GustaPOD Nº 20



GustaPOD Nº 20


Gustapod número 20, primero de diciembre de 2009

Gustapod number 20, December 1, 2009.

Hey que tal, bienvenidos al episodio número 20 del Gustapod

Hey, how's it going? Welcome to episode number 20 of Gustapod.

que no salía desde el 13 de junio del 2009

that hadn't come out since June 13, 2009

casi 5 meses sin grabar

Almost 5 months without recording.

básicamente porque no tenía ganas de hacerlo

basically because I didn't feel like doing it

y porque también había estado como ocupado con otras cosas

and because I had also been kind of busy with other things

andaba un poco disperso la verdad

I was a little scattered, to be honest.

pero bueno, lo que importa es que ya está de vuelta

but well, what matters is that he/she is back now

y de hecho este es como el último episodio

And in fact, this is like the last episode.

de lo que podría ser una temporada

of what could be a season

este es como el final de temporada

this is like the season finale

porque a partir del próximo

because starting next

debería entonces empezar a cambiar el formato

I should then start to change the format.

va a ser, creo yo, como una especie de podcast

it's going to be, I think, like a kind of podcast

un poco más conversacional

a little more conversational

en lugar de ser un podcast netamente musical

instead of being a purely musical podcast

y vamos a ver qué tal

And let's see how it goes.

pero este sí es musical

but this one is musical

y vamos a arrancarlo

and let's take it off

vamos a arrancar con algo de Cake

Let's kick off with some Cake.

este es una banda que creo que tiene un estilo así súper particular

this is a band that I think has a super unique style

los Cake

the Cake

y además me parece que es una banda divertida

And besides, I think it's a fun band.

es una banda que tiene como buena

It's a band that has a good vibe.

no sé, como buen ánimo

I don't know, like good spirits.

como buen plan

as a good plan

y editaron en el 2007 un disco que se llama Besides and Rarities

and they released an album in 2007 called Besides and Rarities.

fue el primer disco que lanzaron luego del 2004

It was the first album they released after 2004.

cuando tuvimos el primer disco

when we had the first album

tuvieron Pressure Chief

they had Pressure Chief

o sea, este fue el primer disco en tres años

I mean, this was the first album in three years.



y las canciones básicamente son versiones de gente como Frank Sinatra

And the songs are basically covers of people like Frank Sinatra.

como Barry White

like Barry White

como George Jones

like George Jones

como Ozzy Osbourne

like Ozzy Osbourne

o Kenny Rogers

or Kenny Rogers

de hecho tienen esta versión de War Pigs

In fact, they have this version of War Pigs.

de Black Sabbath

from Black Sabbath

que es muy fina, a mí me parece

that is very fine, it seems to me

pero hoy justo no voy a poner War Pigs

but today I'm just not going to play War Pigs

que la debería poner

that I should put it

porque además está Steven Ross

because Steven Ross is also there

de los Flaming Lips

of the Flaming Lips

haciendo como un cameo

making a cameo

ahí en esa versión

there in that version

voy a poner en lugar de War Pigs

I'm going to put in place of War Pigs.

una versión de Maná Maná

a version of Maná Maná

un tema escrito por Piero Umiliani

a piece written by Piero Umiliani

y que casualmente está incluido en el soundtrack de una película

and which just so happens to be included in the soundtrack of a movie

llamada Heaven and Hell

call Heaven and Hell

editada en el año 68

edited in the year 68

un documental sueco

a Swedish documentary

que trata acerca de las actividades sexuales

that deals with sexual activities

y otros comportamientos de ese estilo

and other behaviors of that kind

en Suecia

in Sweden

es como una especie de soft pornography

It's like a kind of soft pornography.

casualmente entonces

casually then

este tema está dentro del soundtrack de esa película

this song is part of the soundtrack of that movie

que fue editado en el 68

that was published in '68

y de hecho la canción

and in fact the song

aparece dentro del film

appears within the film

en una escena que se desarrolla en un sauna

in a scene that takes place in a sauna

y tal

and such

¿cómo terminó esta canción siendo popularizada por los Muppets?

How did this song become popularized by the Muppets?

no tengo ni idea

I have no idea.

lo que sé es que

what I know is that

salió en el 68

it came out in '68

y después se hizo como muy famosa

and then she became very famous

y la versionaron

and they covered it

y llegó a las listas de Billboard

and it reached the Billboard charts

y finalmente en el 76

and finally in 76

en el primer episodio de los Muppets

in the first episode of the Muppets

salió como parte de un sketch

It came out as part of a sketch.

no sé si ustedes recuerdan

I don't know if you remember.

pero sonaba más o menos así

but it sounded more or less like this

pues bueno, nada

well, nothing

Kate decidió versionarla en su disco

Kate decided to cover it on her album.

Vis a Vis and Rallies

Face to Face and Rallies

que fue editado en el 2007

that was edited in 2007

y es lo que vamos a escuchar

and that is what we are going to listen to

¿alguno les parece mal la canción?

Does anyone dislike the song?

yo me la tripeo por eso la pongo

I enjoy it, that's why I put it up.

este es el Gustepo número 20

this is Gustepo number 20



¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!



¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!


Thank you!


Thank you!

Escuchaban Shine On Your Crazy Diamond

They were listening to Shine On Your Crazy Diamond.

La versión que hizo Jack Irons

The version that Jack Irons made.

Para su disco Attention Dimension

For their album Attention Dimension

Y anteriormente escuchaban

And before they were listening.

A Green Romance Orchestra

A Green Romance Orchestra

Con el tema High

With the theme High

Esa banda pertenece a Dave Abruzzi

That band belongs to Dave Abruzzi.

Y lo que escuchaban

And what they were listening to

Esta versión de Pink Floyd

This version of Pink Floyd

Pertenece a

Belongs to

Jack Irons

Jack Irons

Que tiene un disco que se llama Attention Dimension

He has an album called Attention Dimension.

Que fue editado, no recuerdo

What was edited, I don't remember.

En el 2004 fue editado el disco

In 2004, the album was released.

Y Jack Irons

And Jack Irons

Fue baterista de Proliam

He was the drummer of Proliam.

Lo reconocerán por su trabajo

They will recognize him for his work.

Particularmente por su trabajo en No Code

Particularly for their work in No Code.

Y también porque ha hecho

And also because it has done.

Fue baterista también de los Ruedos Chili Peppers

He was also the drummer for the Ruedos Chili Peppers.

En ningún momento

At no time.

Un tipo que no ha tenido nunca

A guy who has never had.

Aparentemente temor a experimentar

Apparently fear of experiencing.

Con ritmos, con estilos

With rhythms, with styles.

De tocar la batería

Of playing the drums

Y esto se nota en el disco Attention Dimension

And this is noticeable on the album Attention Dimension.

Un disco básicamente instrumental

A basically instrumental album.

Pero que tiene muy buenas canciones

But it has very good songs.

Muy muy buenas canciones

Very very good songs.

Además que fue como en plan de reunión

Also, it was like a meeting plan.

Con buenos amigos también

With good friends too.

Porque sale o colaboran en el disco

Why do they leave or collaborate on the album?

Stone Gozer, guitarrista de Proliam

Stone Gozer, guitarist of Proliam

Está Flea

It is Flea.

Bajista de los Ruedos Chili Peppers

Bassist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Está John Frusciante también

John Frusciante is also here.

Está Jeff Amann

Is Jeff Amann there?

Y está Eddie Vedder

And there's Eddie Vedder.

Quien era el que cantaba esta canción

Who was the one who sang this song?

Que escuchaba anteriormente

What I was listening to earlier.

Eddie Vedder hace las voces en Shine On Your Crazy Diamond

Eddie Vedder does the vocals on Shine On Your Crazy Diamond.

Y está John Frusciante también

And John Frusciante is here too.

Y está Eddie Vedder hace las voces en Shine On Your Crazy Diamond

And Eddie Vedder does the vocals in Shine On Your Crazy Diamond.

Junto también con Les Clay

Along with Les Clay as well.

Porque es el que toca el bajo

Because he is the one who plays the bass.

En esta versión que escuchábamos

In this version that we were listening to.

Yo no sé, valdría la pena que lo escuchara

I don't know, it would be worth it for him to listen to it.

En el disco completo

On the complete disk.

Porque creo que tiene

Because I think it has

Buenas cosas ahí

Good things there.

Y no es ni Proliam ni es Ruedos Chili Peppers

And it is neither Proliam nor Ruedos Chili Peppers.

No, es Jack Irons

No, it's Jack Irons.

Y tienen que ir con esa

And they have to go with that.

Con esa mentalidad de escuchar el disco

With that mentality of listening to the record.

Porque tiene cosas que pueden ser

Because it has things that can be.

Aburridas quizá para algunas personas

Perhaps boring to some people.

Porque son como ritmos

Because they are like rhythms.

Muy densos

Very dense

Algunas veces


Otras cosas son más sencillas y más pop

Other things are simpler and more pop.

Pero de todas, todas el disco está muy pero que muy bueno

But above all, the album is really, really good.

Escuchaban entonces

They were listening then.

Esa versión que quizá es el tema más comercial

That version which may be the most commercial track.

Que tiene todo el disco

That has the whole album.

Y bueno, este es el Gustafot número 20

And well, this is the Gustafot number 20.

Y vamos a escuchar

And we are going to listen.

Ahora voy a poner un tema de una banda

Now I'm going to play a song by a band.

Una banda sueca

A Swedish band

Que vi este año en Madrid

What I saw this year in Madrid

En un lugar que se llama

In a place called

Moby Dick Club

Moby Dick Club

Que es como un pequeño barcito en Madrid

It's like a small bar in Madrid.

Una banda que

A band that

Que yo no conocía antes

That I didn't know before.

De verlo en Madrid

Seeing it in Madrid.

Esa vez

That time

La llevó mi amigo Jan

My friend Jan took her.

Así como que

Just like that

Hoy tocan unos amigos y tal

Today some friends are playing and such.

Y le abren a una banda

And they open up to a gang.

Sueca, finlandesa, yo no sé muy bien

Swedish, Finnish, I don't know very well.

Y bueno, vale, mi último día en Madrid

And well, okay, my last day in Madrid.

Antes de regresar, no tenía nada que hacer

Before returning, I had nothing to do.


Let's go.

Y cuando llego, toca la banda

And when he arrives, the band plays.

De los amigos de Jan

From Jan's friends

Una banda bastante decente

A pretty decent band.

Y luego se montan estos chicos

And then these guys get on.

Son seis, seis chicos

There are six, six boys.

Cinco chicos

Five boys

Y una chica, para ser más exactos

And a girl, to be more precise.

Y empiezan a tocar

And they start to play.

Y qué show pusieron

And what show did they put on?

La Cross, se llama la banda

The band is called La Cross.

Una banda de Estocolmo

A band from Stockholm

Que tiene dos discos

That has two discs.

Y son increíbles

And they are incredible.

Quizá en discos no son tan buenos

Maybe they aren't that good on records.

Tal vez como son en vivo

Maybe as they are live.

O puede que la gente se confunda un poco

Or maybe people might get a little confused.

Con lo que escucha en el disco

With what he/she hears on the record.

Y luego cuando lo ves en vivo

And then when you see it live.

Es otra cosa súper más fuerte

It's something super stronger.

Como con más fuerza y tal

As if with more strength and such.

Lo que van a escuchar es un tema que se llama

What you are about to hear is a song called

It's Always Sunday Around Here

It's Always Sunday Around Here

Está incluido en su disco

It is included in your album.

Bandages for the Heart

Bandages for the Heart

Que fue editado este año

That was published this year.

A ver, lo tengo por aquí

Let me see, I have it around here.

Lo voy a ver

I'm going to see it.

A ver

Let's see.

Que además tiene una dedicatoria

That also has a dedication.

De Nina, que es la vocalista de la banda

From Nina, who is the vocalist of the band.

Que me firmó el disco

That signed the album for me.

Y nos tomamos una foto

And we took a photo.

Estoy enamorado mal

I'm badly in love.

Oye, no consigo la fecha del disco

Hey, I can't find the release date of the album.

2009, sí, salió este año

2009, yes, it came out this year.

Lo grabaron en Estocolmo

They recorded it in Stockholm.

Con un productor que ha trabajado

With a producer who has worked

Para bandas como

For bands like

Cámara Oscura, Money Brother

Dark Room, Money Brother

International Noise Conspiracy

International Noise Conspiracy

Y además de eso

And besides that

La banda no solamente tiene buena música

The band not only has good music.

Sino que también tiene

But it also has

Una ilustradora que se llama

An illustrator named

Karin Hagen

Karin Hagen

Que es la que hace

What does she do?

Los artes de los discos

The art of the discs

Y son increíbles

And they are incredible.

En 2007

In 2007

La Cross

The Cross

Debutó con un disco llamado

He debuted with an album called

Disney Year Will Be For You and Me

Disney Year Will Be For You and Me

Un disco lleno como de

A disc full like of

Melodías muy bonitas

Very beautiful melodies.

Canciones bailables

Danceable songs

Y como un ambiente pop

And like a pop environment.



Dos años

Two years



Editaron Bandages for the Heart

They edited Bandages for the Heart.

Un disco que quizá

A record that perhaps

Es muy corto

It is very short.

Porque dura como 37 minutos

Because it lasts about 37 minutes.

O algo así

Or something like that.

Pero que tiene

But what does it have?

Buenas canciones

Good songs

Yo que ustedes

If I were you

Lo comprarán

They will buy it.

Lo buscaré por internet

I will look for it on the internet.

O qué sé yo

Oh, what do I know?

Y lo escucharé completo

And I will listen to it completely.

Porque está muy pero muy muy fino

Because it's very, very, very fine.

Van a escuchar entonces

They are going to listen then.

It's Always Sunday Around Here

It's Always Sunday Around Here

La Cross

The Cross

Desde Suecia

From Sweden

En el Gustapod

In the Gustapod

Número 20

Number 20

Número 30

Number 30

Sonidos de la iglesia

Sounds of the church

De la iglesia

From the church

Abre la ventana

Open the window.

Tapar la pantalla

Cover the screen

Sabes que es lo que pasa

Do you know what is happening?

Debo de mirarte

I must look at you.

Es del tipo de loco

He's the type of crazy.

Lo que pasa es que

What happens is that

El mundo es un mercado

The world is a market.

De que no se puede decir

That cannot be said.

Que hay una forma o una forma

That there is a way or a form.

De opinión

Of opinion

De una vez

Right away.

En un día

In a day

A ver si tengo algo

Let's see if I have something.

O algo de algo

Or something of something.

Otra cosa

Another thing

Me parece

It seems to me.

Que la gente

That the people

Que cuando yo era

When I was

Una persona

A person

No quería saber

I didn't want to know.

Lo que estaba haciendo

What I was doing

Desde luego

Of course

But it's always Sunday around here

Pero siempre es domingo por aquí.

They grow up the flowers

They grow the flowers.

Bloom all at once

Florecer todo de una vez.

Make sure in the morning

Make sure in the morning

The sunlight hits my eyes

The sunlight hits my eyes.

Don't know where I go wrong

No sé dónde me estoy equivocando.

But it always ends this way

Pero siempre termina así.

The world is full of Saturdays

The world is full of Saturdays.

But it's always Sunday around here

Pero siempre es domingo por aquí.

And while you're at it

And while you're at it

Get me a job

Get me a job.

One that pays loads

One that pays a lot.

And one that I also love

And one that I also love.

Don't know where I go wrong

No sé dónde estoy equivocándome.

But it always ends this way

Pero siempre termina así.

The world is full of Saturdays

The world is full of Saturdays.

But it's always Sunday around here

Pero aquí siempre es domingo.

Always, always, always Sunday around here

Siempre, siempre, siempre es domingo por aquí.

The weak things are going

The weak things are going.

I might not come back

I might not come back.

I don't want you to lose me

I don't want you to lose me.

Good things never last

Good things never last.

It's Sunday, it's Sunday

It's Sunday, it's Sunday.

For the best

Por lo mejor

You might break me

You might break me.


Algún día

The world is full of Saturdays

The world is full of Saturdays.

But it's always, always, always, always, always Sunday around here

Pero aquí siempre, siempre, siempre, siempre, siempre es domingo.

Don't know where I go wrong

No sé dónde estoy equivocándome.

I don't know where I go wrong

I don't know where I go wrong.

Someday, someday, someday

Algún día, algún día, algún día.

I just want to be alone

I just want to be alone.

I can't make it a dream

I can't turn it into a dream.

I know I'm right here

I know I'm right here.

I don't know where I go wrong

I don't know where I go wrong.

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

A friend of mine in so much misery

A friend of mine in so much misery.

Some people sailed through life in struggle reef

Some people sailed through life in struggle reef.

Said hey man let's go out and get some wisdom

Said hey man let's go out and get some wisdom.

First he turned on me and turned off the nervous system

First he turned on me and switched off the nervous system.

And you can take a horse to the border man

And you can take a horse to the border, man.

You can't make it drink

You can't make it drink.

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

You can have it all you have

You can have it all you have.

In front of you but

In front of you but

Don't make it sink

Don't let it sink.

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Someone I love has got a problem

Someone I love has a problem.

Some people thirst for truth

Some people thirst for truth.

He would like a drink

He would like a drink.

Say man this could turn out to be risky

Say man, this could turn out to be risky.

He said everything's okay

He said everything's okay.

As he downed another bottle of whiskey

As he downed another bottle of whiskey.

Yeah you can take a horse

Sí, puedes llevar un caballo.

To the border man

To the border man

You can't make it drink

You can't lead a horse to water.

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no

You can have it all

You can have it all.

Stay dead

Stay dead

In front of you but

In front of you but

Still don't make it sink

Still don't let it sink.

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Without a mich

Without a mic

Thank you ragdoll

Thank you, ragdoll.

Walking me back to Satan

Walking me back to Satan

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Stay dead

Stay dead

On my way back home

On my way back home



Could be that he knows him

It could be that he knows him.

He acts like he is possessed

He acts like he is possessed.

He said, hey man, let's hear about God's realisation through change

He said, hey man, let's hear about God's realization through change.

He said, we don't got time for that

He said, we don't have time for that.

First you must hear of the evils of fornication

First you must hear of the evils of fornication.

Yeah, you can take a horse to the borderline

Yeah, you can take a horse to the borderline.

You can't make it through, oh no

You can't make it through, oh no.

You can have it all, stay down in front of you

You can have it all, stay down in front of you.

Still don't make a thing

Still don't make a thing.

Oh no

Oh no

Horse to the border

Horse to the border

Can't make it through

No puedo hacerlo.

Horse to the border

Horse to the border

Can't make it through

No puedo lograrlo.

Still don't make a thing

Still don't make a thing.

Escuchaban a Jules Holland con Horse to the Water

They were listening to Jules Holland with Horse to the Water.

Y anteriormente a La Crosse con It's Always Sunday Around Here

And previously to La Crosse with It's Always Sunday Around Here.

El tema que escuchaban de Jules Holland incluye la participación del señor George Harrison

The song they were listening to by Jules Holland includes the participation of Mr. George Harrison.

No hace falta que yo hable más de George Harrison

There's no need for me to talk more about George Harrison.

Si voy a decir que esta fue aparentemente la última grabación que hizo antes de morir

I am going to say that this was apparently the last recording he made before he died.

Y Jules Holland editó este disco en el año 2002 me parece

And Jules Holland produced this album in the year 2002, I think.

Y básicamente son 22 duetos con varios de los artistas que han hecho este disco

And basically, there are 22 duets with several of the artists who have made this album.

Los mejores músicos de nuestra época

The best musicians of our time

Estoy hablando de Sting, Paul Weller, Stereophonics, Van Morrison, Eddie Clapton, Steve Wynwood, David Gilmour, Dag Mahal, J.K., Mark Altman

I am talking about Sting, Paul Weller, Stereophonics, Van Morrison, Eddie Clapton, Steve Wynwood, David Gilmour, Dag Mahal, J.K., Mark Altman.

Un montón de gente, súper, súper fina

A lot of people, super, super classy.

Y Jules Holland, bueno, pianista increíble

And Jules Holland, well, incredible pianist.

Además líder de esta banda Squeeze, una de las mejores bandas de New Wave Pop que existió en los 70s y 80s

Additionally, the leader of this band Squeeze, one of the best New Wave Pop bands that existed in the 70s and 80s.

Y además de eso es uno de los presentadores más populares y famosos del ritmo rock

And besides that, he is one of the most popular and famous presenters of rock music.

El programa lo dan por ahí en algún canal de cable que no recuerdo

The program is aired on some cable channel that I don't remember.

Entonces Jules Holland con Horse to the Water

So Jules Holland with Horse to the Water.

Incluyendo una colaboración del señor George Harrison

Including a collaboration from Mr. George Harrison.

Era lo que escuchaban anteriormente

It was what they used to hear before.

Y a continuación van a escuchar algo de Infectious Grooves

And now you're going to listen to some Infectious Grooves.

A propósito de que Metallica viene a Venezuela en marzo

Speaking of Metallica coming to Venezuela in March.

Ya me imagino todo el mundo tiene como que su entrada en mano

I can already imagine that everyone has their ticket in hand.

Todo el mundo se pregunta y está todo el mundo eufórico

Everyone is wondering and everyone is euphoric.

¿Cómo va a ser el congreso?

How is the congress going to be?

Yo espero que sea bien

I hope it goes well.

Por lo que pude ver cuando fui a comprar algunas entradas para un par de amigos

From what I could see when I went to buy some tickets for a couple of friends.

Creo que no trajeron el escenario este rectangular

I think they didn't bring the rectangular stage.

Que es una bendición además porque permite de alguna forma tener cuatro primeras filas en lugar de una

What is a blessing also because it allows in some way to have four front rows instead of one.

Yo las vi en Madrid ahorita en julio, gratis, en primera fila

I saw them in Madrid right now in July, for free, in the front row.

Dos conciertos seguidos, compases VIP que nos regaló Ross Halfin a Fran y a mí

Two consecutive concerts, VIP passes that Ross Halfin gave to Fran and me.

Y nada, son geniales

And nothing, they are great.

Están tocando un montón de cosas

They're playing a bunch of things.

Un montón, un camión en vivo Metallica

A bunch, a truck live Metallica.

Podrán haber dicho todo lo que quieran

They may have said whatever they wanted.

Podrán haber hecho lo que fuese con Senengel

They could have done whatever they wanted with Senengel.

Yo puteaba cada vez que escuchaba el disco y no me gustaba

I used to curse every time I listened to the album and I didn't like it.

Pero la verdad es que los ves en vivo y prácticamente te enamoras de la banda otra vez

But the truth is that when you see them live, you practically fall in love with the band all over again.

Sobre todo de la fuerza que tienen

Especially of the strength they have.

Y lo de Kirk Hammett es increíble

And what Kirk Hammett does is incredible.

Tiene que ser uno de los mejores guitarristas que hay ahora

He must be one of the best guitarists there are right now.

Con todo lo que hay, súper guitarrista, virtuoso, hital

With everything there is, super guitarist, virtuoso, hit maker.

De Transmetal, Power Metal

From Transmetal, Power Metal.

Que se yo

I don't know.

Kirk Hammett sigue siendo un muy muy buen guitarrista

Kirk Hammett is still a very, very good guitarist.

Y en vivo el tipo se hace notar

And live, the guy makes himself known.

Así que vayan a ver a Metallica que vale la pena

So go see Metallica, it's worth it.

Y hago todo este comentario porque voy a poner un tema de Infectious Groove

And I make all this comment because I am going to play a song by Infectious Groove.

Esta banda de Robert Trujillo

This band of Robert Trujillo.

Que ahora está con Metallica y que le da un sonido súper diferente a la banda

That he is now with Metallica and gives a super different sound to the band.

Me cuesta admitirlo porque yo soy fanático de Jason Newsted

It's hard for me to admit it because I am a fan of Jason Newsted.

Y dije que bueno, que Robert Trujillo no me caía tan bien

And I said that well, that I didn't like Robert Trujillo that much.

Pero la verdad es que es un gran guitarrista

But the truth is that he is a great guitarist.

Y la verdad es que lo ves tocar en vivo y lo piensas dos veces antes de criticarlo de nuevo

And the truth is that when you see him play live, you think twice before criticizing him again.

Porque es que el tipo es un genio, Robert Trujillo

Because the guy is a genius, Robert Trujillo.

Y en Infectious Groove se deja notar algo de eso

And in Infectious Groove you can notice some of that.

Tal vez era como una vía de escape de las cosas que no podía hacer en Suicidal Tendencies

Maybe it was like an escape route from the things I couldn't do in Suicidal Tendencies.

Y que seguramente no va a poder hacer en Metallica

And that surely you won't be able to do in Metallica.

Y era tocar algo de funk

And it was to play some funk.

De hecho leía en alguna entrevista que Robert Trujillo decía

In fact, I read in an interview that Robert Trujillo said.

Que lo fino de Infectious Groove era que todas las canciones

What was great about Infectious Groove was that all the songs

Giraban en torno a su línea de bajo

They revolved around their bass line.

Él componía la línea de bajo y después ahí verían lo que hacían

He composed the bass line and then they would see what to do next.

Entonces era muy bien porque estaba como marcando la directriz

So it was very good because it was like setting the guideline.

De lo que se iba a hacer dentro de Infectious Groove

Of what was going to be done within Infectious Groove.

Que además es una banda que es como unos ruedos chili peppers en drogas

Which is also a band that is like the Red Hot Chili Peppers on drugs.

En esteroides

On steroids

Es como más pesada

It's like heavier.

No más funky sino como más pesada

No more funky, but more heavy instead.

Pero con un elemento funky bien interesante

But with a very interesting funky element.

Mi disco favorito, Sarsicipius Arc

My favorite album, Sarsicipius Arc.

Incluye el tema que van a escuchar ahora

Includes the song they are going to listen to now.

Que se llama Please Excuse This Funk Up

It's called Please Excuse This Funk Up.

Infectious Groove en el Gustapod

Infectious Groove in the Gustapod





Cacha bonita, la perra más cara, de todo Jalisco es mi guada en la cara.

Pretty catch, the most expensive dog, all of Jalisco is my guard in the face.

Y me gusta la guerrilla mariachi, cantar con el alma sus lindas canciones.

And I like the mariachi guerrilla, singing its beautiful songs with my soul.

Oír cómo suenan esos guitarrones y echarme un tequila con los valentones.

Hearing how those bass guitars sound and having a tequila with the brave ones.

¡Ah! Jalisco no te enraje, me sale del alma cantar con valor.

Ah! Jalisco, don’t hold a grudge, I feel it from my soul to sing with courage.

Y abrir todo el pecho y echar este grito, ¡qué lindo es Jalisco, palabra de honor!

And open up my whole chest and let out this shout, how beautiful Jalisco is, word of honor!

¡Ah! Jalisco no todo es dulzura, también la injusticia destroza las almas.

Ah! Jalisco, not everything is sweetness; injustice also shatters souls.

Lo mismo sucede en todos los rincones de mi amada tierra latinoamericana.

The same happens in every corner of my beloved Latin American land.

El dinero de Europa es veneno, ¡qué rabia de emburo que el gringo le va a mandar!

The money from Europe is poison, what an anger to think that the gringo is going to send it!

Una policía mordida y mixta, ¡qué rabia de emburo que el gringo le va a mandar!

A bitten and mixed policewoman, what a rage of bitch that the gringo is going to send her!

¡Qué malvada! ¡Políticos que echan mano a tu garganta!

How evil! Politicians who grab your throat!

¡Ah! ¡Jalisco no te raje!

Ah! Jalisco, don't let it go!

¡Me sale del alma cantar con valor!

It comes from my soul to sing with courage!

¡Abrir todo el pecho y echar este grito!

"Open up your whole chest and let out this shout!"

¡Qué lindo es Jalisco! ¡Palabra de honor!

How beautiful Jalisco is! Word of honor!

¡Ah! ¡Jalisco no te raje!

Ah! Jalisco, don’t tear you apart!

¡Me sale del alma cantar con valor!

It comes from my soul to sing with courage!

¡Abrir todo el pecho y echar este grito!

Open up your chest and let out this scream!

¡Qué lindo es Jalisco! ¡Palabra de honor!

How beautiful Jalisco is! Word of honor!

¡Abrir todo el pecho y echar este grito!

Open your whole chest and let out this shout!

¡Qué lindo es Jalisco! ¡Palabra de honor!

How beautiful Jalisco is! Word of honor!

¡Jalisco no te raje! ¡Palabra de honor!

"Jalisco, don't let you down! Word of honor!"

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