
This is the 213th most frequent Arabic word.

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"إجراء" means "procedure" or "process."

Here, 'إجراء' is used as a noun meaning 'conduct' or 'execution' of an action or reform.

قامت الحكومة بإجراء الإصلاحات اللازمة لتحسين الاقتصاد.

The government conducted the necessary reforms to improve the economy.

Here, 'إجراء' signifies 'an action' or 'a measure' that needs to be carried out carefully.

يتطلب المشروع الجديد إجراءً دقيقًا لضمان الجودة.

The new project requires a precise action to ensure quality.

In this sentence, 'إجراء' is used in its plural form 'إجراءات' to mean 'procedures' or 'steps' to be taken in a process.

لإتمام العملية بنجاح، يجب اتباع الإجراءات المحددة.

To complete the process successfully, the specific procedures must be followed.