
This is the 492nd most frequent Afrikaans word.

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"Optrede" in English means "performance" or "action."

Here, 'optrede' refers to 'behaviour' or 'conduct' of an individual.

Die optrede van die leerling in die klas was baie respekteer.

The behavior of the student in the class was very respectful.

In this case, 'optrede' signifies 'performance' as in a show or presentation.

Hulle het besluit om die optrede uit te stel weens die slegte weer.

They decided to postpone the performance due to bad weather.

Here, 'optrede' means 'action,' representing an initiative or deed taken.

Sy woorde kan as 'n optrede teen onreg gesien word.

His words can be seen as an action against injustice.