
This is the 733rd most frequent Afrikaans word.

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"Vermoor" means "murder" or "kill" in English.

The word 'vermoor' is used in its literal sense to denote the act of taking someone's life intentionally.

Die speurder het bevestig dat die dader die slagoffer vermoor het.

The detective confirmed that the perpetrator murdered the victim.

Here 'vermoor' is utilized in a narrative context, emphasizing the gravity and intent behind the act.

Die storie vertel van 'n bose koning wat sy broers vermoor vir die troon.

The story tells of an evil king who murdered his brothers for the throne.

In this usage, 'vermoor' is metaphoric, conveying a strong emotional impact on the destruction of abstract concepts like dreams and hopes.

Sy het gevoel asof haar hoop en drome vermoor is na die ongeluk.

She felt as though her hopes and dreams were murdered after the accident.