Sateli 3 - Txiringuito Sessions (08) Cantautoras estadounidenses 2013 - 09/09/24

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Sateli 3

Sateli 3 - Txiringuito Sessions (08) Cantautoras estadounidenses 2013 - 09/09/24

Sateli 3

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Los fans de Taxi Driver habréis adivinado que este es uno de los fragmentos de la banda sonora que compuso el gran Bernard Herrmann.

Fans of Taxi Driver will have guessed that this is one of the excerpts from the soundtrack composed by the great Bernard Herrmann.

De hecho fue su última banda sonora, creo.

In fact, it was his last soundtrack, I think.

Si mi cálculo no fue...

If my calculation was not...

No fallan, sí.

They don't fail, yes.

Falleció después.

He passed away afterward.

Bueno, Bernard Herrmann ya sabes, el que hizo las músicas más famosas de las películas de Hitchcock.

Well, Bernard Herrmann, you know, the one who made the most famous music for Hitchcock's films.

Empezando por la de Vértigo y continuando por el famoso violín de psicosis de la escena de la ducha.

Starting with the one from Vertigo and continuing with the famous violin from the shower scene in Psycho.

Bueno, ¿qué tal? Muy buenas.

Well, how are you? Very good.

Está Guillermo Ruiz, para no variar ahí aguantándome una vez más en el puente de mando.

It's Guillermo Ruiz, as usual, putting up with me once again on the bridge.

Una chiringuito sesión.

A beach bar session.

Una chiringuito sesión muy especial.

A very special chiringuito session.

Te cuento.

I'll tell you.

Pues hace como 14 años, porque la cosa está fechada, en el 2013, me encontré de repente con una suerte de discos que compartían un leitmotiv.

Well, about 14 years ago, because the thing is dated, in 2013, I suddenly came across a sort of discs that shared a leitmotiv.

Eran todas mujeres, compositoras y cantantes.

They were all women, composers and singers.

No cantantes féminas de grupos de rock.

No female singers from rock bands.

Músicos masculinos, no.

Male musicians, no.

Músicos masculinos o femeninos, eso no me importa.

Male or female musicians, I don't care.

Lo que te digo es que cantantes y cantautoras de pop, folk, algo de swing quizás, blues, no sé.

What I'm telling you is that pop singers and singer-songwriters, maybe some folk, a bit of swing, blues, I don't know.

Un poco de todo.

A little bit of everything.



Sobre todo pop.

Above all pop.

Pero un pop con muchos matices.

But a pop with many nuances.

Vamos a dejarlo así.

Let's leave it like that.

Bueno, pues nada.

Well, nothing.

Lo he revisado, lo he desempolvado y la cosa me sigue...

I have reviewed it, I have dusted it off, and the thing still continues...

Sigue funcionando.

It keeps working.

Ya te digo, yo confeccioné esto en el 2013, pero no creo que todo el material que haya utilizado sea de ese año.

I'm telling you, I made this in 2013, but I don't think all the material I used is from that year.

La mayoría sí, pero habrá cosas que sean de años anteriores.

Most of them yes, but there will be things from previous years.

Desde luego lo más moderno, 2013.

Of course, the most modern, 2013.

Bueno, pues dicho esto, las recomendaciones de turno.

Well, having said that, here are the recommendations.

Que si...

That yes...

Si te interesa algo que estás escuchando, que sepas que en el podcast tienes toda la información pertinente.

If you're interested in something you're hearing, know that the podcast has all the relevant information.

Bueno, toda.

Well, everything.

La básica, vamos.

The basics, come on.

El título de lo que escuchas y el intérprete.

The title of what you hear and the performer.

O la intérprete, o el grupo, o quien sea.

Either the interpreter, or the group, or whoever it is.

Muy bien, pues...

Very well, then...

Si te digo una cosa.

If I tell you one thing.

Algunas mujeres repiten.

Some women repeat.

Porque los discos me ponían nervioso.

Because the disks made me nervous.

Me gustaba más de una canción y no sabía qué hacer.

I liked more than one song and didn't know what to do.

Con el disco y entonces pensé en combinarlas.

With the record, I then thought of combining them.

En que fueran rotando.

As they were rotating.

El leitmotiv realmente lo va a poner la mujer de la sintonía.

The real leitmotif will be set by the woman's tone.



Que es Petra Hayden, la hija de Charlie Hayden.

What is Petra Hayden, the daughter of Charlie Hayden?

Y yo reconozco que estoy muy pillado con este disco.

And I admit that I am very hooked on this album.

Titulado Petra Goes to the Movies.

Titled Petra Goes to the Movies.

Y que se trataba de las bandas sonoras que más le habían gustado a la mujer.

And it was about the soundtracks that the woman had liked the most.

Y llevarlas a su terreno fascinante de múltiples voces, ¿no?

And take them to their fascinating terrain of multiple voices, right?

Todo lo que has escuchado antes de la sintonía de hoy.

Everything you have heard before today's tune.

Esa melodía de Taxi Driver.

That melody from Taxi Driver.

Estaba todo hecho con voces.

It was all made with voices.

Pero no con varias voces.

But not with several voices.

Con la suya.

With hers.

Grabando y regrabando.

Recording and re-recording.

Claro, en distintas pistas.

Of course, on different tracks.

Todos los instrumentos, nota por nota, hechos por ella.

All the instruments, note by note, made by her.

Recreados, mejor dicho, por ella.

Recreated, rather, by her.



Vas a tener más ejemplos.

You will have more examples.

No te preocupes.

Don't worry.

Ya te digo que si el leitmotiv cada dos o tres temas sonará algo de ese álbum de Petra Hayden.

I'm already telling you that if the leitmotif comes up every two or three tracks, something from that album by Petra Hayden will sound.

Petra Goes to the Movies.

Petra Goes to the Movies.

Que, por cierto, me descubrió su programa de los elefantes cuando sueña con la música.

By the way, I discovered her program about the elephants when she dreams of music.

El maestro Carlos Galilea.

The teacher Carlos Galilea.

Bueno, pues lo dicho.

Well, that's what I've said.

Que sea una cosa divertida, entretenida.

That it be a fun, entertaining thing.

Con que te detengas, Guillermo y yo nos damos ya con un canto en los dientes.

As long as you stop, Guillermo and I are already happy with that.

Your laughter filled the silence like stars fill up the night.

Your laughter filled the silence like stars fill the night.

So I kissed you underneath a heaven that looked and sounded so bright.

So I kissed you underneath a heaven that looked and sounded so bright.

Your laughter filled the silence like stars fill up the night.

Your laughter filled the silence like stars fill up the night.

So I kissed you underneath a heaven that looked and sounded so bright.

So I kissed you underneath a heaven that looked and sounded so bright.

When you looked at the stars, did you know, could you tell?

When you looked at the stars, did you know, could you tell?

That the ending of our love would not go very well.

That the ending of our love would not go very well.

Did you know, could you tell?

Did you know, could you tell?

Horoscopes each morning across the breakfast table.

Horóscopos cada mañana a través de la mesa del desayuno.

To navigate our days.

To navigate our days.

The best that we were able.

Lo mejor que pudimos.

You used the stars, my darling, like philosophy or religion.

You used the stars, my darling, like philosophy or religion.

You used them because you think they give you better vision.

You used them because you think they give you better vision.

When you looked at the stars, did you know, could you guess?

When you looked at the stars, did you know, could you guess?

That the cadence of our love would sound like this at its best.

That the cadence of our love would sound like this at its best.

Did you know, could you guess?

Did you know, could you guess?

My love.

My love.

Now I turn my head to science.

Ahora giro mi cabeza hacia la ciencia.

Cause romance let me down.

Cause romance let me down.

I like the safety of rules and regulations.

Me gusta la seguridad de las reglas y regulaciones.

Explanations to be found.

Explanations to be found.

Light travels fast.

La luz viaja rápido.

Light travels far.

La luz viaja lejos.

By the time it reaches us.

Cuando nos llegue.

There may not even be a star.

There may not even be a star.

But love means something different to me than it does to you.

Pero el amor significa algo diferente para mí que para ti.

We don't see each other anymore.

We no longer see each other.

All I see is this, a kind of star song, baby.

All I see is this, a kind of star song, baby.

Cause we...

Because we...

Don't even exist.

No existen ni siquiera.

When you looked at the stars, did you know, were you right?

When you looked at the stars, did you know, were you right?

Did you find what you were looking for?

Did you find what you were looking for?

Did they shed a little light?

Did they shed a little light?

Listen, baby, are the stars all silent tonight?

Listen, baby, are the stars all silent tonight?

Oh, the stars are all silent tonight.

Oh, las estrellas están todas en silencio esta noche.

Did you know, could you tell?

Did you know, could you tell?


Thank you!

Vamos a escuchar un sonido que se corresponde al de una sonda de la NASA

We are going to listen to a sound that corresponds to that of a NASA probe.

que se encuentra en órbita alrededor del planeta Tierra

that is in orbit around the planet Earth

detectando desde una altura de unos 20.000 kilómetros

detecting from an altitude of about 20,000 kilometers

partículas muy pequeñas de polvo, el mismo tamaño que el de la Luna llena

very small particles of dust, the same size as that of the full moon

que rebota con la superficie del anillo de Saturno

that bounces off the surface of Saturn's rings

y detecta un sonido como este.

and detects a sound like this.


Thank you!

Para quien estuviera cayendo en el agujero negro no pasaría casi nada

For whoever was falling into the black hole, almost nothing would happen.

pero para el observador lejano, es decir, para nosotros

but for the distant observer, that is, for us

el tiempo prácticamente se para, es como si no cayera nunca

Time practically stands still; it's as if it never falls.

pero el que está cayendo allá

but the one that is falling over there

está viendo el universo mucho más rápido, de otra manera

he is seeing the universe much faster, differently

prácticamente la historia del universo.

practically the history of the universe.

Reparando las explicaciones por su parte,

Repairing the explanations on their part,

para que todos vean que ustedes no se sienten como ustedes

So that everyone can see that you don't feel like yourselves.

pero que, además,

but, moreover,

nunca se sientan como ustedes

never feel like you

y no piensen en el mundo de los que dicen algo

and do not think about the world of those who say something

sino en el mundo que dicen algo

but in the world that say something

así que no cuídense

so don't take care

o se sientan como dicen

or they feel like they say

a la hora de decir algo

when it comes to saying something

y si se sienten como dicen

And if they feel like they say.

no le cuiden

don't take care of him/her

y se sientan como dicen

and they sit down as they say

y no dejen que crean

and don't let them believe

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Subscribe to the channel!


Thank you!

Ya lo tengo.

I have it already.

Lanzaremos al capitán y a su amigo al espacio.

We will launch the captain and his friend into space.

Tú no harías eso.

You wouldn't do that.

¿Por qué no?

Why not?

Mucha gente es lanzada por todo el sistema solar.

Many people are thrown across the solar system.

A nadie le importa.

Nobody cares.

Es una idea horrible.

It's a horrible idea.

Es una gran idea.

It's a great idea.

Ajá, Lakerim.

Aha, Lakerim.

Es una gran idea.

It's a great idea.


Thank you!

De verdad, thrilled.

Really, thrilled.

De verdad.


En estezym.

In thiszym.

Un saludo a todo el mundo.

A greeting to everyone.

Quizás tu wild holocaust.

Maybe your wild holocaust.

Pero no.

But no.

Aquí Saaver, conプ Щ.

Here is Saaver, with プ Щ.

Ha sido una gracia.

It has been a grace.



Una linda experiencia.

A nice experience.

Vale, compañero.

Alright, buddy.


Thank you!

Por aquellos días, el primer satélite de la Tierra entró en órbita.

In those days, the first satellite of the Earth entered orbit.



en mi casa.

in my house.


Rest in peace.








Thank you!

G fragandista

G perpetrator

Es una suerteT

It is a stroke of luck.

Para ella

For her

es era

it was






it is






Thank you!



El día de la muerte

The Day of the Dead

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