una ida y vuelta - 14.05.2008

Pedro Lara

una ida y vuelta

una ida y vuelta - 14.05.2008

una ida y vuelta

Ahora, por Radio Global, nos vamos de ida y vuelta.

Now, on Radio Global, we're going back and forth.

¿Tienes tu pasaporte?

Do you have your passport?

Con el sampler, cualquier batería de batería, cualquier riff de guitarra, cualquier sonido que pueda ser grabado, podría ser usado como parte de una nueva composición, una nueva contextualización.

With the sampler, any drum kit, any guitar riff, any sound that can be recorded, could be used as part of a new composition, a new contextualization.

El grabado que estás escuchando ahora es un ejemplo.

The recording you are listening to now is an example.

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Wax Taylor

Wax Taylor

compositor y beatmaker

composer and beatmaker



y bueno, estamos escuchando los temas de su último disco

And well, we are listening to the tracks from their latest album.

Hope and Sorrow

Esperanza y Sorrow

salido bajo

left out

bueno, salido bajo el label Atmosferic

well, released under the label Atmosferic

y bueno, pues Wax Taylor

and well, Wax Taylor

el año pasado, salió en el 2007 el disco

Last year, the album was released in 2007.

fue uno de los productores más

he was one of the most producers

en vista, en el momento

in sight, at the moment

su primer disco se vendió en

his first album was sold in

200 mil ejemplares creo, y el segundo tuvo muchísimo

I think 200 thousand copies, and the second had a lot.

éxito, me tocó verlo en concierto, en vivo

Success, I got to see it live in concert.

y la verdad que tiene un swing

and the truth is that it has a swing

muy bueno, hace una fusión de

very good, it creates a fusion of

beat hip hop con unas ondas

hip hop beat with some waves

jazzys, bien lococheonas, así que vamos a seguir

jazzys, very crazy, so let's keep going

escuchando los temas de él

listening to his songs

y bueno, pues aprovecho el

and well, I take advantage of the

momento para

moment for

para que, para decirles

so that, to tell them

que estamos en directo en Duplex

that we are live on Duplex

con Cannes, ya que

with Cannes, since

hoy es la apertura del festival de Cannes

Today is the opening of the Cannes Festival.

del festival número 61

of the 61st festival

hace 61 años que empezó el movimiento

It has been 61 years since the movement began.

y estuve, bueno, viendo la apertura

and I was, well, watching the opening

el presidente este año

the president this year

va a ser, bueno, es Sean Penn

it's going to be, well, it's Sean Penn

y pues

and well

unos cuantos muy buenos realizadores

a few very good filmmakers

están presentes en el

they are present in the

en el

in the

grupo de personas que van a

group of people who are going to

que van a elegir la

that they are going to choose her

película vencedora

winning movie

un elenco bastante variado

a quite varied cast

y bueno, hay un par de buenas películas

And well, there are a couple of good movies.

voy a informar un poco más, pero hay una

I’m going to provide a little more information, but there is a

libanesa que se ve muy buena

Lebanese woman who looks very good.

que es una mezcla de película de animación

What is a mix of animated film?

con filmación concreta de

with specific filming of

Perú y toda la onda de la guerra

Peru and all the vibe of the war.

así que bueno, les traeré más información

So, well, I will bring you more information.

en los próximos programas

in the upcoming programs

o en este, ya que estoy en directo

or in this one, since I'm live

pero bueno, nada más para contarles eso

but well, just wanted to tell you that

un abrazo nuevo fuerte al

a strong new hug to the

al Mauricio, al hermano

to Mauricio, to the brother

un abrazo fuerte, fuerte, espero que los vea pronto

A strong, strong hug, I hope to see them soon.

y bueno, vamos a seguir escuchando un poco de Wax Taylor

And well, let's keep listening to a bit of Wax Taylor.

y después se viene Sensile

and then Sensile comes

así que agárrense chicos, ahí vamos

So hang on tight, guys, here we go.



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Así que bueno, pues los tendré al tanto de lo que va pasando aquí, pues sigamos escuchando un poquito más de este Wex Taylor y vamos a cambiar ahora de registro y vamos a ir hacia Lyon, una ciudad que se encuentra al sureste de París y en que hacen muy buen dub, así que vamos a escuchar un tema más de nuestros amigos, de nuestro amigo Wex Taylor y vamos a pasar después a Sensile.

So, well, I'll keep you updated on what's going on here, let's keep listening a little more to this Wex Taylor and now we're going to change gears and head to Lyon, a city located southeast of Paris where they make very good dub, so let's listen to one more track from our friend Wex Taylor and then we'll move on to Sensile.

Y realizing why this world will never be right, then I threw another log on the fire.

And realizing why this world will never be right, I then threw another log on the fire.

Travelling down the highway of the enemy, we be joining the endless convoy of cultural hegemony, we be missing the forest for the trees cause we can't see the evils that men do.

Traveling down the highway of the enemy, we join the endless convoy of cultural hegemony, we are missing the forest for the trees because we can't see the evils that men do.

On TV, in the movies, overseas and right here on our streets, we be opting for being glorified over humility.

On TV, in the movies, overseas and right here on our streets, we are choosing to be glorified over humility.

We need, we need, we need, we need to break the convoy line, get the hell off the highway, take the road less traveled, cause that moral fire you thought was so tightly woven, it's unraveling, it's unraveled, I hate to tell y'all, it's unraveled.

We need, we need, we need, we need to break the convoy line, get the hell off the highway, take the road less traveled, because that moral fire you thought was so tightly woven, it's unraveling, it's unraveled, I hate to tell y'all, it's unraveled.

Why do you insist on keeping us caged? You know all that does is intensify rage.

Why do you insist on keeping us caged? You know all that does is intensify rage.

The word now is seize the time.

The word now is seize the time.

And all power to the people.

And all power to the people.

Power to the people.

Power to the people.

We be, we be, we be, we be.

We be, we be, we be, we be.

Say, I'm standing on my soapbox again.

Say, I'm standing on my soapbox again.

Say, I'm one of those conscious artists talking that change the world shit again.

Say, I'm one of those conscious artists talking that change the world stuff again.

Say, I might be just a bit too dramatic slash overzealous about what I see as the human spirit.

Say, I might be just a bit too dramatic or overzealous about what I see as the human spirit.

Dive into uncertainty.

Dive into uncertainty.

Say what you like.

Say what you like.

Cause I'll be all those things you say all night and all day before I allow myself and soul to wither away into indistinctness.

Cause I'll be all those things you say all night and all day before I allow myself and soul to wither away into indistinctness.

Live a half life of blissful ignorance.

Vive una media vida de ignorancia bendita.

Never take another chance.

Nunca tomes otra oportunidad.

Another chance.

Another chance.

Do the latest dance.

Do the latest dance.

With the devil.

Con el diablo.

And lose my dreams.

Y perder mis sueños.

For all we could be.

Para todo lo que podríamos ser.

Lose my dreams for all we could be.

Perder mis sueños por todo lo que podríamos ser.

We be.

We are.

Why do you insist on keeping us caged?

Why do you insist on keeping us caged?

You know all that does is intensify rage.

You know all that does is intensify rage.

The word now is seize the time.

The word now is seize the time.

And all power to the people.

Y todo el poder para el pueblo.

Power to the people.

Power to the people.

We be.

We are.



So many.

So many.



Like the number of death threats that Malcolm used to get.

Like the number of death threats that Malcolm used to receive.

We be.

We are.



Oh so many.

Oh, so many.



Like the multitudes of souls lost in the wars of men.

Like the multitudes of souls lost in the wars of men.

Over gold.

Sobre oro.

Over pain.

Over pain.

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Thank you for watching the video.

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la globalización. Radio Global

globalization. Global Radio

llega a DF. Instalación sonora,

arrives in DF. Sound installation,

exposición gráfica, conferencias,

graphic exhibition, lectures,

talleres, conciertos, y

workshops, concerts, and

transmisión global en vivo. Del

live global broadcast. From

veintiséis de junio al cinco de

June twenty-six to the fifth of

julio, en el Laboratorio Arte

July, in the Art Laboratory

Alameda. Doctor Mora siete,

Alameda. Doctor Mora seven,

Centro Histórico, México DF.

Historic Center, Mexico City.

Para más info visita triple W

For more info, visit triple W.

punto Radio Global punto O.

Global Radio Point O.

Vuelvo de B Godr'rena.

I return from B Godr'rena.




I returned.



Triunfo de M.

Triumph of M.



L practicing.

L practicing.







¡Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

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¡Hey mis chiquillos ¿Cómo siguen?

Hey my little ones, how are you doing?

Luton en India. Luton es un productor francés de música electrónica y tras un viaje que

Luton in India. Luton is a French producer of electronic music and after a trip that

hizo el año pasado a India, en la provincia de Rajasthan para ser exacto, pues estuvo

he made last year to India, in the province of Rajasthan to be exact, because he was

sampleando y trabajando con músicos indios y nos trajo este proyecto que se llama Luton

sampling and working with Indian musicians and brought us this project called Luton

On And. Así que pues hoy estuvimos escuchando exclusivamente música, musiquilla de producción

So today we were exclusively listening to music, little production music.

francesa. Es el objetivo de una ida y vuelta ahora que está en París. Así que pues les

French. It's the goal of a round trip now that he's in Paris. So, well, to them.

doy cita la semana que viene, el miércoles que viene, para nuevas aventuras juntos. Les

I will make an appointment for next week, next Wednesday, for new adventures together.

buscaré nuevas producciones que me parezcan interesantes y que les puedan interesar a

I will look for new productions that seem interesting to me and that may interest you.

ustedes y pues los tendré al tanto un poco más de las novedades culturales que pueda

I will keep you updated on any cultural news that I can.

haber acá en París y en Francia en general y en Europa. Así que bueno chicos, yo soy

to be here in Paris and in France in general and in Europe. So well guys, I am

Pedro, fue un gustazo poder compartir con ustedes. Sigan escuchando Radio Global.

Pedro, it was a pleasure to be able to share with you. Keep listening to Radio Global.

La excelente programación de Radio Global que se viene. Creo que el güero va a estar

The excellent programming of Radio Global that is coming. I think the blond guy is going to be there.

en los controles y nos va a pasar un poco de música. Y pues yo les digo hasta la semana

at the controls and is going to play us some music. And well, I'll see you next week.

que viene y acá les paso un cortito de Radio Global para un evento que va a estar en junio

Here comes a short clip from Radio Global for an event that will be in June.

en el DF sobre Radio Global. Así que métanse chicos y bueno pues ánimo, fuerza en lo que

in the DF on Radio Global. So come on guys, and well, keep it up, strength in whatever

estén haciendo y les doy cita el miércoles que viene. Sigan escuchando Radio Global chicos.

They are doing and I'll give you an appointment next Wednesday. Keep listening to Radio Global, guys.

Un abrazo. Chau.

A hug. Bye.



, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Chau, Ch

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

Llega DF.

Arrive in DF.

Instalación sonora, exposición gráfica, conferencias, talleres, conciertos y transmisión global en vivo.

Sound installation, graphic exhibition, conferences, workshops, concerts, and live global broadcasting.

Del 26 de junio al 5 de julio en el Laboratorio Arte Alameda.

From June 26 to July 5 at the Alameda Art Laboratory.

Doctor Mora 7, Centro Histórico, México DF.

Doctor Mora 7, Historic Center, Mexico City.

Para más info visita www.radioglobal.org.

For more info visit www.radioglobal.org.

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