
This is the 464th most frequent Arabic word.

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In this sentence, 'البيانات' refers to collected pieces of information used for analysis in a business context.

البيانات تُستخدم لفهم السوق بشكل أفضل.

Data is used to better understand the market.

Here, 'البيانات' is spoken of as electronic or digital data that has quality which can be refined.

تحتاج الشركة إلى تحسين جودة البيانات المخزنة.

The company needs to improve the quality of the stored data.

In this example, 'البيانات' indicates the essential information gathered for scientific purposes or research.

قام الباحث بتجميع البيانات اللازمة لإجراء الدراسة.

The researcher collected the necessary data for conducting the study.