
This is the 587th most frequent Arabic word.

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"الأردن" means "Jordan," a country in the Middle East.

Here, the word "الأردن" refers to the country where the subject resides. It is used as a proper noun.

أنا أعيش في الأردن.

I live in Jordan.

In this sentence, "الأردن" denotes a location where certain natural features exist. It again serves as a proper noun for the country.

لقد زرتُ الأنهار الجميلة في الأردن.

I visited the beautiful rivers in Jordan.

Here, "الأردن" is used to describe the subject that possesses rich cultural heritage, acting as the proper noun name of the country.

تشتهر الأردن بتراثها الثقافي الغني.

Jordan is famous for its rich cultural heritage.