What You Should Do Is…

Büşra Altıntaş

Daily English Podcasts

What You Should Do Is…

Daily English Podcasts

Herkese merhaba. Bugün bir iki tane yeni kalıp birkaç tane de yeni kelime öğrenelim dedim. Ne dersiniz?

Hello everyone. I thought we could learn a couple of new phrases and a few new words today. What do you think?

Konumuz da şu olsun. Bu sıcak yaz günlerinde ne yapmalıyız?

Let our topic be this. What should we do on these hot summer days?

Cevabı çok basit. Basit örnekler üzerinden gideceğiz.

The answer is very simple. We will go through simple examples.

Önce örneği göreceğiz, ardından örneği parçalara bölerek beraber inceleyeceğiz. Başka örneklere bakacağız.

First, we will look at the example, then we will examine it together by breaking it down into parts. We will look at other examples.

Örneği ilk okuduğumda anlamazsanız hiç sorun değil. Parçalar halinde anlatacağım. Sonrasında da cümleyi tekrar okuyacağım zaten.

It's no problem if you don't understand it when you first read the example. I will explain it in parts. Afterwards, I will read the sentence again anyway.

O zaman hadi başlayalım.

Then let's get started.

On these hot summer days, in order to not get sick, what you should do is stay hydrated. Always keep a bottle of water handy.

On these hot summer days, to avoid getting sick, what you should do is stay hydrated. Always keep a bottle of water handy.

Şimdi gelelim parçalara bölmeye.

Now let's move on to splitting into parts.

On these hot summer days, bu sıcak yaz günlerinde neden başına on preposition'en aldı?

On these hot summer days, why did you use "on" as a preposition?

Çünkü günler biliyorsunuz on alıyor. On Monday, on Wednesday gibi.

Because, as you know, days take ten. Like on Monday, on Wednesday.

Gelelim in order to'ya.

Let's come to "in order to."

In order to'dan sonra bir fiil geliyor. Bir şey amacıyla, bir şey için anlamı veriyor in order to.

After "in order to," a verb follows. "In order to" means for the purpose of something, for something.

Cümlemizdeki örnekte in order to not get sick, hastalanmamak için.

In our sentence example, "in order to not get sick" means "hastalanmamak için."

In order to be patient, sabırlı olmak için.

In order to be patient.

In order to be patient, you need to overcome some obstacles.

In order to be patient, you need to overcome some obstacles.

Overcome, üstesinden gelmek.




Engel, zorluk, güçlük.

Obstacle, difficulty, hardship.

Çoğul tabi.

Plural, of course.

In order to be patient, you need to overcome some obstacles.

In order to be patient, you need to overcome some obstacles.

Sabırlı olmak için bazı zorlukların, bir takım zorlukların üstesinden gelmen gerek.

To be patient, you need to overcome certain challenges and difficulties.

In order to make money, you should find a good job.

To make money, you should find a good job.

Para kazanmak için iyi bir iş bulmalısın.

You need to find a good job to make money.

İstersek yerlerini de değiştirebiliriz.

If we want, we can also change their places.

You should find a good job in order to make money.

You should find a good job in order to make money.


We can say that.

Şimdi gelelim olumsuzuna.

Now, let's move on to the negative aspect.

Cümle örneğimizdeki gibi.

Like in our example sentence.

In order to not get sick, hastalanmamak için demiştik.

We said to not get sick.

In order to'dan sonra not getiriyoruz.

We are bringing a note after "in order to."

Sonrasında da fiilin yalın halini getiriyoruz.

Then we bring the verb to its base form.

In order to not be rude, kaba olmamak için.

In order to not be rude.

In order to not be rude, I said yes to her offer.

To avoid being rude, I said yes to her offer.

Just because I didn't want to be rude.

Sadece kabalık etmek istemediğim için.

Just because dediğiniz zaman sırf şunun için gibi bir anlam katıyor cümleye.

When you say "just because," it adds a meaning to the sentence like "just for this reason."

Sırf kaba olmak istemedim diye.

Just because I didn't want to be rude.

Just because I didn't want to be rude, I accepted her offer.

Just because I didn't want to be rude, I accepted her offer.

I said yes to her offer.

I said yes to her offer.

Şimdi gelelim şu kalıba.

Now let's get to that mold.

Cümle örneğinde ne demiştik?

What did we say in the example sentence?

What you should do is stay hydrated.

What you should do is stay hydrated.

What you should do is, yapmanız gereken,

What you should do is,

Stay hydrated, vücudunuzu susuz bırakmamak, bol bol su tüketmek.

Stay hydrated means not to leave your body dehydrated, to drink plenty of water.

What you should do is,

What you should do is,

What you can do is,

What you can do is,

What you need to do is,

What you need to do is,

What you have to do is,

What you have to do is,


You can change it.

İstediğiniz gibi cümle kurabilirsiniz bu yapıyı öğrendikten sonra.

You can construct sentences as you wish after learning this structure.

Birkaç tane örnek bakalım şimdi.

Let's look at a few examples now.

In order to become successful,

In order to become successful,

What you need to do is,

What you need to do is,

Work productively.

Çalışmayı verimli yap.

Yapmanız gereken şey,

What you need to do is,

Efektif çalışmak.

Working effectively.

Peşine fiilin yalın halini getirerek kurabiliyorsunuz bunu.

You can construct this by bringing the verb in its base form after "peşine."

Bu cümleleri.

These sentences.

In order to make money,

In order to make money,

In order to make good money,

In order to make good money,

What you should do is,

What you should do is,

Find a good job or start your own business.

Find a good job or start your own business.

İyi para kazanmak için

To earn good money

Yapmanız gereken şey,

What you need to do is,

İyi bir iş bulmak ya da kendi işinizi kurmak.

Finding a good job or starting your own business.

In order to not be a negative person,

In order to not be a negative person,

What you should do is,

What you should do is,

Keep busy.

Meşgul kal.

Negatif bir insan olmamak için,

To avoid being a negative person,

Kendinizi meşgul tutmak.

Keeping yourself busy.

Keep busy.

Meşgul kal.

In order to stay awake,

In order to stay awake,

What you need is a cup of coffee.

What you need is a cup of coffee.

Uyanık kalmak için ihtiyacınız olan şey,

What you need to stay awake is,

Hadi fincan diyelim,

Let's say it's a cup,

Bir fincan kahve.

A cup of coffee.

Fark ettiyseniz şu ana kadar son cümle hariç her seferinde bir yardımcı fiil,

If you have noticed, up until now there has been an auxiliary verb every time except for the last sentence.

Model verb ya da bir fiil getirdik.

We brought a model verb or a verb.

What you have to do is,

What you have to do is,

What you need to do is,

What you need to do is,

What you can do is gibi.

What you can do is like.

Ama söylemek istediğiniz cümlede her zaman bunlara ihtiyacınız olmayabilir.

But you may not always need these in the sentence you want to say.

Yani bunları katmak zorunda değilsiniz işin üstüne.

So you don't have to add these on top of the job.

Direkt ihtiyacın olan şey şu.

What you need directly is this.

İstediğin şey şu.

What you want is this.

gibi gidebilirsiniz.

You can go like that.

What you need is coffee.

What you need is coffee.

What I need is coffee.

What I need is coffee.

What I want is you.

What I want is you.

What I want is some space.

What I want is some space.

İstediğim şey biraz yalnız kalmak.

What I want is to be alone for a while.

Biraz kendi halimde kalmak.

I want to be a little to myself.

Biraz kendi halime bırakılmak gibi.

It's a bit like being left to my own devices.

Space'in anlamı burada bu.

The meaning of space is here.

Mesela birine biraz yalnız kalmam lazım.

For example, I need to be alone for a while.

Kendi kendime kalmam lazım demek istiyorsanız.

If you want to say that I need to be alone with myself.

I need some space.

I need some space.

Son olarak


Keep something handy.

Bir şeyi el altında bulundur.

Bir şeyi elinizin altında bulundurmak.

To have something at hand.

Yanınıza alıp onu kolay ulaşabileceğiniz bir yerde bulundurmak.

Take it with you and keep it in a place where you can easily reach it.

Mesela cümle örneğinde yaptığımız gibi.

For example, as we did in the sentence example.

You should always keep a bottle of water handy.

You should always keep a bottle of water nearby.

Her zaman bir şişe suyu mutlaka kolayınızda bulundurun.

Always keep a bottle of water handy.

Elinizin altında bulundurun.

Keep it at hand.

You should always keep a map handy.

You should always keep a map handy.

In order to not get lost.

In order not to get lost.

Kaybolmamak için.

To avoid getting lost.

In order to not get lost.

In order to not get lost.

Kaybolmamak için.

To avoid getting lost.

Her zaman elinin altında bir harita bulundurmalısın.

You should always keep a map at hand.

Şimdi cümleyi baştan okuyorum.

I am reading the sentence from the beginning now.

Bakalım arada bir fark olacak mı?

Let's see if there will be a difference from time to time.

On these hot summer days, in order to not get sick, what you should do is stay hydrated.

On these hot summer days, in order to not get sick, what you should do is stay hydrated.

Always keep a bottle of water handy.

Always keep a bottle of water handy.

Siz de buradan öğrendiğiniz kalıplarla kurduğunuz cümleleri Instagram'da yorumlara bırakabilirsiniz.

You can also leave the sentences you formed with the patterns you learned here in the comments on Instagram.

Bir sonraki bölümde görüşmek üzere, hoşçakalın.

See you in the next chapter, goodbye.

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