
This is the 128th most frequent Afrikaans word.

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"Alle" in Afrikaans means "all" in English.

In this sentence, 'alle' is used as an adjective to mean 'all' or 'every', indicating inclusivity of the noun 'kinders' (children). This demonstrates its applicative use to group subjects under a generality.

Alle kinders moet hul huiswerk voltooi.

All children must complete their homework.

Here, 'alle' functions as a quantifier for the noun 'boeke' (books), meaning 'every' or 'all' of the entities within a certain set or location.

Ek het alle boeke in die biblioteek gelees.

I have read all the books in the library.

'Alle' in this context signifies universality and inclusion of 'mense' (people), emphasizing the wide application of the principle being discussed.

Alle mense verdien respek ongeag hul agtergrond.

All people deserve respect regardless of their background.