Alma de león - Vota Reggae, Vota Alma de león - 23/07/23

Radio 3

Alma de león

Alma de león - Vota Reggae, Vota Alma de león - 23/07/23

Alma de león

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Bota reggae, bota Alma de León

Reggae boots, boot Alma of the Lion.

Alma de León, 680 emisiones en antena.

Lion's Soul, 680 broadcasts on air.

Llega el último programa de esta temporada número 15

The last episode of this season number 15 arrives.

y camino de esa cifra mágica, esos 15 años,

and on the way to that magic number, those 15 years,

en antena, esos tres lustros en los que hemos desplegado humildemente

on air, those three decades in which we have humbly deployed

el mensaje de rebelión y de esperanza.

the message of rebellion and hope.

Mi nombre es Miguel Caamaño y estaré contigo esta próxima hora de radio,

My name is Miguel Caamaño, and I will be with you for the next hour of radio.

en esta jornada electoral que toca a su fin,

in this electoral day that comes to an end,

con los resultados dirimiéndose casi a cada segundo.

with the results being decided almost every second.

Así que con tal ocasión, en la que muchos dicen que es la fiesta de la democracia,

So on such an occasion, in which many say it is the festival of democracy,

queremos centrarnos no en hacer un ejercicio de reflejo de quiénes somos,

we want to focus not on doing an exercise of reflecting on who we are,

sino de quiénes sois vosotros y vosotras,

but of who you all are,

porque vosotros y vosotras sois la pura esencia

because you all are the pure essence

y la motivación de este programa.

and the motivation behind this program.

Así que nos disponemos a escuchar auténticos himnos

So we are about to listen to authentic anthems.

que lo que hacen es recalcar la posición política

what they do is emphasize the political position

más allá de eslóganes sin sentido, ni sobre todo sensibilidad.

beyond meaningless slogans, nor mainly sensitivity.

Así pues, lo más importante es recalcar que el poder es para la gente,

Thus, the most important thing is to emphasize that power is for the people.

ni más ni menos.

neither more nor less.

Así que hoy decimos, alto y claro,

So today we say, loud and clear,

aquello de bota reggae, bota Alma de León.

That reggae boot, boot Lion Soul.

Tal y como dice aquí la leyenda,

Just as the legend says here,

Jimmy Cliff, no nos debemos olvidar del pan de los niños, Children's Bread.

Jimmy Cliff, we must not forget the bread of the children, Children's Bread.

Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a Alma de León, Radio 3.

Welcome to Alma de León, Radio 3.

They took the children's bread

They took the children's bread.

Give it to the dogs

Give it to the dogs.

Making so many people live so hard

Haciendo que tantas personas vivan tan duramente.

Now while those cats get fat

Ahora mientras esos gatos engordan.

In came all the rats

In came all the rats.

Stole away the cheese

Stole away the cheese

And doing as they please

And doing as they please.

Jack Spratt ate all the fat

Jack Spratt comió toda la grasa.

His wife ate all the leaves

His wife ate all the leaves.

And so betwixt them bouts you see

And so between them fights you see

They licked the platter clean

They licked the platter clean.

So they took the children's bread

So they took the children's bread.

Give it to the dogs

Give it to the dogs.

They took the children's bread

They took the children's bread.

Give it to the dogs

Give it to the dogs.

They took the children's bread

They took the children's bread.

Give it to the dogs

Give it to the dogs.

Making so many people live so hard

Haciendo que tantas personas vivan tan duro.

We're thinking about you

We are thinking about you.

So there's no turning in

So there's no turning in.

Wow여, wowyo, wowyo, wowyo, wowyo

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

Now there's gathering on main street

Ahora hay una reunión en la calle principal.

Shuffling on Wall Street

Shuffling on Wall Street


Thank you!

¿Tienes alma de león?

Do you have a lion's soul?


Thank you!

¡Identity, identidad!

Identity, identity!

Eso es lo más importante, lo básico y lo

That is the most important thing, the basics and the

fundamental a la hora de dar nuestros

fundamental when giving our

pasos en firme.

firm steps.

Por la vida y en todos los órdenes.

For life and in all matters.

Es el alegría,

It is the joy,

gato de los Mighty Diamonds allá por el año 1978, el mismo año en el que se publicaba

Mighty Diamonds' "Gato" back in 1978, the same year it was released.

Forward Ever, Backward Never en la garganta de Jacob Miller.

Forward Ever, Backward Never in the throat of Jacob Miller.

La música reggae tiene gran cantidad de representaciones históricas, desde las memorias de la época

Reggae music has a great number of historical representations, from the memories of the era.

de la esclavitud hasta el recuerdo de los considerados héroes nacionales como Marcus

from slavery to the memory of those considered national heroes like Marcus

Garvey. Así pues, nuestra música está siempre íntimamente ligada con los procesos políticos

Garvey. Thus, our music is always closely linked to political processes.

desarrollados en Jamaica y en muchos otros lugares, además de con las identidades de

developed in Jamaica and in many other places, in addition to the identities of

los sectores marginados social y racialmente.

socially and racially marginalized sectors.

De esta forma, las expresiones culturales constituyen por tanto un espacio de resistencia

In this way, cultural expressions therefore constitute a space of resistance.

para sectores que se encuentran alienados por la desigualdad social, política y económica

for sectors that are alienated by social, political, and economic inequality

que ha marcado la historia de todo el planeta durante siglos. Y precisamente, existió un

that has marked the history of the entire planet for centuries. And precisely, there existed a

paralelismo a modo de metáfora acertadísima en esta canción del grandísimo Bob Marley.

Parallelism as a very fitting metaphor in this song by the great Bob Marley.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley

This is the rat race

This is the rat race.

Rat race

Rat race

A summer love summer

A summer love summer

A summer boss summer

A summer boss summer

A summer jack sitter

A summer jack sitter

Oh what a rat race

Oh, qué carrera de ratas.

Rat race

Rat race

A summer gore gonna

A summer gore gonna

A summer hooligan

A summer hooligan

A summer guinea dog

Un perro de conejillo de indias de verano.

In this here rat race

In this rat race here.

Rat race

Rat race

I'm singing that when the cats are away

I'm singing that when the cats are away.

The mice will play

The mice will play.

Political violence, filiocity

Political violence, filocity

Don't involve Rasta in your sexy

Don't involve Rasta in your sexy.

Rasta don't worry

Rasta, don't worry.

I'm saying when you think it's peace and safety

I'm saying when you think it's peace and safety.

A sudden destruction

A sudden destruction

Collective security for surety

Collective security for surety

Don't involve Rasta in your sexy

Don't involve Rasta in your sexy.

Rat race

Rat race

Forget your history, know your destiny, in the abundance of water, the food is thirsty, rat race, rat race, rat race, rat race.

Forget your history, know your destiny, in the abundance of water, the food is thirsty, rat race, rat race, rat race, rat race.

Oh, it's a disgrace, this is the human race, in a rat race, rat race, you got a horse race, you got a dog race, you got a human race, but this is a rat race.

Oh, it's a disgrace, this is the human race, in a rat race, rat race, you got a horse race, you got a dog race, you got a human race, but this is a rat race.

Yeah, we was like, we tried for my career to bring peace, knowing that we really can't solve a problem with a war, you know.

Yeah, we were like, we tried for my career to bring peace, knowing that we really can't solve a problem with a war, you know.

It doesn't really...

It doesn't really...

Solving a problem, you don't feel like really killing someone, but whose problem am I going to solve when I kill someone, you know what I mean?

Solving a problem, you don't really feel like killing someone, but whose problem am I going to solve when I kill someone, you know what I mean?

So I figured that peace is the best thing, and that's why I go ahead and work with it, because it was a spiritual thing what happened.

So I figured that peace is the best thing, and that's why I go ahead and work with it, because what happened was a spiritual thing.

Come on, sit down, we're not done, we don't have no secrets, I'm sitting here with nothing, you know.

Come on, sit down, we're not done, we don't have any secrets, I'm sitting here with nothing, you know.

Until the philosophy which owed one race superior and another inferior.

Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior.

is finally

is finally

and permanently

y permanentemente



and abandoned

y abandonado

everywhere is war

everywhere is war

it's a war

it's a war

that until there are no longer

that until there are no more

first class and second class

first class and second class

citizens of any nation

citizens of any nation

until the color of a man's skin

until the color of a man's skin

is of no more significance

is of no more significance

than the color of his eyes

than the color of his eyes

it's a war

it's a war

that until the basic human rights

that until the basic human rights

are equally guaranteed to all

are equally guaranteed to all

without regard to race

sin tener en cuenta la raza

it's a war

It's a war.

that until that day

that until that day

the dream of lasting peace

the dream of lasting peace

world citizenship

ciudadanía mundial

rule of international morality

rule of international morality

will remain in but a fleeting illusion

"seguirá siendo solo una ilusión pasajera"

to be pursued

ser perseguido

but never attained

pero nunca alcanzado

now everywhere is war

ahora en todas partes hay guerra



, war, war

, guerra, guerra

it's a war

it's a war

war in the east

war in the east

war in the west

war in the west

war up north

war up north

war down south

guerra en el sur

war, war

war, war

rumors of a war

rumors of a war

and until that day

y hasta ese día

the African continent

the African continent

will remain in but a fleeting illusion

will remain in but a fleeting illusion

war, war, war

war, war, war

will not know peace

will not know peace

we Africans will fight

We Africans will fight.

we find it necessary

we find it necessary

and we know we shall win

y sabemos que ganaremos

as we are confident

as we are confident

in the victory

in the victory

of good over evil

of good over evil

good over evil

good over evil

and of evil

y del mal

















will govern

will govern





that you

that you







celebrado el 5 de diciembre de 1976 en el Parque de los Héroes Nacionales, en Kingston,

celebrated on December 5, 1976, at the National Heroes Park in Kingston,

la capital de Jamaica. Marley originalmente acordó interpretar una canción para las

the capital of Jamaica. Marley originally agreed to perform a song for the

80.000 personas allí reunidas, no obstante, se convirtió en una actuación de hora y

80,000 people gathered there, however, it became a performance of an hour and

media, a pesar de las lesiones sufridas dos días antes por Bob, cuando casi había sido

half, despite the injuries suffered two days earlier by Bob, when he had almost been

asesinado por hombres armados en su propia casa. Todos los Wailers actuaron, excepto

murdered by armed men in his own home. All the Wailers performed, except

el bajista Aston Family Man Barrett, que sería reemplazado por Cat Curr de Thir World.

the bassist Aston Family Man Barrett, who would be replaced by Cat Curr from Thir World.

Escuchamos War, una canción que lamentablemente no pasa de moda en su temática.

We listened to War, a song that unfortunately does not become outdated in its theme.

Tras este concierto, Bob se marcha desde Jamaica a Nassau, y de ahí a Londres, donde permanecería

After this concert, Bob leaves from Jamaica to Nassau, and from there to London, where he would stay.

casi un año y medio, hasta regresar en 1978 para actuar en el llamado One Love Peace Concert,

almost a year and a half, until returning in 1978 to perform at the so-called One Love Peace Concert,

un recital considerado como uno de los más importantes eventos políticos que hayan

a recital considered one of the most important political events ever

tenido en la historia de la música.

held in the history of music.

Había tenido alguna vez lugar en la isla de Jamaica. Fue llevado a cabo durante una

It had once taken place on the island of Jamaica. It was carried out during a

guerra civil entre dos facciones políticas enfrentadas, y lo que provocaría la presencia

civil war between two opposing political factions, and what the presence would provoke

de Marley sería la unión en el escenario, de manera simbólica, de las dos posturas,

Marley's would be the union on stage, symbolically, of the two positions,

la que ejemplifica la idea del entendimiento y de la coexistencia pacífica.

the one that exemplifies the idea of understanding and peaceful coexistence.

En aquel evento estarían presentes los más importantes artistas de la música jamaicana

The most important artists of Jamaican music would be present at that event.

en aquel momento, el mencionado Jacob Miller, el propio Op, Peter Tosh y uno de los más

At that moment, the aforementioned Jacob Miller, the one and only Op, Peter Tosh, and one of the most

importantes artistas de la época.

important artists of the time.

Después de las noticias de la fecha, el famoso

After the news of the date, the famous

gran tospe.

great tospe.

Anche, en la época de la guerra, el mejor tinieblista mundial del mundo, Bill Clinton

Also, in the time of war, the world's best darkness worker, Bill Clinton.

lo emblema como uno de nuestros favoritos de siempre.

I embrace it as one of our forever favorites.

Dennis Emmanuel Brown, aquí en Arbolando la Bandera de la Revolución, Revolution,

Dennis Emmanuel Brown, here in Arboring the Flag of the Revolution, Revolution,

en Alma de León, Radio 3.

in Lion's Soul, Radio 3.

En las noticias de hoy, en la semana siguiente, nos vemos con una nueva canción muy especial.

In today's news, next week, we'll see you with a very special new song.

Por si no lo sabes, estamos en los יי'הνklustra'n y en la siguiente cancún estamos en

Just in case you didn't know, we are in the יי'הνklustra'n and in the next Cancun we are in.

Antalya, el destino a la guerra.

Antalya, the destination for war.

Sin embargo, estamos en Yakutia, en México.

However, we are in Yakutia, Mexico.

De nuevo, aquí en Antalya, estamos en la ciudad de Canadá y nos vemos en una nueva relación

Again, here in Antalya, we are in the city of Canada and we see each other in a new relationship.

también interesante.

also interesting.

Batería y depresión

Battery and depression

Are you ready to stand up and fight the right revolution

Are you ready to stand up and fight for the right revolution?

Are you ready to stand up and fight with just like soldiers

Are you ready to stand up and fight just like soldiers?

Many are called, few are chosen

Many are called, but few are chosen.

Can you fight the right fight in this time

Can you fight the right fight in this time?

Are you ready to stand up and fight the right revolution

Are you ready to stand up and fight the right revolution?

Are you ready to stand up and fight with just like soldiers

Are you ready to stand up and fight just like soldiers?

Many are called, few are chosen

Many are called, few are chosen.

If you wanna live, live, live, live, live, live, live forever

If you wanna live, live, live, live, live, live, live forever.

You gotta love, love, love, love, love, love, love each other

You gotta love, love, love, love, love, love, love each other.

Say you gotta live, live, live, live, live on, live on forever

Say you gotta live, live, live, live, live on, live on forever.

And love, love, love, love, love, love, love one another

And love, love, love, love, love, love, love one another.

I gotta fight the right fight in this time

I have to fight the right fight at this time.


Thank you!

Me tomé uno en la boca y empezó a gritar

I took one in my mouth and it started to scream.

Me tomé uno en la espalda y empezó a gritar

I took one in the back and he started to scream.

Me tomé uno en la espalda y empezó a caer

I took one in the back and it started to fall.

Y me caí

And I fell.

Y muerto

And dead



Más policías vienen

More police are coming.

Y me atreven a la broma

And they dare me to joke.

Me encargaron de recursos

I was put in charge of resources.

Me encargaron de asesinato

I was hired for murder.



No te preocupes

Don't worry.

No te pongas la persona en asesina

Don't put yourself in the assassin's shoes.

Ten good courage

Have good courage.

Until I hear from you

Hasta que tenga noticias de ti.

I remain your son

I remain your son.



Pau, Pau, Pau

Pau, Pau, Pau

Con alma de león yo te voy observando

With the soul of a lion, I am watching you.

A cachianos del mundo

To cachianos of the world.

Sí, por fin tenemos un credo nuevo

Yes, we finally have a new creed.

Seguir al líder

Follow the leader

Seguir alma de león

Follow the soul of a lion.

Seguir vuestro yuyu

Follow your yuyu.

Ahí estaremos nosotros

We will be there.

Desde Bilbao

From Bilbao


Looking at us

Nunca más

Never again

Vuelve a la tierra

Return to the earth.

Seguiremos el sur

We will follow the south.

Y no se detuvieron

And they didn't stop.

Ya no hay nada para esperar

There is nothing left to wait for.

Aún no esperamos

We are not expecting yet.

No hay más

There is no more.

Malas las tienen

They have it bad.

Pero es ya la hora

But it is already time.



No hay más

There is no more.

No he dicho nada

I haven't said anything.

No hay más

There is no more.

Así que sube

So get up.

Ya no hay más

There is no more.

Nunca me voy a despedir

I will never say goodbye.

Compráis bolas

Do you buy balls?

Sain, el sol

Sain, the sun

En fin

In short

No es día de broma

It's not a joking day.

¡Obre la frontera! ¡Obre la frontera!

Open the border! Open the border!

¡Yucatán, Gibraltar! ¡Nosotros somos de miles!

Yucatán, Gibraltar! We are thousands!

¡A volar como vos! ¡Venir sin renuevo!

To fly like you! To come without renewal!

¡Nosotros queremos viajar y también trabajar!

We want to travel and also work!

¡Pero nosotros no os hemos refugio el visa!

But we haven't sheltered your visa!

¡Obre la frontera! ¡Obre la frontera!

Open the border! Open the border!

¡Nosotros también queremos conocer la oportunidad de estudiar!

We also want to learn about the opportunity to study!

¡La oportunidad de ver nuestros sueños se realizan!

The opportunity to see our dreams come true!

¡Tener un buen trabajo! ¡Pueder viajar!

Have a good job! You can travel!

¡Conocer lo que les llamamos libertad!

To know what we call freedom!

¡Queremos que nuestras familias no nos falten más!

We want our families to no longer be lacking!

¡Queremos tener esta vida donde nos comemos a la fin!

"We want to have this life where we eat each other in the end!"

¡Queremos quitar esta miseria cotidiana por debajo!

We want to get rid of this daily misery beneath!

¡Queremos salir de aquí cuando nos contentemos!

We want to leave here when we are happy!

¡Estamos rompiendo las puertas!

We're breaking down the doors!

¡Obre la frontera! ¡Obre la frontera!

Open the border! Open the border!

¡Deja que nos pasemos!

Let us pass!

¡Obre la frontera! ¡Obre la frontera!

Open the border! Open the border!



¡No hay más una gota de agua para llenar nuestro sueño!

There is no longer a drop of water to fill our dream!

¡Ni una gota de frío!

Not a drop of cold!

¡Todo está hundido!

Everything is sunk!

¡Cuando el viento es rápido!

When the wind is fast!

¡Sus caballos de los hombres!

The horses of the men!



¡Vamos порcibände!

Let's go, porciabande!

¡Muchas bajitas perfectas!

Many perfect short ones!


Let's go!

¡Y suerte!.

And good luck!

Sinр warto.

It's not worth it.

¡Sinte tu contra!

"Without you against!"


Oh no!

Da igual que te arriesguen en polls.

It doesn't matter if they put you at risk in polls.




Let's go!


Let's go!


Let's go!




Thank you!

Jamaica experimentó el desarrollo de su música

Jamaica experienced the development of its music.

mayormente popular, es decir, la de las

mostly popular, that is, the one of the

clases bajas, a finales de los años

lower classes, at the end of the years

40. En aquella época,

40. At that time,

un negociante de la isla llamado Stanley Mota

a businessman from the island named Stanley Mota

empezó a producir música mento

he began to produce mento music

combinada con calipso

combined with calypso

y música latinoamericana.

and Latin American music.

Ya sería hacia finales de los años 50

It would be toward the end of the 1950s.

y principios de los 60, cuando

and the early 60s, when

surge una música de ritmo más rápido

a faster rhythm music emerges

llamado ska, una mezcla

called ska, a mix

de mento y de rhythm and blues, destacando

of mind and rhythm and blues, highlighting

diferentes artistas como los Scatolites,

different artists like the Scatolites,

Byron Lee y los Dragoners,

Byron Lee and the Dragonaires

o Tutskiver y sus Maitals, entre otros.

o Tutskiver and his Maitals, among others.

Una música que revolucionaría

A music that would revolutionize.

y evolucionaría, hasta

and it would evolve, until

llegar al rocksteady,

to get to rocksteady,

surgido a partir de 1966

emerged from 1966

y manteniendo el ritmo del ska,

and keeping the rhythm of ska,

aunque un poco más lento, y usando, como sabes,

although a little slower, and using, as you know,

menos las trompetas

except for the trumpets

y el resto de instrumentos de viento.

and the rest of the wind instruments.

Muchos de los intérpretes

Many of the interpreters

de estos géneros musicales provenían

from these musical genres they came

de las mayorías negras empobrecidas de los

of the impoverished black majorities of the

arrabales urbanos, es decir,

urban fringes, that is to say,

de los guetos de West Kingston,

from the ghettos of West Kingston,

o formaban parte del movimiento

or were part of the movement

Rastafari, lo cual provocó

Rastafari, which caused

su marginalización por otros sectores

their marginalization by other sectors

de la sociedad. A finales de los 60,

of society. In the late 60s,

surge lo que ahora se conoce

what is now known arises

como reggae.

like reggae.

Ahora un poquito más de Peter Tosh,

Now a little more from Peter Tosh,

todo un himno este Equal Rights,

a true anthem this Equal Rights,

que lo deja claro y diáfano.

that makes it clear and transparent.

Derechos iguales.

Equal rights.

What is due to Caesar

What is due to Caesar.

You better give it on to Caesar

You better give it to Caesar.

And what belongs to I

And what belongs to me

You better, you better give it up to I

You better, you better give it up to me.

Because I don't want no peace

Because I don't want any peace.

I need equal rights and justice

I need equal rights and justice.

I've got to get it equal rights and justice

I've got to get it equal rights and justice.

I'm fighting for equal rights

Estoy luchando por los derechos iguales.

And justice

And justice



Heading for the top

Heading for the top

But tell me how far is it from the bottom

Pero dime, ¿qué tan lejos está de la parte inferior?

Nobody knows me but everybody

Nobody knows me but everyone.

Fighting to reach the top

Luchando por llegar a la cima

How far is it from the bottom

How far is it from the bottom?

I'm fighting for equal rights and justice

I'm fighting for equal rights and justice.

I need equal rights and justice

I need equal rights and justice.

I don't want no peace

I don't want any peace.

I need equal rights and justice

I need equal rights and justice.

I've got to get it equal rights and justice

I've got to get it equal rights and justice.

I really need it equal rights

I really need equal rights.

I need it equal rights and justice

I need equal rights and justice.

I've got to get it equal rights and justice

I've got to get it equal rights and justice.

I know I never can understand it

I know I can never understand it.

The way the system flattens

The way the system flattens

There's no hope or chance, no loophole

There's no hope or chance, no loophole.

No escape for a suffering man

No hay escape para un hombre que sufre.

Cause every time I leave my head above water

Because every time I leave my head above water.

And try to save myself from drown

Y tratar de salvarme de ahogarme.


Thank you!

La resistencia, tan necesaria en el alegato, una vez más en forma de canción a cargo de Beres Hamon,

The resistance, so necessary in the plea, once again in the form of a song by Beres Hamon.

Putting Up Resistance, lo cual demuestra que no solo ha habido rebeliones,

Putting Up Resistance, which shows that there have not only been rebellions,

no solo ha habido rebeldía en la era dorada del reggae, en esa mitificada década de los años 70,

There has not only been rebellion in the golden age of reggae, in that mythologized decade of the 1970s,

sino que ha habido también rescoldos de todo ese fuego de la rebelión en sucesivas décadas,

but there have also been embers of all that fire of rebellion in successive decades,

de ese burning and looting a lo largo de la historia del reggae.

of that burning and looting throughout the history of reggae.

Recuerda que tienes las redes sociales para plantear públicamente cuál es tu auténtico himno político.

Remember that you have social media to publicly state what your true political anthem is.

Recuerda también que tienes vigente el sorteo de Rototon.

Remember that you also have the Rototon draw ongoing.

Hemos recordado los sorteos en el Facebook.

We have reminded about the raffles on Facebook.

Tienes que enviarnos tus correos electrónicos a

You have to send us your emails to

Y volviendo al origen del reggae.

And returning to the origin of reggae.

Este se distinguió de sus géneros anteriores.

This one was distinguished from his previous genres.

Por su ritmo más lento y por un contenido social y de protesta más explícito en sus textos.

Due to its slower rhythm and a more explicit social and protest content in its lyrics.

Además de estos rasgos, el reggae se distingue por tener más fama y proyección internacional,

In addition to these features, reggae is distinguished by having more fame and international projection,

sobre todo en los años 70, sirviendo de ventana para Jamaica al resto del mundo.

especially in the 1970s, serving as a window for Jamaica to the rest of the world.

Este contenido de protesta social se imbricó en un movimiento socioreligioso originado en los años 30

This social protest content intertwined with a socio-religious movement that originated in the 1930s.

y creado por los Rastafaris, que tenían en el reggae un medio de expresión en la sociedad jamaicana

and created by the Rastafarians, who had reggae as a means of expression in Jamaican society.

y ante todo en la religión.

and above all in religion.

De hecho, los partidos políticos utilizarían también la música reggae en sus campañas

In fact, political parties would also use reggae music in their campaigns.

durante las décadas de los años 60 y los 70.

during the 1960s and 1970s.

Una de esas canciones es esta que suena, Sounds of Pressure, sonando en Alma de León, Hopton Lewis.

One of those songs is this one that is playing, Sounds of Pressure, playing on Alma de León, Hopton Lewis.

¡Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

¡Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

¡Now leave it!

Now leave it!

¡Who can take it, stay under it!

Who can take it, stay under it!

¡Oh yes, no!

Oh yes, no!

¡When I put on the pressure!

When I put on the pressure!

¡You gotta keep on it, coming in!

You gotta keep on it, coming in!



¡Vota reggae, vota Alma de León!

Vote reggae, vote Soul of the Lion!

En la medida en la que la situación social del planeta ha ido empeorando,

As the social situation of the planet has worsened,

y en concreto la de la isla de Jamaica,

and specifically that of the island of Jamaica,

tras una esperanzadora independencia de la metrópola,

after a hopeful independence from the metropolis,

que le subyugaba, esto haría que aumentase progresivamente el contenido social de la

that captivated him, this would progressively increase the social content of the

música. De hecho puede apreciarse la congruencia entre el aumento de la protesta y la conciencia

music. In fact, the consistency between the increase of protest and awareness can be appreciated.

racial en la música reggae, es decir, el descontento del país y el aumento de la ideología

racial in reggae music, that is, the discontent of the country and the rise of ideology

del poder negro y el rastafarismo. Sea como fuere, lo más importante, la parte

of black power and Rastafarianism. Be that as it may, the most important part

cenital de todo lo que estamos hablando aquí, es el afán de justicia social, el motor que

The central element of everything we are talking about here is the drive for social justice, the engine that

hace que este programa echase a andar allá por 2008, no lo olvides.

It made this program get started back in 2008, don't forget it.

Así que uno de nuestros alegatos es decir, recordar y recalcar que no puede existir más

So one of our arguments is to say, remember, and emphasize that it cannot exist anymore.

armas, ni una más. En esta guerra todos somos culpables, no podemos

weapons, not one more. In this war, we are all guilty, we cannot

mirar hacia otro lado, tenemos que utilizar aquello que nos ha hecho fuertes, la música,

look the other way, we have to use what has made us strong, music,

el reggae, la cultura, así que todos al unísono digamos aquello de...

reggae, the culture, so everyone in unison let’s say that...

Leones, Leonas, este es el momento de proferir una vez más ese mensaje en las gargantas

Lions, Lionesses, this is the moment to once again voice that message in the throats.

de Damien Joyer-Gone Marley y Steel Pools en la producción de Humberto Eco. Un mensaje

by Damien Joyer-Gone Marley and Steel Pools in the production of Humberto Eco. A message

eterno, inquebrantable, para que cale de forma profunda y consciente. Gracias por estar

eternal, unshakeable, so that it resonates deeply and consciously. Thank you for being.

ahí al otro lado, León, Leona.

over there on the other side, Lion, Lioness.

Mi nombre, Miguel Camaño. El mensaje, por siempre, todos tenemos...

My name is Miguel Camaño. The message, forever, we all have...



Alma de León.

Lion's Soul.



¡ 51 00 rechts!

51 00 right!



¡¡ Rück!












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