GustaPOD 11 (ft. Alec Dudson)



GustaPOD 11 (ft. Alec Dudson)


Hola y bienvenido al episodio 11 de The Gustapod.

Hello and welcome to episode 11 of The Gustapod.

Esta vez, el invitado es Alec Dutson, editor en jefe de Intern Magazine,

This time, the guest is Alec Dutson, editor-in-chief of Intern Magazine.

una publicación independiente de print que se refiere a los internos y los internos en las industrias creativas.

an independent print publication that refers to interns and interns in the creative industries.

He escuchado sobre Intern Magazine en julio de este año.

I heard about Intern Magazine in July of this year.

Lo he leído y pensé que sería bueno tener un charlaje con Alec,

I have read it and I thought it would be good to have a chat with Alec.

así que le envié un e-mail y, poco después, nos conocimos para una cerveza en Londres,

so I sent him an email and, shortly after, we met for a beer in London,

donde me dijo todo sobre el proyecto que acababa de comenzar.

where he told me everything about the project he had just started.

Un mes después, una vez que mis fiestas de verano se terminaron,

A month later, once my summer holidays were over,

nos encontramos en Skype y grabamos el episodio que vas a escuchar.

We met on Skype and recorded the episode that you are about to listen to.

Para más información sobre Intern Magazine, visite

For more information about Intern Magazine, visit

y si tienes preguntas o sugerencias sobre el podcast,

and if you have questions or suggestions about the podcast,

por favor, no te olvides de contactar conmigo en

please, don't forget to contact me at

Eso es

That is

Espero que lo disfrutes. ¡Adiós!

I hope you enjoy it. Goodbye!

Gustapod número 11

Gustapod number 11

Alec Dutson

Alec Dutson

Hola Alec, ¿cómo estás? Bienvenido y gracias por tomar el tiempo de tener un charlaje, hombre.

Hello Alec, how are you? Welcome and thank you for taking the time to have a chat, man.

¿Cómo has estado?

How have you been?

No está mal, gracias, Gusto. Gracias por tenerme.

Not bad, thank you, Gusto. Thank you for having me.

Sí, ha sido genial.

Yes, it has been great.

Nuestro Kickstarter terminó y entramos con 129% de nuestro objetivo,

Our Kickstarter ended, and we came in at 129% of our goal.

así que todo está avanzando bastante bien,

so everything is going quite well,

como siempre ha sido el caso con este proceso.

as has always been the case with this process.

Cada elemento de hacer el revista.

Each element of making the magazine.

Parece que va a durar un poco más de lo que yo hubiera imaginado y quizás me hubiera gustado,

It seems that it is going to last a bit longer than I would have imagined and perhaps liked.

pero ya sabes, estamos llegando a una etapa a la vez.

but you know, we are reaching one stage at a time.

Sí, buen hecho.

Yes, good job.

Estás en Manchester ahora, ¿verdad?

You are in Manchester now, right?



¿Es ahí donde creciste?

Is that where you grew up?

Crecí en un lugar llamado Stoke, que está a una hora al sur de Manchester.

I grew up in a place called Stoke, which is an hour south of Manchester.

Es relativamente, comparativamente, una ciudad bastante pequeña,

It is relatively, comparatively, a quite small city.

pero vine a Manchester para la universidad.

but I came to Manchester for university.

Así que he estado viviendo aquí ahora,

So I have been living here now,

o sea, he estado viviendo aquí ahora, o sea, he estado viviendo aquí ahora, o sea, he estado viviendo aquí ahora,

I mean, I've been living here now, I mean, I've been living here now, I mean, I've been living here now.

y creo que tiene 6 o 7 años.

and I think he is 6 or 7 years old.



Es genial porque es una ciudad realmente genial,

It's great because it's a really cool city.

hay mucho que hacer y está lejos de Stoke,

there is much to do and it is far from Stoke,

pero cerca de lo que tengo que volver, así que tiene ese charme.

but close to what I have to return to, so it has that charm.

Pero creo que comparado con Londres,

But I think that compared to London,

donde mi primera experiencia de vivir fue el verano pasado,

where my first experience of living was last summer,

cuando estaba trabajando en una universidad allá abajo,

when I was working at a university down there,

creo que prefiero, con Manchester, con Londres hay tanta cosas que hacer,

I think I prefer Manchester; with London there are so many things to do.

todo el tiempo, es imposible hacerlo todo.

All the time, it's impossible to do everything.

Y la belleza de Manchester es que, aunque no haya tanto que hacer,

And the beauty of Manchester is that, even though there isn't much to do,

hay mucho que hacer para mantener a la persona entretenida.

There is much to do to keep the person entertained.

Y puedes llegar a todo.

And you can reach everything.

Puedes caminar de pie o en bicicleta.

You can walk on foot or ride a bike.

Puedes estar en un lado de la ciudad y llegar al otro en 15 o 20 minutos.

You can be on one side of the city and reach the other in 15 or 20 minutes.

Así que no tienes nada de lo largo, protracto.

So you don't have anything lengthy, protracted.

Oh, te veré aquí. No, no puedo hacerlo.

Oh, I'll see you here. No, I can't do it.

No tienes nada de eso que polariza a la gente en Londres un poco.

You don't have any of that which polarizes people in London a bit.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

¿Y qué estudias en Manchester?

And what are you studying in Manchester?

¿Dónde vas a estudiar?

Where are you going to study?

Hice mi graduación en Estudios Culturales y Sociología,

I graduated in Cultural Studies and Sociology.

y luego mi maestría en Sociología.

and then my master's degree in Sociology.

Así que creo que, por un buen tiempo,

So I think that, for a good while,

estaba completamente en denuncia de que mi Sociología

I was completely denouncing that my Sociology

nunca iba a ser de ningún uso para mí,

it was never going to be of any use to me,

una vez que decidí que no iba a perseguir el lado académico

Once I decided that I was not going to pursue the academic side.

más allá de los maestros.

beyond the teachers.

Pero estaba hablando con alguien sobre esto el otro día,

But I was talking to someone about this the other day,

y creo que, casi de in turno,

and I believe that, almost in turn,

se refiere a la manera en la que estoy tratando el tema.

It refers to the way I am addressing the topic.

Creo que está probablemente informado

I believe he is probably informed.

por mi background sociológico,

due to my sociological background,

y es muy coreano.

and it is very Korean.

Creo que tal vez eso es donde alguien

I think that might be where someone

realmente no ha hecho esto aún.

he really hasn't done this yet.

Hay algunas publicaciones que hacen

There are some publications that make

una especie de conferencia de actores

a kind of actors' conference

para diseñadores y ilustradores.

for designers and illustrators.



Hay algunas publicaciones como

There are some posts like

Shell Suit Zombie,

Shell Suit Zombie

un gran ejemplo.

a great example.

Pero creo que todas vienen de un

But I think they all come from a



en sí mismo.

in itself.

Así que, para mí, cuando estaba

So, for me, when I was

jugando con la idea de

playing with the idea of

comenzar una revista,

start a magazine,

mi primer pensamiento era que

my first thought was that

cualquier tema que sea,

any topic it may be,

debe tener una substancia real

It must have a real substance.

más allá de ser

beyond being

una revista de conferencias,

a conference journal,

o de ser

or to be

una de esas publicaciones que

one of those posts that

está hermosamente diseñada,

it is beautifully designed,

y que tenga un significado

and that it has a meaning

muy ambiguo entre

very ambiguous between

comentar sobre arte,

comment on art,

sobre la cultura,

about culture,

sobre el estilo,

about style,

y simplemente,

and simply,

un nombre realmente genial,

a really cool name,

pero nada más.

but nothing more.



creo que, especialmente con los medios de prensa

I think that, especially with the media.

siendo el tipo más abierto

being the most open type

y todo el mercado más competitivo

and the entire market more competitive

que hay en estos días,

what's going on these days,

ese elemento del mercado

that market element

ya está saturado.

It's already saturated.

Así que sí, creo que todo eso

So yes, I think all of that.

se ha rechazado un poco.

It has been slightly rejected.

Realmente, más de lo que

Really, more than what

imaginaba que se haría.

I imagined that it would happen.

Y entiendo que tu experiencia

And I understand that your experience

como internista sin pago

as an internist without pay

en Reino Unido

in the United Kingdom

te ha inspirado

it has inspired you

a comenzar el proyecto.

to start the project.



¿cómo empezó todo, realmente?

How did it all really begin?

Bueno, bueno,

Well, well,


I started

mi primera internación

my first hospitalization

en marzo del año pasado,

in March of last year,

y fui a Milán

and I went to Milan



un par de meses

a couple of months

con Donus Magazine,

with Donus Magazine,

que es una gran experiencia.

it is a great experience.

Obviamente, son una gran publicación,

Obviously, they are a great publication.

y han estado en marcha

and they have been in progress

hace casi 80 años.

almost 80 years ago.

Creo que la única vez

I think the only time

que han parado

that they have stopped

fue durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial

it was during World War II

durante un par de años.

for a couple of years.

Así que es una publicación increíble

So it's an amazing post.

con una historia increíble.

with an incredible story.



tan pronto como

as soon as

se dio a cabo,

it took place,

eso fue muy sorprendente

that was very surprising

cuando empecé a aplicar,

when I started to apply,

porque empecé a aplicar

because I started to apply

para cosas en Londres

for things in London

y nada realmente apareció.

and nothing really appeared.

Así que,




creo que si hubiera ido,

I think that if I had gone,

hubiera ido a Milán

I would have gone to Milan.

una semana antes.

one week before.

Tuve una entrevista

I had an interview.

para Dazed and Confused,

for Dazed and Confused,

pero solo porque,

but only because,

no sé,

I don't know,

les había dado mi palabra

I had given them my word.

sobre cuándo iba a quedarme

about when I was going to stay

y me sentí que

and I felt that

debería honrar eso

I should honor that.

porque me dieron mi parada.

Because they gave me my stop.

Así que, cuando volví a Londres,

So, when I returned to London,


I finished.

hablando con los chicos

talking with the guys

de Boat Magazine,

from Boat Magazine,

Davey y Aaron Spence,

Davey and Aaron Spence,

que son un equipo de esposa y esposa

they are a wife and wife team

que lo ejecutan,

that they execute it,

y es muy...

and it is very...

es una gran publicación.

It's a great publication.

Cada tema

Each topic

es sobre una ciudad diferente.

It's about a different city.

Y me acercé a ellos

And I approached them.

y me volvieron.

and they turned me back.

Fue un caso

It was a case.

en el que no realmente

in which not really

hicieron internos

they made them internal

porque no están cómodos,

because they are not comfortable,

no están pagando a la gente.

They are not paying the people.

Es una operación

It is an operation.

muy pequeña.

very small.

Pero en ese aspecto,

But in that regard,

vi de inmediato

I saw immediately.

que sería

what would it be

una buena opción

a good option

para mí.

for me.

Hice siete meses

I completed seven months.

con Boat.

with Boat.

Fue increíble.

It was incredible.

La idea era

The idea was

que básicamente

that basically

estaría con ellos

I would be with them.

durante la duración

during the duration

de un tema

about a topic

desde el plan

from the plan

hasta salir de allí.

until leaving there.

Fuimos a Atenas

We went to Athens.

el último agosto

the last August



una vez que lo hicieron,

once they did it,

sabía desde el comienzo

I knew from the beginning.

que no había trabajo

that there was no work

esperando por mí

waiting for me

al final.

in the end.

Eso fue

That was

lo que me hizo

what made me



Pero todavía

But still

me encontraba

I was.





no solo

not only

con la gente

with the people

con la que trabajaba

with whom I was working

todos los días,

every day,

sino también

but also

con la publicación.

with the publication.

Así que


me sentí

I felt.

casi como

almost like

un descanso.

a break.


There was

un periodo

a period



un par de semanas

a couple of weeks

en el que

in which






with me

para saber

to know

qué hacer

what to do

y si

and if




to convince them

de que

of what


could be

maquinar este trabajo

to scheme this work

para mí.

for me.



sabía que

I knew that



seguir trabajando

continue working

en revistas

in magazines

y porque

and why

no había

there wasn't

un trabajo

a job

que fuera

that it was

para Boat

for Boat

ni otros

nor others

en el horizonte

on the horizon


I started

a pensar

to think

en las posibilidades

in the possibilities

de empezar

to start

algo yo mismo.

something myself.

Y creo

And I believe



donde Boat

where Boat



fue una

it was a



muy pequeña

very small

y había visto

and had seen

de inmediato


todas las etapas

all the stages

que pasaron

what happened

desde la

from the



de dónde

where from


we were going

y aquí está

and here it is

el revista

the magazine

y creo que

and I believe that

eso me dio

that gave me

la confianza


de que esto

what this is

era algo

it was something

que pudiera

that could


to carry out

de manera

in a way



y obviamente

and obviously



un regalo real

a royal gift

de poder

to be able to


to see



y eso

and that

es lo que

it is what

David y Erin

David and Erin

me dijeron

they told me

en múltiples ocasiones

on multiple occasions

que si quieres

that if you want

ganar dinero

to make money

no te metas

don't get involved

en el

in the



así que


esas palabras

those words



en mis oídos

in my ears


I started.

a pensar

to think



si es

yes it is









de ahí

from there

como las semanas

like the weeks


they started

y empecé

and I started

a jugar

let's play

con ideas

with ideas

que no podía

that I couldn't


to do/make

y creo que

and I believe that

en ese momento

at that moment

me di cuenta

I realized.

de que

of what

en ese momento

at that moment

no había

there wasn't

nada que ver

nothing to see

con el

with him



y creo que

and I think that

eso es

that is it

algo de

something of

gran importancia

great importance



se trata

it is about

de este tema

about this topic

los intercambios

the exchanges

son un problema

they are a problem



que ocurre

What happens?

en muchas

in many





por qué


te enfocas

you focus

en la industria

in the industry



en particular

in particular

en un aspecto

in one aspect

era porque

it was because

ellos eran los que

they were the ones who

yo tenía

I had

la experiencia

the experience



quiero decir

I want to say



de nuevo


quiero decir

I want to say.

que mi tiempo

that my time

en domus

in the house

fue mi primera

it was my first



en el mundo

in the world

de diseño


en un nivel

at a level



nunca había estado

I had never been.

en algún lugar




así que



you know

el concepto

the concept

fue muy

it was very



por mis

for my





lo que realmente

what really

me hizo crecer

it made me grow

es que

it's just that

como estudio

how I study

de caso

of case

creo que

I think that

las industrias

the industries



son bastante

they are quite



cuando se trata

when it comes to

de los intercambios

of the exchanges

porque tienes

because you have

este dilema

this dilemma

que cuando

that when

los intercambios

the exchanges

son discutidos

are discussed

incluso si no

even if not


you mention

la palabra

the word



una de las

one of the





o primeros

or firsts



es que

it's just that

el problema

the problem

de que no

that no

se aplica

it applies

a las industrias

to the industries



si tomas

if you take

por ejemplo

for example

el diseño

the design



la industria

the industry

de diseño






una situación

a situation

en la que

in which

las únicas

the only ones



que pueden

that they can


to contribute

para romper

to break

en esa industria

in that industry





que son

what are they



o suficientemente

or sufficiently



o apoyados

or supported

de cualquier manera


que puedan

that they may


to contribute

a la industria

to the industry

o a la base

or to the base





te quedas

you stay

en un

in a



de 10

of 10

o 15

or 15

o 20

or 20





las únicas personas

the only people

con cualquier

with any



en esa industria

in that industry



de ese

of that





de personas

of people



la creatividad




no es algo

it's not something

que solo

that alone

se aporta

is contributed

a aquellos

to those

que pueden

that can

vivir en London

to live in London

o todo el mundo

or everyone

ya que




un grupo

a group



en realidad

in reality

es un grupo

it is a group







la empresa

the company

de los

of the





de los

of the



y es

and it is





















de que

of what

En términos de industrias

In terms of industries

La revista va a tomar

The magazine is going to take.

Pero es un punto de salida

But it's a starting point.

Y creo que hay un montón de material

And I think there is a lot of material.

Y un montón de intriga

And a lot of intrigue.

En ese aspecto

In that aspect

Sí, lo entiendo

Yes, I understand.

Hacemos una pausa

We take a break.

Y luego

And then

¿Querrías tocar una de las canciones

Would you like to play one of the songs?

Que elegiste para este episodio?

What did you choose for this episode?

Ok, voy a tocar

Okay, I'm going to play.

Bluebell Fields

Bluebell Fields

Por Money

For Money

Creo que

I think that

Es una banda nueva

It's a new band.

De Manchester

From Manchester

Su álbum de debut

His debut album

En la sombra del cielo

In the shadow of the sky

Viene a salir

It is about to come out.

Más tarde este mes

Later this month.

Y creo que la razón

And I believe that the reason

Por la que elegí

For the one I chose.

Es porque han tocado recientemente

It's because they have played recently.

En el Festival Internacional de Manchester

At the Manchester International Festival

Y fueron excelentes

And they were excellent.

Pero van a ser

But they are going to be

Muy grandes

Very big

Si era un hombre de betas

If he was a man of stripes.

En mi posición

In my position

Como un revista independiente

Like an independent magazine.

Que publicó

What did you publish?

Y claramente

And clearly

No puede ser

It can't be.

Para mí

For me

No puede ser

It can't be.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Thank you!

Alec, ¿cuáles fueron los grandes desafíos que enfrentaste cuando empezaste un proyecto como este de inmediato?

Alec, what were the major challenges you faced when you immediately started a project like this?

Sé que tuviste alguna experiencia trabajando con Boat y el otro revista en Italia,

I know you had some experience working with Boat and the other magazine in Italy.

y por supuesto no estabas completamente solo en ese sentido,

and of course you weren't completely alone in that sense,

así que tenías una especie de comprensión y conocimiento,

so you had a kind of understanding and knowledge,

pero todavía creo que ha sido bastante desafiante empezar el proyecto.

But I still believe it has been quite challenging to start the project.

Creo que la primera cosa que hice fue tomar esa decisión,

I think the first thing I did was make that decision,


Do you know?

Y decidir,

And to decide,

bueno, voy a intentar hacer esto.

Well, I'm going to try to do this.

Quiero decir, fue afortunado en el sentido de que,

I mean, it was fortunate in the sense that,

debido a mi tiempo en Londres,

due to my time in London,

debido a que estaba trabajando en internos,

due to the fact that I was working on internal matters,

y estaba solo durmiendo en la piscina de mis amigos

And I was just sleeping in my friends' pool.

y trabajando en un pub para pagarme.

and working in a pub to pay for myself.

Todo lo que tuve que hacer realmente fue quitarme el trabajo de pub.

All I really had to do was quit my pub job.


It’s over.

Acabó muy rápido, creo.

It ended very quickly, I think.

Decidí que lo haría justo antes de Navidad.

I decided that I would do it just before Christmas.

Tuve un montón de cambios en el pub,

I had a lot of changes in the pub,

durante el año nuevo,

during the new year,

porque obviamente es un periodo muy ocupado,

because it is obviously a very busy period,

y pensé que era una gran oportunidad para ganar un montón de dinero

and I thought it was a great opportunity to make a lot of money.

para poder empezar.

to be able to start.

Y en el espacio de tal vez, creo,

And in the space of maybe, I believe,

menos de dos semanas después de enviar mi noticia al pub,

less than two weeks after sending my news to the pub,

eso fue todo.

that was all.

Me mudé de vuelta a Manchester.

I moved back to Manchester.



simplemente no era válido de manera remota

it simply wasn't valid in any way

intentar tomar el proyecto en Londres.

try to take the project in London.

I was going to start looking to rent a studio space.

I was going to start looking to rent a studio space.

Y, por supuesto,

And, of course,

los espacios de estudio en Manchester

the study spaces in Manchester

costan tal vez un quinto de algunos de los espacios que buscaba en Londres.

they cost maybe a fifth of some of the spaces I was looking for in London.

Así que,


un juego completamente diferente.

a completely different game.

Y desde entonces,

And since then,

lo más difícil, creo,

the most difficult, I think,



simplemente ser este tipo

just be this guy

con una idea al final de un correo electrónico,

with an idea at the end of an email,

perseguir a la gente,

chasing people,

encontrar a la gente,

find people,

fotógrafos, diseñadores,

photographers, designers,

en el momento correcto de su carrera,

at the right moment in his/her career,



ya sabes,

you know,

ellos pudieran ser parte del proyecto

they could be part of the project

y, ya sabes,

and, you know,

tratar de convencerlos de que esto era,

trying to convince them that this was,

no sé,

I don't know,

una buena idea

a good idea

y luego algo que iba a suceder de hecho.

and then something that was actually going to happen.

Es bastante difícil cuando

It's quite difficult when

no tienes

you don't have

el trabajo de nadie más para mostrarle a la gente,

nobody else's work to show to people,

no tienes,

you don't have,

ya sabes,

you know already,

solo tienes un nombre,

you only have one name,

no tienes un logo,

you don't have a logo,

no tienes,

you don't have,

que es,

what is,

ya sabes,

you know,

el escenario al que estaba en los primeros

the stage I was on in the early ones

dos meses.

two months.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Pero, ya sabes,

But, you know,

eso es un gran testimonio

that is a great testimony

de la fe y la confianza

of faith and trust





los contribuyentes

the taxpayers

que hicieron

what did they do

el tema cero

the zero theme

me pusieron

they put me

y yo,

and I,

ya sabes,

you know,

mi intención

my intention

desde entonces

since then

hacia adelante


fue simplemente

it was simply

hacer todo lo que pudiera

do everything I could

para asegurarse

to ensure

de que,

of what,

ya sabes,

you know,

esa confianza y fe en mí

that confidence and faith in me

fue repagada

was repaid

y espero,

and I hope,

ya sabes,

you know,

que en un par de meses

that in a couple of months

cuando tengamos el tema uno,

when we have topic one,

será algo

it will be something

con lo cual todos

with which everyone

se pueden sentar

they can sit down

y sentirse

and to feel



de haber estado involucrados.

of having been involved.

Parece que estás

It seems that you are

haciendo un gran esfuerzo

making a great effort

para crear

to create

no solo una revista

not just a magazine

con contenido

with content

en contacto

in contact

y todo eso,

and all that,

pero también

but also

una publicación

a publication

con un personaje

with a character

muy bien diseñado.

very well designed.

¿Quién te está ayudando

Who is helping you?

a formar

to form

la identidad visual

the visual identity

de una revista

from a magazine

y cómo

and how

esa relación

that relationship


Did it arise?

Los hombres

The men

que gestionan

that they manage

la dirección de arte

the art direction



una firma

a signature



She Was Only

She Was Only





de She Was Only

of She Was Only



el diseñador

the designer

que trabajaba

that worked

cada día

every day



siete meses.

seven months.

Así que


fue realmente

it was really

un caso

a case



tiempo perfecto

perfect time



ya estaban

they were already



en She Was Only

in She Was Only

tres de ellos

three of them

en esa etapa

at that stage

en la que no

in which not

estaban obteniendo

they were obtaining

suficiente trabajo

enough work




to work

a tiempo completo.


Así que cada uno

So each one



varios otros trabajos

several other jobs

de freelancing

of freelancing

y en su tiempo

and in its time



en los fin de semana

on the weekends

era She Was Only

She Was Only

y eso

and that

para ellos

for them

fue la oportunidad

it was the opportunity



de tener

of having

en plan

in plan

carte blanche

blank check

el diseño

the design

de una nueva revista

of a new magazine

que es

what is it

algo que

something that

los chicos

the boys


young people

están en

they are in

este tipo

this guy

de escena

of scene







un buen

a good



y para mí

and for me





en poder

in power



la idea

the idea

fuera de

out of

la tierra

the earth

del diseño

of the design



yo creo

I believe.



el diseño

the design

del diseño

of the design


it is





y yo

and I

todavía estaría

I would still be.

en esa etapa

at that stage

si no fuera

if it weren't

para ellos

for them

no saliendo

not going out

de un

of a

entorno de diseño

design environment

no podría

I couldn't.


to put



en conjunto

as a whole

por supuesto

of course




quiero decir

I want to say.

que mis intentos

that my attempts

en el diseño

in the design

de la revista

from the magazine

nos han ayudado

they have helped us

a lograrlo

to achieve it





hemos vivido

we have lived



la visión

the vision

de que

of that

la gente

the people



está contribuyendo

is contributing

va a

is going to


to be





el contenido

the content













la forma

the shape

en que

in what

se empacifica

it is pacified




you are

un diseñador

a designer

visualmente con lo que estás, ya sabes, con lo que estás buscando, así que sí, han sido increíbles, han hecho

visually with what you are, you know, with what you are looking for, so yes, they have been amazing, they have done

más adelante desde el tema cero, el diseño de la página web, todo eso escrito en un CMS customizado,

further along from topic zero, the design of the website, all of that written in a customized CMS,

que es, ya sabes, le da un gran, un gran sentido a eso y, de nuevo, kind of eleva, supongo,

What it is, you know, it gives a great, a great sense to that and, again, kind of elevates, I guess,

la apariencia profesional de esta operación bastante amateurista, que está solo siendo, ya sabes,

the professional appearance of this rather amateur operation, which is just being, you know,

run by me out of some tiny little room on a second hand, on a second hand PC chair, so.

run by me out of some tiny little room on a second hand, on a second hand PC chair, so.

Sure, and you started a campaign on Kickstarter that surpassed, like, the fundraising goal of

Sure, and you started a campaign on Kickstarter that surpassed, like, the fundraising goal of

5,500 pounds that you had set at the beginning. At the end of the campaign, 347 people helped you

5,500 pounds that you had set at the beginning. At the end of the campaign, 347 people helped you.

raise more than 7,000 pounds. That's well over the original sum that you had in mind. Did that come

raise more than 7,000 pounds. That's well over the original sum that you had in mind. Did that come

as a result of that?

as a result of that?

Did that come as a surprise, or did you always have that feeling that the project was going to be

Did that come as a surprise, or did you always have that feeling that the project was going to be?

successfully funded?

successfully funded?

I mean, I guess it's not in my nature to make assumptions, and I think certainly when you're

I mean, I guess it's not in my nature to make assumptions, and I think certainly when you're.

dealing with something of this ilk, it's incredibly dangerous to do so as well. I put a lot of thought

Dealing with something of this ilk is incredibly dangerous as well. I put a lot of thought.

and research into every element of the Kickstarter. It was back in March that a woman called Stephanie

and research into every element of the Kickstarter. It was back in March that a woman named Stephanie

Pereira, who was the founder of Kickstarter, who was the founder of Kickstarter, who was the founder

Pereira, who was the founder of Kickstarter, who was the founder of Kickstarter, who was the founder.

of Kickstarter, who's the director of the art program for Kickstarter, was in the UK, I guess just

of Kickstarter, who is the director of the art program for Kickstarter, was in the UK, I guess just

doing a sort of a promotional tour, if you will. She'd been, she gave a talk at a festival in

doing a sort of promotional tour, if you will. She had been, she gave a talk at a festival in

Manchester, which I couldn't make, but much to my delight, a couple of days later, my friend who'd

Manchester, which I couldn't attend, but much to my delight, a couple of days later, my friend who'd

been to the talk and had since followed her on Twitter, noticed she was doing, like, a kind of

Been to the talk and had since followed her on Twitter, noticed she was doing, like, a kind of

open meet and greet in Liverpool, and that's, you know, that's 40 minutes on a train from

open meet and greet in Liverpool, and that's, you know, that's 40 minutes on a train from

Manchester. So, got my bag together, told my friends in Liverpool that I was going to do a

Manchester. So, I packed my bag, told my friends in Liverpool that I was going to do a

stay in their spare room and just got the hell over there, and that was an incredibly worthwhile

stay in their spare room and just got the hell over there, and that was incredibly worthwhile.

thing to do, because I had maybe 25 minutes with her before anyone else showed up, and she, in that

cosa por hacer, porque tuve tal vez 25 minutos con ella antes de que alguien más apareciera, y ella, en eso

short space of time, really made me realize, you know, how much planning needs to go into a

short space of time, really made me realize, you know, how much planning needs to go into a

successful Kickstarter campaign. You get one thing wrong, you sort of, you get the financial

successful Kickstarter campaign. You get one thing wrong, you sort of, you get the financial

tiers of your rewards a little bit wrong, and that can completely undermine everything else you do.

Tiers of your rewards a little bit wrong, and that can completely undermine everything else you do.

You know, you've got a lot of money, you've got a lot of money, you've got a lot of money, you've got a lot of

You know, you have a lot of money, you have a lot of money, you have a lot of money, you have a lot of.

money, you've got to make sure that your rewards are suitable for, you know, your target audience.

Money, you've got to make sure that your rewards are suitable for, you know, your target audience.

Everything's got to be really nicely photographed and presented. A video, of course, is of paramount

Everything has to be really nicely photographed and presented. A video, of course, is of paramount importance.

importance, and, you know, that, the kind of feel and aesthetic of that, again, needs to speak to,

importance, and, you know, that, the kind of feel and aesthetic of that, again, needs to speak to,

you know, the audience that you perceive will make up the majority of your backers. So, I mean,

you know, the audience that you perceive will make up the majority of your backers. So, I mean,

I wasn't, don't get me wrong, I was blown away by,

I wasn't, don't get me wrong, I was blown away by.

how the Kickstarter turned out, and completely humbled by the manner in which everyone has

how the Kickstarter turned out, and completely humbled by the manner in which everyone has

sort of shown faith in it and connected with the concept. But it just, it kind of, even, even once

sort of shown faith in it and connected with the concept. But it just, it kind of, even, even once

we got, even once we'd made the target, it's an incredibly stressful process. There's, you know,

we got, even once we'd made the target, it's an incredibly stressful process. There's, you know,

every, you get into this mentality where, you know, every waking moment counts. It's put us

Every, you get into this mentality where, you know, every waking moment counts. It's put us

in a strong position. You know, I could still make an absolute mess of it at this stage if I'm not,

en una posición fuerte. Sabes, aún podría arruinarlo completamente en esta etapa si no lo estoy,

very careful on what I do with that money. I'm doing what I can to sort of financially make this

very careful about what I do with that money. I'm doing what I can to somewhat financially manage this.

as sustainable as possible. Of course, a big part of our finances is paying our contributors. So,

as sustainable as possible. Of course, a big part of our finances is paying our contributors. So,

while it's something I couldn't say on the Kickstarter because it kind of, you know,

while it's something I couldn't say on the Kickstarter because it kind of, you know,

anything that could be construed as charitable in any sense, you can't do because it's not,

anything that could be construed as charitable in any sense, you can't do because it's not,

charity is not the point. It's, you know, you always get something tangible back for your

Charity is not the point. It's, you know, you always get something tangible back for your.



And, you know, the better we did on Kickstarter essentially means the more money I have with which

And, you know, the better we did on Kickstarter essentially means the more money I have with which

I can pay the contributors so that, you know, the contributors fee kind of creeps up the better

I can pay the contributors so that, you know, the contributors' fee kind of creeps up.

we do. So, you know, each, again, all the more reason that each waking hour, each moment lost,

we do. So, you know, each, again, all the more reason that each waking hour, each moment lost,

I was, you know, fingers crossed, pressing refresh. I think my, I think F5 is completely

I was, you know, fingers crossed, pressing refresh. I think my, I think F5 is completely

worn out on my laptop now, so.

worn out on my laptop now, so.

And speaking of contributors, you had, like,

And speaking of contributors, you had, like,

on the, on the Kickstarter campaign, then you had some, you had some really nice rewards for your

on the, on the Kickstarter campaign, then you had some, you had some really nice rewards for your

backers. And I think that helped too. You had some photo prints by various artists. You had

backers. And I think that helped too. You had some photo prints by various artists. You had

screen printed backs. Did you approach these people or did they get in touch with you and

screen printed backs. Did you approach these people or did they get in touch with you and

say, like, hey, we heard about Intern and we want to get involved with the project and all that?

Say, like, hey, we heard about Intern and we want to get involved with the project and all that?

How, how did that relationship with people that contributed with the campaign and the magazine

How, how did that relationship with the people who contributed to the campaign and the magazine?

come about?

"¿Cómo sucedió?"

Well, all of the Kickstarter rewards featuring,

Well, all of the Kickstarter rewards featuring,

people's work are from our, you know, they're all people who are involved in issue one,

People's work is from us, you know, they're all people who are involved in issue one.

whose work is involved in issue one. So it just seemed like a really nice way to extend

cuya obra está involucrada en el primer número. Así que parecía una forma realmente agradable de extender

the ethos of the magazine. You know, another way to get these people's work out there. And

the ethos of the magazine. You know, another way to get these people's work out there. And

one of the main reasons that this magazine can exist is because I'm of the opinion that

one of the main reasons that this magazine can exist is because I'm of the opinion that

these people's work is of a professional standard and it's desirable. And what better way to

these people's work is of a professional standard and it's desirable. And what better way to

endorse that?

endorse that?

The idea of it being desirable is to offer it as, you know, a sort of art print reward. Yeah. And

The idea of it being desirable is to offer it as, you know, a sort of art print reward. Yeah. And

with that, each one, we have to work out who gets what, because until I send out, until we have

With that, each one of us has to figure out who gets what, because until I send it out, until we have

issue one ready, and I'm sending out all of the backers who've selected, who are going to be

Issue one ready, and I'm sending out all of the backers who've selected, who are going to be.

selecting prints, we don't know who's selecting what, which photograph they'd like. But once we

selecting prints, we don't know who's selecting what, which photograph they'd like. But once we

know that, each of the contributors are going to be selecting prints. So we don't know who's

know that each of the contributors are going to be selecting prints. So we don't know who's

selecting what, but we know that the contributors whose work is selected, each time it's selected,

selecting what, but we know that the contributors whose work is selected, each time it's selected,

they get a percentage of that. So it's another way of making sure they get paid for what they're

they get a percentage of that. So it's another way of making sure they get paid for what they're.

great at, which is, you know, which is one of the main points of the magazine. So it just seemed

great at, which is, you know, which is one of the main points of the magazine. So it just seemed

like a really nice way to kind of wrap a bow around the entire concept and make the Kickstarter

Like a really nice way to kind of wrap a bow around the entire concept and make the Kickstarter.

an extension of what I'm trying to do. That makes sense. I think it's time for us to listen to

an extension of what I'm trying to do. That makes sense. I think it's time for us to listen to

another song. So time for you to choose another one from your list. Which one would that be?

Another song. So it's time for you to choose another one from your list. Which one would that be?

I'm going to go for Tribe of Quest, Tribe Called Quest, sorry, Luck of Lucian, because I watched a

I'm going to go for Tribe of Quest, Tribe Called Quest, sorry, Luck of Lucian, because I watched a

hip-hop documentary last night called Rhyme and Reason, and there's never a bad time in a day for a bit of Q-tip.

Hip-hop documentary last night called Rhyme and Reason, and there's never a bad time in a day for a bit of Q-tip.

I'm going to go for Tribe of Quest, Tribe Called Quest, and there's never a bad time in a day for a bit of Q-tip.

I'm going to go for Tribe of Quest, Tribe Called Quest, and there's never a bad time in a day for a bit of Q-tip.

I know you don't want to create a magazine where people who agree with internships don't have a voice.

I know you don't want to create a magazine where people who agree with internships don't have a voice.

I know that you generally want both sides to have the same opportunity to voice their opinion and host a healthy discussion about the subject.

I know that you generally want both sides to have the same opportunity to voice their opinion and host a healthy discussion about the subject.

So, in issue one, who did you choose to start the debate about intern culture, and how will that debate be featured in the magazine?

So, in issue one, who did you choose to start the debate about intern culture, and how will that debate be featured in the magazine?

We've got one interview with a pair of twins who both spent the best part of the year.

We've got one interview with a pair of twins who both spent the best part of the year.

for free. Now, once you've said yes

for free. Now, once you've said yes

to that first time, and you

to that first time, and you

kind of, your moral

kind of, your moral

standpoint on it softens a little bit

The standpoint on it softens a little bit.

and you think, oh, you know, what harm is it doing?

And you think, oh, you know, what harm is it doing?

Before you know it, you're

Before you know it, you're

another one of those places that

another one of those places that

because of demand, the moment

debido a la demanda, el momento

the demand's there, you get these

The demand's there, you get these.

internships where they run for

internships where they run for

a set course of time, and it

un tiempo determinado, y eso

will be set, three months is probably one of the most common

will be set, three months is probably one of the most common

in the UK. So you've got, God

in the UK. So you've got, God

knows how many people applying for that, one

knows how many people are applying for that, one

person gets it. Naturally, by the end

person gets it. Naturally, by the end

of that three months, they are agitating

of those three months, they are agitating

to get taken on or

to be hired or

start getting paid for what they're doing. You can't see any good

start getting paid for what they're doing. You can't see any good

reason why they wouldn't be. The moment

reason why they wouldn't be. The moment

they speak up, the moment

they speak up, the moment

it becomes a headache, there are

it becomes a headache, there are

15, 20, 30 people

15, 20, 30 people

waiting to take their place on the

waiting to take their place on the

Monday, and I can appreciate

Lunes, y puedo apreciar

even from these

incluso de estos

emails I've been getting, how easy

emails I've been getting, how easy

it is to fall into that trap of

it is to fall into that trap of

almost unconsciously fostering

casi inconscientemente fomentando

this climate that

this climate that

it just, I can't see

It's just that I can't see.

how it's sustainable. It just

how it's sustainable. It just

baffles me, so I don't know.

me deja perplejo, así que no sé.

For me, Boat was

For me, Boat was

an example of it. There are still unpaid

an example of it. There are still unpaid.

internships out there which are, if

internships out there which are, if

and it's one of those again, if

y es uno de esos de nuevo, si

you are lucky enough to be in

you are lucky enough to be in

a situation where you can make it work financially,

a situation where you can make it work financially,

there are still unpaid

there are still unpaid

internships out there that do do that, that

Internships out there that do that, that

do give you that great insight

do give you that great insight

into your chosen field. But

en tu campo elegido. Pero

if you're one of the ones that's

if you're one of those who are

lucky enough to be in that situation where you

lucky enough to be in that situation where you

can work them great, if you're not, that's

can work great for them, if you're not, that's

where it gets incredibly murky,

donde se vuelve increíblemente turbio,

I guess. Yeah, yeah. Well, time

I guess. Yeah, yeah. Well, time.

for us to pick another song as well.

para que elijamos otra canción también.

What would that one be?

¿Cuál sería ese?

I'm gonna go for Gangsta

I'm gonna go for Gangsta.

Words I Manifest, again

Words I Manifest, again

as I'm still very much

as I'm still very much

in my, back in my

in my, back in my

90s hip-hop phase as a result of

90s hip-hop phase as a result of

watching that documentary last night

watching that documentary last night

and also reminded me

and also reminded me

of a time a good

of a good time

six years ago now where I saw

six years ago now where I saw

Gangsta in Manchester,

Gangsta in Manchester,

Academy 2. I think there were

Academy 2. I think there were.

maybe 100 people in the

maybe 100 people in the

crowd and he's no longer

multitud y ya no está

with us but Guru,

with us but Guru,

an absolute, an absolute legend.

an absolute, an absolute legend.

Yeah, we're out!

¡Sí, estamos fuera!


Thank you!

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