
This is the 644th most frequent Arabic word.

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"آل" means "family," "household," or "people of."

In this sentence, "آل" signifies "family" or "household," specifically referring to the revered family of the Prophet Muhammad.

آل البيت كرامتهم عظيمة في الإسلام.

The Family of the Prophet holds a great honor in Islam.

Here, "آل" is used to denote a family line or descendants, specifically the royal family.

يعلم الناس أن آل الملك يعيشون في القصر.

People know that the king's family lives in the palace.

In this example, "آل" refers to the extended family or lineage of the tribe, emphasizing their shared ancestry.

تاريخ آل هذا القبيلة مليء بالأحداث الهامة.

The history of this tribe's family is filled with significant events.