Parangaricutiri Radio Episodio 87

Fulanita de Tal

Parangaricutiri Radio

Parangaricutiri Radio Episodio 87

Parangaricutiri Radio

Y este era el pueblo de Parangaricutirimícuaro, a las faldas del volcán El Paricuaro.

And this was the town of Parangaricutirimícuaro, at the foot of the El Paricuaro volcano.

La ciudad de Parangaricutirimícuaro

The city of Parangaricutirimícuaro

En un extracto de levadura

In a yeast extract

Que se utiliza y se lo unta uno al pan con mantequilla

It is used and one spreads it on bread with butter.

Pero es muy rico, es muy rico

But it is very tasty, it is very tasty.

La versión inglesa es el marmí

The English version is the marmy.

Y la versión suiza se llama cenobis

And the Swiss version is called cenobis.

Y bueno, son residuos de extracto

And well, they are extract residues.

Y es un producto derivado de la manufacturación

And it is a product derived from manufacturing.

Manufacturamiento de la cerveza

Beer manufacturing

Pero bueno, sabe tan rico

But well, it tastes so delicious.

Que bueno, luego le vamos a llevar un frasquito de Vegemite

How good, later we're going to take him a little jar of Vegemite.

El Vegemite lo inventaron en 1922

Vegemite was invented in 1922.

Y a partir de unos añitos después

And a few years later

Pertenece a los alimentos Kraft de Togringo

It belongs to Kraft foods from Togringo.

Bueno, que otra cosa importante

Well, what other important thing?

Ah sí, una última cosa importante

Oh yes, one last important thing.

Que me pidió que le dijera para el gato oculto

That he asked me to tell him for the hidden cat.

Es que nació en 1922 un César Amago

It is that a César Amago was born in 1922.

Y por eso le dejo ahora el gato oculto

And that's why I now leave you the hidden cat.

Que le cuente un poquito más de este José

Let him tell you a little bit more about this José.

A un pepito, venga

To a pepito, come on.

A la tengo la cinta

I have the tape.

A la tengo ahora

I have it now.

El escenario es tuyo

The stage is yours.

Y también para el gato y el radio

And also for the cat and the radio.

Muchas gracias, coleguera

Thank you very much, colleague.

Te había pedido que pusieras una música

I had asked you to play some music.

Un poco más calmada

A little calmer.

Que permitiera la reflexión

That allowed for reflection.

Pero veo que como tú eres la que dirige

But I see that since you are the one in charge.

El programa de hoy

Today's program

Pues no me has hecho mucho caso

Well, you haven't really paid much attention to me.

Bueno, no importa

Well, it doesn't matter.

Se nos endulza la mente

Our minds are sweetened.

Con esta música

With this music

Bien, pues en efecto

Well, indeed.

Les voy a hablar el día de hoy

I am going to talk to you today.

De José César Amago

By José César Amago

Que como bien dijo la bodega

That as the winery rightly said

Nació en el año de 1922

He was born in the year 1922.

Y bueno, por eso se encuentra

And well, that's why it is found.

En el programa de Parangarico Tiroado

In the Parangarico Tiroado program

En este episodio

In this episode

José César Amago, como saben

José César Amago, as you know

Es un portugués

He is a Portuguese.

Que ganó el premio Nobel de Literatura

He won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Un hombre obsesionado

A man obsessed

Con la ceguera humana

With human blindness

Un hombre que sabía

A man who knew

Que no había necesidad de ojos

That there was no need for eyes.

Y no tenía una voz y fuerza

And he didn't have a voice and strength.

Y voy a leer tres citas

And I am going to read three quotes.

Sobre su reflexión

About your reflection

Y su contribución

And your contribution

Al pensamiento contemporáneo

To contemporary thought

Él habla de los dedos

He talks about the fingers.

Que sin cerebro

What without a brain

Desarrollan gradualmente

They develop gradually.

Y con el paso del tiempo

And with the passage of time

Y con la ayuda de los ojos

And with the help of the eyes.

Los ojos y los dedos

The eyes and the fingers


They achieve

Develar aquello

Reveal that

Que está escondido

What is hidden

Este hombre

This man

También hablaba

He/She was also talking.

De una cosa interesante

Of an interesting thing

De la naturaleza humana

Of human nature

Estaba obsesionado

I was obsessed.

Con el vocabulario

With the vocabulary

Y con el hecho

And with the fact

De que éste no era capaz

That he wasn't capable of this.

Y tal vez nunca sería capaz

And maybe I would never be able.

De conocer

To know

De reconocer

To recognize

Y de comunicar

And to communicate

Todo eso aquello

All of that.

Que los humanos sentían

That humans felt.

Y bueno, fue César Amago

And well, it was César Amago.

Que hablando

What are you talking about?

De lo auténtico

Of the authentic

De lo trascendental

Of the transcendental

Nos hablaba también

He/She also talked to us.

De lo absurdo

On the absurd

Que era que el ser humano

What was it that the human being

Pudiera llegar a Marte

I could reach Mars.

Pero no pudiera acabar con la guerra

But I couldn't put an end to the war.

Y esta cita es relevante

And this quote is relevant.



No, no, no

No, no, no.

A Celia Cruz

To Celia Cruz

Que está aquí en el fondo

What is here at the bottom?

Sino a que estamos transmitiendo

Unless we are broadcasting.

El día de hoy


Desde Nueva York

From New York

Desde la estación de su vida

From the station of your life.




Warehouse worker

Para la última recepción

For the last reception.

Si te voy a pedir

If I'm going to ask you

Que por favor

That please.

Me pares

You stop me.

A tu fiesta

To your party.

Que traes aquí atrás

What do you have back there?

Muy bien

Very well



Que le pares

Stop it.

Con tu santo

With your saint.

Con ganadera

With livestock


I say


Warehouse worker

Que le pares

Stop it.

Con tu santo

With your saint.

Y le pares

And you stop.


Wine cellar

Por permitirnos

For allowing us

Este momento

This moment

De silencio

Of silence

Para la reflexión

For reflection



De Saramago

Of Saramago

Parafraseando a Saramago

Paraphrasing Saramago

Y con esto los dejo

And with this, I leave you.



Les dejo esta cita

I leave you with this quote.

Que dice

What does it say?

Toda esa estrategia

All that strategy

Y esa trama

And that plot

En el mundo

In the world

No resultará

It will not work.

En algo

In something



Ni duradero

Neither durable.

Cualquier cosa


Que es auténtica

What is authentic?

Cualquier cosa


Que es real

What is real?



En la forma

In the form

De un regalo

Of a gift

A un

To one

Pies por accidente

Feet by accident

Sin accidentes

Without accidents.

Los dejo

I'll leave you.

En este episodio

In this episode

Y continuamos

And we continue.

Con la fiesta

With the party

Que la bodeguera

That the cellar woman.

Se trae

It is brought.

El día de hoy


Los veo pronto

I'll see you soon.

Muchas gracias

Thank you very much.

Esto fue

This was

El Rincón

The Corner

Del Gato Oculto

Of the Hidden Cat

La conocí

I met her.

En una bailanta

At a dance party.

Todo apretado

Everything tight.

Nos tropezamos

We bumped into each other.

Pero fui yo

But it was me.

Ay bueno

Oh well.

Mi gato oculto

My hidden cat.

Pero como te molesta

But how does it bother you?

Tu con todo

You with everything.

Que tirado

How lazy.

Tu bueno

You good.

Ya te puse aquí

I've already put you here.

A la cumbia

To the cumbia.

Era intelectual

It was intellectual.

Para que

For what

Un poco haya

A little further away.

Un poco de cumbia

A bit of cumbia

Pero un poco

But a little.





Pues llegamos

Well, we arrived.

A finales

At the end

Del programa

From the program

Con esto de que

With this that

Que que que pasa

What what what is happening?

Que pasa

What's happening?

Quien es este

Who is this?


Excuse me.

Soy Yoashi

I am Yoashi.


To excuse

Es que yo haber llegado

It's just that I have arrived.

Aquí finalmente

Here finally

Fue por haber podido

It was for having been able to.

Haber venido

To have come

Y estar aquí

And being here

Por favor


Y presentarme

And introduce myself.

Que tener una palabra

To have a word.

Pero tu de donde saliste

But where did you come from?

A mi me dijeron

They told me.

Que tu no venia

That you weren't coming.

Pero que tu venia a caballo

But you were coming on horseback.

Yo dije

I said

Este no va a llegar

This is not going to arrive.

Ah si

Oh yes

Yo haber venido a caballo

I have come on horseback.

Pero yo haber llegado

But I have arrived.

Yo haber dicho

I have said.

Yo llego

I arrive.

Yo prometo

I promise

Que traer una palabra importante

To bring an important word

Ah bueno bueno

Oh well, well.

Esta bien

It's okay.

Yo te presento

I introduce you.

Si tienes una palabra

If you have a word

Tu tienes una palabra

You have a word.



Bueno entonces

Well then

Lo dejo aquí

I'll leave it here.

Con el washi

With the washi

El rincón de washi

The washi corner

Mire que bueno

Look how good!

Que mi programa

That my program

Tiene mas

It has more.

Mas elenco

More cast

Del que yo pensaba

Of the one I was thinking.

Lo dejo aquí con washi

I'll leave it here with washi.

Y luego volvemos

And then we come back.

Para despedirme

To say goodbye

Bueno a ver

Well, let's see.


Come on

Ande tu washi

Where are you, washi?

Lo invito a este

I invite you to this.

Oh pero como estar

Oh but how to be

Yo estar muy cansado

I am very tired.

Por haber venido

For coming.

Rápido a caballo

Fast on horseback.

Para poder estar

To be able to be

Aquí con ustedes

Here with you.

Yo no poder

I cannot.

Haber dejado

To have left

De transmitir

To transmit

Para ustedes

For you.

Desde mi país

From my country

Nosotros estar

We are being

En los estados unidos

In the United States.

De américa

From America

Y yo tenerle

And I have you.

Que dar

What to give

Dos palabras

Two words

Por supuesto

Of course

La palabra

The word

Que yo haber escogido

That I have chosen.

Para el programa

For the program

De un día de hoy

From a day like today.

Desde la gran manzana

From the Big Apple


To be





Oh si

Oh yes



Tu aprender

You learn.

Como decir

How to say



Porque resulta ser

Because it turns out to be

Que a Nueva York

To New York

Ellos decirle

They tell her/him.

La gran manzana

The big apple

El papá

The dad

Me haber preguntado

I had to ask myself

Por que


Yo haber encontrado

I have found.

La pagina

The page

Se me haber

I must have.



Y la verdad

And the truth

Es que haber sido

It is that having been

Una razon un poco tonta

A somewhat silly reason.

Asi que no importar

So it doesn't matter.

Lo que importar

What matters

Es decir

That is to say



En americano

In American

Y manzana

And apple

En holandés

In Dutch



No tiene mucha diferencia

It doesn't make much difference.

Porque se decir

Because I know how to say

Mas o menos

More or less

Lo mismo

The same.

Se escribir

I can write.



Pero decir

But to say



Los dos

The two



Los americanos

The Americans


To write



Que ser

What being

A p p l e

A p p l e

Y luego los holandeses

And then the Dutch.


To write

A p e l e

A p e l e

O sea que ser

That is to say, being

Una cosa de orden

A matter of order



Pero todos sonar

But everyone will dream





Ser apple

Being apple

Tu catina

Your catina.

Repetir apple

Repeat apple

Y ellos traerte

And they will bring you.

Una manzana

An apple

Ser muy importante

To be very important

Pero mira que fíjate

But look, notice that...

Que yo investigando

That I am investigating.

En esto de que si son

In this matter of whether they are

Perras o manzanas

Bitches or apples

Haber encontrado

Having found

Otra palabra

Another word



Que ser

What being



Asi es ser correcto

That is how to be correct.

Naranja catina

Orange catina

Que ser el color

What does it mean to be the color?

De holanda

From Holland

Decir en ingles

Say in English



Asi como cuando dices

Just like when you say



Tu decir

You say.



Y resulta ser

And it turns out to be

Que en holandes

That in Dutch



O naranja

O orange

Se decir

I know how to say.



Y ser

And to be















Como decir

How to say

Mas o menos

More or less.

Los holandeses

The Dutch





Del origen

Of the origin



Del origen

Of the origin


To notice

La importancia

The importance

De la

Of the




To come

Del origen

Of the origin

De que

Of what

Los holandeses

The Dutch


They will take care.

Que la naranja

That the orange

Haberse originado

To have originated

En la

In the



Asi que




Se decir

I know how to say.

De la misma manera

In the same way

Que se decir

What to say?



Que ser

What being



Bueno entre que si son

Well, between whether they are or not.

Perras o manzanas

Bitches or apples

Yo haber estado aqui

I have been here.

En el programa

In the program

Desde los estados unidos

From the United States.

Para ustedes

For you all.

Y entonces te dejo

And then I leave you.





Si yo haberte advertido

If I had warned you.

Te voy a hacer

I'm going to make you.

Un exameno

A test

Y lo voy a hacer

And I am going to do it.

Mientras tanto


Los dejo con este

I'll leave you with this.

Al final del programa

At the end of the program.

De Paranarikuhiri radio

From Paranarikuhiri radio

Hasta la vista

See you later.

Que manera de quererte

What a way to love you.

Que manera

What a way

Oh pero mi amor

Oh but my love

Es que relajo

It's just that I relax.

Con este programa

With this program

Pero nosotras

But we

Nunca cerramos

We never close.

Con Washi

With Washi

Pero bueno

But well.

Esta bien

It's okay.

Esta gringuito

This little gringo.

Si yo no lo ponia ahi

If I didn't put it there.

No salia a mi

It didn't go out for me.

Como me iba

As I was going.

Pero bueno

But well

Llegamos al final

We have arrived at the end.

De este programa

From this program

Nada grave paso

Nothing serious happened.

Ve como si me puede dejar

See if you can let me go.

Encargada la cosa a mi

The thing is entrusted to me.

Ustedes que me lo han encargado

You who have entrusted it to me.

Yo me encargo

I'll take care of it.

Muchas gracias

Thank you very much.

Por habernos escuchado

For having listened to us.

Como saben

As you know

Estamos transmitiendo

We are broadcasting.

De la gama a manzanas

From the range to apples





Ya no regresamos

We are not coming back anymore.

Para el país

For the country

De los tulipales pronto

From the tulip trees soon.

Y bueno

And well

Hasta el lugar

To the place

Del eterno de primavera

From the eternal spring.

Ahi con la abuela

There with Grandma.

Y nos vemos

And we'll see each other.

La proxima semana

Next week

Yo creo

I believe.

Puede que si

Maybe yes.

Puede que no

Maybe not.

Te aseguro

I assure you.

Usted sabe

You know.

Que quien sabe

Who knows?

Te voy a dejar ahora

I'm going to leave you now.

No lo voy a dejar

I'm not going to leave it.

Con algo de salsa

With some sauce.

Creo que tuvo bueno

I think it was good.

Que tuvo bueno

What was good?

En mi musica

In my music

Te voy a dejar ahora

I'm going to leave you now.

Con la cancion

With the song

De una de las cantantes

Of one of the singers.

Favoritas de mi mamá

Favorites of my mom

Que era

What was it?



Una cantante

A singer

Ella no es francesa

She is not French.

Como como creia

As I believed.

De aqui de este pais

From here, from this country.

De este pais americano

From this American country

Y la dejo

And I leave her.

Con una cancion re animada

With an upbeat song.

Que ella tiene

That she has

Y que nos gusta mucho

And that we like it a lot.

La mama no la conoce

The mom doesn't know her.

Yo creo

I believe

Y bueno

And well

Se la dejo aqui

I leave it here for you.

Se llama

It is called.

I got

I got

Y yo tengo vida

And I have life.

Y eso es lo que importa

And that is what matters.

Es la vida

It is life.

Lo dejo

I quit.

Y gracias por haberme escuchado

And thank you for listening to me.

Un besito a mi abuela

A little kiss for my grandmother.

Adios azucar

Goodbye sugar.





Subtitulos por la comunidad de

Subtitles by the community

Subtítulos por la comunidad de

Subtitles by the community

Subtitulos por la comunidad de

Subtitles by the community

¡A la la!

Oh my!

A la la!

A la la!

Y este era el pueblo de Parangaricutirimícuaro, a las faldas del volcán El Paricutín.

And this was the town of Parangaricutirimícuaro, at the foot of the El Paricutín volcano.

A la la!

Oh wow!

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