
This is the 929th most frequent Arabic word.

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"البناء" in English means "construction" or "building."

Here, 'البناء' refers to a structure that is being built.

يعمل المهندس على البناء الجديد.

The engineer is working on the new construction.

Here, 'البناء' refers to the act of building creatively using materials or ideas.

تنطوي هذه اللعبة على استخدام مهارات البناء الإبداعي.

This game involves using creative building skills.

In this context, 'البناء' refers to the structure or organization of language rules.

تعلمنا اليوم في الفصل قواعد البناء اللغوي.

Today in class, we learned about the rules of syntactic construction.