
This is the 668th most frequent Arabic word.


"عباس" is an Arabic male name meaning "lion" or symbolizing strength and bravery.

Here, the word 'عباس' is used as a personal name, referring to a specific individual.

عباس طالب مجتهد.

Abbas is a diligent student.

In this context, 'عباس' is used metaphorically to describe bravery, likening it to the qualities of a lion.

يقال أن الأسد يسمى أحيانًا عباس لشجاعته.

It is said that the lion is sometimes called Abbas for its bravery.

Here, 'العباس' is used as part of a place name, possibly referring to a city named Al-Abbas.

تاريخ مدينة العباس غني بالأحداث.

The history of the city of Al-Abbas is rich with events.