Sayı, sayı, sayı

Number, number, number


At the head

Başa Talks

Başa Talks

Harmful, delicious, seductive

Harmful, delicious, seductive

It was a boring afternoon I suppose with my pops

Sanırım babamla sıkıcı bir öğleden sonraydı.

And my mom and auntie the fat one

Ve annem ve şişman teyzem.

It's a true story I'll forget the memory

It's a true story; I'll forget the memory.

Then we went to a restaurant they were visiting me though

Then we went to a restaurant they were visiting me though.

Coming from my hometown all the way here

Coming from my hometown all the way here.

The restaurant was famous of kebab and lahmaj

The restaurant was famous for kebabs and lahmacun.

Including soap, a brand new

Including soap, a brand new

We set the table, all around was so tense

We set the table, all around was so tense.

Men were walking by with sharp knives

Men were walking by with sharp knives.

Got a lemon squeeze, fresh

I have a fresh lemon squeeze.

Turntable meats hiding in the room wait

Turntable meats hiding in the room wait.

Harsh cooks serving to the poor customers

Harsh cooks serving the poor customers.

Just the four of us table cornered

Sadece dördümüz köşe masada.

Ordered for soup, the one was mine

Ordered for soup, the one was mine.

Came with pulled pepper on it

Came with pulled pepper on it.

With a sauce full of oil and shit

Yağ ve bok dolu bir sosla.

I myself into my direction was saying immediately

I was immediately saying to myself in my direction.

To the soap dropper after the spoons

Spoonlardan sonra sabun damlatıcıya.

Even when the bowl was

Even when the bowl was

This soap is hot in pain

Bu sabun ağrılıdır.

Made a gesture, freshen up that thing mate

Made a gesture, freshen up that thing, mate.

I knew something was wrong with this çorba

I knew something was wrong with this soup.

Even that day was not the usuals

Even that day was not like the usual ones.

This was not the usual

Bu alışılmadık bir durumdu.

Excess is giving me chills though

Excess is giving me chills though.

My pops took a lesson from me and I said

My dad took a lesson from me and I said

Cheese, mama now do I call cheese

Cheese, mom, now do I call cheese.

Look at me, I'm supposed to be

Bana bak, olmam gerekiyordu.

Shadow of a double agent's backhand for loss

The shadow of a double agent's backhand for loss.

Didn't even say a bit, that's done, cows after all

Didn't even say a word, that's it, cows after all.

God damn, following me everywhere I go

Tanrım, gittiğim her yerden peşimi bırakmıyor.

Cow eggs drop the plates and

Cow eggs drop the plates and

I've been waiting to my brand new soap

I've been waiting for my brand new soap.

Oh, the full of acid in her

Oh, the full of acid in her

Didn't even know that's there bruh

Bunun orada olduğunu bile bilmiyordum, dostum.

Help me it's really a brother

Help me, it's really a brother.

Help me it's dropped really something in the bowl there

Help me, something has really dropped into the bowl there.

The soap become a man after I suppose

The soap becomes a man after, I suppose.

So fucked up peeps were even here

So messed up, people were even here.



And I dabbed my spoon in it again

Ve tekrar kaşğımı içine daldırdım.

Levels were 50% alright, that's gonna be sure

The levels were 50% okay, that's for sure.

Ate full half of it

He ate half of it.

After I beautiful lick the spoon and clean it

After I beautifully lick the spoon and clean it.

Cause I realized before doing the licking part

Çünkü yalama kısmını yapmadan önce fark ettim.

That there was something special in the soap made me furious

The fact that there was something special in the soap made me furious.

Very rich

Very rich

Cause because of it

Because of it.

Well at least I could go mad in stylish

Well, at least I could go crazy in style.



Woke up instantly signal to my mom and auntie

I woke up instantly and signaled to my mom and aunt.

Man I'm sure taste the finger of the soap

Dude, I'm sure it tastes like the finger of the soap.

Except my pops

Baba hariç.



Cheese, taste the finger though

Cheese, taste the finger though.

Nobody shrieking, not shivering

Hiç kimse çığlık atmıyor, titremiyor.

Nothing can knock up the mall

Hiçbir şey alışveriş merkezini etkileyemez.

Nothing can knock up those old

Hiçbir şey o eski halinden etkilenemez.



Those fully hairy cookie monster from west coast

O tamamen kıllı kurabiye canavarı batı kıyısından.

Like me, one of them

Benden biri.

Who I I, cash debit transfered

Who am I, cash debit transferred.

Look like my one way in there

It looks like my one way in there.

Even kinda hentai'd them all the way

Even kinda hentai'd them all the way.

Reacted, has sicked

Reacted, has become sick.

After seeing me looking so surely

Beni böyle kesin bir şekilde görünce



I was already the dumb myself

I was already the dumb myself.

Also cards to the road

Ayrıca yolda kartlar.

Of broken people of my beautiful country

Of broken people of my beautiful country.

Of them we're on dancing and touching each other

We're dancing and touching each other among them.

In a joyful harmony

In a joyful harmony

Why I lose money every second

Neden her saniye para kaybediyorum?

You say with a ring

You say with a ring.

The first move of mine was

My first move was

Let's wing it

Let's do it spontaneously.

After I find a treasure in the bowl case

After I find a treasure in the bowl case.

Kulaklarımıza yakaladım.

I caught it in our ears.

Bir hatırlatma.

A reminder.

Kutlarımla bakıyordum.

I was looking with envy.

Yine de bana bakıyordu.

Still, she was looking at me.

Bırakmadan durmadan.

Without stopping, without letting go.

Ve o adamlar beni orada aldı.

And those men took me there.

Aile bir maç.

Family is a match.

Aile bir kahve.

A family is like a coffee.

Bugün için çok mutluydum.

I was very happy today.

Sıkıntı yok.

No problem.

Beni çılgınca yedirmiş miydin?

Did you make me eat like crazy?




I had explained.

Kırmızı kıyafetim 4'e çarptı.

My red dress multiplied by 4.

Yemek yedim.

I ate food.

Bu hizmet benim kocamla yürüyordu.

This service was going with my husband.

Bunun kadarı bile bilmiyordum.

I didn't even know this much.

Sıkıntı yok.

No problem.

Hızlıca kalkmıştım.

I had quickly gotten up.

Bu evde her kısımda bir adam var.

There is a man in every part of this house.

Kırmızı kıyafetimden.

From my red outfit.

Benim ailemle karşılaştığı için.

Because it encountered my family.

Hiç bilmiyordum.

I never knew.

Gerçekten kimim?

Who am I really?



Bu garip yerde yaşıyorum.

I live in this strange place.




With my family.

Bunları görmek istiyorum.

I want to see these.

Sıkıntı yok.

No problem.

Bu hizmet benim kocamla yürüyordu.

This service was walking with my husband.

Bunun kadarı bile bilmiyordum.

I didn't even know this much.

Bu hizmet benim kocamla yürüyordu.

This service was walking with my husband.

Bunun kadarı bile bilmiyordum.

I didn't even know this much.

Sıkıntı yok.

No problem.

Benim kocamla yürüyordu.

She was walking with my husband.

Sıkıntı yok.

No problem.

Bunun kadarı bile bilmiyordum.

I didn't even know this much.

Elmo bir sigara ölüştüm.

I smoked a cigarette.

L identitiesle dinin çay растırmıştım.

I had brewed tea with identities.

Elbette bir endişelisiniz diye.

Of course, you must be worried.


"Hey you."

Ağzından durulandım.

I was stunned by what you said.





Önü çift�ing centralized omdat

The front is dual centralized because.



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