This is the 188th most frequent Arabic word.
"الأمم" means "the nations."
In this context, 'الأمم' refers to individual nations as entities, emphasizing their collective responsibility to work together.
يجب أن تتعاون الأمم لحل المشكلات البيئية.
Nations must cooperate to solve environmental issues.
Here, 'الأمم' is used to signify 'nations' as in individual societies or countries with their own histories.
تاريخ الأمم مليء بالملاحم والقصص البطولية.
The history of nations is full of epics and heroic tales.
In this sentence, 'الأمم' refers to 'nations' in the collective term 'United Nations' to represent the assembly of different countries as a whole.