
This is the 945th most frequent Arabic word.


"By saying" or "through speech."

Here, "بالقول" introduces the content of what the lecturer stated, acting as a preposition.

بدأ المحاضر بالقول إن المعرفة هي أساس النجاح.

The lecturer began by stating that knowledge is the foundation of success.

In this example, "بالقول" indicates a characteristic statement attributed to someone, implying repetition or reputation.

يشتهر الكاتب بالقول أن الخير ينتصر دائمًا.

The writer is famous for saying that good always triumphs.

In this case, "بالقول" is used to introduce an explanation or justification.

يمكن تفسير هذه الفكرة بالقول إنها تحمل الكثير من الحكمة.

This idea can be explained by saying that it carries much wisdom.