
This is the 693rd most frequent Afrikaans word.

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The word "heerden" does not exist in Afrikaans; it may be a misspelling. Could you mean "herden"? In that case, it means "to commemorate" or "remember."

In this sentence, 'heerden' is again a verb indicating the act of respecting or upholding traditions.

Ons heerden die tradisie van ons voorvaders met trots.

We honor the tradition of our ancestors with pride.

'Heerden' functions as a verb underlining the commemorative act of respecting history or culture.

Die seremonie is 'n manier waarop ons ons kulturele geskiedenis heerden.

The ceremony is a way through which we honor our cultural history.

Here, 'heerden' is used as a verb meaning 'honored', describing an action of showing respect or admiration.

Die plaaslike gemeenskap heerden die helde tydens die parade.

The local community honored the heroes during the parade.