Episodio 39


Paraguana Sound System

Episodio 39

Paraguana Sound System

Una escocesa en mano, una noche tranquila y buen rock and roll

A Scotch in hand, a calm night, and good rock and roll.

Esto es otro episodio del Paraguanada Sound System

This is another episode of the Paraguanada Sound System.

Paraguanada Sound System

Paraguanada Sound System

Amigos y amigas sean todos bienvenidos a este episodio número 39 del Paraguanada Sound System

Friends, welcome to this episode number 39 of the Paraguanada Sound System.

Les habla desde aquí, desde esta parte del mundo, su amigo JM

I speak to you from here, from this part of the world, your friend JM.

en esta idea, proyecto, intención de descubrir

in this idea, project, intention to discover

de descubrir

to discover

de revisar, compartir buena música

to review, share good music

que se, que ha sido creada, se está creando y será creada

that which is, has been created, is being created, and will be created

alrededor de este planeta nuestro

around this planet of ours

por una diversidad de talentosos músicos

for a diversity of talented musicians

que están por ahí creando un proceso creativo constante

that are out there creating a constant creative process

Bueno, eso que teníamos ahí para comenzar

Well, that's what we had there to start with.

Bueno, perdón, antes de eso

Well, sorry, before that

quiero avisar que en mano tengo un escocés

I want to inform that I have a Scotsman in hand.

Olpar, 12 años

Olpar, 12 years old

voy a hacerme compañía en este podcast

I am going to keep myself company on this podcast.

Las rocas, perdón, hielo, un poquito de agua

The rocks, excuse me, ice, a little bit of water.

yo había dicho que

I had said that

que bueno, algunos episodios tendría mi escocés

How nice, some episodes would have my Scottish.

en otros no, este es uno de ellos

in others not, this is one of them

una noche tranquila

a quiet night

estaba tomando un trago viendo el juego de Argentina

I was having a drink watching the Argentina game.

no quiero comentar sobre eso

I don't want to comment on that.

y dije, bueno, vamos a grabar algo

And I said, well, let's record something.

algo chévere

something cool

y bueno, no sé si lo mencioné

And well, I don't know if I mentioned it.

pero es sábado 5 de septiembre

but it is Saturday, September 5th

de este año 2009

of this year 2009

un segundito

just a little second

para cerrar aquí el Twitter

to close the Twitter here



nada contra Twitter, pero es que me distrae un poco

Nothing against Twitter, but it distracts me a bit.

Bueno, señores, eso que teníamos para comenzar

Well, gentlemen, that's what we had to start with.

de la gente de Kiss

from the people of Kiss

estábamos escuchando Detroit Rock City

We were listening to Detroit Rock City.

una canción

a song

bastante intensa, muy buena

quite intense, very good

de la legendaria banda Kiss

from the legendary band Kiss

de Kiss, podemos decir brevemente

from Kiss, we can briefly say

que se fundó en el año 1972

that was founded in the year 1972

en la ciudad de Nueva York

in New York City

entre sus integrantes originales

among its original members

tenemos Paul Stanley

we have Paul Stanley

Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons

Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley

no sé cómo se pronuncia exactamente

I don't know how to pronounce it exactly.

creo que es Frehley

I think it's Frehley.

y Peter Criss

and Peter Criss

yo sé que la banda

I know that the band

luego, en algún momento, creo que fue en los 80

then, at some point, I think it was in the 80s

por ahí tuvo

somewhere around there it had

o 90

or 90

tuvo un cambio

had a change

en la formación

in training

y de hecho hay un concierto muy famoso

And in fact, there is a very famous concert.

que fue la MTV Unplugged

What was MTV Unplugged?

un disco excelente, Kiss Unplugged

an excellent album, Kiss Unplugged

es excelente, se los recomiendo

It's excellent, I recommend it to you.

en esa grabación se reunieron

in that recording they gathered

las seis personas

the six people

que en algún momento formaron parte de Kiss

that at one point were part of Kiss

es decir, los cuatro miembros fundadores

that is to say, the four founding members

y las dos personas

and the two people

que participaron

that participated

sustituyendo a otros

replacing others

en la banda

in the band

por allá hace algunos años

A few years ago over there.

hoy en día la banda hace presentaciones

Nowadays, the band performs.

creo que estuvo en Caracas recientemente

I think he was in Caracas recently.

y anda con la formación original

and go with the original formation

entonces, bueno, una banda bien importante

so, well, a very important band

y bueno, todos recordamos Kiss

And well, we all remember Kiss.

sabemos quién es Kiss y sabemos

we know who Kiss is and we know

lo emblemáticos que son por sus maquillajes, trabajancias, etc.

how emblematic they are for their makeup, workmanship, etc.



la lengua de Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons' tongue

y bueno, todo ese tipo de cosas

and well, all that kind of stuff

entonces bueno, para este episodio de Rock and Roll

So, well, for this episode of Rock and Roll.

quería comenzar con esto

I wanted to start with this.

y bueno, estoy hablando mucho por el tiempo

Well, I'm talking a lot for the time.

que nos conocemos, así que sigamos con más

that we know each other, so let's continue with more

de esto, del episodio número 39

From this, from episode number 39.

del Paraguaná Sound System

of the Paraguaná Sound System

y este río ya vamos a comenzar

and this river we are going to start now

con una serie llamada

with a series called

Rock and Roll

Rock and Roll

con esa música

with that music

es una de las escrituras

it is one of the writings

que se extrae

that is extracted

de un juego

of a game

que se trata de

what it is about

un juego

a game

que se trata de

what it is about

con un juego

with a game

que es

What is it?

que se está

that is being



que se esté

that it is being

¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!

participar en la medida de lo posible. Y bueno, que son las 10.37 de este sábado 5 de septiembre

participate as much as possible. And well, it's 10:37 this Saturday, September 5.

del año 2009. Y bueno, ya está ahora, ya se me acabó el whisky y se acaba este episodio del

from the year 2009. And well, that's it now, I've run out of whisky and this episode of the

Paraguanas Sound System. Pero no los voy a dejar así en blanco, vamos a cerrar con algo bien,

Paraguanas Sound System. But I'm not going to leave them blank like that, let's close with something good.

bien bueno. Del disco Shine a Light, el cual también es un documental dirigido por Martin

Well good. From the album Shine a Light, which is also a documentary directed by Martin.

Scorsese, el agente de Rolling Stones. Vamos a escuchar Jumping Jack Flash, una excelente canción

Scorsese, the Rolling Stones' agent. Let's listen to Jumping Jack Flash, an excellent song.

de esta también legendaria banda. Yo no he tenido la oportunidad, tengo el disco, pero no he visto

of this also legendary band. I haven't had the opportunity, I have the album, but I haven't seen it.

el documental, lo tengo por ahí reservado. Eso hay que sentarse con un whiskycito y disfrutarlo

I have the documentary reserved somewhere. You have to sit down with a little whiskey and enjoy it.

en su plenitud.

in its fullness.

Supuestamente lo que tengo entendido es excelente, una excelente producción de Martin Scorsese.

Supposedly what I understand is excellent, an excellent production by Martin Scorsese.

Pero es que imagínense ustedes esa combinación de Rolling Stones y Martin Scorsese. Leyendas del arte,

But just imagine that combination of the Rolling Stones and Martin Scorsese. Legends of art,

la música, el cine, etc. Juntos en este proyecto. Shine a Light, el disco es magnífico y estoy seguro

music, cinema, etc. Together in this project. Shine a Light, the album is magnificent and I am sure

que el documental también lo va a hacer. Bueno señores, ustedes saben las recomendaciones de siempre,

that the documentary is going to do it too. Well gentlemen, you know the usual recommendations,

el whiskycito así como lo estoy tomando yo, con hielito, un poquito de agua o simplemente con hielo,

the little whiskey just like I'm having it, with ice, a little water or just with ice,

personalmente, depende de la edad del whisky. Como he dicho, este ya murió. Pórtense mal para que figuren y nos encontraremos muy pronto en esto del Paraguanada Sound System para seguir disfrutando de buena música. ¿Por qué no? Chao.

Personally, it depends on the age of the whisky. As I mentioned, this one is already dead. Behave badly so you can be in the spotlight, and we will meet very soon in this Paraguanada Sound System to continue enjoying good music. Why not? Bye.

And now, for their second and final appearance at the Beacon Theatre, please welcome the Rolling Stones.

And now, for their second and final appearance at the Beacon Theatre, please welcome the Rolling Stones.

Ok, first song.

Ok, primera canción.

I was born in a crossfire hurricane

I was born in a crossfire hurricane.

And I howl, I'm no more than the driving rain

And I howl, I'm no more than the driving rain.

But it's all right

Pero está bien.

Now, you've had your say

Ahora, ya has dicho lo que tenías que decir.

But it's all, all right

Pero todo está, está bien.

I took the jackpot

I took the jackpot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I was raised

I was raised.

By a toothless, beaded hand

Por una mano sin dientes y con cuentas.

I was screwed

I was screwed.

By a strap right across my back

Por una correa justo en mi espalda

I was a programmers

I was a programmer.

But it's all, all right

Pero todo está, todo bien.

I was a programmers

I was a programmer.

Now, the fire that's against

Now, the fire that's against

Booth, all right

Booth, todo bien.

I took the jackpot

I won the jackpot.

It's against, against, against

It's against, against, against.

But it's all, all right

Pero todo está bien.

The fire that's against

The fire that's against

Booth, all right

Booth, está bien.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Let's go!


Thank you!

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