El sótano - The Peawees, The Stems, The Courettes, Ilegales, Generador,... - 09/09/24

Radio 3

El sótano

El sótano - The Peawees, The Stems, The Courettes, Ilegales, Generador,... - 09/09/24

El sótano

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Saludos subterráneos, te habla Diego R.J., acabas de entrar en el sótano de Radio 3.

Underground greetings, this is Diego R.J. speaking, you have just entered the basement of Radio 3.

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RNE Audio

Y saludos de Chema Guadaña desde las sombras del control de sonido.

And greetings from Chema Guadaña from the shadows of the sound control.

Bueno, lunes 9 de septiembre, la marmita de este sótano rebosa novedades.

Well, Monday, September 9, the cauldron of this basement overflows with news.

Hemos cocinado un caldo sonoro con todo lo que necesitas para remontar la dura jornada de hoy.

We have cooked a soothing broth with everything you need to get through today's tough day.

Y lo primero que tenemos que conocer...

And the first thing we need to understand...

Lo primero que tengo que contarte es que ya está en la calle el nuevo disco de The Pee Wees.

The first thing I have to tell you is that the new album by The Pee Wees is now out.

El disco de The Pee Wees.

The Pee Wees' album.

Y perdiste ese tren otra vez mientras confiabas en todos, menos en tu propio instinto.

And you missed that train again while you trusted everyone, except your own instinct.

Plastic Bullets, estas balas de plástico, son uno de los singles que sacaron como adelanto de su nuevo trabajo.

Plastic Bullets, these plastic bullets, are one of the singles they released as a preview of their new work.

Esta banda italiana, The Pee Wees, un grupo veterano formado en la década de los 90,

This Italian band, The Pee Wees, is a veteran group formed in the 1990s.

pero que desde hace unos años está viviendo...

but for a few years now has been living...

Está viviendo un reconocimiento que nunca antes había recibido.

He is experiencing a recognition that he has never received before.

Y no porque antes fuesen peores, pero yo creo que sí que está ligado, o debemos achacarlo,

And not because they were worse before, but I do believe that it is indeed linked, or we should attribute it to.

al pequeño viraje en su fórmula compositiva.

to the small shift in its compositional formula.

En estos últimos años, sus nuevos discos, nuevas canciones, buscan melodías de las que se quedan agarradas a la memoria.

In recent years, their new albums, new songs, seek melodies that stick to the memory.

Están haciendo canciones redondas, de apenas tres minutos.

They are making round songs, lasting barely three minutes.

Canciones como este, Drive.

Songs like this, Drive.

El disco de The Pee Wees.

The Pee Wees' album.

El grueso de su gira de presentación va a tener lugar en el mes de noviembre,

The bulk of their presentation tour will take place in November.

pero esta semana los Pee Wees ofrecen dos fechas en España.

but this week the Pee Wees are offering two dates in Spain.

Este viernes 13 estarán en Valencia, en el 16 Toneladas,

This Friday the 13th they will be in Valencia, at 16 Toneladas,

y el sábado 14 actúan en Barcelona, en la sala Upload,

and on Saturday the 14th they will perform in Barcelona, at the Upload venue,

en el marco de una nueva edición del Gambit Weekend,

in the context of a new edition of the Gambit Weekend,

un juergón de rock and roll,

a rock and roll party,

por donde también pasarán los grupos Parque Sur, Rata Negra,

through which the Parque Sur and Rata Negra groups will also pass,

Sistema de Entretenimiento, Midbodies, Los Goris,

Entertainment System, Midbodies, The Goris,

las francesas Albilda o, por supuesto, los Pee Wees.

the French Albilda or, of course, the Pee Wees.

Bien, vamos a despedir a estos italianos con otra de las canciones

Well, let's send off these Italians with another one of the songs.

que no habían visto la luz antes de la edición de su nuevo álbum, One Ride.

that had not seen the light before the release of their new album, One Ride.

Y, bueno, pues vamos a quedarnos con el tema que figuran en la penúltima posición del álbum,

And, well, let's stick with the track that appears in the second-to-last position of the album,

y es que es precisamente la que da título a este disco, One Ride.

And it's precisely the one that gives title to this album, One Ride.

No matter if they're gonna treat you right

No importa si te van a tratar bien.

The time goes in your head

Time goes in your head.

Oh, now, ain't nobody's, ain't nobody's

Oh, ahora, no le pertenece a nadie, no le pertenece a nadie

Did it to run for the blue

Did it to run for the blue

No matter if they're gonna make you try

No importa si van a hacer que intentes.


Thank you!

Left all I have behind

Dejé todo lo que tenía atrás.

To get closer to you

To get closer to you

Closer to you

Closer to you

Here I stand

Aquí estoy.

At last

Por fin

¡Suscríbete al canal!

Subscribe to the channel!

de su ciudad, Perth, en el oeste australiano,

from her city, Perth, in western Australia,

que sigue las sendas del power pop que Don Mariani abrió en los años 80.

that follows the paths of power pop that Don Mariani opened in the 80s.

Allá por 1989, otro grupo australiano, los Falling Joys,

Back in 1989, another Australian group, the Falling Joys,

llegaron a lo más alto de las listas de su país

they reached the top of the charts in their country

con una canción que, 35 años después,

with a song that, 35 years later,

estos Reinhardts acaban de versionar en su último single.

These Reinhardts have just covered in their latest single.

Así suena a manos de Reinhardts aquella canción de Falling Joys

That's how that song by Falling Joys sounds in the hands of Reinhardt.

titulada You are in a mess, estás en un lío.

titled You are in a mess, you are in a mess.

You are in a mess

Estás en un lío.

I just survived

I just survived.

You're in a mess this time

You're in a mess this time.

Working on the overdrive

Trabajando a toda velocidad.

You're in a mess this time

You're in a mess this time.

Working on the overdrive

Trabajando en la sobrecarga.

You're in a mess this time

You're in a mess this time.

Working on the overdrive

Trabajando al máximo.

You're in a mess this time

You're in a mess this time.

Now you've left it twisted round my mind to understand you

Ahora lo has dejado enredado en mi mente para entenderte.

I won't waste my time when you're still around me

I won't waste my time when you're still around me.

You're still falling off your high stool

You're still falling off your high stool.

You tear off all his workbook

You tear off all his workbook.

Just by laying down beside him

Just by lying down beside him.

It could have worked both ways

It could have worked both ways.

But still you didn't just despise him

Pero aún así no lo despreciaste.

One more life that's well worth saving

Una vida más que vale la pena salvar.

One less life of love

One less life of love

You're leaving

You're leaving.

One more life that's well worth saving

Una vida más que vale la pena salvar.

One less life of love

One less love life

You're leaving

Estás saliendo.

One more life that's well worth saving

Una vida más que vale la pena salvar.

One less life of love

One less life of love

You're leaving

Te estás yendo.

One more life that's well worth saving

Una vida más que bien vale la pena salvar.

One less life of love

One less life of love

You're leaving

Te estás yendo.

One more life that's well worth saving

Una vida más que vale la pena salvar.

Hi there, this is Dom here from The Stems

Hola, aquí es Dom de The Stems.

And Dave from The Stems

Y Dave de The Stems.

And you're listening to El Sotano

And you're listening to El Sotano

Radio 3

Radio 3

We are now leaving for New York

We are now leaving for New York.

We're listening to Benny Trocan's new track

Estamos escuchando la nueva canción de Benny Trocan.

You Don't Get Me Down

You Don't Bring Me Down


Thank you!

Keep dancing, pues eso, sigue bailando

Keep dancing, well that, keep dancing.

toda la noche, es lo que nos dicen

all night long, that's what they tell us

de Courets, contaba

of Courets, told

Flavia Courey

Flavia Courey

la cantante y guitarrista de este

the singer and guitarist of this

dúo que tiene montado

duo that is set up

junto a su pareja Martín

with his partner Martín

que bueno pues gracias a un amigo

That's great, thanks to a friend.

consiguieron mandar esta canción a Richard

they managed to send this song to Richard

Goterer y al poco tiempo

Drip and soon after

se encontró un

a found one

mensaje de voz, en su buzón

voice message, in your mailbox

de voz, del propio Richard diciéndole

from voice, from Richard himself telling him

que le habían cantado la canción

that they had sung the song to him/her

y que quería encargarse de las

and that wanted to take care of the

mezclas, estamos hablando del tipo

mixes, we are talking about the type

que compuso, bueno pues

what composed, well then

trabajó mucho con Jerry Goldstein

he worked a lot with Jerry Goldstein

y Bob Feldman, pero

and Bob Feldman, but

Goterer fue compositor y productor de

Goterer was a composer and producer of

clasicazos como My Boyfriend's Back

classics like My Boyfriend's Back

de The Angels

from The Angels

el Hang on Sloopy

Hang on Sloopy

de los McCoys, I Want Candy

of the McCoys, I Want Candy

de los Strange Loves, así que

of the Strange Loves, so

tiene que ser un subidón de los buenos

It has to be a really good high.

encontrarte que este hombre responde a tu

finding that this man responds to your

llamada y te deja un mensaje

call and leaves you a message

en el buzón. The Courets vienen

in the mailbox. The Courets are coming.

de gira en la segunda mitad

on tour in the second half

de octubre

of October

y bueno pues esperamos

well, we are waiting

capturarlos vivos y poder

capture them alive and be able to

traerlos aquí a este sótano de Radio 3

bring them here to this basement of Radio 3

del que andamos esperando

that we are waiting for

noticias de una gira por España

news of a tour through Spain

es de Mr. Greg Pribos

It is from Mr. Greg Pribos.

del cantante, fundador, compositor

of the singer, founder, songwriter

de los Chesterfield Kings

of the Chesterfield Kings

que ya tiene en la calle su cuarto álbum en

that already has its fourth album out on the street

solitario, el disco se titula

lonely, the album is titled

After the Wars

Después de las Guerras

y de él vamos a extraer

and from him we are going to extract

nuestra versión y original

our version and original

de hoy, en su nuevo trabajo

from today, in his new job

Greg Stackhouse

Greg Stackhouse

Pribos rescata

Pribos rescues

con un precioso arreglo

with a beautiful arrangement

de cuerdas, aquella canción

of strings, that song

de Buddy Holly llamada

by Buddy Holly called

Learning the Game

Learning the Game




Thank you!

Me gusta tu chupar, me la quiero probar

I like your sucking, I want to try it.

No te la voy a quitar, solo me la voy a probar

I'm not going to take it away from you, I'm just going to try it on.

Pero como te pongas tonto, no la vas a ver más

But if you get silly, you won't see her again.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Qué nuevas galaxias, qué nuevas están

What new galaxies, what new ones are there?

Dime qué número usas, págate el mismo que uso yo

Tell me what number you use, pay yourself the same one I use.

Te las cambio por muchas clases, sales ganando, hace calor

I'll trade you for many classes, you're coming out ahead, it's hot.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos recuerdos del barrio en que me crié

Beautiful memories of the neighborhood where I grew up.

Bellos recuerdos que jamás olvidaré

Beautiful memories that I will never forget.

Bellos Recuerdos es el primer adelanto de lo que será el inminente próximo EP de este dúo madrileño llamado Generador.

Beautiful Memories is the first preview of what will be the imminent next EP from this Madrid duo called Generador.

Y hablando de Bellos Recuerdos y de viejos tiempos,

And speaking of Beautiful Memories and old times,

ilegales han anunciado reedición de Agotados de Esperar al Fin, su segundo álbum,

Illegales have announced a reissue of Agotados de Esperar al Fin, their second album,

y de aperitivo han rescatado una maqueta de 1979, una dulce tonada,

and as an appetizer, they have rescued a model from 1979, a sweet tune,

en donde Jorge Ilegal narraba sus andanzas por las calles de Oviedo armado con su palo de hockey

where Jorge Ilegal narrated his adventures through the streets of Oviedo armed with his hockey stick

por si surgían problemas, y los problemas surgían, claro.

in case problems arose, and problems arose, of course.

En realidad es una grabación que hicieron como Los Metálicos,

Actually, it's a recording they made as Los Metálicos.

que fue ese grupo transicional que hubo entre Madson y la formación de Los Ilegales.

What was that transitional group that existed between Madson and the formation of Los Ilegales?

Bueno, pues escuchamos a Los Metálicos, Ilegales, con este stick de hockey.

Well, let's listen to Los Metálicos, Ilegales, with this hockey stick.

Esta noche me voy de fiesta, buscar algo que cantar,

Tonight I'm going out to party, looking for something to sing.

este stick de hockey tan armado, buscando algo que cantar,

this hockey stick so armed, looking for something to sing,

y me explotan.

and they explode me.

Me llaman loco, inofensivo, se ve que no me conocen bien,

They call me crazy, harmless, it seems they don’t know me well.

les echo un corte de manga, mataré hoy y mañana también.

I gave them the finger, I will kill today and tomorrow as well.

De crío era un niño morboso, iba a la escuela a pelear,

As a child, I was a morbid kid; I went to school to fight.

este stick de hockey tan armado, buscando algo que me explotar.

this hockey stick so armed, looking for something to blow me up.



A veces hablan en los periódicos del asesino que hay en la ciudad,

Sometimes they talk in the newspapers about the killer who is in the city,

yo vuelvo a casa limpio de sangre,

I return home clean of blood,

y de complejos de culpabilidad.

and feelings of guilt.

Mamá no quiere que salga de noche, y a mí me gusta trasnochar.

Mom doesn't want me to go out at night, and I like to stay up late.

¿Cómo explicarle que soy un manaco, y cada noche tengo que bajar?

How can I explain to him that I'm a manaco, and every night I have to go down?

El médico dice que todo va bien,

The doctor says that everything is fine,

no hay que internarme, no hay peligro ni mal,

I don't need to be hospitalized, there is no danger or harm.

mas estando solo, alguna vez, me extraen ganas de matar a mamá.

But when I'm alone, sometimes the urge to kill mom comes over me.

Esta noche me voy de fiesta, buscar algo que cantar,

Tonight I'm going out to party, looking for something to sing.

este stick de hockey tan armado, buscando algo que cantar,

this hockey stick so armed, looking for something to sing,

y de complejos de culpabilidad.

and of guilt complexes.

Mamá no quiere que salga de noche, y a mí me gusta trasnochar.

Mom doesn't want me to go out at night, but I like to stay up late.

Esta noche me voy de fiesta, buscar algo que cantar,

Tonight I'm going out to party, looking for something to sing.

este stick de hockey tan armado, buscando algo que te explotar.

this armed hockey stick, looking for something to blow up.

Mamá no quiere que salga de noche, y a mí me gusta trasnochar.

Mom doesn't want me to go out at night, and I like to stay up late.

¿Cómo explicarle que soy un manaco,

How do I explain to him that I am a jerk?

y cada noche tengo que bajar?

And every night do I have to go down?

Me crió Vera, un niño morboso, y para la escuela a pelear.

I was raised by Vera, a morbid child, and for school to fight.

Stick de hockey, mano a mano, buscando algo que te explotar.

Hockey stick, one-on-one, looking for something to explode you.

Stick de hockey grabado por Jorge Martínez, Jorge Ilegal,

Hockey stick engraved by Jorge Martínez, Jorge Ilegal,

junto a su hermano Juan, y Andrés,

along with his brother Juan, and Andrés,

a su hermano Juan y al bajo, y David Alonso a la batería,

to his brother Juan and the bass, and David Alonso on the drums,

cuando todavía eran los metálicos, poco antes de que se transformaran en ilegales.

when they were still metallic, shortly before they became illegal.

Este es uno de los aderezos que va a llevar esa reedición de Agotados de Esperar al fin.

This is one of the dressings that will be in that reedition of Agotados de Esperar al fin.

Yo creo que hoy una canción como esta se llevaría una buena reprimenda

I think that today a song like this would receive a good reprimand.

por parte de los guardianes de lo políticamente correcto y los vigilantes de las apologías.

by the guardians of political correctness and the watchers of apologies.

Pero Jorge narraba cómo eran aquellos lejanos años en el documental Mi vida entre las hormigas,

But Jorge narrated what those distant years were like in the documentary My Life Among Ants,

y es que eran tiempos realmente salvajes.

And it was really wild times.

Hoy seguramente también lo sean, la violencia se mantiene ahí en sus múltiples formas,

Today they are surely also, violence remains there in its multiple forms,

y no solo la física, y eso nos puede ayudar a enlazar con la siguiente canción,

and not just physics, and that can help us connect with the next song,

que es un nuevo adelanto del nuevo trabajo de Bipnaga,

it is a new preview of Bipnaga's new work,

que verá la luz en unas semanitas y se va a llamar

that will see the light in a few weeks and will be called



Bipnaga le cantan en esta canción, en forma de balada,

Bipnaga is sung to in this song, in the form of a ballad,

le cantan a la precariedad laboral y al incremento de un coste de la vida,

they sing about job precariousness and the rise in the cost of living,

que cada vez pone las cosas más difíciles.

that makes things harder every time.

Lo nuevo de Bipnaga se titula Espejo de caos.

The new release from Bipnaga is titled Mirror of Chaos.

Espejo de caos.

Mirror of chaos.

Varios idiomas y hace camas en un hotel.

Several languages and makes beds in a hotel.

No se quieren, ya no se soportan, no se tocan ni con un pie,

They don't love each other, they can't stand each other anymore, they don't even touch each other with a toe.

pero cada mes se necesitan para pagar el alquiler.

but every month they are needed to pay the rent.

A veces caen.

Sometimes they fall.

Y el vaso se colma de la frustración

And the glass overflows with frustration.

Se rompen cosas como espejos de caos

Things like chaos mirrors break.

Frente a la calma con la que respira su animal

In the face of the calm with which your animal breathes.

Con la que respira su animal

With which her animal breathes.

No se respetan, no se aguantan

They don't respect each other, they can't stand each other.

Apenas hablan no se caen ni bien

They hardly talk, they don't even get along well.

Y cada mes se necesitan

And every month they are needed.

Para pagar el alquiler

To pay the rent.

Abre fresca la gota y el vaso se colma de la frustración

The fresh drop opens, and the glass fills with frustration.

Se rompen cosas como espejos de caos

Things like chaos mirrors break.

Frente a la calma con la que respira su animal

In front of the calm with which your animal breathes.



Con la que respira su animal

With which it breathes its animal.

Su animal

Your animal



No se aguantan pero tienen que pagar

They can't stand it, but they have to pay.



Juntos el alquiler espejo de caos

Together the rent mirror of chaos.

Adelanto de ahora lo que será

I advance now what it will be.

El inminente nuevo álbum de Vidnaga

The imminent new album by Vidnaga.

Y hasta aquí llega el episodio de hoy

And this is where today's episode ends.

En el sótano de Radio 3

In the basement of Radio 3

Saludos de Diego R.J. y Chema Guadaña

Greetings from Diego R.J. and Chema Guadaña.

Nos vamos a ir con el nuevo trabajo de Stevie Wynn

We're going to go with Stevie Wynn's new work.

El disco Make It Right

The album Make It Right

Sobre el que prometemos volver en próximos episodios

About which we promise to return in future episodes.

Con este You Are Halfway There

With this, You Are Halfway There.

Cerramos la puerta del sótano

We closed the basement door.

No te olvides de apagar luces al salir

Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave.

Losing speed

Losing speed

Oh, you're halfway there

Oh, estás a mitad de camino.

I heard somebody say

I heard somebody say

That half the fun is

That’s half the fun.

Getting there

Getting there

I wish that that guy would get behind the wheel

I wish that guy would get behind the wheel.

So I could stick my head out

So I could stick my head out.

And get some air

And get some air.

When my race is run

When my race is run

I'll be lying on my back

Estaré acostado de espaldas.

In my car

In my car

Backseat of a Cadillac

Backseat of a Cadillac

Halfway there

Halfway there

The second half

La segunda mitad

It's harder

Es más difícil.

Than the first

Than the first

Then you're done

Entonces has terminado.



It might be worse

It could be worse.

Everybody knows

Todo el mundo sabe.

It's a hard hard road

Es un camino difícil y duro.

Feeling the pull

Feeling the pull

Of a heavy love

Of a heavy love



We're halfway there

Estamos a medio camino.

Up around the bend

Up around the bend

Is everything you need

Is everything you need.

It's getting dark

It's getting dark.

It isn't speed

It isn't speed.



We're halfway there

Ya estamos a mitad de camino.



We're halfway there

Estamos a mitad de camino.

Up around the bend

Up around the bend

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