hours

come on

come on

you're smart

you're smart

you're at a university

you're at a university

ustedes son inteligentes

You are intelligent.

están en la carrera

They are in the race.

I'm a high school dropout

I'm a high school dropout.

yo salí de la escuela

I left school.


high school

this man

este hombre

would not forgive his brother

would not forgive his brother

este hombre no quiso

this man did not want

perdonar a su hermano

forgiving his brother

for forty-two dollars

for forty-two dollars

for cuarenta y dos dólares

for forty-two dollars

and you can pay back

y puedes devolver.

forty-two dollars

forty-two dollars

you can pay back

you can pay back

it's not insurmountable

it's not insurmountable

no es una cantidad

it is not an amount

que no se consiga

that it cannot be achieved

but if you want

pero si quieres

fifty-two million dollars

fifty-two million dollars

pero si quieres

but if you want

cincuenta y dos millones

fifty-two million

de dólares

of dollars

I can't help you

I can't help you.

yo no te puedo ayudar

I can't help you.

you know what this story

Do you know what this story is about?



es lo que ilustra

it is what illustrates

esta historia

this story

the king was willing

the king was willing

to forgive

to forgive

that man

ese hombre

el rey estuvo dispuesto

the king was willing

a perdonar a este hombre

to forgive this man

ten thousand talents

ten thousand talents

diez mil talentos

ten thousand talents

that represents

that represents

the distance

the distance

between the earth

between the earth

and the sun

and the sun

eso representa

that represents

la distancia

the distance

entre la tierra

between the earth

y el sol

and the sun

it's like ninety-three

es como noventa y tres

million miles

millón de millas

between the earth

between the earth

and the sun

and the sun

como noventa y tres

like ninety-three

millones de millas

millions of miles

entre la tierra

between the land

y el sol

and the sun

that's how much

eso es lo que vale

God is willing

Dios está dispuesto.

to forgive you and me

to forgive you and me

tanto así

so much so

está dispuesto Dios

God is willing.

de perdonarte a ti y a mí

to forgive you and me

that represents

that represents

your sins

tus pecados

against God

contra Dios

representa tu pecado

represent your sin

contra Dios

against God

ninety-three million miles

ninety-three million miles

noventa y tres millones

ninety-three million

de millas

of miles



the sins

the sins



that man

ese hombre

and his fellow servant

y su compañero servidor

that other dead

that other dead

y la otra deuda

and the other debt

los pecados

the sins

entre ese hombre

between that man

y su consiervo

and his fellow servant

that represents

that represents

un pulgada

one inch

one inch

one inch

una pulgada

one inch



representa una pulgada

represents an inch

and he would not

y él no lo haría

forgive his brother

forgive his brother

one inch

one inch

y no quiso

and he/she did not want to

perdonar a su hermano

to forgive his brother

una pulgada

one inch

God is willing

Dios está dispuesto.

to forgive us

to forgive us

the distance

the distance

between the earth

between the earth

and the sun

and the sun

Dios está dispuesto

God is willing.

a perdonar

to forgive

la distancia

the distance

de la tierra

from the earth

al sol

to the sun

and sometimes

y a veces

we're not willing

we're not willing

to forgive each other

perdonarse mutuamente

one inch

one inch

y a veces

and sometimes

que nosotros

that we

no nos queremos

we don't love each other


to forgive

ni una pulgada

not an inch



listen to this story here

listen to this story here

escuchen esta historia

listen to this story

por favor


he said that

he said that

when the fellow servants

when the fellow servants

learned of this

learned of this

I mean

I mean

now let me see here

Ahora déjame ver aquí.

verse 31

verse 31


I'm sorry.

el versículo 31

the verse 31

viendo sus consiervos

seeing his fellow servants

lo que pasaba

what was happening

they were very grieved

They were very grieved.

se entristecieron mucho

they became very sad

these are the angels

these are the angels

son los ángeles

they are the angels

and they went and told

and they went and told

their master

su amo

all that had been done

todo lo que se había hecho

y fueron y refirieron

and they went and reported

a su señor

to his lord

todo lo que había pasado

everything that had happened

and the master

and the master

after he had called

después de que él había llamado

this wicked servant

este malvado siervo

entonces llamándole

so calling him

su señor

your lord

he said

He said.

you wicked servant

you wicked servant

le dijo

he told him/her

siervo malvado

wicked servant

I forgive

I forgive.

you all of that debt

you all of that debt

because you asked me

porque me lo pediste

toda aquella deuda

all that debt

te perdoné

I forgave you.

porque me rogaste

because you begged me

should not you have had

shouldn't you have had

mercy on your fellow servant

mercy on your fellow servant

just as I had pity on you

just as I had pity on you

no debías también

you shouldn't have either

tú tener misericordia

you have mercy

con tu consiervo

with your fellow servant

como yo tuve misericordia

as I had mercy

con de ti

with you

you know

you know

God freely forgives us

Dios nos perdona libremente.

because we ask him

porque le preguntamos

Dios nos perdona libremente

God forgives us freely.

porque se lo pedimos

because we asked for it

but if the truth is told

but if the truth is told

sin embargo


si hablamos de la verdad

if we talk about the truth

when someone hurts us

when someone hurts us

cuando alguien nos lastima

when someone hurts us

we're very selfish

we're very selfish

somos bastante egoístas

we are quite selfish

we're almost hoping

we're almost hoping

something bad

algo malo

will happen to them

will happen to them

hasta esperamos

until we wait

que algo malo

that something bad

le suceda a esa persona

happens to that person

in our mind

en nuestra mente

we imagine these

we imagine these

terrible things

terrible things

en nuestra mente

in our mind

nos imaginamos

we imagine

cosas terribles

terrible things

and if something bad

and if something bad

happens to them

happens to them

y si algo malo

and if something bad

le sucede

it happens to him/her

ah, we're happy inside

ah, estamos felices por dentro

ah, mira lo malo

Ah, look at the bad thing.

que le pasó

What happened to him/her?

we get vengeance

we get vengeance

tenemos venganza

we have revenge

it's like that

it's like that

years ago

years ago

es como ese hombre

it's like that man

hace muchos años

many years ago

before they discovered

antes de que descubrieran

the cure for rabies

the cure for rabies

antes de descubrir

before discovering

la cura para la rabia

the cure for rabies

you know what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

you know if you get bit

you know if you get bitten

by a rabid dog

por un perro rabioso

si uno lo muerde

if one bites it

un perro rabioso

a rabid dog

in two or three days

in two or three days

you are affected

you are affected

by hydrophobia

by hydrophobia

en dos o tres días

in two or three days

serás afectado

you will be affected

por la hidrophobia

for the hydrophobia

and you are contagious

and you are contagious

y eres contagioso

and you are contagious

and one day

y un día

this man was bit

this man was bitten

by a rabid dog

por un perro rabioso

un día

one day

este hombre fue mordido

this man was bitten

por un perro con rabia

for a rabid dog

and the doctor said

and the doctor said

you've only got

you've only got

three days to live

tres días de vida

el doctor le dijo

the doctor told him/her

tienes solamente

you have only

tres días para vivir

three days to live

so the man took a paper

so the man took a paper

and he began to write

y comenzó a escribir

very quickly

very quickly

así que el hombre

so the man

agarró un papel

he grabbed a piece of paper

y empezó a escribir

and started to write



and the doctor said

and the doctor said

are you writing

Are you writing?

your will out?

¿Tu testamento está listo?

estás escribiendo

you are writing

tu testamento?

your will?

le preguntó el médico

the doctor asked him

he said no

he said no

I'm making a list

Estoy haciendo una lista.

of all the people

of all the people

I'm going to bite

I'm going to bite.

before I die

before I die

voy a estar haciendo

I will be doing

la lista de tantas personas

the list of so many people

que voy a morder

that I'm going to bite

antes de morir

before dying

and that's something

y eso es algo

how the devil is

how the devil is

y así es el diablo

and that is how the devil is

it says in Revelation

It says in Revelation.

chapter 12

chapter 12

lo dice Apocalipsis 12

It says in Revelation 12.

that the devil

that the devil

has come down

has come down

with great wrath

con gran ira

que el diablo

that the devil

ha bajado

has dropped

con gran maldad

with great wickedness

con gran ira

with great anger

because he knows

porque él sabe

his time is short

his time is short

porque sabe

because it knows

que se le acaba el tiempo

that time is running out for him/her

so he wants to take

so he wants to take

as many people

as many people

with him as he can

con él como puede

to the lake of fire

al lago de fuego

a tantas personas

to so many people

como pueda

as I can

al lago de fuego

to the lake of fire

God is asking us

Dios nos está pidiendo.

to forgive

to forgive

Dios nos pide

God asks us.

que perdonemos

that we forgive

you know there's only

you know there's only

one commentary

one commentary

that Jesus makes

that Jesus makes

on the Lord's prayer

sobre el Padre Nuestro

hay solamente un comentario

There is only one comment.

que hace Jesús

What is Jesus doing?

sobre la oración

about the prayer

del Padre Nuestro

of the Our Father

you know in the Lord's prayer

You know in the Lord's Prayer.

en el Padre Nuestro

in the Our Father

it says

it says

forgive us

forgive us

give us our debts

give us our debts

as we forgive

así como perdonamos

our debtors

our debtors

dice perdona

says forgive

nuestras faltas

our faults

como nosotros

like us


we forgive

aquellos que han

those who have

faltado contra nosotros

having wronged us

after Jesus

después de Jesús

teaches the Lord's prayer

teaches the Lord's Prayer

después de enseñar

after teaching

la oración

the sentence

he only makes

he only makes

one commentary

one commentary

hace solamente

only ago

un comentario

a comment

he says

he says

for if you do not

porque si no lo haces

forgive other men

forgive other men

their trespasses

their trespasses

porque si no

because if not

perdonáis a los demás

do you forgive others?

sus pecados

his sins

neither will your

Neither will yours.

Father in Heaven

Padre en el Cielo

forgive you

I forgive you.

your trespasses

your trespasses

tampoco vuestro Padre

nor your Father

que está en los cielos

who is in the heavens

de perdonar los tuyos

of forgiving yours

the forgiveness of God

the forgiveness of God

will not

no lo hará



el perdón de Dios

the forgiveness of God

no crecerá

it will not grow

in a heart

in a heart

where you will not

donde no lo harás

forgive others

forgive others

en un corazón

in a heart

que no está dispuesto

that is not willing

a perdonar a los demás

to forgive others

and it's not easy

y no es fácil

y no es fácil

and it's not easy

when someone hurts you

when someone hurts you

cuando alguien te lastima

when someone hurts you

to just forget about it

to just forget about it

simplemente perdonarlo

just forgive him


forget it

I'll tell you a story

I will tell you a story.

les cuento una historia

I'll tell you a story.

I can't tell this story

I can't tell this story.

in North America

in North America

no puedo contar esta historia

I can't tell this story.

en North America

in North America

so don't you email this up there

so don't email this up there

así que no lo manden

so don't send it

por correo electrónico

by email



de acuerdo




me lo prometen

they promise me

we hired somebody

we hired somebody

to work with us

to work with us

at Amazing Facts

en Hechos Asombrosos

contratamos a alguien

we hired someone

a trabajar con nosotros

to work with us

and we wanted to help them

and we wanted to help them

learn their area of business

learn their area of business

queríamos ayudarle

we wanted to help you

a estas personas

to these people

a aprender

to learn

su área de negocio

your business area

so we spent a lot of money

so we spent a lot of money

training them

training them

entrenamos a las personas

we train people

gastamos mucho dinero

we spend a lot of money

para entrenarlos

to train them

we spent a lot of time

we spent a lot of time

and patience

y paciencia

while they learn

mientras aprenden

dedicamos bastante tiempo

we dedicate quite a bit of time

y paciencia

and patience

mientras aprendían

while they were learning

but they just weren't doing

pero simplemente no estaban haciendo

a very good job

a very good job

pero la persona no hacía

but the person didn't do

un buen trabajo

a good job

and everybody said

y todos dijeron

they were difficult to work with

They were difficult to work with.

y todo el mundo decía

and everyone said

que era una persona

that he was a person

muy difícil con la cual trabajar

very difficult to work with

but we were so patient with them

pero fuimos tan pacientes con ellos

pero fuimos tan pacientes

but we were so patient

paid them very well

les pagó muy bien

les pagamos bien

we pay them well

then we found out

then we found out

that while we were paying them

que mientras les estábamos pagando

luego nos dimos cuenta

then we realized

que mientras les pagábamos

that while we were paying them

they were working for someone else

they were working for someone else

ellos trabajaban

they were working

para otra persona

for another person

on the side

on the side



actually somebody

actually somebody

they were telling our secrets

They were telling our secrets.

to somebody else

a alguien más

es más


le contaban nuestros secretos

they told our secrets

a otra persona

to another person

and really betrayed us

y realmente nos traicionó

y realmente nos traicionaron

and they really betrayed us

so we told them

so we told them

we need to let you go

we need to let you go

así que les dijimos

so we told them

te tendremos que dejar

We will have to let you go.

que te vayas

that you leave

immediately this person

immediately this person

got an attorney

got an attorney

esta persona de inmediato

this person immediately

agarró un abogado

he hired a lawyer

and sued amazing facts

and sued amazing facts

y nos demandó

and sued us

and sued the church

y demandó a la iglesia

y demandó a la iglesia

and sued the church

and just said terrible things

y simplemente dijo cosas terribles

y dijo cosas terribles

and said terrible things

that were not true

that were not true

que no eran verdad

that they were not true

they said that

they said that

well I won't tell you

well I won't tell you

all that

todo eso

but it was very painful to me

but it was very painful for me

because we had been so good to them

porque habíamos sido tan buenos con ellos

we had been so kind to them

we had been so kind to them

and they went and spread terrible rumors

and they went and spread terrible rumors

and were circulating things

and were circulating things

y empezaron a hablar rumores

and rumors started to spread

y circulaban cosas

and things were circulating

and I wanted to tell

and I wanted to tell

what they were really doing

what they were really doing

yo realmente quería decir

I really wanted to say.

lo que estaban haciendo

what they were doing

but I made up my mind

pero tomé una decisión

pero de había decidido

but he had decided

I'm not going to say anything

I'm not going to say anything.

no voy a decir nada

I'm not going to say anything.

and whenever someone asked about them

y cada vez que alguien preguntaba por ellos

y cada vez que alguien hacía una pregunta

and every time someone asked a question

cerca de ellos

near them

I would try to be as nice

I would try to be as nice.

and kind as possible

y tan amable como sea posible

trataba de ser lo más bueno

I tried to be as good as possible.

y lo más bondadoso posible

and as kindly as possible

this legal nonsense

este sinsentido legal

went over for a year

fue durante un año

esta tontería legal

this legal nonsense

llevó más o menos un año

it took about a year

they kept changing attorneys

They kept changing attorneys.

ellos cambiaban de un abogado

they changed from one lawyer

because their attorneys said

porque sus abogados dijeron

they're so difficult to work with

son tan difíciles de trabajar con ellos

porque los abogados decían

because the lawyers said

estas personas son tan difíciles para trabajar

these people are so difficult to work with

no se puede

it can't be done

then one day I was traveling

then one day I was traveling

un día viajaba

One day I was traveling.

cross country

cross country

de un lugar a otro país

from one place to another country

and I was very tired

and I was very tired

muy cansado estaba

I was very tired.

because I fly a lot

porque vuelo mucho

siendo que vuelo mucho

since I fly a lot

they had given me a first class ticket

They had given me a first-class ticket.

me habían dado un boleto

They had given me a ticket.

un asiento en primera clase

a seat in first class

where they, you know, in American planes

donde ellos, ya sabes, en aviones americanos

they don't even feed you in second class

They don't even feed you in second class.

not a comida allá

not a meal there

en segunda clase ni siquiera te dan de comer

In second class, they don't even give you food.

and the seats are bigger

and the seats are bigger

you can lay back

you can lay back

y en primera clase sin embargo

and in first class however

los asientos son más grandes

The seats are bigger.

I can open up my laptop

I can open my laptop.

I can work

I can work

puedo abrir mi computadora y trabajar

I can open my computer and work.

when I stopped in one of these towns

when I stopped in one of these towns

al detener en uno de estos pueblos

when stopping in one of these towns

changing airplanes

cambiando de aviones

cambiando de un avión a otro

changing from one plane to another

there was mi enemigo

there was my enemy

ahí estaba mi enemigo

there was my enemy

they were waiting for a plane

They were waiting for a plane.

ellos también esperaban un avión

They were also waiting for a plane.

sitting right across from me

sitting right across from me

sentado frente a mí

sitting in front of me

going somewhere else

going somewhere else

iban a otra parte

they were going somewhere else

to sue somebody else

to sue someone else

I don't know where they were going

I don't know where they were going.

a demandar a otra persona

to sue another person

quién sabe lo que estaban haciendo

who knows what they were doing

and they looked very tired

and they looked very tired

se veían muy cansados

they looked very tired

and I heard them comment to somebody else

and I heard them comment to somebody else.

escuché que hicieron un comentario a otra persona

I heard that a comment was made to another person.

they were coming back from a funeral

They were coming back from a funeral.

regresaban de un funeral

they were returning from a funeral



de la ultramar, de otro país

from overseas, from another country

and that they had been traveling for many hours

and that they had been traveling for many hours

habían viajado durante muchas horas

they had traveled for many hours

I went to the restroom

I went to the restroom.

fui al baño

I went to the bathroom.

and the Holy Spirit told me something

and the Holy Spirit told me something

y el Espíritu Santo me habló y me dijo algo

And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me something.

he said, Doug

he said, Doug

give them your first class ticket

give them your first class ticket

dales tu asiento de primera clase

give them your first-class seat

you take their second class ticket

you take their second class ticket

tú agarra el de ellos

you grab theirs

el de segunda clase

the one in second class

I said, Lord, I can't hear you very well

I said, Lord, I can't hear you very well.

dije, Señor, no se oye

I said, Lord, it can't be heard.

you're breaking up on me

You're breaking up on me.

I'm losing you

Te estoy perdiendo.

se está rompiendo la comunicación

The communication is breaking down.

no se escucha

it can't be heard

and I heard it again

and I heard it again

y volví a escuchar

and I listened again

Doug, this is me

Doug, este soy yo.

Doug, soy yo

Doug, it's me.

what would Jesus do

What would Jesus do?

que haría Jesús

What would Jesus do?

I said, oh Lord, I'm tired

I said, oh Lord, I'm tired.

Señor, estoy cansado

Sir, I am tired.

it's my miles, my first class ticket

It's my miles, my first-class ticket.

son mis millas, es mi boleto

it’s my miles, it’s my ticket

Jesus said, do you really want to be a Christian?

Jesus dijo, ¿realmente quieres ser cristiano?

Jesucristo me dice, realmente quieres ser cristiano

Jesus Christ is telling me, do you really want to be a Christian?

you are to pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you

You are to pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.

debes orar por aquellos que te usan y te persiguen en forma errónea

You must pray for those who use and persecute you wrongfully.

but, oh Lord, okay

but, oh Lord, okay

it was a struggle for me

it was a struggle for me

vieras que lucha pasé

You wouldn't believe the struggle I went through.

I walked back to the airplane waiting area

I walked back to the airplane waiting area.

just as they were boarding

justo cuando estaban abordando

regresé al lugar

I returned to the place.

justo cuando estaban a punto de abordar

just when they were about to board

I went up to this person who had been very unkind to us

I went up to this person who had been very unkind to us.

llegué con esta persona que se había portado muy mal con nosotros

I arrived with this person who had treated us very badly.

muy deshonesta la persona

very dishonest person

poco cristiana la persona

not very Christian the person

and I said, you know

y yo dije, ya sabes

yo le dije, ¿sabes?

I told him, you know?

I overheard that you're very tired

I overheard that you're very tired.

and you've traveled a lot of time

and you've traveled a lot of time

and you've traveled a long way

and you've traveled a long way

and they looked very stiff

and they looked very stiff

they didn't know what I was going to say

they didn't know what I was going to say

and I said, I want you to have my first class ticket

and I said, I want you to have my first class ticket

and they looked shocked

and they looked shocked

I said, we've already checked in

I said, we've already checked in.

so they're not checking names

so they're not checking names

the flight attendants don't know

the flight attendants don't know

who's sitting in what seat

¿Quién está sentado en qué asiento?

I said, I'll take your seat in the back of the plane

I said, I'll take your seat in the back of the plane.

yo agarro tu asiento en la parte de atrás del avión

I take your seat in the back of the plane.

you take my seat up in first class

You take my seat up in first class.

tú vete a primera clase

you go to first class

and they didn't know what to say

and they didn't know what to say

no sabían qué decir

they didn't know what to say

well, they said, well, thank you

well, they said, well, thank you

pues, gracias

well, thank you

it was very difficult for me

it was very difficult for me

fue muy difícil para mí, eh

It was very difficult for me, eh.

I didn't enjoy it

I didn't enjoy it.

no lo disfruté

I didn't enjoy it.

not at first

not at first

al principio, por lo menos

at least at the beginning

so I gave them my ticket

so I gave them my ticket

les di mi boleto

I gave them my ticket.

and I took their ticket

and I took their ticket

recibí su boleto

I received your ticket.

recibí el de ellos

I received theirs.

en la parte de atrás

in the back

al lado del baño

next to the bathroom

al ir hasta allá atrás

when going all the way back there

y al sentarme

and upon sitting down

allí estuvo alguno de mis miembros de iglesia

There was some of my church members.

en el mismo avión

on the same airplane

una pareja

a couple

y me vieron

and they saw me

y me dijeron, Pastor Doug

and they told me, Pastor Doug

¿qué haces?

What are you doing?

¿sabes quién más nos conocimos

Do you know who else we met?

en este avión?

in this plane?

¿sabes a quién más vimos aquí en el avión?

Do you know who else we saw here on the plane?

vimos a esta persona

we saw this person

ellos debieron haber estado aquí

They should have been here.

detrás de nosotros

behind us

¿qué haces tú aquí?

What are you doing here?

ellos conocían a esta persona

They knew this person.

y sabían que estaba demandando a la iglesia

and they knew that I was suing the church

pues, les di mi boleto de primera clase

Well, I gave them my first-class ticket.

ahora los miembros piensan que soy un santo

Now the members think I'm a saint.

pero lo que estoy llegando a

but what I'm getting to

quiero decir es

I mean it is

me dio la oportunidad

he gave me the opportunity

de testificar

to testify

en favor de Jesús

in favor of Jesus

aquí veo uno de mis miembros

Here I see one of my members.

Joe, si dices algo por esto

Joe, if you say something about this

estás en problemas

you are in trouble



él no va a mencionar esto

He is not going to mention this.



él les puede decir la historia

He can tell them the story.



el Espíritu Santo

the Holy Spirit

me dio una paz inmensa

it gave me immense peace

en el corazón

in the heart

y ¿sabes qué?

And you know what?

recibimos una llamada

we received a call



esta persona dejó su demanda

this person dropped their lawsuit

el Espíritu Santo

the Holy Spirit

también trabajó con ellos

he also worked with them

la Biblia dice

the Bible says

que no puedes vencer al mal con el mal

that you can't defeat evil with evil

vences al mal con el bien

you overcome evil with good

debes orar

You must pray.

por aquellos que se abusan de ti

for those who take advantage of you

orar por aquellos que te tratan mal

pray for those who treat you badly

así como quieres que Dios te perdone

just as you want God to forgive you

también deberías estar dispuesto

you should also be willing

a perdonar a los demás

to forgive others

y el perdón de Dios

and the forgiveness of God

no puede morar en nuestros corazones

it cannot dwell in our hearts

cuando no estamos dispuestos

when we are not willing

a perdonar al prójimo

to forgive one's neighbor

creo que todavía tengo tiempo

I think I still have time.

para una historia más

for one more story

cuando era pastor

when I was a shepherd

de una iglesia pequeña

from a small church

en la montaña

in the mountain

llegó una familia nueva

A new family has arrived.

al pueblo

to the village


Do you know?

puedo contarles todas estas historias

I can tell you all these stories.

porque no conocen a estas personas

because they do not know these people

y era un padre, una madre y dos hijas

And there was a father, a mother, and two daughters.

y él era un automóvil reparador

and he was a repairing car

era una persona que trabajaba

he was a person who worked

en carrocería de automóviles

in automobile bodywork

trataban de establecer su negocio

they were trying to establish their business

ahí en el pueblo

there in the village

y abrieron una nueva cuenta bancaria

and they opened a new bank account

pero la banca no les daría ningún crédito

but the bank would not give them any credit

porque eran nuevos en la ciudad

because they were new to the city

así que llegó el hombre conmigo

so the man came to me

me dice, pastor Doug

"he tells me, Pastor Doug"

queremos establecernos aquí en el pueblo

We want to settle here in the town.

pero tengo este cheque

but I have this check

que viene de la compañía de seguros

that comes from the insurance company

para pagar un automóvil

to pay for a car

que habíamos reparado

that we had repaired

el banco no me quiere cobrar

the bank doesn't want to charge me

porque nuestra cuenta es nueva

because our account is new

necesitamos que alguien firme

we need someone to sign

junto con nosotros en el cheque

together with us on the check

mire el cheque

Look at the check.

era un cheque

it was a check

parecía de verdad

it seemed real

y dije, bueno, lo firmaré

and I said, well, I'll sign it

yo tengo una cuenta aquí en el pueblo

I have an account here in the village.

eran buena familia

they were a good family

estaban en la iglesia todas las semanas

They were in church every week.

se sentaban aquí al frente

they would sit here in front

el hombre que pagaba el cheque

the man who paid the check

el hombre cantaba hermoso

the man sang beautifully

un par de semanas después

a couple of weeks later

recibí una anotación de mi banco

I received a notification from my bank.

habían sacado $1,500 de mi cuenta

$1,500 had been withdrawn from my account.

porque la compañía de seguros

because the insurance company

había cancelado el cheque

I had canceled the check.

y esta otra familia

and this other family

no tenía los fondos suficientes

I didn't have enough funds.

para cubrirlo

to cover it

no sé cómo te sentirías tú

I don't know how you would feel.

pero ese era el dinero

but that was the money

que íbamos a dar para vacaciones

what we were going to give for vacation

y de repente se fue

and suddenly he/she left

muchas personas en Norteamérica

many people in North America

fueron a sus bancos el mes pasado

they went to their banks last month

o este mes realmente

or this month really

y su dinero se fue

And his money is gone.

es una sensación horrible

It's a horrible feeling.

tu jubilación

your retirement

tus ahorros

your savings

no todo el dinero estaba asegurado

not all the money was insured

se fue

he/she left

y es una sensación muy horrible

and it is a very horrible feeling

así que fui al banco

So I went to the bank.

y dije, ¿qué pasa con mi dinero?

And I said, what happens to my money?

de repente tuve el don de lenguas

suddenly I had the gift of tongues

y puedo hablar en español

and I can speak in Spanish

cuando se habla de dinero

when it comes to money

todos lo comprendemos

we all understand it

y ellos dijeron, lo siento

and they said, I'm sorry

lo lamentamos

we regret it

usted firmó

you signed

tienes que hablar con la familia

You have to talk to the family.

así que fui con el hombre

So I went with the man.

y mira

and look

mi dinero se me fue

my money is gone

porque fui un coabal

because I was a coward

lo sé, pastor, lo lamento

I know, pastor, I'm sorry.

la compañía canceló el cheque

the company canceled the check

pero te vamos a pagar

but we are going to pay you

estamos trabajando con estos vehículos

We are working with these vehicles.

y te vamos a pagar

and we are going to pay you

bueno, esperé

Well, I waited.

y nada de dinero

and no money at all

no llegó nada de dinero

no money arrived

y es sumamente difícil

and it is extremely difficult

cuando eres pastor

when you are a pastor

y le estás predicando al pueblo

And you are preaching to the people.

que te deben dinero

that they owe you money

cambia un poquito la relación

change the relationship a little bit

cada vez que me veían

every time they saw me

pensaban, oh, todavía le debemos dinero

they thought, oh, we still owe him money

y cuando me vi

and when I saw myself

me dijeron, oh, todavía le debemos dinero

They told me, oh, we still owe him money.

y cuando yo hacía la apelación de las ofrendas

and when I was making the appeal for the offerings

ellos sentían que lo estaba viendo directamente a ellos

they felt that he was looking directly at them

tenían una conciencia de culpabilidad

they had a guilty conscience

cada vez se sentaban más atrás en la iglesia

They kept sitting further back in the church.

no cantaban con tan mismo esfuerzo

they did not sing with the same effort

porque cuando me debían

because when they owed me

eso lastimó nuestras relaciones

that hurt our relationships

bueno, cada vez que me veían

Well, every time they saw me

me visitaban a la iglesia

they used to visit me at church

y yo visitaba a este hermano

and I used to visit this brother

es una pequeña ciudad

It's a small town.

yo visitaba a todos los miembros

I used to visit all the members.

pero cada vez que me veía

but every time I saw him/her

y yo venía a visitar a la familia

and I was coming to visit the family

lo primero que le venía a la mente

the first thing that came to his mind

era el dinero

it was the money

la deuda

the debt

y le dije, hermano, no estoy aquí para hablar de la deuda

And I said to him, brother, I'm not here to talk about the debt.

solo me pregunto cómo lo estás haciendo

I just wonder how you're doing it.

le dije, pastor Doug, te vamos a pagar

I told you, Pastor Doug, we are going to pay you.

tenemos algunos problemas

we have some problems

hay gastos que no esperábamos

There are expenses that we did not expect.

estoy tratando de proveerle los alimentos a mis hijos

I am trying to provide food for my children.

pero te vamos a pagar

but we are going to pay you

varias semanas sucedió esto

this happened several weeks ago

y meses

and months

y cada vez se sentaban más atrás en la iglesia

and each time they sat further back in the church

un sábado noté

one Saturday I noticed

que no llegaron

that they did not arrive

hay veces que la gente viaja

There are times when people travel.

se sienten más atrás en la iglesia

They sit further back in the church.

se sienten enfermos

they feel sick

faltaron dos semanas

Two weeks were missing.

y no estuvieron

and they were not

y el Espíritu Santo me habló

and the Holy Spirit spoke to me

y Dios me dijo

and God said to me

ellos no se sienten cómodos

They do not feel comfortable.

debido a esta deuda

due to this debt

un día iba por la calle

One day I was walking down the street.

y me habló el Espíritu de Dios

And the Spirit of God spoke to me.

y Jesús dijo

and Jesus said

haz con los demás

do with others

como querrías que hagan

how would you like them to do it

hasta que los demás

until the others

como quisierais

as you would like

que hagan contigo

what they do to you

le dije, Señor, no te escucho

I said, Lord, I can't hear you.

¿qué dices?

What are you saying?

le dije, Doug

I told you, Doug.

perdónales esa deuda

forgive them that debt

le dije, Señor

I said, Sir.

eso es $1,500

that is $1,500

eso es nuestro dinero de vacaciones

That's our vacation money.

me lo deben

They owe it to me.

prometieron pagarlo

they promised to pay it

seré más paciente

I will be more patient.

y Dios me dijo, Doug

And God said to me, Doug.

¿hice yo un plan de pagos contigo?

Did I make a payment plan with you?

¿o te perdoné todo?

Or did I forgive you everything?

¿nos perdonan debido a nuestras obras?

Do they forgive us because of our deeds?

¿o nos perdonamos por la gracia?

Or do we forgive each other by grace?

le dije, oh Señor

I said, oh Lord.

así que fui a visitar a la familia

So I went to visit the family.

y llegué al taller del hombre

and I arrived at the man's workshop

le dije,

I told him/her,



tan pronto como me dio

as soon as he/she gave me

estoy trabajando en este carro aquí

I am working on this car here.

y te voy a dar parte de la necesidad

And I'm going to give you part of the need.

tal vez no todo

maybe not everything

pero te voy a dar

but I am going to give you

olvídate, hermano

forget it, brother

esto no era fácil para mí decirle

this was not easy for me to tell you

y aun cuando lo dije

and even when I said it

no lo sentí

I didn't feel it.

¿no les dije que soy medio judío?

Didn't I tell you that I'm half Jewish?

mitad judío

half Jewish

no debiera decir eso de los judíos

One shouldn't say that about the Jews.



pero le volví a decir

but I told him again


forget it

y la segunda vez

and the second time

comencé a creer

I started to believe.

y casi no podía creer

and I could hardly believe

lo que estaba diciendo

what I was saying

regalando mil quinientos dólares

giving away one thousand five hundred dollars

hermano, eres más importante

Brother, you are more important.

para mí que el dinero

for me that money

y él no me creyó

and he didn't believe me

no, no, te lo vamos a pagar

No, no, we are going to pay you.

olvídalo, hermano

Forget it, brother.


forget it

tú eres más importante

you are more important

quiero que estés en la iglesia

I want you to be in the church.

pensemos que nunca sucedió

let's think that it never happened

sigamos adelante con la vida

let's move forward with life

te quiero a ti

I love you.

quiero una relación

I want a relationship.

el dinero está destruyendo

money is destroying

la relación

the relationship

y empezó a relajarse

and began to relax

toda su expresión cambió

her entire expression changed

una vez que entendió

once he understood

lo que significaba

what it meant

la completa gracia y misericordia

the complete grace and mercy

en el momento que él comprendió

the moment he understood

lo que significaba

what it meant

la misericordia y la gracia

mercy and grace

que era gratis

that it was free

sintió que se le levantó

he felt it rising up

un peso de los hombros

a weight off the shoulders

regresó a la iglesia

he returned to the church

y su familia también

and his family too

hasta la fecha somos amigos

So far, we are friends.

veinte años después

twenty years later

y después de perdonarle

and after forgiving him/her

él estaba esperando

he was waiting

que yo chocara

that I would crash

porque me lo quería arreglar

because I wanted to fix it for myself



ahora quería darme un servicio

now he wanted to provide me a service

debido al amor

due to love

y no por causa de la deuda

and not because of the debt

la relación me había sanado

the relationship had healed me

y esta es una verdad

and this is a truth

sumamente importante

extremely important

espero que lo entiendan bien

I hope you understand it well.

puedes venir ahora

Can you come now?

pidiéndole perdón a Dios

asking God for forgiveness

y si tú oras

and if you pray

en forma sincera

in a sincere manner

y dices

and you say

Señor, por favor

Sir, please.

ten misericordia de mí

have mercy on me

Dios te perdonará

God will forgive you.

por completo


Él no establece

He does not establish.

un plan de pagos

a payment plan

donde tienes que ganar

where you have to win

el perdón

the forgiveness

cuando has entendido

when you have understood

cuánto te ha perdonado

how much has he/she forgiven you

y la carga que quita

and the burden that it lifts

de tus hombros

from your shoulders

saldrás de la presencia

you will leave the presence

del Rey

of the King

y querrás perdonar a todos

and you will want to forgive everyone

y que el Señor

and that the Lord

te haga perdonar

make you forgive

a todo el mundo

to everyone

tendrás una canción

you will have a song

en tu corazón

in your heart

cuando te alejas de la cruz

when you move away from the cross

y has visto

and have you seen

cuánto es que ha sufrido

how much you have suffered

Jesús por ti

Jesus for you

las ofensas

the offenses

que tenemos

what we have

los unos con los otros

the ones with the others

parecieran demasiado pequeñas

they seemed too small

Dios está dispuesto

God is willing.

a perdonarte

to forgive you

52 millones de dólares

52 million dollars

y no te va a dar

and it won't give you

todos han sido lastimados

Everyone has been hurt.

algunos en forma profunda

some in a deep way

podría ser un miembro

could be a member

de la familia

of the family

generalmente son aquellos

they are generally those

que están más cerca a nosotros

that are closer to us

aún en la Biblia

even in the Bible

José fue vendido

Joseph was sold.

por sus hermanos

for his brothers

Cain mató a su propio hermano

Cain killed his own brother.

David fue matado

David was killed.

por su propia hermana

by her own sister

David fue mofado

David was mocked.

por su propia mujer

by his own wife

en ocasión son aquellos

on occasion those are

que están más cerca a nosotros

that are closer to us

que no las vi

that I didn't see them

Jesús fue traicionado

Jesus was betrayed.

por su amigo

for his friend

y eso duele de verdad

and that really hurts

pero Dios te pide

but God asks you

que perdones

that you forgive

y que lo sueltes

and let it go

no lo puedes hacer

you can't do it

sin su ayuda

without your help

pero con su gracia

but with her grace

todas las cosas son posibles

All things are possible.

y tienes que elegir

and you have to choose


forgive them

incluso si no te sientes

even if you don't feel

muy perdonador

very forgiving

hay una famosa dama

There is a famous lady.

en Norteamérica

in North America

llamada Clara Barton

call Clara Barton

era una enfermera cristiana

She was a Christian nurse.

ayudó a establecer

helped to establish

la Cruz Roja

the Red Cross

y una vez

and once

alguien se le acercó

someone approached him/her

y comenzaron a hablar

and they began to talk

de lo que alguien había dicho

of what someone had said

y hecho para les dañar

and made to harm them

a ellos

to them

y empezó a hablar

and he/she started to speak

acerca de lo que alguien

about what someone

había dicho

had said

y había hablado

and had spoken

para lastimarles

to hurt them

Clara no tuvo una reacción

Clara did not have a reaction.

y le dijo

and he said to him

Clara, ¿no te acuerdas

Clara, don't you remember?

lo que te hicieron?

What did they do to you?

y ella dijo

and she said



ella dijo

she said

claramente recuerdo

I clearly remember.

haberme olvidado del asunto

having forgotten about the matter

había decidido

I had decided

olvidarse de la situación

forget about the situation

posiblemente no se olviden

they possibly won't forget



de la situación

of the situation

pero puedes decidir

but you can decide

de no humillar en su cabello

do not humiliate in your hair

es como Martin Luther

it's like Martin Luther

solía decir

used to say

no puede evitar

cannot avoid

que los pájaros

that the birds

vuelan por tu cabeza

they fly through your head

pero puedes evitar

but you can avoid

que hagan un nido

to make a nest

en tu cabello

in your hair

o en el mío

or in mine

porque él no tiene

because he doesn't have

el nido en tu cabello

the nest in your hair

porque él no tiene

because he doesn't have

el nido en tu cabello

the nest in your hair

pero puedes evitar

but you can avoid

que hagan un nido

that they build a nest

Así que no tienes que decidir

So you don't have to decide.

estar pensando en estas cosas.

to be thinking about these things.

Dios nos invita a olvidarlo.

God invites us to forget him.

Algunos tenemos monumentos

Some of us have monuments.

de cosas que nos han hecho para lastimarnos.

of things that have been done to hurt us.

Y seguimos refrescando nuestras memorias.

And we continue to refresh our memories.


Let him go.

Durante la guerra civil en Norteamérica

During the Civil War in North America

era una guerra muy cruel

it was a very cruel war

entre el norte y el sur.

between the north and the south.

Y cuando el norte llegó al sur

And when the north reached the south.

hubo mucha destrucción.

There was a lot of destruction.

Esta una dama

This is a lady.

hablaba con un general del sur.

I was talking with a general from the south.

Después que perdieron la guerra

After they lost the war.

que se rindieron.

that they gave up.

Y en su plantación había un hermoso árbol.

And in his plantation, there was a beautiful tree.

Es un gran árbol simétrico,

It is a great symmetrical tree,

muy simétrico.

very symmetrical.

Arriba de una colina.

On top of a hill.

Y señaló al árbol.

And he/she pointed to the tree.

Y todas las ramas habían sido rotas por los cañones.

And all the branches had been broken by the cannons.

Y se habían quemado.

And they had burned.

Y le dijo al general

And he said to the general

Mira lo que hicieron los soldados del norte

Look at what the northern soldiers did.

a nuestro árbol.

to our tree.

Los odio.

I hate them.

Y el general le dijo

And the general said to him.




cut it

y olvídalo.

and forget it.

A veces necesitamos solo cortarlo

Sometimes we just need to cut it.

y olvidarlo.

and forget it.

Ahora, no sé lo que significa esto en tu vida.

Now, I don’t know what this means in your life.

Pero yo estoy dispuesto a decir

But I am willing to say

que todo el mundo aquí ha sido lastimado.

that everyone here has been hurt.

Dios nos pide que perdonemos.

God asks us to forgive.

Quiero leer esto.

I want to read this.

Quiero leer el final de la historia aquí.

I want to read the ending of the story here.

Y luego vamos a orar.

And then we are going to pray.

Tras que el rey

After the king

tenía a este siervo malvado

I had this wicked servant.

llevándolo a él.

taking him.

En el verso treinta y dos.

In verse thirty-two.

Entonces llamándole a su señor

Then calling his lord

el maestro cuando le llamó al siervo malvado

the master when he called the wicked servant

le dijo

he told him/her

siervo malvado

wicked servant

le dijo

he told him/her

te perdoné toda esa deuda

I forgave you all that debt.

porque me lo pidiste.

because you asked me to.

Te perdoné porque me lo rogaste.

I forgave you because you begged me to.

¿Cómo encontramos el perdón de Dios?

How do we find God's forgiveness?

Se lo pedimos.

We ask for it.


Asking for it.

No debías tú también

You weren't supposed to either.

tener misericordia

to have mercy

por tu consuelo

for your comfort

como yo tu misericordia de ti.

like I your mercy of you.

¿Cómo Dios quiere que perdonemos a otros?

How does God want us to forgive others?



Tan libremente como lo hizo Jesús.

As freely as Jesus did.

El maestro estaba enojado

The teacher was angry.

y le entregó a los verdugos

and delivered him to the executioners

hasta que pagase todo lo que le debía.

until he paid everything he owed.

¿Cómo te gustaría ir a una prisión

How would you like to go to a prison?

y ser torturado por tus pecados?

and being tortured for your sins?

y ser torturado por tus pecados.

and being tortured for your sins.

Mira, en los tiempos de la Biblia

Look, in biblical times

si no podías pagar tus deudas

if you couldn't pay your debts

no había un procedimiento legal

there was no legal procedure

donde pudieras firmar una bancrupcia

where you could sign a bankruptcy

y salir de ahí.

and leave from there.

Tenían un cuadro en la pared

They had a painting on the wall.

y había guardias

and there were guards

su trabajo era torturarte

his job was to torture you

y serías torturado de acuerdo con lo que debías.

and you would be tortured according to what you deserved.

No sé qué aspecto tenía

I don't know what it looked like.

Tal vez seis horas en el saco por 5 dólares

Maybe six hours in the bag for 5 dollars.

de ir con pasas en sus moldes

to go with raisins in their molds

y que alguien te esté jalando

and that someone is pulling you

las extremidades

the extremities

quitándote la secadora de pelo

taking off the hair dryer

y las demás cosas para el cabello

and the other things for the hair

no sé si me están escuchando

I don't know if they are listening to me.

pero te imaginas

but can you imagine

¿qué si debieras

What if you should?

diez mil talentos

ten thousand talents

y se torturaran

and they will be tortured

por diez mil talentos

for ten thousand talents

¿será que los pecados

Will the sins be?

van a sufrir por sus pecados?

Are they going to suffer for their sins?

cada quien va a recibir

everyone will receive

la recompensa que merece

the reward that he/she deserves

yo no quiero pagar por mis pecados

I don't want to pay for my sins.

tampoco por los tuyos

neither by yours

Jesucristo ya pagó

Jesus Christ already paid.

dice te voy a perdonar

He says I'm going to forgive you.



pero si no aceptas mi perdón

but if you don't accept my forgiveness

entonces te vas a

so you are going to

pagar por tus propias culpas

pay for your own faults

este hombre fue a la prisión

this man went to prison

para ser castigado por sus pecados

to be punished for his sins

y luego Jesús dice

and then Jesus says

así también mi Padre

so also my Father

se lo hará a cada uno de ustedes

It will be done to each one of you.

cada hombre no perdona

each man does not forgive

a su hermano sus deudas

his debts to his brother

antes de terminar esta historia

before finishing this story

no olvides este punto

Don't forget this point.

Dios no te está diciendo

God is not telling you.

no te voy a perdonar

I'm not going to forgive you.

si primero no te perdonan

if they don't forgive you first

a uno a otro

to one another

en la historia

in history

¿quién perdonó primero?

Who forgave first?

primero el rey

first the king



Dios dice ven a mí

God says come to me.

te voy a perdonar libremente

I am going to forgive you freely.

Dios dice ven a mí

God says come to me.

y te voy a dar gracia

and I will thank you

y te voy a dar mi espíritu

and I will give you my spirit

para que te perdonen unos a otros

so that you forgive one another

no depende que hayas perdonado

it doesn't depend on whether you have forgiven

en primer lugar a los demás

first of all to others

Dios te perdona primero

God forgives you first.

pero después de que Dios te perdone

but after God forgives you

y después de su perdón

and after his forgiveness

si tú no quieres seguir pasando

if you don't want to keep going

su perdón a los demás

your forgiveness to others

la pierdes

you lose it

no puedes mantener

you can't maintain

la perdón de Cristo

the forgiveness of Christ

en tus corazones

in your hearts

si no estás dispuesto a compartirlo

if you are not willing to share it

no puedes quedarte con el Evangelio

You cannot keep the Gospel to yourself.

si no estás dispuesto a compartirlo

if you are not willing to share it

en la vida cristiana

in the Christian life

todo lo que quieres quedar

everything you want to stay

tienes que regalar

you have to give away

en realidad tienes que dar tu vida

In reality, you have to give your life.

a Jesús

to Jesus

entonces puedes quedarte con ella

Then you can stay with her.

ese es el secreto

that is the secret

de la felicidad

of happiness

una última historia

one last story

todos han escuchado hablar

everyone has heard about

de Leonardo da Vinci

by Leonardo da Vinci

el genio

the genius

el artista genio

the genius artist

él pintó una muy famosa

he painted a very famous one

foto que todos han visto

photo that everyone has seen

de la última cena

of the Last Supper

estamos teniendo

we are having

un hermoso servicio de comunión

a beautiful communion service

aquí este fin de semana

here this weekend

en esta famosa foto

in this famous photo

Jesús está sentado en el cuadro

Jesus is sitting in the painting.

en este cuadro

in this picture

Jesús está sentado en el cuadro

Jesus is sitting in the picture.

Jesús está aquí sentado en la mesa

Jesus is sitting here at the table.

es una mesa larga

It is a long table.

y todos los doce discípulos

and all twelve disciples

están alrededor de él

they are around him

es una obra maestra

it's a masterpiece

Leonardo lo pintó

Leonardo painted it.

en un fresco

in a fresco

en una pared

on a wall

y utilizó

and used

diferentes modelos

different models

para cada uno de los apóstoles

for each of the apostles

mientras Leonardo

while Leonardo

estaba pintando esta pintura

I was painting this painting.

mientras Leonardo

while Leonardo

hacía pintar este cuadro

I had this painting made.

él tuvo un gran argumento

he had a great argument

en una lucha

in a fight

con otro artista

with another artist

se puso a alegar

he started to argue

y se peleó con otro artista

and fought with another artist

él era muy amable

He was very kind.

su nombre era Michelangelo

his name was Michelangelo

¿alguien ha escuchado de él?

Has anyone heard of him?

¿han oído de él?

Have you heard of him?

eran contemporáneos

they were contemporaries

y Leonardo estaba tan enojado

and Leonardo was so angry

de las cosas terribles

of terrible things

que ha dicho Michelangelo

What has Michelangelo said?

sobre él

about him

que eran arquitectos

that they were architects

los dos eran arquitectos

they were both architects

y creo que Michelangelo

and I believe that Michelangelo

dijo que la arquitectura de Leonardo

he said that Leonardo's architecture

no era segura

she was not sure

no era sólida

it was not solid

y tenían

and they had

este muy público

this very public

pedazo de escudo

piece of shield

todo el mundo


sabía lo que pasó

I knew what happened.

así que cuando llegó el momento

so when the time came

para que Leonardo

for Leonardo

pintara el rostro de Judas

he will paint the face of Judas

el Evangelio dice

the Gospel says

que el apóstol John

that the apostle John

estaba a la derecha de Jesús

he was to the right of Jesus

y Judas estaba a la izquierda

and Judas was on the left

y Leonardo pintó en forma muy habilidosa

and Leonardo painted in a very skillful way

el rostro de Michelangelo

the face of Michelangelo

como Judas

like Judas

y todo el mundo que lo vio funcionar

and everyone who saw it work


he/she said

oh, era un gran escándalo

oh, it was a big scandal

y él se sintió muy bien

and he felt very good



pero esperaba hasta el último

but I waited until the last moment

para pintar el rostro de Jesús

to paint the face of Jesus

pero esperó hasta el final

but waited until the end

para pintar el rostro de Jesús

to paint the face of Jesus

empezó a buscar un modelo

she started looking for a model

que tuviera ese rostro de amor

that had that face of love

y de bondad

and of kindness

y misericordia

and mercy

y buscaba diferentes modelos

and I was looking for different models

y pintó el rostro de Jesús

and painted the face of Jesus

pero no estaba bien

but it wasn't right

y lo cambió

and he changed it

y lo volvió a hacer

and he did it again

y lo cambiaba

and I changed it

y encontró otro modelo

and found another model

y luchó con esto por semanas

and struggled with this for weeks

y luchó durante semanas por esto

and fought for this for weeks

una noche oró

one night he/she prayed

y dijo

and he said



ayúdame a ver tu rostro

help me see your face

y el Espíritu de Dios le habló

And the Spirit of God spoke to him.

nunca verás el rostro de Jesús

you will never see the face of Jesus

hasta que cambies el rostro de Judas

until you change the face of Judas

se dio cuenta

he/she realized

que no estaba siendo como Jesús

that he was not being like Jesus

necesitaba perdonar a Michelangelo

I needed to forgive Michelangelo.

así que salió y arrastró

so he went out and dragged

el rostro de Michelangelo

the face of Michelangelo

pintó el rostro de Michelangelo

he painted Michelangelo's face

puso a otro extraño como Judas

he put another stranger like Judas

y entonces comenzó a ver el rostro de Jesús

and then he began to see the face of Jesus

ese rostro de misericordia

that face of mercy

y amor

and love

que ha sido inmortalizado

that has been immortalized

en el cuadro famoso

in the famous painting

algunos de nosotros no podemos ver el rostro de Jesús

some of us cannot see the face of Jesus

pero hay algunos que lo podemos ver

but there are some that we can see

porque estamos nutriendo

because we are nurturing

la amargura en nuestros corazones

the bitterness in our hearts

yo sé que has sido lastimado

I know you have been hurt.

algunos podrían pensar

some might think

pero pasó

but it happened

si tan solo supieran lo que me hicieron

If only they knew what they did to me.

Dios lo sabe

God knows it.


cut it

deja que se caiga

let it fall

por la gracia de Dios

by the grace of God

Él puede cambiar tu corazón

He can change your heart.

con Dios todas las cosas son posibles

With God, all things are possible.

tu Padre Celestial te va a perdonar

Your Heavenly Father will forgive you.

incluso si perdonas a los demás

even if you forgive others

hoy tendrás una oportunidad

Today you will have an opportunity.

de practicar esto

of practicing this



Jesús te va a dar una oportunidad

Jesus is going to give you a chance.

de pasar su perdón

to extend your forgiveness

de poder entregar su misericordia

to be able to deliver his mercy

tal vez por pequeñas cosas

maybe for small things

tal vez por grandes cosas

maybe for great things

así que quiero terminar con una oración

So I want to end with a prayer.

¿cuántos de ustedes quisieran pedir hoy

How many of you would like to order today?

que Dios te dé el don de su Espíritu

May God grant you the gift of His Spirit.

con dos propósitos

with two purposes

de perdonar los pecados

of forgiving sins

y ayudarte a perdonar al prójimo

and help you forgive your neighbor

¿esa es tu oración?

Is that your sentence?

vamos a ponernos en pie

Let's stand up.

y pedírselo a Dios

and asking God for it

¿es esa tu oración?

Is that your prayer?

a nuestro Padre misericordioso del cielo

to our merciful Father in heaven

cuando miramos a la cruz

when we look at the cross

y vemos a Jesús sufriendo por nosotros

and we see Jesus suffering for us

y vemos los sufrimientos de Jesús

and we see the sufferings of Jesus

en nuestro favor

in our favor

nos damos cuenta

we realize

que nuestros pecados

that our sins

son más pesados

they are heavier

que diez mil talentos

that ten thousand talents

Él sufrió tanto por cada uno de nosotros

He suffered so much for each one of us.

entonces nos damos cuenta

then we realize

luego nos acordamos

then we remember

que las ofensas de los demás hacia nosotros

that the offenses of others towards us

son minúsculos

they are tiny

por comparación

by comparison

te rogamos Padre

we beg you, Father

que nos ayudes a reconocerlo

to help us recognize it

y debido a nuestro amor y aprecio por Jesús

and due to our love and appreciation for Jesus

ayúdanos a pasar ese perdón

help us to grant that forgiveness

ayúdanos a tener la bondad y la humildad de Cristo

help us to have the kindness and humility of Christ

ayúdanos a tener la bondad y la humildad de Jesús

help us to have the kindness and humility of Jesus

perdónanos por ofendernos con tanta facilidad

forgive us for being offended so easily

te ruego que seamos crucificados

I beg you that we be crucified.

juntamente con Jesucristo

together with Jesus Christ

y que podamos morir

and that we may die

a nuestro egoísmo

to our selfishness

danos tu felicidad y tu gracia

give us your happiness and your grace

al salir de este lugar

upon leaving this place

te ruego que tu Espíritu nos acompañe

I pray that your Spirit accompanies us.

ayúdanos a recordar

help us remember

que nos miras a todos donde nos vamos

that you look at us all wherever we go

ayúdanos a recordar

help us to remember

que tus ángeles están sobre este plantel

that your angels are over this team

y que vamos a vivir a tu vista

and that we are going to live in your sight

ayúdanos a vivir por encima de la multitud

help us live above the crowd

a través de este día

throughout this day

y siempre

and always

lo pedimos en Cristo Jesús

We ask for it in Christ Jesus.



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