
This is the 866th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "البلدة" means "the town" or "the city."

Here, 'البلدة' refers to a small town or village, describing its size and beauty.

البلدة صغيرة ولكنها جميلة.

The town is small but beautiful.

'البلدة' is used to indicate a central place which features a notable market.

في البلدة سوقٌ مشهورٌ بالمنتجات المحلية.

In the town, there is a market famous for local products.

The term 'البلدة' here specifies a historical part of a town known as the old town.

نشأتُ في البلدة القديمة التي تعود إلى القرن التاسع عشر.

I grew up in the old town that dates back to the 19th century.