
This is the 299th most frequent Arabic word.

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"أشهر" means "months" or "more famous," depending on context.

In this sentence, 'أشهر' means 'most famous', functioning as a superlative adjective to describe the car's popularity.

لقد أصبحت هذه السيارة من أشهر السيارات في السوق.

This car has become one of the most famous cars in the market.

Here, 'أشهر' means 'months' in its plural form, referring to a duration of time.

هو يسكن في المدينة منذ ثلاثة أشهر فقط.

He has been living in the city for only three months.

In this case, 'يُشهِر' (derived from the same root) means 'to publicize' or 'make known' as a verb, showing its verbal use.

الكاتب قرر أن يُشهِر كتابه الجديد في المعرض الدولي.

The author decided to publicize his new book at the international exhibition.