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El Alekz y El Guru

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El Alekz y El Guru



Talacheros Sound System Podcast

Talacheros Sound System Podcast

Uno, no ya no es talachero

One, no, he is no longer a handyman.

No, ya no es talachero

No, he's no longer a handyman.



No sé qué es

I don't know what it is.

El Alex y el Gurú

Alex and the Guru



Podcast Uno, esto es

Podcast One, this is





Difícil regresar

Difficult to return.

Un año

One year

Casi un año y medio

Almost a year and a half.



Teníamos razón

We were right.

Dijimos en marzo

We said in March.

Es abril, ¿no?

It's April, isn't it?

Es abril, bueno ya mayo

It's April, well now it's May.



Ellos ya lo van a escuchar en mayo

They are going to hear it in May.

Ella lo van a escuchar en mayo

They will hear it in May.

El adolescente me dieron las manuelas

The teenager gave me the manuals.

M WHEN wähó la felicidad

M WHEN wähó happiness

Y dos veces

And twice

Desde la semana pasada

Since last week

Se preguntaron

They wondered.

chat questions

chat questions

Hace año y medio

A year and a half ago.

Hace año y medio dijo de serlo

A year and a half ago, he said he would be.

Terminamos una Dynamic

We finished a Dynamic.

Y estamos de regreso

And we're back.

No como talacheros San Central

Not like Central San Tacklers.

Si no

If not

T Penal

T Penal translates to "T Penalty."

Además y no ahí bien

Furthermore, it's not okay there.

Exactamente, porque trabajan un chingo

Exactly, because they work a lot.



Se estresan un chingo

They get super stressed.

Y creo que la mejor forma de bajarle al estrés

And I think the best way to reduce stress

Era esto

It was this.

Poner música

Play music

Y aparte estamos acostumbrados a que los viernes

And besides, we are used to Fridays.

Todos los viernes

Every Friday



Era ponernos enfrente del micrófono

It was to stand in front of the microphone.

No teníamos vida, ¿no?

We didn't have a life, did we?

O sea, el viernes era

I mean, on Friday it was

Exacto, era ponernos enfrente de una computadora

Exactly, it was to sit in front of a computer.

Un micrófono

A microphone

Un par de iPods

A pair of iPods

Y poner la música

And play the music.

Y pues, creo que es la mejor forma de explicar

And well, I think it's the best way to explain.

De qué está pasando en este podcast

What's happening in this podcast?

Somos dos güeyes

We are two guys.

Enfrente de una computadora

In front of a computer.

Con dos iPods

With two iPods

Y música

And music




Bienvenidos sean todos a este re-experimento

Welcome everyone to this re-experiment.

No venimos a hacer escena

We're not here to make a scene.

No venimos a proponer nada, señores

We come not to propose anything, gentlemen.

Esto es solamente el Gurú y el Alex

This is just the Guru and Alex.

El Alex y el Gurú

Alex and the Guru

Poniendo canciones

Playing songs

No sabemos si todas son nuevas

We don't know if all of them are new.

No sabemos si

We don't know if

Les van a gustar

They are going to like them.

Lo que sí sabemos es que

What we do know is that

A nosotros nos gustan

We like.



Es lo más importante

It is the most important thing.

En muchos momentos en la etapa anterior

In many moments during the previous stage

De cuando hacíamos podcast

Back when we used to make podcasts.

Por cierta tendencia

Due to a certain trend

Traíamos tracks nuevos, tracks nuevos

We brought new tracks, new tracks.

Tal vez no nos convencían del todo

Maybe they didn't quite convince us.

Estos tracks que vamos a poner

These tracks that we are going to play.

Porque nos convencen del todo

Because they convince us completely.



No todos son nuevos

Not everyone is new.

Son canciones que tal vez llevan

They are songs that perhaps carry

Diez años

Ten years

En nuestras computadoras

On our computers

O hasta en CD

Or even on CD.

O hasta en cassette

Or even on cassette.

Por ahí lo encontramos

We found it around there.

Pero son canciones que realmente

But they are songs that really

Nosotros escuchamos

We listen.

Esa es la parte que nos faltaba poner

That is the part we were missing to include.

Para poner canciones

To play songs.

Nada más

Nothing more

Es una terapia para el Alex

It is a therapy for Alex.



Porque llegamos a un punto en que somos

Because we've reached a point where we are

Un par de oficinistas

A couple of office workers

No diría frustrados

I wouldn't say frustrated.

Pero sí encabronados

But yes, they are pissed off.

O sea, creo que

I mean, I think that

El tráfico de la ciudad

The traffic of the city

El estrés laboral

Work-related stress

Todos esos factores

All those factors

Sí, por ejemplo, hoy me la pasé haciendo

Yes, for example, today I spent my time doing

Siete traducciones, ¿no?

Seven translations, right?

¿Cómo tal?

How's it going?

Cárdenas de compra, de cartas de aceptación

Purchase cards, acceptance letters.

Qué chingados, ¿no?

What the hell, right?

Exactamente, exactamente

Exactly, exactly.

Yo me la pasé acomodando hoy shampoos

I spent the day organizing shampoos.

Entonces creo que

So I think that

Esto se necesita

This is needed.

Si en algún punto

If at any point

La gente que nos está escuchando

The people who are listening to us.

Tiene ese mismo sentir

It has that same feeling.

De puta madre

Fucking great

El trabajo que hago

The work that I do

Sí me gusta, pero

Yes, I like it, but

Necesito desestresarme

I need to unwind.

Pónganle play a este podcast

Hit play on this podcast.

Vamos a poner diez canciones

We are going to play ten songs.

No va a haber el clásico

The classic match is not going to happen.

No va a haber el mashup

There is not going to be the mashup.

No va a haber la propuesta de la semana

There will not be the proposal of the week.



Ni lo que se va a escuchar en diez años

Not even what will be heard in ten years.

Nada, nada, nada de eso

Nothing, nothing, nothing of that.

A lo mejor


En una de esas sí ponemos un mashup

In one of those, we might do a mashup.

En una de esas ponemos clásicos

In one of those we put on classics.

En una de esas sí ponemos discos que no han salido

In one of those we do play records that haven't been released.

Pero la intención no es

But the intention is not

Presentar eso

Present that.

Sino realmente es presentar lo que nos gusta escuchar

Rather, it is really about presenting what we like to hear.



Pues, sin más ni más

Well, just like that.

¿Qué escuchamos, gurú?

What do we hear, guru?

Escuchamos a

We listen to

Danger Mouse y a James Mercer

Danger Mouse and James Mercer

Que juntos

That together

Son Broken Bells

They are Broken Bells.

La canción es The Ghost Inside

The song is The Ghost Inside.

Me agrada

I like it.

Creo que Danger Mouse empezó a hacer

I think Danger Mouse started to make

Muchas cosas después de Nars Barkley

Many things after Nars Barkley

Nars Barkley ya lo tiene

Nars Barkley already has it.

Pues ya ha olvidado, la verdad

Well, he has already forgotten, the truth.

Y la verdad es que la gente también ya lo tiene olvidado

And the truth is that people have already forgotten about it.

Después hizo con Sparkle Force

Afterwards, he/she did it with Sparkle Force.


Muy buenos

Very good.

Y muchas colaboraciones

And many collaborations.

Creo que la que más sonó fue con Julian Casablanca

I think the one that got the most attention was with Julian Casablanca.

Sí, sí, fue

Yes, yes, it was.



Me agradaba ese disco

I liked that album.

No estaba tan convencido de todo

I wasn't that convinced about everything.

Pero esto de la música es muy bueno

But this music thing is very good.

Me gustó el Rock and Bells

I liked the Rock and Bells.

Escuché el sencillo

I listened to the single.

Me agradó, no lo he podido escuchar completo

I liked it, I haven't been able to listen to it completely.



Más el estilo de Danger Mouse

More the style of Danger Mouse

Que de James

What about James?

De los Shins

Of the Shins

Aunque los Shins, para quien no lo sepa

Although the Shins, for those who don't know

Yo no lo sabía tampoco

I didn't know it either.

Hasta que una vez me chocó cierto de ellos

Until one time I ran into one of them.

Y alguien les grita una canción viejísima

And someone shouts an old, old song to them.

Y yo, nada

And me, nothing.

Es cuando tocamos electrónica

It's when we play electronic music.

Ya no hacemos eso

We no longer do that.

También tiene su background de electrónica

He also has a background in electronics.

Tocando un poco lo que son los Shins

Playing a bit of what the Shins are.

Sí, el sonido al que están habituados

Yes, the sound they are accustomed to.

Con los Shins

With the Shins



Bastante bien

Quite well

Vámonos con otra rola ya de una vez

Let's go with another song already.

De una vez ya

Right away.

Porque si nos gastamos casi ocho minutos

Because if we spend almost eight minutes

Nueve minutos hablando y presentándonos

Nine minutes talking and introducing ourselves.

De regreso


Esta es Dan Deacon

This is Dan Deacon.

La canción se llama Woof Woof

The song is called Woof Woof.

Ya la conocen, es famosilla

You already know her, she's somewhat famous.

Pero es un remixillo

But it's a little remix.

De Hudson Mohawk

From Hudson Mohawk



No esperen el atasque, no esperen el beat

Don't wait for the jam, don't wait for the beat.

Eh, más bien escúchenla

Eh, rather listen to her.


Let's go.


Let's go!

To the nextemon

To the nextemon

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Sí, el límite

Yes, the limit.

A mí me da miedo

I'm afraid.

De verdad


Me da miedo

It scares me.

¿Cómo es que se puede llegar a no hablar en inglés?

How is it possible to end up not speaking English?



Estoy en la ropa

I am in the clothing.



Sonido laborífero

Laborious sound



Sonido laborífero

Laborious sound



Sonido laborífero

Laborious sound

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Subscribe to the channel!

todo lo que rodea el Lunario me caga, entonces digamos que fue un buen concierto, aunque no es el lugar, siempre que voy al Lunario salgo decepcionado del concierto, siempre, bueno uno con mucha razón,

Everything surrounding the Lunario annoys me, so let's say it was a good concert, although it's not the place; every time I go to the Lunario, I come out disappointed from the concert, always, well, for good reason.

Le Beirut sobre todo que lo esperaba mucho, a mí no me gustó tanto, pero fue bueno, se reventaron unas, es que yo digo que ahí hay un problema con los artistas, muchos grupos que vienen a México y uno viene a chingarse unos tacos, a tomarse unas coronas, y chingue su madre, lo hacen en el concierto,

Beirut, especially since I was looking forward to it a lot, I didn't like it as much, but it was good, some things were great, it's just that I say there’s a problem with the artists, many groups that come to Mexico and one just wants to enjoy some tacos, have some beers, and whatever, they do it at the concert.

y hay otros que si lo ven como una buena oportunidad de ganar.

And there are others who do see it as a good opportunity to earn.

De ganarse un público y de mostrar lo que realmente saben hacer y lo que tienen, de reafirmarse con el público, exactamente, que yo creo que son los menos, desafortunadamente son los menos, si hay muchos que nada más vienen, pues sí, a cumplir con la fecha que ya tienen firmada y a ver qué pasa,

About winning over an audience and showing what they really know how to do and what they have, about reaffirming themselves with the audience, exactly, which I believe are the least, unfortunately they are the least; there are many who just come to fulfill the date they have already signed and see what happens.

yo creo que otro de los sucesos, ahorita estaba pensando si lo sacaba a colación, fue lo de hace poco,

I believe that another one of the events, I was just thinking whether to bring it up, was the recent one.

con Erland I, digo, sí estuvo mal, que un güey X, no vale madres quién era, o sea, like y todo lo que es, pero yo creo que estuvo peor, todo el pedo que armó los blogs, que armaron de repente unas situaciones de raza y así de, no mames, por eso estamos como estamos, por eso no vienen los artistas,

With Erland I, I mean, yes, it was wrong that some guy X, it doesn't matter who he was, I mean, like and everything that is, but I think it was worse, all the fuss that the blogs created, that suddenly set up these situations about race and stuff like, no way, that's why we're in the situation we're in, that's why the artists don't come.

o sea, creo que armaron más pedo.

I mean, I think they made more of a fuss.

Sí, hay problemas más grandes, no, o sea, pinche Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad del Diablo, y nadie dice, o nadie le pone, o nadie le puso tanto interés como a los lentes de Erland I, ni siquiera el mismo Erland, yo creo que se cabronaron al siguiente día, dijo, bueno, ya ni pedo, vamos a comprar otro, pero es el pedo.

Yes, there are bigger problems, right? I mean, damn Ciudad Juárez, City of the Devil, and nobody says, or nobody puts, or nobody put as much interest as in Erland I's glasses, not even Erland himself. I think they got pissed off the next day, he said, well, whatever, let's just buy another one, but that's the issue.

Se los compraron, se los pagaron los güeyes que organizaron el concierto, estoy segurísimo.

They bought them, they were paid for by the guys who organized the concert, I'm really sure.

Exactamente, exactamente.

Exactly, exactly.

¿Qué otra cosa? Los Arctic Monkeys, hace poquito estudiaron y también...

What else? The Arctic Monkeys, they just studied a little while ago and also...

Dando un concierto desastroso, y no por ellos, sino por los organizadores, eso me cabrona, o sea, hace dos, tres años, no, hace dos años que platicábamos en el pod, platicábamos de repente de algunos festivales que se hacen aquí, y...

Giving a disastrous concert, and not because of them, but because of the organizers, that pisses me off, I mean, it was two, three years ago, no, it was two years ago that we talked in the pod, we occasionally talked about some festivals that take place here, and...

Que murieron todos.

That they all died.

Exactamente, que ya murieron todos, ya no existe Motorocker, porque Motorola está en serios problemas financieros, ya no le va a invertir a un pinche conciertito, ¿no?

Exactly, they have all died, Motorocker no longer exists because Motorola is in serious financial trouble, they are not going to invest in a damn concert, right?

No, el man...

No, the dude...

Manifest también murió.

Manifest also died.

Y Onyx Beat.

And Onyx Beat.





Vamos que le vive el latino, ¿no?

Come on, the Latino comes alive, right?

Jota, ¿no? Sí.

Jota, right? Yes.

Que, bueno, este año tuvo cartel a Empire of the Sun, no sé por qué, o sea, no me imagino compartiendo horario con Liran Roll o El Aragán.

Well, this year it had a lineup with Empire of the Sun, I don't know why, I mean, I can't imagine sharing a schedule with Liran Roll or El Aragán.

O Julieta Venegas.

Oh Julieta Venegas.

Julieta Venegas en el escenario principal, pues es...

Julieta Venegas on the main stage, because she is...

Qué pedo.

What’s up?

Algo está pasando, ¿no? Para que...

Something is happening, isn't it? So that...



Pero, a mí lo que se me hace más lamentable es de que...

But what I find most lamentable is that...

Nosotros nos fuimos un año y medio, y los organizadores, o sea, tuvieron un año y medio para que nosotros regresáramos y dijéramos, no, pues sí, la verdad es que regresamos y los organizadores ya se ponen las pilas, ya están bien chingones los eventos.

We left for a year and a half, and the organizers, well, they had a year and a half for us to come back and say, no, well yes, the truth is that we came back and the organizers are now on it, the events are really great now.

No, siguen haciendo el madre, el güey.

No, they keep messing around, the guy.

O sea, creo que les vale madre, es como que ya trae lana, o sea...

I mean, I think they don't care, it's like they already have money, you know...

Sí, no le importa que pares tu boletito, te la chingada, ¿no?

Yes, you don't mind that I stop your little ticket, right?

El caso de Arctic Monkeys es el...

The case of Arctic Monkeys is the...

Más claro ejemplo, o sea, sobrellenaron el lugar, que el lugar está de la chingada.

A clearer example, I mean, they overcrowded the place, which is in terrible condition.

En primer lugar, ¿quién se le ocurre hacer un concierto ahí?

First of all, who comes up with the idea of having a concert there?

Y dos, pues agarras y pones hasta la madre el lugar, no pones bien la seguridad, no lo organizas bien, pues obviamente la banda está encabronada, el público está encabronado.

And two, well, you end up completely messing up the place, you don't set up the security properly, you don't organize it well, so obviously the crew is pissed off, the audience is pissed off.

Raíz con los granaderos, ¿no?

Root with the grenadiers, right?

Sí, ¿no?

Yes, right?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

O el concierto, o conciertos en el Belvedere.

Either the concert, or concerts at the Belvedere.



Algo está pasando, ¿no?

Something is happening, isn't it?

Exactamente, Gear Talk en el Belvedere.

Exactly, Gear Talk at the Belvedere.

Qué pedo, y antes de que empiece el Gear Talk a tocar, pinche setlist de casi casi estamos escuchando a Mercurio, un perro así, güey.

What's up, and before the Gear Talk starts playing, this setlist is almost like we're listening to Mercury, a dog like that, dude.

Sí, sí, sí, nada que...

Yes, yes, yes, nothing that...

No mames.

No way.

Sí, que no me rompan los huevos, ¿no?

Yes, don't break my balls, okay?

Exactamente, exactamente.

Exactly, exactly.

Creo que, qué pedo ahí con los organizadores, a buscar nuevos lugares, o sea...

I think, what's up with the organizers, looking for new places, I mean...

Sí, mal y de malas.

Yes, bad and out of luck.

Exactamente, mal y de malas.

Exactly, bad and unlucky.

Pero ya no hablamos de cosas malas.

But we no longer talk about bad things.

No, no, no, vamos con una muy buena rola, que a mí, que yo la he escuchado prácticamente todo este año y medio que hemos estado fuera, yo sí la he escuchado, me encanta, son The Supremes.

No, no, no, let's go with a really good song that I have listened to practically all this year and a half we have been away; I have indeed listened to it, I love it, it's The Supremes.




Great group.



Antañón, la canción es It's Time to Break Down.

Antañón, the song is "It's Time to Break Down."



Vamos a escucharla, ¿no?

Let's listen to her, shall we?

Ahorita platicamos de dónde viene esta compilación, que me pareció muy interesante.

Right now we'll talk about where this compilation comes from, which I found very interesting.

Está muy interesante.

It's very interesting.


Let's go.

Vamos a la rola.

Let's go to the song.


Let's go.

Your voice is ringing, ringing in my ear

Tu voz está sonando, sonando en mi oído.

It's time to break down

It's time to break down.

Time to say it

Time to say it

It's time to take time

It's time to take time.

Give my heart a chance to breathe

Give my heart a chance to breathe.

Feed this fire inside of me

Feed this fire inside of me.

I'll never be free

Nunca seré libre.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

My heart is your response

My heart is your answer.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

You're like a lion in my pathway

You're like a lion in my pathway.

You're like a fire that makes fire

You're like a fire that ignites fire.

Day after day

Día tras día

I pretend I don't see

I pretend I don't see.

The spell you cast over me

The spell you cast over me

But the truth is

Pero la verdad es

You see all over my face

You see it all over my face.

It's time to break down

Es hora de descomponerse.

Time to say it

Time to say it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, baby

Oh, baby

Time to take time

Tiempo de tomar tiempo

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

I'll never be free

Nunca seré libre.

From wanting you

From wanting you

My heart is your president

My heart is your president.

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh


Thank you!


Thank you!

De un disco que se llama The Trip

From an album called The Trip

y que es digamos

and what is let's say

como mixtape

like a mixtape

que en esta ocasión lo hace

that this time it does so

San Petien

Saint Petien

y meten esta rola que

and they play this song that

la verdad yo he tratado de buscar

The truth is I have tried to look for.

del disco donde viene

from the album where it comes from

de The Supremes

by The Supremes

no eh

no I haven't

quien sabe donde se lo sacaron esos cabrones

Who knows where those bastards took it from?

quien sabe donde se lo sacaron

who knows where they took it from

ni en youtube esta

it's not even on youtube



muy buena rola

very good song

si muy muy buena

yes, very very good

me comentabas que esta de The Trip

You were telling me that this is The Trip.

es una onda muy similar

it's a very similar vibe

a lo que hace

to what he/she does

Night Elves

Night Elves

Late Night Elves

Late Night Elves

que bueno si nos escuchaban antes

It would have been good if they had listened to us before.

ya recordarán que era ese pedo de los beat

You will remember what that thing about the beats was.

Late Night Elves

Late Night Elves

que este año salió muy bueno

that this year turned out very good

no fue el año pasado

it wasn't last year

este año no recuerdo bien

this year I don’t remember well

de Cinematic Orchestra

of Cinematic Orchestra

una joya eh

a jewel, huh

no lo ponemos porque

we don't put it because

tendría que ser todo el disco

it should be the whole album

exactamente no me atrevería a cortarlo

I wouldn't exactly dare to cut it.

igual es una de esas

it's still one of those

un día lo

one day it

reventamos completo ahí esta

We blew it all up, there it is.

chequenlo busquenlo comprenlo

check it out, look for it, buy it

muy bueno muy bueno

very good very good

y platicando acerca de Diana Rose

and talking about Diana Rose

no podemos

we cannot

dejar de mencionar

stop mentioning

no podemos dejar de mencionar

we cannot fail to mention

la partida del rey

the departure of the king

Michael Jackson 25 de Junio de

Michael Jackson June 25 of



a mucha gente le sorprende que tenga la fecha

Many people are surprised that I have the date.

tan clara pero

so clear but

es lógico que tenga la fecha

It is logical that it has the date.

tan clara

so clear

si era como tu ídolo

Yes, it was like your idol.

si si si cabrón osea

Yes, yes, yes, you bastard, I mean...

fue mi primer acercamiento a un concierto

it was my first experience at a concert

creo que fue el primer concierto que vi

I think it was the first concert I saw.

fue en el Estadio Azteca

it was at the Azteca Stadium

de ahí así como que fue

from there just like it was

mi base para comparar conciertos

my base for comparing concerts

medio cabrón

kind of a bastard

para todos los demás pobres güeyes

for all the other poor guys

siempre decían el de Michael estuvo más chingón

they always said Michael's was the coolest one

el de Michael estuvo más chingón

Michael's was cooler.

no si

not if

se fue Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson has left.

y en octubre

and in October

este es el

this is the

un proyecto de un backstage

a backstage project

de lo que iba a ser la gira

of what the tour was going to be

yo realmente no

I really don't.

no he parado de ver ese

I haven't stopped watching that.

ese documental sobre todo el cine

that documentary about all the cinema

no vale

it's not worth it

valía mucho la pena verlo en cine mucho la pena

It was really worth seeing it in the cinema, really worth it.

para que escucharas así que

so that you would listen like this

jugó volumen la rola exactamente

Turned up the volume on the song exactly.

y te dabas cuenta quien es

and you realized who it is

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

más bien quien era Michael Jackson

rather who was Michael Jackson

que ok si era el bailarín si era

Yes, it was the dancer, yes it was.

el cantante si era

the singer was indeed

el negro que se volvió blanco

the black man who became white

pero también era el

but he was also the

compositor era el

he was the composer

el entertainer en toda

the entertainer in everything

la expresión de la palabra

the expression of the word

la calidad

the quality

de músico que

as a musician that

era Michael Jackson

it was Michael Jackson

siempre con un toque de

always with a touch of

quiero que las cosas se hagan así

I want things to be done this way.

porque yo sé

because I know

como suena y mis fans saben como suena

how it sounds and my fans know how it sounds



yo sé que eres un gran músico

I know that you are a great musician.

tu teclados

your keyboards

estás cagando

you are shitting

y te lo digo en buen pedo

and I tell you this in a good way

la estás cagando así no va

You're messing it up, that's not how it goes.

y creo que esa parte le faltaba

and I think that part was missing.

a mucha gente de conocer a Michael Jackson

a lot of people to meet Michael Jackson

que él escribía

that he was writing

la mayoría de sus canciones

most of their songs

si no es que ya en los

if not that already in the

últimos cuatro no es cierto

last four is not true

en los últimos tres discos él escribió

in the last three albums he wrote

todas las canciones al principio

all the songs at the beginning

por ejemplo en discos como Thriller

for example in albums like Thriller

o como Off the Wall si tenía mucha

or like Off the Wall if it had a lot

ayuda de

help from

gente como Quincy Jones

people like Quincy Jones

bueno por mencionar algunos

well to mention a few

pero ya en los últimos

but already in the last

discos ya era Michael Jackson

discs it was already Michael Jackson

en su máxima expresión

in its fullest expression

que si ya cuando fue

That if it already happened when.

cuando menos gente le entró

when fewer people entered

a la onda que traía Michael Jackson

to the vibe that Michael Jackson had

si aparte yo creo que

Yes, besides I think that.

lo que más me sorprende

what surprises me the most

de él es

of him is

que tomó muy bien

that took very well

o entendió muy bien lo que era

or understood very well what it was

el Motown la esencia

the essence of Motown

lo que hicieron en el Motown

what they did at Motown

de música

of music

de negros para los blancos

from blacks for the whites

ese wey entendió muy bien el concepto

That dude understood the concept very well.

si si si

yes yes yes

se cambió el color del cabrón

the color of the bastard changed



porque tenía éxito en Motown

because it was successful at Motown

porque sacó grandes artistas en Motown

because it produced great artists at Motown



y lo aplicó él

and he applied it

y lo aplicó bastante bien la verdad

and he applied it quite well, to be honest



grande se nos fue

he left us big

ni pedo

no way

así como que se me entrecortó la voz

it's like my voice got choked up

bueno el siguiente track

well the next track

que les traemos es un cover

What we bring you is a cover.

es un cover a

it's a cover of

una banda que todos ustedes conocen

a band that all of you know

seguramente ya platicamos acerca

Surely we already talked about it.

de la banda y sus

of the band and its

dos conciertos el año pasado

two concerts last year

es un cover a Radiohead la canción es

it's a cover of Radiohead the song is

Exit Music

Exit Music

que no recuerdo si esta fue la que

that I don't remember if this was the one that

se encabronó

he got pissed off

este Tom York

this Tom York

porque se le desafinó una cuerda

because a string went out of tune

se le rompió una cuerda no sé qué pedo

A string broke, I don't know what's up.

le pasó al wey que hizo berrinche y dijo

It happened to the guy who threw a tantrum and said.

ahí luego la tocamos

We'll play it later.

creo que si fue Exit Music

I think it was Exit Music.

creo que si

I think so.

pero esta versión es de un jazzista

but this version is from a jazz musician

una banda

a band



la más pura expresión de

the purest expression of

el jazz trío

the jazz trio

esto es de Brad Meldó

This is by Brad Meldau.

espero les guste es una versión que

I hope you like it, it's a version that

a mi la neta me prende un chingo

The truth really turns me on a lot.

de repente creo que me gusta más que la original

Suddenly I think I like it more than the original.

ahí chequenla

there, check it out

muchos posiblemente ya la conozcan si no

Many probably already know her, if not.

subanle un poquito al like

turn it up a little on the like

subanle todo chingados

Turn everything up, damn it!



sin duda

without a doubt

a Dave y a計

to Dave and to計

deben haber tocado mucho

they must have played a lot



ya en el canal

already in the channel

y suscríbete

and subscribe

no olvides

don't forget

dejar tu comentario

leave your comment

y compartirlo

and share it

con tus amigos

with your friends

mientras eso


nos vemos

see you later

hasta la próxima

until next time



Gracias por ver el video.

Thank you for watching the video.

Que se caiga

Let it fall.

Que te mienten la madre

May they lie to your mother.

Que se caiga un camión de basura

Let a garbage truck fall.

Al segundo piso

To the second floor.

No pasa nada

It's okay.

Me levanté con mi Joder Album

I woke up with my Joder Album.

Happiness is our world

Happiness is our world.



Y que más pasó, también salió Rockman Beatles

And what else happened, Rockman Beatles also came out.

Rockman Beatles

Rockman Beatles

Gran juego, pero si hay que ser muy fan

Great game, but you really have to be a big fan.

De los Beatles

Of the Beatles

Como que

Like what

Yo tengo un par de conocidos que

I have a couple of acquaintances who

Le digo Rockman Beatles

I call him Rockman Beatles.

Dos rolas

Two songs

Porque de repente es mucho

Because suddenly it is too much.

Oye y si son gratis

Hey, and if they are free?

Porque todavía no están todos los discos

Because not all the disks are here yet.

No, y no son gratis

No, and they are not free.

Aún no están todos los discos, ahorita por ejemplo creo que ya está

Not all the discs are here yet, right now for example I think it's already here.

Sgt. Pepper

Sgt. Pepper

Creo que ya está Rubber Soul

I think Rubber Soul is already here.

Faltan muchos, faltan muchos para subir

There are many missing, there are many missing to go up.

Y no sé si

And I don't know if

Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts

Va a entrarle todavía a subir los discos

He is still going to upload the albums.

Está próximo a salir

It is about to come out.

Rockman Green Day

Rockman Green Day

Yo creo que le van a invertir

I think they are going to invest in him.

Más lana a Rockman Green Day

More wool to Rockman Green Day.



Sí, todos los discos van a

Yes, all the disks are going to

Sí, sí, sí, con American Idiot

Yes, yes, yes, with American Idiot.



No sé, creo que

I don't know, I think that

Nosotros nos reventaremos las de antaño

We will burst our old ones.



Quizá como se llaman

Maybe they are called.

No sé, de

I don't know, from

Puta, ¿cómo se llamaba?

Bitch, what was her name?

Ni idea

No idea.

Bueno, esas noventeras

Well, those '90s ones.

Las primeras

The first ones

Antes de que se volvieran

Before they turned back.

No sé, qué pedo

I don't know, what's up?

Emo, no sé

Emo, I don’t know.

O sea, cuando vi a

I mean, when I saw...

¿Cómo se llama este güey, el vocalista?

What is this guy's name, the vocalist?

No sé, güey

I don't know, dude.

Es como que muy MTV, ¿no?

It's like very MTV, right?

Sí, exactamente

Yes, exactly.

Pero cuando lo vi con el ojo delineado acá

But when I saw him with the eyeliner here.

Ah, sí, nada, ya

Ah, yes, nothing, already.

O sea, me puse a sacar cuentas

I mean, I started to do the math.

Y a ver, espérate, cabrón

And let's see, wait a minute, dude.

Yo te veía en MTV cuando yo tenía como 11, 12 años

I used to watch you on MTV when I was around 11 or 12 years old.

Y tú ya estabas grande, obviamente, cabrón

And you were already grown up, obviously, you jerk.

Vienes como 13 años después, güey

You're coming like 13 years later, dude.

O 14 años después

Or 14 years later

Te estás delineando los ojos

You are lining your eyes.

No seas, no seas, cabrón

Don't be, don't be, you jerk.

No seas puto, cabrón

Don't be a jerk, dude.

Ya estás grandecito, güey

You're already quite big, dude.





No, no, no

No, no, no.

Estamos muy pinches malvibrosos este podre

We are very damn negative this rotten.

Mejor vamos con la música, güey

Better let’s go with the music, dude.

Vamos con la música

Let's go with the music.

Un disco

A disc

Nuevo, tiene como

New, it has like

Es de marzo

It's from March.

Febrero, marzo

February, March

Sharon Jones and the Tap Kicks

Sharon Jones y los Tap Kicks

La canción

The song

I learned the hard way

I learned the hard way.

Ahí está, cómonos

There it is, let's eat it.

That your love was untrue

That your love was untrue.

Something told me inside

Algo me dijo por dentro.

You said girl, it's alright

You said girl, it's alright.

I would never hurt you

I would never hurt you.

You said girl, it's alright

You said girl, it's alright.

Just a baby

Just a baby

I would've walked through the fire

I would've walked through the fire.

Just to be by your side

Solo por estar a tu lado.

Now it hurts me inside

Now it hurts me inside.

Just to hear your name

Just to hear your name

I learned the hard way

I learned the hard way.

That your love is cruel

That your love is cruel.

I learned the hard way, baby

I learned the hard way, baby.

Baby, you're done

Baby, you're done.

I learned the hard way

I learned the hard way.

Baby, you're done

Baby, you're done.


Thank you!


Thank you!

Sharon Jones & The Tap Kings

Sharon Jones & The Tap Kings

I Learned The Hard Way

I Learned The Hard Way

Sabes que me gusta

You know that I like it.

el sonido de Antalya

the sound of Antalya

osea bien podria decir que este disco es de

I could well say that this album is about

de los 60's, sin bronca

from the 60's, no problem

esa vieja

that old woman

revienta y en vivo

burst and live

ahi chequense el podcast de

Check out the podcast of



ahi viene cuando estuvieron en marzo

There it comes when they were in March.

en South by Southwest

in South by Southwest

conciertazo eh

great concert huh

otro gran festival

another great festival

de South by Southwest

of South by Southwest

y ahorita que platicabas de

and right now when you were talking about



creo que es buen momento

I think it's a good time.

para mandarle un

to send him a

buen y caluroso saludo

warm and sunny greeting

a Dan Dante Dandy

to Dan Dante Dandy

anda haciendo un podcast

are you doing a podcast

muy interesante

very interesting

muy bueno

very good

ponganle atencion a lo que trae

Pay attention to what he/she has.

Dan Dante Dandy y Luis Verdon

Dan Dante Dandy and Luis Verdon



Luis Trasto

Luis Trasto

al igual


ponemos ahi un

we put there a

vip o algo asi

VIP or something like that.

para su apellido

for your last name

muy bueno

very good

es que ni siquiera

it's just that not even

tratamos de competir con ellos

we try to compete with them

no no no si no ni ni ni

no no no if not neither neither neither

ni tampoco decir que

nor to say that

somos podcast complementarios

we are complementary podcasts

porque tampoco

because neither

exactamente como que seguimos lineas muy diferentes

exactly as if we are following very different paths



bien bien por Dan Dante Dandy y Luis Trasto

Good, good for Dan Dante Dandy and Luis Trasto.

la verdad

the truth

me agrada la musica que estan poniendo

I enjoy the music they are playing.

debo decir que para mi el mejor es el

I must say that for me the best is the

el segundo

the second

el segundo realmente

the second really

yo casi casi

I almost, almost.

me puse de pie

I stood up.

si si si

yes yes yes

no es nada

it's nothing

para felicitarlo pero

to congratulate him but

sabia que me iba a mentar la madre

I knew you were going to curse me out.

si seguro seguro

yes, for sure

bien bien señores

Alright, alright gentlemen.

en serio ese segundo podcast

seriously that second podcast

yo lo escuche en mi hora y media que me hago para ir al trabajo

I heard it during my hour and a half commute to work.



pero bien

but well

bien me agrado

I liked it.

yo me lo escuche

I listened to it.

creo que como 3 veces me lo escuche seguida

I think I've listened to it about 3 times in a row.

es que si vale la pena eh

It's just that it is worth it, you know.

ponganle atencion

pay attention

mi respeto es la verdad

My respect is the truth.

muy bien

very good

exactamente en ese segundo podcast

exactly in that second podcast

vamos a continuar con la musica

Let's continue with the music.

esto que traigo es

what I have is

si es nuevo

if it's new

yo creo que la cancion anterior de Sharon Jones

I believe that the previous song by Sharon Jones.

y estos son como los

and these are like the

estrenos por asi llamarlo

premieres, so to speak

son de las cosas mas nuevas que traemos

They are some of the newest things we have.



en especial a mi

especially to me

me gusto un buen el disco

I really liked the album.

el disco salio apenas el 9 de marzo

The album was released just on March 9th.

la banda se llama

the band is called

The Morning Vendors

The Morning Vendors

el disco Big Echo

the album Big Echo

y la cancion es Promises

and the song is Promises

me encanto ponganle atencion

I loved it, pay attention to it.

trae un sonido que no logro recordar de quien es

It brings a sound that I can't quite remember who it belongs to.

osea se que ya habia escuchado eso

I mean I know I had already heard that.

pero todavia no le doy el enclavo

but I still haven't given him the lock

igual si alguno de ustedes lo escucha

just in case any of you hear it

nos lo puede decir en el twitter

Can you tell us on Twitter?

que todavia no lo abrimos pero lo vamos a abrir

We haven't opened it yet, but we are going to open it.

si ahorita les decimos como contactarnos

If we tell them how to contact us right now.



se acuerdan de Rita

Do you remember Rita?

no no no

no no no

ya no es por ahi ya no es por ahi

it's no longer that way, it's no longer that way

pero regresando

but coming back

platicamos de ese tema

let's talk about that topic


Let's go.



y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and


Thank you!

Jueguete Jam, Smeether Jones

Jueguete Jam, Smeether Jones

Andra Jones

Andra Jones

Antañísima, 79 era

Very ancient, 79 was

Hace un desmadre este señor

This guy is making a mess.

Paul Weather

Paul Weather

Empezó, creo que empezó con The Jam

It started, I think it started with The Jam.

Después sacó un grupo muy bueno

Then he/she got a very good group.

Para mí el mejor de todos

For me, the best of all.

Se llama The Style Council

It's called The Style Council.

Que era más

What was more

Más punk, era más

More punk, it was more.



Más mi estilo, digamos

More my style, let's say.

Y después ya fue el como solista

And then he went on to be a soloist.

Que tiene buenos discos

That has good albums.

El penúltimo disco, porque acabas de grabar un disco

The penultimate album, because you just recorded an album.

El penúltimo disco tenía

The penultimate album had

Colaboraciones de Grant Foxwood

Collaborations by Grant Foxwood


Let's go!

De August Gallagher

From August Gallagher



The Mudfather

El Padre Barroso

El mejor conocido

The best known

Ahí está, hay que darle una checada

There it is, we need to take a look at it.

Bien, bien, bien

Good, good, good.

Vámonos un poco más rápido

Let's go a little faster.

Ya estamos llegando a la hora

We are almost at the hour.

Que no terminamos este podcast

That we didn't finish this podcast.

De hecho, trae falta un buen para

In fact, it lacks a good one for.

Bueno, segundos

Well, seconds.

Que no los vamos a desperdiciar

We are not going to waste them.

Viendo el maldito reloj, ¿verdad?

Looking at the damn clock, right?

No, ahora no

No, not now.

Vámonos con el comentario

Let's go with the comment.

Les traigo algo de los crookers

I bring you something from the Crookers.

Todo el mundo supo el año pasado

Everyone knew last year.

Quienes eran los crookers

Who were the crookers?

En especial esa remezcla que hicieron The Day and Night

Especially that remix made by The Day and Night.

De Kid Cudi

By Kid Cudi

Que por cierto a Kid Cudi le caga esa remezcla

By the way, Kid Cudi hates that remix.

Pero bueno, para que se deje remezclar el güey

But well, so that the dude lets himself be remixed.

El chiste es que hicieron

The joke is that they did.

Un muy buen disco, se llama Tons of Friends

A very good album, it's called Tons of Friends.

Y es eso

And that's it.

Un disco lleno de colaboraciones

An album full of collaborations.

Desde Royce & Murphy

From Royce & Murphy

Desde Major Lazer

From Major Lazer

Desde Soul Wax

From Soul Wax

Y en esta trae a Yel

And in this one, bring Yel.

A la electropopera francesa

To the French electropop.

Que nos presentó

That introduced us.

Yoni Budlek

Yoni Budlek

Ahí está, pónganle atención

There it is, pay attention to it.

Este se llama Cooler Cooler

This is called Cooler Cooler.

Creo que mi francés es medio malón

I think my French is kind of bad.

Pero creo que así se dice, venga

But I think that's how it's said, come on.

¿Está bien?

Is it okay?

O sea, casi giro

I mean, I almost turn.

Sí, un poco

Yes, a little.


We will continue...

No, no, no

No, no, no.



Es un poco

It's a little.

Un poco

A little

Me equivoqué

I was wrong.

¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!

Los Loon Placido

The Loon Placido

Es el próximo 6 de mayo

It is on the next May 6th.



Jueves 6 de mayo

Thursday, May 6th

En la Colonia Roma

In Roma Colony

Esta banda de

This band of

El Milagrito los trae bien por ellos

The little miracle brings them well for them.

Y aparte traen a

And besides, they bring to

Un otro

Another one

Duo a tocar

Duo to play

Los Zombies for Money

Zombies for Money

Uno de ellos es Ricardo Manaya de

One of them is Ricardo Manaya from



Si no lo han escuchado busquense algo

If you haven't heard it, find something for yourselves.

Tienen un mixtape

They have a mixtape.

De enero

From January

No recuerdo si es este año o el año pasado

I don't remember if it's this year or last year.

Pero la rompe

But she breaks it.

La rompe

She breaks it.

Voy a buscarlo ahorita aquí en el

I'm going to look for it right now here in the

Ipod y te lo paso porque si

iPod and I'll pass it to you just because

Ustedes se la pelan

You all are getting screwed.


Lower it.

Búsquenos por ahí

Look for us out there.

Pueden buscar

They can search.

No se tal vez en el Facebook

I don't know maybe on Facebook.

A la gente del Milagrito igual y por ahí

To the people of Milagrito as well and around there.

Ya hay un link

There is already a link.

Para que los escuchen a Zombies for Money

So that they listen to Zombies for Money.

Y a Loon Placido por supuesto

And of course to Loon Placido.

Y el 8 de mayo hay otra cosa

And on May 8th there is another thing.



El 8 de mayo va a estar este

On May 8, this is going to be.



Dan solo

Give only

Con este

With this

Con más ¿no?

With more, right?

Pero con distrasto

But with distraction.

Y va a haber un chingo de wey

And there's going to be a bunch of guys.

Estoy viendo

I am watching.

Es en el Paint House

It's at the Paint House.

Ahí en el centro

There in the center

Ah creo que si lo ubico

Oh, I think I know where to place it.

Va a estar este

It's going to be this.

Va a estar coquetón

It’s going to be flirty.

Ver a ese par de

See that pair of



A la música

To the music

Así es

That's right.

Dense una vuelta

Turn around.

Los señores tienen buen gusto

The gentlemen have good taste.

Tienen muy buen gusto

They have very good taste.

Vamos a ver que ponen juntos

Let's see what they put together.

A ver que humor se cargan ¿no?

Let's see what mood they're in, right?



Y eso también vamos a ver

And we are also going to see that.

Muy bien señores

Very well, gentlemen.

Vamos con otra

Let's go with another one.

Híjole esta si

Wow, this is something else!

Me rompe

It breaks me.

Venga gordo

Come on, fatty.

Este sería un clásico ¿no?

This would be a classic, wouldn't it?

Este sería como el clásico

This would be like the classic.

Vamos con

Let's go with

Hall & Oates

Hall & Oates

Darren Hall

Darren Hall

Y John Oates

And John Oates

Vamos a ver

Let's see.


Thank you!

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