Episode 87: Vértigo 26-11-2020

Agustin Loscertales

vertigocadena100's Podcast

Episode 87: Vértigo 26-11-2020

vertigocadena100's Podcast



Buenas tardes, bienvenidos un jueves más a Vértigo

Good afternoon, welcome to Vértigo once again on a Thursday.



Como ha dicho el gran jefe Ansaldo, estaré con vosotros hasta alrededor de las 4 de la tarde

As the great chief Ansaldo has said, I will be with you until around 4 in the afternoon.



Recordad, con las colaboraciones inestimables de nuestros colaboradores, valga la redundancia

Remember, with the invaluable contributions of our collaborators, if I may say so.

Con alguna sección por ahí, algunas novedades que haya ido encontrando durante la semana

With some section out there, some news that I have come across during the week.

En los días pasados, sed todos bienvenidos

In the past days, welcome everyone.







de una mujer fuerte y poderosa a otra mujer fuerte y poderosa, la Mujer de los Caballeros de Fuego

From one strong and powerful woman to another strong and powerful woman, the Woman of the Fire Knights.

nos trae de actualidad Tina Turner, que está en plena forma sus 80 años

Tina Turner brings us up to date, as she is in great shape at 80 years old.



El remix de Kigo ha traído a la actualidad de nuevo uno de sus temas clásicos del pop de los 80, What's Love Got To Do.

Kigo's remix has brought back to the forefront one of his classic 80s pop songs, What's Love Got To Do.

¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!

Voy a poner a la altura de Tina Tarnet, pero esta canción que vais a escuchar también es un pequeño clásico, al menos del indie español, aquel indie noise de mediados de los 90.

I'm going to put it on par with Tina Tarnet, but this song you are about to hear is also a small classic, at least of Spanish indie, that indie noise from the mid-90s.

De hecho, esta canción ya la puse hace unos años, pero bueno, viene recomendada encarecidamente por DJ Ombligo, es uno de sus clásicos básicos y, hombre, no le vamos a hacer el feo al Zagal.

In fact, I played this song a few years ago, but well, it comes highly recommended by DJ Ombligo, it's one of his essential classics and, man, we’re not going to turn down Zagal.

Para no poner exactamente la misma canción, he rebuscado por ahí un concierto de...

To avoid putting the exact same song, I searched for a concert of...

Radio 3, del año 2000, si no me equivoco, y bueno, aquí está este tema de nosotras, Voy a aterrizar, del año 96.

Radio 3, from the year 2000, if I'm not mistaken, and well, here is this song of ours, I'm Going to Land, from the year 96.

Voy a aterrizar

I am going to land.

Lo haré sobre el mar

I will do it over the sea.

Tú me olvidarás

You will forget me.

Si algo sale mal

If something goes wrong

Sola yo cruceo

Alone I cross.

En la plática

In the chat.

Sola yo cruceo

Only I cross.

Sola con mi amor

Alone with my love

Qué fantástico

How fantastic!

Tú me olvidarás

You will forget me.

Si algo sale mal

If something goes wrong.

Sola con mi amor

Alone with my love

Sola yo cruceo

I crossed alone.

Qué fantástico

How fantastic!

Voy a despegar

I'm going to take off.

De la tierra al mar

From the land to the sea

Voy a despegar

I'm going to take off.

Yo no olvidaré

I will not forget.

Tú saberás algo

You will know something.

Así cant survivor

This is how a survivor sings.

Venga bien, voy a ir

Alright, I'm going to go.

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Si he de pilotar

If I have to pilot

Justo a mi radar

Just to my radar.

¿Quién me esperará?

Who will wait for me?

Al final del mar

At the end of the sea

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa

Pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Pa pa pa pa

Para pa pa pa

For pa pa pa

Y el maestro Asensio,

And Master Asensio,

DJ Asensio, en su habitual línea de grandísimas recomendaciones,

DJ Asensio, in his usual line of great recommendations,

nos trae en esta ocasión a Oslo Parks.

it brings us this time to Oslo Parks.

Nos comenta que son un dúo de Brighton UK

They tell us they are a duo from Brighton, UK.

y que este es su primer tema nuevo en cinco años.

and that this is their first new song in five years.

Se llama Like a Stone.

It's called Like a Stone.

Like a Stone.

Like a Stone.

¡Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

Ya nunca volverás a ser como antes

You will never be like before again.

Algo si no sería sincero

Something I wouldn't be sincere about.

Si dijera que no lo he pasado bien con Dios

If I said that I haven't had a good time with God.

Cada noche cuando sueño

Every night when I dream

Me puedo ver

I can see myself.

Se para el tiempo

Time stands still.

Y cuando despierto

And when I wake up

Ya no me acuerdo

I don't remember anymore.

Cuando despierto

When I wake up

Ya no me acuerdo

I don't remember anymore.

Cuando despierto

When I wake up

Sé que las cosas

I know that things

Ya nunca volverán

They will never return again.

A ser como antes

To be like before.

Ya nunca volverán

They will never return again.

A ser como antes

To be like before.

Ya nunca volverán

They will never return.

A ser como antes

To be like before.

Algo si no sería sincero

Something I wouldn't be honest about.

Si dijera que no lo he pasado bien con Dios

If I said that I haven't had a good time with God.

Algo si no sería sincero

Something I wouldn't be honest about.

Nada pasa sin una razón

Nothing happens without a reason.

No hay nada por qué pedir perdón

There is nothing to apologize for.

Serán los del agua y la información

They will be the ones of water and information.

Futuro de un mundo más

Future of a better world

Circuitos en la ciudad

Circuits in the city

Figuras en la cabeza

Figures in the head

Del hombre

Of the man

Figuras en la cabeza

Figures in the head

Del hombre

Of the man

De la cabeza del hombre

From the man's head

La cabeza del hombre

The man's head


Thank you!

Y este tema...

And this topic...

Había sido una recomendación

It had been a recommendation.

que me hizo en su momento

what it made me at that moment

Eva, pero he de decirle

Eva, but I must tell you

que yo le había echado el ojo

that I had my eye on him/her

previamente, así que vamos a decir

previously, so let's say

que este tema es una recomendación

that this topic is a recommendation

de ambos.

of both.

Se trata de Lo último de María Rodés

It's about the latest from María Rodés.

en este caso en colaboración

in this case in collaboration

con la estrella de David

with the Star of David

con un sonido country muy marcado

with a very pronounced country sound

y el tema se llama Hacer el amor.

And the song is called Making Love.


Thank you!

No lo sé

I don’t know.

Quiero un amor

I want a love.

Que me obligue a rendirme

That forces me to surrender.

Quiero ese calor

I want that warmth.

Que me da la pasión

What gives me passion

Y no sé si eso existe

And I don't know if that exists.

Lo que tenga que ser

Whatever will be, will be.

Que sea contigo al lado

May it be with you by your side.

Yo quiero un amor antiguo

I want an old-fashioned love.

Y no me importa ahora mismo

And I don't care right now.

Si pido demasiado

If I ask for too much

Vivirla contigo

Live it with you

Ese amor antiguo

That ancient love

Querer estar juntas

Wanting to be together.


To love

Hacer lo mejor

Do your best.

Vivirlo contigo

Live it with you.

Todas las mañanas

Every morning

Y cada noche

And every night

Hacer el amor

Make love

Y cada noche

And every night

Hacer el amor

Make love

Y cada noche

And every night


To make

No sé si estoy o no

I don't know if I am or not.

de la ciencia ficción

of science fiction

busco entre mis cosas

I search through my things.

y todo es pura contradicción

and everything is pure contradiction

cada molécula de mí solo piensa en huir

every molecule of me only thinks about escaping

cinco segundos para la fusión

five seconds to the fusion

salgan corriendo a borde en la misión

Run to the edge on the mission.

para el otro espacio temporal

for the other time space

entre mis piernas este clima tropical

between my legs this tropical weather

que me ahoga, que me ahoga, que me aprieta

that chokes me, that chokes me, that tightens me

no desquiento nada

I don't care about anything.

no destierno ante el bien y el mal

I do not discern between good and evil.

me niego a que me adoctrine una ley universal

I refuse to be indoctrinated by a universal law.

veo cuerpos celestes flotar

I see celestial bodies floating.

hace tiempo que dejaron de brillar

They stopped shining a long time ago.

un estado avanzado de putrefacción

an advanced state of decay

cinco segundos para la fusión

five seconds to fusion

salgan corriendo a borde en la misión

run out to the edge on the mission

para el otro espacio temporal

for the other time space

entre mis piernas este clima tropical

between my legs this tropical weather

que me ahoga, que me ahoga, que me aprieta

that suffocates me, that suffocates me, that tightens me

y reconozco, reconozco

and I acknowledge, I acknowledge

cinco segundos para la fusión

five seconds to fusion

salgan corriendo a borde en la misión

Run out to the edge on the mission.

para el otro espacio temporal

for the other temporal space

entre mis piernas este clima tropical

between my legs this tropical weather

cinco segundos para la fusión

five seconds to merge

salgan corriendo a borde en la misión

Run to the edge in the mission.

para el otro espacio temporal

for the other time space

entre mis piernas este clima tropical

between my legs this tropical weather

que me ahoga, que me ahoga, que me aprieta

that chokes me, that chokes me, that suffocates me

y reconozco, reconozco

and I recognize, I recognize

cinco segundos para la fusión

five seconds to fusion

salgan corriendo a borde en la misión

Run out to the edge in the mission.

¿También novedad es este tema que se supone que vais a empezar a escuchar ahora?

Is this topic also new that you are supposed to start listening to now?

se toma su tiempo

takes his/her time

se llama La Clase Media

It's called The Middle Class.

y es de la banda La Trinidad

and it is by the band La Trinidad

La Clase Media

The Middle Class

¿Qué les pasa? Porque hoy llevan esas pintas

What's going on with you? Why are you dressed like that today?

Mira, son dos notas haciéndose fotos movidas

Look, there are two notes taking blurry photos.

Los espejos les devoran con tendencias suicidas

The mirrors devour them with suicidal tendencies.

La Clase Media

The Middle Class

Aspira, aspira, aspira, más que a La Clase Media

Aspire, aspire, aspire, more than to the Middle Class.

Aspira, aspira, aspira, por la náufraga sin ausencia

Inhale, inhale, inhale, for the shipwrecked one without absence.

Aspira, aspira, aspira, toma a La Clase Media

Breathe, breathe, breathe, take the middle class.

Un espejismo oculto que parasita su cabeza

A hidden mirage that parasites your mind.

La Clase Media

The Middle Class

Por momentos piensan que no existen de verdad

At times, they think they don't really exist.

Son infames alter egos como en su virtualidad

They are infamous alter egos like in their virtuality.

Ellos piensan que sujetan la vida por la sola

They think they hold life by the sole.

¿Qué coño van a sujetar si tragan mierda a cucharadas?

What the hell are they going to hold on to if they swallow shit by the spoonful?

Putas de lo suyo, una postal barata

Whores of their own, a cheap postcard.

Idas y venidas

Comings and goings

De un camión de la basura

From a garbage truck

A las tantas de la madrugada

At the early hours of the morning.

Deciden si de allí está todo desquiciado

They decide if everything is messed up from there.

Vean un tipo de espaldas

See a guy from behind.

Parece encenderse un cigarro

It seems to light a cigarette.

Iba a pedirle uno

I was going to ask you for one.

Pero no es el mechero

But it's not the lighter.

Lo que ilumina su cara

What lights up her face

Lo único que alumbra es la luz de su pantalón

The only thing that shines is the light from his pants.

Paname y no me diga

Panama and don't tell me.

Y hago un pelo despreciado

And I make a hair despised.

Directo al matadero

Straight to the slaughterhouse.

Y entre las piernas el rabo

And between the legs the tail.

Entre las piernas el rabo

Between the legs the tail.

Verdaderamente potente la propuesta de la Trinidad.

Truly powerful is the proposal of the Trinity.

Y ahora Marcelo Criminal, que tiene la receta, o por lo menos tiene el afán de hacerse famoso en España y en el mundo entero, dentro y en contra.

And now Marcelo Criminal, who has the recipe, or at least has the desire to become famous in Spain and around the world, both for and against.

Cantando la misma canción, toda España, cantando la misma canción.

Singing the same song, all of Spain, singing the same song.

Cantando la misma canción.

Singing the same song.


Thank you!

Y el tema siguiente no lo voy a poner aún

And I'm not going to mention the next topic yet.

porque es tan corto

Why is it so short?

que si no pues me lo voy a

that if not then I'm going to


to eat

bueno, una solución sería que me callara

Well, one solution would be for me to shut up.

que os leo el pensamiento

I can read your mind.

pero bueno, es un tema de

but well, it is a matter of

System of a Down de 11 años después

System of a Down 11 years later.

de este que hemos escuchado de Michael Jackson

of this one that we have heard from Michael Jackson

es de 2002

It is from 2002.

del tercer disco de System of a Down

from the third album of System of a Down

Still This Album

Aún este álbum

es curioso porque ya tiene prácticamente

It's curious because it practically already has

20 años, 18 años

20 years, 18 years

en su momento se tomó

at the time it was taken

como que este disco era un poco de

It's like this album was a bit of

descatalogaos del disco anterior

uncatalogued from the previous album

del Toxicity que pegó el

of the toxicity that affected him

petardazo ahí

big bang there

System of a Down, además

System of a Down, furthermore

yo era bastante seguidor porque

I was quite a follower because

en aquella época era muy

at that time it was very

del new metal, muy metalero

of new metal, very metalhead

entonces seguí la discografía

So I followed the discography.

del grupo hasta que

from the group until

se deshizo hace ya

it was dismantled a long time ago

12, 13, 14 años

12, 13, 14 years old

como os decía, el Still This Album

As I was saying, the Still This Album.

que precisamente también generó

that precisely also generated

polémica por

controversy over

el título del disco

the title of the album

Róbame, algo así como Róbame

Steal from me, something like Steal from me.

bueno, que siempre se tomó

well, that it was always taken

como salió justo al año siguiente del Toxicity

as it came out just a year after Toxicity

no dio mucho tiempo a

didn't give much time to

pues eso, entre un disco y otro

well, that, between one album and another

que parecía

that seemed

o se le criticaba que fuera

or he was criticized for being

eran descatalogamientos

they were discontinuations

o caras B

or B sides

del anterior disco

from the previous album

bueno, el

well, he

grupo a lo largo de los años

group over the years

conforme ha ido pasando el tiempo, de hecho

as time has gone by, in fact

ha reivindicado este disco como

has claimed this album as

el mejor de la banda, el que más

the best of the band, the one who likes the most

les ha gustado, y yo en ese sentido

they have liked it, and I in that sense

también tengo que dar la razón

I also have to agree.

aquí hay muchísimos temas que son muy

there are many topics that are very

buenos y que vamos, para nada

Good and let's go, not at all.

suenan a lo que me ha sobrado

They sound like what I have left over.

del disco anterior

from the previous album

el tema que vais a escuchar

the topic you are going to listen to

de este tal como hoy

of this just like today

de System of a Down

by System of a Down

tal día como hoy

on this day like today

es la canción Bubbles

It's the song Bubbles.

de Still This Album

of Still This Album

las canciones que

the songs that

me ha pegado

he hit me

el disco

the disk



del disco

from the disk



el disco

the disk

del disco

from the disk

el disco

the disk

de la banda

of the band





el disco

the disk

¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!

Y estos son un matrimonio residente en Los Ángeles, que esto parece el 1-2-3.

And these are a couple living in Los Angeles; this looks like a 1-2-3.

Practican un... lo que ahora se llama un Dream Pop.

They practice a... what is now called Dream Pop.

Y casualmente no era buscado. El título de la canción también es un dígito, un número. Es 143.

And coincidentally, it wasn't sought after. The title of the song is also a digit, a number. It is 143.



Se llaman The Know

They are called The Know.

Este tema que también podría tener

This topic that could also have

algo de Dream Pop

some Dream Pop

está a cargo de Shelly

It is under Shelly's responsibility.

se llama Steam

It's called Steam.

que se llama

what is it called


It seems there's a confusion in your request, as "소�緊asonic" does not appear to be in Spanish. If you provide me with a Spanish text, I'll be happy to translate it for you.

y babos

and babos



You get

You get



y icho

and I said




Please provide the text you would like to have translated.


Thank you!

One more time, the Smiths and Myers.

One more time, the Smiths and Myers.

Let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

Llevémoslo a diez, vamos, hagámoslo de nuevo.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Underrated, elevated, might be famous, no one ever made me.

Underrated, elevated, might be famous, no one ever made me.

How you doing?

How are you doing?

There's no limit, I admit it, I would give it, I would give it all up for you.

No hay límite, lo admito, lo daría, lo daría todo por ti.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, can't stop a river when it rolls.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, can't stop a river when it rolls.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, keep it rolling till it overflows.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, keep it rolling until it overflows.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, keep it rolling till it overflows.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, keep it rolling until it overflows.

Wait a minute, now we're in it, can you feel it?

Wait a minute, now we're in it, can you feel it?

Wanna keep it, wanna keep it up.

Wanna keep it, wanna keep it up.

Your vision, your religion, your mission, I can't ever seem to get enough.

Your vision, your religion, your mission, I can never seem to get enough.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, come on, let's take it to ten, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

Because you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when I'm by your side.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

One more time, I think we started a trend, come on, let's do it again.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Cause you're on my mind, and I'm in love with the feeling when you're by my side.

Y que se podía esperar de un grupo llamado Nothing But Thieves.

And what could be expected from a group called Nothing But Thieves.

No, nada más que ladrones.

No, nothing more than thieves.

No es que suenen igual, pero es de esto que cuando algo te recuerda a algo.

It's not that they sound the same, but it's one of those things where something reminds you of something else.

Me recuerda un poco al rollito de Reinsadas de Machín.

It reminds me a bit of the vibe of Machín's Reinsadas.

En todo caso están también bastante políticamente comprometidos.

In any case, they are also quite politically committed.

La canción es Can You Afford To Be An Individual?

The song is Can You Afford To Be An Individual?

Te puedes permitir el lujo de ser un individuo.

You can afford the luxury of being an individual.


Thank you!

También me suena un poquito como a Queens of the Stone Age, ¿no?

It also sounds a bit like Queens of the Stone Age, doesn't it?

Y esta es la quinta de pastel, son The Shelters y la canción es Can't Go Home.

And this is the fifth piece of cake, they are The Shelters and the song is Can't Go Home.


Thank you!

¡Hola, la gente es vertiginosas, pues plegamos por esta semana!

Hello, people are dizzying, so we bend for this week!


Thank you!

Ya sabéis, vertigocadena100.podomatic.com para escucharlo el podcast, en cuanto mediatiempo,

You already know, vertigocadena100.podomatic.com to listen to the podcast, as soon as halftime.




Thank you!


Thank you!

colgarlo actualizaré también en cuanto pueda las listas de spotify y de youtube vértigo 2020 2021

I will also update the Spotify and YouTube lists for Vértigo 2020 and 2021 as soon as I can.

luego algunos avisos y comentarios varios en el facebook el instagram y no sé si hay por

then some notices and various comments on Facebook, Instagram, and I don't know if there are others.

alguna red social más cuidaos mucho escuchad mucha música un abrazo

Any more social media? Take care, listen to a lot of music, a hug.

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