
This is the 979th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "أسباب" means "reasons" or "causes" in English.

Here, 'أسباب' is used as a noun meaning 'reasons,' indicating the causes or factors behind success.

أسباب النجاح تتطلب الجهد والمثابرة.

The reasons for success require effort and perseverance.

In this sentence, 'أسباب' refers to causes or factors that bring about an issue or situation.

يجب البحث عن الأسباب المؤدية إلى المشكلة.

The causes leading to the problem must be investigated.

Here, 'أسباب' means 'reasons' in the sense of justifications or explanations, specifically in a medical context.

يعتمد الأطباء على أسباب طبية لتشخيص الحالة.

Doctors rely on medical reasons to diagnose the condition.