Los conciertos de Radio 3 - Versiones verano 3 - 05/07/24

Radio 3

Los conciertos de Radio 3

Los conciertos de Radio 3 - Versiones verano 3 - 05/07/24

Los conciertos de Radio 3

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Thank you for listening to our podcasts on Radio 3.

Recogieron las basuras de mi calle ayer oscuras y hoy sembrada de bombillas.

They picked up the garbage from my street yesterday, dark, and today it is filled with lights.

Calgaron de un cordel de esquina a esquina un cartel, banderas de papel, verdes, rojas y amarillas.

They hung a sign from a cord from corner to corner, paper flags, green, red, and yellow.

Y al darles el sol a espaldas revolotean las faldas bajo un manto de guirnaldas para que el cielo lo vea.

And as they turn their backs to the sun, the skirts flutter under a mantle of garlands for the sky to see.

Que en la noche de San Juan como comparten su pan, su tortilla y su gabán, gentes de cien mil raleas.

That on the night of San Juan, as they share their bread, their tortilla, and their coat, people of a hundred thousand kinds.

Apurad, que aquí os espero si queréis venir, pues cae la noche y ya se van nuestras miserias a dormir.

Hurry, for I am waiting for you here if you want to come, for night is falling and our miseries are already going to sleep.

Vamos subiendo la cuesta que arriba en mi calle se he vistiado de fiel.

We are going up the slope that above on my street has dressed itself in faith.

Aquí está.

Here it is.

Hoy el noble y el villano, el prombre y el gusano, bailan y se dan la mano sin importarles la facha.

Today the nobleman and the villain, the lord and the worm, dance and shake hands without caring about appearances.

Juntos los encuentro al sol, a la sombra de un farol, empapados en alcohol, abrazando una muchacha.

Together I find them in the sun, in the shadow of a lantern, soaked in alcohol, embracing a girl.

Y con la resaca a cuestas vuelve el pobre a su pobreza, vuelve el rico a su riqueza y el señor cura sus misas.

And with the hangover on his back, the poor man returns to his poverty, the rich man returns to his wealth, and the priest says his masses.

Despertó el bien y el mal, la pobre vuelve al portal, la rica vuelve al rosal y el ávaro a sus divisas.

Good and evil awakened, the poor returns to the doorway, the rich returns to the rosebush, and the miser to his coins.

Se acabó, el sol nos dice que llegó el final.

It's over, the sun tells us that the end has arrived.

Por una noche se olvidó que cada uno es cada cual.

For one night, she forgot that each one is their own person.

Vamos bajando la cuesta que arriba en mi calle se acabó la fiesta.

We're going down the hill where the party ended on my street.

Y ahora otra vez os cuento las medias anteriores de mi vida.

And now I will tell you again about the previous halves of my life.

Me siente muy bien.

I feel very good.

Es como si fuera una ola en un lado de la luna.

It's like a wave on one side of the moon.

Ahora dice que se acabó la fiesta.

Now it says the party is over.

Quiero saber por qué.

I want to know why.

Se acabó la fiesta.

The party is over.

Pero no es que se acabó la fiesta, es que se acabó la visita.

But it's not that the party is over, it's that the visit is over.

No es que esté haciendo nada, no es que quita el tiempo.

It's not that I'm doing anything, it's not that it's wasting time.

No tiene nada que ver con eso.

It has nothing to do with that.

¿Qué es eso?

What is that?

Es a ver.

It's to see.

No sé.

I don't know.

¿Qué es eso?

What is that?



Ella paga sus cigarros

She pays for her cigarettes.

En los ojos de los terráqueos

In the eyes of the earthlings

En su nave guarda fotos

In his ship, he keeps photos.

De los que ha ido cegando

Of those he has been blinding.



Transparente, transparente

Transparent, transparent.



Everyone is feeling pretty

Everyone is feeling pretty.

It's a turn of the night

Es un turno de la noche.

Everyone is full of problems

Everyone is full of problems.

¡Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

Vino con el cráneo ensangrentado

He came with a bloodied skull.

Bajó la cruz, me llevan al calvario

He lowered the cross, they're taking me to Golgotha.

Y hay gritos a mi paso

And there are screams as I pass by.

¡Gracias por ver el video!

Thank you for watching the video!

A mi paso

At my pace

Siento un cosquilleo frío

I feel a cold tingle.

Dolor al rey de los judíos

Pain to the King of the Jews

Siento que te voy a ver de frente

I feel that I am going to see you face to face.

Mientras me rodeo de gente

While I surround myself with people

Y mi ropa hecha de suertes

And my clothes made of fortunes.

Ya de arriba abajo se ha rasgado

It has already been torn from top to bottom.

El velo del viejo santuario

The veil of the old sanctuary

Y grito porque parto

And I scream because I depart.

A sentarme a tu lado

To sit next to you.

Siento un cosquilleo frío

I feel a cold tingling.

Soy el rey de los judíos

I am the king of the Jews.

Siento que te voy a ver de frente

I feel like I’m going to see you face to face.

Mientras me rodeo de gente

While I surround myself with people.

Y mi ropa hecha de suertes

And my clothes made of fortunes

Siento un cosquilleo frío

I feel a cold tingle.

Soy el rey de los judíos

I am the king of the Jews.


Thank you!

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop it, I will do what I have to do.

Lo sé, ya lo sé, sé muy bien que esto no es fácil

I know, I already know, I know very well that this is not easy.

En un mundo encadenado por la presión

In a world chained by pressure

Luchar por sobrevivir, entonces ya está familiar

Fight to survive, then it's already familiar.

Desde tarde esto funcionará, si mis huesos no soportarán

From late this will work, if my bones can’t handle it.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop it, I will do what I have to do.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop now, I'll do what I have to do.

No te des por vencido jamás, no pierdas la fe

Never give up, never lose faith.

Solo lucha por avanzar

Just fight to move forward.

Sé que esta vida contigo no ha sido amable

I know that this life with you has not been kind.

Golpes, golpes, golpes a soporte

Hits, hits, hits to support.

El tiempo da la razón, solo a los valientes

Time gives reason only to the brave.

Y algo me dice que todo irá bien

And something tells me that everything will be fine.

Que no hay nada que no logre vencer

That there is nothing I cannot overcome.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop it, I will do what I have to do.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Luck for me, luck for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop it, I will do what I have to do.

No te des por vencido jamás, no pierdas la fe

Never give up, never lose faith.

Solo lucha por avanzar

Just fight to move forward.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Para ya, haré lo que tenga que hacer

Stop it, I'll do what I have to do.

Lucky for me, lucky for me

Lucky for me, lucky for me.

Glück Af protesters

Luck to the protesters

J сред的やって Part 1

J doing middle part 1

Mother Of Man II

Mother Of Man II

Cuando el tiempo se está cerrando, donde el tiempo se junta, Burche estoy sad y pesado, Solo te dejo pensar, pero no por mas poco lo quiero contar

When time is closing in, where time comes together, Burche I am sad and heavy, I only let you think, but not for longer do I want to tell.



Hay del caballo grande

Woe to the big horse.

Que no quiso el agua

That did not want the water.

Hay que no quiso el agua

There was someone who didn't want the water.



Ay duérmete clave

Oh sleep, key.



Hay que el caballo

There is the horse.



No quiere beber

He/She doesn't want to drink.



Duérmete rosa

Go to sleep, rose.



Ay que el caballo se va

Oh no, the horse is leaving.



Aún ha llorado

Has she still cried?



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