
This is the 346th most frequent Arabic word.

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"أشار" means "to indicate" or "to point out."

Here, "أشار" (indicated) is used metaphorically to mean mentioning or referencing a subject within a research or discussion.

أشارت الدراسة إلى التأثيرات الإيجابية للرياضة.

The study indicated the positive effects of sports.

In this context, "أشار" (advised or suggested) is used to express giving advice or a suggestion to someone about an issue.

أشار على صديقه بحل مناسب للمشكلة.

He advised his friend with an appropriate solution to the problem.

In this sentence, "أشار" (pointed) is used in the context of physically pointing to an object to direct attention to it.

أشار الأستاذ إلى السبورة لشرح الدرس.

The teacher pointed to the board to explain the lesson.