Episodio 1 - La Sala de Clase

Center for Educational Development

Spanish Para Todos

Episodio 1 - La Sala de Clase

Spanish Para Todos

You're listening to Spanish para Todos, Episodio 1.

You're listening to Spanish for Everyone, Episode 1.

Hello, I'm Dr. Jeff McQuillan from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

Hello, I'm Dr. Jeff McQuillan from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

You're listening to Spanish para Todos, where you can acquire Spanish by actually understanding it.

You're listening to Spanish for Everyone, where you can acquire Spanish by actually understanding it.

Visit our website at SpanishParaTodos.com.

Visit our website at SpanishParaTodos.com.

That's SpanishParaTodos.com.

Eso es SpanishParaTodos.com.

Fourth, a review of the main points of the story in English.

Fourth, a review of the main points of the story in English.

And finally, the story or dialogue is read at a native rate of speech.

And finally, the story or dialogue is read at a native rate of speech.

The English we use in these lessons is to give you some background information to help you understand the story or dialogue better.

The English we use in these lessons is to give you some background information to help you understand the story or dialogue better.

We do not use translation, there are no grammar lessons and no activities.

We do not use translation, there are no grammar lessons and no activities.

Just listen, understand, relax, and acquire Spanish.

Just listen, understand, relax, and acquire Spanish.

In this story, I'm going to tell you about the days of the week when I go to school.

In this story, I'm going to tell you about the days of the week when I go to school.

I'm going to talk about what I do on the weekends when I'm not in school, and what I learn when I'm studying there.

I'm going to talk about what I do on the weekends when I'm not in school, and what I learn when I'm studying there.

I then am going to talk about the differences between good students and bad students, and which kind of students the teacher calls on in class.

I am then going to talk about the differences between good students and bad students, and which kind of students the teacher calls on in class.

Finally, I'm going to talk about what classes my teachers teach, as well as Señor Blanco and Señorita Herrera, and which classes I'm taking now.

Finally, I'm going to talk about which classes my teachers teach, as well as Mr. Blanco and Miss Herrera, and which classes I'm taking now.

Let's get started.

Let's get started.

I'm going to school.

I'm going to school.

Voy a la escuela.

I'm going to school.

Voy a la escuela el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves, y el viernes.

I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

El sábado y el domingo no voy a la escuela.

On Saturday and Sunday, I don't go to school.

El sábado y el domingo estoy en casa.

On Saturday and Sunday, I am at home.

Soy un estudiante y estoy en la escuela.

I am a student and I am in school.

Los estudiantes aprenden.

The students learn.

Yo aprendo a leer y a escribir.

I learn to read and to write.

Usted aprende el español.

You learn Spanish.

Todos nosotros aprendemos diligentemente.

We all learn diligently.

Algunos estudiantes no son diligentes.

Some students are not diligent.

No son buenos estudiantes.

They are not good students.

Algunos son flojos.

Some are lazy.

Algunos no hacen su trabajo.

Some do not do their job.

El maestro escoge a los estudiantes diligentes y a los estudiantes obedientes.

The teacher chooses diligent students and obedient students.

Él no escoge a los alumnos flojos.

He does not choose lazy students.

El maestro enseña.

The teacher teaches.

Mi maestro enseña el español.

My teacher teaches Spanish.

El señor blanco enseña la biología y la química.

Mr. Blanco teaches biology and chemistry.

La señorita Herrera enseña la geografía y la historia.

Miss Herrera teaches geography and history.

¿Qué aprende usted en la escuela?

What do you learn in school?

Yo aprendo el español, el francés, el álgebra y la biología.

I learn Spanish, French, algebra, and biology.

Vamos a escuchar la historia otra vez.

Let's listen to the story again.

Voy a la escuela.

I'm going to school.

Voy a la escuela el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves y el viernes.

I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

El sábado y el domingo no voy a la escuela.

I don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday.

El sábado y el domingo estoy en casa.

On Saturday and Sunday, I am at home.

Soy un estudiante y estoy en la escuela.

I am a student and I am in school.

Los estudiantes aprenden.

The students learn.

Yo aprendo a leer y a escribir.

I learn to read and to write.

Usted aprende.

You learn.

Todos nosotros aprendemos diligentemente.

All of us learn diligently.

Algunos estudiantes no son diligentes.

Some students are not diligent.

No son buenos estudiantes.

They are not good students.

Algunos son flojos.

Some are lazy.

Algunos no hacen su trabajo.

Some do not do their job.

El maestro escoge a los alumnos.

The teacher chooses the students.

estudiantes diligentes y a los estudiantes obedientes. Él no escoge a los alumnos flojos.

diligent students and obedient students. He does not choose lazy students.

El maestro enseña. Mi maestro enseña el español. El señor blanco enseña la biología y la química.

The teacher teaches. My teacher teaches Spanish. Mr. Blanco teaches biology and chemistry.

La señorita Herrera enseña la geografía y la historia. ¿Qué aprende usted en la escuela?

Miss Herrera teaches geography and history. What do you learn at school?

Yo aprendo el español, el francés, el álgebra y la biología.

I learn Spanish, French, algebra, and biology.

En esta historia, te he dicho sobre los cinco días del domingo.

In this story, I have told you about the five days of Sunday.

El domingo es el día en el que voy a la escuela y lo que hago el sábado y el sábado.

Sunday is the day I go to school and what I do on Saturday and Saturday.

He mencionado las cosas que aprendo en la escuela, incluyendo cómo leer y escribir.

I have mentioned the things I learn at school, including how to read and write.

Luego he hablado de las diferencias entre los estudiantes diligentes, los estudiantes obedientes y los estudiantes flojos.

Then I talked about the differences between diligent students, obedient students, and lazy students.

No es sorprendente, te he dicho que el maestro normalmente llama a los buenos estudiantes, no a los malos.

It's not surprising; I told you that the teacher usually calls the good students, not the bad ones.

La moral de la historia es no ser un estudiante malo.

The moral of the story is to not be a bad student.

En la última sección, me fui a las clases que el señor blanco enseña.

In the last section, I went to the classes that Mr. Blanco teaches.

Clases de ciencia.

Science classes.

Y la señora Herrera, estudios sociales.

And Mrs. Herrera, social studies.

Muy estereotípico, lo sé.

Very stereotypical, I know.

Termino con las clases que estoy tomando, incluyendo un par de idiomas, una matemática y una clase de ciencia.

I'm finishing the classes I'm taking, including a couple of languages, a math class, and a science class.

Si aún sientes que no obtuviste todo lo que pudieras de la historia, entendiendo lo que querías,

If you still feel that you didn't get everything you could from the story, understanding what you wanted,

vuelve y escucha de nuevo.

Come back and listen again.

Más escuchas, más entenderás.

The more you listen, the more you will understand.

Voy a la escuela.

I am going to school.

Voy a la escuela el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves y el viernes.

I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

El sábado y el domingo no voy a la escuela.

On Saturday and Sunday, I don't go to school.

El sábado y el domingo estoy en casa.

On Saturday and Sunday I am at home.

Soy un estudiante y estoy en la escuela.

I am a student and I am at school.

Los estudiantes aprenden.

The students learn.

Yo aprendo a leer y a escribir.

I learn to read and write.

Usted aprende el español.

You are learning Spanish.

Todos nosotros aprendemos diligentemente.

We all learn diligently.

Algunos estudiantes aprenden.

Some students learn.

Algunos estudiantes no son diligentes.

Some students are not diligent.

No son buenos estudiantes.

They are not good students.

Algunos son flojos.

Some are lazy.

Algunos no hacen su trabajo.

Some do not do their job.

El maestro escoge a los estudiantes diligentes y a los estudiantes obedientes.

The teacher chooses diligent students and obedient students.

Él no escoge a los alumnos flojos.

He does not choose lazy students.

El maestro enseña.

The teacher teaches.

Mi maestro enseña el español.

My teacher teaches Spanish.

El señor Blanco enseña la biología y la química.

Mr. Blanco teaches biology and chemistry.

La señorita Herrera enseña la geografía y la historia.

Miss Herrera teaches geography and history.

¿Qué aprende usted en la escuela?

What do you learn at school?

Yo aprendo el español, el francés, el álgebra y la biología.

I learn Spanish, French, algebra, and biology.

Yo aprendí en la escuela.

I learned in school.

Yo aprendí laった en el fútbol.

I learned that in soccer.

Aún no acabo de aprender el español, 시나� pumpkins y muchos otros línguas.

I still haven't finished learning Spanish, pumpkins, and many other languages.

Los estudiantes aprenden en la escuela.

The students learn at school.

Ellos aprenden lo que ellos quieren aprender de la escuela,

They learn what they want to learn from school,

cuáles son sus principios,

what are your principles,

y los ídolos que ejercen algunos de sus botón auténticos.

and the idols that exert some of their authentic buttons.

Lo que se aprende en la escuela es lo mejor,

What is learned in school is the best,

es Community Mind Only,

It's Community Mind Only.

y eso misma enchqua a los estudiantes.

and that same issue affects the students.

Es como todas esasiouslyas lawyers,

It's like all those lawyers.

personas de la comunidad.

people from the community.

Desaf bedrooms,

Desaf bedrooms,

Es así!

That's right!

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